Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Larichev, Oleg I. Co-Author Distance Author ID: larichev.oleg-i Published as: Larichev, O. I.; Larichev, Oleg I.; Larichev, Oleg more...less Documents Indexed: 57 Publications since 1961, including 7 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 45 Co-Authors with 38 Joint Publications 494 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 21 single-authored 6 Moshkovich, E. M. 5 Furems, Eugenia M. 5 Mechitov, Alexander I. 5 Moshkovich, Helen M. 4 Emel’yanov, Stanislav Vasil’evich 3 Gorvits, G. G. 2 Asanov, A. A. 2 Brown, Rex V. 2 Kulebakin, V. S. 1 Anich, I. 1 Asanov, Artyom 1 Ashichmin, Ilya 1 Atherton, Elizabeth 1 Belton, Valerie 1 Benayoun, Raphaël 1 Bolotov, A. A. 1 Borcherding, Katrin 1 Dawes, Robyn M. 1 de Montgolfier, J. 1 Dimitriadi, G. G. 1 Edwards, Ward 1 French, Simon 1 Gnedenko, L. S. 1 Hämäläinen, Raimo P. 1 Kochin, Dmitry 1 Korhonen, Pekka J. 1 Kozhevnikov, D. L. 1 Kozhukharov, A. N. 1 Krasnenker, Alexander 1 Lootsma, Freerk A. 1 Messick, David M. 1 Moskovich, H. M. 1 Naryzhny, Yevgeny 1 Naryzhnyi, E. V. 1 Nikiforov, A. D. 1 Olson, David L. 1 Ozernoĭ, V. M. 1 Pearman, Alan 1 Perel’man, I. I. 1 Simpson, Lisa 1 Sternin, M. Yu. 1 Sternin, Michael 1 Tergny, J. 1 Vlek, Charles A. J. 1 Wallenius, Jyrki all top 5 Serials 13 Automation and Remote Control 5 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 3 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Soviet Physics. Doklady 2 Doklady Akademii Nauk 2 Doklady Mathematics 1 Èkonomika i Matematicheskie Metody 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Tekhnicheskaya Kibernetika 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences 1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Problems of Control and Information Theory 1 International Transactions in Operational Research 1 Informatica (Vilnius) 1 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 1 Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Otdelenie Tekhnicheskikh Nauk. Ènergetika i Avtomatika 1 Theory and Decision Library. Series C: Game Theory, Mathematical Programming and Operations Research all top 5 Fields 35 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 19 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 31 Publications have been cited 176 times in 118 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Cognitive validity in design of decision-aiding techniques. Zbl 0838.90071 Larichev, O. I. 27 1992 Verbal decision analysis for unstructured problems. Zbl 1032.91564 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M. 21 1997 Analytic survey of methods for solving multicriteria mathematical programming problems. Zbl 0642.90063 Larichev, O. I.; Nikiforov, A. D. 18 1986 An approach to ordinal classification problems. Zbl 0854.90086 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M. 16 1994 ZAPROS-LM – a method and system for ordering multiattribute alternatives. Zbl 0909.90192 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M. 15 1995 Ranking multicriteria alternatives: The method ZAPROS III. Zbl 1008.91019 Larichev, Oleg I. 12 2001 Methods of qualitative decision-making. Verbal analysis of solutions. (Kachestvennye metody prinyatiya reshenij. Verbal’nyj analiz reshenij.) Zbl 0991.90501 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, E. M. 8 1996 Objective models and subjective decisions. (Ob”ektivnye modeli i sub”ektivnye resheniya). Zbl 0678.90028 Larichev, O. I. 6 1987 Problem formulation for multi-criteria decision analysis: Report of a workshop. Zbl 0910.90186 French, Simon; Simpson, Lisa; Atherton, Elizabeth; Belton, Valerie; Dawes, Robyn; Edwards, Ward; Hämäläinen, Raimo P.; Larichev, Oleg; Lootsma, Freerk; Pearman, Alan; Vlek, Charles 5 1998 Linear programming with multiple objective functions. The method of constraints. Zbl 0233.90011 Benayoun, R.; Larichev, O. I.; de Montgolfier, J.; Tergny, J. 4 1971 Verbal analysis of decisions. (Verbal’nyj analiz reshenij.) Zbl 1140.90029 Larichev, O. I. 4 2006 Effectiveness evaluation of expert classification methods. Zbl 1012.90524 Larichev, Oleg; Asanov, Artyom; Naryzhny, Yevgeny 4 2002 Numerical and verbal decision analysis: Comparison on practical cases. Zbl 0981.90032 Larichev, Oleg I.; Brown, Rex V. 4 2000 Exposure of expert knowledge (procedures and realizations). (Vyyavlenie ehkspertnykh znanij (protsedury in realizatsii)). Ed. by S. V. Emel’yanov. (Vyyavlenie ehkspertnykh znanij (protsedury i realizatsii).) Zbl 0698.68098 Larichev, O. I.; Mechitov, A. I.; Moshkovich, E. M.; Furems, E. M. 3 1989 Man-machine procedures for decision making. (Review.). Zbl 0236.90002 Larichev, O. I. 3 1971 Properties of the decision methods in the multicriteria problems of individual choice. Zbl 1114.91306 Larichev, O. I. 3 2002 Decision support system and the ZAPROS-III method for ranking the multiattribute alternatives with verbal quality estimates. Zbl 1113.90333 Dimitriadi, G. G.; Larichev, O. I. 3 2005 Procedure for designing a quasiorder on a set of multiattributed alternatives using reliable information about a decision-maker’s preferences. Zbl 0613.90055 Gnedenko, L. S.; Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, E. M.; Furems, E. M. 3 1986 Methods for the search of a local extremum of ravine functions. (Metody poiska lokal’nogo ehkstremuma ovrazhnykh funktsij.) Zbl 0707.90089 Larichev, O. I.; Gorvits, G. G. 2 1990 Man-computer methods for solving the multicriteria assignment problem. Zbl 1068.90596 Larichev, O. I.; Sternin, M. Yu. 2 1998 Measurement of differences in preferences expressed by a simple additive rule. Zbl 0901.90139 Larichev, O. I. 2 1997 Method ZAPROS for multicriteria alternatives ranking and the problem of incomparability. Zbl 0994.90079 Larichev, Oleg 2 2001 New approach to comparison of search methods used in nonlinear programming problems. Zbl 0261.90058 Larichev, O. I.; Gorvits, G. G. 1 1974 Contradictory features of individual choice method. Zbl 1040.91026 Larichev, O. I. 1 2001 Choice behaviour in a computer-aided multiattribute decision task. Zbl 0890.90116 Korhonen, Pekka; Larichev, Oleg; Mechitov, Alexander; Moshkovich, Helena; Wallenius, Jyrki 1 1997 Decision making in organizations with local area network: decision support system “Veche”. Zbl 1114.90398 Ashichmin, Ilya; Furems, Eugenia; Kochin, Dmitry; Krasnenker, Alexander; Larichev, Oleg; Sternin, Michael 1 2003 Experiments comparing qualitative approaches to rank ordering of multiattribute alternatives. Zbl 0831.90002 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M.; Mechitov, A. I.; Olson, David L. 1 1993 Unstructured problems and development of prescriptive decision making methods. Zbl 0861.90084 Larichev, O. I.; Moskovich, H. M. 1 1995 The “Cycle” method for ordinal multicriterial classification. Zbl 1059.68618 Larichev, O. I.; Asanov, A. A. 1 2000 A system for identifying expert knowledge in classification problems. Zbl 0657.68095 Larichev, O. I.; Mechitov, A. I.; Moshkovich, E. M.; Furems, E. M. 1 1987 Multicriteria methods of taking decisions. Zbl 0604.90078 Emel’yanov, S. V.; Larichev, O. I. 1 1985 Verbal analysis of decisions. (Verbal’nyj analiz reshenij.) Zbl 1140.90029 Larichev, O. I. 4 2006 Decision support system and the ZAPROS-III method for ranking the multiattribute alternatives with verbal quality estimates. Zbl 1113.90333 Dimitriadi, G. G.; Larichev, O. I. 3 2005 Decision making in organizations with local area network: decision support system “Veche”. Zbl 1114.90398 Ashichmin, Ilya; Furems, Eugenia; Kochin, Dmitry; Krasnenker, Alexander; Larichev, Oleg; Sternin, Michael 1 2003 Effectiveness evaluation of expert classification methods. Zbl 1012.90524 Larichev, Oleg; Asanov, Artyom; Naryzhny, Yevgeny 4 2002 Properties of the decision methods in the multicriteria problems of individual choice. Zbl 1114.91306 Larichev, O. I. 3 2002 Ranking multicriteria alternatives: The method ZAPROS III. Zbl 1008.91019 Larichev, Oleg I. 12 2001 Method ZAPROS for multicriteria alternatives ranking and the problem of incomparability. Zbl 0994.90079 Larichev, Oleg 2 2001 Contradictory features of individual choice method. Zbl 1040.91026 Larichev, O. I. 1 2001 Numerical and verbal decision analysis: Comparison on practical cases. Zbl 0981.90032 Larichev, Oleg I.; Brown, Rex V. 4 2000 The “Cycle” method for ordinal multicriterial classification. Zbl 1059.68618 Larichev, O. I.; Asanov, A. A. 1 2000 Problem formulation for multi-criteria decision analysis: Report of a workshop. Zbl 0910.90186 French, Simon; Simpson, Lisa; Atherton, Elizabeth; Belton, Valerie; Dawes, Robyn; Edwards, Ward; Hämäläinen, Raimo P.; Larichev, Oleg; Lootsma, Freerk; Pearman, Alan; Vlek, Charles 5 1998 Man-computer methods for solving the multicriteria assignment problem. Zbl 1068.90596 Larichev, O. I.; Sternin, M. Yu. 2 1998 Verbal decision analysis for unstructured problems. Zbl 1032.91564 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M. 21 1997 Measurement of differences in preferences expressed by a simple additive rule. Zbl 0901.90139 Larichev, O. I. 2 1997 Choice behaviour in a computer-aided multiattribute decision task. Zbl 0890.90116 Korhonen, Pekka; Larichev, Oleg; Mechitov, Alexander; Moshkovich, Helena; Wallenius, Jyrki 1 1997 Methods of qualitative decision-making. Verbal analysis of solutions. (Kachestvennye metody prinyatiya reshenij. Verbal’nyj analiz reshenij.) Zbl 0991.90501 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, E. M. 8 1996 ZAPROS-LM – a method and system for ordering multiattribute alternatives. Zbl 0909.90192 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M. 15 1995 Unstructured problems and development of prescriptive decision making methods. Zbl 0861.90084 Larichev, O. I.; Moskovich, H. M. 1 1995 An approach to ordinal classification problems. Zbl 0854.90086 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M. 16 1994 Experiments comparing qualitative approaches to rank ordering of multiattribute alternatives. Zbl 0831.90002 Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, H. M.; Mechitov, A. I.; Olson, David L. 1 1993 Cognitive validity in design of decision-aiding techniques. Zbl 0838.90071 Larichev, O. I. 27 1992 Methods for the search of a local extremum of ravine functions. (Metody poiska lokal’nogo ehkstremuma ovrazhnykh funktsij.) Zbl 0707.90089 Larichev, O. I.; Gorvits, G. G. 2 1990 Exposure of expert knowledge (procedures and realizations). (Vyyavlenie ehkspertnykh znanij (protsedury in realizatsii)). Ed. by S. V. Emel’yanov. (Vyyavlenie ehkspertnykh znanij (protsedury i realizatsii).) Zbl 0698.68098 Larichev, O. I.; Mechitov, A. I.; Moshkovich, E. M.; Furems, E. M. 3 1989 Objective models and subjective decisions. (Ob”ektivnye modeli i sub”ektivnye resheniya). Zbl 0678.90028 Larichev, O. I. 6 1987 A system for identifying expert knowledge in classification problems. Zbl 0657.68095 Larichev, O. I.; Mechitov, A. I.; Moshkovich, E. M.; Furems, E. M. 1 1987 Analytic survey of methods for solving multicriteria mathematical programming problems. Zbl 0642.90063 Larichev, O. I.; Nikiforov, A. D. 18 1986 Procedure for designing a quasiorder on a set of multiattributed alternatives using reliable information about a decision-maker’s preferences. Zbl 0613.90055 Gnedenko, L. S.; Larichev, O. I.; Moshkovich, E. M.; Furems, E. M. 3 1986 Multicriteria methods of taking decisions. Zbl 0604.90078 Emel’yanov, S. V.; Larichev, O. I. 1 1985 New approach to comparison of search methods used in nonlinear programming problems. Zbl 0261.90058 Larichev, O. I.; Gorvits, G. G. 1 1974 Linear programming with multiple objective functions. The method of constraints. Zbl 0233.90011 Benayoun, R.; Larichev, O. I.; de Montgolfier, J.; Tergny, J. 4 1971 Man-machine procedures for decision making. (Review.). Zbl 0236.90002 Larichev, O. I. 3 1971 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 191 Authors 6 Larichev, Oleg I. 6 Lotov, Alexander V. 6 Miettinen, Kaisa M. 5 Olson, David L. 4 Koksalan, Murat M. 4 Pinheiro, Plácido Rogério 3 Berezkin, Vadim E. 3 Kamenev, Georgy K. 3 Kulinich, A. A. 3 Montibeller, Gilberto 3 Moshkovich, Helen M. 3 Tamanini, Isabelle 2 Averkin, A. N. 2 Azibi, R. 2 Belton, Valerie 2 Dias, Luis C. 2 Efremov, Roman V. 2 Furems, Eugenia M. 2 Hämäläinen, Raimo P. 2 Jessop, Alan 2 Khapaev, Mikhail Mikhailovich 2 Lienert, Judit 2 Machado, Thais Cristina Sampaio 2 Mechitov, Alexander I. 2 Michalowski, Wojtek 2 Morozov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 2 Mousseau, Vincent A. 2 Özpeynirci, Özgür 2 Özpeynirci, Selin Bilgin 2 Podinovski, Vladislav V. 2 Rigopoulos, George 2 Shakhnov, Igor F. 2 Słowiński, Roman 2 Titova, N. V. 2 Trzaskalik, Tadeusz 2 Vanderpooten, Daniel 2 Vasin, Aleksandr A. 2 Zavriev, S. K. 1 Agrafonova, T. V. 1 Al-Obeidat, Feras 1 Alfares, Hesham Kamal 1 Anagnostopoulos, Kostas 1 Aouni, Belaïd 1 Argyris, Nikolaos 1 Arlegi, Ritxar 1 Asanov, Artyom 1 Askounis, Dimitrios Th. 1 Balakhonov, N. F. 1 Balandin, Vladimir Vl. 1 Bana e Costa, Carlos A. 1 Belacel, Nabil 1 Bell, Michelle L. 1 Beutler, P. 1 Biryukova, P. A. 1 Bohanec, Marko 1 Brouk, Emilia 1 Brown, Rex V. 1 Buchanan, John T. 1 Büyükbaşaran, Tayyar 1 Caballero, Rafael E. 1 Cardoso, Domingos Moreira 1 Chen, Lu 1 Chen, Wen-Jun 1 Corner, James L. 1 Corrente, Salvatore 1 Costa, Ana Paula Cabral Seixas 1 da Silva, Carlos Eduardo Sanches 1 de Almeida Filho, Adiel Teixeira 1 de Almeida, Adiel Teixeira 1 de Sousa, Jorge Freire 1 de Souza, Adler Diniz 1 Dimitriadi, G. G. 1 Dimitrov, Dinko 1 Dobrov, B. V. 1 Dominiak, Cezary 1 Duffuaa, Salih O. 1 Einarsson, Bo 1 Elliott, Emily M. 1 Ellis, Hugh 1 Fedorov, V. V. 1 Filipowicz-Chomko, Marzena 1 Franco, L. Alberto 1 French, Simon 1 García-Lapresta, José Luis 1 González del Pozo, Raquel 1 Gonzalez, Mercedes V. 1 Gorbunova, A. V. 1 Greco, Salvatore 1 Han, Zhiqiu 1 Hartikainen, Markus E. 1 Hernández-Díaz, Alfredo G. 1 Hobbs, Benjamin F. 1 Hovanov, Kirill 1 Iglesias, Aline 1 Kaario, Katja 1 Kadziński, Miłosz 1 Kaliszewski, Ignacy 1 Kalu, Timothy Ch. U. 1 Kangas, Annika S. 1 Kangas, Jyrki ...and 91 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 32 Serials 38 European Journal of Operational Research 19 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 7 Automation and Remote Control 6 Annals of Operations Research 5 Computers & Operations Research 4 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 4 Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Journal of Global Optimization 2 International Transactions in Operational Research 2 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 2 OR Spectrum 2 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 International Journal of Game Theory 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Naval Research Logistics 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Optimization 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Top 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Russian Physics Journal 1 Differential Equations 1 Advances in Decision Sciences 1 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 1 Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika all top 5 Cited in 17 Fields 80 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 35 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 12 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year