Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Letac, Gérard G. Co-Author Distance Author ID: letac.gerard-g Published as: Letac, Gérard; Letac, Gerard; Letac, G.; Letac, Gérard G. more...less External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 142 Publications since 1964, including 5 Books and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 42 Co-Authors with 85 Joint Publications 1,153 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 56 single-authored 19 Massam, Helene M. 11 Bar-Lev, Shaul K. 10 Piccioni, Mauro 10 Seshadri, Vanamamalai 6 Wesołowski, Jacek 4 Casalis, Muriel 3 Bshouty, Daoud H. 3 Chamayou, Jean-François 3 Devroye, Luc P. J. A. 3 Mora, Marianne 3 Takács, Lajos 2 Enis, Peter 2 Graczyk, Piotr 2 Hitczenko, Paweł 2 Kołodziejek, Bartosz 2 Malouche, Dhafer 2 Mattner, Lutz 2 Richards, Donald St. P. 1 Asci, Claudio 1 Bernard, Jacques 1 Biane, Philippe 1 Boxma, Onno Johan 1 Bryc, Włodzimierz 1 Chassaing, Philippe 1 Ferrari, André 1 Fournier, Richard 1 Jørgensen, Bent 1 Kagan, Abram Meerovich 1 Lu, I-Li 1 Maurer, Stefan 1 Mazet, Pierre-Alain 1 Milhaud, Xavier 1 Mohammadi, Reza 1 Olie, Francois 1 Pradines, Jean 1 Rahman, Qazi Ibadur 1 Ridder, Ad 1 Ruscheweyh, Stephan 1 Scarsini, Marco 1 Schiffmann, Gérard 1 Tourneret, Jean-Yves 1 Whitmore, G. Alex all top 5 Serials 10 The Annals of Statistics 10 Journal of Applied Probability 10 Statistics & Probability Letters 10 Journal of Theoretical Probability 6 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 5 The Annals of Probability 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Advances in Applied Probability 4 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathématiques 4 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 3 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 3 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 3 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Metrika 2 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 2 Bernoulli 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques. Deuxième Série 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 International Statistical Review 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Kybernetika 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Probabilités et Applications 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Statistical Science 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Test 1 Electronic Communications in Probability 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Institut Élie Cartan, Université de Nancy I 1 Monografías de Matemática (Rio de Janeiro) 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université de Clermont. Mathématiques 1 Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures all top 5 Fields 99 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 58 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 109 Publications have been cited 1,019 times in 712 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Natural real exponential families with cubic variance functions. Zbl 0714.62010 Letac, Gérard; Mora, Marianne 125 1990 Lectures on natural exponential families and their variance functions. Zbl 0983.62501 Letac, Gérard 86 1992 Wishart distributions for decomposable graphs. Zbl 1194.62078 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 62 2007 The Lukacs-Olkin-Rubin characterization of Wishart distributions on symmetric cones. Zbl 0906.62053 Casalis, M.; Letac, G. 51 1996 Explicit stationary distributions for compositions of random functions and products of random matrices. Zbl 0728.60012 Chamayou, Jean-François; Letac, Gérard 42 1991 A contraction principle for certain Markov chains and its applications. Zbl 0587.60057 Letac, Gérard 41 1986 An independence property for the product of GIG and gamma laws. Zbl 1010.62010 Letac, Gérard; Wesołowski, Jacek 34 2000 The complex Wishart distribution and the symmetric group. Zbl 1019.62047 Graczyk, Piotr; Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 31 2003 All invariant moments of the Wishart distribution. Zbl 1063.62081 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Héléne 30 2004 The diagonal multivariate natural exponential families and their classification. Zbl 0807.60017 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Bshouty, Daoud; Enis, Peter; Letac, Gérard; Lu, I- Li; Richards, Donald 29 1994 Quadratic and inverse regressions for Wishart distributions. Zbl 1073.62536 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 26 1998 The hyperoctahedral group, symmetric group representations and the moments of the real Wishart distribution. Zbl 1067.60003 Graczyk, P.; Letac, G.; Massam, H. 19 2005 A characterization of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution by continued fractions. Zbl 0488.60020 Letac, Gerard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 17 1983 Which functions preserve Cauchy laws? Zbl 0376.28019 Letac, Gerard 16 1978 The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and its moments. Zbl 1140.62043 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 16 2008 Characterization of the Jørgensen set in generalized linear models. Zbl 0815.62030 Casalis, M.; Letac, G. 15 1994 A characterization of the Wishart exponential families by an invariance property. Zbl 0672.62061 Letac, Gérard 14 1989 A transient random walk on stochastic matrices with Dirichlet distributions. Zbl 0807.60066 Chamayou, Jean-François; Letac, Gérard 13 1994 Les fonctions spheriques d’un couple de Gelfand symétrique et les chaînes de Markov. Zbl 0482.60011 Letac, Gerard 11 1982 The real powers of the convolution of a negative binomial distribution and a Bernoulli distribution. Zbl 0989.60017 Letac, Gérard; Malouche, Dhafer; Maurer, Stefan 11 2002 Additive properties of the Dufresne laws and their multivariate extension. Zbl 0966.60002 Chamayou, Jean-François; Letac, Gérard 11 1999 Isotropy and sphericity: Some characterisations of the normal distribution. Zbl 0462.62014 Letac, Gerard 10 1981 Problèmes classiques de probabilité sur un couple de Gelfand. Zbl 0463.60010 Letac, Gerard 10 1981 Dirichlet random walks. Zbl 1320.60108 Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 9 2014 Laplace transforms which are negative powers of quadratic polynomials. Zbl 1152.60019 Letac, G.; Wesołowski, J. 9 2008 Le problème de la classification des familles exponentielles naturelles de \({\mathbb{R}}^ d\) ayant une fonction variance quadratique. (The problem of classification of natural exponential families in \(R^ d\) with quadratic variance function). Zbl 0679.62010 Letac, Gérard 8 1989 Bayes factors and the geometry of discrete hierarchical loglinear models. Zbl 1274.62391 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 8 2012 La réciprocité des familles exponentielles naturelles sur \({\mathbb{R}}\). (Reciprocity between natural exponential families on \({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0591.60003 Letac, Gérard 8 1986 The Laplace transform \((\det s)^{-p} \exp \operatorname{tr}(s^{-1}w)\) and the existence of non-central Wishart distributions. Zbl 1386.60068 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 8 2018 Transience and recurrence of an interesting Markov chain. Zbl 0303.60058 Letac, Gerard 7 1974 The normal quasi-Wishart distribution. Zbl 1012.62058 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 7 2001 A formula on multivariate Dirichlet distributions. Zbl 0903.62050 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 6 1998 Craig-Sakamoto’s theorem for the Wishart distributions on symmetric cones. Zbl 0847.62042 Letac, G.; Massam, H. 6 1995 Random walks on an m-dimensional cube. Zbl 0411.60072 Letac, Gerard; Takacs, Lajos 6 1979 Chaînes de Markov sur les permutations. Zbl 0435.60001 Letac, Gerard 6 1978 An expectation formula for the multivariate Dirichlet distribution. Zbl 0984.62036 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène; Richards, Donald 6 2001 Représentation des mesures de probabilité sur le produit de deux espaces denombrables, de marges données. Zbl 0141.14801 Letac, G. 6 1966 The limit behavior of an interval splitting scheme. Zbl 0599.60030 Devroye, Luc; Letac, Gerard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 6 1986 Brocot sequences and random walks in SL(2,\({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0542.60014 Chassaing, Philippe; Letac, Gérard; Mora, Marianne 6 1984 The statistical exponential families invariant under the groups of the cone and of the revolution paraboloid. (Les familles exponentielles statistiques invariantes par les groupes du cône et du paraboloïde de révolution.) Zbl 0871.62017 Letac, Gérard 5 1994 Copulas with prescribed correlation matrix. Zbl 1333.62048 Devroye, Luc; Letac, Gérard 5 2015 Exponential stopping and drifted stable processes. Zbl 1065.60045 Letac, G.; Seshadri, V. 5 2005 Sur une propriété des familles exponentielles naturelles de variance quadratique. (On a property of natural exponential families with quadratic variance). Zbl 0676.62009 Jørgensen, Bent; Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 5 1989 A unified treatment of some theorems on positive matrices. Zbl 0286.15005 Letac, Gerard 5 1974 Donkey walk and Dirichlet distributions. Zbl 1016.60067 Letac, Gérard 5 2002 Increasing hazard rate of mixtures for natural exponential families. Zbl 1246.60029 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Letac, Gérard 5 2012 Problèmes de probabilité. Zbl 0206.19604 Letac, G. 5 1970 An exact chi-squared decomposition theorem for inverse Gaussian variates. Zbl 0587.62038 Letac, G.; Seshadri, V.; Whitmore, G. A. 5 1985 Dual random walks and special functions on homogeneous trees. Zbl 0532.60008 Letac, Gérard 5 1981 Random nested tetrahedra. Zbl 0965.60031 Letac, Gérard; Scarsini, Marco 4 1998 On Khatri’s characterization of the inverse-Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0609.62020 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 4 1985 Seul le groupe des similitudes-inversions préserve le type de la loi de Cauchy-conforme de \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\) pour \(n>1\). (Only the group of similitude-inversions preserves the Cauchy-conformal type distributions of \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\) for \(n>1)\). Zbl 0612.60019 Letac, Gérard 4 1986 Multitype linear fractional branching processes. Zbl 1154.60068 Joffe, A.; Letac, G. 4 2006 Multivariate reciprocal inverse Gaussian distributions from the Sabot-Tarrès-Zeng integral. Zbl 1445.62106 Letac, Gérard; Wesołowski, Jacek 4 2020 Natural exponential families and self-decomposability. Zbl 0742.60015 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Bshouty, Daoud; Letac, Gérard 3 1992 An explicit calculation of the mean of the perimeter of the convex hull of a plane random walk. Zbl 0777.60067 Letac, Gérard 3 1993 Comment: Lancaster probabilities and Gibbs sampling. Zbl 1327.62066 Letac, Gérard 3 2008 Dirichlet and quasi-Bernoulli laws for perpetuities. Zbl 1296.60184 Hitczenko, Paweł; Letac, Gérard 3 2014 Random walks on a dodecahedron. Zbl 0428.60083 Letac, G.; Takacs, L. 3 1980 Characterization of the normal distribution through the power of a one-way ANOVA. Zbl 0933.62011 Kagan, Abram; Letac, Gérard 3 1999 Representations of the Wishart distributions. Zbl 0971.62026 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 3 2000 The expectation of \(X^{-1}\) as a function of \({\mathbb{E}}(X)\) for an exponential family on the positive line. Zbl 0694.62006 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 3 1989 Why Jordan algebras are natural in statistics: quadratic regression implies Wishart distributions. (Pourquoi les algèbres de Jordan sont-elles naturelles en statistiques? La régression quadratique implique la distribution de Wishart.) Zbl 1213.62089 Letac, G.; Wesołowski, J. 3 2011 The limiting behavior of some infinitely divisible exponential dispersion models. Zbl 1456.62026 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Letac, Gérard 3 2010 Mesures sur le cercle et convexes du plan. Zbl 0559.52005 Letac, Gérard 3 1983 A characterization of the gamma distribution. Zbl 0579.60013 Letac, Gérard 3 1985 Sur les fonctions-variance des familles exponentielles naturelles sur \({\mathbb{R}}\). (On the variance-functions of natural exponential families on \({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0591.62012 Letac, Gérard; Mora, Marianne 3 1986 Is the Sibuya distribution a progeny? Zbl 1418.60112 Letac, Gérard 3 2019 Meixner matrix ensembles. Zbl 1296.60005 Bryc, Włodzimierz; Letac, Gérard 3 2013 Duality for real and multivariate exponential families. Zbl 1493.62273 Letac, Gérard 3 2022 Beta-hypergeometric distributions and random continued fractions. Zbl 1147.62009 Asci, Claudio; Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 3 2008 Accelerating Bayesian structure learning in sparse Gaussian graphical models. Zbl 07707245 Mohammadi, Reza; Massam, Hélène; Letac, Gérard 3 2023 About an extension of the Matsumoto-Yor property. Zbl 1548.60046 Letac, Gérard; Wesołowski, Jacek 3 2024 Sampling models which admit a given general exponential family as a conjugate family of priors. Zbl 0827.62002 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Enis, Peter; Letac, Gérard 2 1994 Haight’s distributions as a natural exponential family. Zbl 0633.62015 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, V. 2 1988 Construction d’evenements équiprobables et coefficients multinomiaux modulo p\(^n\). Zbl 0294.60011 Bernard, Jacques; Letac, Gerard 2 1973 Extremal rays and duals for cones of positive definite matrices with prescribed zeros. Zbl 1106.05063 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 2 2006 Seules les affinites preservent les lois normales. Zbl 0372.60012 Letac, Gerard; Pradines, Jean 2 1978 Groupe de Stam d’une probabilité. Zbl 0239.60009 Letac, Gerard 2 1972 Cauchy functional equation again. Zbl 0404.39004 Letac, Gerard 2 1978 Symmetric cones as Gelfand pairs: Probabilistic applications. Zbl 0965.60018 Letac, Gérard 2 2000 Associated natural exponential families and elliptic functions. Zbl 1358.60029 Letac, Gérard 2 2016 Random continued fractions with beta-hypergeometric distribution. Zbl 1244.60067 Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 2 2012 The mean perimeter of some random plane convex sets generated by a Brownian motion. Zbl 1221.60115 Biane, Philippe; Letac, Gérard 2 2011 Dirichlet curves, convex order and Cauchy distribution. Zbl 1454.60066 Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 2 2018 A note on left-continuous random walks. Zbl 0356.60007 Letac, Gerard; Mazet, Pierre; Schiffmann, Gerard 2 1976 Recurrence des librairies. Zbl 0365.60051 Letac, Gerard 2 1976 Stationary sequences with simple joint Poisson distributions. Zbl 0966.60047 Letac, Gérard 2 2000 The moments of Wishart laws, binary trees, and the triple products. (Les moments des lois de Wishart, les arbres binaires et les produits triples.) Zbl 1012.60017 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 2 2001 A factorization of the Askey’s characteristic function \((1-\| t\| _{2n+1})_ +^{n+1}\). Zbl 0601.60019 Letac, G.; Rahman, Q. I. 2 1986 Intégration et probabilités. Analyse de Fourier et analyse spectrale. Exercices. Zbl 0497.00003 Letac, G. 2 1982 Random walks on a 600-cell. Zbl 0498.60073 Letac, Gerard; Takacs, Lajos 2 1980 Exponential families of mixed Poisson distributions. Zbl 1117.62010 Ferrari, A.; Letac, G.; Tourneret, J.-Y. 2 2007 A decomposition for the exponential dispersion model generated by the invariance measure on the hyperboloid. Zbl 0798.60014 Casalis, M.; Letac, G.; Massam, H. 1 1993 Counter example to P. C. Consul’s theorem on the factorization of generalized Poisson distributions. (Contre-exemple au théorème de P. C. Consul sur la factorisation des distributions de Poisson généralisées.) Zbl 0738.62011 Letac, Gérard 1 1991 On slow variation. Zbl 0189.06001 Letac, G. 1 1970 A random continued fraction in \(\mathbb{R}^{d+1}\) with an inverse Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0842.60005 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 1 1995 Intégration et probabilités. Analyse de Fourier. Exercices corrigés. (Integration and probability. Fourier analysis. Corrected exercises). 2ème éd. 2ème éd. (Intégration et probabilités. Analyse de Fourier. Exercices corrigés.) Zbl 0878.00004 Letac, Gérard 1 1997 On building random variables of a given distribution. Zbl 0302.60028 Letac, Gerard 1 1975 Recurrence for products of renewal sequences. Zbl 0369.60106 Letac, Gerard 1 1977 About an extension of the Matsumoto-Yor property. Zbl 1548.60046 Letac, Gérard; Wesołowski, Jacek 3 2024 Accelerating Bayesian structure learning in sparse Gaussian graphical models. Zbl 07707245 Mohammadi, Reza; Massam, Hélène; Letac, Gérard 3 2023 Duality for real and multivariate exponential families. Zbl 1493.62273 Letac, Gérard 3 2022 Multivariate reciprocal inverse Gaussian distributions from the Sabot-Tarrès-Zeng integral. Zbl 1445.62106 Letac, Gérard; Wesołowski, Jacek 4 2020 Is the Sibuya distribution a progeny? Zbl 1418.60112 Letac, Gérard 3 2019 The Laplace transform \((\det s)^{-p} \exp \operatorname{tr}(s^{-1}w)\) and the existence of non-central Wishart distributions. Zbl 1386.60068 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 8 2018 Dirichlet curves, convex order and Cauchy distribution. Zbl 1454.60066 Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 2 2018 The median of an exponential family and the normal law. Zbl 1457.62062 Letac, Gérard; Mattner, Lutz; Piccioni, Mauro 1 2018 Associated natural exponential families and elliptic functions. Zbl 1358.60029 Letac, Gérard 2 2016 Copulas with prescribed correlation matrix. Zbl 1333.62048 Devroye, Luc; Letac, Gérard 5 2015 Dirichlet random walks. Zbl 1320.60108 Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 9 2014 Dirichlet and quasi-Bernoulli laws for perpetuities. Zbl 1296.60184 Hitczenko, Paweł; Letac, Gérard 3 2014 Meixner matrix ensembles. Zbl 1296.60005 Bryc, Włodzimierz; Letac, Gérard 3 2013 Bayes factors and the geometry of discrete hierarchical loglinear models. Zbl 1274.62391 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 8 2012 Increasing hazard rate of mixtures for natural exponential families. Zbl 1246.60029 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Letac, Gérard 5 2012 Random continued fractions with beta-hypergeometric distribution. Zbl 1244.60067 Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 2 2012 Why Jordan algebras are natural in statistics: quadratic regression implies Wishart distributions. (Pourquoi les algèbres de Jordan sont-elles naturelles en statistiques? La régression quadratique implique la distribution de Wishart.) Zbl 1213.62089 Letac, G.; Wesołowski, J. 3 2011 The mean perimeter of some random plane convex sets generated by a Brownian motion. Zbl 1221.60115 Biane, Philippe; Letac, Gérard 2 2011 The limiting behavior of some infinitely divisible exponential dispersion models. Zbl 1456.62026 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Letac, Gérard 3 2010 A characterization related to the equilibrium distribution associated with a polynomial structure. Zbl 1190.60085 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Boxma, Onno; Letac, Gérard 1 2010 Estimates for the uniform norm of complex polynomials in the unit disk. Zbl 1184.30034 Fournier, Richard; Letac, Gérard; Ruscheweyh, Stephan 1 2010 The noncentral Wishart as an exponential family, and its moments. Zbl 1140.62043 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 16 2008 Laplace transforms which are negative powers of quadratic polynomials. Zbl 1152.60019 Letac, G.; Wesołowski, J. 9 2008 Comment: Lancaster probabilities and Gibbs sampling. Zbl 1327.62066 Letac, Gérard 3 2008 Beta-hypergeometric distributions and random continued fractions. Zbl 1147.62009 Asci, Claudio; Letac, Gérard; Piccioni, Mauro 3 2008 Wishart distributions for decomposable graphs. Zbl 1194.62078 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 62 2007 Exponential families of mixed Poisson distributions. Zbl 1117.62010 Ferrari, A.; Letac, G.; Tourneret, J.-Y. 2 2007 Multitype linear fractional branching processes. Zbl 1154.60068 Joffe, A.; Letac, G. 4 2006 Extremal rays and duals for cones of positive definite matrices with prescribed zeros. Zbl 1106.05063 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 2 2006 The hyperoctahedral group, symmetric group representations and the moments of the real Wishart distribution. Zbl 1067.60003 Graczyk, P.; Letac, G.; Massam, H. 19 2005 Exponential stopping and drifted stable processes. Zbl 1065.60045 Letac, G.; Seshadri, V. 5 2005 All invariant moments of the Wishart distribution. Zbl 1063.62081 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Héléne 30 2004 The complex Wishart distribution and the symmetric group. Zbl 1019.62047 Graczyk, Piotr; Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 31 2003 The real powers of the convolution of a negative binomial distribution and a Bernoulli distribution. Zbl 0989.60017 Letac, Gérard; Malouche, Dhafer; Maurer, Stefan 11 2002 Donkey walk and Dirichlet distributions. Zbl 1016.60067 Letac, Gérard 5 2002 The normal quasi-Wishart distribution. Zbl 1012.62058 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 7 2001 An expectation formula for the multivariate Dirichlet distribution. Zbl 0984.62036 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène; Richards, Donald 6 2001 The moments of Wishart laws, binary trees, and the triple products. (Les moments des lois de Wishart, les arbres binaires et les produits triples.) Zbl 1012.60017 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 2 2001 An independence property for the product of GIG and gamma laws. Zbl 1010.62010 Letac, Gérard; Wesołowski, Jacek 34 2000 Representations of the Wishart distributions. Zbl 0971.62026 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 3 2000 Symmetric cones as Gelfand pairs: Probabilistic applications. Zbl 0965.60018 Letac, Gérard 2 2000 Stationary sequences with simple joint Poisson distributions. Zbl 0966.60047 Letac, Gérard 2 2000 The Markov chain associated to a Pick function. Zbl 0972.60073 Letac, Gérard; Malouche, Dhafer 1 2000 Additive properties of the Dufresne laws and their multivariate extension. Zbl 0966.60002 Chamayou, Jean-François; Letac, Gérard 11 1999 Characterization of the normal distribution through the power of a one-way ANOVA. Zbl 0933.62011 Kagan, Abram; Letac, Gérard 3 1999 Quadratic and inverse regressions for Wishart distributions. Zbl 1073.62536 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 26 1998 A formula on multivariate Dirichlet distributions. Zbl 0903.62050 Letac, Gérard; Massam, Hélène 6 1998 Random nested tetrahedra. Zbl 0965.60031 Letac, Gérard; Scarsini, Marco 4 1998 Intégration et probabilités. Analyse de Fourier. Exercices corrigés. (Integration and probability. Fourier analysis. Corrected exercises). 2ème éd. 2ème éd. (Intégration et probabilités. Analyse de Fourier. Exercices corrigés.) Zbl 0878.00004 Letac, Gérard 1 1997 The Lukacs-Olkin-Rubin characterization of Wishart distributions on symmetric cones. Zbl 0906.62053 Casalis, M.; Letac, G. 51 1996 Craig-Sakamoto’s theorem for the Wishart distributions on symmetric cones. Zbl 0847.62042 Letac, G.; Massam, H. 6 1995 A random continued fraction in \(\mathbb{R}^{d+1}\) with an inverse Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0842.60005 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 1 1995 The diagonal multivariate natural exponential families and their classification. Zbl 0807.60017 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Bshouty, Daoud; Enis, Peter; Letac, Gérard; Lu, I- Li; Richards, Donald 29 1994 Characterization of the Jørgensen set in generalized linear models. Zbl 0815.62030 Casalis, M.; Letac, G. 15 1994 A transient random walk on stochastic matrices with Dirichlet distributions. Zbl 0807.60066 Chamayou, Jean-François; Letac, Gérard 13 1994 The statistical exponential families invariant under the groups of the cone and of the revolution paraboloid. (Les familles exponentielles statistiques invariantes par les groupes du cône et du paraboloïde de révolution.) Zbl 0871.62017 Letac, Gérard 5 1994 Sampling models which admit a given general exponential family as a conjugate family of priors. Zbl 0827.62002 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Enis, Peter; Letac, Gérard 2 1994 An explicit calculation of the mean of the perimeter of the convex hull of a plane random walk. Zbl 0777.60067 Letac, Gérard 3 1993 A decomposition for the exponential dispersion model generated by the invariance measure on the hyperboloid. Zbl 0798.60014 Casalis, M.; Letac, G.; Massam, H. 1 1993 Lectures on natural exponential families and their variance functions. Zbl 0983.62501 Letac, Gérard 86 1992 Natural exponential families and self-decomposability. Zbl 0742.60015 Bar-Lev, Shaul K.; Bshouty, Daoud; Letac, Gérard 3 1992 Explicit stationary distributions for compositions of random functions and products of random matrices. Zbl 0728.60012 Chamayou, Jean-François; Letac, Gérard 42 1991 Counter example to P. C. Consul’s theorem on the factorization of generalized Poisson distributions. (Contre-exemple au théorème de P. C. Consul sur la factorisation des distributions de Poisson généralisées.) Zbl 0738.62011 Letac, Gérard 1 1991 Natural real exponential families with cubic variance functions. Zbl 0714.62010 Letac, Gérard; Mora, Marianne 125 1990 A characterization of the Wishart exponential families by an invariance property. Zbl 0672.62061 Letac, Gérard 14 1989 Le problème de la classification des familles exponentielles naturelles de \({\mathbb{R}}^ d\) ayant une fonction variance quadratique. (The problem of classification of natural exponential families in \(R^ d\) with quadratic variance function). Zbl 0679.62010 Letac, Gérard 8 1989 Sur une propriété des familles exponentielles naturelles de variance quadratique. (On a property of natural exponential families with quadratic variance). Zbl 0676.62009 Jørgensen, Bent; Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 5 1989 The expectation of \(X^{-1}\) as a function of \({\mathbb{E}}(X)\) for an exponential family on the positive line. Zbl 0694.62006 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 3 1989 Haight’s distributions as a natural exponential family. Zbl 0633.62015 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, V. 2 1988 A contraction principle for certain Markov chains and its applications. Zbl 0587.60057 Letac, Gérard 41 1986 La réciprocité des familles exponentielles naturelles sur \({\mathbb{R}}\). (Reciprocity between natural exponential families on \({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0591.60003 Letac, Gérard 8 1986 The limit behavior of an interval splitting scheme. Zbl 0599.60030 Devroye, Luc; Letac, Gerard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 6 1986 Seul le groupe des similitudes-inversions préserve le type de la loi de Cauchy-conforme de \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\) pour \(n>1\). (Only the group of similitude-inversions preserves the Cauchy-conformal type distributions of \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\) for \(n>1)\). Zbl 0612.60019 Letac, Gérard 4 1986 Sur les fonctions-variance des familles exponentielles naturelles sur \({\mathbb{R}}\). (On the variance-functions of natural exponential families on \({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0591.62012 Letac, Gérard; Mora, Marianne 3 1986 A factorization of the Askey’s characteristic function \((1-\| t\| _{2n+1})_ +^{n+1}\). Zbl 0601.60019 Letac, G.; Rahman, Q. I. 2 1986 Brownian-path-preserving functions on \({\mathbb{R}}_+^{n+1}\) and Cauchy distributions in \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\). Zbl 0591.60076 Letac, Gérard G. 1 1986 An exact chi-squared decomposition theorem for inverse Gaussian variates. Zbl 0587.62038 Letac, G.; Seshadri, V.; Whitmore, G. A. 5 1985 On Khatri’s characterization of the inverse-Gaussian distribution. Zbl 0609.62020 Letac, Gérard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 4 1985 A characterization of the gamma distribution. Zbl 0579.60013 Letac, Gérard 3 1985 Brocot sequences and random walks in SL(2,\({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0542.60014 Chassaing, Philippe; Letac, Gérard; Mora, Marianne 6 1984 A characterization of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution by continued fractions. Zbl 0488.60020 Letac, Gerard; Seshadri, Vanamamalai 17 1983 Mesures sur le cercle et convexes du plan. Zbl 0559.52005 Letac, Gérard 3 1983 Les fonctions spheriques d’un couple de Gelfand symétrique et les chaînes de Markov. Zbl 0482.60011 Letac, Gerard 11 1982 Intégration et probabilités. Analyse de Fourier et analyse spectrale. Exercices. Zbl 0497.00003 Letac, G. 2 1982 Isotropy and sphericity: Some characterisations of the normal distribution. Zbl 0462.62014 Letac, Gerard 10 1981 Problèmes classiques de probabilité sur un couple de Gelfand. Zbl 0463.60010 Letac, Gerard 10 1981 Dual random walks and special functions on homogeneous trees. Zbl 0532.60008 Letac, Gérard 5 1981 Random walks on a dodecahedron. Zbl 0428.60083 Letac, G.; Takacs, L. 3 1980 Random walks on a 600-cell. Zbl 0498.60073 Letac, Gerard; Takacs, Lajos 2 1980 Random walks on an m-dimensional cube. Zbl 0411.60072 Letac, Gerard; Takacs, Lajos 6 1979 Les fonctions interieures de \(\mathbb{R}_+^3\to\mathbb{R}_+^2\) et la preservation des lois de Cauchy. Zbl 0414.60014 Letac, Gerard; Olie, Francois 1 1979 Une suite stationnaire et isotrope est spherique. Zbl 0388.60019 Letac, Gerard; Milhaud, Xavier 1 1979 Which functions preserve Cauchy laws? Zbl 0376.28019 Letac, Gerard 16 1978 Chaînes de Markov sur les permutations. Zbl 0435.60001 Letac, Gerard 6 1978 Seules les affinites preservent les lois normales. Zbl 0372.60012 Letac, Gerard; Pradines, Jean 2 1978 Cauchy functional equation again. Zbl 0404.39004 Letac, Gerard 2 1978 Recurrence for products of renewal sequences. Zbl 0369.60106 Letac, Gerard 1 1977 A note on left-continuous random walks. Zbl 0356.60007 Letac, Gerard; Mazet, Pierre; Schiffmann, Gerard 2 1976 Recurrence des librairies. Zbl 0365.60051 Letac, Gerard 2 1976 On building random variables of a given distribution. Zbl 0302.60028 Letac, Gerard 1 1975 ...and 9 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 809 Authors 55 Letac, Gérard G. 26 Wesołowski, Jacek 24 Massam, Helene M. 22 Bar-Lev, Shaul K. 22 Kokonendji, Célestin Clotaire 21 Hassairi, Abdelhamid 15 Masmoudi, Afif 11 Pommeret, Denys 10 Kołodziejek, Bartosz 10 Richards, Donald St. P. 9 Louati, Mahdi 9 Mselmi, Farouk 9 Vinogradov, Vladimir Vladimirovich 8 Graczyk, Piotr 8 Khare, Kshitij 8 Koudou, Angelo Efoévi 8 Piccioni, Mauro 8 Sabot, Christophe 7 Bshouty, Daoud H. 7 Casalis, Muriel 7 Diaconis, Persi Warren 7 Fakhfakh, Raouf 7 Voit, Michael 7 Zine, Raoudha 6 Bobecka, Konstancja 6 Bryc, Włodzimierz 6 Landsman, Zinoviy M. 6 Rajaratnam, Bala 6 Seshadri, Vanamamalai 5 Bernardoff, Philippe 5 Consonni, Guido 5 Dobra, Adrian 5 Ishi, Hideyuki 5 Lenkoski, Alex 5 Matias, Edgar 5 Nadarajah, Saralees 5 Tourigny, Yves 5 Yor, Marc 4 Ben Farah, Mohamed 4 Chamayou, Jean-François 4 Comtet, Alain 4 Cordeiro, Gauss Moutinho 4 Cunden, Fabio Deelan 4 Di Nardo, Elvira 4 Dunau, Jean-Louis 4 Enriquez, Nathanaël 4 Ghosal, Subhashis 4 Ghribi, Abdelaziz 4 Lajmi, Sallouha 4 Lu, I-Li 4 Makov, Udi E. 4 Malouche, Dhafer 4 Matsumoto, Hiroyuki 4 Matsumoto, Sho 4 Matúš, František 4 O’Connell, Neil 4 Ong, Seng-Huat 4 Paris, Richard Bruce 4 Szpojankowski, Kamil 3 Addy, Cheryl L. 3 Aldous, David John 3 Banerjee, Sayantan 3 Boutouria, Imen 3 Broniatowski, Michel 3 Buraczewski, Dariusz 3 Chen, Xiongzhi 3 Cribari-Neto, Francisco 3 De Gregorio, Alessandro 3 Díaz-García, José Antonio 3 Díaz, Lorenzo Justiniano 3 Dufresne, Daniel 3 Ferrari, Silvia Lopes de Paula 3 Hamza, Marwa 3 Hardin, James W. 3 Hitczenko, Paweł 3 Huillet, Thierry E. 3 Kolesnik, Alexander D. 3 Le Caër, Gérard 3 López-Blázquez, Fernando 3 Majumdar, Satya N. 3 Mayerhofer, Eberhard 3 Mohammadi, Reza 3 Nakashima, Hideto 3 Pakes, Anthony G. 3 Pielaszkiewicz, Jolanta Maria 3 Piliszek, Agnieszka 3 Ridder, Ad 3 Rouault, Alain 3 Scarabotti, Fabio 3 Shanbhag, Damodar N. 3 Tolli, Filippo 3 Tounsi, Mariem 3 Tournier, Laurent 3 Wintenberger, Olivier 3 Yang, Zhao 3 Zarai, Mohammed 3 Zeng, Xiaolin 3 Zindy, Olivier 2 Aaronson, Jon 2 Afif, Masmoudi ...and 709 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 202 Serials 50 Statistics & Probability Letters 46 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 31 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 30 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 30 Journal of Theoretical Probability 22 The Annals of Statistics 14 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 13 Probability Theory and Related Fields 13 Bernoulli 12 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 The Annals of Applied Probability 10 Journal of Statistical Physics 10 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 10 The Annals of Probability 10 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 10 Electronic Journal of Statistics 9 Metrika 9 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 8 Journal of Functional Analysis 8 Test 7 Journal of Applied Probability 7 Electronic Journal of Probability 6 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6 Advances in Applied Mathematics 6 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 6 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 6 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 6 The Annals of Applied Statistics 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 5 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 5 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 5 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 4 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 4 Physica A 4 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathématiques 4 Journal of the American Statistical Association 4 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 4 Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics 4 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 4 Bayesian Analysis 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Kybernetika 3 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 3 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 3 Statistical Science 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 3 Filomat 3 Journal of Applied Statistics 3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 3 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications 3 Stat 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Nonlinearity 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Theory of Probability and its Applications 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 2 Geometriae Dedicata 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Journal of Approximation Theory 2 Journal of Econometrics 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Time Series Analysis 2 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Extremes 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Journal of High Energy Physics 2 Econometric Theory 2 ASTIN Bulletin 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Statistical Methodology 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 2 Probability Surveys 2 Sankhyā. Series A 2 Journal of Theoretical Biology 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Physics Letters. A ...and 102 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 51 Fields 407 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 376 Statistics (62-XX) 66 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 44 Combinatorics (05-XX) 42 Special functions (33-XX) 33 Functional analysis (46-XX) 26 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 23 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 21 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 21 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 18 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 15 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 13 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Number theory (11-XX) 11 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 9 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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