Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Levine, Norman Co-Author Distance Author ID: levine.norman Published as: Levine, Norman Documents Indexed: 70 Publications since 1952, including 3 Books Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 18 Joint Publications 26 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 52 single-authored 6 Salzer, Herbert E. 2 Stager, William J. jun. 1 Agashe, Pushpa 1 Dunham, William 1 Elyash, Ernest S. 1 Gearhart, Thomas 1 Helsel, R. G. 1 Laush, George 1 Nachman, Louis J. 1 Pervin, William Joseph 1 Saber, Nicholas J. 1 Saunders, William G. 1 Serben, Saul 1 Yarnelle, John E. all top 5 Serials 26 American Mathematical Monthly 16 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 4 Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 4 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Journal of Mathematics. Tokushima University 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Gaṇita 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Delhi) 1 Mathematica Japonica 1 Yokohama Mathematical Journal 1 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae 1 Mathematical Tables and other Aids to Computation Fields 36 General topology (54-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 39 Publications have been cited 779 times in 608 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Semi-open sets and semi-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0113.16304 Levine, Norman 404 1963 Generalized closed sets in topology. Zbl 0231.54001 Levine, Norman 148 1970 A decomposition of continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0100.18601 Levine, Norman 69 1961 Strong, continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0156.43305 Levine, Norman 18 1960 Simple extensions of topologies. Zbl 0121.17203 Levine, Norman 17 1964 Dense topologies. Zbl 0197.19002 Levine, Norman 15 1968 On Pervin’s quasi uniformity. Zbl 0214.21202 Levine, Norman 12 1970 Connected mappings of Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0089.17503 Pervin, William J.; Levine, Norman 12 1958 On the hyperspace of a quasi-uniform space. Zbl 0246.54033 Levine, Norman; Stager, William J. jun. 9 1972 Further results on generalized closed sets in topology. Zbl 0454.54002 Dunham, William; Levine, Norman 9 1980 On uniformities generated by equivalence relations. Zbl 0237.54018 Levine, Norman 8 1969 When are compact and closed equivalent? Zbl 0134.40903 Levine, Norman 6 1965 Strongly connected sets in topology. Zbl 0134.42105 Levine, Norman 5 1965 Adjacent topologies. Zbl 0291.54004 Agashe, Pushpa; Levine, Norman 4 1973 Uniformly continuous sets in metric spaces. Zbl 0087.37703 Levine, Norman; Saunders, William G. 4 1960 On the commutativity of the closure and interior operators in topological spaces. Zbl 0113.37501 Levine, Norman 4 1961 Some remarks on the closure operator in topological spaces. Zbl 0113.37407 Levine, Norman 3 1963 The finite square semi-uniformity. Zbl 0277.54029 Levine, Norman 2 1973 On the equivalence of compactness and finiteness in topology. Zbl 0157.29401 Levine, Norman 2 1968 Table of integers not exceeding 1 000 000 that are not expressible as the sum of four tetrahedral numbers. Zbl 0083.04002 Salzer, Herbert E.; Levine, Norman 2 1958 Remarks on uniform continuity in metric spaces. Zbl 0100.18602 Levine, Norman 2 1960 Well-chained uniformities. Zbl 0226.54026 Levine, Norman 1 1971 Adjacent uniformities. Zbl 0238.54023 Levine, Norman; Nachman, Louis J. 1 1971 A new uniformity for hyperspaces. Zbl 0243.54019 Levine, Norman 1 1972 On compactness and sequential compactness. Zbl 0317.54030 Levine, Norman 1 1976 On the product of two uniformly continuous functions on the line. Zbl 0092.05403 Elyash, Ernest S.; Laush, George; Levine, Norman 1 1960 The superset topology. Zbl 0172.24401 Levine, Norman 1 1969 Absolutely continuous product transformations of the plane. Zbl 0048.03901 Helsel, R. G.; Levine, Norman 1 1952 A note on functions continuous almost everywhere. Zbl 0090.27002 Levine, Norman 1 1959 On families of topologies for a set. Zbl 0137.15603 Levine, Norman 1 1966 On the product of real valued uniformly continuous functions in metric spaces. Zbl 0149.19603 Levine, Norman; Saber, Nicholas J. 1 1965 On the infimum of a family of topologies for a set. Zbl 0166.18204 Levine, Norman 1 1967 On the intersection of two compact sets. Zbl 0199.57304 Levine, Norman 1 1968 A topological property of the reals. Zbl 0206.51602 Levine, Norman 1 1970 A note on the Lipschitz condition in metric spaces. Zbl 0108.35603 Levine, Norman 1 1962 Table of a Weierstrass continuous nondifferentiable function. Zbl 0098.31802 Salzer, Herbert E.; Levine, Norman 1 1961 A note on convergence in topological spaces. Zbl 0100.18603 Levine, Norman 1 1960 On the graph topology for function spaces. Zbl 0609.54016 Levine, Norman 1 1984 Tables for converting polynomials and power series into Chebyshev series. Zbl 0544.65002 Salzer, Herbert E.; Levine, Norman 1 1984 On the graph topology for function spaces. Zbl 0609.54016 Levine, Norman 1 1984 Tables for converting polynomials and power series into Chebyshev series. Zbl 0544.65002 Salzer, Herbert E.; Levine, Norman 1 1984 Further results on generalized closed sets in topology. Zbl 0454.54002 Dunham, William; Levine, Norman 9 1980 On compactness and sequential compactness. Zbl 0317.54030 Levine, Norman 1 1976 Adjacent topologies. Zbl 0291.54004 Agashe, Pushpa; Levine, Norman 4 1973 The finite square semi-uniformity. Zbl 0277.54029 Levine, Norman 2 1973 On the hyperspace of a quasi-uniform space. Zbl 0246.54033 Levine, Norman; Stager, William J. jun. 9 1972 A new uniformity for hyperspaces. Zbl 0243.54019 Levine, Norman 1 1972 Well-chained uniformities. Zbl 0226.54026 Levine, Norman 1 1971 Adjacent uniformities. Zbl 0238.54023 Levine, Norman; Nachman, Louis J. 1 1971 Generalized closed sets in topology. Zbl 0231.54001 Levine, Norman 148 1970 On Pervin’s quasi uniformity. Zbl 0214.21202 Levine, Norman 12 1970 A topological property of the reals. Zbl 0206.51602 Levine, Norman 1 1970 On uniformities generated by equivalence relations. Zbl 0237.54018 Levine, Norman 8 1969 The superset topology. Zbl 0172.24401 Levine, Norman 1 1969 Dense topologies. Zbl 0197.19002 Levine, Norman 15 1968 On the equivalence of compactness and finiteness in topology. Zbl 0157.29401 Levine, Norman 2 1968 On the intersection of two compact sets. Zbl 0199.57304 Levine, Norman 1 1968 On the infimum of a family of topologies for a set. Zbl 0166.18204 Levine, Norman 1 1967 On families of topologies for a set. Zbl 0137.15603 Levine, Norman 1 1966 When are compact and closed equivalent? Zbl 0134.40903 Levine, Norman 6 1965 Strongly connected sets in topology. Zbl 0134.42105 Levine, Norman 5 1965 On the product of real valued uniformly continuous functions in metric spaces. Zbl 0149.19603 Levine, Norman; Saber, Nicholas J. 1 1965 Simple extensions of topologies. Zbl 0121.17203 Levine, Norman 17 1964 Semi-open sets and semi-continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0113.16304 Levine, Norman 404 1963 Some remarks on the closure operator in topological spaces. Zbl 0113.37407 Levine, Norman 3 1963 A note on the Lipschitz condition in metric spaces. Zbl 0108.35603 Levine, Norman 1 1962 A decomposition of continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0100.18601 Levine, Norman 69 1961 On the commutativity of the closure and interior operators in topological spaces. Zbl 0113.37501 Levine, Norman 4 1961 Table of a Weierstrass continuous nondifferentiable function. Zbl 0098.31802 Salzer, Herbert E.; Levine, Norman 1 1961 Strong, continuity in topological spaces. Zbl 0156.43305 Levine, Norman 18 1960 Uniformly continuous sets in metric spaces. Zbl 0087.37703 Levine, Norman; Saunders, William G. 4 1960 Remarks on uniform continuity in metric spaces. Zbl 0100.18602 Levine, Norman 2 1960 On the product of two uniformly continuous functions on the line. Zbl 0092.05403 Elyash, Ernest S.; Laush, George; Levine, Norman 1 1960 A note on convergence in topological spaces. Zbl 0100.18603 Levine, Norman 1 1960 A note on functions continuous almost everywhere. Zbl 0090.27002 Levine, Norman 1 1959 Connected mappings of Hausdorff spaces. Zbl 0089.17503 Pervin, William J.; Levine, Norman 12 1958 Table of integers not exceeding 1 000 000 that are not expressible as the sum of four tetrahedral numbers. Zbl 0083.04002 Salzer, Herbert E.; Levine, Norman 2 1958 Absolutely continuous product transformations of the plane. Zbl 0048.03901 Helsel, R. G.; Levine, Norman 1 1952 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 596 Authors 57 Noiri, Takashi 18 Jafari, Saeid 15 Boonpok, Chawalit 14 Ekici, Erdal 13 Rosas, Ennis R. 13 Tyagi, Brij Kishore 12 Popa, Valeriu 11 Al-Omari, Ahmad Abdullah 10 Han, Sang-Eon 10 Száz, Árpád 9 Cueva, Miguel Caldas 9 Ivanova, Gertruda 9 Khan, Moiz-ud-din 9 Nasef, Arafa A. 8 Carpintero, Carlos R. 8 Sanabria, Jose Eduardo 8 Sivaraj, D. 7 Bhardwaj, Manoj 7 Park, Jin Han 7 Rajesh, Neelamegarajan 7 Singh, Sumit 7 Thivagar, Mariam Lellis 6 Mirmiran, Majid 6 Modak, Shyamapada 6 Mukherjee, Manabendra Nath 6 Przemski, Marian 6 Reilly, Ivan Leon 6 Roy, Bishwambhar 6 Wagner-Bojakowska, Elżbieta 5 Al-Shami, Tareq Mohammed 5 Bhattacharya, Baby 5 Chakraborty, Jayasree 5 Sharma, Shallu 5 Szyszkowska, Paulina 5 Viriyapong, Chokchai 4 Aggarwal, Jeetendra 4 Bal, Prasenjit 4 Billawria, Sahil 4 Chauhan, Harsh Vardhan Singh 4 Das, Birojit 4 Ewert, Janina 4 Ganster, Maximilian 4 Granados, Carlos 4 Hussain, Sabir 4 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 4 Noorani, Mohd Salmi Mohd 4 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador 4 Tripathy, Binod Chandra 4 Yuksel, Saziye 3 Abu-Donia, Hassan Mustafa 3 Acikgoz, Ahu 3 Ahmad, Bashir 3 Ahmadi Zand, Mohammad Reza 3 Akdağ, Metin 3 Al-Omeri, Wadei Faris 3 Al-Zoubi, Khalid Y. 3 Azzam, A. Adam 3 Cao, Jiling 3 Duszyński, Zbigniew 3 Guthrie, J. A. 3 Karasińska, Aleksandra 3 Kočinac, Ljubiša D. R. 3 Kule, Memet 3 Min, Won Keun 3 Mukharjee, Ajoy 3 Namiq, Sarhad F. 3 Navaneethakrishnan, M. 3 Özkoç, Murad 3 Paul, Nirmala Rebecca 3 Pious Missier, S. 3 Ram, Madhu 3 Rassias, Themistocles Michael 3 Sarkar, Susmita 3 Singh, Davinder 3 Šostak, Alexander P. 3 Tong, Jingcheng 3 Vadivel, Appachi 2 Abbas, Mohamed I. 2 Ajmal, Naseem 2 Al-Saadi, Hanan Saad 2 Amer, W. S. 2 Andrijević, Dimitrije 2 Anto, M. 2 Aqsa 2 Aslim, Gulhan 2 Ayhan, Burcu Sünbül 2 Balamani, N. 2 Balasubramanian, Ganesan 2 Banakh, Taras Onufrievich 2 Bandyopadhyay, Chhanda 2 Banerjee, Amar Kumar 2 Banerjee, Amar Kumar 2 Basu, Chandrani 2 Beceren, Yusuf 2 Beer, Gerald Alan 2 Bhavani, Koganti 2 Bhuvaneswari, Kasi 2 Crossley, S. Gene 2 Dasan, Muthayyan Arockia 2 Devamanoharan, Chitharanjan ...and 496 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 139 Serials 60 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 35 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 31 Topology and its Applications 28 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 19 Mathematica Slovaca 19 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 18 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 16 Demonstratio Mathematica 16 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 Filomat 15 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 13 Proyecciones 13 Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology 12 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 12 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 12 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 11 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 9 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 7 Fasciculi Mathematici 7 Korean Journal of Mathematics 6 Applied General Topology 6 Afrika Matematika 6 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 5 Cubo 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Matematychni Studiï 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 4 Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences 4 Thai Journal of Mathematics 4 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 4 Journal of Mathematics 4 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 4 Khayyam Journal of Mathematics 4 Open Mathematics 3 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 3 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 3 Applied Sciences 3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3 Cogent Mathematics & Statistics 3 Electronic Research Archive 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Applied Categorical Structures 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Mathematica Moravica 2 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 2 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 2 Boundary Value Problems 2 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 2 Advances in Fuzzy Systems 2 Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science. JMCS 2 Journal of Mathematical Extension 2 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 2 ISRN Geometry 2 Journal of Algebra and Related Topics 2 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Cogent Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Gaṇita 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Kybernetika 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Set-Valued Analysis 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Opuscula Mathematica ...and 39 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 566 General topology (54-XX) 30 Real functions (26-XX) 21 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 14 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 9 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 7 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year