Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Li, Wangyao Co-Author Distance Author ID: li.wangyao Published as: Li, Wangyao Documents Indexed: 14 Publications since 1980 Co-Authors: 2 Co-Authors with 2 Joint Publications Co-Authors 8 single-authored 3 Wang, Quanfeng 1 Cheung, Yau Kai 1 Chui, Haiying 1 Sebastian, Kunnat 1 Tham, Leslie George all top 5 Serials 3 Journal of Computational Mathematics 3 Chinese Journal of Numerical Mathematics and Applications 2 Mathematica Numerica Sinica 2 Computational Mechanics 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 European Journal of Physics 1 International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 1 Scientia Sinica. Series A all top 5 Fields 9 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year Citations contained in zbMATH Open 5 Publications have been cited 4 times in 4 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Free vibration and static analysis of general plate by spline finite strip. Zbl 0631.73065 Cheung, Y. K.; Tham, L. G.; Li, W. Y. 8 1988 The coherent states of the two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator and the classical limit of the Landau theory of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. Zbl 1396.81224 Li, Wangyao; Sebastian, Kunnat 2 2018 Symplectic multistep methods for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0804.65076 Li, Wangyao 1 1994 Symplectic multistep method for special differential equation of the second order. Zbl 0954.65088 Li, Wangyao; Chui, Haiying 1 1999 Spline finite member element method for buckling of thin-walled members with any cross-sections in pure bending. Zbl 0918.73121 Wang, Quanfeng; Li, W. Y. 1 1996 The coherent states of the two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator and the classical limit of the Landau theory of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. Zbl 1396.81224 Li, Wangyao; Sebastian, Kunnat 2 2018 Symplectic multistep method for special differential equation of the second order. Zbl 0954.65088 Li, Wangyao; Chui, Haiying 1 1999 Spline finite member element method for buckling of thin-walled members with any cross-sections in pure bending. Zbl 0918.73121 Wang, Quanfeng; Li, W. Y. 1 1996 Symplectic multistep methods for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0804.65076 Li, Wangyao 1 1994 Free vibration and static analysis of general plate by spline finite strip. Zbl 0631.73065 Cheung, Y. K.; Tham, L. G.; Li, W. Y. 8 1988 all top 5 Cited by 12 Authors 1 Chen, Chuanmiao 1 Concha-Sánchez, Yajaira 1 Díaz-Bautista, Erik 1 Hussin, Véronique 1 Liu, Luohua 1 Marquette, Ian 1 Moran, James M. 1 Oliva-Leyva, Maurice 1 Raya, Alfredo 1 Tang, Qiong 1 Xing, Yufeng 1 Zhang, Huimin Cited in 3 Serials 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics Cited in 5 Fields 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year