Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Liu, Shutang Co-Author Distance Author ID: liu.shutang Published as: Liu, Shutang; Liu, Shu Tang; Liu, S. T.; Liu, Shutong; Liu, Shu-Tang; Liu, Shu-tang more...less External Links: ORCID · ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 160 Publications since 1995, including 4 Books Co-Authors: 74 Co-Authors with 154 Joint Publications 3,382 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 2 single-authored 15 Zhang, Binggen 13 Wang, Da 13 Wang, Wen 11 Chen, Guanrong 10 Cheng, Sui Sun 9 Guan, Xinping 9 Yang, Jun 8 Liu, Jian 8 Liu, Ping 8 Liu, Zhibin 8 Tian, Dadong 8 Wang, Yupin 7 Zhang, Yongping 7 Zhao, Qiuyue 5 Jiang, Cuimei 5 Liu, Yongqing 5 Sun, Jie 5 Sun, Zhongkui 5 Yuan, Chunhua 5 Zhang, Fangfang 5 Zhu, Xingao 4 Hai, Quan 4 Jiang, Yuan 4 Li, Hui 4 Niu, Xinglong 4 Zhang, Li 4 Zhao, Nannan 3 Bi, Zhimin 3 Deng, Feiqi 3 Hu, Changquan 3 Li, Wei 3 Ouyang, Miao 3 Qiao, Wei 3 Sun, Weihua 3 Sun, Yuangong 3 Wang, Huiyu 3 Wu, Xiang 3 Xu, Wei 3 Zhao, Yang 2 Dai, Zhong 2 Han, Zhongyue 2 Liu, Changan 2 Sun, Fuyan 2 Yu, Chenglong 2 Yu, Weiyong 2 Zhang, Guang 1 Chen, Ke 1 Chen, Shaozhu 1 Chen, Yingjie 1 Guo, Yingxin 1 Han, Zhenlai 1 Hu, Zhangxi 1 Jin, Ping 1 Li, Ronglu 1 Li, Xiang 1 Li, Zhongqin 1 Li, Zongcheng 1 Liu, Changchun 1 Liu, Kexin 1 Liu, Tao 1 Lü, Zongwang 1 Luo, Chao 1 Shao, Changxu 1 Sprott, Julien Clinton 1 Sui, Shou Gang 1 Wang, Hui 1 Wang, Leyuan 1 Wang, Ruliang 1 Wang, Yin 1 Wang, Yuexin 1 Zhang, Yongdong 1 Zhao, Qingli 1 Zhao, Shicun 1 Zhou, Yining all top 5 Serials 13 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 11 Nonlinear Dynamics 10 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 9 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 8 Applied Mathematics and Computation 6 Asian Journal of Control 5 Fractals 5 Advances in Difference Equations 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 4 Control Theory & Applications 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Kybernetika 2 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 2 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 2 Annals of Differential Equations 2 Acta Physica Sinica 2 Panamerican Mathematical Journal 2 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Complexity 2 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Physica Scripta 2 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica 1 Fasciculi Mathematici 1 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 1 Advances in Mathematics (Beijing) 1 Journal of Qufu Normal University. Natural Science 1 Neural Networks 1 Dynamic Systems and Applications 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Discussiones Mathematicae. Differential Inclusions 1 Nonlinear Studies 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1 Communications in Applied Analysis 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Chaos 1 New Journal of Physics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series A. (Chinese Edition) 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 1 International Journal of Biomathematics 1 International Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Science China. Information Sciences 1 Symmetry all top 5 Fields 54 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 53 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 46 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 44 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 27 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 19 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 18 Measure and integration (28-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 125 Publications have been cited 825 times in 471 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Oscillation of a class of delay partial difference equations. Zbl 0856.39015 Zhang, Bing Gen; Liu, Shu Tang; Cheng, Sui Sun 40 1995 Adaptive anti-synchronization of chaotic complex nonlinear systems with unknown parameters. Zbl 1231.37020 Liu, Shutang; Liu, Ping 37 2011 On spatial periodic orbits and spatial chaos. Zbl 1066.37008 Chen, Guanrong; Liu, Shu Tang 32 2003 Complex function projective synchronization of complex chaotic system and its applications in secure communication. Zbl 1306.94072 Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Fangfang 31 2014 On the oscillation of two partial difference equations. Zbl 0877.39012 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 29 1997 On generalized synchronization of spatial chaos. Zbl 1043.37024 Chen, Guanrong; Liu, Shu Tang 28 2003 Oscillation of partial difference equations. Zbl 0840.39004 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 23 1995 Nonlinear feedback-controlled generalized synchronization of spatial chaos. Zbl 1060.93531 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 21 2004 Adaptive complex modified hybrid function projective synchronization of different dimensional complex chaos with uncertain complex parameters. Zbl 1349.93221 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Sprott, Julien Clinton 18 2016 A novel image encryption scheme based on spatial chaos map. Zbl 1146.94303 Sun, Fuyan; Liu, Shutang; Li, Zhongqin; Lü, Zongwang 15 2008 Oscillation of partial difference equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 0933.39029 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 15 1998 Spatiotemporal dynamics near the Turing-Hopf bifurcation in a toxic-phytoplankton-zooplankton model with cross-diffusion. Zbl 1430.37119 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Zhibin 15 2019 Nonexistence of positive solutions of a class of nonlinear delay partial difference equations. Zbl 0935.39008 Liu, Shutang; Guan, Xinping; Yang, Jun 14 1999 Anti-synchronization between different chaotic complex systems. Zbl 1225.37117 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang 14 2011 Control and synchronization of Julia sets in coupled map lattice. Zbl 1222.93137 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang 13 2011 Adaptive modified function projective synchronization of general uncertain chaotic complex systems. Zbl 1319.34106 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang; Li, Xiang 12 2012 Dynamic behavior analysis of phytoplankton-zooplankton system with cell size and time delay. Zbl 1404.37116 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Tian, Dadong 12 2018 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of delay partial difference equations. Zbl 0862.39008 Zhang, Bing Gen; Liu, Shu Tang 11 1995 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of a class of delay partial difference equations. Zbl 0922.39004 Liu, Shu Tang; Wang, Hui 11 1998 On spatial Lyapunov exponents and spatial chaos. Zbl 1056.37036 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 11 2003 Adaptive complex modified projective synchronization of complex chaotic (hyperchaotic) systems with uncertain complex parameters. Zbl 1345.34097 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Yuan, Chunhua 11 2015 Control of the spatial Mandelbrot set generated in coupled map lattice. Zbl 1354.37051 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang; Zhao, Yang; Jiang, Cuimei 11 2016 A new fractional-order chaotic complex system and its antisynchronization. Zbl 1472.37045 Jiang, Cuimei; Liu, Shutang; Luo, Chao 11 2014 Complex modified function projective synchronization of complex chaotic systems with known and unknown complex parameters. Zbl 1480.34068 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang 11 2017 Fractal control theory. Zbl 1442.37004 Liu, Shu-Tang; Wang, Pei 11 2018 Pattern dynamics in a toxin-producing phytoplankton-zooplankton model with additional food. Zbl 1412.92269 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Tian, Dadong; Wang, Da 11 2018 Global exponential stability analysis for a class of neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1287.93072 Guo, Yingxin; Liu, Shu Tang 10 2012 Global exponential stability of 2D switched positive nonlinear systems described by the Roesser model. Zbl 1418.93236 Tian, Dadong; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Wen 10 2019 Adaptive output feedback regulation for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. Zbl 1328.93149 Yu, Weiyong; Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Fangfang 9 2015 Oscillation theorems for second-order nonlinear partial difference equations. Zbl 0993.39005 Liu, Shutang; Liu, Yongqing 9 2001 Stability analysis for a class of switched positive nonlinear systems under Dwell-time constraint. Zbl 1445.93030 Tian, Dadong; Liu, Shutang 9 2018 A novel four-wing hyperchaotic complex system and its complex modified hybrid projective synchronization with different dimensions. Zbl 1472.37046 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Fangfang 9 2014 Asymptotic behavior of delay 2-D discrete logistic systems. Zbl 1368.39009 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 8 2002 Pattern dynamics in a predator-prey model with schooling behavior and cross-diffusion. Zbl 1432.35207 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Zhibin; Wang, Da 8 2019 Stationary distribution and extinction of a stochastic nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model with cell size. Zbl 1451.34071 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Niu, Xinglong 8 2020 Asymptotic stability and synchronization of fractional delayed memristive neural networks with algebraic constraints. Zbl 1503.34147 Wu, Xiang; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Huiyu 8 2022 Oscillations of a class of partial difference equations. Zbl 0958.39019 Liu, S. T.; Zhang, B. G. 7 1998 Effect of water temperature on the dynamic behavior of phytoplankton-zooplankton model. Zbl 1508.92333 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Niu, Xinglong 7 2020 Finite-time state bounding of homogeneous nonlinear positive systems with disturbance. Zbl 1480.93373 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Yuangong 7 2022 On fractional difference logistic maps: dynamic analysis and synchronous control. Zbl 1517.34088 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui 7 2020 Fractal analysis and control of the fractional Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1439.34016 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang 7 2019 Fractal dimension analysis and control of Julia set generated by fractional Lotka-Volterra models. Zbl 1467.37028 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Wen 7 2019 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of linear delay partial difference equations. Zbl 0965.39003 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 6 1998 Rejection of nonharmonic disturbances in a class of nonlinear systems with nonlinear exosystems. Zbl 1263.93146 Jiang, Yuan; Liu, Shutang 6 2011 Synchronization between the spatial Julia sets of complex Lorenz system and complex Henon map. Zbl 1348.37078 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang 6 2015 Dynamic behavior analysis of a diffusive plankton model with defensive and offensive effects. Zbl 1448.92264 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Niu, Xinglong 6 2019 On the spatial Julia set generated by fractional Lotka-Volterra system with noise. Zbl 1483.28011 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui; Wang, Da 6 2019 Generalized combination complex synchronization of new hyperchaotic complex Lü-like systems. Zbl 1422.34157 Jiang, Cuimei; Liu, Shutang 6 2015 An envelope surface method for determining oscillation of a delay 2-D discrete convection system. Zbl 1370.39006 Yuan, Chunhua; Liu, Shutang 5 2017 Existence of positive solutions of a partial difference equation. Zbl 0930.39009 Liu, Shu Tang; Cheng, Sui Sun 5 1997 Nonexistence of positive solutions of a nonlinear partial difference equation. Zbl 0877.39003 Liu, Shu Tang; Cheng, Sui Sun 5 1997 Oscillation for nonlinear delay partial difference equations with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 1036.39012 Liu, Shu Tang; Liu, Yong Qing; Deng, Fei Qi 5 2002 Feedback control in fractal mechanics. Zbl 1197.93087 Zhang, Yongping; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Weihua 5 2009 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of partial difference equations. Zbl 0864.39006 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 5 1996 Stability of stochastic 2-D systems. Zbl 1292.39010 Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Yongping 5 2012 Pinning synchronization of fractional memristor-based neural networks with neutral delays and reaction-diffusion terms. Zbl 1507.93188 Wu, Xiang; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Huiyu 5 2023 A brief note on fractal dynamics of fractional Mandelbrot sets. Zbl 1510.28012 Wang, Yupin; Li, Xiaodi; Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang 5 2022 Reachable set bounding for discrete-time nonlinear positive systems with time-varying delay and disturbance. Zbl 1527.93017 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Yuangong 5 2022 Complex modified generalized projective synchronization of fractional-order complex chaos and real chaos. Zbl 1351.34059 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Li, Wei 5 2015 Temporal forcing induced pattern transitions near the Turing-Hopf bifurcation in a plankton system. Zbl 1447.35041 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Zhibin; Wang, Da 5 2020 Spatial chaos on surface and its associated bifurcation and Feigenbaum problem. Zbl 1347.34069 Liu, Shutang; Liu, Ping; Liu, Jian; Wang, Leyuan 4 2015 Modified generalized projective synchronization of fractional-order chaotic Lü systems. Zbl 1347.34084 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Yuan, Chunhua 4 2013 The gradient control of spatial-alternated Julia sets. Zbl 1351.37197 Wang, Pei; Liu, Shutang 4 2015 Permanence and extinction of a nonautonomous impulsive plankton model with help. Zbl 1383.92094 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Tian, Dadong; Zhao, Qiuyue 4 2017 Fractal control and its applications. Zbl 1508.93001 Liu, Shu Tang; Zhang, Yong Ping; Liu, Chang An 4 2020 Three-dimensional pattern dynamics of a fractional predator-prey model with cross-diffusion and herd behavior. Zbl 1510.92153 Bi, Zhimin; Liu, Shutang; Ouyang, Miao 4 2022 Explosive transition in coupled oscillators through mixed attractive-repulsive interactions. Zbl 1494.34117 Liu, Shutong; Sun, Zhongkui; Zhao, Nannan; Xu, Wei 4 2022 Oscillatory behavior of delay partial difference equations with positive and negative coefficients. Zbl 1050.39013 Liu, Shu Tang; Zhang, Bing Gen 3 2002 Oscillatory behavior of delay partial difference equations. Zbl 1050.39012 Liu, Shu Tang; Jin, Ping 3 2003 Oscillations of nonlinear partial difference systems. Zbl 1018.39007 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 3 2003 Synchronization and antisynchronization of \(N\)-coupled complex permanent magnet synchronous motor systems with ring connection. Zbl 1367.93418 Jiang, Cuimei; Liu, Shutang 3 2017 A preliminary study on the fractal phenomenon: “Disconnected + disconnected=connected”. Zbl 1371.28031 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang; Zhao, Yang 3 2017 On the boundedness and symmetry properties of the fractal sets generated from alternated complex map. Zbl 1373.37110 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang 3 2016 Fractal dimension and synchronization of the controlled Julia sets of a reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 1386.93148 Zhang, Yongping; Liu, Changchun; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Jie 3 2017 Exponential stability of switched positive homogeneous systems. Zbl 1380.93212 Tian, Dadong; Liu, Shutang 3 2017 Eigenvalue problems for fractional differential equations with mixed derivatives and generalized \(p\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1420.34027 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Han, Zhenlai 3 2018 Reachable set estimation for continuous-time impulsive switched nonlinear time-varying systems with delay and disturbance. Zbl 1510.34147 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang 3 2022 New identification and control methods of sine-function Julia sets. Zbl 1330.37047 Sun, Jie; Qiao, Wei; Liu, Shutang 2 2015 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of partial difference equations. Zbl 0874.39010 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 2 1997 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillations of hyperbolic type partial difference equations. Zbl 0892.35153 Zhang, B. G.; Liu, S. T. 2 1997 Control of Julia sets. Zbl 1082.37052 Sui, Shou Gang; Liu, Shu Tang 2 2005 Output feedback regulation for large-scale uncertain nonlinear systems with time delays. Zbl 1363.93018 Liu, Shutang; Yu, Weiyong; Zhang, Fangfang 2 2015 Oscillations of second-order nonlinear partial difference equations. Zbl 1058.39008 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 2 2004 Rejection of nonharmonic disturbances in nonlinear systems. Zbl 1205.93158 Liu, Shutang; Jiang, Yuan; Liu, Ping 2 2010 Linearization, stability, and oscillation of the discrete delayed logistic system. Zbl 1368.39002 Chen, Guanrong; Liu, Shu Tang 2 2003 Existence of monotone positive solution of neutral partial difference equation. Zbl 0967.35144 Liu, Shu Tang; Liu, Yongqing; Guan, Xinping; Yang, Jun; Cheng, Sui Sun 2 2000 A multivariate oscillation theorem. Zbl 0949.39004 Cheng, Sui-Sun; Liu, Shu-Tang; Zhang, Guang 2 1999 Exact oscillation regions for a partial difference equation. Zbl 1343.39026 Yuan, Chunhua; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Jian 2 2015 Explosive death induced by environmental coupling. Zbl 1467.37090 Liu, Shutong; Sun, Zhongkui; Zhao, Nannan; Xu, Wei 2 2021 Mean-square delay-distribution-dependent exponential synchronization of chaotic neural networks with mixed random time-varying delays and restricted disturbances. Zbl 1467.93267 Hai, Quan; Liu, Shutang 2 2021 Chaotification for a class of delay difference equations based on snap-back repellers. Zbl 1394.37061 Li, Zongcheng; Liu, Shutang; Li, Wei; Zhao, Qingli 2 2015 Tuning coupling rate to control oscillation quenching in fractional-order coupled oscillators. Zbl 1451.34011 Liu, Shutong; Sun, Zhongkui; Zhao, Nannan 2 2020 On reachable set bounding for discrete-time switched nonlinear positive systems with mixed time-varying delays and disturbance. Zbl 1520.93039 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang 2 2023 New fractal sets coined from fractional maps. Zbl 1498.37079 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui 2 2021 Explosive and semi-explosive death in coupled oscillators. Zbl 1496.34071 Sun, Zhongkui; Liu, Shutong; Zhao, Nannan 2 2021 Exponential synchronization of two different discrete-time chaotic neural networks with time delays and stochastic missing data. Zbl 1499.93070 Hai, Quan; Liu, Shutang 2 2022 Stability analysis of the plankton community with advection. Zbl 1498.92309 Liu, Zhi-bin; Liu, Shu-tang; Tian, Da-dong; Wang, Da 2 2021 Spatial dynamics of a fractional predator-prey system with time delay and Allee effect. Zbl 1506.92069 Bi, Zhimin; Liu, Shutang; Ouyang, Miao 2 2022 Pinning synchronization of stochastic neutral memristive neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms. Zbl 1525.93475 Wu, Xiang; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Huiyu 2 2023 Fractal features and synchronization of a class of generalized logistic map. Zbl 1389.28016 Hu, Changquan; Liu, Shutang 2 2017 Pinning synchronization of fractional memristor-based neural networks with neutral delays and reaction-diffusion terms. Zbl 1507.93188 Wu, Xiang; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Huiyu 5 2023 On reachable set bounding for discrete-time switched nonlinear positive systems with mixed time-varying delays and disturbance. Zbl 1520.93039 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang 2 2023 Pinning synchronization of stochastic neutral memristive neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms. Zbl 1525.93475 Wu, Xiang; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Huiyu 2 2023 Nonlocal delay driven spatiotemporal patterns in a single-species reaction-diffusion model. Zbl 1504.35058 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang 1 2023 Asymptotic stability and synchronization of fractional delayed memristive neural networks with algebraic constraints. Zbl 1503.34147 Wu, Xiang; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Huiyu 8 2022 Finite-time state bounding of homogeneous nonlinear positive systems with disturbance. Zbl 1480.93373 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Yuangong 7 2022 A brief note on fractal dynamics of fractional Mandelbrot sets. Zbl 1510.28012 Wang, Yupin; Li, Xiaodi; Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang 5 2022 Reachable set bounding for discrete-time nonlinear positive systems with time-varying delay and disturbance. Zbl 1527.93017 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Yuangong 5 2022 Three-dimensional pattern dynamics of a fractional predator-prey model with cross-diffusion and herd behavior. Zbl 1510.92153 Bi, Zhimin; Liu, Shutang; Ouyang, Miao 4 2022 Explosive transition in coupled oscillators through mixed attractive-repulsive interactions. Zbl 1494.34117 Liu, Shutong; Sun, Zhongkui; Zhao, Nannan; Xu, Wei 4 2022 Reachable set estimation for continuous-time impulsive switched nonlinear time-varying systems with delay and disturbance. Zbl 1510.34147 Zhu, Xingao; Liu, Shutang 3 2022 Exponential synchronization of two different discrete-time chaotic neural networks with time delays and stochastic missing data. Zbl 1499.93070 Hai, Quan; Liu, Shutang 2 2022 Spatial dynamics of a fractional predator-prey system with time delay and Allee effect. Zbl 1506.92069 Bi, Zhimin; Liu, Shutang; Ouyang, Miao 2 2022 Explosive death induced by environmental coupling. Zbl 1467.37090 Liu, Shutong; Sun, Zhongkui; Zhao, Nannan; Xu, Wei 2 2021 Mean-square delay-distribution-dependent exponential synchronization of chaotic neural networks with mixed random time-varying delays and restricted disturbances. Zbl 1467.93267 Hai, Quan; Liu, Shutang 2 2021 New fractal sets coined from fractional maps. Zbl 1498.37079 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui 2 2021 Explosive and semi-explosive death in coupled oscillators. Zbl 1496.34071 Sun, Zhongkui; Liu, Shutong; Zhao, Nannan 2 2021 Stability analysis of the plankton community with advection. Zbl 1498.92309 Liu, Zhi-bin; Liu, Shu-tang; Tian, Da-dong; Wang, Da 2 2021 Self-organization in a plankton community with herd predation and weakly nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1472.92254 Liu, Zhi-Bin; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Wen; Tian, Da-Dong 1 2021 Effect of herd-taxis on the self-organization of a plankton community. Zbl 1497.35479 Liu, Zhi-bin; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Wen; Wang, Da 1 2021 Parameter estimation of the classical fractal map based on a given Julia set ’s shape. Zbl 1501.28009 Wang, Da; Zhao, Shicun; Chen, Ke; Liu, Shutang 1 2021 Stationary distribution and extinction of a stochastic nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton model with cell size. Zbl 1451.34071 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Niu, Xinglong 8 2020 Effect of water temperature on the dynamic behavior of phytoplankton-zooplankton model. Zbl 1508.92333 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Niu, Xinglong 7 2020 On fractional difference logistic maps: dynamic analysis and synchronous control. Zbl 1517.34088 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui 7 2020 Temporal forcing induced pattern transitions near the Turing-Hopf bifurcation in a plankton system. Zbl 1447.35041 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Zhibin; Wang, Da 5 2020 Fractal control and its applications. Zbl 1508.93001 Liu, Shu Tang; Zhang, Yong Ping; Liu, Chang An 4 2020 Tuning coupling rate to control oscillation quenching in fractional-order coupled oscillators. Zbl 1451.34011 Liu, Shutong; Sun, Zhongkui; Zhao, Nannan 2 2020 Adaptive synchronization of Julia sets generated by Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1456.37045 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui 2 2020 Fractal dynamics and control of the fractional Potts model on diamond-like hierarchical lattices. Zbl 1459.82060 Sun, Weihua; Liu, Shutang 1 2020 Spatiotemporal dynamics near the Turing-Hopf bifurcation in a toxic-phytoplankton-zooplankton model with cross-diffusion. Zbl 1430.37119 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Zhibin 15 2019 Global exponential stability of 2D switched positive nonlinear systems described by the Roesser model. Zbl 1418.93236 Tian, Dadong; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Wen 10 2019 Pattern dynamics in a predator-prey model with schooling behavior and cross-diffusion. Zbl 1432.35207 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Zhibin; Wang, Da 8 2019 Fractal analysis and control of the fractional Lotka-Volterra model. Zbl 1439.34016 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang 7 2019 Fractal dimension analysis and control of Julia set generated by fractional Lotka-Volterra models. Zbl 1467.37028 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Wen 7 2019 Dynamic behavior analysis of a diffusive plankton model with defensive and offensive effects. Zbl 1448.92264 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Niu, Xinglong 6 2019 On the spatial Julia set generated by fractional Lotka-Volterra system with noise. Zbl 1483.28011 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Li, Hui; Wang, Da 6 2019 Linear generalized synchronization of spatial chaotic systems. Zbl 1422.93168 Hai, Quan; Liu, Shutang; Hu, Changquan 1 2019 Dynamic behavior analysis of phytoplankton-zooplankton system with cell size and time delay. Zbl 1404.37116 Zhao, Qiuyue; Liu, Shutang; Tian, Dadong 12 2018 Fractal control theory. Zbl 1442.37004 Liu, Shu-Tang; Wang, Pei 11 2018 Pattern dynamics in a toxin-producing phytoplankton-zooplankton model with additional food. Zbl 1412.92269 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Tian, Dadong; Wang, Da 11 2018 Stability analysis for a class of switched positive nonlinear systems under Dwell-time constraint. Zbl 1445.93030 Tian, Dadong; Liu, Shutang 9 2018 Eigenvalue problems for fractional differential equations with mixed derivatives and generalized \(p\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1420.34027 Wang, Yupin; Liu, Shutang; Han, Zhenlai 3 2018 Exponential \(H_{\infty}\) synchronization for discrete-time chaotic neural networks with time delays and stochastic perturbations via output feedback control. Zbl 1391.93194 Hai, Q.; Liu, S. T.; Jiang, C. M. 1 2018 Control effect of periodic variation on the growth of harmful algal bloom causative species. Zbl 1510.92268 Zhang, Li; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Tao; Yu, Chenglong; Hu, Zhangxi 1 2018 Complex modified function projective synchronization of complex chaotic systems with known and unknown complex parameters. Zbl 1480.34068 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang 11 2017 An envelope surface method for determining oscillation of a delay 2-D discrete convection system. Zbl 1370.39006 Yuan, Chunhua; Liu, Shutang 5 2017 Permanence and extinction of a nonautonomous impulsive plankton model with help. Zbl 1383.92094 Wang, Wen; Liu, Shutang; Tian, Dadong; Zhao, Qiuyue 4 2017 Synchronization and antisynchronization of \(N\)-coupled complex permanent magnet synchronous motor systems with ring connection. Zbl 1367.93418 Jiang, Cuimei; Liu, Shutang 3 2017 A preliminary study on the fractal phenomenon: “Disconnected + disconnected=connected”. Zbl 1371.28031 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang; Zhao, Yang 3 2017 Fractal dimension and synchronization of the controlled Julia sets of a reaction-diffusion system. Zbl 1386.93148 Zhang, Yongping; Liu, Changchun; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Jie 3 2017 Exponential stability of switched positive homogeneous systems. Zbl 1380.93212 Tian, Dadong; Liu, Shutang 3 2017 Fractal features and synchronization of a class of generalized logistic map. Zbl 1389.28016 Hu, Changquan; Liu, Shutang 2 2017 Adaptive complex modified hybrid function projective synchronization of different dimensional complex chaos with uncertain complex parameters. Zbl 1349.93221 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Sprott, Julien Clinton 18 2016 Control of the spatial Mandelbrot set generated in coupled map lattice. Zbl 1354.37051 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang; Zhao, Yang; Jiang, Cuimei 11 2016 On the boundedness and symmetry properties of the fractal sets generated from alternated complex map. Zbl 1373.37110 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang 3 2016 Control and synchronization of Julia sets generated by a class of complex time-delay rational map. Zbl 1474.37132 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Kexin; Zhao, Yang 2 2016 Adaptive complex modified projective synchronization of complex chaotic (hyperchaotic) systems with uncertain complex parameters. Zbl 1345.34097 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Yuan, Chunhua 11 2015 Adaptive output feedback regulation for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. Zbl 1328.93149 Yu, Weiyong; Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Fangfang 9 2015 Synchronization between the spatial Julia sets of complex Lorenz system and complex Henon map. Zbl 1348.37078 Wang, Da; Liu, Shutang 6 2015 Generalized combination complex synchronization of new hyperchaotic complex Lü-like systems. Zbl 1422.34157 Jiang, Cuimei; Liu, Shutang 6 2015 Complex modified generalized projective synchronization of fractional-order complex chaos and real chaos. Zbl 1351.34059 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Li, Wei 5 2015 Spatial chaos on surface and its associated bifurcation and Feigenbaum problem. Zbl 1347.34069 Liu, Shutang; Liu, Ping; Liu, Jian; Wang, Leyuan 4 2015 The gradient control of spatial-alternated Julia sets. Zbl 1351.37197 Wang, Pei; Liu, Shutang 4 2015 New identification and control methods of sine-function Julia sets. Zbl 1330.37047 Sun, Jie; Qiao, Wei; Liu, Shutang 2 2015 Output feedback regulation for large-scale uncertain nonlinear systems with time delays. Zbl 1363.93018 Liu, Shutang; Yu, Weiyong; Zhang, Fangfang 2 2015 Exact oscillation regions for a partial difference equation. Zbl 1343.39026 Yuan, Chunhua; Liu, Shutang; Liu, Jian 2 2015 Chaotification for a class of delay difference equations based on snap-back repellers. Zbl 1394.37061 Li, Zongcheng; Liu, Shutang; Li, Wei; Zhao, Qingli 2 2015 The dynamic feedback matrix control for multidimensional chaotic systems. Zbl 1332.93137 Zhang, Fangfang; Liu, Shutang 1 2015 Exact regions of oscillation for a mixed 2D discrete convection system. Zbl 1320.39011 Yuan, Chunhua; Liu, Shutang 1 2015 Complex function projective synchronization of complex chaotic system and its applications in secure communication. Zbl 1306.94072 Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Fangfang 31 2014 A new fractional-order chaotic complex system and its antisynchronization. Zbl 1472.37045 Jiang, Cuimei; Liu, Shutang; Luo, Chao 11 2014 A novel four-wing hyperchaotic complex system and its complex modified hybrid projective synchronization with different dimensions. Zbl 1472.37046 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Fangfang 9 2014 Control of Weierstrass-Mandelbrot function model with Morlet wavelets. Zbl 1302.28025 Zhang, Li; Liu, Shutang; Yu, Chenglong 1 2014 Modified generalized projective synchronization of fractional-order chaotic Lü systems. Zbl 1347.34084 Liu, Jian; Liu, Shutang; Yuan, Chunhua 4 2013 Rejection of nonharmonic disturbances for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with nonlinear exosystems. Zbl 1488.93099 Jiang, Yuan; Liu, Shutang; Wang, Ruliang 1 2013 Adaptive modified function projective synchronization of general uncertain chaotic complex systems. Zbl 1319.34106 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang; Li, Xiang 12 2012 Global exponential stability analysis for a class of neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1287.93072 Guo, Yingxin; Liu, Shu Tang 10 2012 Stability of stochastic 2-D systems. Zbl 1292.39010 Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Yongping 5 2012 Adaptive anti-synchronization of chaotic complex nonlinear systems with unknown parameters. Zbl 1231.37020 Liu, Shutang; Liu, Ping 37 2011 Anti-synchronization between different chaotic complex systems. Zbl 1225.37117 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang 14 2011 Control and synchronization of Julia sets in coupled map lattice. Zbl 1222.93137 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang 13 2011 Rejection of nonharmonic disturbances in a class of nonlinear systems with nonlinear exosystems. Zbl 1263.93146 Jiang, Yuan; Liu, Shutang 6 2011 Parameter identification of generalized Julia sets. Zbl 1249.37027 Sun, Jie; Liu, Shutang; Qiao, Wei 1 2011 Observer-based synchronization of chaotic complex systems. Zbl 1394.93035 Liu, Ping; Liu, Shutang; Jiang, Yuan 1 2011 Rejection of nonharmonic disturbances in nonlinear systems. Zbl 1205.93158 Liu, Shutang; Jiang, Yuan; Liu, Ping 2 2010 Spatial dynamical behavior of narrow composite beams. Zbl 1375.74059 Zhang, Li; Liu, Shu Tang 1 2010 Feedback control in fractal mechanics. Zbl 1197.93087 Zhang, Yongping; Liu, Shutang; Sun, Weihua 5 2009 Control of generalized Julia sets. Zbl 1198.37079 Zhang, Yongping; Sun, Weihua; Liu, Shutang 1 2009 A novel image encryption scheme based on spatial chaos map. Zbl 1146.94303 Sun, Fuyan; Liu, Shutang; Li, Zhongqin; Lü, Zongwang 15 2008 Synchronization of Julia sets of complex systems. Zbl 1174.37346 Liu, Shutang; Zhang, Yongping 1 2008 Control of Julia sets. Zbl 1082.37052 Sui, Shou Gang; Liu, Shu Tang 2 2005 Nonlinear feedback-controlled generalized synchronization of spatial chaos. Zbl 1060.93531 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 21 2004 Oscillations of second-order nonlinear partial difference equations. Zbl 1058.39008 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 2 2004 Oscillations of two-dimensional nonlinear partial difference systems. Zbl 1068.39015 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 1 2004 On spatial periodic orbits and spatial chaos. Zbl 1066.37008 Chen, Guanrong; Liu, Shu Tang 32 2003 On generalized synchronization of spatial chaos. Zbl 1043.37024 Chen, Guanrong; Liu, Shu Tang 28 2003 On spatial Lyapunov exponents and spatial chaos. Zbl 1056.37036 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 11 2003 Oscillatory behavior of delay partial difference equations. Zbl 1050.39012 Liu, Shu Tang; Jin, Ping 3 2003 Oscillations of nonlinear partial difference systems. Zbl 1018.39007 Liu, Shu Tang; Chen, Guanrong 3 2003 Linearization, stability, and oscillation of the discrete delayed logistic system. Zbl 1368.39002 Chen, Guanrong; Liu, Shu Tang 2 2003 ...and 25 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 826 Authors 73 Liu, Shutang 20 Zhang, Binggen 18 Chen, Guanrong 13 Cao, Jinde 13 Wang, Da 12 Tian, Chuanjun 11 Wang, Xingyuan 10 Liang, Wei 10 Liu, Jian 9 Mahmoud, Emad E. 8 Liu, Ping 8 Wang, Yupin 7 Jiang, Cuimei 7 Liao, Tiancai 7 Stević, Stevo 7 Sun, Yuangong 7 Zhang, Fangfang 6 Dai, Chuanjun 6 Liu, Zhibin 6 Lu, Ling 6 Sun, Zhongkui 6 Wang, Wen 6 Zhao, Min 5 Chen, Xiangyong 5 Li, Risong 5 Park, Juhyun (Jessie) 5 Qiu, Jianlong 5 Xie, Shengli 5 Xu, Wei 5 Yuan, Chunhua 5 Zhang, Yongping 5 Zhou, Xiaobing 4 Agarwal, Ravi P. 4 Guo, Qing 4 Khan, Ayub 4 Li, Chunbiao 4 Li, Hui 4 Liu, He 4 Mahmoud, Gamal M. 4 Ouyang, Miao 4 Shi, Bao 4 Trikha, Pushali 4 Wu, Ranchao 4 Wu, Zhaoyan 4 Yang, Jun 4 Ye, Renyu 4 Yu, Hengguo 4 Yu, Jian-She 4 Zhang, Hai 4 Zhang, Li 4 Zhao, Qiuyue 4 Zhao, Yang 4 Zhao, Yu 4 Zhu, Xingao 3 Arafa, Ayman A. 3 Banerjee, Tanmoy 3 Cai, Xiaomei 3 Chen, Liansong 3 Chen, Mengxin 3 Cheng, Sui Sun 3 Fu, Xinchu 3 Guan, Xinping 3 Guo, Haihong 3 Guo, Yingxin 3 Hou, Jialin 3 Huang, Lilian 3 Iričanin, Bratislav D. 3 Jahanzaib, Lone Seth 3 Jiang, Murong 3 Jiang, Yuan 3 Kaouache, Smail 3 Kosmala, Witold A. 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