Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Lloyd, Noel Glynne (b. 1946 d. 2019) Co-Author Distance Author ID: lloyd.noel-g Published as: Lloyd, N. G.; Lloyd, Noel G. External Links: MGP · dblp Documents Indexed: 52 Publications since 1972, including 1 Book 1 Contribution as Editor Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 18 Co-Authors with 33 Joint Publications 355 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 19 single-authored 21 Pearson, Jane Margaret 6 Christopher, Colin J. 3 Blows, Terence R. 3 Hill, Joe M. 2 Alwash, Mohamad Ali M. 2 Devlin, James 2 Sáez, Eduardo 2 Szántó, Iván 1 Albarakati, Wafaa A. 1 Basarab-Horwath, Peter 1 Hassan, Hossam S. 1 James, Eleanor M. 1 Kalenge, M. C. 1 Ni, Wei-Ming 1 Peletier, Lambertus Adrianus 1 Romanovskij, V. A. 1 Serrin, James 1 Yasmin, Nusrat all top 5 Serials 4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Nonlinearity 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Bulletin de la Société Matheḿatique de Belgique. Série B 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1 SIAM Review 1 Bulletin. The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Vierde Serie 1 Nonlinear World 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 1 Mathematics in Computer Science 1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications all top 5 Fields 50 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 48 Publications have been cited 1,549 times in 1,043 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Degree theory. Zbl 0367.47001 Lloyd, N. G. 385 1978 Non-autonomous equations related to polynomial two-dimensional systems. Zbl 0618.34026 Alwash, M. A. M.; Lloyd, N. G. 77 1987 The number of small-amplitude limit cycles of Liénard equations. Zbl 0532.34022 Blows, T. R.; Lloyd, N. G. 74 1984 Cubic systems and Abel equations. Zbl 0911.34020 Devlin, J.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 63 1998 The number of limit cycles of certain polynomial differential equations. Zbl 0603.34020 Blows, T. R.; Lloyd, N. G. 60 1984 A note on the number of limit cycles in certain two-dimensional systems. Zbl 0407.34027 Lloyd, N. G. 59 1979 Polynomial systems: A lower bound for the Hilbert numbers. Zbl 0839.34033 Christopher, C. J.; Lloyd, N. G. 58 1995 Algorithmic derivation of centre conditions. Zbl 0876.34033 Pearson, J. M.; Lloyd, N. G.; Christopher, C. J. 57 1996 The number of periodic solutions of the equation \(\dot z= z^N+ p_1(t)z^{N-1}+\dots +\dots +p_N(t)\). Zbl 0273.34042 Lloyd, N. G. 48 1973 Computing centre conditions for certain cubic systems. Zbl 0754.65072 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 48 1992 Small-amplitude limit cycles of certain Liénard systems. Zbl 0657.34030 Lloyd, N. G.; Lynch, S. 42 1988 Quadratic-like cubic systems. Zbl 0898.34026 Lloyd, N. G.; Christopher, C. J.; Devlin, J.; Pearson, J. M.; Yasmin, N. 40 1997 On the paper of Jin and Wang concerning the conditions for a centre in certain cubic systems. Zbl 0696.34026 Christopher, C. J.; Lloyd, N. G. 40 1990 A cubic system with eight small-amplitude limit cycles. Zbl 0743.34037 James, E. M.; Lloyd, N. G. 34 1991 Limit cycles of a cubic Kolmogorov system. Zbl 0858.34023 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M.; Sáez, E.; Szántó, I. 33 1996 Small-amplitude limit cycles in polynomial Liénard systems. Zbl 0855.34030 Christopher, Colin J.; Lloyd, Noel G. 30 1996 Limit cycles of polynomial systems - some recent developments. Zbl 0646.34040 Lloyd, N. G. 29 1988 On Cherkas’s method for centre conditions. Zbl 0833.34023 Christopher, C. J.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 28 1995 A cubic Kolmogorov system with six limit cycles. Zbl 1210.34048 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M.; Saéz, E.; Szántó, I. 24 2002 On a class of differential equations of Riccati type. Zbl 0302.34046 Lloyd, N. G. 23 1975 REDUCE and the bifurcation of limit cycles. Zbl 0702.68072 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 22 1990 Kukles revisited: Advances in computing techniques. Zbl 1207.68449 Pearson, Jane M.; Lloyd, Noel G. 21 2010 A cubic differential system with nine limit cycles. Zbl 1304.34062 Lloyd, Noel G.; Pearson, Jane Margaret 18 2012 Liénard systems with several limit cycles. Zbl 0645.34021 Lloyd, N. G. 18 1987 Small amplitude limit cycles of polynomial differential equations. Zbl 0527.34035 Lloyd, N. G. 18 1983 Bifurcation of limit cycles and integrability of planar dynamical systems in complex form. Zbl 0955.34018 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 17 1999 Some cubic systems with several limit cycles. Zbl 0691.34024 Lloyd, N. G.; Blows, T. R.; Kalenge, M. C. 17 1988 Remarks on generalising Rouche’s theorem. Zbl 0407.32002 Lloyd, N. G. 15 1979 Symmetry in planar dynamical systems. Zbl 1003.34026 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 15 2002 Conditions for a centre and the bifurcation of limit cycles in a class of cubic systems. Zbl 0732.34026 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 15 1990 Periodic solutions of a quartic nonautonomous equation. Zbl 0636.34032 Alwash, M. A. M.; Lloyd, N. G. 15 1987 Limit cycles of certain polynomial systems. Zbl 0587.34026 Lloyd, N. G. 15 1986 Five limit cycles for a simple cubic system. Zbl 0885.34029 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 11 1997 Algorithmic derivation of isochronicity conditions. Zbl 1122.34022 Hill, J. M.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 10 2007 Centres and limit cycles for an extended Kukles system. Zbl 1138.34312 Hill, Joe M.; Lloyd, Noel G.; Pearson, Jane M. 10 2007 Transformation to Liénard form. Zbl 0983.34023 Albarakati, W. A.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 10 2000 Computing integrability conditions for a cubic differential system. Zbl 0871.34003 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M.; Romanovsky, V. A. 9 1996 Limit cycles of a predator-prey model with intratrophic predation. Zbl 1162.34038 Hill, Joe M.; Lloyd, Noel G.; Pearson, Jane M. 8 2009 Co-existing fine foci and bifurcation limit cycles. Zbl 0676.34019 Basarab-Horwath, P.; Lloyd, N. G. 7 1988 On analytic differential equations. Zbl 0321.34029 Lloyd, N. G. 6 1975 A survey of degree theory: basis and development. Zbl 0527.55009 Lloyd, Noel G. 5 1983 Limit cycles and centres: An example. Zbl 0790.34030 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 3 1994 On the non-autonomous van der Pol equation with large parameter. Zbl 0243.34071 Lloyd, N. G. 3 1972 The number of limit cycles of polynomial systems in the plane. Zbl 0679.34026 Lloyd, Noel G. 3 1988 Differential equations on complex manifolds. Zbl 0342.34034 Lloyd, N. G. 2 1976 Some one-parameter families of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0683.34022 Lloyd, N. G. 2 1988 On the structure of the set of solutions of certain holomorphic two-point boundary value problems. Zbl 0454.34012 Hassan, H. S.; Lloyd, N. G. 1 1981 Space saving calculation of symbolic resultants. Zbl 1132.68072 Pearson, Jane M.; Lloyd, Noel G. 1 2007 A cubic differential system with nine limit cycles. Zbl 1304.34062 Lloyd, Noel G.; Pearson, Jane Margaret 18 2012 Kukles revisited: Advances in computing techniques. Zbl 1207.68449 Pearson, Jane M.; Lloyd, Noel G. 21 2010 Limit cycles of a predator-prey model with intratrophic predation. Zbl 1162.34038 Hill, Joe M.; Lloyd, Noel G.; Pearson, Jane M. 8 2009 Algorithmic derivation of isochronicity conditions. Zbl 1122.34022 Hill, J. M.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 10 2007 Centres and limit cycles for an extended Kukles system. Zbl 1138.34312 Hill, Joe M.; Lloyd, Noel G.; Pearson, Jane M. 10 2007 Space saving calculation of symbolic resultants. Zbl 1132.68072 Pearson, Jane M.; Lloyd, Noel G. 1 2007 A cubic Kolmogorov system with six limit cycles. Zbl 1210.34048 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M.; Saéz, E.; Szántó, I. 24 2002 Symmetry in planar dynamical systems. Zbl 1003.34026 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 15 2002 Transformation to Liénard form. Zbl 0983.34023 Albarakati, W. A.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 10 2000 Bifurcation of limit cycles and integrability of planar dynamical systems in complex form. Zbl 0955.34018 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 17 1999 Cubic systems and Abel equations. Zbl 0911.34020 Devlin, J.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 63 1998 Quadratic-like cubic systems. Zbl 0898.34026 Lloyd, N. G.; Christopher, C. J.; Devlin, J.; Pearson, J. M.; Yasmin, N. 40 1997 Five limit cycles for a simple cubic system. Zbl 0885.34029 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 11 1997 Algorithmic derivation of centre conditions. Zbl 0876.34033 Pearson, J. M.; Lloyd, N. G.; Christopher, C. J. 57 1996 Limit cycles of a cubic Kolmogorov system. Zbl 0858.34023 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M.; Sáez, E.; Szántó, I. 33 1996 Small-amplitude limit cycles in polynomial Liénard systems. Zbl 0855.34030 Christopher, Colin J.; Lloyd, Noel G. 30 1996 Computing integrability conditions for a cubic differential system. Zbl 0871.34003 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M.; Romanovsky, V. A. 9 1996 Polynomial systems: A lower bound for the Hilbert numbers. Zbl 0839.34033 Christopher, C. J.; Lloyd, N. G. 58 1995 On Cherkas’s method for centre conditions. Zbl 0833.34023 Christopher, C. J.; Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 28 1995 Limit cycles and centres: An example. Zbl 0790.34030 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 3 1994 Computing centre conditions for certain cubic systems. Zbl 0754.65072 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 48 1992 A cubic system with eight small-amplitude limit cycles. Zbl 0743.34037 James, E. M.; Lloyd, N. G. 34 1991 On the paper of Jin and Wang concerning the conditions for a centre in certain cubic systems. Zbl 0696.34026 Christopher, C. J.; Lloyd, N. G. 40 1990 REDUCE and the bifurcation of limit cycles. Zbl 0702.68072 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 22 1990 Conditions for a centre and the bifurcation of limit cycles in a class of cubic systems. Zbl 0732.34026 Lloyd, N. G.; Pearson, J. M. 15 1990 Small-amplitude limit cycles of certain Liénard systems. Zbl 0657.34030 Lloyd, N. G.; Lynch, S. 42 1988 Limit cycles of polynomial systems - some recent developments. Zbl 0646.34040 Lloyd, N. G. 29 1988 Some cubic systems with several limit cycles. Zbl 0691.34024 Lloyd, N. G.; Blows, T. R.; Kalenge, M. C. 17 1988 Co-existing fine foci and bifurcation limit cycles. Zbl 0676.34019 Basarab-Horwath, P.; Lloyd, N. G. 7 1988 The number of limit cycles of polynomial systems in the plane. Zbl 0679.34026 Lloyd, Noel G. 3 1988 Some one-parameter families of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0683.34022 Lloyd, N. G. 2 1988 Non-autonomous equations related to polynomial two-dimensional systems. Zbl 0618.34026 Alwash, M. A. M.; Lloyd, N. G. 77 1987 Liénard systems with several limit cycles. Zbl 0645.34021 Lloyd, N. G. 18 1987 Periodic solutions of a quartic nonautonomous equation. Zbl 0636.34032 Alwash, M. A. M.; Lloyd, N. G. 15 1987 Limit cycles of certain polynomial systems. Zbl 0587.34026 Lloyd, N. G. 15 1986 The number of small-amplitude limit cycles of Liénard equations. Zbl 0532.34022 Blows, T. R.; Lloyd, N. G. 74 1984 The number of limit cycles of certain polynomial differential equations. Zbl 0603.34020 Blows, T. R.; Lloyd, N. G. 60 1984 Small amplitude limit cycles of polynomial differential equations. Zbl 0527.34035 Lloyd, N. G. 18 1983 A survey of degree theory: basis and development. Zbl 0527.55009 Lloyd, Noel G. 5 1983 On the structure of the set of solutions of certain holomorphic two-point boundary value problems. Zbl 0454.34012 Hassan, H. S.; Lloyd, N. G. 1 1981 A note on the number of limit cycles in certain two-dimensional systems. Zbl 0407.34027 Lloyd, N. G. 59 1979 Remarks on generalising Rouche’s theorem. Zbl 0407.32002 Lloyd, N. G. 15 1979 Degree theory. Zbl 0367.47001 Lloyd, N. G. 385 1978 Differential equations on complex manifolds. Zbl 0342.34034 Lloyd, N. G. 2 1976 On a class of differential equations of Riccati type. Zbl 0302.34046 Lloyd, N. G. 23 1975 On analytic differential equations. Zbl 0321.34029 Lloyd, N. G. 6 1975 The number of periodic solutions of the equation \(\dot z= z^N+ p_1(t)z^{N-1}+\dots +\dots +p_N(t)\). Zbl 0273.34042 Lloyd, N. G. 48 1973 On the non-autonomous van der Pol equation with large parameter. Zbl 0243.34071 Lloyd, N. G. 3 1972 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 993 Authors 99 Llibre, Jaume 55 Giné, Jaume 52 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 50 Gasull, Armengol 34 Han, Maoan 31 Yu, Pei 27 Liu, Yirong 19 Huang, Wentao 17 Wu, Yusen 17 Yang, Junmin 16 Bravo, José Luis 16 Torregrosa, Joan 15 Li, Feng 15 Lloyd, Noel Glynne 13 Alvarez, María Jesus 13 Fernandez García-Hierro, Manuel 13 Huang, Jianfeng 12 Zhang, Weinian 12 Zhou, Zhengxin 11 Algaba, Antonio 11 Kartsatos, Athanassios G. 11 Prohens, Rafel 11 Romanovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Georgievich 11 Sáez, Eduardo 10 Alwash, Mohamad Ali M. 10 Du, Chaoxiong 10 Li, Jibin 10 Mañosas, Francesc 10 Pearson, Jane Margaret 10 Szántó, Iván 10 Tisdell, Christopher C. 10 Yomdin, Yosef 9 Cima, Anna 9 Gowda, Muddappa Seetharama 8 Bendjeddou, Ahmed 8 Brudnyi, Alexander 8 García, Cristóbal 8 Huang, Zheng-Hai 8 Liu, Changjian 8 Tian, Yun 8 Wang, Qinlong 7 Chavarriga, Javier 7 Dancer, Edward Norman 7 Giacomini, Hector J. 7 Liang, Haihua 7 Makhlouf, Amar 7 Tang, Yilei 7 Yang, Jiazhong 7 Zhang, Xiang 6 Amster, Pablo 6 Boukoucha, Rachid 6 Cabada, Alberto 6 Coll, Bartomeu 6 Françoise, Jean-Pierre 6 Gaiko, Valery A. 6 García, Isaac A. 6 Grau, Maite 6 Pakovich, Fedor 6 Sabatini, Marco 6 Spadini, Marco 6 Villadelprat, Jordi 6 Zhang, Cui 6 Zhao, Yulin 5 Benevieri, Pierluigi 5 Berkovits, Juha 5 Briskin, Miriam 5 Chen, Xingwu 5 Christopher, Colin J. 5 Ferčec, Brigita 5 Guillamon, Antoni 5 Huang, Lihong 5 Ma, Shilong 5 Mañosa, Víctor 5 Mehri, Bahman 5 Rojas, David 5 Stange, Eduardo 5 Sun, Xianbo 4 Arancibia-Ibarra, Claudio 4 Asheghi, Rasoul 4 Berbache, Aziza 4 Caubergh, Magdalena 4 Chen, Hebai 4 Chen, Yufu 4 Chicone, Carmen C. 4 Devlin, James 4 Dias, Fabio Scalco 4 Goeleven, Daniel 4 Guo, Laigang 4 Huang, Bo 4 Huang, Nan-Jing 4 Kien, Bui Trong 4 Leonov, Gennadiĭ Alekseevich 4 Li, Chengzhi 4 Li, Peiluan 4 López Pouso, Rodrigo 4 Niksirat, Mohammad Ali 4 Ning, Shucheng 4 Oliveira, Regilene D. S. 4 Rabanal, Roland 4 Ramírez, Rafael O. ...and 893 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 224 Serials 90 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 83 Journal of Differential Equations 59 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 51 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 43 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 41 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 29 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 27 Applied Mathematics and Computation 23 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 20 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 19 Applied Mathematics Letters 18 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 17 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 13 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 12 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 12 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 11 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 10 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 9 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 Journal of Symbolic Computation 9 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 8 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 8 Linear Algebra and its Applications 8 Differential Equations 8 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 8 Advances in Difference Equations 7 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7 Mathematische Annalen 7 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 7 Nonlinear Dynamics 6 Nonlinearity 6 Journal of Global Optimization 6 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Science China. Mathematics 5 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 5 Automatica 5 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 5 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Israel Journal of Mathematics 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 4 Journal of Geometry and Physics 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 4 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 4 Physica D 4 Expositiones Mathematicae 4 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 4 Dynamical Systems 4 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 3 Applicable Analysis 3 International Journal of Control 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Systems & Control Letters 3 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 3 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 3 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 3 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 3 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 3 International Journal of Biomathematics 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Information Sciences 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Applications of Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 2 Russian Mathematics 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 2 Journal of Evolution Equations 2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 2 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Boundary Value Problems 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations ...and 124 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 52 Fields 776 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 209 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 112 Operator theory (47-XX) 58 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 52 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 36 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 30 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 30 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 25 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 23 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 22 Computer science (68-XX) 19 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 18 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 16 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 14 Real functions (26-XX) 13 General topology (54-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 10 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 Functional analysis (46-XX) 10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Citations by Year