Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Lowen, Robert Co-Author Distance Author ID: lowen.robert Published as: Lowen, R.; Lowen, Robert Documents Indexed: 146 Publications since 1974, including 4 Books 12 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 10 Reviews Co-Authors: 43 Co-Authors with 104 Joint Publications 583 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 51 single-authored 27 Colebunders, Eva 18 Wuyts, P. 15 Sioen, Mark 5 Berckmoes, Ben 5 Van Casteren, Jan A. 5 Van Olmen, Christophe 5 Windels, Bart 4 Banaschewski, Bernhard 4 Srivastava, Arun Kamar 4 Verschoren, Alain H. M. J. 3 Aull, Charles Edward 3 Blasco, Natividad 3 Robeys, K. 3 Tholen, Walter 3 Verbeeck, Cédric 3 Xu, Luoshan 2 Baekeland, R. 2 Herrlich, Horst 2 Hušek, Miroslav 2 Lee, Yoon Jin 2 Verwulgen, Stijn 2 Vroegrijk, Tom 1 Bentley, Herschel Lamar 1 De Wachter, Stefan 1 Di Maio, Giuseppe 1 Elsalamony, Galal M. 1 Giuli, Eraldo 1 Hofmann, Dirk 1 Iglesias, María Teresa 1 Klement, Erich Peter 1 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 1 Lucyshyn-Wright, Rory B. B. 1 Naimpally, Somashekhar Amrith 1 Naudts, Bart 1 Nauwelaerts, Mark 1 Rosiers, W. 1 Roubens, Marc 1 Sagiroglu, Sevda 1 Schwyhla, Werner 1 Seal, Gavin J. 1 Soultan, N. A. 1 Steinlage, Ralph C. 1 van Geenhoven, A. 1 van Opdenbosch, Karen 1 Vandersmissen, Eva all top 5 Serials 21 Topology and its Applications 20 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 6 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 Houston Journal of Mathematics 3 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 3 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Applied Categorical Structures 3 The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics 3 History of Topology 2 Information Sciences 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 2 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 2 Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 Indian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Stochastica 1 Fuzzy Mathematics 1 Order 1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1 Set-Valued Analysis 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Applied General Topology 1 General Topology and its Applications 1 Research and Exposition in Mathematics 1 Theory and Decision Library. Series D: System Theory, Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving 1 Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR 1 Springer Monographs in Mathematics 1 Oxford Mathematical Monographs all top 5 Fields 139 General topology (54-XX) 47 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 15 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 13 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 131 Publications have been cited 2,787 times in 1,236 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Fuzzy topological spaces and fuzzy compactness. Zbl 0342.54003 Lowen, R. 481 1976 A comparison of different compactness notions in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0381.54004 Lowen, R. 182 1978 Convergence in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0409.54008 Lowen, R. 149 1979 Fuzzy neighborhood spaces. Zbl 0487.54008 Lowen, R. 137 1982 Approach spaces: the missing link in the topology-uniformity-metric triad. Zbl 0891.54001 Lowen, Robert 133 1997 Fuzzy uniform spaces. Zbl 0494.54005 Lowen, R. 116 1981 Initial and final fuzzy topologies and the fuzzy Tychonoff theorem. Zbl 0347.54002 Lowen, R. 111 1977 Convex fuzzy sets. Zbl 0439.52001 Lowen, R. 87 1980 The categorical topology approach to fuzzy topology and fuzzy convergence. Zbl 0728.54001 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 61 1991 Approach spaces - a common supercategory of TOP and MET. Zbl 0676.54012 Lowen, R. 49 1989 On the existence of natural non-topological, fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0568.54007 Lowen, R. 44 1985 On separation axioms in fuzzy topological spaces, fuzzy neighborhood spaces, and fuzzy uniform spaces. Zbl 0515.54004 Wuyts, P.; Lowen, R. 43 1983 Index analysis. Approach theory at work. Zbl 1311.54002 Lowen, Robert 40 2015 On fuzzy complements. Zbl 0416.03047 Lowen, R. 40 1978 On (R(L),+). Zbl 0527.54006 Lowen, R. 39 1983 Fuzzy set theory. Basic concepts, techniques and bibliography. Zbl 0854.04006 Lowen, Robert 38 1996 Completeness, compactness, and precompactness in fuzzy uniform spaces. II. Zbl 0546.54011 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 36 1983 Compact Hausdorff fuzzy topological spaces are topological. Zbl 0437.54004 Lowen, R. 35 1981 Fuzzy probability measures. Zbl 0447.28005 Klement, Erich Peter; Schwyhla, Werner; Lowen, Robert 33 1981 Topologies floues. Zbl 0287.54002 Lowen, Robert 33 1974 A quasitopos containing CONV and MET as full subcategories. Zbl 0672.54003 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 33 1988 A fuzzy Lagrange interpolation theorem. Zbl 0685.41005 Lowen, R. 32 1990 Compactness notions in fuzzy neighborhood spaces. Zbl 0503.54007 Lowen, Robert 28 1982 \(FTS_ 0:\) The epireflective hull of the Sierpinski object in FTS. Zbl 0658.54005 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, Arun K. 28 1989 Connectedness in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0487.54007 Lowen, R. 27 1981 Reflectors and coreflectors in the category of fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0669.54004 Wuyts, P.; Lowen, R.; Lowen, E. 26 1988 On the reflectiveness and coreflectiveness of subcategories of FTS. Zbl 0679.54005 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P.; Lowen, E. 25 1989 Characterization of convergence in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0593.54005 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 24 1985 A topological universe extension of FTS. Zbl 0774.54002 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 22 1992 The relation between filter and net convergence in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0569.54007 Lowen, R. 22 1983 Completeness, compactness, and precompactness in fuzzy uniform spaces. I. Zbl 0504.54005 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 21 1982 Topological quasitopos hulls of categories containing topological and metric objects. Zbl 0706.18002 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 21 1989 AUnif: A common supercategory of pMET and Unif. Zbl 0890.54024 Lowen, Robert; Windels, Bart 20 1998 Stable subconstructs of \(FTS\). I. Zbl 0799.54005 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 19 1993 Kuratowski’s measure of non-compactness revisited. Zbl 0672.54025 Lowen, R. 19 1988 On the existence of natural fuzzy topologies on spaces of probability measures. Zbl 0593.54006 Lowen, R. 19 1984 Metrically generated theories. Zbl 1073.54006 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 19 2005 On local and global measures of separation in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0606.54004 Wuyts, P.; Lowen, R. 19 1986 Concerning the constants in fuzzy topology. Zbl 0646.54007 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 17 1988 On simultaneously reflective and coreflective subconstructs. Zbl 0986.18005 Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, Robert 15 1999 Sober approach spaces. Zbl 1114.54007 Banaschewski, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Olmen, C. 15 2006 Hyperspaces of fuzzy sets. Zbl 0546.54010 Lowen, R. 14 1983 The order aspect of the fuzzy real line. Zbl 0562.54010 Lowen, Robert 13 1984 Distances on probability measures and random variables. Zbl 1205.60018 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 13 2011 Approach groups. Zbl 0974.54024 Lowen, Robert; Windels, B. 12 2000 Sierpinski objects in subcategories of FTS. Zbl 0658.54004 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, A. K. 12 1988 Stable subconstructs of FTS. II. Zbl 0860.54006 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 11 1995 A note on separation in AP. Zbl 1058.54010 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 11 2003 Improving constructions in topology. Zbl 0753.18002 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, R. 10 1991 A complete characterization of the level spaces of R(I) and I(I). Zbl 0612.54009 Lowen, R. 10 1986 \(I^ X\), the hyperspace of fuzzy sets, a natural nontopological fuzzy topological space. Zbl 0541.54007 Lowen, R. 10 1983 Mathematics and fuzziness, some personal reflections. Zbl 0588.03038 Lowen, R. 10 1985 On the quantification of uniform properties. Zbl 0937.54017 Lowen, Robert; Windels, Bart 9 1997 On measures of compactness in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0648.54007 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 9 1988 Gap functionals, proximities and hyperspace compactification. Zbl 1101.54013 Di Maio, G.; Lowen, R.; Naimpally, S. A.; Sioen, M. 8 2005 Approximations in functional analysis. Zbl 0965.46004 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 8 2000 The Wijsman and Attouch-Wets topologies on hyperspaces revisited. Zbl 0846.54005 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 8 1996 Fuzzy integers, fuzzy rationals and other subspaces of the fuzzy real line. Zbl 0579.54006 Lowen, R. 8 1984 Approach vector spaces. Zbl 1070.46004 Lowen, R.; Verwulgen, S. 8 2004 Approach theory meets probability theory. Zbl 1213.60020 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 8 2011 On Preuss’ connectedness concept in FTS. Zbl 0783.54006 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, Arun K. 7 1992 Convergence floue. Zbl 0305.54007 Lowen, Robert 7 1975 An isometric study of the Lindeberg-Feller central limit theorem via Stein’s method. Zbl 1306.60006 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 7 2013 Fuzzy neighborhood convergence spaces. Zbl 0851.54005 Blasco, N.; Lowen, R. 6 1995 A unified functional look at completion in MET, UNIF and AP. Zbl 0987.54021 Lowen, Robert; Sioen, M. 6 2000 A Kuratowski-Mrówka theorem in approach theory. Zbl 1101.18002 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 6 2005 Distances between fuzzy sets representing grey level images. Zbl 0944.68190 Lowen, R.; Peeters, W. 6 1998 Completing Quasi-metric Spaces – an Alternative Approach. Zbl 1032.54013 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M.; Vaughan, D. 6 2003 Metric spaces viewed as fuzzy topological spaces induced by Lipschitz functions. Zbl 0592.54005 Lowen, R. 6 1985 Fuzzy logic: state of the art. Zbl 1048.03500 6 1993 An Ascoli theorem in approach theory. Zbl 1052.54002 Lowen, R. 6 2004 Fixed points of contractive maps on dcpo’s. Zbl 1342.68194 Colebunders, E.; De Wachter, S.; Lowen, R. 6 2014 Satured collections of metrics. Zbl 1068.54001 Colebunders, E.; Sioen, M.; Lowen, R. 6 2004 Supercategories of Top and the inevitable emergence of topological constructs. Zbl 1008.54007 Lowen-Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 5 2001 Regularity in approach theory. Zbl 1164.54010 Banaschewski, B.; Lowen, R.; van Olmen, C. 5 2007 Approach theory in merotopic, Cauchy and convergence spaces. I. Zbl 0924.54013 Lowen, R.; Lee, Yoon Jin 5 1999 Functional ideals and topological theories. Zbl 1173.18002 Lowen, R.; van Olmen, C.; Vroegrijk, T. 5 2008 Uniqueness of completion for metrically generated constructs. Zbl 1131.54014 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Vandersmissen, E. 5 2007 Products of metric spaces. Zbl 0803.54011 Lowen, R.; Robeys, K. 5 1992 Exponential objects in the construct PRAP. Zbl 0888.54015 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R.; Verbeeck, C. 5 1997 Spaces modelled by an algebra on \([0,\infty ]\) and their complete objects. Zbl 1214.18001 Colebunders, E.; Giuli, E.; Lowen, R. 5 2010 Handbook of the history of general topology. Volume 3. Papers from the special session of the American Mathematical Society meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA, 1993. Zbl 0980.00038 4 2001 Compactifications of products of metric spaces and their relations to Čech-Stone and Smirnov compactifications. Zbl 0802.54018 Lowen, R.; Robeys, K. 4 1994 Weak representations of quantified hyperspace structures. Zbl 0985.54013 Lowen, Robert; Sioen, M. 4 2000 Quantifying completion. Zbl 0962.54023 Lowen, Robert; Windels, Bart 4 2000 Completions of products of metric spaces. Zbl 0796.54033 Lowen, R.; Robeys, K. 4 1992 Measures of compactness in approach spaces. Zbl 0838.54020 Baekeland, R.; Lowen, R. 4 1995 Alternative characterizations of \(\mathbf{FNCS}\). Zbl 0934.54007 Lowen, R.; Xu, Luoshan 4 1999 On the nonsimplicity of some convergence categories. Zbl 0679.18003 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 4 1989 Compactness properties in the fuzzy real line. Zbl 0557.54004 Lowen, R. 4 1984 Stein’s method and a quantitative Lindeberg CLT for the Fourier transforms of random vectors. Zbl 1326.60027 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 4 2016 Regularity for relational algebras and approach spaces. Zbl 1336.18002 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; van Opdenbosch, K. 4 2016 Lax algebras via initial monad morphisms: APP, TOP, MET and ORD. Zbl 1232.18006 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Rosiers, W. 4 2011 Proximal hypertopologies revisited. Zbl 0916.54011 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 3 1998 Connectedness in FTS from different points of view. Zbl 0922.54012 Lowen, Robert; Xu, Luoshan 3 1999 A Wallman-Shanin-type compactification for approach spaces. Zbl 0968.54018 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 3 2000 Bornologies and metrically generated theories. Zbl 1162.54010 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 3 2009 Completeness properties of hyperspaces of compact fuzzy sets. Zbl 0655.54005 Lowen, R.; Maes, P. 3 1987 A topological category suited for approximation theory? Zbl 0675.41046 Lowen, R. 3 1989 The role of the diagonal operator in fuzzy topology. Zbl 0658.54006 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 3 1988 Zero dimensionality of the Čech-Stone compactification of an approach space. Zbl 1473.54025 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 1 2020 Stein’s method and a quantitative Lindeberg CLT for the Fourier transforms of random vectors. Zbl 1326.60027 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 4 2016 Regularity for relational algebras and approach spaces. Zbl 1336.18002 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; van Opdenbosch, K. 4 2016 Index analysis. Approach theory at work. Zbl 1311.54002 Lowen, Robert 40 2015 Fixed points of contractive maps on dcpo’s. Zbl 1342.68194 Colebunders, E.; De Wachter, S.; Lowen, R. 6 2014 An isometric study of the Lindeberg-Feller central limit theorem via Stein’s method. Zbl 1306.60006 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 7 2013 Compact Hausdorff approach frames. Zbl 1236.06006 Banaschewski, Bernhard; Lowen, Robert; Van Olmen, Christophe 1 2012 Local metrically generated theories. Zbl 1245.54011 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Van Geenhoven, A. 1 2012 Distances on probability measures and random variables. Zbl 1205.60018 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 13 2011 Approach theory meets probability theory. Zbl 1213.60020 Berckmoes, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Casteren, J. 8 2011 Lax algebras via initial monad morphisms: APP, TOP, MET and ORD. Zbl 1232.18006 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Rosiers, W. 4 2011 Stable subconstructs: a correction and new results. Zbl 1226.18004 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 1 2011 Spaces modelled by an algebra on \([0,\infty ]\) and their complete objects. Zbl 1214.18001 Colebunders, E.; Giuli, E.; Lowen, R. 5 2010 Bornologies and metrically generated theories. Zbl 1162.54010 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 3 2009 Approach theory. Zbl 1192.54002 Lowen, Robert; Van Olmen, Christophe 2 2009 A new lax algebraic characterization of approach spaces. Zbl 1279.06007 Lowen, Robert; Vroegrijk, Tom 1 2009 Functional ideals and topological theories. Zbl 1173.18002 Lowen, R.; van Olmen, C.; Vroegrijk, T. 5 2008 Foundations of generic optimization. Volume 2: Applications of fuzzy control, generic algorithms and neural networks. Zbl 1136.93024 1 2008 Regularity in approach theory. Zbl 1164.54010 Banaschewski, B.; Lowen, R.; van Olmen, C. 5 2007 Uniqueness of completion for metrically generated constructs. Zbl 1131.54014 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Vandersmissen, E. 5 2007 Sober approach spaces. Zbl 1114.54007 Banaschewski, B.; Lowen, R.; Van Olmen, C. 15 2006 Metrically generated theories. Zbl 1073.54006 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 19 2005 Gap functionals, proximities and hyperspace compactification. Zbl 1101.54013 Di Maio, G.; Lowen, R.; Naimpally, S. A.; Sioen, M. 8 2005 A Kuratowski-Mrówka theorem in approach theory. Zbl 1101.18002 Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 6 2005 Approach vector spaces. Zbl 1070.46004 Lowen, R.; Verwulgen, S. 8 2004 An Ascoli theorem in approach theory. Zbl 1052.54002 Lowen, R. 6 2004 Satured collections of metrics. Zbl 1068.54001 Colebunders, E.; Sioen, M.; Lowen, R. 6 2004 A cancellation law for partially ordered sets and \(T_0\) spaces. Zbl 1052.06001 Banaschewski, B.; Lowen, R. 3 2004 On the multitude of monoidal closed structures on \(\mathcal{UAP}\). Zbl 1050.18004 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 1 2004 A note on separation in AP. Zbl 1058.54010 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 11 2003 Completing Quasi-metric Spaces – an Alternative Approach. Zbl 1032.54013 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M.; Vaughan, D. 6 2003 Supercategories of Top and the inevitable emergence of topological constructs. Zbl 1008.54007 Lowen-Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R. 5 2001 Handbook of the history of general topology. Volume 3. Papers from the special session of the American Mathematical Society meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA, 1993. Zbl 0980.00038 4 2001 The Cartesian closed hull of the category of approach spaces. Zbl 0999.18006 Lowen-Colebunders, E.; Lowen, R.; Nauwelaerts, M. 1 2001 Approach groups. Zbl 0974.54024 Lowen, Robert; Windels, B. 12 2000 Approximations in functional analysis. Zbl 0965.46004 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 8 2000 A unified functional look at completion in MET, UNIF and AP. Zbl 0987.54021 Lowen, Robert; Sioen, M. 6 2000 Weak representations of quantified hyperspace structures. Zbl 0985.54013 Lowen, Robert; Sioen, M. 4 2000 Quantifying completion. Zbl 0962.54023 Lowen, Robert; Windels, Bart 4 2000 A Wallman-Shanin-type compactification for approach spaces. Zbl 0968.54018 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 3 2000 A complete classification of the simultaneously bireflective and bicoreflective subconstructs of approach spaces. Zbl 0964.54008 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 2 2000 Multivalued sheaf constructions. Zbl 1122.54301 Lowen, R.; Verschoren, A.; Soultan, N. A. 1 2000 On simultaneously reflective and coreflective subconstructs. Zbl 0986.18005 Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, Robert 15 1999 Approach theory in merotopic, Cauchy and convergence spaces. I. Zbl 0924.54013 Lowen, R.; Lee, Yoon Jin 5 1999 Alternative characterizations of \(\mathbf{FNCS}\). Zbl 0934.54007 Lowen, R.; Xu, Luoshan 4 1999 Connectedness in FTS from different points of view. Zbl 0922.54012 Lowen, Robert; Xu, Luoshan 3 1999 A non quasi-metric completion for quasi-metric spaces. Zbl 0935.54023 Lowen, R.; Vaughan, D. 2 1999 Approach theory in merotopic, Cauchy and convergence spaces. II. Zbl 0924.54014 Lowen, R.; Yoon Jin Lee 1 1999 A short note on fuzzy neighborhood convergence spaces. Zbl 0937.54005 Blasco, N.; Lowen, R.; Xu, Luoshan 1 1999 AUnif: A common supercategory of pMET and Unif. Zbl 0890.54024 Lowen, Robert; Windels, Bart 20 1998 Distances between fuzzy sets representing grey level images. Zbl 0944.68190 Lowen, R.; Peeters, W. 6 1998 Proximal hypertopologies revisited. Zbl 0916.54011 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 3 1998 Stable subconstructs of FTS. III: Exotic cases. Zbl 0936.54008 Lowen, R.; Verschoren, A.; Wuyts, P. 1 1998 Local compactness in approach spaces. I. Zbl 0906.54020 Lowen, R.; Verbeeck, C. 1 1998 Handbook of the history of general topology. Volume 2. Zbl 0902.54001 1 1998 Approach spaces: the missing link in the topology-uniformity-metric triad. Zbl 0891.54001 Lowen, Robert 133 1997 On the quantification of uniform properties. Zbl 0937.54017 Lowen, Robert; Windels, Bart 9 1997 Exponential objects in the construct PRAP. Zbl 0888.54015 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R.; Verbeeck, C. 5 1997 Handbook of the history of general topology. Volume 1. Zbl 0888.54001 3 1997 Applications of approach theory in functional analysis. Zbl 0912.46009 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 2 1997 Stability under homeomorphisms in FTS. Zbl 0883.54003 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 1 1997 Fuzzy set theory. Basic concepts, techniques and bibliography. Zbl 0854.04006 Lowen, Robert 38 1996 The Wijsman and Attouch-Wets topologies on hyperspaces revisited. Zbl 0846.54005 Lowen, R.; Sioen, M. 8 1996 Stable subconstructs of FTS. II. Zbl 0860.54006 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 11 1995 Fuzzy neighborhood convergence spaces. Zbl 0851.54005 Blasco, N.; Lowen, R. 6 1995 Measures of compactness in approach spaces. Zbl 0838.54020 Baekeland, R.; Lowen, R. 4 1995 Compactifications of products of metric spaces and their relations to Čech-Stone and Smirnov compactifications. Zbl 0802.54018 Lowen, R.; Robeys, K. 4 1994 Measures of Lindelöf and separability in approach spaces. Zbl 0813.54022 Baekeland, R.; Lowen, R. 2 1994 A note on stable subconstructs of FTS determined by level sets. Zbl 0818.54004 Elsalamony, G.; Lowen, R. 1 1994 Stable subconstructs of \(FTS\). I. Zbl 0799.54005 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 19 1993 Fuzzy logic: state of the art. Zbl 1048.03500 6 1993 The Wallman compactification in fuzzy neighborhood spaces. Zbl 0776.54005 Blasco, N.; Lowen, R. 3 1993 A topological universe extension of FTS. Zbl 0774.54002 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 22 1992 On Preuss’ connectedness concept in FTS. Zbl 0783.54006 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, Arun K. 7 1992 Products of metric spaces. Zbl 0803.54011 Lowen, R.; Robeys, K. 5 1992 Completions of products of metric spaces. Zbl 0796.54033 Lowen, R.; Robeys, K. 4 1992 The categorical topology approach to fuzzy topology and fuzzy convergence. Zbl 0728.54001 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 61 1991 Improving constructions in topology. Zbl 0753.18002 Bentley, H. L.; Herrlich, Horst; Lowen, R. 10 1991 A fuzzy Lagrange interpolation theorem. Zbl 0685.41005 Lowen, R. 32 1990 Approach spaces - a common supercategory of TOP and MET. Zbl 0676.54012 Lowen, R. 49 1989 \(FTS_ 0:\) The epireflective hull of the Sierpinski object in FTS. Zbl 0658.54005 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, Arun K. 28 1989 On the reflectiveness and coreflectiveness of subcategories of FTS. Zbl 0679.54005 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P.; Lowen, E. 25 1989 Topological quasitopos hulls of categories containing topological and metric objects. Zbl 0706.18002 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 21 1989 On the nonsimplicity of some convergence categories. Zbl 0679.18003 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 4 1989 A topological category suited for approximation theory? Zbl 0675.41046 Lowen, R. 3 1989 Non Archimedean metric induced fuzzy uniform spaces. Zbl 0684.54018 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, A. K.; Wuyts, P. 2 1989 A quasitopos containing CONV and MET as full subcategories. Zbl 0672.54003 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 33 1988 Reflectors and coreflectors in the category of fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0669.54004 Wuyts, P.; Lowen, R.; Lowen, E. 26 1988 Kuratowski’s measure of non-compactness revisited. Zbl 0672.54025 Lowen, R. 19 1988 Concerning the constants in fuzzy topology. Zbl 0646.54007 Lowen, R.; Wuyts, P. 17 1988 Sierpinski objects in subcategories of FTS. Zbl 0658.54004 Lowen, R.; Srivastava, A. K. 12 1988 On measures of compactness in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0648.54007 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 9 1988 The role of the diagonal operator in fuzzy topology. Zbl 0658.54006 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 3 1988 Completeness properties of hyperspaces of compact fuzzy sets. Zbl 0655.54005 Lowen, R.; Maes, P. 3 1987 On local and global measures of separation in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0606.54004 Wuyts, P.; Lowen, R. 19 1986 A complete characterization of the level spaces of R(I) and I(I). Zbl 0612.54009 Lowen, R. 10 1986 Mathematics and fuzziness. Zbl 0615.03042 Lowen, R. 2 1986 On the existence of natural non-topological, fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0568.54007 Lowen, R. 44 1985 Characterization of convergence in fuzzy topological spaces. Zbl 0593.54005 Lowen, E.; Lowen, R. 24 1985 Mathematics and fuzziness, some personal reflections. Zbl 0588.03038 Lowen, R. 10 1985 ...and 31 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 938 Authors 71 Lowen, Robert 36 Colebunders, Eva 33 Morsi, Nehad Nashaat 27 Jäger, Gunther 24 Shi, Fu-Gui 24 Zhang, Dexue 23 Ahsanullah, T. M. G. 22 Höhle, Ulrich 20 de Prada Vicente, María Angeles 20 Fang, Jinming 20 Gutiérrez García, Javier 19 Srivastava, Arun Kamar 18 Sioen, Mark 18 Solovyov, Sergey A. 18 Wuyts, P. 17 Klement, Erich Peter 16 Hofmann, Dirk 16 Pang, Bin 16 Warner, Mary Wynne 15 Katsaras, Athanasios K. 15 Li, Shenggang 15 Rodabaugh, Stephen Ernest 13 Kubiak, Tomasz 13 Luo, Maokang 13 Šostak, Alexander P. 12 Bayoumi, Fatma 12 Tholen, Walter 11 Berckmoes, Ben 11 Hashem, Khaled A. 10 Burton, M. H. 10 Liu, Yingming 10 Srivastava, Rekha 9 Kerre, Etienne E. 9 Lupiáñez, Francisco Gallego 9 Mesiar, Radko 9 Richardson, Gary D. 9 Tiwari, S. P. 8 Ali, Dewan Muslim 8 Dubois, Didier 8 Fang, Jinxuan 8 Nouh, Ali Ahmed 8 Prade, Henri M. 8 Qiao, Junsheng 8 Yue, Yueli 7 Abbasbandy, Saeid 7 Ajmal, Naseem 7 Al-Thukair, Fawzi A. 7 Bai, Shizhong 7 Bustince Sola, Humberto 7 Demirci, Mustafa 7 Hu, Baoqing 7 Kandil, Ali 7 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 7 Li, Lingqiang 7 Mynard, Frédéric 7 Tiwari, Surabhi 6 Abbas, Salah El-Deen 6 Al-Mufarrij, Jawaher 6 Alderton, Ian W. 6 Aygün, Halis 6 Bedregal, Benjamín René Callejas 6 Çetkin, Vildan 6 Chen, Shuili 6 Gähler, Werner 6 Gerlo, A. 6 Jin, Qiu 6 Lai, Hongliang 6 Macho-Stadler, Marta 6 Mardones-Pérez, Iraide 6 Mashhour, Ali S. 6 Piasecki, Krzysztof M. 6 Ramadan, Ahmed Abd El-Kader 6 Van Olmen, Christophe 6 Vandersmissen, Eva 6 Verwulgen, Stijn 6 Wang, Guojun 5 Abd-el Hakeim, K. M. 5 Bülbül, Ali 5 Butnariu, Dan 5 De Baets, Bernard 5 El-Saady, Kamal 5 El-Sheikh, Sobhy Ahmed 5 Ghanim, Mohammad H. 5 Ibedou, Ismail 5 Li, Dechao 5 Li, Hongyan 5 Pan, Fuzheng 5 Samanta, Syamal Kumar 5 Van Casteren, Jan A. 5 Wang, Geping 5 Xu, Luoshan 5 Yao, Wei 5 Zahran, Ahmed M. 4 Alimohammady, Mohsen 4 Artico, Giuliano 4 Clementino, Maria Manuel 4 Das, Phullendu 4 Eroğlu, Mehmet Sait 4 Giuli, Eraldo 4 Johnson, T. P. ...and 838 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 136 Serials 552 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 85 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 71 Topology and its Applications 43 Information Sciences 37 Quaestiones Mathematicae 36 Applied Categorical Structures 24 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 24 Soft Computing 21 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 18 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 16 New Mathematics and Natural Computation 15 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 12 Filomat 11 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 10 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 10 Kybernetika 8 International Journal of General Systems 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 6 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 6 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 5 Proyecciones 5 Afrika Matematika 4 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 4 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 4 Advances in Fuzzy Systems 4 Journal of Mathematics 4 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications 3 Algebra Universalis 3 Archive for Mathematical Logic 3 Topology Proceedings 3 Theory and Applications of Categories 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 3 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Applied General Topology 3 Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Kybernetes 2 Matematički Vesnik 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Mathematical Social Sciences 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 Symmetry 2 Journal of Advanced Studies in Topology 2 International Journal of Analysis 2 Journal of Function Spaces 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 The American Statistician 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Gaṇita 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Semigroup Forum 1 Cybernetics and Systems 1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 1 Order 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 Journal of Theoretical Probability 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Historia Mathematica 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal ...and 36 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 45 Fields 912 General topology (54-XX) 237 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 205 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 121 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 69 Computer science (68-XX) 54 Functional analysis (46-XX) 41 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 36 Real functions (26-XX) 32 Measure and integration (28-XX) 23 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 21 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 19 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 17 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 17 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 16 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 16 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 15 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 13 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 11 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year