Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Lusztig, George Co-Author Distance Author ID: lusztig.george Published as: Lusztig, George; Lusztig, G.; Lustig, George; Lusztig, Gheorghe; Lustig, G. more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Videos: carmin.tv Awards: Shaw Prize (2014) · Wolf Prize (2022) Documents Indexed: 313 Publications since 1965, including 6 Books and 31 Additional arXiv Preprints 7 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 53 Co-Authors with 70 Joint Publications 1,743 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 249 single-authored 10 Kazhdan, David 8 Yun, Zhiwei 6 Jerison, David S. 6 Vogan, David Alexander jun. 6 Yau, Shing-Tung 4 Mazur, Barry 4 Schmid, Wilfried 4 Spaltenstein, Nicolas 3 Alvis, Dean L. 3 Carter, Roger William 3 de Jong, Aise Johan 3 Deligne, Pierre 3 He, Xuhua 2 Bott, Raoul Harry 2 De Concini, Corrado 2 Grojnowski, Ian 2 Jaffe, Arthur Michael 2 Kashiwara, Masaki 2 Kawanaka, Noriaki 2 Kim, Ju-Lee 2 MacPherson, Robert Duncan 2 Procesi, Claudio 2 Shinoda, Kenichi 2 Shoji, Toshiaki 2 Singer, Isadore Manuel 2 Williamson, Geordie 2 Xue, Ting 1 Asai, Teruaki 1 Beilinson, Alexander A. 1 Beynon, W. Meurig 1 Borho, Walter 1 Brylinski, Jean-Luc 1 Donaldson, Simon Kirwan 1 Dupont, Johan L. 1 Fan, C. Kenneth 1 Fomin, Sergey Vladimirovich 1 Green, James Alexander 1 Gyoja, Akihiko 1 Hitchin, Nigel 1 Hotta, Ryoshi 1 Jeffrey, Lisa Claire 1 Kato, Shin-ichi 1 Kirwan, Frances Clare 1 Kronheimer, Peter Benedict 1 Kumar, Shrawan 1 Lawrence-Naimar, Ruth 1 Lehrer, Gustav Isaac 1 Li, Gongqin 1 Milnor, John Willard 1 Moscovici, Henri 1 Mrowka, Tomasz 1 Peterson, Franklin P. 1 Prasad, Dipendra 1 Rietsch, Konstanze 1 Schroers, Bernd J. 1 Smelt, J. M. 1 Sommers, Eric N. 1 Springer, Tonny Albert 1 Srinivasan, Bhama 1 Stanley, Richard Peter 1 Tits, Jacques 1 Witten, Edward 1 Xi, Nanhua all top 5 Serials 53 Representation Theory 20 Advances in Mathematics 19 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica. New Series 12 Journal of Algebra 11 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 10 Inventiones Mathematicae 7 Transformation Groups 5 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 5 Moscow Mathematical Journal 4 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Studii și Cercetări Matematice 3 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 3 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Analele Universității din Timișoara. Științe Matematice 2 Indagationes Mathematicae 2 Publications Mathématiques 2 Journal of the Faculty of Science. Section I A 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 2 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 2 Topology 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Annals of Mathematics Studies 2 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Geometriae Dedicata 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Vierde Serie 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Milan Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 1 Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics 1 CRM Monograph Series 1 Progress in Mathematics 1 Progress of Theoretical Physics. Supplement 1 Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 ICCM Notices 1 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 1 Modern Birkhäuser Classics all top 5 Fields 239 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 95 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 69 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 37 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 19 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 7 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 259 Publications have been cited 10,923 times in 5,098 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Representations of Coxeter groups and Hecke algebras. Zbl 0499.20035 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 839 1979 Introduction to quantum groups. Zbl 0788.17010 Lusztig, George 758 1993 Canonical bases arising from quantized enveloping algebras. Zbl 0703.17008 Lusztig, George 471 1990 Representations of reductive groups over finite fields. Zbl 0336.20029 Deligne, Pierre; Lusztig, G. 425 1976 Characters of reductive groups over a finite field. Zbl 0556.20033 Lusztig, George 360 1984 Affine Hecke algebras and their graded version. Zbl 0715.22020 Lusztig, George 261 1989 Quantum groups at roots of 1. Zbl 0714.17013 Lusztig, George 251 1990 Quantum deformations of certain simple modules over enveloping algebras. Zbl 0651.17007 Lusztig, George 221 1988 Total positivity in reductive groups. Zbl 0845.20034 Lusztig, G. 216 1994 Quivers, perverse sheaves, and quantized enveloping algebras. Zbl 0738.17011 Lusztig, George 215 1991 Finite dimensional Hopf algebras arising from quantized universal enveloping algebras. Zbl 0695.16006 Lusztig, George 201 1990 Singularities, character formulas, and a \(q\)-analog of weight multiplicities. Zbl 0561.22013 Lusztig, George 187 1983 Hecke algebras with unequal parameters. Zbl 1051.20003 Lusztig, George 183 2003 Proof of the Deligne-Langlands conjecture for Hecke algebras. Zbl 0613.22004 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 180 1987 Schubert varieties and Poincaré duality. Zbl 0461.14015 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 179 1980 Intersection cohomology complexes on a reductive group. Zbl 0547.20032 Lusztig, G. 165 1984 A geometric setting for the quantum deformation of \(\mathrm{GL}_n\). Zbl 0713.17012 Beilinson, A. A.; Lusztig, George; MacPherson, Robert 160 1990 Introduction to quantum groups. Reprint of the 1994 ed. Zbl 1246.17018 Lusztig, George 144 2010 Irreducible representations of finite classical groups. Zbl 0372.20033 Lusztig, G. 135 1977 Tensor structures arising from affine Lie algebras. I, II. Zbl 0786.17017 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 129 1993 On the modular representations of the general linear and symmetric groups. Zbl 0298.20009 Carter, Roger W.; Lusztig, George 126 1974 Some examples of square integrable representations of semisimple \(p\)-adic groups. Zbl 0526.22015 Lusztig, George 125 1983 Green polynomials and singularities of unipotent classes. Zbl 0473.20029 Lusztig, G. 122 1981 Induced unipotent classes. Zbl 0407.20035 Lusztig, G.; Spaltenstein, N. 110 1979 Coxeter orbits and eigenspaces of Frobenius. Zbl 0366.20031 Lusztig, G. 106 1976 Cells in affine Weyl groups. II. Zbl 0625.20032 Lusztig, George 104 1987 Hecke algebras and Jantzen’s generic decomposition patterns. Zbl 0448.20039 Lusztig, George 94 1980 Tensor structures arising from affine Lie algebras. IV. Zbl 0802.17008 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 93 1994 Cells in affine Weyl groups. Zbl 0569.20032 Lusztig, George 88 1985 Tensor structures arising from affine Lie algebras. III. Zbl 0802.17007 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 85 1994 Canonical bases arising from quantized enveloping algebras. II. Zbl 0776.17012 Lusztig, George 84 1990 Total positivity in partial flag manifolds. Zbl 0895.14014 Lusztig, G. 82 1998 Character sheaves. V. Zbl 0602.20036 Lusztig, George 80 1986 Cuspidal local systems and graded Hecke algebras. I. Zbl 0699.22026 Lusztig, George 80 1988 Character sheaves. I. Zbl 0586.20018 Lusztig, George 74 1985 Modular representations and quantum groups. Zbl 0665.20022 Lusztig, George 73 1989 On the finiteness of the number of unipotent classes. Zbl 0371.20039 Lusztig, G. 72 1976 Singularities of closures of K-orbits on flag manifolds. Zbl 0544.14035 Lusztig, George; Vogan, David A. jun. 71 1983 Leading coefficients of character values of Hecke algebras. Zbl 0657.20037 Lusztig, George 69 1987 On the representations of reductive groups with disconnected centre. Zbl 0703.20036 Lusztig, George 68 1988 A class of irreducible representations of a Weyl group. Zbl 0435.20021 Lusztig, G. 68 1979 Classification of unipotent representations of simple \(p\)-adic groups. Zbl 0872.20041 Lusztig, George 67 1995 Fixed point varieties on affine flag manifolds. Zbl 0658.22005 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 64 1988 Cells in affine Weyl groups. IV. Zbl 0688.20020 Lusztig, George 64 1989 Representations of finite Chevalley groups. Expository lectures from the CBMS regional conference held at Madison, Wisconsin, August 8-12, 1977. Zbl 0418.20037 Lusztig, George 64 1978 Homology of the zero-set of a nilpotent vector field on a flag manifold. Zbl 0646.14034 de Concini, C.; Lusztig, George; Procesi, C. 60 1988 Left cells in Weyl groups. Zbl 0537.20019 Lusztig, G. 60 1983 Some problems in the representation theory of finite Chevalley groups. Zbl 0453.20005 Lusztig, George 57 1980 On a theorem of Benson and Curtis. Zbl 0465.20042 Lusztig, George 54 1981 The characters of the finite unitary groups. Zbl 0384.20008 Lusztig, George; Srinivasan, Bhama 52 1977 Canonical bases in tensor products. Zbl 0760.17011 Lusztig, George 51 1992 Semicanonical bases arising from enveloping algebras. Zbl 0983.17009 Lusztig, G. 50 2000 A topological approach to Springer’s representations. Zbl 0458.20035 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 50 1980 Cuspidal local systems and graded Hecke algebras. II. Zbl 0841.22013 Lusztig, George 47 1995 Affine Lie algebras and quantum groups. Zbl 0726.17015 Kazhdan, David; Lusztig, George 47 1991 Green functions and character sheaves. Zbl 0695.20024 Lusztig, George 47 1990 A unipotent support for irreducible representations. Zbl 0789.20042 Lusztig, George 43 1992 Aperiodicity in quantum affine \(\mathfrak g\mathfrak l_n\). Zbl 0983.17011 Lusztig, G. 43 1999 Unipotent characters of the symplectic and odd orthogonal groups over a finite field. Zbl 0477.20023 Lusztig, George 41 1981 Affine quivers and canonical bases. Zbl 0776.17013 Lusztig, George 40 1992 Introduction to total positivity. Zbl 0929.20035 Lusztig, George 40 1998 On bases of irreducible representations of quantum \(\text{GL}_ n\). Zbl 0815.20029 Grojnowski, I.; Lusztig, George 37 1992 From conjugacy classes in the Weyl group to unipotent classes. Zbl 1263.20045 Lusztig, G. 37 2011 Some numerical results on the characters of exceptional Weyl groups. Zbl 0416.20033 Beynon, W. M.; Lusztig, G. 37 1978 Character sheaves. II. Zbl 0586.20019 Lusztig, George 35 1985 On the generalized Springer correspondence for classical groups. Zbl 0579.20035 Lusztig, G.; Spaltenstein, N. 34 1985 A comparison of bases of quantized enveloping algebras. Zbl 1009.17502 Grojnowski, I.; Lusztig, G. 34 1993 On quantum groups. Zbl 0698.16007 Lusztig, George 34 1990 On quiver varieties. Zbl 0915.17008 Lusztig, G. 34 1998 Monodromic systems on affine flag manifolds. Zbl 0829.17018 Lusztig, George 32 1994 Tight monomials in quantized enveloping algebras. Zbl 0948.17501 Lusztig, G. 31 1993 Hecke algebras and involutions in Weyl groups. Zbl 1288.20006 Lusztig, George; Vogan, David A. jun. 31 2012 Classification of unipotent representations of simple \(p\)-adic groups. II. Zbl 1016.22011 Lusztig, G. 30 2002 Braid group action and canonical bases. Zbl 0861.17008 Lusztig, George 30 1996 Erratum to: Character sheaves. V. Zbl 0606.20036 Lusztig, George 30 1986 Modular representations of finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 0338.20013 Carter, R. W.; Lusztig, G. 29 1976 Novikov’s higher signature and families of elliptic operators. Zbl 0265.57009 Lusztig, Gheorghe 28 1972 Representations of reductive groups over finite rings. Zbl 1085.20029 Lusztig, G. 28 2004 Notes on unipotent classes. Zbl 0929.20034 Lusztig, G. 28 1997 Equivariant K-theory and representations of Hecke algebras. Zbl 0571.22014 Lusztig, George 28 1985 Cuspidal local systems and graded Hecke algebras. III. Zbl 1031.22007 Lusztig, G. 27 2002 Bases in equivariant \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0901.20034 Lusztig, G. 27 1998 Canonical bases and Hall algebras. Zbl 0934.17010 Lusztig, George 27 1998 Cells in affine Weyl groups. III. Zbl 0631.20028 Lusztig, George 26 1987 On the character values of finite Chevalley groups at unipotent elements. Zbl 0603.20037 Lusztig, George 25 1986 Homology bases arising from reductive groups over a finite field. Zbl 0930.20041 Lusztig, G. 25 1998 Character sheaves. IV. Zbl 0602.20035 Lusztig, George 24 1986 Canonical left cells in affine Weyl groups. Zbl 0664.20028 Lusztig, George; Xi, Nanhua 24 1988 Cells in affine Weyl groups and tensor categories. Zbl 0884.20026 Lusztig, G. 24 1997 Semi-characteristics and cobordism. Zbl 0165.26302 Lusztig, G.; Peterson, F. P.; Milnor, John W. 24 1969 A bar operator for involutions in a Coxeter group. Zbl 1283.20045 Lusztig, George 24 2012 A class of irreducible representations of a Weyl group. II. Zbl 0511.20034 Lusztig, George 24 1982 Symmetric spaces over a finite field. Zbl 0773.20012 Lusztig, George 23 1990 Intersection cohomology methods in representation theory. Zbl 0749.14010 Lusztig, George 23 1991 Rationality properties of unipotent representations. Zbl 1141.20300 Lusztig, G. 23 2002 Character sheaves. III. Zbl 0594.20031 Lusztig, George 22 1985 The representations and generic degrees of the Hecke algebra of type \(H_ 4\). Zbl 0488.20034 Alvis, Dean; Lusztig, George 22 1982 The two-sided cells of the affine Weyl group of type \(\tilde A_ n\). Zbl 0602.20037 Lusztig, George 21 1985 The discrete series of \(\mathrm{GL}_n\) over a finite field. Zbl 0293.20038 Lusztig, George 21 1974 Bases in equivariant \(K\)-theory. II. Zbl 0999.20036 Lusztig, G. 20 1999 Unipotent blocks and weighted affine Weyl groups. Zbl 07936177 Lusztig, G. 1 2024 From families in Weyl groups to Springer representations. Zbl 1523.20080 Lusztig, George 2 2023 Unipotent character sheaves and strata of a reductive group. Zbl 1542.20221 Lusztig, G. 1 2023 From Weyl groups to semisimple groups. Zbl 1515.20258 Lusztig, G. 1 2023 Coordinate rings and birational charts. Zbl 1522.22006 Fomin, Sergey; Lusztig, George 1 2022 A parametrization of unipotent representations. Zbl 1542.20223 Lusztig, George 1 2022 Total positivity in Springer fibres. Zbl 1475.20080 Lusztig, G. 2 2021 Strata of a disconnected reductive group. Zbl 1471.20029 Lusztig, G. 2 2021 Endoscopy for Hecke categories, character sheaves and representations. Zbl 1484.20084 Lusztig, George; Yun, Zhiwei 8 2020 Positive structures in Lie theory. Zbl 1481.22012 Lusztig, G. 6 2020 Partial flag manifolds over a semifield. Zbl 1530.20165 Lusztig, G. 2 2020 The Grothendieck group of unipotent representations: a new basis. Zbl 1503.20012 Lusztig, G. 2 2020 \( \mathbb{Z}/m\)-graded Lie algebras and perverse sheaves. IV. Zbl 1451.17011 Lusztig, George; Yun, Zhiwei 1 2020 Positive conjugacy classes in Weyl groups. Zbl 1486.20065 Lusztig, George 1 2020 The flag manifold over the semifield \(Z\). Zbl 1481.20181 Lusztig, G. 1 2020 On conjugacy classes in the Lie group \(E_8\). Zbl 1499.22018 Lusztig, George 1 2020 Total positivity in reductive groups. II. Zbl 1522.20199 Lusztig, G. 9 2019 On the generalized Springer correspondence. Zbl 1481.20179 Lusztig, G. 4 2019 Conjugacy classes in reductive groups and two-sided cells. Zbl 1472.20107 Lusztig, G. 3 2019 Memories of Sir Michael Atiyah. Zbl 1431.01042 Lusztig, George; Hitchin, Nigel; Witten, Edward; Donaldson, Simon; Kirwan, Frances; Kronheimer, Peter; Lawrence-Naimar, Ruth; Jeffrey, Lisa; Schroers, Bernd 1 2019 A new basis for the representation ring of a Weyl group. Zbl 1477.20086 Lusztig, G. 1 2019 Billiards and tilting characters for \(\mathrm{SL}_3\). Zbl 1447.20007 Lusztig, George; Williamson, Geordie 15 2018 On the character of certain tilting modules. Zbl 1392.20039 Lusztig, George; Williamson, Geordie 6 2018 \(\mathbb {Z}/m\mathbb {Z}\)-graded Lie algebras and perverse sheaves. III: Graded double affine Hecke algebra. Zbl 1451.17010 Lusztig, George; Yun, Zhiwei 5 2018 Lifting involutions in a Weyl group to the torus normalizer. Zbl 1452.20045 Lusztig, G. 4 2018 On the definition of almost characters. Zbl 1455.20031 Lusztig, G. 3 2018 Hecke modules based on involutions in extended Weyl groups. Zbl 1502.20003 Lusztig, G. 2 2018 Special representations of Weyl groups: a positivity property. Zbl 1473.20010 Lusztig, G. 1 2018 \(\mathbb Z/m\)-graded Lie algebras and perverse sheaves. I. Zbl 1419.17035 Lusztig, George; Yun, Zhiwei 12 2017 The canonical basis of the quantum adjoint representation. Zbl 1422.17019 Lusztig, George 6 2017 \(\mathbb Z/m\)-graded Lie algebras and perverse sheaves. II. Zbl 1419.17036 Lusztig, George; Yun, Zhiwei 3 2017 Generic character sheaves on groups over \(\mathbf k[\epsilon]/(\epsilon^r)\). Zbl 1405.20040 Lusztig, G. 3 2017 Non-unipotent representations and categorical centers. Zbl 1483.20080 Lusztig, George 2 2017 Exceptional representations of Weyl groups. Zbl 1371.20004 Lusztig, G. 1 2017 Generalized Springer theory and weight functions. Zbl 1369.20044 Lusztig, G. 1 2017 An involution based left ideal in the Hecke algebra. Zbl 1378.20004 Lusztig, G. 7 2016 Non-unipotent character sheaves as a categorical centre. Zbl 1473.14034 Lusztig, George 1 2016 On conjugacy classes in a reductive group. Zbl 1343.20050 Lusztig, George 13 2015 Truncated convolution of character sheaves. Zbl 1360.20042 Lusztig, George 7 2015 Unipotent representations as a categorical centre. Zbl 1360.20041 Lusztig, G. 7 2015 Restriction of a character sheaf to conjugacy classes. Zbl 1399.20051 Lusztig, G. 7 2015 Unipotent almost characters of simple \(p\)-adic groups. Zbl 1323.22007 Lusztig, G. 6 2015 On the character of certain irreducible modular representations. Zbl 1316.20049 Lusztig, G. 6 2015 Hecke algebras and involutions in Coxeter groups. Zbl 1343.20008 Lusztig, George; Vogan, David A. jun. 4 2015 Some power series involving involutions in Coxeter groups. Zbl 1348.20042 Lusztig, G. 2 2015 Action of longest element on a Hecke algebra cell module. Zbl 1337.20003 Lusztig, George 1 2015 Asymptotic Hecke algebras and involutions. Zbl 1301.20005 Lusztig, G. 9 2014 Quasisplit Hecke algebras and symmetric spaces. Zbl 1300.20006 Lusztig, George; Vogan, David A. jun. 6 2014 Unipotent almost characters of simple \(p\)-adic groups: II. Zbl 1300.22011 Lusztig, G. 4 2014 Families and Springer’s correspondence. Zbl 1301.20035 Lusztig, George 3 2014 Distinguished conjugacy classes and elliptic Weyl group elements. Zbl 1303.20052 Lusztig, G. 3 2014 On the characters of unipotent representations of a semisimple \(p\)-adic group. Zbl 1302.22012 Kim, Ju-Lee; Lusztig, George 3 2013 A \((-q)\)-analogue of weight multiplicities. Zbl 1295.20046 Lusztig, George; Yun, Zhiwei 2 2013 On the Steinberg character of a semisimple \(p\)-adic group. Zbl 1291.22018 Kim, Ju-Lee; Lusztig, George 2 2013 Hecke algebras and involutions in Weyl groups. Zbl 1288.20006 Lusztig, George; Vogan, David A. jun. 31 2012 A bar operator for involutions in a Coxeter group. Zbl 1283.20045 Lusztig, George 24 2012 A generalization of Steinberg’s cross section. Zbl 1252.20047 He, Xuhua; Lusztig, George 14 2012 On the cleanness of cuspidal character sheaves. Zbl 1263.20044 Lusztig, G. 11 2012 From conjugacy classes in the Weyl group to unipotent classes. II. Zbl 1264.20043 Lusztig, G. 10 2012 From conjugacy classes in the Weyl group to unipotent classes. III. Zbl 1307.20040 Lusztig, G. 6 2012 Elliptic elements in a Weyl group: a homogeneity property. Zbl 1282.20054 Lusztig, G. 5 2012 On the representations of disconnected reductive groups over \(F_q\). Zbl 1320.20044 Lusztig, G. 2 2012 Elliptic Weyl group elements and unipotent isometries with \(p=2\). Zbl 1247.20051 Lusztig, George; Xue, Ting 1 2012 From conjugacy classes in the Weyl group to unipotent classes. Zbl 1263.20045 Lusztig, G. 37 2011 Unipotent elements in small characteristic. III. (With an appendix with T. Xue). Zbl 1243.20061 Lusztig, G. 11 2011 Piecewise linear parametrization of canonical bases. Zbl 1255.17009 Lusztig, G. 10 2011 On certain varieties attached to a Weyl group element. Zbl 1288.20059 Lusztig, G. 9 2011 On \(C\)-small conjugacy classes in a reductive group. Zbl 1238.20062 Lusztig, G. 7 2011 Study of antiorbital complexes. Zbl 1257.20047 Lusztig, G. 5 2011 On some partitions of a flag manifold. Zbl 1220.20042 Lusztig, George 3 2011 From groups to symmetric spaces. Zbl 1239.20053 Lusztig, G. 2 2011 Introduction to quantum groups. Reprint of the 1994 ed. Zbl 1246.17018 Lusztig, George 144 2010 Unipotent elements in small characteristic. IV. Zbl 1247.20050 Lusztig, G. 8 2010 Graded Lie algebras and intersection cohomology. Zbl 1231.20044 Lusztig, G. 6 2010 Parabolic character sheaves. III. Zbl 1229.20041 Lusztig, G. 4 2010 Unipotent classes and special Weyl group representations. Zbl 1234.20055 Lusztig, G. 19 2009 Characters of simplylaced nonconnected groups versus characters of nonsimplylaced connected groups. Zbl 1160.20037 Kumar, Shrawan; Lusztig, George; Prasad, Dipendra 13 2009 Study of a \(\mathbb{Z}\)-form of the coordinate ring of a reductive group. Zbl 1236.20051 Lusztig, G. 11 2009 Remarks on Springer’s representations. Zbl 1250.17008 Lusztig, G. 7 2009 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. X. Zbl 1233.20041 Lusztig, G. 3 2009 Twelve bridges from a reductive group to its Langlands dual. Zbl 1169.20025 Lusztig, G. 3 2009 A survey of total positivity. Zbl 1176.15045 Lusztig, G. 13 2008 Unipotent elements in small characteristic. II. Zbl 1196.20056 Lusztig, G. 11 2008 Irreducible representations of finite spin groups. Zbl 1152.20040 Lusztig, G. 6 2008 Singular supports for character sheaves on a group compactification. Zbl 1152.20042 He, Xuhua; Lusztig, George 2 2008 Generic character sheaves on disconnected groups and character values. Zbl 1218.20029 Lusztig, G. 1 2008 A class of perverse sheaves on a partial flag manifold. Zbl 1163.20030 Lusztig, G. 3 2007 Character sheaves and generalizations. Zbl 1105.20042 Lusztig, G. 13 2006 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. IX. Zbl 1161.20039 Lusztig, G. 3 2006 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. VIII. Zbl 1160.20038 Lusztig, G. 2 2006 Unipotent elements in small characteristic. Zbl 1107.20036 Lusztig, G. 18 2005 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. VII. Zbl 1078.20047 Lusztig, G. 15 2005 Representations of reductive groups over finite rings. Zbl 1085.20029 Lusztig, G. 28 2004 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. I. Zbl 1072.20052 Lusztig, G. 19 2004 Parabolic character sheaves. I. Zbl 1102.20030 Lusztig, George 18 2004 Parabolic character sheaves. II. Zbl 1103.20041 Lusztig, G. 14 2004 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. IV. Zbl 1075.20013 Lusztig, G. 9 2004 An induction theorem for Springer’s representations. Zbl 1138.20311 Lusztig, G. 9 2004 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. II. Zbl 1073.20036 Lusztig, G. 7 2004 Character sheaves on disconnected groups. VI. Zbl 1077.20058 Lusztig, G. 5 2004 ...and 159 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,028 Authors 139 Lusztig, George 49 Geck, Meinolf 47 Wang, Weiqiang 41 He, Xuhua 38 Du, Jie 38 Malle, Gunter 34 Mazorchuk, Volodymyr 31 Kashiwara, Masaki 31 Shoji, Toshiaki 30 Shi, Jianyi 29 Williams, Lauren K. 28 Hu, Jun 28 Williamson, Geordie 27 Kazhdan, David 26 Achar, Pramod N. 26 Bonnafé, Cédric 26 Brenti, Francesco 26 Ciubotaru, Dan 26 Fu, Qiang 26 Solleveld, Maarten 26 Stroppel, Catharina H. 26 Tiep Pham Huu 25 Andersen, Henning Haahr 25 Kang, Seok-Jin 25 Lam, Thomas F. 25 Yakimov, Milen T. 24 Aubert, Anne-Marie 23 Bezrukavnikov, Roman 23 Joseph, Anthony 23 Riche, Simon 23 Vasserot, Eric 22 Doty, Stephen R. 21 Andruskiewitsch, Nicolás 21 Brundan, Jonathan 21 Dudas, Olivier 20 Kamnitzer, Joel 20 Li, Yiqiang 20 Xi, Nanhua 19 Chari, Vyjayanthi 19 Finkelberg, Michael Vladlenovich 19 Leclerc, Bernard 19 Lu, Ming 19 Parshall, Brian J. 19 Scott, Leonard L. 19 Xiao, Jie 18 Etingof, Pavel Il’ich 18 Green, Richard M. 18 Henderson, Anthony 18 Lauda, Aaron D. 18 Marberg, Eric 18 Rouquier, Raphaël 18 Varagnolo, Michela 17 Creutzig, Thomas 17 Jing, Naihuan 17 Khovanov, Mikhail G. 17 Kwon, Jae-Hoon 17 Lehrer, Gustav Isaac 17 Opdam, Eric Marcus 17 Tubbenhauer, Daniel 17 Yun, Zhiwei 16 Barbasch, Dan M. 16 Deng, Bangming 16 Galashin, Pavel 16 Michel, Jean 16 Misra, Kailash C. 16 Rietsch, Konstanze 16 Tingley, Peter W. 15 Feĭgin, Boris L’vovich 15 Karp, Steven N. 15 Lecouvey, Cédric 15 Taylor, Jay 15 Terwilliger, Paul M. 15 Vinroot, C. Ryan 14 Cherednik, Ivan V. 14 Cox, Ben Lewis 14 Fan, Zhaobing 14 Futorny, Vyacheslav M. 14 Hu, Naihong 14 Libedinsky, Nicolas 14 Losev, Ivan V. 14 Marietti, Mario 14 Navarro Ortega, Gabriel 14 Ostrik, Victor Valentinovich 14 Pylyavskyy, Pavlo 14 Reineke, Markus 14 Srinivasan, Bhama 14 Webster, Ben 14 Zelevinskiĭ, Andreĭ V. 14 Zhang, Ruibin 13 Elias, Benjamin 13 Ginzburg, Victor 13 Helminck, Aloysius G. 13 Kleshchev, Alexander S. 13 Littelmann, Peter 13 Marsh, Bethany Rose 13 Naito, Satoshi 13 Nakashima, Toshiki 13 Oh, Se-jin 13 Schaeffer Fry, Amanda A. 13 Tanisaki, Toshiyuki ...and 2,928 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 266 Serials 779 Journal of Algebra 397 Advances in Mathematics 253 Representation Theory 166 Communications in Algebra 158 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 149 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 137 Communications in Mathematical Physics 127 Duke Mathematical Journal 126 Transformation Groups 124 Inventiones Mathematicae 123 Mathematische Zeitschrift 122 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 92 Algebras and Representation Theory 81 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 77 Compositio Mathematica 63 Mathematische Annalen 60 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 59 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 57 Journal of Mathematical Physics 48 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 46 Letters in Mathematical Physics 41 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 39 Israel Journal of Mathematics 34 Manuscripta Mathematica 34 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 33 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 32 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 31 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 31 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 30 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 30 Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire 28 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 28 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 28 Journal of High Energy Physics 27 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 27 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 27 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 26 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 26 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 25 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 24 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 24 Science China. Mathematics 24 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 22 Algebraic Combinatorics 21 Nuclear Physics. B 20 European Journal of Combinatorics 19 Algebra & Number Theory 18 Journal of Geometry and Physics 18 Publications Mathématiques 18 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 18 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 18 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica. New Series 17 Archiv der Mathematik 17 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 17 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 16 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 15 Advances in Applied Mathematics 14 Functional Analysis and its Applications 14 International Journal of Mathematics 14 Annals of Combinatorics 14 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 14 Oberwolfach Reports 13 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 13 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 13 Linear Algebra and its Applications 13 Journal of Group Theory 12 Journal of Lie Theory 11 Discrete Mathematics 11 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 11 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 11 Quantum Topology 11 Forum of Mathematics, Pi 10 Journal of Functional Analysis 10 Journal of Number Theory 10 Michigan Mathematical Journal 10 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 10 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 10 Experimental Mathematics 9 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 9 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 9 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 9 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 9 Algebra Colloquium 9 Finite Fields and their Applications 8 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 8 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 8 Documenta Mathematica 8 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 7 Journal of Symbolic Computation 7 Forum Mathematicum 7 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 7 Geometry & Topology 7 Journal of Topology 7 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 7 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques 7 Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 7 Combinatorial Theory 6 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 6 Acta Mathematica 6 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica ...and 166 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 51 Fields 2,493 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2,084 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1,136 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 939 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 776 Combinatorics (05-XX) 701 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 446 Quantum theory (81-XX) 346 Number theory (11-XX) 320 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 207 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 163 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 97 Special functions (33-XX) 94 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 93 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 92 Differential geometry (53-XX) 88 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 73 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 73 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 62 Functional analysis (46-XX) 54 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 50 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 49 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 44 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 32 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 22 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 22 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 22 Computer science (68-XX) 21 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 21 Geometry (51-XX) 13 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 11 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 10 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 5 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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