Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ma, Wanbiao Co-Author Distance Author ID: ma.wanbiao Published as: Ma, Wanbiao; Ma, W.; Ma, W. B.; Ma, Wan-biao; Ma, Wan Biao more...less Homepage: http://en.shuli.ustb.edu.cn/Faculty/DoctoralSupervisor/2020-10-15/33.html External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 154 Publications since 1986 Co-Authors: 80 Co-Authors with 146 Joint Publications 3,004 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 25 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 17 Hu, Zhixing 15 Guo, Ke 15 Wang, Wei 12 Guo, Songbai 10 Liao, Fucheng 9 Jiang, Zhichao 7 Hara, Tadayuki 7 Song, Keying 6 Beretta, Edoardo 6 Li, Dan 6 Si, Ligeng 6 Wang, Hui 5 Dong, Qinglai 5 Feng, Zhaosheng 5 Saito, Yasuhisa 5 Sampath Aruna Pradeep, B. G. 4 Huang, Gang 4 Lai, Xiulan 4 Meng, Xinzhu 4 Zhang, Tongqian 3 Amemiya, Takashi 3 Liu, Rong 3 Ni, Dongdong 3 Qiang, Rong 3 Ruan, Shigui 3 Song, Mei 2 Adachi, Norihiko 2 Cheng, Wenbo 2 Fu, Guifang 2 Ji, Yahui 2 Li, Fuxiang 2 Liu, Xiangdong 2 Lv, Jinlong 2 Pang, Weijuan 2 Shi, Hongjing 2 Yamaguchi, Masahiro 2 Yan, Hai 2 Zhang, Shangguo 2 Zhang, Tonghua 1 Bai, Peifan 1 Bi, Ping 1 Chen, Jiawen 1 Chen, Ling 1 Cheng, Xiaowei 1 Cui, Jingan 1 Dong, Yueping 1 Du, Hongwu 1 Duan, Zhisheng 1 Fu, Yu 1 Gao, Guangke 1 Hong, Yanjie 1 Huang, Xiaofan 1 Jin, Chaochao 1 Keyoumu, Tuersunjiang 1 Kuang, Yang 1 Lee, S. M. 1 Li, Ruxue 1 Li, Yang 1 Liu, Yajuan 1 Ren, Xinzhi 1 Sampath, A. P. B. G. 1 Shao, Weiru 1 Sun, Mingjuan 1 Tang, Siming 1 Wang, Rong 1 Wang, Tianlei 1 Wang, Xiunan 1 Wei, Daijun 1 Wei, Junjie 1 Wu, Lihua 1 Xiao, Liming 1 Xie, Leifang 1 Yang, Weitao 1 Yu, Yang 1 Zhang, Jiajia 1 Zhang, Qian 1 Zhang, Yan 1 Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 1 Zhou, Shengyu all top 5 Serials 11 Applied Mathematics Letters 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 7 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 RIMS Kokyuroku 4 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 3 International Journal of Information & Systems Sciences 3 International Journal of Biomathematics 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica 2 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series A 2 Journal of Xinjiang University. Natural Science 2 Journal of Hebei Normal University. Natural Science Edition 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Nonlinearity 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Journal of Mathematics. Wuhan University 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Northeastern Mathematical Journal 1 Annals of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Biomathematics 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Kexue Tongbao 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 1 Applied Mathematics. Series A (Chinese Edition) 1 Nonlinear World 1 Filomat 1 Chaos 1 Journal of Sichuan Normal University. Natural Science 1 Journal of Biological Systems 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 1 Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University 1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1 Journal of Xinyang Normal University. Natural Science Edition 1 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration all top 5 Fields 125 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 118 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 12 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 114 Publications have been cited 2,008 times in 1,319 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations model of viral infections. Zbl 1209.92035 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 140 2010 Global asymptotic stability of an \(SIR\) epidemic model with distributed time delay. Zbl 1042.34585 Beretta, Edoardo; Hara, Tadayuki; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 120 2001 Global stability for delay SIR and SEIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1197.92040 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Daijun 117 2010 Global asymptotic properties of a delay SIR epidemic model with finite incubation times. Zbl 0967.34070 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao; Beretta, Edoardo 114 2000 Global properties for virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1178.37125 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 113 2009 Asymptotic properties of a HIV-1 infection model with time delay. Zbl 1130.34052 Li, Dan; Ma, Wanbiao 107 2007 Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with time delay. Zbl 1071.34082 Ma, Wanbiao; Song, Mei; Takeuchi, Y. 101 2004 Global analysis for delay virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1217.34128 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 71 2011 Periodic solution of a prey-predator model with nonlinear state feedback control. Zbl 1410.34243 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu; Zhang, Tonghua 69 2015 Permanence of an SIR epidemic model with distributed time delays. Zbl 1014.92033 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Hara, Tadayuki; Beretta, Edoardo 60 2002 Analysis of SIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate and treatment. Zbl 1250.92031 Hu, Zhixing; Ma, Wanbiao; Ruan, Shigui 59 2012 A necessary and sufficient condition for permanence of a Lotka-Volterra discrete system with delays. Zbl 0976.92031 Saito, Yasuhisa; Ma, Wanbiao; Hara, Tadayuki 50 2001 Bifurcations of an SIRS epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1207.92040 Hu, Zhixing; Bi, Ping; Ma, Wanbiao; Ruan, Shigui 46 2011 Global stability analysis for delayed virus infection model with general incidence rate and humoral immunity. Zbl 1490.92118 Wang, Tianlei; Hu, Zhixing; Liao, Fucheng; Ma, Wanbiao 43 2013 Repulsion effect on superinfecting virions by infected cells for virus infection dynamic model with absorption effect and chemotaxis. Zbl 1352.92094 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 41 2017 Global dynamics of a delayed chemostat model with harvest by impulsive flocculant input. Zbl 1422.92139 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu 40 2017 Necessary and sufficient conditions for permanence and global stability of a Lotka-Volterra system with two delays. Zbl 0944.34059 Saito, Yasuhisa; Hara, Tadayuki; Ma, Wanbiao 36 1999 Dynamics analysis of a delayed viral infection model with logistic growth and immune impairment. Zbl 1427.92087 Hu, Zhixing; Zhang, Jiajia; Wang, Hui; Ma, Wanbiao; Liao, Fucheng 30 2014 Global Hopf bifurcation and permanence of a delayed SEIRS epidemic model. Zbl 1519.92263 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Junjie 26 2016 Global stability of an HIV pathogenesis model with cure rate. Zbl 1231.34094 Liu, Xiangdong; Wang, Hui; Hu, Zhixing; Ma, Wanbiao 23 2011 Stability analysis on a predator-prey system with distributed delays. Zbl 0897.34062 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 22 1998 Global dynamics of a time-delayed microorganism flocculation model with saturated functional responses. Zbl 1403.37094 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao; Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 22 2018 Dynamics of reaction-diffusion equations for modeling CD\(4^+\) T cells decline with general infection mechanism and distinct dispersal rates. Zbl 1429.35185 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 21 2020 The asymptotic behavior of a chemostat model with crowley-martin type functional response and time delays. Zbl 1320.92071 Dong, Qinglai; Ma, Wanbiao; Sun, Mingjuan 21 2013 Global behavior of delay differential equations model of HIV infection with apoptosis. Zbl 1362.37163 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao 21 2016 Travelling wave solutions for a nonlocal dispersal HIV infection dynamical model. Zbl 1370.93057 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 20 2018 Analysis of the dynamics of a delayed HIV pathogenesis model. Zbl 1185.92062 Hu, Zhixing; Liu, Xiangdong; Wang, Hui; Ma, Wanbiao 20 2010 Complex dynamics of a time periodic nonlocal and time-delayed model of reaction-diffusion equations for modeling \(\mathrm{CD}4^+\) T cells decline. Zbl 1426.92020 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 19 2020 Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate. Zbl 1117.34310 Song, Mei; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 19 2007 Harmless delays for permanence and impersistence of a Lotka-Volterra discrete predator-prey system. Zbl 1005.39013 Saito, Yasuhisa; Hara, Tadayuki; Ma, Wanbiao 17 2002 Delay-independent stabilization of uncertain linear systems of neutral type. Zbl 0822.93057 Ma, W. B.; Adachi, N.; Amemiya, T. 15 1995 Dynamical properties of a stage structured three-species model with intra-guild predation. Zbl 1105.92049 Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 15 2007 Global dynamics of a microorganism flocculation model with time delay. Zbl 1365.92060 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao 13 2017 Dynamics analysis of an HTLV-1 infection model with mitotic division of actively infected cells and delayed CTL immune response. Zbl 1394.34174 Li, Fuxiang; Ma, Wanbiao 13 2018 Dynamical behavior of a delay differential equation system on toxin producing phytoplankton and zooplankton interaction. Zbl 1322.92082 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Li, Dan 12 2014 Improved delay-dependent exponential stability criteria for neutral-delay systems with nonlinear uncertainties. Zbl 1443.34078 Liu, Yajuan; Ma, Wanbiao; Mahmoud, Magdi S.; Lee, S. M. 12 2015 A diffusive virus infection dynamic model with nonlinear functional response, absorption effect and chemotaxis. Zbl 1473.92041 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 11 2017 Global analysis of a diffusive viral model with cell-to-cell infection and incubation period. Zbl 1455.92143 Wang, Wei; Wang, Xiunan; Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 11 2020 Remarks on a variant of Lyapunov-LaSalle theorem. Zbl 1504.34203 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao 11 2019 A diffusive HIV infection model with nonlocal delayed transmission. Zbl 1376.92071 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 10 2018 Hopf bifurcations of a variable yield chemostat model with inhibitory exponential substrate uptake. Zbl 1142.34334 Fu, Guifang; Ma, Wanbiao 10 2006 Stability analysis of a computer virus model in latent period. Zbl 1352.68019 Hu, Zhixing; Wang, Hongwei; Liao, Fucheng; Ma, Wanbiao 9 2015 Qualitative analysis of a chemostat model with inhibitory exponential substrate uptake. Zbl 1062.92069 Fu, Guifang; Ma, Wanbiao; Ruan, Shigui 9 2005 Dynamical analysis of a continuous-culture and harvest chemostat model with impulsive effect. Zbl 1343.92302 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu 9 2015 A class of dynamic models describing microbial flocculant with nutrient competition and metabolic products in wastewater treatment. Zbl 1445.92167 Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai; Yan, Hai 8 2018 Hepatitis C virus infection is blocked by HMGB1: a new nonlocal and time-delayed reaction-diffusion model. Zbl 1426.92015 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 8 2018 Global dynamics and travelling waves for a periodic and diffusive chemostat model with two nutrients and one microorganism. Zbl 1461.35092 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 7 2020 Analysis of a CD4\(^+\) T cell viral infection model with a class of saturated infection rate. Zbl 1281.92040 Hu, Zhixing; Pang, Weijuan; Liao, Fucheng; Ma, Wanbiao 7 2014 Global dynamics of a reaction and diffusion model for an HTLV-I infection with mitotic division of actively infected cells. Zbl 1488.35539 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2017 Global dynamics and travelling wave solutions for a class of non-cooperative reaction-diffusion systems with nonlocal infections. Zbl 1406.35441 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2018 \(M\)-matrix structure and harmless delays in a Hopfield-type neural network. Zbl 1179.34081 Ma, Wanbiao; Saito, Yasuhisa; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2009 A class of virus dynamic model with inhibitory effect on the growth of uninfected T cells caused by infected T cells and its stability analysis. Zbl 1335.34128 Cheng, Wenbo; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 6 2016 A novel dynamic model describing the spread of the MERS-CoV and the expression of dipeptidyl peptidase 4. Zbl 1397.92681 Tang, Siming; Ma, Wanbiao; Bai, Peifan 6 2017 Asymptotic properties of a revised SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate and time delay. Zbl 1102.34061 Song, Mei; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2006 Permanence and extinction for a nonautonomous Kawasaki disease model with time delays. Zbl 1480.34108 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2021 Sufficient and necessary conditions for global attractivity and stability of a class of discrete Hopfield-type neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1496.68286 Hong, Yanjie; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2019 Block effect on HCV infection by HMGB1 released from virus-infected cells: an insight from mathematical modeling. Zbl 1510.92244 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2018 Nontrivial periodic solution of a stochastic non-autonomous model with biodegradation of microcystins. Zbl 1411.92128 Song, Keying; Zhang, Tonghua; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2019 Qualitative analysis of the chemostat model with variable yield and a time delay. Zbl 1320.92070 Dong, Qinglai; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2013 Delayed feedback control and bifurcation analysis in a chaotic chemostat system. Zbl 1317.34167 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2015 Stability analysis on a delayed \(SIR\) epidemic model with density dependent birth process. Zbl 0937.92026 Takeuchi, Y.; Ma, W. 5 1999 Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a delayed HIV infection model with general incidence rate and immune impairment. Zbl 1343.92492 Li, Fuxiang; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao; Li, Dan 5 2015 Impulsive control of a continuous-culture and flocculation harvest chemostat model. Zbl 1386.93040 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu 5 2017 Dynamics for phytoplankton-zooplankton system with time delays. Zbl 1390.92110 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 5 2017 Noise-induced stochastic transition: a stochastic chemostat model with two complementary nutrients and flocculation effect. Zbl 1486.92122 Liu, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2021 The differential equation model of pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease with theoretical analysis. Zbl 1497.92063 Qiang, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke; Du, Hongwu 5 2019 An analysis approach to permanence of a delay differential equations model of microorganism flocculation. Zbl 1506.34106 Guo, Songbai; Cui, Jing-An; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2022 Global dynamics analysis of a time-delayed dynamic model of Kawasaki disease pathogenesis. Zbl 1494.34183 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao; Qiang, Rong 5 2022 Differential-difference inequalities with unbounded delays and their applications. Zbl 0755.34073 Si, Ligeng; Ma, Wanbiao 4 1991 On global stability of the equilibria of an ordinary differential equation model of Kawasaki disease pathogenesis. Zbl 1436.34046 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao; Qiang, Rong 4 2020 Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with general nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1307.34114 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao 4 2015 Global stability of a delayed mosquito-transmitted disease model with stage structure. Zbl 1325.92080 Pradeep, B. G. Sampath Aruna; Ma, Wanbiao 4 2015 Necessary and sufficient conditions for global attractivity of Hopfield-type neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1191.34094 Zhang, Shangguo; Ma, Wanbiao; Kuang, Yang 4 2008 New insights into pharmacologic inhibition of pyroptotic cell death by necrosulfonamide: a PDE model. Zbl 1453.92084 Wang, Wei; Ren, Xinzhi; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 3 2020 Modeling inhibitory effect on the growth of uninfected T cells caused by infected T cells: stability and Hopf bifurcation. Zbl 1431.92136 Ji, Yahui; Ma, Wanbiao; Song, Keying 3 2018 Dynamics of a three-species ratio-dependent diffusive model. Zbl 1208.34070 Hu, Zhixing; Gao, Guangke; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2010 An improved model of T cell development in the thymus and its stability analysis. Zbl 1089.92026 Shi, Hongjing; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2006 Asymptotic properties of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate. Zbl 1101.92043 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 3 2004 A nonlinear delay model describing the growth of tumor cells under immune surveillance against cancer and its stability analysis. Zbl 1280.92013 Chen, Ling; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2012 Global asymptotic stability of a delay differential equation model for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection mediated by ACE2 receptor protein. Zbl 1522.92067 Lv, Jinlong; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2023 Stability for nonlinear differential systems with infinite delay. Zbl 0833.34074 Si, Ligeng; Ma, Wanbiao 2 1995 Bifurcation analysis of modeling biodegradation of microcystins. Zbl 1416.34070 Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao 2 2019 A class of two dimensional dynamic model describing environment pollution and its stability analysis. Zbl 1424.34148 Li, Ruxue; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke 2 2018 Chemotaxis effect on algae by inorganic polymer flocculants: backward bifurcations and traveling wave solutions. Zbl 1405.35232 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 2 2018 Global behavior of a dynamic model with biodegradation of microcystins. Zbl 1461.92131 Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke 2 2019 Some sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of a hepatitis C virus mathematical model considering host immune system. Zbl 1530.92229 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2022 Global attractivity of mixed Lotka-Volterra differential systems with delays. Zbl 0926.34060 Takeuchi, Y.; Ma, W. 2 1998 Stability of neutral differential difference systems with infinite delays. Zbl 0939.34068 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 2 1998 Complete characterizations of the gamma function. Zbl 1335.33001 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao; Pradeep, B. G. Sampath Aruna 2 2014 Global stability analysis of the equilibrium of an improved time-delayed dynamic model to describe the development of T cells in the thymus. Zbl 1488.34453 Li, Yang; Ma, Wanbiao; Xiao, Liming; Yang, Weitao 2 2017 Global properties for a class of latent HIV infection dynamics model with CTL immune response. Zbl 1318.92047 Dong, Yueping; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2012 The general chemostat model with multiple nutrients and flocculating agent: from deterministic behavior to stochastic forcing transition. Zbl 1505.92258 Liu, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke 2 2023 Regime shifts between oscillatory persistence and extinction in a stochastic chemostat model with periodic parameters. Zbl 07906558 Liu, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 2 2022 Periodic oscillation for a class of in-host MERS-CoV infection model with CTL immune response. Zbl 1511.92078 Keyoumu, Tuersunjiang; Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2022 Global dynamics of an SI epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, feedback controls and time delays. Zbl 1471.92310 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2021 The stability of large scale dynamical systems with delays by using vector \(V\) functions. Zbl 0850.93716 Ma, Wanbiao 1 1989 Stability of a mathematical model of tumour-induced angiogenesis. Zbl 1416.92027 Li, Dan; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 1 2016 Mathematical analysis of the effect of cuckoo bird’s incubation period in population dynamics. Zbl 1443.92031 Sampath Aruna Pradeep, B. G.; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao 1 2016 Sufficient conditions for global dynamics of a viral infection model with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1471.35279 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 1 2021 The algebraic criteria for stability of linear autonomous differential systems of neutral-type. Zbl 0687.34066 Si, Ligeng; Ma, Wanbiao 1 1988 Global asymptotic stability of a delay differential equation model for SARS-CoV-2 virus infection mediated by ACE2 receptor protein. Zbl 1522.92067 Lv, Jinlong; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2023 The general chemostat model with multiple nutrients and flocculating agent: from deterministic behavior to stochastic forcing transition. Zbl 1505.92258 Liu, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke 2 2023 Optimal control of a size-structured unicellular algae model in harvesting and sewage treatment. Zbl 1538.92039 Ni, Dongdong; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2023 An analysis approach to permanence of a delay differential equations model of microorganism flocculation. Zbl 1506.34106 Guo, Songbai; Cui, Jing-An; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2022 Global dynamics analysis of a time-delayed dynamic model of Kawasaki disease pathogenesis. Zbl 1494.34183 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao; Qiang, Rong 5 2022 Some sufficient conditions for global asymptotic stability of a hepatitis C virus mathematical model considering host immune system. Zbl 1530.92229 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2022 Regime shifts between oscillatory persistence and extinction in a stochastic chemostat model with periodic parameters. Zbl 07906558 Liu, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 2 2022 Periodic oscillation for a class of in-host MERS-CoV infection model with CTL immune response. Zbl 1511.92078 Keyoumu, Tuersunjiang; Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2022 A size-structured model describing flocculation of unicellular algae. Zbl 1505.92129 Ni, Dongdong; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2022 Existence of positive periodic solutions of a delayed periodic microcystins degradation model with nonlinear functional responses. Zbl 1498.34226 Guo, Ke; Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2022 Permanence and extinction for a nonautonomous Kawasaki disease model with time delays. Zbl 1480.34108 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2021 Noise-induced stochastic transition: a stochastic chemostat model with two complementary nutrients and flocculation effect. Zbl 1486.92122 Liu, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2021 Global dynamics of an SI epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, feedback controls and time delays. Zbl 1471.92310 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2021 Sufficient conditions for global dynamics of a viral infection model with nonlinear diffusion. Zbl 1471.35279 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 1 2021 Dynamics of reaction-diffusion equations for modeling CD\(4^+\) T cells decline with general infection mechanism and distinct dispersal rates. Zbl 1429.35185 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 21 2020 Complex dynamics of a time periodic nonlocal and time-delayed model of reaction-diffusion equations for modeling \(\mathrm{CD}4^+\) T cells decline. Zbl 1426.92020 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 19 2020 Global analysis of a diffusive viral model with cell-to-cell infection and incubation period. Zbl 1455.92143 Wang, Wei; Wang, Xiunan; Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao 11 2020 Global dynamics and travelling waves for a periodic and diffusive chemostat model with two nutrients and one microorganism. Zbl 1461.35092 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 7 2020 On global stability of the equilibria of an ordinary differential equation model of Kawasaki disease pathogenesis. Zbl 1436.34046 Guo, Ke; Ma, Wanbiao; Qiang, Rong 4 2020 New insights into pharmacologic inhibition of pyroptotic cell death by necrosulfonamide: a PDE model. Zbl 1453.92084 Wang, Wei; Ren, Xinzhi; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 3 2020 Remarks on a variant of Lyapunov-LaSalle theorem. Zbl 1504.34203 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao 11 2019 Sufficient and necessary conditions for global attractivity and stability of a class of discrete Hopfield-type neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1496.68286 Hong, Yanjie; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2019 Nontrivial periodic solution of a stochastic non-autonomous model with biodegradation of microcystins. Zbl 1411.92128 Song, Keying; Zhang, Tonghua; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2019 The differential equation model of pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease with theoretical analysis. Zbl 1497.92063 Qiang, Rong; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke; Du, Hongwu 5 2019 Bifurcation analysis of modeling biodegradation of microcystins. Zbl 1416.34070 Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao 2 2019 Global behavior of a dynamic model with biodegradation of microcystins. Zbl 1461.92131 Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke 2 2019 Global dynamics of a time-delayed microorganism flocculation model with saturated functional responses. Zbl 1403.37094 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao; Zhao, Xiao-Qiang 22 2018 Travelling wave solutions for a nonlocal dispersal HIV infection dynamical model. Zbl 1370.93057 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 20 2018 Dynamics analysis of an HTLV-1 infection model with mitotic division of actively infected cells and delayed CTL immune response. Zbl 1394.34174 Li, Fuxiang; Ma, Wanbiao 13 2018 A diffusive HIV infection model with nonlocal delayed transmission. Zbl 1376.92071 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 10 2018 A class of dynamic models describing microbial flocculant with nutrient competition and metabolic products in wastewater treatment. Zbl 1445.92167 Song, Keying; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai; Yan, Hai 8 2018 Hepatitis C virus infection is blocked by HMGB1: a new nonlocal and time-delayed reaction-diffusion model. Zbl 1426.92015 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 8 2018 Global dynamics and travelling wave solutions for a class of non-cooperative reaction-diffusion systems with nonlocal infections. Zbl 1406.35441 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2018 Block effect on HCV infection by HMGB1 released from virus-infected cells: an insight from mathematical modeling. Zbl 1510.92244 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2018 Modeling inhibitory effect on the growth of uninfected T cells caused by infected T cells: stability and Hopf bifurcation. Zbl 1431.92136 Ji, Yahui; Ma, Wanbiao; Song, Keying 3 2018 A class of two dimensional dynamic model describing environment pollution and its stability analysis. Zbl 1424.34148 Li, Ruxue; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Ke 2 2018 Chemotaxis effect on algae by inorganic polymer flocculants: backward bifurcations and traveling wave solutions. Zbl 1405.35232 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Feng, Zhaosheng 2 2018 Repulsion effect on superinfecting virions by infected cells for virus infection dynamic model with absorption effect and chemotaxis. Zbl 1352.92094 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 41 2017 Global dynamics of a delayed chemostat model with harvest by impulsive flocculant input. Zbl 1422.92139 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu 40 2017 Global dynamics of a microorganism flocculation model with time delay. Zbl 1365.92060 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao 13 2017 A diffusive virus infection dynamic model with nonlinear functional response, absorption effect and chemotaxis. Zbl 1473.92041 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao; Lai, Xiulan 11 2017 Global dynamics of a reaction and diffusion model for an HTLV-I infection with mitotic division of actively infected cells. Zbl 1488.35539 Wang, Wei; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2017 A novel dynamic model describing the spread of the MERS-CoV and the expression of dipeptidyl peptidase 4. Zbl 1397.92681 Tang, Siming; Ma, Wanbiao; Bai, Peifan 6 2017 Impulsive control of a continuous-culture and flocculation harvest chemostat model. Zbl 1386.93040 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu 5 2017 Dynamics for phytoplankton-zooplankton system with time delays. Zbl 1390.92110 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 5 2017 Global stability analysis of the equilibrium of an improved time-delayed dynamic model to describe the development of T cells in the thymus. Zbl 1488.34453 Li, Yang; Ma, Wanbiao; Xiao, Liming; Yang, Weitao 2 2017 Global Hopf bifurcation and permanence of a delayed SEIRS epidemic model. Zbl 1519.92263 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Junjie 26 2016 Global behavior of delay differential equations model of HIV infection with apoptosis. Zbl 1362.37163 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao 21 2016 A class of virus dynamic model with inhibitory effect on the growth of uninfected T cells caused by infected T cells and its stability analysis. Zbl 1335.34128 Cheng, Wenbo; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 6 2016 Stability of a mathematical model of tumour-induced angiogenesis. Zbl 1416.92027 Li, Dan; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 1 2016 Mathematical analysis of the effect of cuckoo bird’s incubation period in population dynamics. Zbl 1443.92031 Sampath Aruna Pradeep, B. G.; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao 1 2016 Estimation of the attractive region of a class of delayed virus dynamics model with apoptosis of uninfected T cells by infected Tcells. Zbl 1363.34280 Cheng, Wenbo; Ma, Wanbiao; Guo, Songbai 1 2016 Periodic solution of a prey-predator model with nonlinear state feedback control. Zbl 1410.34243 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu; Zhang, Tonghua 69 2015 Improved delay-dependent exponential stability criteria for neutral-delay systems with nonlinear uncertainties. Zbl 1443.34078 Liu, Yajuan; Ma, Wanbiao; Mahmoud, Magdi S.; Lee, S. M. 12 2015 Stability analysis of a computer virus model in latent period. Zbl 1352.68019 Hu, Zhixing; Wang, Hongwei; Liao, Fucheng; Ma, Wanbiao 9 2015 Dynamical analysis of a continuous-culture and harvest chemostat model with impulsive effect. Zbl 1343.92302 Zhang, Tongqian; Ma, Wanbiao; Meng, Xinzhu 9 2015 Delayed feedback control and bifurcation analysis in a chaotic chemostat system. Zbl 1317.34167 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2015 Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a delayed HIV infection model with general incidence rate and immune impairment. Zbl 1343.92492 Li, Fuxiang; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao; Li, Dan 5 2015 Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with general nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1307.34114 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao 4 2015 Global stability of a delayed mosquito-transmitted disease model with stage structure. Zbl 1325.92080 Pradeep, B. G. Sampath Aruna; Ma, Wanbiao 4 2015 Dynamics analysis of a delayed viral infection model with logistic growth and immune impairment. Zbl 1427.92087 Hu, Zhixing; Zhang, Jiajia; Wang, Hui; Ma, Wanbiao; Liao, Fucheng 30 2014 Dynamical behavior of a delay differential equation system on toxin producing phytoplankton and zooplankton interaction. Zbl 1322.92082 Jiang, Zhichao; Ma, Wanbiao; Li, Dan 12 2014 Analysis of a CD4\(^+\) T cell viral infection model with a class of saturated infection rate. Zbl 1281.92040 Hu, Zhixing; Pang, Weijuan; Liao, Fucheng; Ma, Wanbiao 7 2014 Complete characterizations of the gamma function. Zbl 1335.33001 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao; Pradeep, B. G. Sampath Aruna 2 2014 Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of neutral delay differential equations. Zbl 1304.34115 Guo, Songbai; Ma, Wanbiao; Pradeep, B. G. Sampath Aruna 1 2014 Qualitative analysis of a chemostat model with inhibitory exponential substrate uptake and a time delay. Zbl 1329.92082 Dong, Qinglai; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2014 Stability properties of a delayed HIV dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and absorption effect. Zbl 1306.34128 Pradeep, B. G. Sampath Aruna; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2014 Global stability analysis for delayed virus infection model with general incidence rate and humoral immunity. Zbl 1490.92118 Wang, Tianlei; Hu, Zhixing; Liao, Fucheng; Ma, Wanbiao 43 2013 The asymptotic behavior of a chemostat model with crowley-martin type functional response and time delays. Zbl 1320.92071 Dong, Qinglai; Ma, Wanbiao; Sun, Mingjuan 21 2013 Qualitative analysis of the chemostat model with variable yield and a time delay. Zbl 1320.92070 Dong, Qinglai; Ma, Wanbiao 5 2013 An epidemic model for tick-borne disease with two delays. Zbl 1397.92645 Li, Dan; Ma, Wanbiao; Jiang, Zhichao 1 2013 Dynamics analysis of an HIV infection model including infected cells in an eclipse stage. Zbl 1266.92060 Zhou, Shengyu; Hu, Zhixing; Ma, Wanbiao; Liao, Fucheng 1 2013 Analysis of SIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate and treatment. Zbl 1250.92031 Hu, Zhixing; Ma, Wanbiao; Ruan, Shigui 59 2012 A nonlinear delay model describing the growth of tumor cells under immune surveillance against cancer and its stability analysis. Zbl 1280.92013 Chen, Ling; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2012 Global properties for a class of latent HIV infection dynamics model with CTL immune response. Zbl 1318.92047 Dong, Yueping; Ma, Wanbiao 2 2012 Global analysis for delay virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1217.34128 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 71 2011 Bifurcations of an SIRS epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1207.92040 Hu, Zhixing; Bi, Ping; Ma, Wanbiao; Ruan, Shigui 46 2011 Global stability of an HIV pathogenesis model with cure rate. Zbl 1231.34094 Liu, Xiangdong; Wang, Hui; Hu, Zhixing; Ma, Wanbiao 23 2011 A dynamic model describing heterotrophic culture of Chlorella and its stability analysis. Zbl 1259.34073 Zhang, Yan; Ma, Wanbiao; Yan, Hai; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 1 2011 Lyapunov functionals for delay differential equations model of viral infections. Zbl 1209.92035 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 140 2010 Global stability for delay SIR and SEIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1197.92040 Huang, Gang; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao; Wei, Daijun 117 2010 Analysis of the dynamics of a delayed HIV pathogenesis model. Zbl 1185.92062 Hu, Zhixing; Liu, Xiangdong; Wang, Hui; Ma, Wanbiao 20 2010 Dynamics of a three-species ratio-dependent diffusive model. Zbl 1208.34070 Hu, Zhixing; Gao, Guangke; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2010 Global properties for virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response. Zbl 1178.37125 Huang, Gang; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 113 2009 \(M\)-matrix structure and harmless delays in a Hopfield-type neural network. Zbl 1179.34081 Ma, Wanbiao; Saito, Yasuhisa; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 6 2009 Stability analysis of a ratio-dependent Chemostat model with variable yield and time delay. Zbl 1199.34434 Dong, Qinglai; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2009 Global asymptotic stability of a nonlinear time-delayed system of \(T\) cells in the thymus. Zbl 1175.34104 Shi, Hongjing; Ma, Wanbiao; Duan, Zhisheng 1 2009 Necessary and sufficient conditions for global attractivity of Hopfield-type neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1191.34094 Zhang, Shangguo; Ma, Wanbiao; Kuang, Yang 4 2008 The analysis of two epidemic models with constant immigration and quarantine. Zbl 1194.34110 Hu, Zhixing; Yu, Yang; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2008 Asymptotic properties of a HIV-1 infection model with time delay. Zbl 1130.34052 Li, Dan; Ma, Wanbiao 107 2007 Permanence of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate. Zbl 1117.34310 Song, Mei; Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 19 2007 Dynamical properties of a stage structured three-species model with intra-guild predation. Zbl 1105.92049 Yamaguchi, Masahiro; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Ma, Wanbiao 15 2007 Hopf bifurcations of a variable yield chemostat model with inhibitory exponential substrate uptake. Zbl 1142.34334 Fu, Guifang; Ma, Wanbiao 10 2006 Asymptotic properties of a revised SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate and time delay. Zbl 1102.34061 Song, Mei; Ma, Wanbiao 6 2006 An improved model of T cell development in the thymus and its stability analysis. Zbl 1089.92026 Shi, Hongjing; Ma, Wanbiao 3 2006 Qualitative analysis of a chemostat model with inhibitory exponential substrate uptake. Zbl 1062.92069 Fu, Guifang; Ma, Wanbiao; Ruan, Shigui 9 2005 Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with time delay. Zbl 1071.34082 Ma, Wanbiao; Song, Mei; Takeuchi, Y. 101 2004 Asymptotic properties of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate. Zbl 1101.92043 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 3 2004 Global asymptotic stability of nonlinear delayed systems of neutral type. Zbl 1034.34090 Amemiya, Takashi; Ma, Wanbiao 1 2003 Permanence of an SIR epidemic model with distributed time delays. Zbl 1014.92033 Ma, Wanbiao; Takeuchi, Yasuhiro; Hara, Tadayuki; Beretta, Edoardo 60 2002 ...and 14 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,793 Authors 74 Ma, Wanbiao 63 Elaiw, Ahmed M. 40 Meng, Xinzhu 35 Teng, Zhi-dong 31 Zhang, Tongqian 24 Alshamrani, Noura H. 24 Jiang, Daqing 24 Yang, Yu 24 Zhang, Tonghua 22 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 21 Guo, Songbai 21 Hattaf, Khalid 20 Chen, Lansun 20 Wang, Jinliang 20 Xu, Rui 19 Wang, Wei 18 Jiang, Zhichao 17 Liu, Shengqiang 16 Guo, Ke 15 Chen, Yuming 15 Kuniya, Toshikazu 15 Yousfi, Noura 14 Nakata, Yukihiko 13 Cheng, Huidong 13 Huo, Hai-Feng 13 Li, Xuezhi 13 Park, Juhyun (Jessie) 13 Wang, Xia 12 Feng, Zhaosheng 12 Muroya, Yoshiaki 12 Zhang, Long 11 Enatsu, Yoichi 11 Hobiny, Aatef D. 11 Xu, Jinhu 10 Djilali, Salih 10 Miao, Hui 10 Wang, Yan 9 Cai, Liming 9 Hayat, Tasawar 9 Papaschinopoulos, Garyfalos 9 Song, Xinyu 9 Tian, Yuan 9 Wang, Lin 9 Zhou, Jinling 8 Adak, Debadatta 8 Allali, Karam 8 Bairagi, Nandadulal 8 Chen, Fengde 8 Dai, Binxiang 8 Geng, Yan 8 Huang, Gang 8 Ji, Chunyan 8 Liu, Xianning 8 Liu, Xinzhi 8 Ruan, Shigui 8 Shi, Ningzhong 8 Song, Yi 8 Tian, Xiaohong 8 Tripathi, Jai Prakash 8 Wang, Shaoli 8 Yang, Junyuan 8 Zhao, Wencai 7 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 7 Alshaikh, Matuka A. 7 Cui, Jingan 7 Liu, Qun 7 Rong, Libin 7 Song, Keying 7 Wanduku, Divine 7 Yang, Yuguang 7 Zhang, Ran 6 Han, Renji 6 Hu, Zhixing 6 Kumar Upadhyay, Ranjit 6 Li, Wan-Tong 6 Martcheva, Maia 6 Raezah, Aeshah A. 6 Samanta, Guru Prasad 6 Schinas, Christos J. 6 Shi, Weimin 6 Sun, Kaibiao 6 Tang, Sanyi 6 Touaoula, Tarik Mohamed 6 Wu, Jianhong 6 Xiang, Hong 6 Xu, Fei 6 Yuan, Rong 6 Zhang, Tailei 6 Zhou, Yihua 5 Alade, Taofeek O. 5 Bentout, Soufiane 5 Celik, Canan 5 Chekroun, Abdennasser 5 Feng, Tao 5 Gao, Shujing 5 Jin, Zhen 5 Kiouach, Driss 5 Liao, Xinyuan 5 Lin, Zhigui 5 Oliveira, José J. ...and 1,693 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 173 Serials 69 Applied Mathematics and Computation 66 Advances in Difference Equations 64 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 63 International Journal of Biomathematics 61 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 56 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 46 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 43 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 40 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 39 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 37 Applied Mathematics Letters 34 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 28 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 27 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 27 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 25 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 23 Physica A 21 Journal of Biological Dynamics 19 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 19 Complexity 16 Journal of Mathematical Biology 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis 15 Applied Mathematical Modelling 15 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 14 Nonlinear Dynamics 13 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 12 Mathematical Biosciences 12 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 12 Journal of Differential Equations 12 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 11 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 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Hybrid Systems 3 Asian Journal of Control 3 Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Open Mathematics 3 AIMS Mathematics 3 Electronic Research Archive 2 Information Sciences 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 2 Physica D 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Fractals 2 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 2 The ANZIAM Journal 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. 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RACSAM 2 Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2 Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity 2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2 Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 International Journal of Control ...and 73 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 31 Fields 1,161 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 753 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 227 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 196 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 100 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 94 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 70 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 52 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 24 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 21 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 12 Operator theory (47-XX) 11 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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