Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Maculan Filho, Nelson Co-Author Distance Author ID: maculan.nelson-f Published as: Maculan, Nelson; Maculan, N.; Maculan, Nelson F. more...less Homepage: http://www.abc.org.br/membro/nelson-maculan-filho/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 147 Publications since 1981, including 2 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 10 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 184 Co-Authors with 153 Joint Publications 3,567 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 4 single-authored 26 Lavor, Carlile Campos 23 Liberti, Leo 8 Lucena, Abilio 8 Michelon, Philippe Yves Paul 8 Mucherino, Antonio 7 Xavier, Adilson Elias 6 Pinto, Renan Vicente 5 Andrade, Rafael Espin 5 de Freitas, Rosiane 5 Dias, Bruno H. 5 Gelareh, Shahin 5 Lisser, Abdel 5 Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian 5 Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex 5 Plateau, Gérard 5 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz 4 Baygorrea, Nancy 4 Brito, José André M. 4 de Souza, Cid Carvalho 4 Fampa, Marcia Helena C. 4 Mallma Ramirez, Lennin 3 Amaldi, Edoardo 3 Bahiense, Laura 3 Bornstein, Claudio Thomas 3 Campello, Ruy Eduardo 3 Candia-Véjar, Alfredo 3 Carvalho, Luiz Mariano 3 Ibrahim, Mamane Souley 3 Macambira, Elder M. 3 Maffioli, Francesco 3 Marenco, Javier L. 3 Minoux, Michel Andre 3 Mladenović, Nenad 3 Montenegro, Flávio 3 Ouzia, Hacene 3 Poss, Michael 3 Ribeiro, Celso Carneiro 3 Silva, Marco A. N. 3 Simonetti, Luidi G. 3 Venceslau, Helder Manoel 3 Venceslau, Marilis Bahr Karam 3 Xavier, Vinicius Layter 2 Alonso-Ayuso, Antonio 2 Alves, Rafael 2 de Moura Brito, José André 2 Do Nascimento, Roberto Quirino 2 Escudero, Laureano Fernando 2 Figueiredo, Rosa M. V. 2 Forte, Vinicius L. do 2 Frota, Yuri Abitbol de Menezes 2 González, Pedro Henrique 2 Hoto, Robinson Samuel Vieira 2 Iommazzo, Gabriele 2 Jardim, Maria Helena C. 2 Kucherenko, Sergei S. 2 Lin, Min Chih 2 Loiseau, Irene 2 Macambira, Ana Flavia U. S. 2 Mahey, Philippe 2 Mahjoub, Ali Ridha 2 Mauricio, David 2 Moyano, Veronica A. 2 Negreiros, Marcos J. 2 Noronha, Thiago F. 2 Ochi, Luiz Satoru 2 Paul, Asim 2 Pervin, Magfura 2 Pinto, Leizer Lima 2 Portugal, Renato 2 Roy, Sankar Kumar 2 Soma, Nei Yoshihiro 2 Souza, Michael 2 Vidal, Thibaut 2 Weber, Gerhard-Wilhelm 1 Agra, Agostinho 1 Alcoforado, Luciane Ferreira 1 Álvarez-Miranda, Eduardo 1 Antonelli, Peter Louis 1 Arenales, Marcos Nereu 1 Arpin, Daniele 1 Aude, Júlio S. 1 Barbalho, Hugo 1 Barbosa, Valmir Carneiro 1 Batista, Pablor L. 1 Baygorrea Cusihuallpa, Nancy 1 Belotti, Pietro 1 Besso, Arthur 1 Bonates, Tibérius O. 1 Boucher, Patrick 1 Cabral, Lucídio A. F. 1 Campêlo, Manoel B. 1 Cardoso, Kleber V. 1 Cassioli, Andrea 1 Ceselli, Alberto 1 Chen, Weikun 1 Coelho, Bruno N. 1 Coelho, Igor Machado 1 Coelho, Vitor Nazário 1 Corrêa, Ricardo Cordeiro 1 Costa, Virginia ...and 84 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 17 RAIRO. Operations Research 16 International Transactions in Operational Research 9 Discrete Applied Mathematics 9 European Journal of Operational Research 7 Annals of Operations Research 6 Computers & Operations Research 6 Optimization Letters 5 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 3 Networks 3 RAIRO. Recherche Opérationnelle 3 Top 2 INFOR 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Operations Research Letters 2 Optimization 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 Computational Optimization and Applications 2 Matemática Contemporânea 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 1 Management Science 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 OR Spektrum 1 Discrete & Computational Geometry 1 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 SIAM Review 1 Matemática Aplicada e Computacional 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Nonlinear Studies 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 TEMA. Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional 1 Computational Management Science 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications 1 Pesquisa Operacional 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Publicações Matemáticas do IMPA 1 Notas em Matemática Aplicada 1 OJMO. Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization all top 5 Fields 139 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 27 Combinatorics (05-XX) 16 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 11 Computer science (68-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 117 Publications have been cited 1,179 times in 716 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Euclidean distance geometry and applications. Zbl 1292.51010 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Mucherino, Antonio 122 2014 A branch-and-prune algorithm for the molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1136.92037 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 62 2008 The discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1259.90153 Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Mucherino, Antonio 61 2012 Molecular distance geometry methods: from continuous to discrete. Zbl 1219.90177 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Mucherino, Antonio; Maculan, Nelson 43 2011 Recent advances on the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1253.05132 Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Mucherino, Antonio 39 2012 Distance geometry. Theory, methods, and applications. Zbl 1256.51002 38 2013 On the choice of parameters for the weighting method in vector optimization. Zbl 1163.90021 Graña Drummond, L. M.; Maculan, N.; Svaiter, B. F. 33 2008 The Steiner problem in graphs. Zbl 0622.90029 Maculan, Nelson 32 1987 Computational experience with the molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1129.90389 Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 31 2006 The volume algorithm revisited: relation with bundle methods. Zbl 1023.90038 Bahiense, L.; Maculan, N.; Sagastizábal, C. 29 2002 Global optimization. From theory to implementation. Zbl 1087.90005 24 2006 Clifford algebra and the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1327.15052 Lavor, Carlile; Alves, Rafael; Figueiredo, Weber; Petraglia, Antonio; Maculan, Nelson 23 2015 An \(O(n)\) algorithm for projecting a vector on the intersection of a hyperplane and a box in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1115.90397 Maculan, N.; Santiago, C. P.; Macambira, E. M.; Jardim, M. H. C. 23 2003 Reformulations and solution algorithms for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem. Zbl 1198.90380 Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Simonetti, Luidi 22 2010 A greedy search for the three-dimensional bin packing problem: the packing static stability case. Zbl 1134.90480 de Castro Silva, J. L.; Soma, N. Y.; Maculan, N. 20 2003 Lagrangean decomposition for integer nonlinear programming with linear constraints. Zbl 0753.90047 Michelon, Philippe; Maculan, Nelson 20 1991 Double variable neighbourhood search with smoothing for the molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1169.90470 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Marinelli, Fabrizio 19 2009 A speed and departure time optimization algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Zbl 1346.90142 Kramer, Raphael; Maculan, Nelson; Subramanian, Anand; Vidal, Thibaut 18 2015 Inexact proximal point methods for multiobjective quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1447.49047 Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Baygorrea Cusihuallpa, Nancy; Maculan, Nelson 18 2020 A branch-and-cut algorithm for partition coloring. Zbl 1205.05089 Frota, Yuri; Maculan, Nelson; Noronha, Thiago F.; Ribeiro, Celso C. 17 2010 A function to test methods applied to global minimization of potential energy of molecules. Zbl 1049.65050 Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 16 2004 On the definition of artificial backbones for the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1190.92009 Mucherino, Antonio; Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 16 2009 On the computation of protein backbones by using artificial backbones of hydrogens. Zbl 1219.90209 Lavor, C.; Mucherino, A.; Liberti, L.; Maculan, N. 16 2011 A green inventory model with the effect of carbon taxation. Zbl 1480.90026 Paul, Asim; Pervin, Magfura; Roy, Sankar Kumar; Maculan, Nelson; Weber, Gerhard-Wilhelm 16 2022 A continuous variable neighborhood search heuristic for finding the three-dimensional structure of a molecule. Zbl 1175.90444 Dražić, Milan; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Mladenović, Nenad 15 2008 Using Lagrangian dual information to generate degree constrained spanning trees. Zbl 1120.90067 Andrade, Rafael; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson 15 2006 Characterizing and edge-colouring split-indifference graphs. Zbl 0901.05043 Ortiz, Carmen Z.; Maculan, Nelson; Szwarcfiter, Jayme L. 15 1998 New error measures and methods for realizing protein graphs from distance data. Zbl 1358.05085 D’Ambrosio, Claudia; Vu, Ky; Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 14 2017 A linear-time median-finding algorithm for projecting a vector on the simplex of \({\mathbb{R}}^ n\). Zbl 0679.90054 Maculan, Nelson; Galdino de Paula, Geraldo jun. 14 1989 A relax-and-cut algorithm for the prize-collecting Steiner problem in graphs. Zbl 1173.90573 da Cunha, Alexandre Salles; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Resende, Mauricio G. C. 12 2009 A strong flow-based formulation for the shortest path problem in digraphs with negative cycles. Zbl 1176.90416 Ibrahim, M. S.; Maculan, N.; Minoux, M. 12 2009 Minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems: an algorithmic perspective. Zbl 1270.90053 Candia-Véjar, Alfredo; Álvarez-Miranda, Eduardo; Maculan, Nelson 12 2011 Discretization orders for protein side chains. Zbl 1312.90069 Costa, Virginia; Mucherino, Antonio; Lavor, Carlile; Cassioli, Andrea; Carvalho, Luiz M.; Maculan, Nelson 11 2014 The one dimensional Compartmentalised Knapsack problem: a case study. Zbl 1138.90457 Hoto, Robinson; Arenales, Marcos; Maculan, Nelson 10 2007 Using a conic formulation for finding Steiner minimal trees. Zbl 1047.90055 Fampa, Marcia; Maculan, Nelson 10 2004 The Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\): A mathematical programming formulation. Zbl 0966.90064 Maculan, Nelson; Michelon, Philippe; Xavier, Adilson E. 10 2000 Inexact proximal point methods for quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1365.90211 Baygorrea, Nancy; Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Maculan, Nelson 10 2016 Stronger \(K\)-tree relaxations for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1061.90023 Martinhon, Carlos; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson 9 2004 Reformulation in mathematical programming: An application to quantum chemistry. Zbl 1173.90494 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Nascimento, Marco Antonio Chaer 8 2009 New formulations for the Kissing Number Problem. Zbl 1144.90455 Kucherenko, Sergei; Belotti, Pietro; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 8 2007 The tricriterion shortest path problem with at least two bottleneck objective functions. Zbl 1163.90794 de Lima Pinto, Leizer; Bornstein, Cláudio Thomás; Maculan, Nelson 8 2009 Enhancing a branch-and-bound algorithm for two-stage stochastic integer network design-based models. Zbl 1232.90312 Andrade, Rafael; Lisser, Abdel; Maculan, Nelson; Plateau, Gérard 7 2006 Hyperbolic smoothing and penalty techniques applied to molecular structure determination. Zbl 1235.90121 Souza, Michael; Xavier, Adilson Elias; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 7 2011 A Boolean penalty method for zero-one nonlinear programming. Zbl 1028.90029 Mauricio, David; Maculan, Nelson 7 2000 Lagrangean decomposition in integer linear programming: A new scheme. Zbl 0760.90073 Reinoso, Hernaldo; Maculan, Nelson 7 1992 An overview of exact algorithms for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(n\)-space. Zbl 1348.90593 Fampa, Marcia; Lee, Jon; Maculan, Nelson 7 2016 Enhanced compact models for the connected subgraph problem and for the shortest path problem in digraphs with negative cycles. Zbl 1348.05138 Haouari, Mohamed; Maculan, Nelson; Mrad, Mehdi 7 2013 Edge-swapping algorithms for the minimum fundamental cycle basis problem. Zbl 1163.90036 Amaldi, Edoardo; Liberti, Leo; Maffioli, Francesco; Maculan, Nelson 6 2009 Telecommunication network capacity design for uncertain demand. Zbl 1060.90021 Andrade, R.; Lisser, A.; Maculan, N.; Plateau, G. 6 2004 Lagrangean methods for 0-1 quadratic problems. Zbl 0780.90068 Michelon, Philippe; Maculan, Nelson 6 1993 A decomposition algorithm for nested resource allocation problems. Zbl 1347.90068 Vidal, Thibaut; Jaillet, Patrick; Maculan, Nelson 6 2016 On the convergence rate of an inexact proximal point algorithm for quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1386.90111 Baygorrea, Nancy; Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Maculan, Nelson 6 2017 A new linear programming formulation for the shortest s-directed spanning tree problem. Zbl 0713.05027 Maculan, Nelson 5 1986 A branch-and-cut algorithm for equitable coloring based on a formulation by representatives. Zbl 1268.90110 Bahiense, Laura; Frota, Yuri; Maculan, Nelson; Noronha, Thiago F.; Ribeiro, Celso C. 5 2009 Feasibility check for the distance geometry problem: an application to molecular conformations. Zbl 1371.90086 Agra, Agostinho; Figueiredo, Rosa; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Pereira, António; Requejo, Cristina 5 2017 A new formulation for the safe set problem on graphs. Zbl 1458.90627 Uzeda dos Santos Macambira, Ana Flávia; Simonetti, Luidi; Barbalho, Hugo; Gonzalez, Pedro Henrique; Maculan, Nelson 5 2019 Effects of multiple prepayments and green investment on an EPQ model. Zbl 1524.90018 Paul, Asim; Pervin, Magfura; Pinto, Renan Vicente; Roy, Sankar Kumar; Maculan, Nelson; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm 5 2023 Solution algorithms for minimizing the total tardiness with budgeted processing time uncertainty. Zbl 1431.90070 Silva, Marco; Poss, Michael; Maculan, Nelson 5 2020 Solving the bifurcated and nonbifurcated robust network loading problem with \(k\)-adaptive routing. Zbl 1397.90096 Silva, Marco; Poss, Michael; Maculan, Nelson 5 2018 An integer linear optimization model to the compartmentalized knapsack problem. Zbl 07766369 Inarejos, Osvaldo; Hoto, Robinson; Maculan, Nelson 5 2019 Editorial: Reformulation techniques in mathematical programming. Zbl 1170.90304 Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 4 2009 An \(O(n^ 3)\) worst case bounded special LP knapsack (0-1) with two constraints. Zbl 0662.90052 Campello, Ruy E.; Maculan, Nelson 4 1988 Optimal configuration of gamma ray machine radiosurgery units: The sphere covering subproblem. Zbl 1154.90347 Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Zhang, Yue 4 2009 An algorithm for determining the \(k\)-best solutions of the one-dimensional knapsack problem. Zbl 1181.90235 Yanasse, Horacio Hideki; Soma, Nei Yoshihiro; Maculan, Nelson 4 2000 Algorithms for finding minimum fundamental cycle bases in graphs. Zbl 1152.05370 Amaldi, Edoardo; Liberti, Leo; Maffioli, Francesco; Maculan, Nelson 4 2004 A new relaxation in conic form for the Euclidean Steiner problem in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1020.90042 Fampa, Marcia; Maculan, Nelson 4 2001 Acyclic orientations with path constraints. Zbl 1198.90336 Figueiredo, Rosa M. V.; Barbosa, Valmir C.; Maculan, Nelson; de Souza, Cid C. 4 2008 Multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems with a cost and several bottleneck objective functions: an algorithm with reoptimization. Zbl 1251.90312 Bornstein, Cláudio T.; Maculan, Nelson; Pascoal, Marta; Pinto, Leizer L. 4 2012 Semidefinite relaxation for linear programs with equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1263.90053 Fampa, Marcia H. C.; Melo, Wendel A. X.; Maculan, Nelson 4 2013 An iterative local search approach applied to the optimal stratification problem. Zbl 1220.90105 Brito, José; Ochi, Luiz; Montenegro, Flávio; Maculan, Nelson 4 2010 An approach for the Steiner problem in directed graphs. Zbl 0744.90092 Maculan, Nelson; Souza, Paulo; Candia Vejar, Alfredo 4 1991 Mixed integer nonlinear optimization models for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1491.90175 Ouzia, Hacene; Maculan, Nelson 4 2022 B&B frameworks for the capacity expansion of high speed telecommunication networks under uncertainty. Zbl 1091.90007 Andrade, R.; Lisser, A.; Maculan, N.; Plateau, G. 3 2005 An \(O(n)\) algorithm for projecting a vector on the intersection of a hyperplane and \(\mathbb{R}_ +^ n\). Zbl 0881.90102 Maculan, Nelson; Minoux, Michel; Plateau, Gérard 3 1997 Iterated local search algorithms for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(n\) dimensions. Zbl 1348.90601 Leal do Forte, Vinícius; Tavares Montenegro, Flávio Marcelo; de Moura Brito, José André; Maculan, Nelson 3 2016 Hub-and-spoke network design and fleet deployment for string planning of liner shipping. Zbl 1351.90046 Gelareh, Shahin; Maculan, Nelson; Mahey, Philippe; Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian 3 2013 Lagrangean relaxation for a lower bound to a set partitioning problem with side constraints: Properties and algorithms. Zbl 0633.90060 Campello, Ruy Eduardo; Maculan, Nelson F. 2 1987 Relaxation Lagrangienne: Le problème du knapsack 0-1. Zbl 0527.90073 Maculan, Nelson 2 1983 New heuristics for the Euclidean Steiner problem in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Zbl 1006.90072 Montenegro, Flávio; Maculan, Nelson; Plateau, Gérard; Boucher, Patrick 2 2002 A lower bound for the shortest Hamiltonean path in directed graphs. Zbl 0744.90091 Maculan, N.; Salles, J. J. C. 2 1991 A mathematical programming formulation for the multiprocessor scheduling problem with communication delays. Zbl 1049.68026 Davidović, Tatjana; Maculan, Nelson; Mladenović, Nenad 2 2003 Multi-service multi-facility network design under uncertainty. Zbl 1251.90074 Andrade, Rafael; Lisser, Abdel; Maculan, Nelson 2 2012 Integer programming problems using a polynomial number of variables and constraints for combinatorial optimization problems in graphs. Zbl 1274.90237 Maculan, Nelson 2 2003 Valid inequalities and lifting procedures for the shortest path problem in digraphs with negative cycles. Zbl 1309.05085 Ibrahim, M. S.; Maculan, N.; Minoux, M. 2 2015 A new formulation for scheduling unrelated processor under precedence constraints. Zbl 0958.90046 Maculan, Nelson; Porto, Stella C. S.; Ribeiro, Celso C.; Carvalho de Souza, Cid 2 1999 An efficient cutting plane algorithm for the minimum weighted elementary directed cycle problem in planar digraphs. Zbl 1349.90815 Ibrahim, Mamane Souley; Maculan, Nelson; Ouzia, Hacène 2 2016 Modelling and solving the perfect edge domination problem. Zbl 1442.90193 do Forte, Vinicius L.; Lin, Min Chih; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Moyano, Veronica A.; Szwarcfiter, Jayme L. 2 2020 A co-opetitive framework for the hub location problems in transportation networks. Zbl 1411.90057 Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian; Gelareh, Shahin; Hanafi, Saïd; Maculan, Nelson 2 2017 \(k\)-adaptive routing for the robust network loading problem. Zbl 1392.90018 Silva, Marco; Poss, Michael; Maculan, Nelson 2 2018 On distance graph coloring problems. Zbl 07768634 de Freitas, Rosiane; Dias, Bruno; Maculan, Nelson; Szwarcfiter, Jayme 2 2021 Trends in operational research approaches for sustainability. Zbl 1384.00069 2 2018 A column generation approach for SONET ring assignment. Zbl 1122.90018 Macambira, Elder M.; Maculan, Nelson; de Souza, Cid C. 1 2006 A trust region method for zero-one nonlinear programming. Zbl 0888.90122 Mauricio, D.; Maculan, N. 1 1997 A graph-oriented approach for the minimization of the number of late jobs for the parallel machines scheduling problem. Zbl 1062.90025 Bornstein, Claudio Thomás; Alcoforado, Luciane Ferreira; Maculan, Nelson 1 2005 Relax-and-cut as a preprocessor and warm starter to branch-and-cut. Zbl 1242.90278 Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Salles da Cunha, Alexandra 1 2012 Special issue: ISMP 2006. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 19th international symposium on mathematical programming, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 31 – August 4, 2006. Zbl 1122.90301 1 2008 On deep disjunctive cutting planes for set partitioning: A computationally oriented research. Zbl 0538.90062 Campello, Ruy Eduardo; Maculan, Nelson F. 1 1984 Le problème de Steiner sur un graphe orienté: Formulations et relaxations. (The Steiner problem in a directed graph: formulations and relaxations). Zbl 0666.05035 Maculan, Nelson; Arpin, Daniele; Nguyen, Sang 1 1988 The kissing number problem: a new result from global optimization. Zbl 1152.52304 Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Kucherenko, Sergei 1 2004 An algorithm for bipartitioning a graph into subgraphs of fixed cardinality. (Un algorithme pour la bipartition d’un graphe en sous-graphes de cardinalité fixée.) Zbl 0999.05093 Michelon, Philippe; Ripeau, Stéphanie; Maculan, Nelson 1 2001 Dislocation hyperbolic kernel function. Zbl 07928042 Ramirez, Lennin Mallma; Maculan, Nelson; Xavier, Adilson Elias; Xavier, Vinicius Layter 1 2024 Solution algorithms for dock scheduling and truck sequencing in cross-docks: a neural branch-and-price and a metaheuristic. Zbl 07877722 Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian; Gelareh, Shahin; Maculan, Nelson 1 2024 A neural branch-and-price for truck scheduling in cross-docks. Zbl 07873877 Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian; Gelareh, Shahin; Maculan, Nelson; Chen, Wei-Kun 1 2024 Effects of multiple prepayments and green investment on an EPQ model. Zbl 1524.90018 Paul, Asim; Pervin, Magfura; Pinto, Renan Vicente; Roy, Sankar Kumar; Maculan, Nelson; Weber, Gerhard Wilhelm 5 2023 A new heuristic for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Zbl 1527.90242 Pinto, Renan Vicente; Maculan, Nelson 1 2023 A new second-order conic optimization model for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 07745349 Pinto, Renan Vicente; Ouzia, Hacène; Maculan, Nelson 1 2023 Dislocation hyperbolic augmented Lagrangian algorithm for nonconvex optimization. Zbl 1536.90163 Ramirez, Lennin Mallma; Maculan, Nelson; Xavier, Adilson Elias; Xavier, Vinicius Layter 1 2023 A green inventory model with the effect of carbon taxation. Zbl 1480.90026 Paul, Asim; Pervin, Magfura; Roy, Sankar Kumar; Maculan, Nelson; Weber, Gerhard-Wilhelm 16 2022 Mixed integer nonlinear optimization models for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 1491.90175 Ouzia, Hacene; Maculan, Nelson 4 2022 Clarke subdifferential, Pareto-Clarke critical points and descent directions to multiobjective optimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 07935318 Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Baygorrea, Nancy; Maculan, Nelson 1 2022 On distance graph coloring problems. Zbl 07768634 de Freitas, Rosiane; Dias, Bruno; Maculan, Nelson; Szwarcfiter, Jayme 2 2021 A cycle-based formulation for the distance geometry problem. Zbl 1481.90305 Liberti, Leo; Iommazzo, Gabriele; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 1 2021 Heuristic approach applied to the optimum stratification problem. Zbl 1473.62025 Brito, José André; de Lima, Leonardo; González, Pedro Henrique; Oliveira, Breno; Maculan, Nelson 1 2021 Inexact proximal point methods for multiobjective quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1447.49047 Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Baygorrea Cusihuallpa, Nancy; Maculan, Nelson 18 2020 Solution algorithms for minimizing the total tardiness with budgeted processing time uncertainty. Zbl 1431.90070 Silva, Marco; Poss, Michael; Maculan, Nelson 5 2020 Modelling and solving the perfect edge domination problem. Zbl 1442.90193 do Forte, Vinicius L.; Lin, Min Chih; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Moyano, Veronica A.; Szwarcfiter, Jayme L. 2 2020 A new formulation for the safe set problem on graphs. Zbl 1458.90627 Uzeda dos Santos Macambira, Ana Flávia; Simonetti, Luidi; Barbalho, Hugo; Gonzalez, Pedro Henrique; Maculan, Nelson 5 2019 An integer linear optimization model to the compartmentalized knapsack problem. Zbl 07766369 Inarejos, Osvaldo; Hoto, Robinson; Maculan, Nelson 5 2019 An exact and polynomial approach for a bi-objective integer programming problem regarding network flow routing. Zbl 1458.90581 Pinto, Leizer L.; Fernandes, Kátia C. C.; Cardoso, Kleber V.; Maculan, Nelson 1 2019 Solving the bifurcated and nonbifurcated robust network loading problem with \(k\)-adaptive routing. Zbl 1397.90096 Silva, Marco; Poss, Michael; Maculan, Nelson 5 2018 \(k\)-adaptive routing for the robust network loading problem. Zbl 1392.90018 Silva, Marco; Poss, Michael; Maculan, Nelson 2 2018 Trends in operational research approaches for sustainability. Zbl 1384.00069 2 2018 New error measures and methods for realizing protein graphs from distance data. Zbl 1358.05085 D’Ambrosio, Claudia; Vu, Ky; Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 14 2017 On the convergence rate of an inexact proximal point algorithm for quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1386.90111 Baygorrea, Nancy; Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Maculan, Nelson 6 2017 Feasibility check for the distance geometry problem: an application to molecular conformations. Zbl 1371.90086 Agra, Agostinho; Figueiredo, Rosa; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Pereira, António; Requejo, Cristina 5 2017 A co-opetitive framework for the hub location problems in transportation networks. Zbl 1411.90057 Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian; Gelareh, Shahin; Hanafi, Saïd; Maculan, Nelson 2 2017 Inexact proximal point methods for quasiconvex minimization on Hadamard manifolds. Zbl 1365.90211 Baygorrea, Nancy; Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex; Maculan, Nelson 10 2016 An overview of exact algorithms for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(n\)-space. Zbl 1348.90593 Fampa, Marcia; Lee, Jon; Maculan, Nelson 7 2016 A decomposition algorithm for nested resource allocation problems. Zbl 1347.90068 Vidal, Thibaut; Jaillet, Patrick; Maculan, Nelson 6 2016 Iterated local search algorithms for the Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(n\) dimensions. Zbl 1348.90601 Leal do Forte, Vinícius; Tavares Montenegro, Flávio Marcelo; de Moura Brito, José André; Maculan, Nelson 3 2016 An efficient cutting plane algorithm for the minimum weighted elementary directed cycle problem in planar digraphs. Zbl 1349.90815 Ibrahim, Mamane Souley; Maculan, Nelson; Ouzia, Hacène 2 2016 Clifford algebra and the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1327.15052 Lavor, Carlile; Alves, Rafael; Figueiredo, Weber; Petraglia, Antonio; Maculan, Nelson 23 2015 A speed and departure time optimization algorithm for the pollution-routing problem. Zbl 1346.90142 Kramer, Raphael; Maculan, Nelson; Subramanian, Anand; Vidal, Thibaut 18 2015 Valid inequalities and lifting procedures for the shortest path problem in digraphs with negative cycles. Zbl 1309.05085 Ibrahim, M. S.; Maculan, N.; Minoux, M. 2 2015 Euclidean distance geometry and applications. Zbl 1292.51010 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Mucherino, Antonio 122 2014 Discretization orders for protein side chains. Zbl 1312.90069 Costa, Virginia; Mucherino, Antonio; Lavor, Carlile; Cassioli, Andrea; Carvalho, Luiz M.; Maculan, Nelson 11 2014 Distance geometry. Theory, methods, and applications. Zbl 1256.51002 38 2013 Enhanced compact models for the connected subgraph problem and for the shortest path problem in digraphs with negative cycles. Zbl 1348.05138 Haouari, Mohamed; Maculan, Nelson; Mrad, Mehdi 7 2013 Semidefinite relaxation for linear programs with equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1263.90053 Fampa, Marcia H. C.; Melo, Wendel A. X.; Maculan, Nelson 4 2013 Hub-and-spoke network design and fleet deployment for string planning of liner shipping. Zbl 1351.90046 Gelareh, Shahin; Maculan, Nelson; Mahey, Philippe; Monemi, Rahimeh Neamatian 3 2013 Single string planning problem arising in liner shipping industries: a heuristic approach. Zbl 1348.90088 Gelareh, Shahin; Neamatian Monemi, Rahimeh; Mahey, Philippe; Maculan, Nelson; Pisinger, David 1 2013 The discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1259.90153 Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Mucherino, Antonio 61 2012 Recent advances on the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1253.05132 Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Mucherino, Antonio 39 2012 Multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems with a cost and several bottleneck objective functions: an algorithm with reoptimization. Zbl 1251.90312 Bornstein, Cláudio T.; Maculan, Nelson; Pascoal, Marta; Pinto, Leizer L. 4 2012 Multi-service multi-facility network design under uncertainty. Zbl 1251.90074 Andrade, Rafael; Lisser, Abdel; Maculan, Nelson 2 2012 Relax-and-cut as a preprocessor and warm starter to branch-and-cut. Zbl 1242.90278 Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Salles da Cunha, Alexandra 1 2012 Molecular distance geometry methods: from continuous to discrete. Zbl 1219.90177 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Mucherino, Antonio; Maculan, Nelson 43 2011 On the computation of protein backbones by using artificial backbones of hydrogens. Zbl 1219.90209 Lavor, C.; Mucherino, A.; Liberti, L.; Maculan, N. 16 2011 Minmax regret combinatorial optimization problems: an algorithmic perspective. Zbl 1270.90053 Candia-Véjar, Alfredo; Álvarez-Miranda, Eduardo; Maculan, Nelson 12 2011 Hyperbolic smoothing and penalty techniques applied to molecular structure determination. Zbl 1235.90121 Souza, Michael; Xavier, Adilson Elias; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 7 2011 Reformulations and solution algorithms for the maximum leaf spanning tree problem. Zbl 1198.90380 Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Simonetti, Luidi 22 2010 A branch-and-cut algorithm for partition coloring. Zbl 1205.05089 Frota, Yuri; Maculan, Nelson; Noronha, Thiago F.; Ribeiro, Celso C. 17 2010 An iterative local search approach applied to the optimal stratification problem. Zbl 1220.90105 Brito, José; Ochi, Luiz; Montenegro, Flávio; Maculan, Nelson 4 2010 An exact algorithm for the stratification problem with proportional allocation. Zbl 1189.62008 Brito, José; Maculan, Nelson; Lila, Maurício; Montenegro, Flávio 1 2010 Double variable neighbourhood search with smoothing for the molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1169.90470 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Marinelli, Fabrizio 19 2009 On the definition of artificial backbones for the discretizable molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1190.92009 Mucherino, Antonio; Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 16 2009 A relax-and-cut algorithm for the prize-collecting Steiner problem in graphs. Zbl 1173.90573 da Cunha, Alexandre Salles; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson; Resende, Mauricio G. C. 12 2009 A strong flow-based formulation for the shortest path problem in digraphs with negative cycles. Zbl 1176.90416 Ibrahim, M. S.; Maculan, N.; Minoux, M. 12 2009 Reformulation in mathematical programming: An application to quantum chemistry. Zbl 1173.90494 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Nascimento, Marco Antonio Chaer 8 2009 The tricriterion shortest path problem with at least two bottleneck objective functions. Zbl 1163.90794 de Lima Pinto, Leizer; Bornstein, Cláudio Thomás; Maculan, Nelson 8 2009 Edge-swapping algorithms for the minimum fundamental cycle basis problem. Zbl 1163.90036 Amaldi, Edoardo; Liberti, Leo; Maffioli, Francesco; Maculan, Nelson 6 2009 A branch-and-cut algorithm for equitable coloring based on a formulation by representatives. Zbl 1268.90110 Bahiense, Laura; Frota, Yuri; Maculan, Nelson; Noronha, Thiago F.; Ribeiro, Celso C. 5 2009 Editorial: Reformulation techniques in mathematical programming. Zbl 1170.90304 Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 4 2009 Optimal configuration of gamma ray machine radiosurgery units: The sphere covering subproblem. Zbl 1154.90347 Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Zhang, Yue 4 2009 A branch-and-prune algorithm for the molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1136.92037 Liberti, Leo; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 62 2008 On the choice of parameters for the weighting method in vector optimization. Zbl 1163.90021 Graña Drummond, L. M.; Maculan, N.; Svaiter, B. F. 33 2008 A continuous variable neighborhood search heuristic for finding the three-dimensional structure of a molecule. Zbl 1175.90444 Dražić, Milan; Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson; Mladenović, Nenad 15 2008 Acyclic orientations with path constraints. Zbl 1198.90336 Figueiredo, Rosa M. V.; Barbosa, Valmir C.; Maculan, Nelson; de Souza, Cid C. 4 2008 Special issue: ISMP 2006. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 19th international symposium on mathematical programming, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 31 – August 4, 2006. Zbl 1122.90301 1 2008 The one dimensional Compartmentalised Knapsack problem: a case study. Zbl 1138.90457 Hoto, Robinson; Arenales, Marcos; Maculan, Nelson 10 2007 New formulations for the Kissing Number Problem. Zbl 1144.90455 Kucherenko, Sergei; Belotti, Pietro; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 8 2007 Computational experience with the molecular distance geometry problem. Zbl 1129.90389 Lavor, Carlile; Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson 31 2006 Global optimization. From theory to implementation. Zbl 1087.90005 24 2006 Using Lagrangian dual information to generate degree constrained spanning trees. Zbl 1120.90067 Andrade, Rafael; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson 15 2006 Enhancing a branch-and-bound algorithm for two-stage stochastic integer network design-based models. Zbl 1232.90312 Andrade, Rafael; Lisser, Abdel; Maculan, Nelson; Plateau, Gérard 7 2006 A column generation approach for SONET ring assignment. Zbl 1122.90018 Macambira, Elder M.; Maculan, Nelson; de Souza, Cid C. 1 2006 B&B frameworks for the capacity expansion of high speed telecommunication networks under uncertainty. Zbl 1091.90007 Andrade, R.; Lisser, A.; Maculan, N.; Plateau, G. 3 2005 A graph-oriented approach for the minimization of the number of late jobs for the parallel machines scheduling problem. Zbl 1062.90025 Bornstein, Claudio Thomás; Alcoforado, Luciane Ferreira; Maculan, Nelson 1 2005 A function to test methods applied to global minimization of potential energy of molecules. Zbl 1049.65050 Lavor, Carlile; Maculan, Nelson 16 2004 Using a conic formulation for finding Steiner minimal trees. Zbl 1047.90055 Fampa, Marcia; Maculan, Nelson 10 2004 Stronger \(K\)-tree relaxations for the vehicle routing problem. Zbl 1061.90023 Martinhon, Carlos; Lucena, Abilio; Maculan, Nelson 9 2004 Telecommunication network capacity design for uncertain demand. Zbl 1060.90021 Andrade, R.; Lisser, A.; Maculan, N.; Plateau, G. 6 2004 Algorithms for finding minimum fundamental cycle bases in graphs. Zbl 1152.05370 Amaldi, Edoardo; Liberti, Leo; Maffioli, Francesco; Maculan, Nelson 4 2004 The kissing number problem: a new result from global optimization. Zbl 1152.52304 Liberti, Leo; Maculan, Nelson; Kucherenko, Sergei 1 2004 Reducing the cost of evaluation of the gradient and Hessian of molecular potential energy functions. Zbl 1176.90660 Lavor, C.; Maculan, N. 1 2004 An \(O(n)\) algorithm for projecting a vector on the intersection of a hyperplane and a box in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1115.90397 Maculan, N.; Santiago, C. P.; Macambira, E. M.; Jardim, M. H. C. 23 2003 A greedy search for the three-dimensional bin packing problem: the packing static stability case. Zbl 1134.90480 de Castro Silva, J. L.; Soma, N. Y.; Maculan, N. 20 2003 A mathematical programming formulation for the multiprocessor scheduling problem with communication delays. Zbl 1049.68026 Davidović, Tatjana; Maculan, Nelson; Mladenović, Nenad 2 2003 Integer programming problems using a polynomial number of variables and constraints for combinatorial optimization problems in graphs. Zbl 1274.90237 Maculan, Nelson 2 2003 Column-generation in integer linear programming. Zbl 1036.90076 Maculan, Nelson; de Mendonça Passini, Marcos; de Moura Brito, José André; Loiseau, Irene 1 2003 Performance evaluation of a family of criss-cross algorithms for linear programming. Zbl 1064.90024 Bonates, Tibérius; Maculan, Nelson 1 2003 The volume algorithm revisited: relation with bundle methods. Zbl 1023.90038 Bahiense, L.; Maculan, N.; Sagastizábal, C. 29 2002 New heuristics for the Euclidean Steiner problem in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Zbl 1006.90072 Montenegro, Flávio; Maculan, Nelson; Plateau, Gérard; Boucher, Patrick 2 2002 Column generation method for network design. Zbl 1048.90046 Maculan, Nelson; Passini, Marcos M.; Brito, José André M.; Lisser, Abdel 1 2002 A new relaxation in conic form for the Euclidean Steiner problem in \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1020.90042 Fampa, Marcia; Maculan, Nelson 4 2001 An algorithm for bipartitioning a graph into subgraphs of fixed cardinality. (Un algorithme pour la bipartition d’un graphe en sous-graphes de cardinalité fixée.) Zbl 0999.05093 Michelon, Philippe; Ripeau, Stéphanie; Maculan, Nelson 1 2001 Transient-states analysis of a 2-species dynamical ecological model via KCC-theory. Zbl 0999.92033 Antonelli, P.; Maculan, N.; Portugal, R.; Rutz, S.; Sabau, S. 1 2001 The Euclidean Steiner tree problem in \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\): A mathematical programming formulation. Zbl 0966.90064 Maculan, Nelson; Michelon, Philippe; Xavier, Adilson E. 10 2000 A Boolean penalty method for zero-one nonlinear programming. Zbl 1028.90029 Mauricio, David; Maculan, Nelson 7 2000 An algorithm for determining the \(k\)-best solutions of the one-dimensional knapsack problem. Zbl 1181.90235 Yanasse, Horacio Hideki; Soma, Nei Yoshihiro; Maculan, Nelson 4 2000 ...and 17 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,293 Authors 56 Lavor, Carlile Campos 54 Maculan Filho, Nelson 53 Liberti, Leo 24 Mucherino, Antonio 14 Gonçalves, Douglas Soares 11 Lucena, Abilio 10 Lee, Jon 10 Mladenović, Nenad 9 Ribeiro, Celso Carneiro 8 Frangioni, Antonio 8 Frota, Yuri Abitbol de Menezes 8 Papa Quiroz, Erik Alex 8 Simonetti, Luidi G. 7 de Figueiredo, Celina M. Herrera 7 de Souza, Cid Carvalho 7 Fampa, Marcia Helena C. 7 Ghosh, Arnav 7 Upadhyay, Balendu Bhooshan 6 Alves, Rafael 6 Billionnet, Alain 6 Elloumi, Sourour 6 Escudero, Laureano Fernando 6 Machado, Raphael Carlos Santos 6 Meng, Zhiqing 6 Miyazawa, Flavio Keidi 6 Obata, Nobuaki 6 Salles da Cunha, Alexandre 6 Shen, Rui 6 Souza, Michael 5 de Souza, Maurício Cardoso 5 Dražić, Milan D. 5 Figueiredo, Rosa M. V. 5 Gouveia, Luis 5 Jiang, Min 5 Junqueira, Leonardo 5 Laporte, Gilbert 5 Malliavin, Thérèse E. 5 Martello, Silvano 5 Nagih, Anass 5 Noronha, Thiago F. 5 Pascoal, Marta Margarida Braz 5 Pinto, Renan Vicente 5 Yao, Jen-Chih 4 Alencar, Jorge 4 Álvarez-Miranda, Eduardo 4 Alves de Queiroz, Thiago 4 Bello Cruz, Jose Yunier 4 Bento, Glaydston C. 4 Candia-Véjar, Alfredo 4 da Cruz Neto, João Xavier 4 Dang, Chuangyin 4 Gendron, Bernard 4 Hansen, Pierre 4 Haouari, Mohamed 4 Hoto, Robinson Samuel Vieira 4 Iori, Manuel 4 Kiwiel, Krzysztof Czesław 4 Lambert, Amélie 4 Lapucci, Matteo 4 Li, Duan 4 Li, Qingna 4 Ljubić, Ivana 4 Locatelli, Marco 4 Luo, Xinlong 4 Mateus, Geraldo Robson 4 Morabito, Reinaldo 4 Pinto, Leizer Lima 4 Plateau, Gérard 4 Poss, Michael 4 Sarkar, Biswajit 4 Schoen, Fabio 4 Sherali, Hanif D. 4 Tamasyan, Grigoriĩ Shchalikovich 4 Xiao, Hang 4 Zhao, Xiaopeng 3 Akgün, İbrahim 3 Andrade, Rafael Espin 3 Aneja, Yash P. 3 Arenales, Marcos Nereu 3 Barahona, Francisco 3 Baygorrea, Nancy 3 Bektas, Tolga 3 Belotti, Pietro 3 Billinge, Simon J. L. 3 Bouza-Allende, Gemayqzel 3 Carrizosa, Emilio 3 Carvalho, Luiz Mariano 3 Cordone, Roberto 3 Picinin de Mello, Célia 3 de Salles Neto, Luiz Leduíno 3 de Souza, Sérgio Ricardo 3 Dražić, Zorica 3 Duxbury, Phillip M. 3 Ekim, Tınaz 3 Fidalgo, Felipe 3 Floudas, Christodoulos Achilleus 3 Gelareh, Shahin 3 Gerards, Marco E. T. 3 Graña Drummond, L. M. 3 Guignard, Monique ...and 1,193 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 138 Serials 55 Computers & Operations Research 55 European Journal of Operational Research 45 Discrete Applied Mathematics 35 Journal of Global Optimization 35 International Transactions in Operational Research 29 Annals of Operations Research 28 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 23 RAIRO. Operations Research 22 Optimization Letters 19 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 19 Computational Optimization and Applications 19 INFORMS Journal on Computing 17 Operations Research Letters 15 Networks 8 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 7 Applied Mathematics and Computation 7 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 7 Top 7 4OR 6 Optimization 6 Applied Mathematical Modelling 6 SIAM Journal on Optimization 5 Information Sciences 5 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 5 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 4 Information Processing Letters 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Discrete & Computational Geometry 4 Mathematical Programming Computation 4 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 3 Opsearch 3 Applied Numerical Mathematics 3 Algorithmica 3 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 3 OR Spectrum 3 Discrete Optimization 3 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 EURO Journal on Computational Optimization 3 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Operations Research 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Graphs and Combinatorics 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 SIAM Review 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2 Constraints 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIS) 2 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 2 Optimization and Engineering 2 Engineering Optimization 2 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry 2 SN Operations Research Forum 2 OJMO. Open Journal of Mathematical Optimization 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 International Journal of Control 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1 Physica A 1 Physics Reports 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Automatica 1 International Statistical Review 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 1 Cybernetics and Systems 1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 1 Combinatorica 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Physica D 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of Scientific Computing 1 Machine Learning ...and 38 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 40 Fields 574 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 124 Combinatorics (05-XX) 81 Computer science (68-XX) 57 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 36 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 34 Geometry (51-XX) 24 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 22 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 19 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 15 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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