Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Malyugin, Sergey Artem’evich Co-Author Distance Author ID: malyugin.sergey-artemevich Published as: Malyugin, S. A.; Malyugin, Sergei Artem’evich; Malyugin, Sergeĭ Artem’evich; Malyugin, Sergey Artem’evich more...less Further Spellings: Малюгин Сергей Артемьевич External Links: ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp Documents Indexed: 47 Publications since 1978, including 2 Books Co-Authors: 12 Co-Authors with 16 Joint Publications 465 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 31 single-authored 12 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 3 Gutman, Aleksandr Efimovich 3 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 2 Gordon, Evgeniĭ Izrail’evich 2 Koptev, Aleksandr Viktorovich 2 Reshetnyak, Yuriĭ Grigor’evich 2 Vodop’yanov, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 1 Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich 1 Evdokimov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Kopfer, A. V. 1 Losenkov, G. A. 1 Romanov, Alexander Mikhailovich all top 5 Serials 8 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ. Seriya 1 5 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 5 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 3 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Matematicheskie Zametki 2 Optimizatsiya 1 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Soviet Mathematics 1 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Matematicheskie Zametki YAGU 1 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ. Seriya 2 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) all top 5 Fields 17 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 14 Measure and integration (28-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 26 Publications have been cited 60 times in 39 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Some questions of the theory of vector measures. (Nekotorye voprosy teorii vektornykh mer.) Zbl 0760.46039 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 8 1988 On the order of the automorphism group of perfect binary codes. Zbl 1004.94031 Malyugin, S. A. 6 2000 On the enumeration of perfect binary codes of length 15. Zbl 1008.94026 Malyugin, S. A. 6 1999 Nonsystematic perfect binary codes. Zbl 1007.94022 Malyugin, S. A. 4 2001 Order-continuous component of a majorized operator. Zbl 0643.47043 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 4 1987 On a lower bound for the number of perfect binary codes. Zbl 0930.94046 Malyugin, S. A. 3 1999 On enumeration of nonequivalent perfect binary codes of length 15 and rank 15. Zbl 1249.94060 Malyugin, S. A. 3 2006 Perfect binary codes of infinite length. Zbl 1399.94103 Malyugin, S. A. 3 2017 Systematic and nonsystematic perfect codes of infinite length over finite fields. Zbl 1472.94082 Malyugin, Sergeĭ Artem’evich 2 2019 Quasi-Radon measures. Zbl 0772.28004 Malyugin, S. A. 2 1991 Perfect binary codes of infinite length with complete system of triples. Zbl 1386.94113 Malyugin, Sergey Artem’evich 2 2017 Linear perfect codes of infinite length over infinite fields. Zbl 1457.94237 Malyugin, S. A. 2 2020 Affine nonsystematic codes. Zbl 1324.94050 Malyugin, S. A. 2 2012 Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Updated translation of the Russian original. Zbl 1001.46050 Gutman, A. E.; Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Kusraev, A. G.; Losenkov, G. A.; Koptev, A. V.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 2000 Sharp estimates of norms in C of orthogonal projection onto subspaces of polygons. Zbl 0526.41028 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1983 On nonsystematic perfect codes over finite fields. Zbl 1249.94066 Malyugin, S. A. 1 2009 On the Hamburger vector moment problem. Zbl 0834.47009 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1990 Sequential properties of the strongest exhaustible monotone topology. Zbl 0865.54031 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1991 On the Fourier transform of dominated mappings. Zbl 0857.43005 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1994 Eine Topologie überdeckender Mengen, und eine stetige Erweiterung äußerer Maße. Zbl 0413.28010 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1979 Affine 3-nonsystematic codes. Zbl 1324.94051 Malyugin, S. A. 1 2014 Atomic decomposition of vector measures. Zbl 0699.28004 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1989 The code “the snake in a box” and ways in a lattice on a torus. Zbl 0681.94018 Evdokimov, A. A.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1987 On an extension of finitely additive vector measures. Zbl 0726.28009 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1990 Product and projective limit of vector measures. Zbl 0722.28006 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1991 On the vector moment problem. Zbl 0734.44006 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1989 Linear perfect codes of infinite length over infinite fields. Zbl 1457.94237 Malyugin, S. A. 2 2020 Systematic and nonsystematic perfect codes of infinite length over finite fields. Zbl 1472.94082 Malyugin, Sergeĭ Artem’evich 2 2019 Perfect binary codes of infinite length. Zbl 1399.94103 Malyugin, S. A. 3 2017 Perfect binary codes of infinite length with complete system of triples. Zbl 1386.94113 Malyugin, Sergey Artem’evich 2 2017 Affine 3-nonsystematic codes. Zbl 1324.94051 Malyugin, S. A. 1 2014 Affine nonsystematic codes. Zbl 1324.94050 Malyugin, S. A. 2 2012 On nonsystematic perfect codes over finite fields. Zbl 1249.94066 Malyugin, S. A. 1 2009 On enumeration of nonequivalent perfect binary codes of length 15 and rank 15. Zbl 1249.94060 Malyugin, S. A. 3 2006 Nonsystematic perfect binary codes. Zbl 1007.94022 Malyugin, S. A. 4 2001 On the order of the automorphism group of perfect binary codes. Zbl 1004.94031 Malyugin, S. A. 6 2000 Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Updated translation of the Russian original. Zbl 1001.46050 Gutman, A. E.; Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Kusraev, A. G.; Losenkov, G. A.; Koptev, A. V.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 2000 On the enumeration of perfect binary codes of length 15. Zbl 1008.94026 Malyugin, S. A. 6 1999 On a lower bound for the number of perfect binary codes. Zbl 0930.94046 Malyugin, S. A. 3 1999 On the Fourier transform of dominated mappings. Zbl 0857.43005 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1994 Quasi-Radon measures. Zbl 0772.28004 Malyugin, S. A. 2 1991 Sequential properties of the strongest exhaustible monotone topology. Zbl 0865.54031 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1991 Product and projective limit of vector measures. Zbl 0722.28006 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1991 On the Hamburger vector moment problem. Zbl 0834.47009 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1990 On an extension of finitely additive vector measures. Zbl 0726.28009 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1990 Atomic decomposition of vector measures. Zbl 0699.28004 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1989 On the vector moment problem. Zbl 0734.44006 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1989 Some questions of the theory of vector measures. (Nekotorye voprosy teorii vektornykh mer.) Zbl 0760.46039 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 8 1988 Order-continuous component of a majorized operator. Zbl 0643.47043 Kusraev, A. G.; Malyugin, S. A. 4 1987 The code “the snake in a box” and ways in a lattice on a torus. Zbl 0681.94018 Evdokimov, A. A.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 1987 Sharp estimates of norms in C of orthogonal projection onto subspaces of polygons. Zbl 0526.41028 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1983 Eine Topologie überdeckender Mengen, und eine stetige Erweiterung äußerer Maße. Zbl 0413.28010 Malyugin, S. A. 1 1979 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 28 Authors 11 Malyugin, Sergey Artem’evich 4 Heden, Olof 4 Kolesnikov, E. V. 3 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 3 Solov’eva, Faina Ivanovna 2 Krotov, Denis S. 1 Avgustinovich, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Basile, Achille 1 Bukhvalov, Alexander V. 1 Chilin, Vladimir Ivanovich 1 Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich 1 Evdokimov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Foucart, Simon 1 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 1 Lipecki, Zbigniew 1 Lučić, Danka 1 Malyugin, D. V. 1 Mogilnykh, Ivan Yurevich 1 Nowak, Marian 1 Östergård, Patric R. J. 1 Pasqualetto, Enrico 1 Perezhogin, Alekseĭ L’vovich 1 Sapozhenko, Aleksandr Antonovich 1 Shi, Minjia 1 Shotaev, G. N. 1 Sribnaya, Tat’yana Arkad’evna 1 Tibilov, K. T. 1 Zakirov, Botir all top 5 Cited in 16 Serials 10 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Discrete Mathematics 4 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 3 Problems of Information Transmission 3 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 1 International Applied Mechanics 1 Positivity 1 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ. Seriya 2 1 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 19 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Citations by Year