Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Marcellán Español, Francisco Co-Author Distance Author ID: marcellan-espanol.francisco Published as: Marcellán, Francisco; Marcellán, F.; Marcellan, F.; Marcellan, Francisco; Marcellán Español, Francisco; Marcellan Español, Francisco; Español, Francisco Marcellán; Marcellan, Francisco J.; Espanol, F. Marcellan; Español, F. Marcellán; Marcellan Español, F. more...less Homepage: http://gama.uc3m.es/index.php/fmarcellan.html External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 359 Publications since 1978, including 1 Book and 11 Additional arXiv Preprints 18 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 125 Reviews Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 174 Co-Authors with 365 Joint Publications 2,519 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 20 Álvarez-Nodarse, Renato 20 Cachafeiro, Alicia 18 Alfaro García, Manuel 18 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos 17 Piñar, Miguel A. 16 Huertas Cejudo, Edmundo José 15 Castillo, Kenier 15 Moreno-Balcázar, Juan José 15 Pérez, Teresa E. 14 Garza, Luis E. 13 Branquinho, Amílcar José Pinto Lopes 12 Godoy, Eduardo Paciência 12 Petronilho, José C. 11 Arvesú, Jorge 10 Kwon, Kil Hyun 10 Rezola, María Luisa 8 Dueñas, Herbert 8 Hernández, Javier 8 Martínez-Finkelshtein, Andrei 8 Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia Camila 8 Quintana, Yamilet 8 Rocha, Ignacio A. 8 Ronveaux, André 7 Area, Iván 7 Fejzullahu, Bujar Xh. 7 Foulquié Moreno, Ana Pilar 6 Bouras, Belgacem 6 Bueno, María Isabel 6 Mañas, Manuel 6 Marriaga, Misael E. 6 Moral, Leandro 6 Sfaxi, Ridha 6 Sri Ranga, Alagacone 6 Yakhlef, Hossain O. 5 Ariznabarreta, Gerardo 5 Berriochoa, Elías 5 Cantero, María José 5 Dominici, Diego Ernesto 5 López Lagomasino, Guillermo Tomás 5 Osilenker, Boris P. 5 Prianes, Eduardo 5 Rafaeli, Fernando Rodrigo 5 Sansigre, Gabriela 5 Van Assche, Walter 4 Aptekarev, Alexander Ivanovich 4 Delgado, Antonia M. 4 Garza, Lino G. 4 Kim, Deok-Ho 4 Peña, Ana 4 Pérez Valero, María Francisca 4 Pijeira-Cabrera, Héctor 4 Salto, L. 4 Szafraniec, Franciszek Hugon 3 Costas-Santos, Roberto S. 3 Fernández, Lidia 3 García Lázaro, P. 3 Geronimo, Jeffrey S. 3 Khalfallah, Mohamed 3 Mañas-Mañas, Juan F. 3 Meijer, Henk G. 3 Mendes, Ana 3 Peherstorfer, Franz 3 Reichel, Lothar 3 Rivero, Jorge Andres 3 Rodríguez García, José Manuel 3 Sánchez-Ruiz, Jorge 3 Sghaier, Mabrouk 3 Steinbauer, Robert 3 Urieles, Alejandro 3 Velázquez, Luis 2 Abreu, Luís Daniel 2 Álvarez-Fernández, Carlos 2 Atia, Mohamed Jalel 2 Belmehdi, Said 2 Daruis, Leyla 2 de Jesus, M. N. 2 Dehesa, Jesús S. 2 Dell’Accio, Francesco 2 Derevyagin, Maxim S. 2 García, Antonio G. 2 Gautschi, Walter 2 Habbachi, Y. 2 Jabee, Saima 2 Lastra, Alberto 2 Lee, Dongwon 2 Littlejohn, Lance L. 2 Marcato, Gustavo A. 2 Maroni, Pascal 2 Medem, J. C. 2 Nudo, Federico 2 Rebocho, M. N. 2 Swaminathan, Anbhu 2 Varma, Serhan 2 Xu, Yuan 2 Yakubovich, Semyon B. 2 Zaatra, Mohamed 2 Zagorodnyuk, Sergey Mihaylovich 1 Acosta Humánez, Primitivo Belén 1 Alaya, Atef 1 Alfaro, Manual ...and 74 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 40 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 24 Journal of Approximation Theory 23 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 17 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 16 Linear Algebra and its Applications 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 14 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 10 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 9 Numerical Algorithms 8 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 8 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Constructive Approximation 4 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Methods and Applications of Analysis 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 4 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Portugaliae Mathematica 3 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 3 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 3 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 International Mathematical Journal 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Publicacions. Secciò de Matemàtiques 2 Approximation Theory and its Applications 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 The Ramanujan Journal 2 Contemporary Mathematics 2 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 BIT 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Publicaciones del Seminario Matematico Garcia de Galdeano 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 1 Studies in Applied Mathematics 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 1 Queueing Systems 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. A 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Filomat 1 Annals of Numerical Mathematics 1 European Mathematical Society Newsletter 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 1 Boletín de Matemáticas. Nueva Serie 1 La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Approximation and Optimization 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Afrika Matematika 1 SEMA SIMAI Springer Series 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 276 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 249 Special functions (33-XX) 37 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 23 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 18 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 14 Operator theory (47-XX) 13 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 310 Publications have been cited 3,113 times in 1,164 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Classical orthogonal polynomials: A functional approach. Zbl 0793.33009 Marcellán, F.; Branquinho, A.; Petronilho, J. 97 1994 On Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1351.33011 Marcellán, Francisco; Xu, Yuan 96 2015 Darboux transformation and perturbation of linear functionals. Zbl 1055.42016 Bueno, M. I.; Marcellán, F. 87 2004 Orthogonal polynomials on Sobolev spaces: Old and new directions. Zbl 0790.42015 Marcellán, F.; Alfaro, M.; Rezola, M. L. 63 1993 On the assignment of a Dirac-mass for a regular and semi-classical form. (Sur l’adjonction d’une masse de Dirac à une forme régulière et semi-classique.) Zbl 0771.33008 Marcellan, F.; Maroni, P. 52 1992 Relative asymptotics for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a discrete Sobolev inner product. Zbl 0840.42017 López, G.; Marcellán, F.; Van Assche, Walter 52 1995 A distributional study of discrete classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0853.33009 García, A. G.; Marcellán, F.; Salto, L. 51 1995 On orthogonal polynomials with perturbed recurrence relations. Zbl 0713.42021 Marcellan, F.; Dehesa, J. S.; Ronveaux, A. 50 1990 On orthogonal polynomials of Sobolev type: Algebraic properties and zeros. Zbl 0764.33003 Alfaro, M.; Marcellán, F.; Rezola, M. L.; Ronveaux, A. 49 1992 On a class of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a discrete Sobolev inner product. Zbl 0732.42016 Marcellan, F.; Ronveaux, A. 45 1990 On the \(q\)-polynomials: A distributional study. Zbl 0991.33007 Medem, J. C.; Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; Marcellán, F. 45 2001 On recurrence relations for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0824.33006 Evans, W. D.; Littlejohn, Lance L.; Marcellan, Francisco; Markett, Clemens; Ronveaux, Andre 40 1995 Christoffel transformations for matrix orthogonal polynomials in the real line and the non-abelian 2D Toda lattice hierarchy. Zbl 1405.42047 Álvarez-Fernández, Carlos; Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 40 2017 Asymptotic and interlacing properties of zeros of exceptional Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 1300.33013 Gómez-Ullate, David; Marcellán, Francisco; Milson, Robert 39 2013 Orthogonal polynomials and coherent pairs: The classical case. Zbl 0843.42010 Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 38 1995 Asymptotics and zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on unbounded supports. Zbl 1137.42312 Marcellán, Francisco; Moreno Balcázar, Juan José 38 2006 On the “Favard theorem” and its extensions. Zbl 0970.33008 Marcellán, Francisco; Álvarez-Nodarse, Renato 33 2001 Electrostatic models for zeros of polynomials: old, new, and some open problems. Zbl 1131.30002 Marcellán, F.; Martínez-Finkelshtein, A.; Martínez-González, P. 31 2007 Relative asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials with a Sobolev inner product. Zbl 0771.42014 Marcellán, Francisco; Van Assche, Walter 30 1993 Toda-type differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials and Freud transformation. Zbl 0886.33007 Aptekarev, A. I.; Branquinho, A.; Marcellán, F. 30 1997 Eigenproblems for tridiagonal 2-Toeplitz matrices and quadratic polynomial mappings. Zbl 0877.15010 Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 28 1997 Discrete semi-classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0916.33006 Marcellán, F.; Salto, L. 27 1998 Semiclassical multiple orthogonal polynomials and the properties of Jacobi-Bessel polynomials. Zbl 0878.33004 Aptekarev, A. I.; Marcellán, F.; Rocha, I. A. 27 1997 Spectral transformations for Hermitian Toeplitz matrices. Zbl 1131.42301 Daruis, Leyla; Hernández, Javier; Marcellán, Francisco 27 2007 Orthogonal polynomials and rational modifications of measures. Zbl 0796.42016 Godoy, E.; Marcellan, F. 26 1993 Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0855.33015 Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 25 1996 When do linear combinations of orthogonal polynomials yield new sequences of orthogonal polynomials? Zbl 1187.33004 Alfaro, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco; Peña, Ana; Rezola, M. Luisa 25 2010 An analog of the Christoffel formula for polynomial modification of a measure on the unit circle. Zbl 0728.33003 Godoy, Eduardo; Marcellan, Francisco 24 1991 Co-recursive orthogonal polynomials and fourth-order differential equation. Zbl 0662.33005 Ronveaux, A.; Marcellan, F. 24 1989 Discrete semiclassical orthogonal polynomials of class one. Zbl 1297.33010 Dominici, Diego; Marcellán, Francisco 23 2014 Second structure relation for \(q\)-semiclassical polynomials of the Hahn Tableau. Zbl 1113.33022 Costas-Santos, R. S.; Marcellán, F. 23 2007 On linearly related orthogonal polynomials and their functionals. Zbl 1029.42014 Alfaro, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco; Peña, Ana; Rezola, M. Luisa 23 2003 On a class of matrix orthogonal polynomials on the real line. Zbl 0769.15010 Marcellán, Francisco; Sansigre, Gabriela 22 1993 Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: The nondiagonal case. Zbl 0841.42013 Alfaro, M.; Marcellán, F.; Rezola, M. L.; Ronveaux, A. 22 1995 Modifications of quasi-definite linear functionals via addition of delta and derivatives of delta Dirac functions. Zbl 1089.33005 Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; Arvesú, J.; Marcellán, F. 21 2004 Multiple Geronimus transformations. Zbl 1295.42007 Derevyagin, M.; García-Ardila, J. C.; Marcellán, F. 21 2014 On the solution of some distributional differential equations: Existence and characterizations of the classical moment functionals. Zbl 0832.33006 Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 21 1994 Polynomial perturbations of bilinear functionals and Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 1134.42015 Bueno, M. I.; Marcellán, F. 20 2006 Non-abelian integrable hierarchies: matrix biorthogonal polynomials and perturbations. Zbl 1401.37073 Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; García-Ardila, Juan C; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 19 2018 A note on the Geronimus transformation and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1306.42043 Derevyagin, Maxim; Marcellán, Francisco 18 2014 Christoffel transforms and Hermitian linear functionals. Zbl 1121.42017 Marcellán, Francisco; Hernández, Javier 18 2005 Asymptotic behavior of Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 0945.33008 Foulquié Moreno, Ana; Marcellán, Francisco; Pan, K. 18 1999 \(\Delta\)-coherent pairs and orthogonal polynomials of a discrete variable. Zbl 1047.42019 Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Marcellán, F. 18 2003 Generating new classes of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0864.33008 Branquinho, Amílcar; Marcellán, Francisco 17 1996 Orthogonal polynomials and measures on the unit circle. The geronimus transformations. Zbl 1179.42020 Garza, L.; Hernández, J.; Marcellán, F. 17 2010 Orthogonal polynomials and linear functionals. An algebraic approach and applications. Zbl 1475.33001 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael E. 17 2021 Orthogonal polynomials associated with an inverse quadratic spectral transform. Zbl 1217.42050 Alfaro, Manuel; Peña, Ana; Rezola, M. Luisa; Marcellán, Francisco 16 2011 Complex path integral representation for semiclassical linear functionals. Zbl 0920.42016 Marcellán, F.; Rocha, I. A. 16 1998 Relative asymptotics and Fourier series of orthogonal polynomials with a discrete Sobolev inner product. Zbl 1014.42019 Rocha, I. A.; Marcellán, F.; Salto, L. 16 2003 On Fourier series of a discrete Jacobi–Sobolev inner product. Zbl 1019.42014 Marcellán, F.; Osilenker, B. P.; Rocha, I. A. 16 2002 Perturbations on the subdiagonals of Toeplitz matrices. Zbl 1208.42010 Castillo, K.; Garza, L.; Marcellán, F. 16 2011 \(q\)-classical orthogonal polynomials: A general difference calculus approach. Zbl 1204.33011 Costas-Santos, R. S.; Marcellán, F. 16 2010 On zeros of Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0768.33008 Marcellán, F.; Pérez, T. E.; Piñar, M. A. 15 1992 Asymptotic behavior of Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on a rectifiable Jordan curve or arc. Zbl 0991.42018 Branquinho, Amilcar; Foulquié Moreno, Ana; Marcellán, Francisco 15 2002 Perturbations of Laguerre-Hahn linear functionals. Zbl 0946.42013 Marcellán, F.; Prianes, E. 15 1999 A class of matrix orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 0681.33013 Español, Francisco Marcellán; González, Isabel Rodríguez 15 1989 \((M,N)\)-coherent pairs of order \((m,n)\) and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1321.33015 de Jesus, M. N.; Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J.; Pinzón-Cortés, N. C. 15 2014 Matrix biorthogonal polynomials on the real line: Geronimus transformations. Zbl 1467.42040 Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; García-Ardila, Juan C.; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 15 2019 Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle: Symmetrization and quadratic decomposition. Zbl 0721.42015 Marcellán, F.; Sansigre, G. 14 1991 Classification of all \(\Delta\)-coherent pairs. Zbl 0972.42017 Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Marcellán, F. 14 2000 Strong and Plancherel-Rotach asymptotics of non-diagonal Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0983.42013 Marcellán, Francisco; Moreno-Balcázar, Juan J. 14 2001 Difference equation for modifications of Meixner polynomials. Zbl 0834.39005 Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; Marcellán, F. 14 1995 On kernel polynomials and self-perturbation of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1034.42022 Kwon, K. H.; Lee, D. W.; Marcellán, F.; Park, S. B. 14 2001 On semiclassical linear functionals: Integral representations. Zbl 0829.33006 Marcellán, F.; Rocha, I. A. 14 1995 Darboux transformations for CMV matrices. Zbl 1345.42029 Cantero, M. J.; Marcellán, F.; Moral, L.; Velázquez, L. 13 2016 Companion linear functionals and Sobolev inner products: a case study. Zbl 1087.42020 Delgado, Antonia M.; Marcellán, Francisco 13 2004 Jacobi-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: Second-order differential equation and zeros. Zbl 0924.33006 Arvesú, J.; Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; Marcellán, F.; Pan, K. 13 1998 Orthogonal polynomials and quadratic transformations. Zbl 0936.42012 Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 13 1999 Verblunsky parameters and linear spectral transformations. Zbl 1176.42021 Garza, L.; Marcellán, F. 13 2009 Geronimus spectral transforms and measures on the complex plane. Zbl 1149.42019 Marcellán, F.; Hernández, J. 13 2008 What is beyond coherent pairs of orthogonal polynomials? Zbl 0855.42016 Marcellán, Francisco; Petronilho, José C.; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 12 1995 Orthogonal polynomials of Sobolev type on the unit circle. Zbl 0822.42013 Cachafeiro, Alicia; Marcellán, Francisco 12 1994 Differential equation for classical-type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0685.33008 Ronveaux, A.; Marcellan, F. 12 1989 On the Pollard decomposition method applied to some Jacobi-Sobolev expansions. Zbl 1283.42042 Marcellán, Francisco; Quintana, Yamilet; Urieles, Alejandro 12 2013 Relative asymptotics for orthogonal matrix polynomials with convergent recurrence coefficients. Zbl 1005.42014 Yakhlef, Hossain O.; Marcellán, Francisco; Piñar, Miguel A. 12 2001 On orthogonal polynomials with respect to certain discrete Sobolev inner product. Zbl 1259.33023 Marcellán, Francisco; Zejnullahu, Ramadan; Fejzullahu, Bujar; Huertas, Edmundo 12 2012 Estimates for Jacobi-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0888.33006 Alfaro, M.; Marcellán, F.; Rezola, M. L. 12 1997 WKB approximation and Krall-type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0913.33002 Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 12 1998 Asymptotics for Sobolev orthogonal polynomials for exponential weights. Zbl 1105.42016 Geronimo, J. S.; Lubinsky, D. S.; Marcellan, F. 12 2005 Asymptotic properties of Laguerre-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1247.33014 Dueñas, Herbert; Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco 12 2012 Monotonicity of zeros of Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1202.33015 Dimitrov, Dimitar K.; Marcellán, Francisco; Rafaeli, Fernando R. 12 2010 On co-polynomials on the real line. Zbl 1331.33016 Castillo, Kenier; Marcellán, Francisco; Rivero, Jorge 11 2015 Orthogonal polynomials associated with some modifications of a linear functional. Zbl 0807.39013 Belmehdi, Saïd; Marcellan, Francisco 11 1992 On rational transformations of linear functionals: direct problem. Zbl 1066.33008 Alfaro, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco; Peña, Ana; Rezola, M. Luisa 11 2004 Inner products involving differences: The Meixner-Sobolev polynomials. Zbl 0948.33004 Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Marcellán, F. 11 2000 Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1033.42025 Marcellán, F.; Moral, L. 11 2002 Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on product domains. Zbl 1312.33039 Fernández, Lidia; Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A.; Xu, Yuan 11 2015 Second structure relation for semiclassical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1125.33008 Marcellán, Francisco; Sfaxi, Ridha 11 2007 An asymptotic result for Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0886.33008 Marcellán, Francisco; Meijer, Henk G.; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 11 1997 Orthogonal polynomials and Stieltjes functions: The Laguerre-Hahn case. Zbl 0868.42009 Prianes, E.; Marcellán, F. 10 1996 On the properties for modifications of classical orthogonal polynomials of discrete variables. Zbl 0865.42023 Álvarez-Nodarse, R.; García, A. G.; Marcellán, F. 10 1995 Gegenbauer-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 0815.33008 Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 10 1994 A finite class of orthogonal functions generated by Routh-Romanovski polynomials. Zbl 1288.33001 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad; Marcellán, Francisco; Huertas, Edmundo J. 10 2014 Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and their derivatives. Zbl 0734.42015 Marcellán, Francisco; Maroni, Pascal 10 1991 Monotonicity and asymptotics of zeros of Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials of higher order derivatives. Zbl 1242.42021 Marcellán, Francisco; Rafaeli, Fernando R. 10 2011 Orthogonal matrix polynomials, connection between recurrences on the unit circle and on a finite interval. Zbl 0985.15020 Yakhlef, Hossain; Marcellán, Francisco 10 2001 Estimates for polynomials orthogonal with respect to some Gegenbauer-Sobolev type inner product. Zbl 0935.42014 Foulquié Moreno, Ana; Marcellán, Francisco; Osilenker, Boris P. 10 1999 \(q\)-coherent pairs and \(q\)-orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1020.33005 Area, I.; Godoy, E.; Marcellán, F. 10 2002 On polynomials orthogonal with respect to Sobolev inner product on the unit circle. Zbl 0897.42013 Li, Xin; Marcellan, Francisco 10 1996 The Laguerre-Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials. Holonomic equation and electrostatic interpretation. Zbl 1214.33007 Dueñas, Herbert; Marcellán, Francisco 10 2011 Sobolev orthogonal polynomials and spectral methods in boundary value problems. Zbl 1540.42047 Fernández, Lidia; Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 2 2024 An extension of a mixed interpolation-regression method using zeros of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 07890855 Dell’Accio, Francesco; Marcellán, Francisco; Nudo, Federico 1 2024 Symmetrization process and truncated orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 07959187 Dominici, Diego; García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Marcellán, Francisco 1 2024 On the characterizations of third-degree semiclassical forms via polynomial mappings. Zbl 1527.33005 Marcellán, Francisco; Khalfallah, Mohamed 4 2023 Higher-order recurrence relations, Sobolev-type inner products and matrix factorizations. Zbl 1527.33004 Hermoso, Carlos; Huertas, Edmundo J.; Lastra, Alberto; Marcellán, Francisco 3 2023 Truncated Hermite polynomials. Zbl 1539.33010 Dominici, Diego; Marcellán, Francisco 2 2023 Coherent pairs of moment functionals of the second kind and associated orthogonal polynomials and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1531.42056 Suni, Mijael Hancco; Marcato, G. A.; Marcellán, F.; Sri Ranga, A. 2 2023 Pastro polynomials and Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle based on a \(q\)-difference operator. Zbl 1539.33016 Hancco Suni, M.; Marcellán, F.; Sri Ranga, A. 1 2023 Coherent pairs of measures of the second kind on the real line and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. An application to a Jacobi case. Zbl 1534.42029 Marcato, G. A.; Marcellán, F.; Sri Ranga, A.; Lun, Yen Chi 1 2023 Associated orthogonal polynomials of the first kind and Darboux transformations. Zbl 1481.42036 García-Ardila, J. C.; Marcellán, F.; Villamil-Hernández, P. H. 6 2022 Characterizations of the symmetric \(T_{(\theta, q)}\)-classical orthogonal \(q\)-polynomials. Zbl 1514.33008 Bouras, B.; Habbachi, Y.; Marcellán, F. 6 2022 Stability of third degree linear functionals and rational spectral transformations. Zbl 1492.42022 Ben Salah, Imed; Marcellán, Francisco; Khalfallah, Mohamed 4 2022 Orthogonal polynomials and linear functionals. An algebraic approach and applications. Zbl 1475.33001 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael E. 17 2021 Discrete semiclassical orthogonal polynomials of class 2. Zbl 1460.33008 Dominici, Diego; Marcellán, Francisco 8 2021 Discrete-continuous Jacobi-Sobolev spaces and Fourier series. Zbl 1462.42047 Díaz-González, Abel; Marcellán, Francisco; Pijeira-Cabrera, Héctor; Urbina, Wilfredo 5 2021 2-orthogonal polynomials and Darboux transformations. Applications to the discrete Hahn-classical case. Zbl 1473.33005 Marcellán, F.; Chaggara, H.; Ayadi, N. 4 2021 Rodrigues formula and recurrence coefficients for non-symmetric Dunkl-classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1500.33004 Bouras, B.; Habbachi, Y.; Marcellán, F. 3 2021 \(H_q\)-semiclassical orthogonal polynomials via polynomial mappings. Zbl 1462.42043 Castillo, K.; de Jesus, M. N.; Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J. 2 2021 Analytical properties of Touchard-based hybrid polynomials via operational techniques. Zbl 1467.44004 Marcellán, Francisco; Jabee, Saima; Shadab, Mohammad 2 2021 A CMV connection between orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and the real line. Zbl 1475.42040 Cantero, M. J.; Marcellán, F.; Moral, L.; Velázquez, L. 1 2021 An extension of the coherent pair of measures of the second kind on the unit circle. Zbl 1492.42025 Garza, Lino G.; Marcellán, F.; Ranga, A. Sri 1 2021 Orthogonal polynomials: current trends and applications. Proceedings of the 7th EIBPOA conference, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés, Spain, July 3–6, 2018. Zbl 1459.33001 1 2021 From standard orthogonal polynomials to Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: the role of semiclassical linear functionals. Zbl 1443.33013 García-Ardila, Juan C.; Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael E. 3 2020 Geronimus transformations of bivariate linear functionals. Zbl 1475.42042 Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael E.; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 1 2020 Matrix biorthogonal polynomials on the real line: Geronimus transformations. Zbl 1467.42040 Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; García-Ardila, Juan C.; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 15 2019 Linear combinations of \(d\)-orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1427.42032 Marcellán, Francisco; Saib, Abdessadek 6 2019 On symmetric \((1,1)\)-Coherent Pairs and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: an algorithm to compute Fourier coefficients. Zbl 1443.33010 Dueñas, Ruiz Herbert; Marcellán, Francisco; Molano, Alejandro 3 2019 Some new identities involving Sheffer-Appell polynomial sequences via matrix approach. Zbl 1439.11086 Marcellán, Francisco; Shadab, Mohd; Jabee, Saima 2 2019 On Freud-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1438.33015 Garza, Luis E.; Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco 2 2019 Coherent pairs of bivariate orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1423.33020 Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael E.; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 1 2019 Christoffel transformation for a matrix of bi-variate measures. Zbl 1437.42038 García-Ardila, Juan C.; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 1 2019 Szegő transformation and zeros of analytic perturbations of Chebyshev weights. Zbl 1404.30005 Berriochoa, E.; Cachafeiro, A.; Marcellán, F. 1 2019 Non-abelian integrable hierarchies: matrix biorthogonal polynomials and perturbations. Zbl 1401.37073 Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; García-Ardila, Juan C; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 19 2018 Orthogonality of quasi-orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1499.33035 Bracciali, Cleonice F.; Marcellán, Francisco; Varma, Serhan 7 2018 On bivariate classical orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1428.33025 Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 6 2018 A canonical Geronimus transformation for matrix orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1391.42031 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Garza, Luis E.; Marcellán, Francisco 6 2018 Matrix Pearson equations satisfied by Koornwinder weights in two variables. Zbl 1403.42031 Marcellán, Francisco; Marriaga, Misael; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A. 5 2018 Weighted Sobolev spaces: Markov-type inequalities and duality. Zbl 1404.33009 Marcellán, Francisco; Quintana, Yamilet; Rodríguez, José M. 3 2018 Some external properties of the roots of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1403.65022 Beltrán, Carlos; Marcellán, Francisco; Martínez-Finkelshtein, Andrei 3 2018 Christoffel transformations for matrix orthogonal polynomials in the real line and the non-abelian 2D Toda lattice hierarchy. Zbl 1405.42047 Álvarez-Fernández, Carlos; Ariznabarreta, Gerardo; García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Mañas, Manuel; Marcellán, Francisco 40 2017 Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle and coherent pairs of measures of the second kind. Zbl 1375.42042 Marcellán, F.; Sri Ranga, A. 7 2017 Asymptotics for varying discrete Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1426.33034 Mañas-Mañas, Juan F.; Marcellán, Francisco; Moreno-Balcázar, Juan J. 6 2017 What is \(\ldots\) a Sobolev orthogonal polynomial? Zbl 1372.33001 Marcellán, Francisco; Moreno-Balcázar, Juan J. 2 2017 On co-polynomials on the real line and the unit circle. Zbl 1375.42041 Castillo, Kenier; Marcellán, Francisco; Rivero, Jorge 2 2017 Quadratures and integral transforms arising from generating functions. Zbl 1411.65038 Campos, Rafael G.; Marcellán, Francisco 2 2017 On perturbed orthogonal polynomials on the real line and the unit circle via Szegő’s transformation. Zbl 1411.33007 Castillo, Kenier; Marcellán, Francisco; Rivero, Jorge 2 2017 Darboux transformations for CMV matrices. Zbl 1345.42029 Cantero, M. J.; Marcellán, F.; Moral, L.; Velázquez, L. 13 2016 Asymptotic behavior of varying discrete Jacobi-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1334.33029 Mañas-Mañas, Juan F.; Marcellán, Francisco; Moreno-Balcázar, Juan J. 7 2016 Zeros of para-orthogonal polynomials and linear spectral transformations on the unit circle. Zbl 1350.42048 Castillo, K.; Marcellán, F.; Rebocho, M. N. 7 2016 Relative asymptotics of matrix orthogonal polynomials for Uvarov perturbations: the degenerate case. Zbl 1359.42013 Yakhlef, Hossain O.; Marcellán, Francisco 6 2016 On polynomials associated with an Uvarov modification of a quartic potential Freud-like weight. Zbl 1410.33024 Arceo, Alejandro; Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco 6 2016 Orthogonal polynomials and perturbations on measures supported on the real line and on the unit circle. A matrix perspective. Zbl 1342.42026 Garza, Luis E.; Marcellán, Francisco 4 2016 An extension of the Geronimus transformation for orthogonal matrix polynomials on the real line. Zbl 1352.42036 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos; Garza, Luis E.; Marcellán, Francisco 4 2016 On Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1351.33011 Marcellán, Francisco; Xu, Yuan 96 2015 On co-polynomials on the real line. Zbl 1331.33016 Castillo, Kenier; Marcellán, Francisco; Rivero, Jorge 11 2015 Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on product domains. Zbl 1312.33039 Fernández, Lidia; Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez, Teresa E.; Piñar, Miguel A.; Xu, Yuan 11 2015 A matrix approach for the semiclassical and coherent orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1338.42033 Garza, Lino G.; Garza, Luis E.; Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia C. 7 2015 OPUC, CMV matrices and perturbations of measures supported on the unit circle. Zbl 1323.42024 Marcellán, Francisco; Shayanfar, Nikta 4 2015 On Alpert multiwavelets. Zbl 1322.42042 Geronimo, Jeffrey S.; Marcellán, Francisco 3 2015 A matrix characterization for the \(D_\nu\)-semiclassical and \(D_\nu\)-coherent orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1342.42025 Garza, Lino G.; Garza, Luis E.; Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia C. 2 2015 Discrete semiclassical orthogonal polynomials of class one. Zbl 1297.33010 Dominici, Diego; Marcellán, Francisco 23 2014 Multiple Geronimus transformations. Zbl 1295.42007 Derevyagin, M.; García-Ardila, J. C.; Marcellán, F. 21 2014 A note on the Geronimus transformation and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1306.42043 Derevyagin, Maxim; Marcellán, Francisco 18 2014 \((M,N)\)-coherent pairs of order \((m,n)\) and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1321.33015 de Jesus, M. N.; Marcellán, F.; Petronilho, J.; Pinzón-Cortés, N. C. 15 2014 A finite class of orthogonal functions generated by Routh-Romanovski polynomials. Zbl 1288.33001 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad; Marcellán, Francisco; Huertas, Edmundo J. 10 2014 On an inverse problem for a linear combination of orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1319.42023 Marcellán, Francisco; Varma, Serhan 8 2014 The structure of iterative methods for symmetric linear discrete ill-posed problems. Zbl 1290.65034 Dykes, L.; Marcellán, F.; Reichel, L. 5 2014 Recurrence relations and outer relative asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to a discrete Sobolev type inner product. Zbl 1309.42035 Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez-Valero, M. Francisca; Quintana, Yamilet; Urieles, Alejandro 3 2014 (\(M,N\))-coherent pairs of linear functionals and Jacobi matrices. Zbl 1410.42025 Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia Camila 3 2014 An electrostatic model for zeros of perturbed Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 1301.33012 Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco; Pijeira Cabrera, Héctor 2 2014 Generalized coherent pairs on the unit circle and Sobolev orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1349.42055 Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia C. 2 2014 Asymptotics for Laguerre-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials modified within their oscillatory regime. Zbl 1334.33025 Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco; Pérez-Valero, M. Francisca; Quintana, Yamilet 2 2014 Sieved para-orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1335.33004 Marcellán, F.; Sri Ranga, A. 2 2014 A Cohen type inequality for Laguerre-Sobolev expansions with a mass point outside their oscillatory regime. Zbl 1312.42032 Huertas Cejudo, Edmundo José; Marcellán Español, Francisco; Pérez Valero, María Francisca; Quintana, Yamilet 1 2014 On a direct Uvarov-Chihara problem and some extensions. Zbl 1435.42018 Castillo, K.; Garza, L.; Marcellán, F. 1 2014 Asymptotic and interlacing properties of zeros of exceptional Jacobi and Laguerre polynomials. Zbl 1300.33013 Gómez-Ullate, David; Marcellán, Francisco; Milson, Robert 39 2013 On the Pollard decomposition method applied to some Jacobi-Sobolev expansions. Zbl 1283.42042 Marcellán, Francisco; Quintana, Yamilet; Urieles, Alejandro 12 2013 Strong and ratio asymptotics for Laguerre polynomials revisited. Zbl 1285.33009 Deaño, Alfredo; Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco 8 2013 Classical orthogonal polynomials with respect to a lowering operator generalizing the Laguerre operator. Zbl 1279.33012 Aloui, Baghdadi; Marcellán, Francisco; Sfaxi, Ridha 6 2013 Jacobi-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: asymptotics and a Cohen type inequality. Zbl 1283.33006 Fejzullahu, B. Xh.; Marcellán, F.; Moreno-Balcázar, J. J. 6 2013 On \(W^{1,p}\)-convergence of Fourier-Sobolev expansions. Zbl 1261.42044 Marcellán, Francisco; Quintana, Yamilet; Urieles, Alejandro 6 2013 Asymptotic behaviour of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1273.42025 Castillo, Kenier; Garza, Luis E.; Marcellán, Francisco 4 2013 Varying discrete Laguerre-Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: asymptotic behavior and zeros. Zbl 1329.33012 Mañas-Mañas, Juan F.; Marcellán, Francisco; Moreno-Balcázar, Juan J. 3 2013 \((1,1)\)-coherent pairs on the unit circle. Zbl 1298.42030 Garza, Luis; Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia C. 3 2013 \((1,1)\)-\(D_{\omega}\)-coherent pairs. Zbl 1280.42021 Marcellán, F.; Pinzón-Cortés, N. C. 3 2013 Generators of rational spectral transformations for nontrivial \(\mathcal{C}\)-functions. Zbl 1278.42034 Castillo, Kenier; Marcellán, Francisco 3 2013 A Cohen type inequality for Gegenbauer-Sobolev expansions. Zbl 1266.42066 Fejzullahu, Bujar Xh.; Marcellán, Francisco 3 2013 Bases of the space of solutions of some fourth-order linear difference equations: applications in rational approximation. Zbl 1278.42035 Marcellán, Francisco; Mendes, Ana; Pijeira, Héctor 2 2013 Semi-classical linear functionals of class three: the symmetric case. Zbl 1260.42016 Marcellán, F.; Sghaier, M.; Zaatra, M. 2 2013 On computational aspects of discrete Sobolev inner products on the unit circle. Zbl 1329.65086 Castillo, Kenier; Garza, Lino G.; Marcellán, Francisco 1 2013 On orthogonal polynomials with respect to certain discrete Sobolev inner product. Zbl 1259.33023 Marcellán, Francisco; Zejnullahu, Ramadan; Fejzullahu, Bujar; Huertas, Edmundo 12 2012 Asymptotic properties of Laguerre-Sobolev type orthogonal polynomials. Zbl 1247.33014 Dueñas, Herbert; Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco 12 2012 Orthogonal polynomials, Catalan numbers, and a general Hankel determinant evaluation. Zbl 1250.05016 Chammam, Wathek; Marcellán, Francisco; Sfaxi, Ridha 6 2012 Higher order coherent pairs. Zbl 1262.42009 Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón, Natalia Camila 6 2012 Zeros of orthogonal polynomials generated by canonical perturbations of measures. Zbl 1246.33004 Huertas, Edmundo J.; Marcellán, Francisco; Rafaeli, Fernando R. 6 2012 On semiclassical linear functionals of class \(s=2\): classification and integral representations. Zbl 1250.42081 Marcellán, F.; Sghaier, M.; Zaatra, M. 5 2012 A non-symmetric second-degree semi-classical form of class one. Zbl 1247.33012 Alaya, Atef; Bouras, Belgacem; Marcellan, Francisco 5 2012 Zeros of Sobolev orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle. Zbl 1254.33012 Castillo, K.; Garza, L. E.; Marcellán, F. 5 2012 (1, 1)-\(q\)-coherent pairs. Zbl 1245.42022 Marcellán, Francisco; Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia C. 4 2012 Relative asymptotics for orthogonal matrix polynomials. Zbl 1262.42006 Branquinho, A.; Marcellán, F.; Mendes, A. 4 2012 ...and 210 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 825 Authors 200 Marcellán Español, Francisco 38 Moreno-Balcázar, Juan José 37 Pérez, Teresa E. 37 Piñar, Miguel A. 27 Álvarez-Nodarse, Renato 26 Branquinho, Amílcar José Pinto Lopes 26 Castillo, Kenier 26 Ronveaux, André 25 Garza, Luis E. 24 Petronilho, José C. 23 Area, Iván 23 Godoy, Eduardo Paciência 22 Pijeira-Cabrera, Héctor 22 Sri Ranga, Alagacone 21 Mañas, Manuel 19 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos 19 Kwon, Kil Hyun 19 Sghaier, Mabrouk 18 Cachafeiro, Alicia 17 Dominici, Diego Ernesto 16 Foupouagnigni, Mama 15 Derevyagin, Maxim S. 15 Martínez-Finkelshtein, Andrei 15 Rezola, María Luisa 14 Alfaro García, Manuel 14 Fernández, Lidia 14 Huertas Cejudo, Edmundo José 14 Rebocho, M. N. 13 Foulquié Moreno, Ana Pilar 13 Littlejohn, Lance L. 12 Berriochoa, Elías 12 Bracciali, Cleonice Fátima 12 Dueñas, Herbert 12 Fejzullahu, Bujar Xh. 12 Maroni, Pascal 12 Marriaga, Misael E. 12 Sharapudinov, Idris Idrisovich 12 Zhedanov, Alexei S. 11 Cantero, María José 11 Mañas-Mañas, Juan F. 11 Milson, Robert 11 Moral, Leandro 11 Rafaeli, Fernando Rodrigo 11 Simanek, Brian Z. 11 Swaminathan, Anbhu 11 Van Assche, Walter 11 Zaatra, Mohamed 11 Zarzo, Alejandro 10 Aptekarev, Alexander Ivanovich 10 Ariznabarreta, Gerardo 10 Bouras, Belgacem 10 Durán, Antonio José 10 Filipuk, Galina V. 10 Gómez-Ullate, David 10 López Lagomasino, Guillermo Tomás 10 Peña, Ana 9 Costas-Santos, Roberto S. 9 da Fonseca, Carlos Martins 9 Delgado, Antonia M. 9 Jordaan, Kerstin 9 Khalfallah, Mohamed 9 Meijer, Henk G. 9 Rodríguez García, José Manuel 9 Sfaxi, Ridha 9 Velázquez, Luis 9 Xu, Yuan 9 Zagorodnyuk, Sergey Mihaylovich 8 Fuentes, Edinson 8 Kheriji, Lotfi 8 Koepf, Wolfram A. 8 Osilenker, Boris P. 8 Sitthiwirattham, Thanin 7 Aloui, Baghdadi 7 Bertola, Marco 7 Chaggara, Hamza 7 Chammam, Wathek 7 González-Vera, Pablo 7 Pinzón-Cortés, Natalia Camila 7 Quintana, Yamilet 7 Vinet, Luc 6 Atia, Mohamed Jalel 6 Bavinck, Herman 6 Chang, Xiangke 6 da Rocha, Zélia 6 Draux, André 6 Lewanowicz, Stanisław 6 Li, Shihao 6 Mbouna, D. 6 Mboutngam, Salifou 6 Patanarapeelert, Nichaphat 6 Román, Pablo Manuel 6 Saib, Abdessadek 6 Salto, L. 6 Suárez Rodríguez, M. Carmen 5 Aktaş, Rabia 5 Arvesú, Jorge 5 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 5 Bueno, María Isabel 5 Bultheel, Adhemar François 5 de Jesus, M. N. ...and 725 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 198 Serials 170 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 98 Journal of Approximation Theory 76 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 62 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 49 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 39 Applied Mathematics and Computation 35 Linear Algebra and its Applications 33 Numerical Algorithms 27 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 20 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 Constructive Approximation 15 Applied Numerical Mathematics 14 Studies in Applied Mathematics 13 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 12 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 11 Mathematical Notes 11 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 11 Advances in Mathematics 11 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 11 Advances in Difference Equations 9 Journal of Mathematical Physics 9 Results in Mathematics 9 The Ramanujan Journal 9 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 8 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 8 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 8 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 7 Applicable Analysis 7 Mathematische Nachrichten 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 6 Mathematics of Computation 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 6 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 6 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 5 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 5 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Annals of Physics 5 Russian Mathematics 5 Advances in Computational Mathematics 5 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 5 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 4 Le Matematiche 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Mathematics in Computer Science 4 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 4 Journal of Function Spaces 3 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 3 Letters in Mathematical Physics 3 Russian Mathematical Surveys 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 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Serie II 2 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Filomat 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Izvestiya: Mathematics 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 2 Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española 2 Differential Equations 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 2 Boundary Value Problems 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 2 Axioms 2 Journal of Mathematics 2 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics ...and 98 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 47 Fields 828 Special functions (33-XX) 673 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 103 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 98 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 94 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 90 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 89 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 84 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 66 Operator theory (47-XX) 50 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 48 Real functions (26-XX) 36 Functional analysis (46-XX) 32 Number theory (11-XX) 29 Combinatorics (05-XX) 29 Quantum theory (81-XX) 28 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 25 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 15 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Potential theory (31-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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