Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Markus, Alexander S. Co-Author Distance Author ID: markus.alexander-s Published as: Markus, A. S.; Markus, Alexander; Markus, A.; Markus, Alexander S. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · IdRef Documents Indexed: 143 Publications since 1955, including 3 Books Co-Authors: 74 Co-Authors with 114 Joint Publications 2,288 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 26 single-authored 37 Matsaev, Vladimir Igorevich 13 Feldman, Israel 13 Lancaster, Peter 10 Langer, Heinz 6 Feintuch, Avraham 6 Gohberg, Israel 6 Krupnik, Naum Yakovlevich 5 Tretter, Christiane 3 Kabak, V. I. 3 Krupnik, Ilya 3 Nikol’skiĭ, Nikolaĭ Kapitonovich 3 Prigorskij, V. A. 3 Rodman, Leiba X. 3 Russu, G. I. 3 Sementsul, A. A. 2 Bart, Harm 2 Belitskii, Genrich R. 2 Langer, Matthias 2 Livšic, Mikhail Samuilovich (Moshe) 2 Mereuca, I. V. 2 Nikolskaya, Ludmila N. 2 Olshevsky, Vadim 2 Parilis, E. Eh. 2 Psarrakos, Panayiotis J. 2 Viziteĭ, Viktor Nikolaevich 1 Agranovich, Mikhail Semënovich 1 Barkwell, Lawrence 1 Binding, Paul Anthony 1 Blokh, Alexander M. 1 Brudnyi, Yuri A. 1 Drinfeld, Vladimir Gershonovich 1 Dym, Harry 1 Eĭdel’man, Samuïl Davydovych 1 Eremenko, Alexandre 1 Faierman, Melvin 1 Fel’dman, Gennadiĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Gurariĭ, Volodymyr Illich 1 Jitomirskaya, Svetlana Yakovlevna 1 Kaashoek, Marinus Adriaan 1 Kirillov, A. A. senior 1 Kirzhner, Valery M. 1 Koltracht, Israel 1 Kravitsky, Naftali 1 Kuchment, Peter A. 1 Leiterer, Jürgen 1 Lin, Vladimir Ya. 1 Lyubich, Mikhail 1 Lyubich, Yuriĭ Il’ich 1 Marchenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Maroulas, John 1 McFaden, Harold 1 Mereutsa, I. V. 1 Milman, Vitali D. 1 Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich 1 Möller, Manfred 1 Paraska, V. I. 1 Pastur, Leonid Andreevich 1 Pavel, V. T. 1 Pinchover, Yehuda 1 Pokrovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Leonidovich 1 Pöltz, R. 1 Reich, Simeon 1 Shatalova, Oksana A. 1 Sigal, E. I. 1 Slabova, S. K. 1 Sodin, Mikhail 1 Spitkovsky, Ilya Matvey 1 Tam, Tin-Yau 1 Tomilov, Yuri 1 Vershik, Anatoliĭ Moiseevich 1 Vinnikov, Victor L. 1 Ye, Qiang 1 Zaidenberg, Mikhail G. 1 Zhitomirskiĭ, Yakov Isaakovich 1 Zizler, Peter all top 5 Serials 23 Akademiya Nauk Moldavskoĭ SSR. Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut Matematiki s Vychislitel’nym Tsentrom. Matematicheskie Issledovaniya 12 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 9 Linear Algebra and its Applications 8 Functional Analysis and its Applications 7 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society 6 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 5 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 Funktsional’nyĭ Analiz i ego Prilozheniya 3 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 2 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 2 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Moldavskoĭ SSR. Seriya Fiziko-Tekhnicheskikh i Matematicheskikh Nauk 2 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 2 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Journal of Operator Theory 1 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniĭ, Matematika 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Matematicheskie Zametki 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 1 Selecta Mathematica Sovietica 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 1 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1 Positivity 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Translations of Mathematical Monographs 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov Leningradskogo Otdeleniya Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova all top 5 Fields 99 Operator theory (47-XX) 19 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 16 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 98 Publications have been cited 1,084 times in 883 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Introduction to the spectral theory of polynomial operator pencils. Transl. from the Russian by H. H. McFaden. Zbl 0678.47005 Markus, A. S. 240 1988 Introduction to the spectral theory of polynomial operator pencils. (Vvedenie v spektral’nuyu teoriyu polinomial’nykh operatornykh puchkov). Zbl 0678.47006 Markus, A. S. 79 1986 Normally solvable operators and ideals associated with them. Zbl 0181.40601 Gokhberg, I. Ts.; Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 69 1960 The eigen- and singular values of the sum and product of linear operators. Zbl 0133.07205 Markus, A. S. 39 1964 Theory of commuting nonselfadjoint operators. Zbl 0834.47004 Livšic, M. S.; Kravitsky, N.; Markus, A. S.; Vinnikov, V. 37 1995 A new concept for block operator matrices: The quadratic numerical range. Zbl 0998.15035 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V.; Tretter, C. 36 2001 Two theorems on the gap between subspaces of a Banach space. Zbl 0093.12003 Gokhberg, I. Ts.; Markus, A. S. 34 1959 Perturbation theory for analytic matrix functions: The semisimple case. Zbl 1061.15009 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Zhou, F. 31 2003 Comparison theorems for the spectra of linear operators and spectral asymptotics. Zbl 0532.47012 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 26 1982 The change of the Jordan structure of a matrix under small perturbations. Zbl 0524.15010 Markus, A. S.; Parilis, E. E. 25 1983 Locally definite operators in indefinite inner product spaces. Zbl 0879.47017 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 23 1997 On the norm of polynomials of two adjoint projections. Zbl 0737.47006 Feldman, Israel; Krupnik, Naum; Markus, Alexander 21 1991 Gyroscopically stabilized systems: A class of quadratic eigenvalue problems with real spectrum. Zbl 0785.47010 Barkwell, Lawrence; Lancaster, Peter; Markus, Alexander S. 19 1992 Self-adjoint block operator matrices with non-separated diagonal entries and their Schur complements. Zbl 1060.47004 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V.; Tretter, C. 16 2003 Factorization of a weakly hyperbolic bundle. Zbl 0331.47009 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 16 1976 Spectral theory of holomorphic operator-functions in Hilbert space. Zbl 0331.47008 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 15 1975 Expansion in root vectors of a slightly perturbed self-adjoint operator. Zbl 0122.11602 Markus, A. S. 15 1962 Definitizable operators and quasihyperbolic operator polynomials. Zbl 0878.47021 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 14 1995 Some relations between eigenvalues and matrix elements of linear operators. Zbl 0198.17003 Gokhberg, I. Ts.; Markus, A. S. 13 1964 On the complete n-tuple of roots of the operator equation corresponding to a polynomial operator bundle. Zbl 0318.47011 Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 13 1975 A basis of root vectors of a dissipative operator. Zbl 0095.31203 Markus, A. S. 12 1960 The problem of spectral synthesis for operators with point spectrum. Zbl 0232.47001 Markus, A. S. 11 1971 The multiplicity of the characteristic number of an analytic operator function. Zbl 0234.47013 Markus, A. S.; Sigal, E. I. 11 1970 A theorem on comparison of spectra and spectral asymptotics for a Keldysh pencil. Zbl 0562.47014 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 10 1984 On the basis property for a certain part of the eigenvectors and associated vectors of the selfadjoint operator pencil. Zbl 0677.47008 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 9 1988 Factorization of a selfadjoint nonanalytic operator function. II: Single spectral zone. Zbl 0778.47015 Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 9 1993 Low rank perturbations of strongly definitizable transformations and matrix polynomials. Zbl 0793.15002 Lancaster, Peter; Markus, Alexander S.; Ye, Qiang 9 1994 Some results on numerical ranges and factorizations of matrix polynomials. Zbl 0883.15016 Markus, Alexander S.; Rodman, Leiba 9 1997 Über die Variation der Jordanstruktur einer Matrix bei kleinen Störungen. Zbl 0453.15010 Markus, A. S.; Parilis, E. Eh. 9 1980 Principal part of resolvent and factorization of an increasing nonanalytic operator-function. Zbl 0826.47011 Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 8 1991 Corners of numerical ranges. Zbl 0990.47007 Langer, Heinz; Markus, Alexander; Tretter, Christiane 8 2001 The Toeplitz-Hausdorff theorem and robust stability theory. Zbl 1052.47502 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 8 1999 Spectrum of definite type of self-adjoint operators in Krein spaces. Zbl 1079.47040 Langer, Heinz; Langer, Matthias; Markus, Alexander; Tretter, Christiane 8 2005 Das Problem der Spektralsynthese für Operatoren mit Punktspektrum. Zbl 0195.13702 Markus, A. S. 8 1970 Operators generated by sesquilinear forms and their spectral asymptotics. Zbl 0476.47009 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 8 1981 Linearization and compact perturbation of self-adjoint analytic operator functions. Zbl 0952.47035 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 7 2000 Comparison theorems for spectra of linear operators, and spectral asymptotics. Zbl 0557.47009 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 6 1984 Complete controllability of spectrum assignment in infinite dimensional spaces. Zbl 0820.47076 Markus, A. S.; Olshevsky, V. R. 6 1993 On holomorphous operator functions. Zbl 0089.32203 Markus, A. S. 6 1958 Some estimates for the resolvent and for the lengths of Jordan chains of an analytic operator function. Zbl 0990.47014 Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 5 2001 Analogs of Weyl inequalities and the trace theorem in Banach space. Zbl 0252.47022 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 5 1972 Connectivity of level sets of quadratic forms and Hausdorff-Toeplitz type theorems. Zbl 0891.15023 Lyubich, Yuri; Markus, Alexander 5 1997 On some properties of factorization indices. Zbl 0905.47012 Feldman, Israel; Markus, Alexander 5 1998 Some criteria for the completeness of a system of root vectors of a linear operator in a Banach space. Zbl 0196.14603 Markus, A. S. 5 1969 Self-adjoint analytic operator functions and their local spectral function. Zbl 1125.47010 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 5 2006 On the connection between spectral properties of a polynomial operator pencil and its divisors. Zbl 0449.47017 Kabak, V. I.; Markus, A. S.; Mereutsa, I. V. 5 1977 On the convergence of expansions according to the eigenvectors of an operator close to a self adjoint one. Zbl 0477.47016 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 5 1981 On spectral properties of elliptic pseudo-differential operators far from self-adjoint ones. Zbl 0696.35123 Agranovich, M. S.; Markus, A. S. 4 1989 Basis property of subsystems of eigen- and associated vectors of a selfadjoint operator pencil. Zbl 0719.47007 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 4 1987 The structured norm of a Hilbert space operator with respect to a given algebra of operators. Zbl 0952.93023 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 4 2000 Über die Konvergenz mehrfacher Entwicklungen nach dem System der Eigenvektoren und adjungierten Vektoren einer Operatorschar. Zbl 0148.12902 Vizitei, V. N.; Markus, A. S. 4 1965 On the spectral factorization of holomorphic operator-functions. Zbl 0449.47014 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 4 1978 Factorization of selfadjoint quadratic matrix polynomials with real spectrum. Zbl 0830.15007 Krupnik, Ilya; Markus, Alexander; Lancaster, Peter 3 1995 On the basis property of a certain part of eigenvectors and joined vectors of a self-adjoint operator pencil. Zbl 0632.47015 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 3 1987 Über gewisse Verallgemeinerungen der Theorie der stark gedämpften Scharen auf den Fall von Scharen beliebiger Ordnung. Zbl 0276.47022 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I.; Russu, G. I. 3 1973 A wider class of stable gyroscopic systems. Zbl 1029.15007 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Zhou, F. 3 2003 Perturbations of \(G\)-selfadjoint operators and operator polynomials with real spectrum. Zbl 0860.47008 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 3 1996 On the connection between the spectral properties of a polynomial bundle and of the roots of the corresponding operator equation. Zbl 0289.47001 Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 3 1973 The spectral theory of polynomial operator bundles in a Banach space. Zbl 0177.17201 Markus, A. S. 3 1967 On operator algebras determined by a sequence of operator norms. Zbl 1210.47003 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 3 2008 The Virozub-Matsaev condition and spectrum of definite type for self-adjoint operator functions. Zbl 1177.47019 Langer, Heinz; Langer, Matthias; Markus, Alexander; Tretter, Christiane 3 2008 Factorization of matrix functions and characteristic properties of the circle. Zbl 0799.47004 Krupnik, Ilya; Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 2 1993 Linearization, factorization, and the spectral compression of a self-adjoint analytic operator function under the condition (VM). Zbl 1272.47023 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 2 2012 The reduction method for operators in Hilbert space. Zbl 0283.47023 Markus, A. S. 2 1974 Repeated eigenvectors and the numerical range of self-adjoint quadratic operator polynomials. Zbl 1031.47005 Lancaster, Peter; Markus, Alexander S.; Psarrakos, Panayiotis 2 2002 The order of neutrality for linear operators on inner product spaces. Zbl 0939.47032 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Zizler, P. 2 1997 Matrix problems, arising at the investigation of solutions of elliptic and parabolic second-order equations. Zbl 0223.35043 Markus, A. S.; Èĭdel’man, S. D. 2 1970 On the normal solvability of singular integral operators in symmetric spaces. (Über die normale Auflösbarkeit singulärer Integraloperatoren in symmetrischen Räumen.) Zbl 0238.45003 Leiterer, Jürgen; Markus, A. 2 1972 Über die Spektraleigenschaften holomorpher Operatorfunktionen in einem Hilbert-Raum. Zbl 0324.47011 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1974 Über Spektraleigenschaften von Divisoren einer polynomialen Operatorgarbe. Zbl 0345.47013 Kabak, V. I.; Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 2 1976 Joint spectrum and discriminant varieties of commuting nonselfadjoint operators. Zbl 0857.47004 Livšic, M. S.; Markus, A. S. 2 1994 A theorem on comparison of spectra, and the spectral asymptotics for a Keldysh pencil. Zbl 0603.47018 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1985 Bari bases of subspaces. Zbl 0181.13302 Markus, A. S. 2 1969 Zwei Bemerkungen über die Faktorisation von Matrixfunktionen. Zbl 0392.47006 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1976 Self-adjoint analytic operator functions: Local spectral function and inner linearization. Zbl 1197.47027 Langer, Heinz; Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 2 2009 Asymptotic behavior of spectra of operators which are close to normal. Zbl 0457.47005 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1980 Some remarks on factorization of selfadjoint matrix functions. Zbl 0824.47013 Krupnik, Ilya; Markus, Alexander 1 1995 Norm of a linear combination of projectors in Hilbert space. Zbl 0712.47010 Krupnik, N. Ya.; Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 1 1989 A basis consistins of eigenvectors of a selfadjoint polynomial pencil. Zbl 0233.47018 Markus, A. S.; Russu, G. I. 1 1971 Similarity invariant subspaces and Lie ideals in operator algebras. Zbl 1042.47050 Belitskii, G.; Markus, A. 1 2002 On \(n\)-fold expansions for ordinary differential operators. Zbl 1012.34079 Faierman, M.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V.; Möller, M. 1 2002 The lossless embedding problem for time-varying contractive systems. Zbl 0866.93006 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 1 1996 Joint zero sets and ranges of several Hermitian forms over complex and quaternionic scalars. Zbl 1060.15017 Binding, P.; Markus, A. 1 2004 On the unitary spectrum of a contraction in a Banach space. Zbl 0265.47008 Markus, A. S.; Nikol’skaya, L. N.; Nikol’skij, N. K. 1 1971 Unitary spectrum of a contraction in Banach space. Zbl 0277.47009 Markus, A. S.; Nikol’skaya, L. N.; Nikol’skij, N. K. 1 1974 Chains of projectors, similar to orthogonal. Zbl 0172.16902 Markus, A. S.; Prigorskij, V. A. 1 1967 Über die Stabilität gewisser Eigenschaften der normal auflösbaren Operatoren. Zbl 0074.10002 Gochberg, I. C.; Markus, A. S. 1 1956 Some criteria for the completeness of a system of root vectors of a linear operator and for the summability of series in this system. Zbl 0118.11001 Markus, A. S. 1 1964 Über eine charakteristische Eigenschaft des Kernes eines linearen Operators. Zbl 0066.36504 Gochberg, I. C.; Markus, A. S. 1 1955 Über eine charakteristische Eigenschaft des Kerns eines linearen Operators. Zbl 0066.36601 Markus, A. S. 1 1955 Multiple completeness and convergence of multiple expansions in the system of eigenvectors and adjoined vectors of an operator bundle. Zbl 0148.12901 Markus, A. S. 1 1965 On convergence of multiple expansions in eigenvectors and associated vectors of an operator bundle. Zbl 0198.46902 Vizitej, V. N.; Markus, A. S. 1 1965 Über gewisse Eigenschaften einfacher \(\lambda\)-Matrizen. Zbl 0371.15006 Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 1 1975 Operators which weakly perturb the spectrum. Zbl 0409.47010 Markus, A. S.; Semencul, A. A. 1 1979 Über den Zusammenhang gewisser Eigenschaften einer Operatormatrix und ihrer Determinante. Zbl 0452.47016 Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 1 1980 Convexity of ranges and connectedness of level sets of quadratic forms. Zbl 1193.15022 Feldman, I.; Krupnik, N.; Markus, A. 1 2010 Index of an operator matrix. Zbl 0415.47009 Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 1 1977 Über die Asymptotik des Spektrums von Operatoren, die normalen Operatoren ähnlich sind. Zbl 0439.47002 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 1 1979 Linearization, factorization, and the spectral compression of a self-adjoint analytic operator function under the condition (VM). Zbl 1272.47023 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 2 2012 Convexity of ranges and connectedness of level sets of quadratic forms. Zbl 1193.15022 Feldman, I.; Krupnik, N.; Markus, A. 1 2010 Self-adjoint analytic operator functions: Local spectral function and inner linearization. Zbl 1197.47027 Langer, Heinz; Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 2 2009 On operator algebras determined by a sequence of operator norms. Zbl 1210.47003 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 3 2008 The Virozub-Matsaev condition and spectrum of definite type for self-adjoint operator functions. Zbl 1177.47019 Langer, Heinz; Langer, Matthias; Markus, Alexander; Tretter, Christiane 3 2008 Self-adjoint analytic operator functions and their local spectral function. Zbl 1125.47010 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 5 2006 Spectrum of definite type of self-adjoint operators in Krein spaces. Zbl 1079.47040 Langer, Heinz; Langer, Matthias; Markus, Alexander; Tretter, Christiane 8 2005 Joint zero sets and ranges of several Hermitian forms over complex and quaternionic scalars. Zbl 1060.15017 Binding, P.; Markus, A. 1 2004 Perturbation theory for analytic matrix functions: The semisimple case. Zbl 1061.15009 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Zhou, F. 31 2003 Self-adjoint block operator matrices with non-separated diagonal entries and their Schur complements. Zbl 1060.47004 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V.; Tretter, C. 16 2003 A wider class of stable gyroscopic systems. Zbl 1029.15007 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Zhou, F. 3 2003 Repeated eigenvectors and the numerical range of self-adjoint quadratic operator polynomials. Zbl 1031.47005 Lancaster, Peter; Markus, Alexander S.; Psarrakos, Panayiotis 2 2002 Similarity invariant subspaces and Lie ideals in operator algebras. Zbl 1042.47050 Belitskii, G.; Markus, A. 1 2002 On \(n\)-fold expansions for ordinary differential operators. Zbl 1012.34079 Faierman, M.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V.; Möller, M. 1 2002 A new concept for block operator matrices: The quadratic numerical range. Zbl 0998.15035 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V.; Tretter, C. 36 2001 Corners of numerical ranges. Zbl 0990.47007 Langer, Heinz; Markus, Alexander; Tretter, Christiane 8 2001 Some estimates for the resolvent and for the lengths of Jordan chains of an analytic operator function. Zbl 0990.47014 Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 5 2001 Linearization and compact perturbation of self-adjoint analytic operator functions. Zbl 0952.47035 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 7 2000 The structured norm of a Hilbert space operator with respect to a given algebra of operators. Zbl 0952.93023 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 4 2000 The Toeplitz-Hausdorff theorem and robust stability theory. Zbl 1052.47502 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 8 1999 On some properties of factorization indices. Zbl 0905.47012 Feldman, Israel; Markus, Alexander 5 1998 Locally definite operators in indefinite inner product spaces. Zbl 0879.47017 Langer, H.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 23 1997 Some results on numerical ranges and factorizations of matrix polynomials. Zbl 0883.15016 Markus, Alexander S.; Rodman, Leiba 9 1997 Connectivity of level sets of quadratic forms and Hausdorff-Toeplitz type theorems. Zbl 0891.15023 Lyubich, Yuri; Markus, Alexander 5 1997 The order of neutrality for linear operators on inner product spaces. Zbl 0939.47032 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Zizler, P. 2 1997 Perturbations of \(G\)-selfadjoint operators and operator polynomials with real spectrum. Zbl 0860.47008 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 3 1996 The lossless embedding problem for time-varying contractive systems. Zbl 0866.93006 Feintuch, Avraham; Markus, Alexander 1 1996 Theory of commuting nonselfadjoint operators. Zbl 0834.47004 Livšic, M. S.; Kravitsky, N.; Markus, A. S.; Vinnikov, V. 37 1995 Definitizable operators and quasihyperbolic operator polynomials. Zbl 0878.47021 Lancaster, P.; Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 14 1995 Factorization of selfadjoint quadratic matrix polynomials with real spectrum. Zbl 0830.15007 Krupnik, Ilya; Markus, Alexander; Lancaster, Peter 3 1995 Some remarks on factorization of selfadjoint matrix functions. Zbl 0824.47013 Krupnik, Ilya; Markus, Alexander 1 1995 Low rank perturbations of strongly definitizable transformations and matrix polynomials. Zbl 0793.15002 Lancaster, Peter; Markus, Alexander S.; Ye, Qiang 9 1994 Joint spectrum and discriminant varieties of commuting nonselfadjoint operators. Zbl 0857.47004 Livšic, M. S.; Markus, A. S. 2 1994 Factorization of a selfadjoint nonanalytic operator function. II: Single spectral zone. Zbl 0778.47015 Markus, A.; Matsaev, V. 9 1993 Complete controllability of spectrum assignment in infinite dimensional spaces. Zbl 0820.47076 Markus, A. S.; Olshevsky, V. R. 6 1993 Factorization of matrix functions and characteristic properties of the circle. Zbl 0799.47004 Krupnik, Ilya; Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 2 1993 Gyroscopically stabilized systems: A class of quadratic eigenvalue problems with real spectrum. Zbl 0785.47010 Barkwell, Lawrence; Lancaster, Peter; Markus, Alexander S. 19 1992 On the norm of polynomials of two adjoint projections. Zbl 0737.47006 Feldman, Israel; Krupnik, Naum; Markus, Alexander 21 1991 Principal part of resolvent and factorization of an increasing nonanalytic operator-function. Zbl 0826.47011 Markus, Alexander; Matsaev, Vladimir 8 1991 On spectral properties of elliptic pseudo-differential operators far from self-adjoint ones. Zbl 0696.35123 Agranovich, M. S.; Markus, A. S. 4 1989 Norm of a linear combination of projectors in Hilbert space. Zbl 0712.47010 Krupnik, N. Ya.; Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 1 1989 Introduction to the spectral theory of polynomial operator pencils. Transl. from the Russian by H. H. McFaden. Zbl 0678.47005 Markus, A. S. 240 1988 On the basis property for a certain part of the eigenvectors and associated vectors of the selfadjoint operator pencil. Zbl 0677.47008 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 9 1988 Basis property of subsystems of eigen- and associated vectors of a selfadjoint operator pencil. Zbl 0719.47007 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 4 1987 On the basis property of a certain part of eigenvectors and joined vectors of a self-adjoint operator pencil. Zbl 0632.47015 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 3 1987 Introduction to the spectral theory of polynomial operator pencils. (Vvedenie v spektral’nuyu teoriyu polinomial’nykh operatornykh puchkov). Zbl 0678.47006 Markus, A. S. 79 1986 A theorem on comparison of spectra, and the spectral asymptotics for a Keldysh pencil. Zbl 0603.47018 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1985 A theorem on comparison of spectra and spectral asymptotics for a Keldysh pencil. Zbl 0562.47014 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 10 1984 Comparison theorems for spectra of linear operators, and spectral asymptotics. Zbl 0557.47009 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 6 1984 The change of the Jordan structure of a matrix under small perturbations. Zbl 0524.15010 Markus, A. S.; Parilis, E. E. 25 1983 Comparison theorems for the spectra of linear operators and spectral asymptotics. Zbl 0532.47012 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 26 1982 Operators generated by sesquilinear forms and their spectral asymptotics. Zbl 0476.47009 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 8 1981 On the convergence of expansions according to the eigenvectors of an operator close to a self adjoint one. Zbl 0477.47016 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 5 1981 Über die Variation der Jordanstruktur einer Matrix bei kleinen Störungen. Zbl 0453.15010 Markus, A. S.; Parilis, E. Eh. 9 1980 Asymptotic behavior of spectra of operators which are close to normal. Zbl 0457.47005 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1980 Über den Zusammenhang gewisser Eigenschaften einer Operatormatrix und ihrer Determinante. Zbl 0452.47016 Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 1 1980 Operators which weakly perturb the spectrum. Zbl 0409.47010 Markus, A. S.; Semencul, A. A. 1 1979 Über die Asymptotik des Spektrums von Operatoren, die normalen Operatoren ähnlich sind. Zbl 0439.47002 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 1 1979 On the spectral factorization of holomorphic operator-functions. Zbl 0449.47014 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 4 1978 On the connection between spectral properties of a polynomial operator pencil and its divisors. Zbl 0449.47017 Kabak, V. I.; Markus, A. S.; Mereutsa, I. V. 5 1977 Index of an operator matrix. Zbl 0415.47009 Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 1 1977 Factorization of a weakly hyperbolic bundle. Zbl 0331.47009 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 16 1976 Über Spektraleigenschaften von Divisoren einer polynomialen Operatorgarbe. Zbl 0345.47013 Kabak, V. I.; Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 2 1976 Zwei Bemerkungen über die Faktorisation von Matrixfunktionen. Zbl 0392.47006 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1976 Spectral theory of holomorphic operator-functions in Hilbert space. Zbl 0331.47008 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 15 1975 On the complete n-tuple of roots of the operator equation corresponding to a polynomial operator bundle. Zbl 0318.47011 Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 13 1975 Über gewisse Eigenschaften einfacher \(\lambda\)-Matrizen. Zbl 0371.15006 Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 1 1975 The reduction method for operators in Hilbert space. Zbl 0283.47023 Markus, A. S. 2 1974 Über die Spektraleigenschaften holomorpher Operatorfunktionen in einem Hilbert-Raum. Zbl 0324.47011 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 2 1974 Unitary spectrum of a contraction in Banach space. Zbl 0277.47009 Markus, A. S.; Nikol’skaya, L. N.; Nikol’skij, N. K. 1 1974 Über gewisse Verallgemeinerungen der Theorie der stark gedämpften Scharen auf den Fall von Scharen beliebiger Ordnung. Zbl 0276.47022 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I.; Russu, G. I. 3 1973 On the connection between the spectral properties of a polynomial bundle and of the roots of the corresponding operator equation. Zbl 0289.47001 Markus, A. S.; Mereuca, I. V. 3 1973 Analogs of Weyl inequalities and the trace theorem in Banach space. Zbl 0252.47022 Markus, A. S.; Matsaev, V. I. 5 1972 On the normal solvability of singular integral operators in symmetric spaces. (Über die normale Auflösbarkeit singulärer Integraloperatoren in symmetrischen Räumen.) Zbl 0238.45003 Leiterer, Jürgen; Markus, A. 2 1972 The problem of spectral synthesis for operators with point spectrum. Zbl 0232.47001 Markus, A. S. 11 1971 A basis consistins of eigenvectors of a selfadjoint polynomial pencil. Zbl 0233.47018 Markus, A. S.; Russu, G. I. 1 1971 On the unitary spectrum of a contraction in a Banach space. Zbl 0265.47008 Markus, A. S.; Nikol’skaya, L. N.; Nikol’skij, N. K. 1 1971 The multiplicity of the characteristic number of an analytic operator function. Zbl 0234.47013 Markus, A. S.; Sigal, E. I. 11 1970 Das Problem der Spektralsynthese für Operatoren mit Punktspektrum. Zbl 0195.13702 Markus, A. S. 8 1970 Matrix problems, arising at the investigation of solutions of elliptic and parabolic second-order equations. Zbl 0223.35043 Markus, A. S.; Èĭdel’man, S. D. 2 1970 Some criteria for the completeness of a system of root vectors of a linear operator in a Banach space. Zbl 0196.14603 Markus, A. S. 5 1969 Bari bases of subspaces. Zbl 0181.13302 Markus, A. S. 2 1969 The spectral theory of polynomial operator bundles in a Banach space. Zbl 0177.17201 Markus, A. S. 3 1967 Chains of projectors, similar to orthogonal. Zbl 0172.16902 Markus, A. S.; Prigorskij, V. A. 1 1967 Über die Konvergenz mehrfacher Entwicklungen nach dem System der Eigenvektoren und adjungierten Vektoren einer Operatorschar. Zbl 0148.12902 Vizitei, V. N.; Markus, A. S. 4 1965 Multiple completeness and convergence of multiple expansions in the system of eigenvectors and adjoined vectors of an operator bundle. Zbl 0148.12901 Markus, A. S. 1 1965 On convergence of multiple expansions in eigenvectors and associated vectors of an operator bundle. Zbl 0198.46902 Vizitej, V. N.; Markus, A. S. 1 1965 The eigen- and singular values of the sum and product of linear operators. Zbl 0133.07205 Markus, A. S. 39 1964 Some relations between eigenvalues and matrix elements of linear operators. Zbl 0198.17003 Gokhberg, I. Ts.; Markus, A. S. 13 1964 Some criteria for the completeness of a system of root vectors of a linear operator and for the summability of series in this system. Zbl 0118.11001 Markus, A. S. 1 1964 Expansion in root vectors of a slightly perturbed self-adjoint operator. Zbl 0122.11602 Markus, A. S. 15 1962 Normally solvable operators and ideals associated with them. Zbl 0181.40601 Gokhberg, I. Ts.; Markus, A. S.; Fel’dman, I. A. 69 1960 A basis of root vectors of a dissipative operator. Zbl 0095.31203 Markus, A. S. 12 1960 Two theorems on the gap between subspaces of a Banach space. Zbl 0093.12003 Gokhberg, I. Ts.; Markus, A. S. 34 1959 On holomorphous operator functions. Zbl 0089.32203 Markus, A. S. 6 1958 Über die Stabilität gewisser Eigenschaften der normal auflösbaren Operatoren. Zbl 0074.10002 Gochberg, I. C.; Markus, A. S. 1 1956 Über eine charakteristische Eigenschaft des Kernes eines linearen Operators. Zbl 0066.36504 Gochberg, I. C.; Markus, A. S. 1 1955 Über eine charakteristische Eigenschaft des Kerns eines linearen Operators. Zbl 0066.36601 Markus, A. S. 1 1955 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 898 Authors 31 Jeribi, Aref 26 Rodman, Leiba X. 21 Markus, Alexander S. 21 Psarrakos, Panayiotis J. 17 Trunk, Carsten 16 Lancaster, Peter 16 Tretter, Christiane 14 Zakora, Dmitriĭ Aleksandrovich 13 Chen, Alatancang 13 Langer, Heinz 12 Engström, Christian 11 Ammar, Aymen 11 Krupnik, Naum Yakovlevich 11 Matsaev, Vladimir Igorevich 11 Vinnikov, Victor L. 10 Huang, Junjie 10 Moalla, Nedra 10 Shubov, Marianna A. 10 Walha, Ines 9 Behrndt, Jussi 9 Motovilov, Aleksandr Konstantinovich 9 Shkalikov, Andreĭ Andreevich 9 Zaballa, Ion 8 Abdmouleh, Faiçal 8 de Hoyos, Inmaculada 8 Malamud, Mark M. 8 Maroulas, John 8 Philipp, Friedrich 7 Bart, Harm 7 Gohberg, Israel 7 González Ortiz, Manuel 7 Kopachevskiĭ, Nikolaĭ Dmitrievich 7 Krupnik, Ilya 7 Mennicken, Reinhard 7 Ran, André C. M. 7 Spitkovsky, Ilya Matvey 6 Dehici, Abdelkader 6 Langer, Matthias 6 Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich 6 Ostrovskii, Mikhail Iosifovich 6 Silbermann, Bernd 6 Xie, Huiqing 5 Alpay, Daniel Aron 5 Baranov, Anton D. 5 Ehrhardt, Torsten 5 Faierman, Melvin 5 Jasper, John Sahayam 5 Krichen, Bilel 5 Kurbatova, Irina Vital’evna 5 Latrach, Khalid 5 Lunyov, Anton A. 5 Olshevsky, Vadim 5 Rautian, Nadegda Aleksandrovna 5 Siegl, Petr 5 Torshage, Axel 5 Wu, Xiufeng 5 Zagorodnyuk, Sergey Mihaylovich 4 Azizov, Tomas Ya. 4 Böttcher, Albrecht 4 Dai, Hua 4 Galaktionov, Victor Aleksandrovich 4 García-Ardila, Juan Carlos 4 Gesztesy, Fritz 4 Gil’, Michael Iosif 4 Hernández Rodriguez, Francisco L. 4 Kaashoek, Marinus Adriaan 4 Kostyuchenko, Anatolii Gordeevich 4 Kukushkin, Maksim Vladimirovich 4 Marcellán Español, Francisco 4 Martínez Pería, Francisco D. 4 Mukhtarov, Oktay Sh. 4 Nakazi, Takahiko 4 Nikol’skiĭ, Nikolaĭ Kapitonovich 4 Oridoroga, Leonid L. 4 Saadaoui, Bilel 4 Salas Brown, Margot 4 Shamovich, Eli 4 Tisseur, Françoise 4 Van der Mee, Cornelis Victor Maria 4 Vlasov, Viktor Valentinovich 4 Voss, Heinrich 4 Voytitsky, Victor Ivanovich 4 Wu, Deyu 4 Wyss, Christian 4 Yakubovich, Dmitry V. 3 Agranovich, Mikhail Semënovich 3 Albeverio, Sergio A. 3 Amirov, Rauf Kh. 3 Ando, Tsuyoshi 3 Aydemir, Kadriye 3 Ball, Joseph Anthony 3 Belov, Yurii S. 3 Boĭmatov, Kamoliddin Khamroevich 3 Borisova, Galina S. 3 Bownik, Marcin 3 Charfi, Salma 3 Chu, Delin 3 de Terán, Fernando 3 Dmytryshyn, Andrii R. 3 Dopico, Froilán M. ...and 798 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 211 Serials 108 Linear Algebra and its Applications 70 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 53 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 47 Journal of Functional Analysis 27 Mathematical Notes 26 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 22 Functional Analysis and its Applications 20 Mathematische Nachrichten 18 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 16 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 11 Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 Journal of Differential Equations 11 Siberian Mathematical Journal 10 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 8 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 Operators and Matrices 7 Communications in Mathematical Physics 7 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7 Advances in Mathematics 7 Mathematische Annalen 7 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 7 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 7 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 6 Numerische Mathematik 6 Doklady Mathematics 5 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 5 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 5 Filomat 5 Differential Equations 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Journal of Approximation Theory 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 4 Russian Mathematics 4 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 4 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 4 Annals of Functional Analysis 4 Journal of Spectral Theory 4 Advances in Operator Theory 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Studia Mathematica 3 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 Studies in Applied Mathematics 3 Topology and its Applications 3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 3 Georgian Mathematical Journal 3 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 3 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2 General Relativity and Gravitation 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2 Letters in Mathematical Physics 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 The Mathematical Intelligencer 2 Automatica 2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 2 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 2 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 2 Godishnik na Sofiĭskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Okhridski”. Fakultet po Matematika i Informatika 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Opuscula Mathematica 2 European Journal of Control 2 Positivity 2 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 2 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 Advances in Difference Equations ...and 111 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 52 Fields 512 Operator theory (47-XX) 175 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 126 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 122 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 109 Functional analysis (46-XX) 65 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 42 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 32 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 27 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 26 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 23 Integral equations (45-XX) 22 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 21 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 21 Quantum theory (81-XX) 20 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 19 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 14 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 12 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 10 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 8 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Number theory (11-XX) 7 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Differential geometry (53-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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