Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Mathai, Arakaparampli Mathai Co-Author Distance Author ID: mathai.arak-mathai Published as: Mathai, A. M.; Mathai, Arak M.; Mathai, Arakaparampil M.; Mathai, Arak Mathai; Mathai, A. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 238 Publications since 1965, including 20 Books and 21 Additional arXiv Preprints 15 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 118 Reviews Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 38 Co-Authors with 154 Joint Publications 629 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 98 single-authored 70 Haubold, Hans Joachim 37 Saxena, Ram Kishore 14 Rathie, Pushpa Narayan 13 Pederzoli, Giorgio 9 Provost, Serge B. 7 Moschopoulos, Panagis G. 5 Katiyar, R. S. 5 Princy, T. 3 Anderson, William J. 3 Thomas, Seemon 3 Tracy, Derrick Shannon 2 Jacob, Joy 2 Nambooripad, K. S. Subramonian 1 Anderson, J. W. 1 Antonucci, E. 1 Chaudhry, Muhammad Aslam 1 Davis, T. Anthony 1 Eichhorn, G. 1 George, Aleyamma 1 George, Sebastian 1 Gopalswamy, N. 1 Gordon, F. S. 1 Gottlöber, Stefan 1 Hayakawa, Takesi 1 Jose, Kanichukattu Korakutty 1 Kounias, Stratis 1 Kurian, Benny 1 Kurian, K. M. 1 Mücket, Jan P. 1 Müller, Volker 1 Pederozoli, G. 1 Pillai, K. C. Sreedharan 1 Rathie, P. M. 1 Sebastian, Nicy 1 Tan, Wai-Yuan 1 Thannippara, Alex 1 Tsallis, Constantino 1 Zaslavsky, Thomas all top 5 Serials 15 Publication. Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Trivandrum 11 Astrophysics and Space Science 11 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 10 Linear Algebra and its Applications 7 Metron 7 International Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences 7 Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 6 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 6 Statistica 6 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 5 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Metrika 4 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 4 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A 4 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 3 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Sankhyā. Series B. Methodological 3 Trabajos de Estadistica y de Investigacion Operativa 3 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 3 Axioms 2 Earth, Moon, and Planets 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 The Mathematics Student 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Studies in Applied Mathematics 2 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 2 Gaṇita Sandesh 2 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 2 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 International Journal of Scientific Research (IJSR) 2 Statistical Methods 2 Journal of the Indian Statistical Association 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Astronomische Nachrichten 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Physica A 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Acta Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnologia 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Biometrics 1 Biometrika 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 Publications de l’Institut de Statistique de l’Université de Paris 1 Revista. Serie A. Matematica y Fisica Teorica 1 The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics 1 Journal of National Academy of Mathematics, India 1 Optimization 1 Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences. 5e Série 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Zapiski Nauchnykh Seminarov POMI 1 Statistical Papers 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Journal of Applied Statistical Science 1 Analysis (München) 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Advances and Applications in Statistics 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Entropy 1 Bulletin de l’Institut International de Statistique 1 Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Lecture Notes in Statistics 1 Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs 1 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Ruse) 1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 1 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Mathematica Æterna 1 Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications 1 SpringerBriefs in Mathematical Physics 1 Cogent Mathematics 1 Springer Optimization and Its Applications 1 De Gruyter Textbook 1 American Sciences Press Series in Mathematical and Management Sciences all top 5 Fields 127 Statistics (62-XX) 83 Special functions (33-XX) 44 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 35 Real functions (26-XX) 26 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 16 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 15 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 15 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 143 Publications have been cited 2,709 times in 1,948 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Mittag-Leffler functions and their applications. Zbl 1218.33021 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 335 2011 The H-function with applications in statistics and other disciplines. Zbl 0382.33001 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 249 1978 Quadratic forms in random variables. Theory and applications. Zbl 0792.62045 Mathai, A. M.; Provost, Serge B. 216 1992 The \(H\)-function. Theory and applications. Zbl 1181.33001 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, Ram Kishore; Haubold, Hans J. 209 2010 Special functions for applied scientists. Zbl 1151.33001 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, Hans J. 195 2008 Generalized hypergeometric functions with applications in statistics and physical sciences. Zbl 0272.33001 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 146 1973 A handbook of generalized special functions for statistical and physical sciences. Zbl 0770.33001 Mathai, A. M. 136 1993 Jacobians of matrix transformations and functions of matrix argument. Zbl 0889.33001 Mathai, A. M. 96 1997 Solutions of the fractional reaction equation and the fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1223.85008 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 93 2010 A pathway to matrix-variate gamma and normal densities. Zbl 1084.62044 Mathai, A. M. 74 2005 The fractional kinetic equation and thermonuclear functions. Zbl 1034.82048 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 66 2000 Basic concepts in information theory and statistics. Axiomatic foundations and applications. Zbl 0346.94014 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 44 1975 Storage capacity of a dam with gamma type inputs. Zbl 0505.60099 Mathai, A. M. 39 1982 Bilinear forms and zonal polynomials. Zbl 0832.62044 Mathai, Arak M.; Provost, Serge B.; Hayakawa, Takesi 39 1995 Solution of generalized fractional reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1105.35309 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 35 2006 An introduction to geometrical probability. Distributional aspects with applications. Zbl 0968.60001 Mathai, A. M. 34 1999 Fractional reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1105.35307 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 34 2006 On a multivariate gamma. Zbl 0739.62039 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P. G. 32 1991 Reaction-diffusion systems and nonlinear waves. Zbl 1105.35308 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 29 2006 On generalized distributions and pathways. Zbl 1220.62167 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 23 2008 Further solutions of fractional reaction-diffusion equations in terms of the \(H\)-function. Zbl 1206.35245 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 22 2011 A form of multivariate gamma distribution. Zbl 0760.62049 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P. G. 22 1992 On noncentral generalized Laplacianness of quadratic forms in normal variables. Zbl 0783.62041 Mathai, A. M. 20 1993 Solutions of certain fractional kinetic equations and a fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1314.35065 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 20 2010 Some properties of Mittag-Leffler functions and matrix-variate analogues: a statistical perspective. Zbl 1211.26007 Mathai, A. M. 17 2010 The exact distribution of Wilk’s criterion. Zbl 0216.21805 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 16 1971 A certain class of Laplace transforms with applications to reaction and reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1105.35301 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K.; Haubold, H. J. 16 2006 Fractional and multivariable calculus. Model building and optimization problems. Zbl 1376.26001 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 15 2017 On a conjecture in geometric probability regarding asymptotic normality of a random simplex. Zbl 0479.60021 Mathai, A. M. 15 1982 Random \(p\)-content of a \(p\)-parallelotope in Euclidean \(n\)-space. Zbl 0944.60014 Mathai, A. M. 12 1999 On a generalized hypergeomet ic distribution. Zbl 0156.40401 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 12 1966 Solutions of fractional reaction-diffusion equations in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions. Zbl 1153.34304 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 11 2006 Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy versus Tsallis entropy: recent contributions to resolving the argument of Einstein concerning “neither Herr Boltzmann nor Herr Planck has given a definition of \(W\)”? Essay review. Zbl 1115.82300 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 10 2004 Erdélyi-Kober fractional calculus. From a statistical perspective, inspired by solar neutrino physics. Zbl 1412.81007 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 10 2018 Distribution of a product and the structural set up of densities. Zbl 0186.53003 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 10 1969 Exact percentage points for testing independence. Zbl 0407.62031 Mathai, A. M.; Katiyar, R. S. 10 1979 Mittag-Leffler functions to pathway model to Tsallis statistics. Zbl 1209.33010 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, Hans J. 9 2010 On the distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing linear hypotheses on regression coefficients. Zbl 0256.62062 Mathai, A. M. 9 1971 Fractional integral operators involving many matrix variables. Zbl 1286.45010 Mathai, A. M. 8 2014 The residual effect of a growth-decay mechanism and the distributions of covariance structures. Zbl 0785.62055 Mathai, A. M. 8 1993 Extensions of Wilks’ integral equations and distributions of test statistics. Zbl 0559.62039 Mathai, A. M. 8 1984 Further results on the trace of a noncentral Wishart matrix. Zbl 0521.62042 Mathai, A. M.; Pillai, K. C. S. 8 1982 A pathway from Bayesian statistical analysis to superstatistics. Zbl 1271.62047 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 8 2011 Space-time fractional reaction-diffusion equations associated with a generalized Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Zbl 1515.35324 Saxena, Ram K.; Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 8 2014 Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral operators from a statistical perspective. I. Zbl 1360.45011 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 8 2017 Some complex matrix-variate statistical distributions on rectangular matrices. Zbl 1122.62040 Mathai, A. M.; Provost, Serge B. 8 2005 Characterizations of the normal probability law. Zbl 0388.60001 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, G. 8 1977 Structure of regular semigroups. II: Cross-connections. Ed. by A. M. Mathai. Zbl 0707.20019 Nambooripad, K. S. S. 8 1989 On a generalized entropy measure leading to the pathway model with a preliminary application to solar neutrino data. Zbl 1391.94587 Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 7 2013 A few remarks about some recent articles on the exact distributions of multivariate test criteria. I. Zbl 0334.62019 Mathai, A. M. 7 1973 On the non-null distributions of test statistics connected with exponential populations. Zbl 0442.62017 Mathai, A. M. 7 1979 Moments of the trace of a noncentral Wishart matrix. Zbl 0462.62038 Mathai, A. M. 7 1980 The exact distribution of Votaw’s criteria. Zbl 0218.62054 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 6 1970 The exact non-central distribution of the generalized variance. Zbl 0312.62045 Mathai, A. M. 6 1972 Fractional integral operators in the complex matrix variate case. Zbl 1283.45008 Mathai, A. M. 6 2013 Fractional operators in the matrix variate case. Zbl 1488.26020 Mathai, A.; Haubold, Hans 6 2013 Distribution of the canonical correlation matrix. Zbl 0471.62053 Mathai, A. M. 6 1981 The exact distributions of three multivariate statistics associated with Wilks’ concept of generalized variance. Zbl 0246.62067 Mathai, A. M. 5 1972 A review of the different techniques used for deriving the exact distributions of multivariate test criteria. Zbl 0275.62045 Mathai, A. M. 5 1973 Distributed order reaction-diffusion systems associated with Caputo derivatives. Zbl 1304.35751 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 5 2014 Fractional integrals in the matrix-variate cases and connection to statistical distributions. Zbl 1195.26016 Mathai, A. M. 5 2009 Multivariate and matrix-variate analogues of Maxwell-Boltzmann and Raleigh densities. Zbl 1400.62034 Mathai, A. M.; Princy, T. 5 2017 Random points associated with rectangles. Zbl 0949.60028 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P.; Pederzoli, G. 4 1999 Computational solutions of distributed order reaction-diffusion systems associated with Riemann-Liouville derivatives. Zbl 1318.26018 Saxena, Ram K.; Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 4 2015 Computational aspects of the gravitational instability problem for a multicomponent cosmological medium. Zbl 0809.70008 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 4 1994 Solar nuclear energy generation and the chlorine solar neutrino experiment. Zbl 0925.85001 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 4 1994 Computational solutions of unified fractional reaction-diffusion equations with composite fractional time derivative. Zbl 1457.65159 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, Hans J. 4 2015 Constructing the sunflower head. Zbl 0279.92008 Mathai, A. M.; Davis, T. Anthony 4 1974 Some results on functions of matrix argument. Zbl 0319.33001 Mathai, A. M. 4 1978 Random volumes under a general matrix-variate model. Zbl 1162.15016 Mathai, A. M. 4 2007 On the singular gamma, Wishart, and beta matrix-variate density functions. Zbl 07759503 Mathai, Arak M.; Provost, Serge B. 4 2022 The exact distribution of Wilks’ generalized variance in the noncentral linear case. Zbl 0222.62022 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 3 1971 On the linear combinations of stochastic variables. Zbl 0268.60023 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 3 1973 Matrix-variate statistical distributions and fractional calculus. Zbl 1273.15041 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 3 2011 Appell’s and Humbert’s functions of matrix arguments. Zbl 0769.33011 Mathai, A. M. 3 1993 Products and ratios of generalized gamma variates. Zbl 0256.62014 Mathai, A. M. 3 1973 An axiomatic foundation for a multivariate measure of affinity among a number of distributions. Zbl 0275.62019 Kaufman, H.; Mathai, A. M. 3 1973 Dispersion and information. Zbl 0167.47602 Mathai, A. M. 3 1967 A short table of the generalized hypergeometric distribution. Zbl 0165.21903 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 3 1968 Generalized Krätzel integral and associated statistical densities. Zbl 1256.33010 Mathai, A. M. 3 2012 On linear functions of certain noncentral versions of independent gamma variables. Zbl 0746.62011 Mathai, A. M. 3 1992 An expansion of Meijer’s G-function in the logarithmic case with applications. Zbl 0193.17901 Mathai, A. M. 3 1971 The exact non-null distribution for testing equality of covariance matrices. Zbl 0487.62044 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 2 1980 Gravitational instability in a multicomponent cosmological medium. Zbl 0655.76102 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J.; Mücket, J. P.; Gottlöber, S.; Müller, V. 2 1988 Enumeration of almost cubic maps. Zbl 0224.05102 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 2 1972 The exact distribution of Bartlett’s criterion for testing equality of covariance matrices. Zbl 0231.62073 Mathai, A. M. 2 1970 The exact distribution of the likelihood ratio criterion for testing the equality of diagonal elements given that the covariance matrix is diagonal. Zbl 0271.62059 Mathai, A. M. 2 1972 Analogues of reliability analysis for matrix-variate cases. Zbl 1392.62306 Mathai, A. M.; Princy, T. 2 2017 On bilinear forms in normal variables. Zbl 0772.62027 Mathai, A. M. 2 1992 On fractional moments of quadratic expressions in normal variables. Zbl 0800.62260 Mathai, A. M. 2 1991 On thermonuclear reaction rates. Zbl 1026.85003 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 2 1998 Solar structure in terms of Gauss’ hypergeometric function. Zbl 0844.76081 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 2 1995 Hypergeometric functions of several matrix arguments. (A preliminary report). Zbl 0791.33013 Mathai, A. M. 2 1993 A Whittaker function of matrix argument. Zbl 0886.15025 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, Giorgio 2 1998 Distance between random points in a cube. Zbl 0944.60017 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P.; Pederzoli, G. 2 1999 Matrix methods and fractional calculus. Zbl 1407.26003 Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 2 2018 On a random convex hull in an n-ball. Zbl 0553.60018 Mathai, A. M.; Tracy, D. S. 2 1983 Fractional differential operators in the complex matrix-variate case. Zbl 1312.15054 Mathai, A. M. 2 2015 Astrophysical thermonuclear functions. Zbl 1125.85316 Anderson, W. J.; Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 2 1994 Some properties of matrix-variate Laplace transforms and matrix-variate Whittaker functions. Zbl 0865.44001 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, Giorgio 2 1997 On the singular gamma, Wishart, and beta matrix-variate density functions. Zbl 07759503 Mathai, Arak M.; Provost, Serge B. 4 2022 Multivariate statistical analysis in the real and complex domains. Zbl 07504331 Mathai, Arak M.; Provost, Serge B.; Haubold, Hans J. 2 2022 Erdélyi-Kober fractional calculus. From a statistical perspective, inspired by solar neutrino physics. Zbl 1412.81007 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 10 2018 Matrix methods and fractional calculus. Zbl 1407.26003 Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 2 2018 Mellin convolutions, statistical distributions and fractional calculus. Zbl 1414.44004 Mathai, A. M. 1 2018 Fractional and multivariable calculus. Model building and optimization problems. Zbl 1376.26001 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 15 2017 Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral operators from a statistical perspective. I. Zbl 1360.45011 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 8 2017 Multivariate and matrix-variate analogues of Maxwell-Boltzmann and Raleigh densities. Zbl 1400.62034 Mathai, A. M.; Princy, T. 5 2017 Analogues of reliability analysis for matrix-variate cases. Zbl 1392.62306 Mathai, A. M.; Princy, T. 2 2017 Linear algebra. A course for physicists and engineers. Zbl 1509.15001 Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 1 2017 Computational solutions of distributed order reaction-diffusion systems associated with Riemann-Liouville derivatives. Zbl 1318.26018 Saxena, Ram K.; Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 4 2015 Computational solutions of unified fractional reaction-diffusion equations with composite fractional time derivative. Zbl 1457.65159 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, Hans J. 4 2015 Fractional differential operators in the complex matrix-variate case. Zbl 1312.15054 Mathai, A. M. 2 2015 Fractional integral operators involving many matrix variables. Zbl 1286.45010 Mathai, A. M. 8 2014 Space-time fractional reaction-diffusion equations associated with a generalized Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. Zbl 1515.35324 Saxena, Ram K.; Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 8 2014 Distributed order reaction-diffusion systems associated with Caputo derivatives. Zbl 1304.35751 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 5 2014 Evaluation of matrix-variate gamma and beta integrals as multiple integrals and Kober fractional integral operators in the complex matrix variate case. Zbl 1338.26005 Mathai, A. M. 1 2014 On a generalized entropy measure leading to the pathway model with a preliminary application to solar neutrino data. Zbl 1391.94587 Mathai, Arak M.; Haubold, Hans J. 7 2013 Fractional integral operators in the complex matrix variate case. Zbl 1283.45008 Mathai, A. M. 6 2013 Fractional operators in the matrix variate case. Zbl 1488.26020 Mathai, A.; Haubold, Hans 6 2013 Generalized Krätzel integral and associated statistical densities. Zbl 1256.33010 Mathai, A. M. 3 2012 On adjacency matrices and descriptors of signed cycle graphs. Zbl 1301.05157 Mathai, A. M.; Zaslavsky, Thomas 1 2012 An entropic pathway to multivariate Gaussian density. Zbl 1290.62041 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Thomas, S. 1 2012 Mittag-Leffler functions and their applications. Zbl 1218.33021 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 335 2011 Further solutions of fractional reaction-diffusion equations in terms of the \(H\)-function. Zbl 1206.35245 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 22 2011 A pathway from Bayesian statistical analysis to superstatistics. Zbl 1271.62047 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 8 2011 Matrix-variate statistical distributions and fractional calculus. Zbl 1273.15041 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 3 2011 The \(H\)-function. Theory and applications. Zbl 1181.33001 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, Ram Kishore; Haubold, Hans J. 209 2010 Solutions of the fractional reaction equation and the fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1223.85008 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 93 2010 Solutions of certain fractional kinetic equations and a fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1314.35065 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 20 2010 Some properties of Mittag-Leffler functions and matrix-variate analogues: a statistical perspective. Zbl 1211.26007 Mathai, A. M. 17 2010 Mittag-Leffler functions to pathway model to Tsallis statistics. Zbl 1209.33010 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, Hans J. 9 2010 Proceedings of the third UN/ESA/NASA workshop on the international heliophysical year 2007 and basic space science, Tokyo, Japan, June 18–22, 2007. Zbl 1202.85005 2 2010 Fractional integrals in the matrix-variate cases and connection to statistical distributions. Zbl 1195.26016 Mathai, A. M. 5 2009 \(p\)-content of a \(p\)-parallelotope and its connection to likelihood ratio statistic. (\(p\)-content of a \(p\)-parallelotope and its connection to lilkelihood ratio statistic.) Zbl 1192.60028 Thomas, Seemon; Mathai, A. M. 1 2009 Special functions for applied scientists. Zbl 1151.33001 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, Hans J. 195 2008 On generalized distributions and pathways. Zbl 1220.62167 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 23 2008 On a matrix-variate generalized type-2 Dirichlet density. Zbl 1282.62033 Thomas, Seemon; Thannippara, Alex; Mathai, A. M. 2 2008 Solutions of certain fractional kinetic equations and a fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1245.35143 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 2 2008 Random volumes under a general matrix-variate model. Zbl 1162.15016 Mathai, A. M. 4 2007 Solution of generalized fractional reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1105.35309 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 35 2006 Fractional reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1105.35307 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 34 2006 Reaction-diffusion systems and nonlinear waves. Zbl 1105.35308 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 29 2006 A certain class of Laplace transforms with applications to reaction and reaction-diffusion equations. Zbl 1105.35301 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K.; Haubold, H. J. 16 2006 Solutions of fractional reaction-diffusion equations in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions. Zbl 1153.34304 Saxena, R. K.; Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J. 11 2006 A pathway to matrix-variate gamma and normal densities. Zbl 1084.62044 Mathai, A. M. 74 2005 Some complex matrix-variate statistical distributions on rectangular matrices. Zbl 1122.62040 Mathai, A. M.; Provost, Serge B. 8 2005 Some properties of complex matrix-variate generalized Dirichlet integrals. Zbl 1079.33007 Jacob, Joy; George, Sebastian; Mathai, A. M. 1 2005 Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy versus Tsallis entropy: recent contributions to resolving the argument of Einstein concerning “neither Herr Boltzmann nor Herr Planck has given a definition of \(W\)”? Essay review. Zbl 1115.82300 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 10 2004 Some properties of real matrix-variate inverted generalized Dirichlet integrals. Zbl 1060.62058 Jacob, Joy; Jose, K. K.; Mathai, A. M. 1 2004 A matrix-variate extension of inverted Dirichlet integral. Zbl 1078.33012 Kurian, K. M.; Kurian, Benny; Mathai, A. M. 1 2004 On the distribution of order statistics from generalized logistic samples. Zbl 1416.62114 Mathai, Arak M.; Provost, Serge B. 1 2004 The fractional kinetic equation and thermonuclear functions. Zbl 1034.82048 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 66 2000 Distributions of random simplices through Jacobians of matrix transformations. Zbl 0976.60024 Mathai, A. M. 1 2000 An introduction to geometrical probability. Distributional aspects with applications. Zbl 0968.60001 Mathai, A. M. 34 1999 Random \(p\)-content of a \(p\)-parallelotope in Euclidean \(n\)-space. Zbl 0944.60014 Mathai, A. M. 12 1999 Random points associated with rectangles. Zbl 0949.60028 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P.; Pederzoli, G. 4 1999 Distance between random points in a cube. Zbl 0944.60017 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P.; Pederzoli, G. 2 1999 On thermonuclear reaction rates. Zbl 1026.85003 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 2 1998 A Whittaker function of matrix argument. Zbl 0886.15025 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, Giorgio 2 1998 Jacobians of matrix transformations and functions of matrix argument. Zbl 0889.33001 Mathai, A. M. 96 1997 Some properties of matrix-variate Laplace transforms and matrix-variate Whittaker functions. Zbl 0865.44001 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, Giorgio 2 1997 A multivariate inverted beta model. Zbl 0895.62055 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P. G. 2 1997 Random points with reference to circle, revisited. Zbl 0891.60011 Mathai, A. M.; Pederozoli, G. 1 1997 A simple derivation of the chi-square approximation of Pearson’s statistic. Zbl 0895.62021 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, G. 1 1996 Bilinear forms and zonal polynomials. Zbl 0832.62044 Mathai, Arak M.; Provost, Serge B.; Hayakawa, Takesi 39 1995 Solar structure in terms of Gauss’ hypergeometric function. Zbl 0844.76081 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 2 1995 Computational aspects of the gravitational instability problem for a multicomponent cosmological medium. Zbl 0809.70008 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 4 1994 Solar nuclear energy generation and the chlorine solar neutrino experiment. Zbl 0925.85001 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 4 1994 Astrophysical thermonuclear functions. Zbl 1125.85316 Anderson, W. J.; Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 2 1994 A handbook of generalized special functions for statistical and physical sciences. Zbl 0770.33001 Mathai, A. M. 136 1993 On noncentral generalized Laplacianness of quadratic forms in normal variables. Zbl 0783.62041 Mathai, A. M. 20 1993 The residual effect of a growth-decay mechanism and the distributions of covariance structures. Zbl 0785.62055 Mathai, A. M. 8 1993 Appell’s and Humbert’s functions of matrix arguments. Zbl 0769.33011 Mathai, A. M. 3 1993 Hypergeometric functions of several matrix arguments. (A preliminary report). Zbl 0791.33013 Mathai, A. M. 2 1993 Lauricella functions of real symmetric positive definite matrices. Zbl 0788.33006 Mathai, A. M. 1 1993 Generalized Laplace distribution with applications. Zbl 0877.60014 Mathai, A. M. 1 1993 Quadratic forms in random variables. Theory and applications. Zbl 0792.62045 Mathai, A. M.; Provost, Serge B. 216 1992 A form of multivariate gamma distribution. Zbl 0760.62049 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P. G. 22 1992 On linear functions of certain noncentral versions of independent gamma variables. Zbl 0746.62011 Mathai, A. M. 3 1992 On bilinear forms in normal variables. Zbl 0772.62027 Mathai, A. M. 2 1992 On a multivariate gamma. Zbl 0739.62039 Mathai, A. M.; Moschopoulos, P. G. 32 1991 On fractional moments of quadratic expressions in normal variables. Zbl 0800.62260 Mathai, A. M. 2 1991 Structure of regular semigroups. II: Cross-connections. Ed. by A. M. Mathai. Zbl 0707.20019 Nambooripad, K. S. S. 8 1989 Some common structures of distribution problems in geometric probabilities and multivariate statistical analysis. Zbl 0718.62094 Mathai, A. M.; Pederzoli, G. 1 1989 Gravitational instability in a multicomponent cosmological medium. Zbl 0655.76102 Mathai, A. M.; Haubold, H. J.; Mücket, J. P.; Gottlöber, S.; Müller, V. 2 1988 Various practical problems in probability and statistics where Lauricella’s confluent hypergeometric function appears naturally. Zbl 0717.62046 Mathai, A. M.; Saxena, R. K. 2 1987 The resonant thermonuclear reaction rate. Zbl 0599.33012 Haubold, H. J.; Mathai, A. M. 1 1986 Exact and asymptotic procedures in the distribution of multivariate test statistics. Zbl 0577.62048 Mathai, A. M. 1 1985 Extensions of Wilks’ integral equations and distributions of test statistics. Zbl 0559.62039 Mathai, A. M. 8 1984 On a random convex hull in an n-ball. Zbl 0553.60018 Mathai, A. M.; Tracy, D. S. 2 1983 Exact densities of the random r-contents of beta distributed random points in an n-ball. Zbl 0573.60018 Mathai, A. M. 1 1983 Storage capacity of a dam with gamma type inputs. Zbl 0505.60099 Mathai, A. M. 39 1982 On a conjecture in geometric probability regarding asymptotic normality of a random simplex. Zbl 0479.60021 Mathai, A. M. 15 1982 Further results on the trace of a noncentral Wishart matrix. Zbl 0521.62042 Mathai, A. M.; Pillai, K. C. S. 8 1982 Distribution of the canonical correlation matrix. Zbl 0471.62053 Mathai, A. M. 6 1981 Moments of the trace of a noncentral Wishart matrix. Zbl 0462.62038 Mathai, A. M. 7 1980 The exact non-null distribution for testing equality of covariance matrices. Zbl 0487.62044 Mathai, A. M.; Rathie, P. N. 2 1980 Exact percentage points for testing independence. Zbl 0407.62031 Mathai, A. M.; Katiyar, R. S. 10 1979 On the non-null distributions of test statistics connected with exponential populations. Zbl 0442.62017 Mathai, A. M. 7 1979 ...and 43 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,453 Authors 71 Mathai, Arakaparampli Mathai 39 Saxena, Ram Kishore 29 Haubold, Hans Joachim 28 Nadarajah, Saralees 28 Sooppy Nisar, Kottakkaran 25 Agarwal, Praveen 25 Sandev, Trifce 24 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 24 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 22 Provost, Serge B. 21 Purohit, Sunil Dutt 21 Suthar, Daya Lal 20 Rathie, Pushpa Narayan 19 Kaminski Lenzi, Ervin 16 Metzler, Ralf 15 Bansal, Manish Kumar 15 Bodnar, Taras 15 Kumar, C. Satheesh 15 Machado, José António Tenreiro 14 Choi, Junesang 14 Leonenko, Nikolai N. 14 Mehrez, Khaled 13 Chechkin, Aleksei V. 13 Farid, Ghulam 13 Kalla, Shyam Lal 13 Kumar, Dinesh 13 Pogány, Tibor K. 13 Schmid, Wolfgang 12 Gupta, Arjun Kumar 12 Kumar, Devendra 12 Mainardi, Francesco 12 Pederzoli, Giorgio 12 Polito, Federico 12 Rahman, Gauhar 12 Tomovski, Živorad 12 Xu, Mingyu 11 Abdalla, Mohamed 11 de Oliveira, Edmundo Capelas 11 Gil, María Angeles 11 Kiryakova, Virginia S. 11 Milne, Stephen C. 11 Mubeen, Shahid 10 Bekker, Andriëtte 10 Bieniek, Mariusz 10 Chand, Mehar 10 Díaz-García, José Antonio 10 Ghanim, Firas 10 Kilbas, Anatoliĭ Aleksandrovich 10 Nagar, Daya K. 10 Parmar, Rakesh Kumar 10 Pham-Gia, Thu 10 Shukla, Ajay Kumar 9 Al-Omari, Shrideh Khalaf Qasem 9 Arashi, Mohammad 9 Beghin, Luisa 9 Orsingher, Enzo 9 Sitnik, Sergei Mihailovich 8 Agarwal, Ritu 8 Cramer, Erhard 8 Fernandez, Arran 8 Gajda, Janusz 8 Garrappa, Roberto 8 Jain, Shilpi 8 Jose, Kanichukattu Korakutty 8 Kumar, Dilip 8 Pagnini, Gianni 8 Prajapati, Jyotindra C. 8 Singh, Jagdev 8 Wyłomańska, Agnieszka 7 Abdeljawad, Thabet 7 Dong, Jianping 7 Evangelista, Luiz Roberto 7 Ferreira, Milton Dos Santos 7 Furman, Edward 7 Gaboury, Sébastien 7 Henry, Bruce I. 7 Iomin, Alexander 7 Kataria, Kuldeep Kumar 7 Petreska, Irina 7 Princy, T. 7 Ribeiro, Haroldo V. 7 Roux, Jacobus J. J. 7 Sebastian, Nicy 7 Sikora, Grzegorz 6 Arshad, Muhammad 6 Coelho, Carlos Agra 6 Duong Thanh Phong 6 El-Nabulsi, Rami Ahmad 6 Garra, Roberto 6 Górska, Katarzyna 6 Khan, Nabiullah U. 6 Khushtova, Fatima Gidovna 6 Landsman, Zinoviy M. 6 Mazur, Stepan 6 Nkiet, Guy Martial 6 Pandey, Rupakshi Mishra 6 Parolya, Nestor R. 6 Ponce, Rodrigo 6 Popov, Dušan 6 Riyaz, A. ...and 2,353 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 464 Serials 77 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 54 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 52 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 45 Journal of Mathematical Physics 42 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 41 Applied Mathematics and Computation 35 Physica A 35 Statistics & Probability Letters 35 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 27 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 27 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 27 Linear Algebra and its Applications 27 Advances in Difference Equations 26 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 26 Statistics 22 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 22 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 21 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 20 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 19 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 17 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 17 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 17 Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 Axioms 16 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 15 Statistical Papers 15 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 14 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 14 Nonlinear Dynamics 13 Journal of Statistical Physics 12 Metrika 12 Physics Letters. A 11 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 11 Journal of Applied Probability 11 Statistica 11 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 11 Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 10 Astrophysics and Space Science 10 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 10 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 10 Electronic Journal of Statistics 10 Journal of Function Spaces 10 AIMS Mathematics 9 Applied Mathematical Modelling 9 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 9 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 Chaos 9 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 9 Advances in Mathematical Physics 9 Journal of Mathematics 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 8 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 8 Mathematics 7 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 7 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 7 Reports on Mathematical Physics 7 Advances in Mathematics 7 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 7 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 7 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 6 Journal of the Franklin Institute 6 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 6 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6 Automatica 6 Information Sciences 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 6 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 6 Sankhyā. Series A 5 Results in Mathematics 5 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 5 European Journal of Operational Research 5 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 5 The Journal of Analysis 5 Georgian Mathematical Journal 5 Fractals 5 New Journal of Physics 5 Analysis (München) 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 5 International Journal of Differential Equations 5 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications 5 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 4 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 4 Physica D 4 Journal of Theoretical Probability 4 The Annals of Applied Probability 4 Aequationes Mathematicae 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 4 Advances in Computational Mathematics 4 Journal of Applied Statistics ...and 364 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 620 Statistics (62-XX) 594 Special functions (33-XX) 404 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 393 Real functions (26-XX) 327 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 170 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 157 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 139 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 106 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 90 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 85 Quantum theory (81-XX) 71 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 54 Operator theory (47-XX) 51 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 49 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 44 Integral equations (45-XX) 37 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 37 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 36 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 35 Number theory (11-XX) 30 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 26 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 25 Combinatorics (05-XX) 25 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 24 Functional analysis (46-XX) 22 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 21 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 17 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 14 Computer science (68-XX) 13 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 13 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 10 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 6 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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