Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: mazurov.victor-danilovich Published as: Mazurov, V. D.; Mazurov, Victor D.; Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich; Mazurov, Victor; Mazurov, Victor Danilovich; Mazurov, Vik. D. more...less Further Spellings: Мазуров Виктор Данилович External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 173 Publications since 1963, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 18 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 203 Reviews Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 116 Co-Authors with 124 Joint Publications 2,731 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 61 single-authored 35 Lytkina, Dar’ya Viktorovna 13 Khukhro, Evgeniĭ I. 13 Zhurtov, Archil Khazeshevich 11 Goncharov, Sergeĭ Savost’yanovich 11 Vasil’ev, Andreĭ Viktorovich 9 Churkin, Valerii Avdeevich 8 Shi, Wujie 7 Grechkoseeva, Mariya Aleksandrovna 7 Guo, Wenbin 6 Ershov, Yuriĭ Leonidovich 6 Syskin, Sergei A. 5 Morozov, Andreĭ Sergeevich 4 Khramtsov, D. G. 4 Kondrat’ev, Anatoliĭ Semenovich 4 Mamontov, Andrey S. 4 Mazurova, N. P. 4 Merzlyakov, Yu. I. 4 Moghaddamfar, Ali Reza 4 Nikitin, Anatoly A. 3 Chen, Guiyun 3 Kharchenko, Vladislav K. 3 Lavrov, Igor Andreevich 3 Maksimova, Larisa L’vovna 3 Mal’tsev, Arkadiĭ Anatol’evich 3 Palyutin, Evgeniĭ Andreevich 3 Puzarenko, Vadim G. 3 Revin, Danila Olegovitch 3 Sozutov, Anatoliĭ Ilyich 3 Wei, Xianbiao 3 Zavarnitsine, Andrei V. 2 Alaev, Pavel Evgenievich 2 Borovkov, Aleksandr Alekseevich 2 Cao, Hongping 2 Godunov, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 2 Jabara, Enrico 2 Kabenjuk, M. I. 2 Kolesnikov, Pavel Sergeevich 2 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 2 Odintsov, Sergei P. 2 Pal’chunov, Dimitriĭ Evgen’evich 2 Reshetnyak, Yuriĭ Grigor’evich 2 Shestakov, Ivan Pavlovich 2 Sitnikov, V. M. 2 Smirnov, Dmitrii Matveevich 2 Vdovin, Evgeniĭ Petrovich 2 Yang, Nanying 2 Zenkov, Viktor Ivanovich 1 Baizhanov, Bektur Sembiuly 1 Beklemishev, Lev D. 1 Bogopol’skiĭ, O. V. 1 Chatzidakis, Zoé Maria 1 Chernikov, Mykola Sergiĭovych 1 Deaconescu, Marian 1 Deák, István 1 Faner, Marian 1 Filyurin, A. S. 1 Fomin, Aleksey N. 1 Grossmann, Christian 1 Gupta, Narain Datt 1 Jeromin, I. I. 1 Jevtushenko, Ju. G. 1 Jiang, Qinhui 1 Kabanov, Vladislav Vladimirovich 1 Kaltinska, Rumena N. 1 Kazancev, V. S. 1 Khisamiev, Nazif Garrifullinovich 1 Koĭbaev, Vladimir Amurkhanovich 1 Konovalov, Anatoliĭ Nikolaevich 1 Kopytov, Valerij M. 1 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 1 Kulpeshov, Beibut Shaiykovich 1 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 1 Kuzucuoğlu, Mahmut 1 Langensiepen, Gerd 1 Lavrent’ev, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich 1 Lewis, Mark L. 1 Li, Baojun 1 Liu, Aming 1 Lommatzsch, Klaus 1 Lucido, Maria Silvia 1 Lukšan, Ladislav 1 Makhnëv, Aleksandr Alekseevich 1 Malgut, G. 1 Mal’tsev, Ivan Anatol’evich 1 Maros, István 1 Matiyasevich, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich 1 Mikhajlenko, B. G. 1 Mikhalëv, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 1 Morozov, A. C. 1 Nägler, Günter 1 Nedorezov, T. L. 1 Nuzhin, Yakov Nifant’evich 1 Ol’shanskiĭ, Aleksandr Yur’evich 1 Ovchinnikova, E. V. 1 Pachev, Urusbi Mukhamedovich 1 Parshin, Alekseĭ Nikolaevich 1 Peryazev, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 1 Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich 1 Plotkin, Boris 1 Pobedin, L. N. ...and 31 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 31 Algebra and Logic 27 Siberian Mathematical Journal 25 Algebra i Logika 9 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 8 Mathematical Notes 7 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 5 Russian Mathematical Surveys 5 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 4 Algebra Colloquium 4 Doklady Mathematics 4 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Trudy Instituta Matematiki 2 Matematicheskie Zametki 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Journal of Group Theory 2 Matematicheskie Zapiski, Sverdlovsk 2 Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 2 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 1 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Science in China. Series A 1 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Voprosy Algebry 1 Izvestiya Ural’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Matematika i Mekhanika 1 Izvestiya Gomel’skogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Im. F. Skoriny 1 Seminarbericht, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sektion Mathematik 1 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society all top 5 Fields 172 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 20 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 131 Publications have been cited 1,302 times in 865 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. 18th edition. Zbl 1372.20001 126 2014 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. 17th ed. Zbl 1211.20001 120 2010 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Including archive of solved problems. 16th ed. Zbl 1084.20001 74 2006 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. 13th augm. ed. Zbl 0838.20001 58 1995 Characterizations of finite groups by sets of orders of their elements. Zbl 0880.20007 Mazurov, V. D. 51 1997 Recognition of alternating groups of prime degree from their element orders. Zbl 0956.20007 Kondrat’ev, A. S.; Mazurov, V. D. 51 2000 Characterization of the finite simple groups by spectrum and order. Zbl 1245.20012 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D. 35 2009 Recognition of the finite simple groups \(S_4(q)\) by their element orders. Zbl 1067.20016 Mazurov, V. D. 28 2002 A new characterization of \(A_5\). Zbl 1196.20032 Shen, Rulin; Shao, Changguo; Jiang, Qinhui; Shi, Wujie; Mazurov, Victor 26 2010 Recognition of finite groups by a set of orders of their elements. Zbl 0917.20021 Mazurov, V. D. 26 1998 Minimal permutation representations of finite simple classical groups. Special linear, symplectic, and unitary groups. Zbl 0854.20017 Mazurov, V. D. 22 1993 The set of orders of elements in a finite group. Zbl 0823.20024 Mazurov, V. D. 22 1994 Groups with a prescribed spectrum. Zbl 1191.20019 Mazurov, Vik. D. 22 2005 Infinite groups with Abelian centralizers of involutions. Zbl 0960.20025 Mazurov, V. D. 21 2000 Element orders in coverings of symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 0930.20003 Mazurov, V. D.; Zavarnitsyn, A. V. 20 1999 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp). 15th augm. ed. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp.) Zbl 0999.20001 19 2002 On intersections of Sylow \(p\)-subgroups in finite groups. Zbl 0880.20011 Zenkov, V. I.; Mazurov, V. D. 18 1996 A note to the characterization of sporadic simple groups. Zbl 0907.20028 Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, Wujie 18 1998 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Transl. from the Russian. 14th augm. ed. Zbl 0943.20004 16 1999 2-signalizers of finite simple groups. Zbl 1067.20015 Kondrat’ev, A. S.; Mazurov, V. D. 16 2003 Finite groups with an automorphism of prime order whose centralizer has small rank. Zbl 1108.20019 Khukhro, E. I.; Mazurov, V. D. 16 2006 Recognition of the finite simple groups \(L_3(2^m)\) and \(U_3(2^m)\) by their element orders. Zbl 0979.20019 Mazurov, V. D.; Xu, M. C.; Cao, H. P. 14 2000 On the Hall \(D_ \pi\)-property for finite groups. Zbl 0880.20012 Mazurov, V. D.; Revin, D. O. 14 1997 On generation of sporadic simple groups by three involutions, two of which commute. Zbl 1035.20014 Mazurov, V. D. 14 2003 Minimal permutation representations of finite simple orthogonal groups. Zbl 0842.20015 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 13 1994 A criterion of unrecognizability by spectrum for finite groups. Zbl 1255.20029 Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J. 13 2012 Recognizability of the finite simple groups \(L_4(2^m)\) and \(U_4(2^m)\) by the spectrum. Zbl 1155.20023 Mazurov, V. D.; Chen, G. Y. 13 2008 On finite groups isospectral to simple symplectic and orthogonal groups. Zbl 1215.20016 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D. 12 2009 Groups of exponent 60 with prescribed orders of elements. Zbl 0979.20037 Mazurov, V. D. 12 2000 On groups with small orders of elements. Zbl 0939.20043 Gupta, Narain D.; Mazurov, Victor D. 11 1999 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Seventh augmented edition. Translation edited by L. J. Leifman and D. J. Johnson. Zbl 0512.20001 10 1983 Recognition of finite nonsimple groups by the set of orders of their elements. Zbl 0880.20017 Mazurov, V. D. 10 1997 On recognizing the finite simple groups \(L_2(2^m)\) in the class of all groups. Zbl 0941.20010 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Mazurov, V. D. 10 1999 Unrecognizability by spectrum for the finite simple group \(^3D_4(2)\). Zbl 1329.20015 Mazurov, V. D. 10 2013 Infinite groups of finite period. Zbl 1332.20042 Mazurov, V. D.; Ol’shanskii, A. Yu.; Sozutov, A. I. 10 2015 On finite groups with disconnected prime graph. Zbl 1307.20023 Zinov’eva, M. R.; Mazurov, V. D. 10 2013 Periodic groups acting freely on abelian groups. Zbl 1307.20027 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Sozutov, A. I. 9 2014 Minimal permutation representation of Thompson’s simple group. Zbl 0688.20004 Mazurov, V. D. 8 1988 Groups with given element orders. Zbl 1522.20148 Lytkina, Daria V.; Mazurov, Victor D. 8 2014 Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems of group theory. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp). 12th ed., exp. a. rev. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp.) Zbl 0831.20003 8 1992 Groups whose element orders do not exceed 6. Zbl 1327.20043 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S.; Jabara, E. 8 2014 Finite groups with special Sylow 2-subgroups. Zbl 0284.20025 Mazurov, V. D.; Syskin, S. A. 8 1974 Recognition of the finite simple groups \(F_4(2^m)\) by the spectrum. Zbl 1079.20020 Cao, H. P.; Chen, Guiyun; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J.; Vasil’ev, A. V. 8 2004 Periodic groups saturated with \(L_3(2^m)\). Zbl 1155.20040 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 7 2007 On element orders in coverings of the simple groups \(L_n(q)\) and \(U_n(q)\). Zbl 1238.20019 Mazurov, V. D.; Zavarnitsine, A. V. 7 2007 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Transl. from the Russian. Including archive of solved problems. 15th augm. ed. Zbl 0999.20002 7 2002 On sharply \(2\)-transitive groups. Zbl 0912.20002 Mazurov, V. D. 7 1996 Finite groups isospectral to simple groups. Zbl 1520.20052 Grechkoseeva, Maria A.; Mazurov, Victor D.; Shi, Wujie; Vasil’ev, Andrey V.; Yang, Nanying 7 2023 Doubly-transitive permutation groups. Zbl 0742.20003 Mazurov, V. D. 6 1990 Finite simple non-Abelian groups. Zbl 0555.20010 Mazurov, V. D.; Fomin, A. N. 6 1983 Solved problems of the “Kourovka notebook”. Zbl 0786.20001 Mazurov, V. D. 6 1991 Finite groups with large automizers for their nonabelian subgroups. Zbl 0903.20011 Deaconescu, Marian; Mazurov, Victor D. 6 1997 Some groups of exponent \(72\). Zbl 1323.20032 Jabara, Enrico; Lytkina, Daria V.; Mazurov, Victor D. 6 2014 Recognition of the finite almost simple groups \(\text{PGL}_2(q)\) by their spectrum. Zbl 1121.20018 Chen, G. Y.; Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J.; Vasil’ev, A. V.; Zhurtov, A. Kh. 6 2007 Groups of exponent 24. Zbl 1225.20034 Mazurov, V. D. 6 2011 Finite groups with metacyclic Sylow 2-subgroups. Zbl 0167.29501 Mazurov, V. D. 6 1968 Über die Zentralisatoren der Involutionen in einfachen Gruppen. Zbl 0303.20013 Mazurov, V. D. 6 1974 Automorphisms with centralizers of small rank. Zbl 1130.20021 Khukhro, Evgeny; Mazurov, Victor 5 2007 Groups containing a strongly embedded subgroup. Zbl 1245.20043 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 5 2009 Large subgroups of the simple group \(F_ 2\). Zbl 0579.20012 Mazurov, V. D.; Mazurova, N. P. 5 1985 Characterizations of groups by arithmetic properties. Zbl 1066.20029 Mazurov, V. D. 5 2004 Endliche einfache Gruppen mit zyklischen Durchschnitten Sylowscher 2- Untergruppen. Zbl 0242.20014 Mazurov, V. D. 5 1971 Characterization of simple symplectic groups of degree 4 over locally finite fields in the class of periodic groups. Zbl 1483.20085 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 5 2018 A question of L. A. Shemetkov. Zbl 0819.20021 Mazurov, V. D. 4 1992 A characterization of alternating groups. Zbl 1096.20004 Mazurov, V. D. 4 2005 Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems of group theory (operative information material). 9th ed., enl. (Коуровская тетрадь. Нерешенные вопросы теории групп (оперативно-информационный материал).) Zbl 0552.20001 4 1984 On local finiteness of some groups of period 12. Zbl 1261.20038 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S. 4 2012 Local finiteness of some groups with given element orders. Zbl 1324.20024 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Mazurov, V. D. 4 2009 On periodic groups with small orders of elements. Zbl 1212.20068 Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S. 4 2009 Finite groups. Zbl 0444.20011 Mazurov, V. D. 4 1976 Recognizing by spectrum for the automorphism groups of sporadic simple groups. Zbl 1333.20031 Mazurov, V. D.; Moghaddamfar, A. R. 4 2015 A new proof of Zassenhaus theorem on finite groups of fixed-point-free automorphisms. Zbl 1021.20013 Mazurov, Victor 4 2003 Finite groups with a given Sylow 2-subgroup. Zbl 0199.06204 Mazurov, V. D. 4 1966 Groups containing a self-centralizing subgroup of order \(3\). Zbl 1035.20025 Mazurov, V. D. 4 2003 Frobenius groups generated by quadratic elements. Zbl 1035.20034 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Mazurov, V. D. 4 2003 Endliche Gruppen, deren auflösbare Untergruppen 2-abgeschlossen oder 2’-abgeschlossen sind. Zbl 0247.20019 Mazurov, V. D.; Sitnikov, V. M.; Syskin, S. A. 4 1970 Finite groups of outer automorphisms of free groups. Zbl 0792.20023 Mazurov, V. D. 3 1991 Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems of group theory (operative information material). 11th ed., compl. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp (operativno-informatsionnyj material).) Zbl 0748.20001 3 1990 On groups admitting a group of automorphisms whose centralizer has bounded rank. Zbl 1118.20025 Mazurov, V. D.; Khukhro, E. I. 3 2006 The recognition of the simple group \(S_8(2)\) by its spectrum. Zbl 1112.20012 Mazurov, V. D.; Moghaddamfar, A. R. 3 2006 On a group that acts freely on an Abelian group. Zbl 1016.20022 Mazurov, V. D.; Churkin, V. A. 3 2001 Wide subgroups of sporadic groups. I. Zbl 0624.20014 Mazurov, V. D.; Mazurova, N. P. 3 1986 On recognition of the projective special linear groups over binary fields. Zbl 1098.20019 Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Lucido, Maria Silvia; Mazurov, V. D.; Moghaddamfar, Ali Reza; Vasil’ev, A. V. 3 2005 2-Frobenius groups isospectral to the simple group \(U_3(3)\). Zbl 1342.20027 Mazurov, V. D. 3 2015 A generalization of a theorem of Zassenhaus. Zbl 1324.20007 Mazurov, V. D. 3 2008 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp). 14th augm. ed. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp.) Zbl 0943.20003 2 1999 Characterization of locally finite simple groups of the type \(^3D_4\) over fields of odd characteristic in the class of periodic groups. Zbl 1515.20188 Wei, X.; Guo, W.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2018 On groups of period 12. Zbl 1323.20033 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2015 Involutions in groups of exponent 12. Zbl 1272.20040 Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S. 2 2013 On periodic groups with prescribed orders of elements. Zbl 1203.20037 Mazurov, Victor Danilovich; Shi, Wujie 2 2009 On a free action of a group on an Abelian group. Zbl 1009.20039 Mazurov, V. D.; Churkin, V. A. 2 2002 Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in the theory of groups. 7th ed., enl. (Коуровская тетрадь. Нерешенные вопросы теории групп.) Zbl 0448.20002 2 1980 Endliche Gruppen mit einzelnen auflösbaren Untergruppen der Länge 2. Zbl 0279.20018 Mazurov, V. D. 2 1973 Periodic groups generated by a pair of virtually quadratic automorphisms of an Abelian group. Zbl 1207.20033 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2010 Recognizability of the finite simple groups by spectrum and order. Zbl 1202.20018 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2010 Finite groups close to Frobenius groups. Zbl 1516.20042 Wei, X.; Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2019 Integral Cayley graphs. Zbl 1434.05069 Guo, W.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Revin, D. O. 2 2019 Periodic groups saturated with finite simple groups \(L_4(q)\). Zbl 1515.20184 Guo, W.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2022 On the p-length of solvable groups. Zbl 0503.20003 Mazurov, V. D. 1 1980 Finite groups admitting an automorphism of prime order with central fixed points. Zbl 0880.20016 Mazurov, V. D.; Nedorezov, T. L. 1 1996 Finite groups isospectral to simple groups. Zbl 1520.20052 Grechkoseeva, Maria A.; Mazurov, Victor D.; Shi, Wujie; Vasil’ev, Andrey V.; Yang, Nanying 7 2023 On extension of a regular automorphism. Zbl 1522.20118 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2023 Unsolvability of finite groups isospectral to the automorphism group of the second sporadic Janko group. Zbl 1537.20063 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2023 Periodic groups saturated with finite simple groups \(L_4(q)\). Zbl 1515.20184 Guo, W.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2022 Periodic groups saturated with finite simple symplectic groups of dimension \(6\) over fields of odd characteristics. Zbl 1531.20050 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2022 On characterization of simple orthogonal groups of odd dimension in the class of periodic groups. Zbl 1498.20093 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2021 Locally finite periodic groups saturated with finite simple orthogonal groups of odd dimension. Zbl 1506.20075 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2021 Fusion of 2-elements in periodic groups with finite Sylow 2-subgroups. Zbl 1454.20077 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2020 On the periodic groups saturated with finite simple groups of Lie type \(B_3\). Zbl 1481.20136 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2020 Primary cosets in groups. Zbl 1484.20044 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2020 Solubility of finite generalized Frobenius groups with the kernel of odd index. Zbl 1457.20019 Wei, X. B.; Guo, W. B.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Zhurtov, A. Kh. 1 2020 Finite groups close to Frobenius groups. Zbl 1516.20042 Wei, X.; Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2019 Integral Cayley graphs. Zbl 1434.05069 Guo, W.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Revin, D. O. 2 2019 Characterization of simple symplectic groups of degree 4 over locally finite fields in the class of periodic groups. Zbl 1483.20085 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 5 2018 Characterization of locally finite simple groups of the type \(^3D_4\) over fields of odd characteristic in the class of periodic groups. Zbl 1515.20188 Wei, X.; Guo, W.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2018 Splitting via noncommutativity. Zbl 1404.20017 Lewis, Mark Lanning; Lytkina, Daria V.; Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich; Moghaddamfar, Ali Reza 1 2018 Characterization of simple symplectic groups of degree 4 over locally finite fields of characteristic 2 in the class of periodic groups. Zbl 1400.20049 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2017 Infinite groups of finite period. Zbl 1332.20042 Mazurov, V. D.; Ol’shanskii, A. Yu.; Sozutov, A. I. 10 2015 Recognizing by spectrum for the automorphism groups of sporadic simple groups. Zbl 1333.20031 Mazurov, V. D.; Moghaddamfar, A. R. 4 2015 2-Frobenius groups isospectral to the simple group \(U_3(3)\). Zbl 1342.20027 Mazurov, V. D. 3 2015 On groups of period 12. Zbl 1323.20033 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2015 \(\{2,3\}\)-groups with no elements of order 6. Zbl 1326.20042 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2015 Unrecognizable by spectrum finite simple groups and their isospectral groups. Zbl 1474.20054 Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich 1 2015 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. 18th edition. Zbl 1372.20001 126 2014 Periodic groups acting freely on abelian groups. Zbl 1307.20027 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Sozutov, A. I. 9 2014 Groups with given element orders. Zbl 1522.20148 Lytkina, Daria V.; Mazurov, Victor D. 8 2014 Groups whose element orders do not exceed 6. Zbl 1327.20043 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S.; Jabara, E. 8 2014 Some groups of exponent \(72\). Zbl 1323.20032 Jabara, Enrico; Lytkina, Daria V.; Mazurov, Victor D. 6 2014 On \(\{2,3\}\)-groups without elements of order 6. Zbl 1325.20033 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2014 Unrecognizability by spectrum for the finite simple group \(^3D_4(2)\). Zbl 1329.20015 Mazurov, V. D. 10 2013 On finite groups with disconnected prime graph. Zbl 1307.20023 Zinov’eva, M. R.; Mazurov, V. D. 10 2013 Involutions in groups of exponent 12. Zbl 1272.20040 Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S. 2 2013 On groups with given properties of the finite subgroups generated by couples of 2-elements. Zbl 1275.20041 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2013 A criterion of unrecognizability by spectrum for finite groups. Zbl 1255.20029 Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J. 13 2012 On local finiteness of some groups of period 12. Zbl 1261.20038 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S. 4 2012 Groups with given properties of finite subgroups. Zbl 1266.20047 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2012 On recognizability of finite groups by spectrum. Zbl 1263.20025 Mazurov, V. D. 1 2012 Groups of exponent 24. Zbl 1225.20034 Mazurov, V. D. 6 2011 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. 17th ed. Zbl 1211.20001 120 2010 A new characterization of \(A_5\). Zbl 1196.20032 Shen, Rulin; Shao, Changguo; Jiang, Qinhui; Shi, Wujie; Mazurov, Victor 26 2010 Periodic groups generated by a pair of virtually quadratic automorphisms of an Abelian group. Zbl 1207.20033 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2010 Recognizability of the finite simple groups by spectrum and order. Zbl 1202.20018 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D. 2 2010 Periodic groups with prescribed element orders. Zbl 1459.20033 Mazurov, V. D. 1 2010 Characterization of the finite simple groups by spectrum and order. Zbl 1245.20012 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D. 35 2009 On finite groups isospectral to simple symplectic and orthogonal groups. Zbl 1215.20016 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D. 12 2009 Groups containing a strongly embedded subgroup. Zbl 1245.20043 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 5 2009 Local finiteness of some groups with given element orders. Zbl 1324.20024 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Mazurov, V. D. 4 2009 On periodic groups with small orders of elements. Zbl 1212.20068 Mazurov, V. D.; Mamontov, A. S. 4 2009 On periodic groups with prescribed orders of elements. Zbl 1203.20037 Mazurov, Victor Danilovich; Shi, Wujie 2 2009 Recognizability of the finite simple groups \(L_4(2^m)\) and \(U_4(2^m)\) by the spectrum. Zbl 1155.20023 Mazurov, V. D.; Chen, G. Y. 13 2008 A generalization of a theorem of Zassenhaus. Zbl 1324.20007 Mazurov, V. D. 3 2008 Periodic groups saturated with \(L_3(2^m)\). Zbl 1155.20040 Lytkina, D. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 7 2007 On element orders in coverings of the simple groups \(L_n(q)\) and \(U_n(q)\). Zbl 1238.20019 Mazurov, V. D.; Zavarnitsine, A. V. 7 2007 Recognition of the finite almost simple groups \(\text{PGL}_2(q)\) by their spectrum. Zbl 1121.20018 Chen, G. Y.; Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J.; Vasil’ev, A. V.; Zhurtov, A. Kh. 6 2007 Automorphisms with centralizers of small rank. Zbl 1130.20021 Khukhro, Evgeny; Mazurov, Victor 5 2007 2-signalizers and normalizers of Sylow 2-subgroups in finite simple groups. Zbl 1125.20008 Kondratiev, Anatoly S.; Mazurov, Victor D. 1 2007 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Including archive of solved problems. 16th ed. Zbl 1084.20001 74 2006 Finite groups with an automorphism of prime order whose centralizer has small rank. Zbl 1108.20019 Khukhro, E. I.; Mazurov, V. D. 16 2006 On groups admitting a group of automorphisms whose centralizer has bounded rank. Zbl 1118.20025 Mazurov, V. D.; Khukhro, E. I. 3 2006 The recognition of the simple group \(S_8(2)\) by its spectrum. Zbl 1112.20012 Mazurov, V. D.; Moghaddamfar, A. R. 3 2006 Element orders in coverings of finite simple linear and unitary groups and recognizability of \(L_n(2)\) by spectrum. Zbl 1143.20010 Zavarnitsine, A. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 1 2006 Groups with a prescribed spectrum. Zbl 1191.20019 Mazurov, Vik. D. 22 2005 A characterization of alternating groups. Zbl 1096.20004 Mazurov, V. D. 4 2005 On recognition of the projective special linear groups over binary fields. Zbl 1098.20019 Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Lucido, Maria Silvia; Mazurov, V. D.; Moghaddamfar, Ali Reza; Vasil’ev, A. V. 3 2005 Groups possessing automorphisms of prime orders with centralizers of bounded rank. Zbl 1272.20021 Mazurov, V. D.; Khukhro, E. I. 1 2005 Recognition of the finite simple groups \(F_4(2^m)\) by the spectrum. Zbl 1079.20020 Cao, H. P.; Chen, Guiyun; Grechkoseeva, M. A.; Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J.; Vasil’ev, A. V. 8 2004 Characterizations of groups by arithmetic properties. Zbl 1066.20029 Mazurov, V. D. 5 2004 2-signalizers of finite simple groups. Zbl 1067.20015 Kondrat’ev, A. S.; Mazurov, V. D. 16 2003 On generation of sporadic simple groups by three involutions, two of which commute. Zbl 1035.20014 Mazurov, V. D. 14 2003 A new proof of Zassenhaus theorem on finite groups of fixed-point-free automorphisms. Zbl 1021.20013 Mazurov, Victor 4 2003 Groups containing a self-centralizing subgroup of order \(3\). Zbl 1035.20025 Mazurov, V. D. 4 2003 Frobenius groups generated by quadratic elements. Zbl 1035.20034 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Mazurov, V. D. 4 2003 Recognition of the finite simple groups \(S_4(q)\) by their element orders. Zbl 1067.20016 Mazurov, V. D. 28 2002 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp). 15th augm. ed. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp.) Zbl 0999.20001 19 2002 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Transl. from the Russian. Including archive of solved problems. 15th augm. ed. Zbl 0999.20002 7 2002 On a free action of a group on an Abelian group. Zbl 1009.20039 Mazurov, V. D.; Churkin, V. A. 2 2002 On a group that acts freely on an Abelian group. Zbl 1016.20022 Mazurov, V. D.; Churkin, V. A. 3 2001 Recognition of alternating groups of prime degree from their element orders. Zbl 0956.20007 Kondrat’ev, A. S.; Mazurov, V. D. 51 2000 Infinite groups with Abelian centralizers of involutions. Zbl 0960.20025 Mazurov, V. D. 21 2000 Recognition of the finite simple groups \(L_3(2^m)\) and \(U_3(2^m)\) by their element orders. Zbl 0979.20019 Mazurov, V. D.; Xu, M. C.; Cao, H. P. 14 2000 Groups of exponent 60 with prescribed orders of elements. Zbl 0979.20037 Mazurov, V. D. 12 2000 Element orders in coverings of symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 0930.20003 Mazurov, V. D.; Zavarnitsyn, A. V. 20 1999 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. Transl. from the Russian. 14th augm. ed. Zbl 0943.20004 16 1999 On groups with small orders of elements. Zbl 0939.20043 Gupta, Narain D.; Mazurov, Victor D. 11 1999 On recognizing the finite simple groups \(L_2(2^m)\) in the class of all groups. Zbl 0941.20010 Zhurtov, A. Kh.; Mazurov, V. D. 10 1999 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp). 14th augm. ed. (Kourovskaya tetrad’. Nereshennye voprosy teorii grupp.) Zbl 0943.20003 2 1999 Groups whose elements have given orders. Zbl 0923.20015 Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, W. J. 1 1999 Recognition of finite groups by a set of orders of their elements. Zbl 0917.20021 Mazurov, V. D. 26 1998 A note to the characterization of sporadic simple groups. Zbl 0907.20028 Mazurov, V. D.; Shi, Wujie 18 1998 Intersections of Sylow subgroups in finite groups. Zbl 0924.20008 Mazurov, V. D.; Zenkov, V. I. 1 1998 Characterizations of finite groups by sets of orders of their elements. Zbl 0880.20007 Mazurov, V. D. 51 1997 On the Hall \(D_ \pi\)-property for finite groups. Zbl 0880.20012 Mazurov, V. D.; Revin, D. O. 14 1997 Recognition of finite nonsimple groups by the set of orders of their elements. Zbl 0880.20017 Mazurov, V. D. 10 1997 Finite groups with large automizers for their nonabelian subgroups. Zbl 0903.20011 Deaconescu, Marian; Mazurov, Victor D. 6 1997 On intersections of Sylow \(p\)-subgroups in finite groups. Zbl 0880.20011 Zenkov, V. I.; Mazurov, V. D. 18 1996 On sharply \(2\)-transitive groups. Zbl 0912.20002 Mazurov, V. D. 7 1996 Finite groups admitting an automorphism of prime order with central fixed points. Zbl 0880.20016 Mazurov, V. D.; Nedorezov, T. L. 1 1996 The Kourovka notebook. Unsolved problems in group theory. 13th augm. ed. Zbl 0838.20001 58 1995 The set of orders of elements in a finite group. Zbl 0823.20024 Mazurov, V. D. 22 1994 Minimal permutation representations of finite simple orthogonal groups. Zbl 0842.20015 Vasil’ev, A. V.; Mazurov, V. D. 13 1994 ...and 31 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 636 Authors 47 Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich 29 Revin, Danila Olegovitch 25 Kondrat’ev, Anatoliĭ Semenovich 25 Lytkina, Dar’ya Viktorovna 24 Grechkoseeva, Mariya Aleksandrovna 24 Khukhro, Evgeniĭ I. 19 Kamornikov, Sergey Fedorovich 19 Shi, Wujie 19 Shumyatsky, Pavel 19 Vasil’ev, Andreĭ Viktorovich 18 Khalili Asboei, Alireza 18 Maslova, Natal’ya Vladimirovna 18 Sozutov, Anatoliĭ Ilyich 17 Zenkov, Viktor Ivanovich 16 Guo, Wenbin 16 Moghaddamfar, Ali Reza 15 Darafsheh, Mohammad Reza 15 Gorshkov, Il’ya Borisovich 13 Jabara, Enrico 13 Mamontov, Andrey S. 12 Khosravi, Behrooz 12 Vdovin, Evgeniĭ Petrovich 11 Ahanjideh, Neda 11 Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo 11 Chen, Guiyun 10 Abdollahi, Alireza 10 Koĭbaev, Vladimir Amurkhanovich 10 Staroletov, Alekseĭ Mikhaĭlovich 10 Yang, Nanying 9 Makhnëv, Aleksandr Alekseevich 9 Spiga, Pablo 9 Tsiovkina, Ludmila Yur’evna 9 Yi, Xiaolan 9 Zhurtov, Archil Khazeshevich 9 Zinov’eva, M. R. 8 Iranmanesh, Ali 8 Nuzhin, Yakov Nifant’evich 8 Shlëpkin, Alekseĭ Anatol’evich 8 Tyutyanov, Valentin Nikolaevich 7 Amiri, Seyed Sadegh Salehi 7 Durakov, Evgeny B. 7 Ebrahimzadeh, Behnam 7 Leemans, Dimitri 7 Timoshenko, Evgeniĭ Iosifovich 6 Kravtsova, Ol’ga Vadimovna 6 Makarenko, N. Yu. 5 Bardakov, Valeriĭ Georgievich 5 Burness, Timothy C. 5 De Melo, Emerson 5 Esteban-Romero, Ramón 5 Ghoraishi, Seyed Mohsen 5 Jiang, Qinhui 5 Liu, Shitian 5 Mahmoudifar, Ali 5 Sambale, Benjamin 5 Shao, Changguo 5 Shen, Rulin 5 Tong-Viet, Hung P. 5 Traustason, Gunnar 5 Vedernikov, Viktor Aleksandrovich 5 Vorob’ev, Nikolaĭ Timofeevich 4 Guralnick, Robert Michael 4 Herzog, Marcel 4 Hyde, James T. 4 Jaikin-Zapirain, Andrei 4 Keller, Thomas Michael 4 Khatami, Maryam 4 Li, Jinbao 4 Mohammadyari, Reza 4 Nosratpour, P. 4 Ol’shanskiĭ, Aleksandr Yur’evich 4 Paduchikh, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 4 Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth 4 Roman’kov, Vitaliĭ Anatol’evich 4 Skresanov, Saveliĭ Vyacheslavovich 4 Vincenzi, Giovanni 4 Xu, Mingchun 4 Zavarnitsine, Andrei V. 4 Zvezdina, Mariya A. 3 Akhlaghi, Zeinab 3 Alavi, Seyed Hassan 3 Alekseeva, O. A. 3 Anitha, T. 3 Atabekyan, Varuzhan S. 3 Babai, Azam 3 Bächle, Andreas 3 Belyaev, Vissarion V. 3 Brandl, Rolf 3 Brooksbank, Peter A. 3 Burichenko, Vladimir P. 3 Button, Jack Oliver 3 Buturlakin, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 3 Caldeira, Jhone 3 Cameron, Peter Jephson 3 Daneshkhah, Ashraf 3 Fouladi, Shirin 3 Glauberman, George 3 Kazarin, Lev Sergeevich 3 Kolesnikov, Sergey Gennadievich 3 Lewis, Mark L. ...and 536 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 150 Serials 117 Siberian Mathematical Journal 85 Algebra and Logic 73 Journal of Algebra 42 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 33 Communications in Algebra 27 Journal of Group Theory 23 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 21 Mathematical Notes 18 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 16 International Journal of Group Theory 15 Monatshefte für Mathematik 14 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 14 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 14 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics 13 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 12 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 10 Israel Journal of Mathematics 9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 9 Doklady Mathematics 9 Trudy Instituta Matematiki 9 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 8 Archiv der Mathematik 8 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 7 European Journal of Combinatorics 6 Advances in Mathematics 6 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 6 Algebra Colloquium 5 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 5 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 5 Science China. Mathematics 5 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 4 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 4 Science in China. Series A 4 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 4 Russian Mathematics 4 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 4 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Communications in Mathematics and Statistics 4 Journal of Linear and Topological Algebra 4 Algebraic Structures and their Applications 3 Discrete Mathematics 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Combinatorica 3 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 3 Algebras and Representation Theory 3 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 3 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 3 Groups, Complexity, Cryptology 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 2 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 2 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2 Sbornik: Mathematics 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Quasigroups and Related Systems 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 2 Armenian Journal of Mathematics 2 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 2 Mathematics 2 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Open Mathematics 2 Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2 Ural Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Algebraic Systems 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Algebra i Logika 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Geometriae Dedicata 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift ...and 50 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 818 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 131 Combinatorics (05-XX) 24 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 19 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 15 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 11 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 11 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 11 Geometry (51-XX) 10 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 10 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 8 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 5 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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