Edit Profile (opens in new tab) McCusker, Guy Andrew Co-Author Distance Author ID: mccusker.guy-andrew Published as: McCusker, Guy; McCusker, Guy Andrew; McCusker, G. A.; Mccusker, Guy more...less External Links: MGP Documents Indexed: 29 Publications since 1995, including 1 Book 4 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 19 Co-Authors with 26 Joint Publications 350 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 5 Abramsky, Samson 5 Laird, Jim 4 Power, John 3 Ghica, Dan R. 3 Manzonetto, Giulio 2 Hasegawa, Masahito 2 Lack, Stephen 2 Santamaria, Alessio 2 Wingfield, Cai 1 Barrett, Chris L. 1 Başkent, Can 1 Calderon, Ana C. 1 Churchill, Martin 1 Heijltjes, Willem B. 1 Hyland, J. Martin E. 1 Komendantskaya, Ekaterina 1 Pagani, Michele 1 Pym, David J. 1 Tzevelekos, Nikos all top 5 Serials 3 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Information and Computation 2 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 1 LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 Distinguished Dissertations all top 5 Fields 26 Computer science (68-XX) 18 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 12 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 22 Publications have been cited 317 times in 186 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Call-by-value games. Zbl 0908.03035 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 46 1998 Linearity, sharing and state: A fully abstract games semantics for idealized Algol with active expressions. (Extended abstract). Zbl 0909.68029 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 44 1996 Game semantics. Zbl 0961.68080 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 38 1999 Games and full abstraction for a functional metalanguage with recursive types. Zbl 0917.68192 McCusker, Guy 29 1998 Weighted relational models of typed lambda-calculi. Zbl 1366.03171 Laird, Jim; Manzonetto, Giulio; McCusker, Guy; Pagani, Michele 28 2013 Reasoning about Idealized Algol using regular languages. Zbl 0973.68506 Ghica, Dan R.; McCusker, Guy 18 2000 The regular-language semantics of second-order idealized ALGOL. Zbl 1070.68083 Ghica, Dan R.; McCusker, Guy 16 2003 Full abstraction for idealized Algol with passive expressions. Zbl 0954.68028 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 16 1999 Games and full abstraction for FPC. Zbl 1046.68508 McCusker, Guy 14 2000 On the semantics of the bad-variable constructor in Algol-like languages. Zbl 1337.68053 McCusker, Guy 10 2003 Constructing differential categories and deconstructing categories of games. Zbl 1269.03062 Laird, Jim; Manzonetto, Giulio; McCusker, Guy 10 2013 Coalgebraic semantics for parallel derivation strategies in logic programming. Zbl 1308.68029 Komendantskaya, Ekaterina; McCusker, Guy; Power, John 9 2011 A fully abstract relational model of syntactic control of interference. Zbl 1020.68048 McCusker, Guy 8 2002 Imperative programs as proofs via game semantics. Zbl 1358.68179 Churchill, Martin; Laird, Jim; McCusker, Guy 5 2013 A graph model for imperative computation. Zbl 1189.68074 McCusker, Guy Andrew 5 2010 Understanding game semantics through coherence spaces. Zbl 1342.68045 Calderon, Ana C.; McCusker, Guy 4 2010 Constructing differential categories and deconstructing categories of games. Zbl 1333.68199 Laird, Jim; Manzonetto, Giulio; McCusker, Guy 4 2011 Games for recursive types. Zbl 0840.03054 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 4 1995 Games and definability for \(\mathbf F\mathbf P\mathbf C\). Zbl 0894.03012 McCusker, Guy 3 1997 A graphical foundation for schedules. Zbl 1342.68093 McCusker, Guy; Power, John; Wingfield, Cai 2 2012 Categorical models of syntactic control of intereference revisited, revisited. Zbl 1221.68153 McCusker, Guy 2 2007 Composing dinatural transformations: towards a calculus of substitution. Zbl 1468.18002 McCusker, Guy; Santamaria, Alessio 2 2021 Composing dinatural transformations: towards a calculus of substitution. Zbl 1468.18002 McCusker, Guy; Santamaria, Alessio 2 2021 Weighted relational models of typed lambda-calculi. Zbl 1366.03171 Laird, Jim; Manzonetto, Giulio; McCusker, Guy; Pagani, Michele 28 2013 Constructing differential categories and deconstructing categories of games. Zbl 1269.03062 Laird, Jim; Manzonetto, Giulio; McCusker, Guy 10 2013 Imperative programs as proofs via game semantics. Zbl 1358.68179 Churchill, Martin; Laird, Jim; McCusker, Guy 5 2013 A graphical foundation for schedules. Zbl 1342.68093 McCusker, Guy; Power, John; Wingfield, Cai 2 2012 Coalgebraic semantics for parallel derivation strategies in logic programming. Zbl 1308.68029 Komendantskaya, Ekaterina; McCusker, Guy; Power, John 9 2011 Constructing differential categories and deconstructing categories of games. Zbl 1333.68199 Laird, Jim; Manzonetto, Giulio; McCusker, Guy 4 2011 A graph model for imperative computation. Zbl 1189.68074 McCusker, Guy Andrew 5 2010 Understanding game semantics through coherence spaces. Zbl 1342.68045 Calderon, Ana C.; McCusker, Guy 4 2010 Categorical models of syntactic control of intereference revisited, revisited. Zbl 1221.68153 McCusker, Guy 2 2007 The regular-language semantics of second-order idealized ALGOL. Zbl 1070.68083 Ghica, Dan R.; McCusker, Guy 16 2003 On the semantics of the bad-variable constructor in Algol-like languages. Zbl 1337.68053 McCusker, Guy 10 2003 A fully abstract relational model of syntactic control of interference. Zbl 1020.68048 McCusker, Guy 8 2002 Reasoning about Idealized Algol using regular languages. Zbl 0973.68506 Ghica, Dan R.; McCusker, Guy 18 2000 Games and full abstraction for FPC. Zbl 1046.68508 McCusker, Guy 14 2000 Game semantics. Zbl 0961.68080 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 38 1999 Full abstraction for idealized Algol with passive expressions. Zbl 0954.68028 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 16 1999 Call-by-value games. Zbl 0908.03035 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 46 1998 Games and full abstraction for a functional metalanguage with recursive types. Zbl 0917.68192 McCusker, Guy 29 1998 Games and definability for \(\mathbf F\mathbf P\mathbf C\). Zbl 0894.03012 McCusker, Guy 3 1997 Linearity, sharing and state: A fully abstract games semantics for idealized Algol with active expressions. (Extended abstract). Zbl 0909.68029 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 44 1996 Games for recursive types. Zbl 0840.03054 Abramsky, Samson; McCusker, Guy 4 1995 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 164 Authors 20 Murawski, Andrzej S. 14 Ghica, Dan R. 10 McCusker, Guy Andrew 10 Tzevelekos, Nikos 7 Abramsky, Samson 7 Clairambault, Pierre 7 Laird, Jim 6 Laird, James D. 5 Jagadeesan, Radha 5 Pacaud Lemay, Jean-Simon 5 Pagani, Michele 5 Power, John 4 Manzonetto, Giulio 3 Chouquet, Jules 3 Dimovski, Aleksandar S. 3 Honda, Kohei 3 Komendantskaya, Ekaterina 3 Laurent, Olivier 3 Levy, Paul Blain 3 Longley, John R. 3 Paquet, Hugo 3 Reddy, Uday S. 3 Smith, Alex I. 3 Tasson, Christine 3 Tsukada, Takeshi 3 Winskel, Glynn 3 Yamada, Norihiro 3 Zanasi, Fabio 2 Bakewell, Adam 2 Başkent, Can 2 Blot, Valentin 2 Castellan, Simon 2 Curien, Pierre-Louis 2 de Lataillade, Joachim 2 Gheorghiu, Alexander V. 2 Gu, Tao 2 Hedges, Jules 2 Hirschowitz, Tom 2 Koenig, Jérémie 2 Lazić, Ranko 2 Melliès, Paul-André 2 Pym, David J. 2 Seiller, Thomas 2 Streufert, Peter A. 2 Tabareau, Nicolas 2 Vákár, Matthijs 2 Valiron, Benoît 2 Vaux Auclair, Lionel 2 Vaux, Lionel 2 Walukiewicz, Igor 2 Wingfield, Cai 2 Yoshida, Nobuko 1 Aboul-Hosn, Kamal 1 Accattoli, Beniamino 1 Acclavio, Matteo 1 Alcolei, Aurore 1 Alyahya, Khulood 1 Ardizzoni, Alessandro 1 Asada, Kazuyuki 1 Atkey, Robert 1 Aubert, Clément 1 Baltag, Alexandru 1 Bartoletti, Massimo 1 Berger, Ulrich 1 Birkedal, Lars 1 Boudes, Pierre 1 Bourreau, Pierre 1 Breuvart, Flavien 1 Calderon, Ana C. 1 Catta, Davide 1 Churchill, Martin 1 Cimoli, Tiziana 1 Cockett, J. Robin B. 1 Cotton-Barratt, Conrad 1 Cousot, Patrick 1 Cruttwell, Geoff 1 Cruttwell, Geoffrey S. H. 1 Curzi, Gianluca 1 Dal Lago, Ugo 1 de Oliveira Santos, Emily 1 Deng, Yuxin 1 Dixon, Alex 1 Docherty, Simon 1 Durier, Adrien 1 Eberhart, Clovis 1 Ehrhard, Thomas 1 Fong, Brendan 1 Fouqueré, Christophe 1 Gabbay, Murdoch James 1 Galanaki, Chrysida 1 Gallagher, Jonathan 1 Gowers, William John 1 Goyvaerts, Isar 1 Hamano, Masahiro 1 Harmer, Russ 1 Heras, Jónathan 1 Hirschkoff, Daniel 1 Hirschowitz, André 1 Hirschowitz, Michel 1 Ho, Weng Kin ...and 64 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 17 Serials 22 Theoretical Computer Science 17 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 14 Logical Methods in Computer Science 13 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9 Information and Computation 4 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 3 Studia Logica 2 Formal Methods in System Design 2 Journal of Functional Programming 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 1 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 1 Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 1 Research in the Mathematical Sciences all top 5 Cited in 11 Fields 153 Computer science (68-XX) 80 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 43 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 39 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 10 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year