Author ID: mclean.mark Recent zbMATH articles by "McLean, Mark"
Published as: McLean, Mark; Mclean, Mark
Homepage: http://www.math.stonybrook.edu/~markmclean/
External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar
Documents Indexed: 22 Publications since 2009, including 5 Additional arXiv Preprints
Co-Authors: 7 Co-Authors with 10 Joint Publications
118 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

14 Publications have been cited 209 times in 143 Documents Cited by Year
Reeb orbits and the minimal discrepancy of an isolated singularity. Zbl 1348.53079
McLean, Mark
Lefschetz fibrations and symplectic homology. Zbl 1170.53070
McLean, Mark
The growth rate of symplectic homology and affine varieties. Zbl 1270.53097
McLean, Mark
Local Floer homology and infinitely many simple Reeb orbits. Zbl 1253.53078
McLean, Mark
Normal crossings singularities for symplectic topology. Zbl 1401.53073
F. Tehrani, Mohammad; McLean, Mark; Zinger, Aleksey
Birational Calabi-Yau manifolds have the same small quantum products. Zbl 1436.14092
McLean, Mark
Bounding Lagrangian widths via geodesic paths. Zbl 1322.53082
Borman, Matthew Strom; McLean, Mark
Symplectic homology of Lefschetz fibrations and Floer homology of the monodromy map. Zbl 1253.53084
McLean, Mark
Floer cohomology, multiplicity and the log canonical threshold. Zbl 1456.14042
McLean, Mark
Non-displaceable contact embeddings and infinitely many leaf-wise intersections. Zbl 1239.53106
Albers, Peter; McLean, Mark
Symplectic invariance of uniruled affine varieties and log Kodaira dimension. Zbl 1312.53107
McLean, Mark
Singularities and semistable degenerations for symplectic topology. (Singularités et dégénérescences semi-stables en topologie symplectique.) Zbl 1397.53089
Tehrani, Mohammad F.; McLean, Mark; Zinger, Aleksey
Affine varieties, singularities and the growth rate of wrapped Floer cohomology. Zbl 1398.53093
McLean, Mark
The McKay correspondence for isolated singularities via Floer theory. Zbl 1528.53081
McLean, Mark; Ritter, Alexander F.
The McKay correspondence for isolated singularities via Floer theory. Zbl 1528.53081
McLean, Mark; Ritter, Alexander F.
Birational Calabi-Yau manifolds have the same small quantum products. Zbl 1436.14092
McLean, Mark
Floer cohomology, multiplicity and the log canonical threshold. Zbl 1456.14042
McLean, Mark
Normal crossings singularities for symplectic topology. Zbl 1401.53073
F. Tehrani, Mohammad; McLean, Mark; Zinger, Aleksey
Singularities and semistable degenerations for symplectic topology. (Singularités et dégénérescences semi-stables en topologie symplectique.) Zbl 1397.53089
Tehrani, Mohammad F.; McLean, Mark; Zinger, Aleksey
Affine varieties, singularities and the growth rate of wrapped Floer cohomology. Zbl 1398.53093
McLean, Mark
Reeb orbits and the minimal discrepancy of an isolated singularity. Zbl 1348.53079
McLean, Mark
Bounding Lagrangian widths via geodesic paths. Zbl 1322.53082
Borman, Matthew Strom; McLean, Mark
Symplectic invariance of uniruled affine varieties and log Kodaira dimension. Zbl 1312.53107
McLean, Mark
The growth rate of symplectic homology and affine varieties. Zbl 1270.53097
McLean, Mark
Local Floer homology and infinitely many simple Reeb orbits. Zbl 1253.53078
McLean, Mark
Symplectic homology of Lefschetz fibrations and Floer homology of the monodromy map. Zbl 1253.53084
McLean, Mark
Non-displaceable contact embeddings and infinitely many leaf-wise intersections. Zbl 1239.53106
Albers, Peter; McLean, Mark
Lefschetz fibrations and symplectic homology. Zbl 1170.53070
McLean, Mark
all top 5

Cited by 140 Authors

12 McLean, Mark
9 Macarini, Leonardo
7 Farajzadeh Tehrani, Mohammad
7 Ginzburg, Viktor L’vovich
5 Abreu, Miguel
5 Casals, Roger
5 Gürel, Basak Zehra
5 Varolgunes, Umut
5 Zhou, Zhengyi
5 Zinger, Aleksey
4 Eliashberg, Yakov Matveevich
4 Fernández de Bobadilla, Javier
4 Frauenfelder, Urs Adrian
4 Ganatra, Sheel
4 Kang, Jungsoo
4 Kwon, Myeonggi
4 Lazarev, Oleg
4 Seidel, Paul
4 Sheridan, Nick
3 Albers, Peter
3 Kim, Joontae
3 Kim, Seongchan
3 Lê, Quy Thuong
3 Murphy, Emmy
3 Pomerleano, Daniel
3 Shelukhin, Egor
3 Smith, Ivan
3 Sun, Yuhan
2 Abbondandolo, Alberto
2 Alves, Marcelo R. R.
2 Benedetti, Gabriele
2 Borman, Matthew Strom
2 Bourgeois, Frédéric
2 Budur, Nero
2 Cieliebak, Kai
2 Diogo, Luís
2 Evans, Jonathan David
2 Hryniewicz, Umberto L.
2 Li, Yin
2 Lisi, Samuel T.
2 Mak, Cheuk Yu
2 Nelson, Jo
2 Nguyen, Tat Thang
2 Oba, Takahiro
2 Pascaleff, James
2 Schlenk, Felix
2 Siegel, Kyler
2 Tonkonog, Dmitry
2 Vaugon, Anne
1 Abouzaid, Mohammed
1 Akbulut, Selman
1 Argüz, Hülya
1 Arikan, Firat
1 Atallah, Marcelo S.
1 Biswas, Indranil
1 Borlido, Célia
1 Broćić, Filip
1 Cassia, Luca
1 Chan, Kwokwai
1 Charette, François
1 Choa, Dongwook
1 Côté, Laurent
1 Courte, Sylvain
1 de Fernex, Tommaso
1 de la Bodega, Javier
1 Dimitroglou Rizell, Georgios
1 Doan, Aleksander
1 Ekholm, Tobias
1 Fabert, Oliver
1 Fauck, Alexander
1 Fernandes, Alexandre Cesar Gurgel
1 Foulon, Patrick
1 Gong, Wenmin
1 Gören, Yusuf
1 Greuel, Gert-Martin
1 Gross, Mark
1 Gutt, Jean
1 Hasselblatt, Boris
1 Hein, Doris
1 Hirsch, Robin
1 Humilière, Vincent
1 Iritani, Hiroshi
1 Ivorra, Florian
1 Karabas, Dogancan
1 Kartal, Yusuf Barış
1 Keating, Ailsa M.
1 Leclercq, Rémi
1 Lee, Sangjin
1 Lekili, Yankı
1 Li, Chi
1 Li, Tian-Jun
1 Lidman, Tye
1 Liu, Yuchen
1 Loeser, François
1 Longhi, Pietro
1 Lu, Guangcun
1 Mauri, Mirko
1 Maydanskiy, Maksim
1 Mclean, Brett
1 Meiwes, Matthias
...and 40 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 54 Serials

11 Geometry & Topology
8 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
7 Journal of Topology
6 Advances in Mathematics
6 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA
6 Algebraic & Geometric Topology
6 Journal of Topology and Analysis
5 Duke Mathematical Journal
5 Journal of Differential Geometry
4 Inventiones Mathematicae
4 Mathematische Zeitschrift
4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series
3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
3 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
3 Selecta Mathematica. New Series
3 Annales Henri Lebesgue
2 Communications in Mathematical Physics
2 Algebra Universalis
2 Compositio Mathematica
2 Mathematische Annalen
2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
2 International Journal of Mathematics
2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
2 Advances in Geometry
2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV)
1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
1 Arkiv för Matematik
1 Journal of Geometry and Physics
1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
1 Geometriae Dedicata
1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A
1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B
1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
1 Expositiones Mathematicae
1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series
1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
1 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Oberwolfach Reports
1 Journal of Modern Dynamics
1 Journal of Gökova Geometry Topology GGT
1 Quantum Topology
1 Forum of Mathematics, Pi
1 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques
1 Winter Braids Lecture Notes
1 Peking Mathematical Journal
1 Moduli

Citations by Year

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