Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Mehrmann, Volker Co-Author Distance Author ID: mehrmann.volker Published as: Mehrmann, Volker; Mehrmann, V.; Mehrmann, Volker Ludwig more...less Homepage: https://www.tu.berlin/nummath/ueber-uns/team/volker-mehrmann External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Twitter · dblp · GND · IdRef Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 301 Publications since 1980, including 11 Books and 24 Additional arXiv Preprints 19 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 9 Packages Reviewing Activity: 156 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 250 Co-Authors with 297 Joint Publications 7,723 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 19 single-authored 30 Kunkel, Peter 28 Mehl, Christian 28 Xu, Hongguo 17 Byers, Ralph 14 Benner, Peter 14 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika 9 Chu, Delin 8 Linh, Vu Hoang 7 He, Chunyang 7 Mackey, D. Steven 7 Mackey, Niloufer 7 Międlar, Agnieszka 7 Nichols, Nancy K. 7 Watkins, David S. 6 Beattie, Christopher A. 6 Elsner, Ludwig F. 6 Liesen, Jörg 6 Ran, André C. M. 6 Rodman, Leiba X. 6 Wojtylak, Michał 5 Achleitner, Franz 5 Arnold, Anton 5 Konstantinov, Mikhail Mikhajlov 5 Petkov, Petko Hr. 5 Schneider, Hans 5 Schröder, Christian 5 Van Dooren, Paul M. 4 Ammar, Gregory S. 4 Binder, Andreas 4 Campbell, Stephen LaVern 4 Cherifi, Karim 4 Gernandt, Hannes 4 Grötschel, Martin 4 Hershkowitz, Daniel 4 Losse, Philip 4 Poloni, Federico Giovanni 4 Sharma, Punit 3 Bollhöfer, Matthias 3 Friedland, Shmuel 3 Hà Phi 3 Hinsen, Dorothea 3 Ilchmann, Achim 3 Jadhav, Onkar 3 Lin, Wen-Wei 3 Lucas, Klaus 3 Marheineke, Nicole 3 Mengi, Emre 3 Morandin, Riccardo 3 Olesky, D. Dale 3 Rath, Werner 3 Reiss, Julius 3 Schmidt, Martin 3 Schulze, Philipp 3 Stolwijk, Jeroen J. 3 van der Schaft, Arjan J. 2 Aliyev, Nicat 2 Apel, Thomas 2 Badlyan, Arbi Moses 2 Biegler, Lorenz T. 2 Bora, Shreemayee 2 Brualdi, Richard Anthony 2 Carstensen, Carsten 2 Deuflhard, Peter 2 Emmrich, Etienne 2 Gedicke, Joscha 2 Gu, Dawei 2 Gugercin, Serkan 2 Guglielmi, Nicola 2 Guterman, Alexander Èmilevich 2 Hauschild, Sarah-Alexa 2 Heiland, Jan 2 Hench, John J. 2 Higham, Nicholas John 2 Holtz, Olga 2 Jokar, Sadegh 2 Knyazev, Andrew V. 2 Kressner, Daniel 2 Loewy, Raphael 2 Manguoglu, Murat 2 Markova, Olga V. 2 Nguyen Huu Du 2 Nigsch, Eduard Albert 2 Reis, Timo 2 Schöll, Eckehard 2 Scholz, Lena 2 Šemrl, Peter 2 Sesterhenn, Jörn L. 2 Skutella, Martin 2 Stöver, Ronald 2 Szyld, Daniel B. 2 Thuan, Do Duc 2 Tisseur, Françoise 2 Unger, Benjamin 2 Virnik, Elena 2 Voigt, Matthias 2 von Wagner, Utz 2 Xu, Jinchao 2 Zwart, Hans J. 1 Alam, Rafikul 1 Altmann, Robert ...and 150 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 45 Linear Algebra and its Applications 30 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 18 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 12 Numerische Mathematik 12 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 8 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 7 BIT 7 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 7 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 6 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 European Mathematical Society Newsletter 5 Operators and Matrices 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 4 Systems & Control Letters 4 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 3 Automatica 3 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 3 Oberwolfach Reports 3 Methods of Operations Research 2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2 RAIRO. Automatique-Productique, Informatique Industrielle 2 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematics in Industry 2 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 2 Springer Studium Mathematik (Bachelor) 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 1 Control and Cybernetics 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 1 Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Parallel Computing 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Chaos 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 1 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 1 Acta Numerica 1 Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 1 Studies in Computational Mathematics 1 Vieweg Studium 1 Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 1 Advances in Design and Control 1 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada. S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA 1 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 1 EMS Series in Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Differential-Algebraic Equations Forum 1 Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series 1 EMS Textbooks in Mathematics 1 European Mathematical Society Magazine all top 5 Fields 179 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 116 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 115 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 63 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 26 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 26 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 20 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 17 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 15 History and biography (01-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 246 Publications have been cited 4,714 times in 2,490 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Differential-algebraic equations. Analysis and numerical solution. Zbl 1095.34004 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 354 2006 The autonomous linear quadratic control problem. Theory and numerical solution. Zbl 0746.93001 Mehrmann, Volker Ludwig 194 1991 NLEVP, a collection of nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1295.65140 Betcke, Timo; Higham, Nicholas J.; Mehrmann, Volker; Schröder, Christian; Tisseur, Françoise 162 2013 Vector spaces of linearizations for matrix polynomials. Zbl 1132.65027 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 157 2006 Structured polynomial eigenvalue problems: Good vibrations from good linearizations. Zbl 1132.65028 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 156 2006 Dimension reduction of large-scale systems. Proceedings of a workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, October 19–25, 2003. Zbl 1066.65004 137 2005 Nonlinear eigenvalue problems: A challenge for modern eigenvalue methods. Zbl 1071.65074 Mehrmann, Volker; Voss, Heinrich 120 2004 Numerical solution of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion-reaction problems with two small parameters. Zbl 1341.65031 Das, Pratibhamoy; Mehrmann, Volker 82 2016 The shifted proper orthogonal decomposition: a mode decomposition for multiple transport phenomena. Zbl 1446.65212 Reiss, J.; Schulze, P.; Sesterhenn, J.; Mehrmann, V. 76 2018 Numerical solution of differential algebraic Riccati equations. Zbl 0707.65043 Kunkel, P.; Mehrmann, V. 67 1990 Balanced truncation model reduction for large-scale system in descriptor form. Zbl 1107.93013 Mehrmann, Volker; Stykel, Tatjana 61 2005 Linear port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems. Zbl 1401.37070 Beattie, Christopher; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo; Zwart, Hans 61 2018 Numerical computation of an analytic singular value decomposition of a matrix valued function. Zbl 0743.65035 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker; Nichols, Nancy K. 58 1991 A symplectic QR like algorithm for the solution of the real algebraic Riccati equation. Zbl 0616.65048 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Mehrmann, Volker 55 1986 Canonical forms for Hamiltonian and symplectic matrices and pencils. Zbl 0947.15004 Lin, Wen-Wei; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 54 1999 Regularization of descriptor systems by derivative and proportional state feedback. Zbl 0743.93026 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Mehrmann, Volker; Nichols, Nancy K. 47 1992 Polynomial eigenvalue problems with Hamiltonian structure. Zbl 1065.65054 Mehrmann, Volker; Watkins, David 47 2002 Structure-preserving methods for computing eigenpairs of large sparse skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencils. Zbl 0986.65033 Mehrmann, Volker; Watkins, David 45 2001 Eigenvalue perturbation theory of classes of structured matrices under generic structured rank one perturbations. Zbl 1223.15015 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 45 2011 A chart of numerical methods for structured eigenvalue problems. Zbl 0757.65040 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker 44 1992 Perturbation theory for matrix equations. Zbl 1025.15017 Konstantinov, Mihail; Gu, Da-Wei; Mehrmann, Volker; Petkov, Petko 40 2003 A numerically stable, structure preserving method for computing the eigenvalues of real Hamiltonian or symplectic pencils. Zbl 0889.65036 Benner, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 40 1998 Canonical forms for linear differential-algebraic equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 0824.34002 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 39 1994 SLICOT – a subroutine library in systems and control theory. Zbl 1051.93500 Benner, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Sima, Vasile; Van Huffel, Sabine; Varga, Andras 38 1999 Stability radii for linear Hamiltonian systems with dissipation under structure-preserving perturbations. Zbl 1349.93332 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Sharma, Punit 37 2016 On structure-preserving model reduction for damped wave propagation in transport networks. Zbl 1383.65110 Egger, H.; Kugler, T.; Liljegren-Sailer, B.; Marheineke, N.; Mehrmann, V. 36 2018 Stability and robust stability of linear time-invariant delay differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1326.34117 Du, Nguyen Huu; Linh, Vu Hoang; Mehrmann, Volker; Thuan, Do Duc 34 2013 Möbius transformations of matrix polynomials. Zbl 1309.65042 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 34 2015 Robust port-Hamiltonian representations of passive systems. Zbl 1411.93056 Beattie, Christopher A.; Mehrmann, Volker; Van Dooren, Paul 33 2019 Numerical methods for palindromic eigenvalue problems: Computing the anti-triangular Schur form. Zbl 1224.65099 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 32 2009 Smith forms of palindromic matrix polynomials. Zbl 1207.15013 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 32 2011 Numerical computation of deflating subspaces of skew-Hamiltonian/Hamiltonian pencils. Zbl 1035.49022 Benner, Peter; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 32 2002 Linear algebra properties of dissipative Hamiltonian descriptor systems. Zbl 1403.15009 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 32 2018 A quaternion QR-algorithm. Zbl 0681.65024 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker 31 1989 Feedback design for regularizing descriptor systems. Zbl 0944.65082 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker; Nichols, Nancy K. 29 1999 Jordan structures of alternating matrix polynomials. Zbl 1188.15010 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 29 2010 Perturbation theory for Hamiltonian matrices and the distance to bounded-realness. Zbl 1227.93081 Alam, R.; Bora, S.; Karow, M.; Mehrmann, V.; Moro, J. 29 2011 Minimum norm regularization of descriptor systems by mixed output feedback. Zbl 0959.93032 Chu, Delin; Mehrmann, Volker; Nichols, Nancy K. 26 1999 Existence, uniqueness, and parametrization of Lagrangian invariant subspaces. Zbl 1029.65044 Freiling, Gerhard; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 26 2002 Where is the nearest non-regular pencil? Zbl 0935.15013 Byers, Ralph; He, Chunyang; Mehrmann, Volker 24 1998 Structured eigenvalue methods for the computation of corner singularities in 3D anisotropic elastic structures. Zbl 1029.74042 Apel, Thomas; Mehrmann, Volker; Watkins, David 24 2002 Model reduction for systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions. Zbl 1353.93019 Beattie, Christopher; Gugercin, Serkan; Mehrmann, Volker 24 2017 Optimal control for unstructured nonlinear differential-algebraic equations of arbitrary index. Zbl 1156.49018 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 23 2008 Perturbation theory of selfadjoint matrices and sign characteristics under generic structured rank one perturbations. Zbl 1237.15036 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 23 2012 On the distance to singularity via low rank perturbations. Zbl 1342.15006 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Wojtylak, Michał 23 2015 Operator differential-algebraic equations arising in fluid dynamics. Zbl 1392.34070 Emmrich, Etienne; Mehrmann, Volker 23 2013 Computing the nearest stable matrix pairs. Zbl 1513.65131 Gillis, Nicolas; Mehrmann, Volker; Sharma, Punit 23 2018 On Hamiltonian and symplectic Hessenberg forms. Zbl 0724.65042 Ammar, Gregory; Mehrmann, Volker 22 1991 A structured staircase algorithm for skew-symmetric/symmetric pencils. Zbl 1113.65065 Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 22 2007 Cholesky-like factorizations of skew-symmetric matrices. Zbl 0963.65033 Benner, Peter; Byers, Ralph; Fassbender, Heike; Mehrmann, Volker; Watkins, David 22 2000 Regulariztion of descriptor systems by output feedback. Zbl 0800.93544 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Mehrmann, Volker; Nichols, Nancy K. 22 1994 Skew-symmetric matrix polynomials and their Smith forms. Zbl 1281.15020 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2013 Eigenvalue perturbation theory of symplectic, orthogonal, and unitary matrices under generic structured rank one perturbations. Zbl 1291.15061 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 22 2014 Regularization of linear and nonlinear descriptor systems. Zbl 1317.93071 Campbell, Stephen L.; Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2012 Stability properties of differential-algebraic equations and Spin-stabilized discretizations. Zbl 1171.65418 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2007 Skew-Hamiltonian and Hamiltonian eigenvalue problems: theory, algorithms and applications. Zbl 1069.65034 Benner, Peter; Kressner, Daniel; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2005 The linear quadratic optimal control problem for linear descriptor systems with variable coefficients. Zbl 0894.49020 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 22 1997 A numerical method for computing the Hamiltonian Schur form. Zbl 1116.65043 Chu, Delin; Liu, Xinmin; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2007 Jordan forms of real and complex matrices under rank one perturbations. Zbl 1281.15012 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 22 2013 Numerical methods for simultaneous diagonalization. Zbl 0786.65030 Bunse-Gerstner, Angelika; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker 21 1993 A step toward a unified treatment of continuous and discrete time control problems. Zbl 0859.93013 Mehrmann, Volker 21 1996 Regular solutions of nonlinear differential-algebraic equations and their numerical determination. Zbl 0914.65075 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 21 1998 Index reduction for differential-algebraic equations by minimal extension. Zbl 1070.34006 Kunkel, P.; Mehrmann, V. 21 2004 Numerical methods for parametric model reduction in the simulation of disk brake squeal. Zbl 1538.65081 Gräbner, Nils; Mehrmann, Volker; Quraishi, Sarosh; Schröder, Christian; von Wagner, Utz 21 2016 On best rank one approximation of tensors. Zbl 1313.65085 Friedland, S.; Mehrmann, V.; Pajarola, R.; Suter, S. K. 20 2013 Explicit solutions for a Riccati equation from transport theory. Zbl 1176.65055 Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 20 2008 Adaptive computation of smallest eigenvalues of self-adjoint elliptic partial differential equations. Zbl 1249.65226 Mehrmann, Volker; Miedlar, Agnieszka 20 2011 The matrix sign function method and the computation of invariant subspaces. Zbl 0874.65031 Byers, Ralph; He, Chunyang; Mehrmann, Volker 19 1997 Perturbation of purely imaginary eigenvalues of Hamiltonian matrices under structured perturbations. Zbl 1161.15005 Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 19 2008 Regularization of linear descriptor systems with variable coefficients. Zbl 0895.93026 Byers, Ralph; Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 19 1997 On the nearest singular matrix pencil. Zbl 1371.15015 Guglielmi, Nicola; Lubich, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 19 2017 A new software package for linear differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 0868.65041 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Rath, Werner; Weickert, Jörg 18 1997 Descriptor systems without controllability at infinity. Zbl 0871.93021 Byers, Ralph; Geerts, Ton; Mehrmann, Volker 18 1997 Convergence of block iterative methods for linear systems arising in the numerical solution of Euler equations. Zbl 0744.65026 Elsner, Ludwig; Mehrmann, Volker 18 1991 A symplectic orthogonal method for single input or single output discrete time optimal quadratic control problems. Zbl 0643.65032 Mehrmann, Volker 18 1988 Distance problems for dissipative Hamiltonian systems and related matrix polynomials. Zbl 1466.15010 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 18 2021 A behavioral approach to time-varying linear systems. I: General theory. Zbl 1139.93007 Ilchmann, Achim; Mehrmann, Volker 17 2006 Nonlinear eigenvalue and frequency response problems in industrial practice. Zbl 1273.65058 Mehrmann, Volker; Schröder, Christian 17 2011 A robust numerical method for the \(\gamma\)-iteration in \(H_{\infty}\) control. Zbl 1124.93022 Benner, Peter; Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 17 2007 A new method for computing the stable invariant subspace of a real Hamiltonian matrix. Zbl 1005.65034 Benner, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 17 1997 An adaptive homotopy approach for non-selfadjoint eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1263.65106 Carstensen, Carsten; Gedicke, Joscha; Mehrmann, Volker; Miedlar, Agnieszka 17 2011 Transformation of high order linear differential-algebraic systems to first order. Zbl 1109.65071 Mehrmann, Volker; Shi, Chunchao 17 2006 Lyapunov, Bohl and Sacker-Sell spectral intervals for differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1165.65050 Linh, Vu Hoang; Mehrmann, Volker 17 2009 Robust stability of differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1281.34002 Du, Nguyen Huu; Linh, Vu Hoang; Mehrmann, Volker 17 2013 Length realizability for pairs of quasi-commuting matrices. Zbl 1414.15023 Guterman, A. E.; Markova, O. V.; Mehrmann, V. 17 2019 Port-Hamiltonian formulations of poroelastic network models. Zbl 1491.74020 Altmann, R.; Mehrmann, V.; Unger, B. 17 2021 Defect correction methods for the solution of algebraic Riccati equations. Zbl 0646.93024 Mehrmann, V.; Tan, E. 16 1988 Trimmed linearizations for structured matrix polynomials. Zbl 1155.65026 Byers, Ralph; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 16 2008 Formal adjoints of linear DAE operators and their role in optimal control. Zbl 1226.49030 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 16 2011 Parameter-dependent rank-one perturbations of singular Hermitian or symmetric pencils. Zbl 1354.15007 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 16 2017 Analysis and numerical solution of control problems in descriptor form. Zbl 1066.93019 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Rath, Werner 15 2001 A behavioral approach to time-varying linear systems. II: Descriptor systems. Zbl 1139.93008 Ilchmann, Achim; Mehrmann, Volker 15 2006 A new class of discretization methods for the solution of linear differential-algebraic equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 0858.65064 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 15 1996 Analysis of over- and underdetermined nonlinear differential-algebraic systems with application to nonlinear control problems. Zbl 1116.34300 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 15 2001 An implicitly-restarted Krylov subspace method for real symmetric/skew-symmetric eigenproblems. Zbl 1247.65050 Mehrmann, Volker; Schröder, C.; Simoncini, Valeria 15 2012 Perturbation analysis for the eigenvalue problem of a formal product of matrices. Zbl 1003.65032 Benner, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 15 2002 Optimal robustness of port-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1440.93067 Mehrmann, Volker; Van Dooren, Paul M. 15 2020 Control of port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems and applications. Zbl 07736658 Mehrmann, Volker; Unger, Benjamin 15 2023 Existence, uniqueness, and stability of solutions to singular linear quadratic optimal control problems. Zbl 0677.49001 Mehrmann, Volker 14 1989 Symmetric collocation for unstructered nonlinear differential-algebraic equations of arbitrary index. Zbl 1061.65075 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Stöver, Ronald 14 2004 Control of port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems and applications. Zbl 07736658 Mehrmann, Volker; Unger, Benjamin 15 2023 Linear port-Hamiltonian DAE systems revisited. Zbl 07712470 van der Schaft, Arjan; Mehrmann, Volker 5 2023 Hypocoercivity and hypocontractivity concepts for linear dynamical systems. Zbl 1548.34012 Achleitner, Franz; Arnold, Anton; Mehrmann, Volker 3 2023 Differential-algebraic systems with dissipative Hamiltonian structure. Zbl 1522.93079 Mehrmann, Volker; van der Schaft, Arjan 3 2023 Local and global canonical forms for differential-algebraic equations with symmetries. Zbl 1521.34012 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 2 2023 Optimization-based model order reduction of port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems. Zbl 1536.93113 Schwerdtner, Paul; Moser, Tim; Mehrmann, Volker; Voigt, Matthias 1 2023 Hypocoercivity and controllability in linear semi-dissipative Hamiltonian ordinary differential equations and differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1536.37053 Achleitner, Franz; Arnold, Anton; Mehrmann, Volker 1 2023 Structure-preserving interpolatory model reduction for port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems. Zbl 1504.93033 Beattie, Christopher; Gugercin, Serkan; Mehrmann, Volker 9 2022 On non-Hermitian positive (semi)definite linear algebraic systems arising from dissipative Hamiltonian DAEs. Zbl 1501.65026 Güdücü, Candan; Liesen, Jörg; Mehrmann, Volker; Szyld, Daniel B. 6 2022 Matrix pencils with coefficients that have positive semidefinite Hermitian parts. Zbl 1496.15008 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 4 2022 Low-rank perturbation of regular matrix pencils with symmetry structures. Zbl 1514.15020 De Terán, Fernando; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 4 2022 Computation of the nearest structured matrix triplet with common null space. Zbl 1493.37101 Guglielmi, Nicola; Mehrmann, Volker 2 2022 Distance problems for dissipative Hamiltonian systems and related matrix polynomials. Zbl 1466.15010 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 18 2021 Port-Hamiltonian formulations of poroelastic network models. Zbl 1491.74020 Altmann, R.; Mehrmann, V.; Unger, B. 17 2021 Nonlinear optimization of district heating networks. Zbl 1492.90174 Krug, Richard; Mehrmann, Volker; Schmidt, Martin 7 2021 Structured backward errors for eigenvalues of linear port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems. Zbl 1461.93180 Mehrmann, Volker; Van Dooren, Paul 4 2021 Model order reduction for the simulation of parametric interest rate models in financial risk analysis. Zbl 1485.65092 Binder, Andreas; Jadhav, Onkar; Mehrmann, Volker 4 2021 The multiplex decomposition: an analytic framework for multilayer dynamical networks. Zbl 1485.34105 Berner, Rico; Mehrmann, Volker; Schöll, Eckehard; Yanchuk, Serhiy 4 2021 A two-level iterative scheme for general sparse linear systems based on approximate skew-symmetrizers. Zbl 1464.65040 Manguoğlu, Murat; Mehrmann, Volker 2 2021 Optimal robustness of port-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1440.93067 Mehrmann, Volker; Van Dooren, Paul M. 15 2020 Port-Hamiltonian modeling of district heating networks. Zbl 1453.93101 Hauschild, Sarah-Alexa; Marheineke, Nicole; Mehrmann, Volker; Mohring, Jan; Badlyan, Arbi Moses; Rein, Markus; et al. 14 2020 Approximation of stability radii for large-scale dissipative Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1436.65206 Aliyev, Nicat; Mehrmann, Volker; Mengi, Emre 8 2020 Computation of the analytic center of the solution set of the linear matrix inequality arising in continuous- and discrete-time passivity analysis. Zbl 1461.93394 Bankmann, Daniel; Mehrmann, Volker; Nesterov, Yurii; Van Dooren, Paul 5 2020 Optimal robustness of passive discrete-time systems. Zbl 1472.93112 Mehrmann, V.; Van Dooren, P. 3 2020 Robust port-Hamiltonian representations of passive systems. Zbl 1411.93056 Beattie, Christopher A.; Mehrmann, Volker; Van Dooren, Paul 33 2019 Length realizability for pairs of quasi-commuting matrices. Zbl 1414.15023 Guterman, A. E.; Markova, O. V.; Mehrmann, V. 17 2019 Model reduction techniques for linear constant coefficient port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems. Zbl 1453.93033 Hauschild, Sarah-Alexa; Marheineke, Nicole; Mehrmann, Volker 10 2019 Applications of differential-algebraic equations: examples and benchmarks. Zbl 1419.65001 7 2019 A robust iterative scheme for symmetric indefinite systems. Zbl 1420.65037 Manguoğlu, Murat; Mehrmann, Volker 2 2019 Convergence of the backward Euler scheme for the operator-valued Riccati differential equation with semi-definite data. Zbl 1476.65151 Eisenmann, Monika; Emmrich, Etienne; Mehrmann, Volker 1 2019 The shifted proper orthogonal decomposition: a mode decomposition for multiple transport phenomena. Zbl 1446.65212 Reiss, J.; Schulze, P.; Sesterhenn, J.; Mehrmann, V. 76 2018 Linear port-Hamiltonian descriptor systems. Zbl 1401.37070 Beattie, Christopher; Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo; Zwart, Hans 61 2018 On structure-preserving model reduction for damped wave propagation in transport networks. Zbl 1383.65110 Egger, H.; Kugler, T.; Liljegren-Sailer, B.; Marheineke, N.; Mehrmann, V. 36 2018 Linear algebra properties of dissipative Hamiltonian descriptor systems. Zbl 1403.15009 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 32 2018 Computing the nearest stable matrix pairs. Zbl 1513.65131 Gillis, Nicolas; Mehrmann, Volker; Sharma, Punit 23 2018 Model and discretization error adaptivity within stationary gas transport optimization. Zbl 1406.35254 Mehrmann, Volker; Schmidt, Martin; Stolwijk, Jeroen J. 10 2018 Adaptive refinement strategies for the simulation of gas flow in networks using a model hierarchy. Zbl 06862887 Domschke, Pia; Dua, Aseem; Stolwijk, Jeroen J.; Lang, Jens; Mehrmann, Volker 9 2018 Error analysis and model adaptivity for flows in gas networks. Zbl 1438.35317 Stolwijk, Jeroen J.; Mehrmann, Volker 7 2018 Qualitative stability and synchronicity analysis of power network models in port-Hamiltonian form. Zbl 1442.37113 Mehrmann, Volker; Morandin, Riccardo; Olmi, Simona; Schöll, Eckehard 7 2018 Optimal model switching for gas flow in pipe networks. Zbl 1420.35261 Rüffler, Fabian; Mehrmann, Volker; Hante, Falk M. 5 2018 Regular solutions of DAE hybrid systems and regularization techniques. Zbl 1440.34013 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 5 2018 Structured eigenvalue/eigenvector backward errors of matrix pencils arising in optimal control. Zbl 1407.49052 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Sharma, Punit 3 2018 Model reduction for systems with inhomogeneous initial conditions. Zbl 1353.93019 Beattie, Christopher; Gugercin, Serkan; Mehrmann, Volker 24 2017 On the nearest singular matrix pencil. Zbl 1371.15015 Guglielmi, Nicola; Lubich, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 19 2017 Parameter-dependent rank-one perturbations of singular Hermitian or symmetric pencils. Zbl 1354.15007 Mehl, C.; Mehrmann, V.; Wojtylak, M. 16 2017 Stability radii for real linear Hamiltonian systems with perturbed dissipation. Zbl 1373.93274 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Sharma, Punit 14 2017 Regularization and numerical solution of the inverse scattering problem using shearlet frames. Zbl 1365.65244 Kutyniok, Gitta; Mehrmann, Volker; Petersen, Philipp C. 3 2017 Computation of state reachable points of second order linear time-invariant descriptor systems. Zbl 1375.93055 Datta, Subashish; Mehrmann, Volker 1 2017 Numerical solution of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion-reaction problems with two small parameters. Zbl 1341.65031 Das, Pratibhamoy; Mehrmann, Volker 82 2016 Stability radii for linear Hamiltonian systems with dissipation under structure-preserving perturbations. Zbl 1349.93332 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Sharma, Punit 37 2016 Numerical methods for parametric model reduction in the simulation of disk brake squeal. Zbl 1538.65081 Gräbner, Nils; Mehrmann, Volker; Quraishi, Sarosh; Schröder, Christian; von Wagner, Utz 21 2016 On the sign characteristics of Hermitian matrix polynomials. Zbl 1352.15027 Mehrmann, Volker; Noferini, Vanni; Tisseur, Françoise; Xu, Hongguo 13 2016 Eigenvalue perturbation theory of structured real matrices and their sign characteristics under generic structured rank-one perturbations. Zbl 1335.15013 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 8 2016 Lengths of quasi-commutative pairs of matrices. Zbl 1334.15050 Guterman, A. E.; Markova, O. V.; Mehrmann, V. 8 2016 Analysis and numerical solution of linear delay differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1345.34129 Ha, Phi; Mehrmann, Volker 8 2016 A Newton-type method with nonequivalence deflation for nonlinear eigenvalue problems arising in photonic crystal modeling. Zbl 1380.65354 Huang, Tsung-Ming; Lin, Wen-Wei; Mehrmann, Volker 6 2016 Backward errors and pseudospectra for structured nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1348.65070 Ahmad, Sk. Safique; Mehrmann, Volker 6 2016 An inverse-free ADI algorithm for computing Lagrangian invariant subspaces. Zbl 1438.65079 Mehrmann, Volker; Poloni, Federico 2 2016 Möbius transformations of matrix polynomials. Zbl 1309.65042 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 34 2015 On the distance to singularity via low rank perturbations. Zbl 1342.15006 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Wojtylak, Michał 23 2015 Numerical linear algebra methods for linear differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1343.65100 Benner, Peter; Losse, Philip; Mehrmann, Volker; Voigt, Matthias 14 2015 Stability analysis of implicit difference equations under restricted perturbations. Zbl 1315.65105 Mehrmann, Volker; Thuan, Do Duc 13 2015 Linear algebra. Zbl 1334.15001 Liesen, Jörg; Mehrmann, Volker 13 2015 Model reduction of reactive processes. Zbl 1308.76307 Lemke, Mathias; Miȩdlar, Agnieszka; Reiss, Julius; Mehrmann, Volker; Sesterhenn, Jörn 4 2015 Structure preserving deflation of infinite eigenvalues in structured pencils. Zbl 1312.65055 Mehrmann, Volker; Xu, Hongguo 4 2015 Linear algebra. A textbook about the theory with a view toward practice. 2nd revised ed. (Lineare Algebra. Ein Lehrbuch über die Theorie mit Blick auf die Praxis.) Zbl 1305.15002 Liesen, Jörg; Mehrmann, Volker 1 2015 Eigenvalue perturbation theory of symplectic, orthogonal, and unitary matrices under generic structured rank one perturbations. Zbl 1291.15061 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 22 2014 Self-adjoint differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1291.93060 Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker; Scholz, Lena 11 2014 Analysis of linear variable coefficient delay differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1325.34084 Ha, Phi; Mehrmann, Volker; Steinbrecher, Andreas 6 2014 Efficient integration of strangeness-free non-stiff differential-algebraic equations by half-explicit methods. Zbl 1301.65089 Linh, Vu Hoang; Mehrmann, Volker 5 2014 An adaptive finite element method with asymptotic saturation for eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1306.65272 Carstensen, C.; Gedicke, J.; Mehrmann, V.; Miȩdlar, A. 3 2014 Self-conjugate differential and difference operators arising in the optimal control of descriptor systems. Zbl 1301.93078 Mehrmann, Volker; Scholz, Lena 2 2014 MATHEON – Mathematics for key technologies. Zbl 1287.00001 1 2014 NLEVP, a collection of nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1295.65140 Betcke, Timo; Higham, Nicholas J.; Mehrmann, Volker; Schröder, Christian; Tisseur, Françoise 162 2013 Stability and robust stability of linear time-invariant delay differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1326.34117 Du, Nguyen Huu; Linh, Vu Hoang; Mehrmann, Volker; Thuan, Do Duc 34 2013 Operator differential-algebraic equations arising in fluid dynamics. Zbl 1392.34070 Emmrich, Etienne; Mehrmann, Volker 23 2013 Skew-symmetric matrix polynomials and their Smith forms. Zbl 1281.15020 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2013 Jordan forms of real and complex matrices under rank one perturbations. Zbl 1281.15012 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 22 2013 On best rank one approximation of tensors. Zbl 1313.65085 Friedland, S.; Mehrmann, V.; Pajarola, R.; Suter, S. K. 20 2013 Robust stability of differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1281.34002 Du, Nguyen Huu; Linh, Vu Hoang; Mehrmann, Volker 17 2013 Backward errors for eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, \(H\)-even and \(H\)-odd matrix polynomials. Zbl 1278.65036 Ahmad, Sk. Safique; Mehrmann, Volker 9 2013 Numerical integration of positive linear differential-algebraic systems. Zbl 1277.65068 Baum, A. K.; Mehrmann, V. 4 2013 Matrices that commute with their derivative. On a letter from Schur to Wielandt. Zbl 1260.15026 Holtz, Olga; Mehrmann, Volker; Schneider, Hans 2 2013 A generalized structured doubling algorithm for the numerical solution of linear quadratic optimal control problems. Zbl 1289.49038 Mehrmann, Volker; Poloni, Federico 2 2013 Using permuted graph bases in \(\mathcal{H}_\infty\) control. Zbl 1360.93224 Mehrmann, Volker; Poloni, Federico 2 2013 Numerical solution of PDE eigenvalue problems. Abstracts from the workshop held November 17–23, 2013. Zbl 1349.00211 1 2013 Perturbation theory of selfadjoint matrices and sign characteristics under generic structured rank one perturbations. Zbl 1237.15036 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 23 2012 Regularization of linear and nonlinear descriptor systems. Zbl 1317.93071 Campbell, Stephen L.; Kunkel, Peter; Mehrmann, Volker 22 2012 An implicitly-restarted Krylov subspace method for real symmetric/skew-symmetric eigenproblems. Zbl 1247.65050 Mehrmann, Volker; Schröder, C.; Simoncini, Valeria 15 2012 Doubling algorithms with permuted Lagrangian graph bases. Zbl 1260.65059 Mehrmann, Volker; Poloni, Federico 13 2012 DAEs, control, and optimization. Zbl 1317.65143 Biegler, Lorenz; Campbell, Stephen L.; Mehrmann, Volker 12 2012 Control and optimization with differential-algebraic constraints. Selected papers based on the presentations at the workshop, Banff, Canada, October 24–29, 2010. Zbl 1256.65001 12 2012 Analysis and reformulation of linear delay differential-algebraic equations. Zbl 1323.34089 Ha, Phi; Mehrmann, Volker 9 2012 Calculation of high-dimensional probability density functions of stochastically excited nonlinear mechanical systems. Zbl 1246.65016 Martens, Wolfram; von Wagner, Utz; Mehrmann, Volker 5 2012 Spectra and leading directions for linear DAEs. Zbl 1317.34133 Vu Hoang Linh; Mehrmann, Volker 3 2012 Distributed control of linearized Navier-Stokes equations via discretized input/output maps. Zbl 1238.93025 Heiland, J.; Mehrmann, V. 2 2012 Eigenvalue perturbation theory of classes of structured matrices under generic structured rank one perturbations. Zbl 1223.15015 Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker; Ran, André C. M.; Rodman, Leiba 45 2011 Smith forms of palindromic matrix polynomials. Zbl 1207.15013 Mackey, D. Steven; Mackey, Niloufer; Mehl, Christian; Mehrmann, Volker 32 2011 Perturbation theory for Hamiltonian matrices and the distance to bounded-realness. Zbl 1227.93081 Alam, R.; Bora, S.; Karow, M.; Mehrmann, V.; Moro, J. 29 2011 Adaptive computation of smallest eigenvalues of self-adjoint elliptic partial differential equations. Zbl 1249.65226 Mehrmann, Volker; Miedlar, Agnieszka 20 2011 ...and 146 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,998 Authors 118 Mehrmann, Volker 91 Benner, Peter 42 Dopico, Froilán M. 31 Mehl, Christian 30 Van Dooren, Paul M. 26 Lin, Wen-Wei 26 Noferini, Vanni 23 Altmann, Robert 23 de Terán, Fernando 22 Berger, Thomas 22 Jarlebring, Elias 22 Reis, Timo 21 Wei, Yimin 20 Kressner, Daniel 19 Faßbender, Heike 19 Kunkel, Peter 19 Xu, Hongguo 18 Campbell, Stephen LaVern 18 Mackey, D. Steven 18 März, Roswitha 18 Ran, André C. M. 17 King-wah Chu, Eric 17 Stykel, Tatjana 17 Tisseur, Françoise 16 Alam, Rafikul 16 Linh, Vu Hoang 16 Sharma, Punit 16 Wang, Qingwen 15 Das, Pratibhamoy 15 Gugercin, Serkan 15 Simoncini, Valeria 15 Trenn, Stephan 15 Voigt, Matthias 14 Poloni, Federico Giovanni 14 Watkins, David S. 14 Wojtylak, Michał 13 Goyal, Pawan 13 Guglielmi, Nicola 13 Markova, Olga V. 13 Rodman, Leiba X. 13 Unger, Benjamin 12 Dmytryshyn, Andrii R. 12 Fan, Hung-Yuan 12 Sadkane, Miloud 11 Guterman, Alexander Èmilevich 11 Jiang, Yaolin 11 Melman, Aaron 11 Michiels, Wim 11 Pérez, Javier J. 11 Riaza, Ricardo 11 Saak, Jens 11 Shcheglova, Alla Arkad’evna 11 Szyld, Daniel B. 10 Bulatov, Mikhail Valer’yanovich 10 Chu, Delin 10 Dieci, Luca 10 Gernandt, Hannes 10 Huang, Tsungming 10 Kuo, Yueh-Cheng 10 Lamour, René 10 Li, Rencang 10 Stefanovski, Jovan Dragoljub 10 Thuan, Do Duc 10 Trunk, Carsten 9 Betsch, Peter 9 Byers, Ralph 9 Chen, Hongjia 9 Duressa, Gemechis File 9 Gillis, Nicolas 9 Heiland, Jan 9 Jbilou, Khalide 9 Li, Hanyu 9 Matignon, Denis 9 Mitchell, Tim 9 Pulch, Roland 9 Redmann, Martin 9 Robol, Leonardo 9 van der Schaft, Arjan J. 9 Yang, Yidu 8 Adhikari, Bibhas 8 Beattie, Christopher A. 8 Bora, Shreemayee 8 Breiten, Tobias 8 Chu, Moody T. 8 Do Duc Thuan 8 Grundel, Sara M. 8 He, ZhuoHeng 8 Ilchmann, Achim 8 Jia, Zhigang 8 Kürschner, Patrick 8 Li, Tiexiang 8 Lin, Yiqin 8 Marcaida, Silvia 8 Marheineke, Nicole 8 Meerbergen, Karl 8 Quintana, María C. 8 Saltenberger, Philip 8 Schulze, Philipp 8 Solovarova, Lyubov’ Stepanovna 8 Solov’ëv, Sergeĭ Ivanovich ...and 2,898 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 346 Serials 345 Linear Algebra and its Applications 116 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 111 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 66 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 60 Applied Mathematics and Computation 54 Numerische Mathematik 53 Automatica 51 Numerical Algorithms 47 Systems & Control Letters 45 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 43 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 41 BIT 36 Journal of the Franklin Institute 35 Journal of Computational Physics 35 Applied Numerical Mathematics 31 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 30 Advances in Computational Mathematics 29 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 29 Journal of Scientific Computing 27 International Journal of Control 24 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 23 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 22 MCSS. Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems 22 Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 19 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 18 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 18 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 17 Mathematics of Computation 16 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 16 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 15 Calcolo 14 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 14 Applied Mathematics Letters 14 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 14 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 13 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 12 Multibody System Dynamics 11 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 Applied Mathematical Modelling 11 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 10 European Journal of Control 9 Journal of Differential Equations 9 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 9 International Journal of Computational Methods 9 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 9 GAMM-Mitteilungen 9 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 9 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 8 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 8 Automation and Remote Control 8 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 8 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 8 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 7 Computer Physics Communications 7 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 7 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 7 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 7 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 7 Chaos 7 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 7 Operators and Matrices 7 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 6 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 6 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 6 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 6 Filomat 6 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 6 Differential Equations 6 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 6 Asian Journal of Control 5 Acta Mechanica 5 Physica D 5 Journal of Symbolic Computation 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 5 Optimization and Engineering 5 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 5 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 5 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 4 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 4 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 4 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Kybernetika 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Computational Mechanics 4 SIAM Review 4 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 4 Computing and Visualization in Science 4 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 4 Nonlinear Dynamics 4 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 4 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B ...and 246 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 1,308 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 866 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 637 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 380 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 219 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 146 Operator theory (47-XX) 135 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 103 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 86 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 80 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 73 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 70 Computer science (68-XX) 68 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 44 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 41 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 39 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 38 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 35 Combinatorics (05-XX) 32 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 26 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 26 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 24 Statistics (62-XX) 21 Real functions (26-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 19 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 17 Integral equations (45-XX) 17 Differential geometry (53-XX) 13 Number theory (11-XX) 13 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 12 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 10 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 9 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 9 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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