Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Meise, Reinhold G. Co-Author Distance Author ID: meise.reinhold-g Published as: Meise, Reinhold; Meise, R.; Meise, Reinhold G. more...less Further Spellings: Meise, Reinhold Gerhard External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 126 Publications since 1972, including 5 Books 1 Contribution as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 93 Reviews Co-Authors: 23 Co-Authors with 117 Joint Publications 291 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 11 single-authored 50 Taylor, Bert Alan 36 Vogt, Dietmar 33 Braun, Rüdiger Winfried 17 Bonet Solves, José 14 Bierstedt, Klaus-Dieter 5 Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 4 Boiti, Chiara 4 Franken, Uwe 3 Börgens, Manfred 3 Colombeau, Jean-François 3 Dineen, Seán 2 Fernández, Carmen 2 Gramsch, Bernhard 2 Summers, William H. 1 Aytuna, Aydin 1 Galbis, Antonio 1 Hasegawa, Kenji 1 Heinrich, Tobias 1 Ito, Yoshifumi 1 Janssen, Klaus 1 Kataoka, Kiyoomi 1 Kitagawa, Keiichiro 1 Klinger, Hanns 1 Majima, Hideyuki 1 Miyake, Masatake 1 Momm, Siegfried 1 Nishihara, Masaru 1 Perrot, Bernard 1 Takei, Yoshitsugu 1 Taylor, Alan M. 1 Terzioglu, Tosun 1 Tose, Nobuyuki 1 Uchida, Motoo 1 Zampieri, Giuseppe all top 5 Serials 8 Studia Mathematica 7 Mathematische Nachrichten 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Mathematische Annalen 5 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Arkiv för Matematik 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Annales Polonici Mathematici 2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematica Scandinavica 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Note di Matematica 2 Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy. Section A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Doğa. Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 1 Mathematische Semesterberichte 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Extracta Mathematicae 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 RACSAM. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico. Universitá e Politecnico di Torino 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Vieweg Studium 1 Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics 1 RIMS Kokyuroku all top 5 Fields 92 Functional analysis (46-XX) 43 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 28 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 20 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Potential theory (31-XX) 8 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 114 Publications have been cited 1,694 times in 894 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Introduction to functional analysis. Transl. from the German by M. S. Ramanujan. Zbl 0924.46002 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 454 1997 Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis. Zbl 0735.46022 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 182 1990 A projective description of weighted inductive limits. Zbl 0599.46026 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold; Summers, William H. 87 1982 A comparison of two different ways to define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 1165.26015 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 80 2007 Whitney’s extension theorem for ultradifferentiable functions of Beurling type. Zbl 0683.46020 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 53 1988 Köthe sets and Köthe sequence spaces. Zbl 0504.46007 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold G.; Summers, William H. 48 1982 Whitney’s extension theorem for nonquasianalytic classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0738.46009 Bonet, J.; Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 38 1991 Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients that admit a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0703.46025 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 38 1990 Sequence space representations for (DFN)-algebras of entire functions modulo closed ideals. Zbl 0574.46043 Meise, Reinhold 31 1985 Introduction to functional analysis. (Einführung in die Funktionalanalysis.) Zbl 0781.46001 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 29 1992 Equivalence of slowly decreasing conditions and local Fourier expansions. Zbl 0637.46037 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 25 1987 Continuous linear right inverses for partial differential operators on non-quasianalytic classes and on ultradistributions. Zbl 0858.46030 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan; Vogt, Dietmar 24 1996 On the range of the Borel map for classes of non-quasianalytic functions. Zbl 0769.46008 Bonet, J.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 22 1992 Phragmén-Lindelöf principles on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0896.32008 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 21 1998 A support theorem for quasianalytic functionals. Zbl 1130.46024 Heinrich, Tobias; Meise, Reinhold 21 2007 Existence of fundamental solutions and surjectivity of convolution operators on classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0699.46021 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Vogt, D. 19 1990 Extremal plurisubharmonic functions of linear growth on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0835.32008 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 16 1995 Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients which are surjective on non-quasianalytic classes of Roumieu type on \(\mathbb{R}^ N\). Zbl 0848.35023 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Vogt, D. 16 1994 Sequence space representations for (FN)-algebras of entire functions modulo closed ideals. Zbl 0669.46002 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 16 1987 Linear extension operators for ultradifferentiable functions of Beurling type on compact sets. Zbl 0696.46001 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 16 1989 Induktive Limites gewichteter Räume stetiger und holomorpher Funktionen. Zbl 0318.46034 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 15 1976 On the range of convolution operators on non-quasianalytic ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0918.46039 Bonet, J.; Galbis, A.; Meise, R. 13 1997 Continuous linear right inverses for partial differential operators with constant coefficients and Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions. Zbl 0806.46041 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 13 1993 Characterization of the \(\omega\) hypoelliptic convolution operators on ultradistributions. Zbl 0956.46028 Bonet, J.; Fernández, C.; Meise, R. 12 2000 Lokalkonvexe Unterräume in topologischen Vektorräumen und das \(\varepsilon\)-Produkt. Zbl 0246.46054 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 12 1973 Counterexamples in holomorphic functions on nuclear Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0509.46041 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 12 1983 The geometry of analytic varieties satisfying the local Phragmén-Lindelöf condition and a geometric characterization of the partial differential operators that are surjective on \(\mathcal{A}(\mathbb{R} ^4)\). Zbl 1039.32010 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 12 2004 Distinguished echelon spaces and the projective desription of weighted inductive limits of type \({\mathcal V}_ d{\mathcal C}(X)\). Zbl 0645.46027 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 12 1986 Whitney’s extension theorem for ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu type. Zbl 0654.46029 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 12 1989 Continuous linear right inverses for partial differential operators of order 2 and fundamental solutions in half spaces. Zbl 0876.35023 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan; Vogt, Dietmar 11 1996 Each non-zero convolution operator on the entire functions admits a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0618.32014 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 11 1988 Splitting of closed ideals in (DFN)-algebras of entire functions and the property (DN). Zbl 0621.32022 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 11 1987 Characterization of convolution operators on spaces of \(C^{\infty}\)- functions admitting a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0607.42011 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 11 1987 A characterization of the quasi-normable Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0583.46002 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 10 1985 Bemerkungen über die Approximationseigenschaft lokalkonvexer Funktionenräume. (Remarks on the approximation property of locally convex function spaces). Zbl 0267.46015 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 9 1974 Generalized Fourier expansions for zero-solutions of surjective convolution operators on \({\mathcal D}_\{\omega\}({\mathbb{R}})'\). Zbl 0674.46021 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold 9 1990 Weighted inductive limits and their projective descriptions. Zbl 0970.46541 Bierstedt, Klaus D.; Meise, Reinhold 8 1986 On kernels of slowly decreasing convolution operators. Zbl 0970.30529 Meise, R.; Schwerdtfeger, K.; Taylor, B. A. 8 1986 \(\omega\)-hyperbolicity of linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients. Zbl 1075.35509 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 8 1996 Equivalence of analytic and plurisubharmonic Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions. Zbl 0745.32004 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, Dietmar 8 1991 Aspects of inductive limits in spaces of germs of holomorphic functions on locally convex spaces and applications to a study of \((H(U),\tau_\omega)\). Zbl 0409.46051 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 8 1979 Applications of the projective limit functor to convolution and partial differential equations. Zbl 0726.46022 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 8 1989 A decomposition lemma for entire functions and its applications to spaces of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0708.46041 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 8 1989 Caractérisation des opérateurs linéaires aux dérivées partielles avec coefficients constants sur \({\mathcal E}({\mathbb{R}}^ N)\) admettant un inverse à droite qui est linéaire et continu. (Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with contant coefficients on \({\mathcal E}({\mathbb{R}}^ N)\) which admit a continuous linear right inverse). Zbl 0649.46031 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan; Vogt, Dietmar 8 1988 The dual of the space of holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets. Zbl 1094.46020 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 7 2005 Generalized Fourier expansions for zero-solutions of surjective convolution operators on \({\mathcal D}'({\mathbb{R}})\) and \({\mathcal D}'_{\omega}({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0783.46022 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 7 1990 Holomorphic functions of uniformly bounded type on nuclear Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0657.46003 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 7 1986 Higher order tangents to analytic varieties along curves. Zbl 1030.32008 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 6 2003 Characterization of nuclear Fréchet spaces in which every bounded set is polar. Zbl 0556.46003 Dineen, Seán; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 6 1984 Algebraic varieties on which the classical Phragmén-Lindelöf estimates hold for plurisubharmonic functions. Zbl 0933.32047 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 6 1999 Characterization of the linear partial differential equations that admit solution operators on Gevrey classes. Zbl 1088.47036 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 6 2005 Ultradistributions of Roumieu type and projective descriptions. Zbl 0978.46020 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 6 2001 Nuclearity and the Schwartz property in the theory of holomorphic functions on metrizable locally convex spaces. Zbl 0373.46054 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 6 1977 Extension of entire functions on nuclear locally convex spaces. Zbl 0561.46024 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 5 1984 Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions for graph varieties. Zbl 0941.32032 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 5 1999 Approximationseigenschaft, Lifting und Kohomologie bei lokalkonvexen Produktgarben. Zbl 0335.46019 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Gramsch, Bernhard; Meise, Reinhold 5 1976 Splitting of slowly decreasing ideals in weighted algebras of entire functions. Zbl 0636.46021 Meise, Reinhold; Momm, Siegfried; Taylor, B. Alan 5 1987 Sequence space representations for zero-solutions of convolution equations on ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu type. Zbl 0702.46024 Meise, Reinhold 5 1989 Surjectivity of constant coefficient partial differential operators on \({\mathcal A}(\mathbb{R}^4)\) and Whitney’s \(C_4\)-cone. Zbl 1004.35032 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 4 2001 A radial Phragmén-Lindelöf estimate for plurisubharmonic functions on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0956.32030 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 4 1999 Darstellung temperierter vektorwertiger Distributionen durch holomorphe Funktionen. II. (Representation of tempered vector-valued distributions by holomorphic functions. II.). Zbl 0228.46033 Meise, Reinhold 4 1972 Spaces of differentiable functions and the approximation property. Zbl 0412.46031 Meise, Reinhold 4 1979 Structure of spaces of holomorphic functions on infinite dimensional polydiscs. Zbl 0527.46019 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 4 1983 On the theorem of Borel for quasianalytic classes. Zbl 1282.46024 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 4 2013 \(C^\infty\)-functions on locally convex and on bornological vector spaces. Zbl 0494.46042 Colombeau, Jean-Francois; Meise, Reinhold 4 1981 Introduction to functional analysis. 2nd revised ed. (Einführung in die Funktionalanalysis.) Zbl 1234.46001 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 4 2011 Partial differential operators with continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0709.46018 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 4 1989 Characterization of algebraic curves that satisfy the Phragmén-Lindelöf principle for global evolution. Zbl 1059.32009 Boiti, Chiara; Meise, Reinhold 3 2004 Optimal Gevrey classes for the existence of solution operators for linear partial differential operators in three variables. Zbl 1065.47042 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 3 2004 Continuous linear right inverses for homogeneous linear partial differential operators on bounded convex open sets and extension of zero-solutions. Zbl 1146.35330 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 3 1996 Extension and lacunas of solutions of linear partial differential equations. Zbl 0853.35022 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 3 1996 Whitney’s extension theorem for non-quasi-analytic classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0745.46030 Bonet, J.; Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 3 1990 Opérateurs linéaires continus d’extension pour les fonctions ultradifférentiables sur des intervalles compacts. (Continuous linear extension operators for ultradifferentiable functions on compact inervalls). Zbl 0587.46038 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 3 1986 Perturbation of differential operators admitting a continuous linear right inverse on ultradistributions. Zbl 1072.47043 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 3 2003 Darstellung temperierter vektorwertiger Distributionen durch holomorphe Funktionen. I. (Representation of tempered vector-valued distributions by holomorphic functions. I.). Zbl 0228.46032 Meise, Reinhold 3 1972 Räume holomorpher Vektorfunktionen mit Wachstumsbedingungen und topologische Tensorprodukte. (Spaces of holomorphic vector functions with growth conditions and topological tensor products). Zbl 0233.46050 Meise, Reinhold 3 1972 Lokalkonvexe Garben und gewichtete induktive Limites \(\mathcal F\)-morpher Funktionen. Zbl 0335.46018 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Gramsch, Bernhard; Meise, Reinhold 3 1975 Evolution for overdetermined systems in (small) Gevrey classes. Zbl 1185.35146 Boiti, C.; Meise, R. 3 2009 Entire functions on nuclear sequence spaces. Zbl 0441.46006 Börgens, M.; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, D. 3 1981 A remark on the ported and the compact-open topology for spaces of holomorphic functions on nuclear Frechet spaces. Zbl 0483.46019 Meise, Reinhold 3 1981 The algebraic surfaces on which the classical Phragmén-Lindelöf theorem holds. Zbl 1096.31003 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 3 2006 Indicators of plurisubharmonic functions on algebraic varieties and Kaneko’s Phragmén-Lindelöf condition. Zbl 1112.32301 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 2 1991 Local radial Phragmén-Lindelöf estimates for plurisubharmonic functions on analytic varieties. Zbl 1023.32018 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 2 2003 Holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets and projective descriptions. Zbl 1086.46003 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 2 2003 Right inverses for linear, constant coefficient partial differential operators on distributions over open half spaces. Zbl 0879.35032 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 2 1997 Extension and lacunas of solutions of linear partial differential equations on ultradifferentiable functions of Beurling type. Zbl 1146.35331 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 2 1996 Distributionen mit Werten in topologischen Vektorräumen. I. Zbl 0266.46030 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 2 1973 Characterization of the convolution operators on quasianalytic classes of Beurling type that admit a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 1134.42002 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 2 2008 Higher order approximations at infinity to algebraic varieties. Zbl 1223.32006 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 2 2006 Higher order tangents to analytic varieties along curves. II. Zbl 1136.32002 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 2 2008 \(\Lambda(\alpha)\)-nuclearity in infinite dimensional holomorphy. Zbl 0505.46019 Börgens, Manfred; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 2 1982 Caractérisation des espaces de Frechet nucleaires dans lesquels tous les bornes sont pluripolaires. Zbl 0509.46001 Dineen, Seán; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 2 1982 A density result in spaces of Silva holomorphic mappings. Zbl 0431.46017 Colombeau, J. F.; Meise, Reinhold; Perrot, B. 2 1979 Characterizing the Phragmén-Lindelöf condition for evolution on algebraic curves. Zbl 1225.35156 Boiti, Chiara; Meise, Reinhold 2 2011 Projective representations of spaces of quasianalytic functionals. Zbl 1062.46022 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergeĭ N. 1 2004 Perturbation results for the local Phragmén-Lindelöf condition and stable homogeneous polynomials. Zbl 1061.32026 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 1 2003 Analytic isomorphisms of infinite dimensional polydiscs and an application. Zbl 0537.46044 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 1 1983 Uniform growth of analytic curves away from real points. Zbl 0982.32008 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 1 1997 Characterization of the homogeneous polynomials \(P\) for which \((P+Q)(D)\) admits a continuous linear right inverse for all lower order perturbations \(Q\). Zbl 1071.47512 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 1 2000 Operators of solution for convolution equations. Zbl 0960.46027 Bonet, J.; Fernandez, C.; Meise, R. 1 1997 On the theorem of Borel for quasianalytic classes. Zbl 1282.46024 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 4 2013 Analysis with Maple. 2nd compl. revised ed. (Analysis mit Maple.) Zbl 1242.26001 Braun, Rüdiger; Meise, Reinhold 1 2012 Introduction to functional analysis. 2nd revised ed. (Einführung in die Funktionalanalysis.) Zbl 1234.46001 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 4 2011 Characterizing the Phragmén-Lindelöf condition for evolution on algebraic curves. Zbl 1225.35156 Boiti, Chiara; Meise, Reinhold 2 2011 A characterization of the algebraic surfaces on which the classical Phragmén-Lindelöf theorem holds using branch curves. Zbl 1236.31007 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 1 2011 Evolution for overdetermined systems in (small) Gevrey classes. Zbl 1185.35146 Boiti, C.; Meise, R. 3 2009 Functional analysis and complex analysis. International conference, Istanbul, Turkey, September 17–21, 2007. Zbl 1159.46004 1 2009 Convolution operators on quasianalytic classes of Roumieu type. Zbl 1189.46016 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 1 2009 Characterization of the convolution operators on quasianalytic classes of Beurling type that admit a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 1134.42002 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 2 2008 Higher order tangents to analytic varieties along curves. II. Zbl 1136.32002 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 2 2008 A comparison of two different ways to define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 1165.26015 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 80 2007 A support theorem for quasianalytic functionals. Zbl 1130.46024 Heinrich, Tobias; Meise, Reinhold 21 2007 The algebraic surfaces on which the classical Phragmén-Lindelöf theorem holds. Zbl 1096.31003 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 3 2006 Higher order approximations at infinity to algebraic varieties. Zbl 1223.32006 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 2 2006 Characterization of global Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions for algebraic varieties by limit varieties only. Zbl 1098.32014 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 1 2006 The dual of the space of holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets. Zbl 1094.46020 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 7 2005 Characterization of the linear partial differential equations that admit solution operators on Gevrey classes. Zbl 1088.47036 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 6 2005 Nearly hyperbolic varieties and Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions. Zbl 1089.32030 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 1 2005 The geometry of analytic varieties satisfying the local Phragmén-Lindelöf condition and a geometric characterization of the partial differential operators that are surjective on \(\mathcal{A}(\mathbb{R} ^4)\). Zbl 1039.32010 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 12 2004 Characterization of algebraic curves that satisfy the Phragmén-Lindelöf principle for global evolution. Zbl 1059.32009 Boiti, Chiara; Meise, Reinhold 3 2004 Optimal Gevrey classes for the existence of solution operators for linear partial differential operators in three variables. Zbl 1065.47042 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 3 2004 Projective representations of spaces of quasianalytic functionals. Zbl 1062.46022 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergeĭ N. 1 2004 Markov chains: theoretical foundations, examples and simulations with MAPLE. (Markovketten: Theoretische Grundlagen, Beispiele und Simulationen mit MAPLE.) Zbl 1102.60311 Janssen, Klaus; Klinger, Hanns; Meise, Reinhold 1 2004 Higher order tangents to analytic varieties along curves. Zbl 1030.32008 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 6 2003 Perturbation of differential operators admitting a continuous linear right inverse on ultradistributions. Zbl 1072.47043 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 3 2003 Local radial Phragmén-Lindelöf estimates for plurisubharmonic functions on analytic varieties. Zbl 1023.32018 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 2 2003 Holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets and projective descriptions. Zbl 1086.46003 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 2 2003 Perturbation results for the local Phragmén-Lindelöf condition and stable homogeneous polynomials. Zbl 1061.32026 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 1 2003 Ultradistributions of Roumieu type and projective descriptions. Zbl 0978.46020 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold 6 2001 Surjectivity of constant coefficient partial differential operators on \({\mathcal A}(\mathbb{R}^4)\) and Whitney’s \(C_4\)-cone. Zbl 1004.35032 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 4 2001 Characterization of the \(\omega\) hypoelliptic convolution operators on ultradistributions. Zbl 0956.46028 Bonet, J.; Fernández, C.; Meise, R. 12 2000 Characterization of the homogeneous polynomials \(P\) for which \((P+Q)(D)\) admits a continuous linear right inverse for all lower order perturbations \(Q\). Zbl 1071.47512 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 1 2000 A perturbation result for linear differential operators admitting a global right inverse on \(\mathcal D'\). Zbl 0963.35038 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 1 2000 Algebraic varieties on which the classical Phragmén-Lindelöf estimates hold for plurisubharmonic functions. Zbl 0933.32047 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 6 1999 Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions for graph varieties. Zbl 0941.32032 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 5 1999 A radial Phragmén-Lindelöf estimate for plurisubharmonic functions on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0956.32030 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A. 4 1999 Phragmén-Lindelöf principles on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0896.32008 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 21 1998 Introduction to functional analysis. Transl. from the German by M. S. Ramanujan. Zbl 0924.46002 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 454 1997 On the range of convolution operators on non-quasianalytic ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0918.46039 Bonet, J.; Galbis, A.; Meise, R. 13 1997 Right inverses for linear, constant coefficient partial differential operators on distributions over open half spaces. Zbl 0879.35032 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 2 1997 Uniform growth of analytic curves away from real points. Zbl 0982.32008 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 1 1997 Operators of solution for convolution equations. Zbl 0960.46027 Bonet, J.; Fernandez, C.; Meise, R. 1 1997 Continuous linear right inverses for partial differential operators on non-quasianalytic classes and on ultradistributions. Zbl 0858.46030 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan; Vogt, Dietmar 24 1996 Continuous linear right inverses for partial differential operators of order 2 and fundamental solutions in half spaces. Zbl 0876.35023 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan; Vogt, Dietmar 11 1996 \(\omega\)-hyperbolicity of linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients. Zbl 1075.35509 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 8 1996 Continuous linear right inverses for homogeneous linear partial differential operators on bounded convex open sets and extension of zero-solutions. Zbl 1146.35330 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 3 1996 Extension and lacunas of solutions of linear partial differential equations. Zbl 0853.35022 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 3 1996 Extension and lacunas of solutions of linear partial differential equations on ultradifferentiable functions of Beurling type. Zbl 1146.35331 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 2 1996 Extremal plurisubharmonic functions of linear growth on algebraic varieties. Zbl 0835.32008 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 16 1995 Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients which are surjective on non-quasianalytic classes of Roumieu type on \(\mathbb{R}^ N\). Zbl 0848.35023 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Vogt, D. 16 1994 Continuous linear right inverses for partial differential operators with constant coefficients and Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions. Zbl 0806.46041 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 13 1993 Introduction to functional analysis. (Einführung in die Funktionalanalysis.) Zbl 0781.46001 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 29 1992 On the range of the Borel map for classes of non-quasianalytic functions. Zbl 0769.46008 Bonet, J.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 22 1992 Whitney’s extension theorem for nonquasianalytic classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0738.46009 Bonet, J.; Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 38 1991 Equivalence of analytic and plurisubharmonic Phragmén-Lindelöf conditions. Zbl 0745.32004 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, Dietmar 8 1991 Indicators of plurisubharmonic functions on algebraic varieties and Kaneko’s Phragmén-Lindelöf condition. Zbl 1112.32301 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 2 1991 Ultradifferentiable functions and Fourier analysis. Zbl 0735.46022 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 182 1990 Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with constant coefficients that admit a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0703.46025 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 38 1990 Existence of fundamental solutions and surjectivity of convolution operators on classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0699.46021 Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Vogt, D. 19 1990 Generalized Fourier expansions for zero-solutions of surjective convolution operators on \({\mathcal D}_\{\omega\}({\mathbb{R}})'\). Zbl 0674.46021 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold 9 1990 Generalized Fourier expansions for zero-solutions of surjective convolution operators on \({\mathcal D}'({\mathbb{R}})\) and \({\mathcal D}'_{\omega}({\mathbb{R}})\). Zbl 0783.46022 Franken, Uwe; Meise, Reinhold 7 1990 Whitney’s extension theorem for non-quasi-analytic classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0745.46030 Bonet, J.; Braun, R. W.; Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A. 3 1990 Linear extension operators for ultradifferentiable functions of Beurling type on compact sets. Zbl 0696.46001 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 16 1989 Whitney’s extension theorem for ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu type. Zbl 0654.46029 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 12 1989 Applications of the projective limit functor to convolution and partial differential equations. Zbl 0726.46022 Braun, Rüdiger W.; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 8 1989 A decomposition lemma for entire functions and its applications to spaces of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 0708.46041 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 8 1989 Sequence space representations for zero-solutions of convolution equations on ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu type. Zbl 0702.46024 Meise, Reinhold 5 1989 Partial differential operators with continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0709.46018 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 4 1989 Whitney’s extension theorem for ultradifferentiable functions of Beurling type. Zbl 0683.46020 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 53 1988 Each non-zero convolution operator on the entire functions admits a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0618.32014 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 11 1988 Caractérisation des opérateurs linéaires aux dérivées partielles avec coefficients constants sur \({\mathcal E}({\mathbb{R}}^ N)\) admettant un inverse à droite qui est linéaire et continu. (Characterization of the linear partial differential operators with contant coefficients on \({\mathcal E}({\mathbb{R}}^ N)\) which admit a continuous linear right inverse). Zbl 0649.46031 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan; Vogt, Dietmar 8 1988 Equivalence of slowly decreasing conditions and local Fourier expansions. Zbl 0637.46037 Meise, R.; Taylor, B. A.; Vogt, D. 25 1987 Sequence space representations for (FN)-algebras of entire functions modulo closed ideals. Zbl 0669.46002 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 16 1987 Splitting of closed ideals in (DFN)-algebras of entire functions and the property (DN). Zbl 0621.32022 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 11 1987 Characterization of convolution operators on spaces of \(C^{\infty}\)- functions admitting a continuous linear right inverse. Zbl 0607.42011 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 11 1987 Splitting of slowly decreasing ideals in weighted algebras of entire functions. Zbl 0636.46021 Meise, Reinhold; Momm, Siegfried; Taylor, B. Alan 5 1987 Distinguished echelon spaces and the projective desription of weighted inductive limits of type \({\mathcal V}_ d{\mathcal C}(X)\). Zbl 0645.46027 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 12 1986 Weighted inductive limits and their projective descriptions. Zbl 0970.46541 Bierstedt, Klaus D.; Meise, Reinhold 8 1986 On kernels of slowly decreasing convolution operators. Zbl 0970.30529 Meise, R.; Schwerdtfeger, K.; Taylor, B. A. 8 1986 Holomorphic functions of uniformly bounded type on nuclear Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0657.46003 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 7 1986 Opérateurs linéaires continus d’extension pour les fonctions ultradifférentiables sur des intervalles compacts. (Continuous linear extension operators for ultradifferentiable functions on compact inervalls). Zbl 0587.46038 Meise, Reinhold; Taylor, B. Alan 3 1986 Polar subsets of locally convex spaces. Zbl 0602.46049 Dineen, Seán; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 1 1986 Sequence space representations for (DFN)-algebras of entire functions modulo closed ideals. Zbl 0574.46043 Meise, Reinhold 31 1985 A characterization of the quasi-normable Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0583.46002 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 10 1985 Characterization of nuclear Fréchet spaces in which every bounded set is polar. Zbl 0556.46003 Dineen, Seán; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 6 1984 Extension of entire functions on nuclear locally convex spaces. Zbl 0561.46024 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 5 1984 Counterexamples in holomorphic functions on nuclear Fréchet spaces. Zbl 0509.46041 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 12 1983 Structure of spaces of holomorphic functions on infinite dimensional polydiscs. Zbl 0527.46019 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 4 1983 Analytic isomorphisms of infinite dimensional polydiscs and an application. Zbl 0537.46044 Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 1 1983 A projective description of weighted inductive limits. Zbl 0599.46026 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold; Summers, William H. 87 1982 Köthe sets and Köthe sequence spaces. Zbl 0504.46007 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold G.; Summers, William H. 48 1982 \(\Lambda(\alpha)\)-nuclearity in infinite dimensional holomorphy. Zbl 0505.46019 Börgens, Manfred; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 2 1982 Caractérisation des espaces de Frechet nucleaires dans lesquels tous les bornes sont pluripolaires. Zbl 0509.46001 Dineen, Seán; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 2 1982 \(C^\infty\)-functions on locally convex and on bornological vector spaces. Zbl 0494.46042 Colombeau, Jean-Francois; Meise, Reinhold 4 1981 Entire functions on nuclear sequence spaces. Zbl 0441.46006 Börgens, M.; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, D. 3 1981 A remark on the ported and the compact-open topology for spaces of holomorphic functions on nuclear Frechet spaces. Zbl 0483.46019 Meise, Reinhold 3 1981 Fonctions holomorphes sur certains espaces echelonnes et \(\lambda\)-nucléarité. Zbl 0419.46004 Börgens, Manfred; Meise, Reinhold; Vogt, Dietmar 1 1980 Nicht-Nuklearität von Räumen beliebig oft differenzierbarer Funktionen. Zbl 0417.46026 Meise, Reinhold 1 1980 Aspects of inductive limits in spaces of germs of holomorphic functions on locally convex spaces and applications to a study of \((H(U),\tau_\omega)\). Zbl 0409.46051 Bierstedt, Klaus Dieter; Meise, Reinhold 8 1979 Spaces of differentiable functions and the approximation property. Zbl 0412.46031 Meise, Reinhold 4 1979 ...and 14 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 563 Authors 76 Bonet Solves, José 38 Meise, Reinhold G. 35 Albanese, Angela Anna 35 Schindl, Gerhard 34 Vogt, Dietmar 27 Langenbruch, Michael 26 Debrouwere, Andreas 26 Domański, Paweł 23 Jornet, David 23 Ricker, Werner Joseph 19 Fernández, Carmen 19 Jordá, Enrique 19 Piszczek, Krzysztof 19 Vindas, Jasson 17 Boiti, Chiara 17 Galbis, Antonio 17 Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 16 Kruse, Karsten 16 Rainer, Armin 16 Taylor, Bert Alan 15 Kostić, Marko 14 Kalmes, Thomas 14 Wengenroth, Jochen 13 Peris, Alfredo 13 Sanz, Javier 12 Bierstedt, Klaus-Dieter 12 Jiménez-Garrido, Javier 12 Oliaro, Alessandro 12 Wegner, Sven-Ake 11 Neyt, Lenny 10 Abanin, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 10 Braun, Rüdiger Winfried 10 Frerick, Leonhard 10 Pilipović, Stevan 8 Asensio, Vicente 8 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna 8 Jasiczak, Michał 8 Martínez-Giménez, Félix 8 Mele, Claudio 8 Momm, Siegfried 8 Polyakova, Dar’ya Aleksandrovna 7 Nenning, David Nicolas 7 Taskinen, Jari 7 Valdivia Ureña, Manuel 7 Wolf, Elke 6 Franken, Uwe 6 Hoepfner, Gustavo 6 Mujica, Jorge 6 Musin, Il’dar Khamitovich 6 Oubbi, Lahbib 6 Zakharyuta, Vyacheslav Pavlovich 5 Bargetz, Christian 5 Dineen, Seán 5 Gramsch, Bernhard 5 Quang, Thai Thuan 5 Schmeding, Alexander 5 Schmets, Jean 5 Solov’ev, Mikhaĭl Aleksandrovich 5 Vom Ende, Frederik 5 Zhang, Dongfeng 4 Abuzyarova, Natal’ya Fairbakhovna 4 Aytuna, Aydin 4 Bastin, Françoise 4 Beltrán-Meneu, María J. 4 Beltrán, María José 4 Bilski, Marcin 4 Dierolf, Susanne 4 Esser, Céline 4 Fürdös, Stefan 4 Gómez-Collado, M. Carmen 4 Hollstein, Ralf 4 Juan-Huguet, Jordi 4 Kaballo, Winfried 4 Kąkol, Jerzy 4 Lastra, Alberto 4 Lê Hai Khôi 4 Mangino, Elisabetta M. 4 Michor, Peter Wolfram 4 Nigsch, Eduard Albert 4 Ortner, Norbert 4 Ramos-Fernández, Julio C. 4 Rejali, Ali 4 Santacreu, Daniel 4 Schottenloher, Martin 4 Senosiain, M. J. 4 Sevilla-Peris, Pablo 4 Śliwa, Wiesław 4 Stoeva, Diana T. 4 Thilliez, Vincent 3 Abtahi, Fatemeh 3 Aĭzenberg, Lev Abramovich 3 Baweja, Deepika 3 Bernardes, Nilson C. jun. 3 Ciaś, Tomasz 3 Colombeau, Jean-François 3 Defant, Andreas 3 Díaz, Juan Carlos 3 Dierolf, Bernhard 3 Dirr, Gunther 3 Djakov, Plamen B. ...and 463 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 198 Serials 103 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 50 Mathematische Nachrichten 46 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 39 Results in Mathematics 34 Archiv der Mathematik 32 Journal of Functional Analysis 22 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 19 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 18 Manuscripta Mathematica 16 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 16 Mathematische Zeitschrift 15 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 15 Monatshefte für Mathematik 13 Studia Mathematica 13 Advances in Mathematics 11 Mathematical Notes 10 Mathematische Annalen 10 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 9 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 8 Journal of Differential Equations 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 8 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 8 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 7 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 7 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 7 Annales Polonici Mathematici 7 Collectanea Mathematica 7 Journal of Approximation Theory 7 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 6 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 6 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 5 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 5 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 4 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Russian Mathematics 4 Filomat 4 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 4 Positivity 4 Annales Henri Poincaré 4 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 3 Analysis Mathematica 3 Communications in Mathematical Physics 3 Arkiv för Matematik 3 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 3 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 3 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 3 Note di Matematica 3 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 3 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 3 Forum Mathematicum 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 3 Expositiones Mathematicae 3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 3 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 3 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 3 Sbornik: Mathematics 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Bulletin. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. Sciences Mathématiques 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 2 Duke Mathematical Journal 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Semigroup Forum 2 Topology and its Applications 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 2 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Bernoulli 2 Open Systems & Information Dynamics 2 Revista Matemática Complutense 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Cubo 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 2 Complex Analysis and its Synergies 2 Advances in Operator Theory 2 Chelyabinskiĭ Fiziko-Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal ...and 98 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 646 Functional analysis (46-XX) 273 Operator theory (47-XX) 125 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 107 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 99 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 68 Real functions (26-XX) 53 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 36 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 25 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 25 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 25 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 16 General topology (54-XX) 14 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 13 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 11 Potential theory (31-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 11 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Measure and integration (28-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 7 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 7 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 7 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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