Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich Co-Author Distance Author ID: melikhov.sergei-n Published as: Melikhov, S. N.; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich; Melikhov, Sergej N.; Melikhov, Sergeĭ N. more...less External Links: ORCID · Math-Net.Ru Documents Indexed: 64 Publications since 1985, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 46 Joint Publications 431 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 17 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna 6 Bonet Solves, José 5 Korobeĭnik, Yuriĭ Fëdorovich 5 Meise, Reinhold G. 4 Momm, Siegfried 3 Khanina, L. V. 2 Abanin, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 2 Ivanov, P. A. 2 Kiryutenko, Yu. A. 2 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 2 Melikhov, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 2 Teknechyan, E. V. 2 Varziev, V. A. 1 Barkina, Ul’yana Vital’evna 1 Bogachev, V. A. 1 Braichev, Georgiĭ Genrikhovich 1 Ha Huy Bang 1 Karyakin, Mikhail I. 1 Komarchuk, Catherine V. 1 Lê Hai Khôi 1 Mal’tsev, I. M. 1 Momm, Z. 1 Nalbandyan, Yuliya Sergeevna 1 Shavlukov, Azamat Mavletovich 1 Sherstyukov, Vladimir Borisovich 1 Suleĭmanov, Bulat Irekovich 1 Ustinov, Yuriĭ Anatol’evich 1 Vatulyan, Aleksandr Ovanesovich all top 5 Serials 12 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Mathematical Notes 4 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 3 Doklady Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Soviet Mathematics 2 Izvestiya Severo-Kavkazskogo Nauchnogo Tsentra Vyssheĭ Shkoly. Estestvennye Nauki 2 Russian Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Sbornik: Mathematics 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Publicacions Matemàtiques 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1 Russian Academy of Sciences. Doklady. Mathematics 1 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniĭ. Severo-Kavkazskiĭ Region. Estestvennye Nauki 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Differential Equations 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya all top 5 Fields 49 Functional analysis (46-XX) 26 Operator theory (47-XX) 19 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 10 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 37 Publications have been cited 199 times in 130 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A comparison of two different ways to define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 1165.26015 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 80 2007 On operators commuting with a Pommiez type operator in weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1360.30022 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 16 2017 Analytic solutions of convolution equations on convex sets with an obstacle in the boundary. Zbl 0984.35047 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Siegfried 10 2000 On the completeness of orbits of a Pommiez operator in weighted (LF)-spaces of entire functions. Zbl 06813681 Ivanova, Olga A.; Melikhov, Sergej N. 9 2017 The dual of the space of holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets. Zbl 1094.46020 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 7 2005 On the linear inverse from right operator for the convolution operator on the spaces of germs of analytical functions on convex compacts in \(\mathbb{C}\). Zbl 0906.46019 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Z. 7 1997 Absolutely convergent series in the canonical inductive limits. Zbl 0631.46004 Melikhov, S. N. 6 1986 On invariant subspaces of the Pommiez operator in the spaces of entire functions of exponential type. Zbl 07123860 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 6 2019 (DFS)-spaces of holomorphic functions invariant under differentiation. Zbl 1068.46017 Melikhov, Sergej N. 4 2004 Interpolation of entire functions and projective descriptions. Zbl 0992.46002 Bonet, J.; Melikhov, S. N. 4 1997 A continuous linear right inverse of the representation operator and applications to the convolution operators. Zbl 0833.47044 Korobeinik, Yu. F.; Melikhov, S. N. 4 1993 On the orbits of analytic functions with respect to a Pommiez type operator. Zbl 1463.47030 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 4 2015 Convex conformal mappings and right inverses to the operator of representation by series of exponentials. Zbl 1061.30017 Melikhov, S. N. 3 2002 Solution operators for convolution equations on the germs of analytic functions on compact convex sets in \(\mathbb{C}^ N\). Zbl 0842.46051 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Siegfried 3 1995 On commutant of differentiation and translation operators in weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1463.30126 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich; Melikhov, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 3 2017 On an algebra of analytic functionals connected with a Pommiez operator. Zbl 1468.46005 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 3 2016 Holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets and projective descriptions. Zbl 1086.46003 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 2 2003 On the left inverse for the restriction operator on weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1041.47012 Melikhov, S. N. 2 2003 On the coefficients of exponential series for analytic functions of polynomial growth. Zbl 1326.30004 Varziev, V. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 2 2011 Exponential series expansion of analytic functions. Zbl 0661.32001 Melikhov, S. N. 2 1988 On the property of the inward continuability of representing systems of exponentials on convex locally closed sets. Zbl 1324.32007 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Z. 2 2008 On a solution operator for differential equations of infinity order on convex sets. Zbl 1420.47024 Barkina, Ul’yana Vital’evna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 2 2014 On the expansions of analytic functions on convex locally closed sets in exponential series. Zbl 1222.32003 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, S. 2 2011 Nontrivial expansions of zero and representative subspaces. Zbl 0783.46007 Melikhov, S. N. 2 1990 The commutant of the Pommiez operator in a space of entire functions of exponential type and polynomial growth on the real line. Zbl 1463.47123 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 2 2018 Extension of entire functions of completely regular growth and right inverse to the operator of representation of analytic functions by quasipolynomial series. Zbl 0995.30019 Melikhov, S. N. 1 2000 On expansion of analytic functions in exponential series. Zbl 0679.32003 Melikhov, S. N. 1 1989 Generalized Fourier expansions for distributions and ultradistributions. Zbl 0962.46027 Melikhov, S. N. 1 1999 Projective representations of spaces of quasianalytic functionals. Zbl 1062.46022 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergeĭ N. 1 2004 A continuous linear right inverse for a representation operator, and conformal mappings. Zbl 0803.47005 Korobejnik, Yu. F.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 1992 On properties of canonical inductive limits. Zbl 0697.46038 Melikhov, S. N. 1 1987 On the dual space of the space of analytic functions of polynomial growth near the boundary. Zbl 1324.46039 Varziev, V. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2008 Pommiez operator in spaces of analytic functions of several complex variables. Zbl 1458.32007 Ivanov, P. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2021 Cyclic vectors and invariant subspaces of the backward shift operator in Schwartz modules. Zbl 1522.47022 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2022 Algebras of analytic functionals and the generalized Duhamel product. Zbl 1474.46079 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 1 2020 On the commutant of the generalized backward shift operator in weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 07437837 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2021 Realization of the conjugate space with the help of the generalized Fourier-Borel transform. Applications. Zbl 0825.46006 Korobejnik, Yu. F.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 1988 Cyclic vectors and invariant subspaces of the backward shift operator in Schwartz modules. Zbl 1522.47022 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2022 Pommiez operator in spaces of analytic functions of several complex variables. Zbl 1458.32007 Ivanov, P. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2021 On the commutant of the generalized backward shift operator in weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 07437837 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2021 Algebras of analytic functionals and the generalized Duhamel product. Zbl 1474.46079 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 1 2020 On invariant subspaces of the Pommiez operator in the spaces of entire functions of exponential type. Zbl 07123860 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 6 2019 The commutant of the Pommiez operator in a space of entire functions of exponential type and polynomial growth on the real line. Zbl 1463.47123 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 2 2018 On operators commuting with a Pommiez type operator in weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1360.30022 Ivanova, O. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 16 2017 On the completeness of orbits of a Pommiez operator in weighted (LF)-spaces of entire functions. Zbl 06813681 Ivanova, Olga A.; Melikhov, Sergej N. 9 2017 On commutant of differentiation and translation operators in weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1463.30126 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich; Melikhov, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 3 2017 On an algebra of analytic functionals connected with a Pommiez operator. Zbl 1468.46005 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 3 2016 On the orbits of analytic functions with respect to a Pommiez type operator. Zbl 1463.47030 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 4 2015 On a solution operator for differential equations of infinity order on convex sets. Zbl 1420.47024 Barkina, Ul’yana Vital’evna; Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 2 2014 On the coefficients of exponential series for analytic functions of polynomial growth. Zbl 1326.30004 Varziev, V. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 2 2011 On the expansions of analytic functions on convex locally closed sets in exponential series. Zbl 1222.32003 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, S. 2 2011 On the property of the inward continuability of representing systems of exponentials on convex locally closed sets. Zbl 1324.32007 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Z. 2 2008 On the dual space of the space of analytic functions of polynomial growth near the boundary. Zbl 1324.46039 Varziev, V. A.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 2008 A comparison of two different ways to define classes of ultradifferentiable functions. Zbl 1165.26015 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 80 2007 The dual of the space of holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets. Zbl 1094.46020 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 7 2005 (DFS)-spaces of holomorphic functions invariant under differentiation. Zbl 1068.46017 Melikhov, Sergej N. 4 2004 Projective representations of spaces of quasianalytic functionals. Zbl 1062.46022 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergeĭ N. 1 2004 Holomorphic functions on locally closed convex sets and projective descriptions. Zbl 1086.46003 Bonet, José; Meise, Reinhold; Melikhov, Sergej N. 2 2003 On the left inverse for the restriction operator on weighted spaces of entire functions. Zbl 1041.47012 Melikhov, S. N. 2 2003 Convex conformal mappings and right inverses to the operator of representation by series of exponentials. Zbl 1061.30017 Melikhov, S. N. 3 2002 Analytic solutions of convolution equations on convex sets with an obstacle in the boundary. Zbl 0984.35047 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Siegfried 10 2000 Extension of entire functions of completely regular growth and right inverse to the operator of representation of analytic functions by quasipolynomial series. Zbl 0995.30019 Melikhov, S. N. 1 2000 Generalized Fourier expansions for distributions and ultradistributions. Zbl 0962.46027 Melikhov, S. N. 1 1999 On the linear inverse from right operator for the convolution operator on the spaces of germs of analytical functions on convex compacts in \(\mathbb{C}\). Zbl 0906.46019 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Z. 7 1997 Interpolation of entire functions and projective descriptions. Zbl 0992.46002 Bonet, J.; Melikhov, S. N. 4 1997 Solution operators for convolution equations on the germs of analytic functions on compact convex sets in \(\mathbb{C}^ N\). Zbl 0842.46051 Melikhov, S. N.; Momm, Siegfried 3 1995 A continuous linear right inverse of the representation operator and applications to the convolution operators. Zbl 0833.47044 Korobeinik, Yu. F.; Melikhov, S. N. 4 1993 A continuous linear right inverse for a representation operator, and conformal mappings. Zbl 0803.47005 Korobejnik, Yu. F.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 1992 Nontrivial expansions of zero and representative subspaces. Zbl 0783.46007 Melikhov, S. N. 2 1990 On expansion of analytic functions in exponential series. Zbl 0679.32003 Melikhov, S. N. 1 1989 Exponential series expansion of analytic functions. Zbl 0661.32001 Melikhov, S. N. 2 1988 Realization of the conjugate space with the help of the generalized Fourier-Borel transform. Applications. Zbl 0825.46006 Korobejnik, Yu. F.; Melikhov, S. N. 1 1988 On properties of canonical inductive limits. Zbl 0697.46038 Melikhov, S. N. 1 1987 Absolutely convergent series in the canonical inductive limits. Zbl 0631.46004 Melikhov, S. N. 6 1986 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 83 Authors 31 Schindl, Gerhard 19 Melikhov, Sergeĭ Nikolaevich 13 Jornet, David 11 Boiti, Chiara 11 Rainer, Armin 10 Ivanova, Ol’ga Aleksandrovna 9 Jiménez-Garrido, Javier 9 Oliaro, Alessandro 8 Abanin, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 8 Sanz, Javier 7 Albanese, Angela Anna 6 Bonet Solves, José 6 Debrouwere, Andreas 6 Nenning, David Nicolas 4 Juan-Huguet, Jordi 4 Lê Hai Khôi 4 Tapdigoglu, Ramiz G. 4 Vindas, Jasson 3 Esser, Céline 3 Fernández, Carmen 3 Fürdös, Stefan 3 Galbis, Antonio 3 Gurdal, Mehmet 3 Hoepfner, Gustavo 3 Mele, Claudio 3 Taskinen, Jari 2 Altıntaş, Mevlut 2 Andreeva, Tat’yana Mikhaĭlovna 2 Asensio, Vicente 2 Bierstedt, Klaus-Dieter 2 Domański, Paweł 2 Ivanov, P. A. 2 Kalmes, Thomas 2 Korobeĭnik, Yuriĭ Fëdorovich 2 Liess, Otto 2 Lorenz, Daniel 2 Melikhov, Yuriĭ Nikolaevich 2 Okada, Yasunori 2 Polyakova, Dar’ya Aleksandrovna 2 Rampazo, P. 2 Sherstyukov, Vladimir Borisovich 1 Altwaijry, Najla A. 1 Ariza, Héctor 1 Ayyildiz, Meral 1 Barkina, Ul’yana Vital’evna 1 Barostichi, Rafael F. 1 Beltrán, María José 1 Bouzar, Chikh 1 Calvo, Daniela 1 Chaili, Rachid 1 Cicognani, Massimo 1 de Lessa Victor, Bruno 1 Ferra, Igor Ambo 1 Gallucci, Elisabetta 1 Garayev, Mübariz Tapdıgoğlu 1 Gómez-Collado, María del Carmen 1 Guediri, Hocine 1 Halouani, Borhen 1 Ishimura, Ryuichi 1 Khanina, L. V. 1 Komarchuk, Catherine V. 1 Kriegl, Andreas 1 Langenbruch, Michael 1 Mahrouz, Tayeb 1 Medrado, Renan 1 Meise, Reinhold G. 1 Michor, Peter Wolfram 1 Nabiev, Anar Adiloglu 1 Nenni, Meriem 1 Neyt, Lenny 1 Petronilho, Gerson 1 Phạm Trọng Tiến 1 Prangoski, Bojan 1 Qiu, Jinghui 1 Raich, Andrew S. 1 Reissig, Michael 1 Ribera, Juan M. 1 Ricker, Werner Joseph 1 Sadraoui, Houcine 1 Shabat, Alekseĭ Borisovich 1 Soltani, Fethi 1 Vernaeve, Hans 1 Zioło, Piotr all top 5 Cited in 56 Serials 16 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 8 Mathematische Nachrichten 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Monatshefte für Mathematik 5 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Studia Mathematica 4 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 3 Collectanea Mathematica 3 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Russian Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Note di Matematica 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Sbornik: Mathematics 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 1 Annals of Functional Analysis 1 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Universiteta. Estestvennonauchnaya Seriya 1 Annales Fennici Mathematici all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 102 Functional analysis (46-XX) 34 Operator theory (47-XX) 31 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 28 Real functions (26-XX) 26 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 13 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 11 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 8 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) Citations by Year