Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Meng, Fanwei Co-Author Distance Author ID: meng.fanwei Published as: Meng, Fanwei; Meng, Fan Wei; Meng, Fan-Wei; Meng, F. more...less External Links: ORCID · dblp Documents Indexed: 259 Publications since 1987 Co-Authors: 148 Co-Authors with 239 Joint Publications 5,166 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 25 Sun, Yuangong 20 Feng, Qinghua 15 Shao, Jing 13 Wang, Jizhong 13 Xu, Run 13 Zheng, Zhaowen 12 Li, Weinian 10 Zhao, Xueqin 9 Xu, Yancong 8 Liu, Haidong 8 Tian, Yazhou 8 Zheng, Bin 7 Li, Lianzhong 6 Yang, Yue 5 Zhang, Yaoming 4 Meng, Shengya 4 Pang, Aiping 4 Wang, Bin 4 Yang, Yitao 4 Yao, Jianli 4 Zhang, Hongxia 3 Fan, Min 3 Gu, Juan 3 Han, Maoan 3 Hu, Dongpo 3 Huang, Yan 3 Jiang, Fangcui 3 Ju, Yanhao 3 Li, Qi 3 Liu, Ming 3 Liu, Zhenbin 3 Shi, Hong 3 Wang, Dini 3 Yang, Yu 2 Cai, Meilan 2 Chen, Wenqiang 2 Fang, Yonglei 2 Ji, Dehong 2 Jiang, Xiaoyu 2 Li, Yanan 2 Liu, Sanyang 2 Liu, Yinqi 2 Lv, Xiaoyong 2 Ma, Cuiqin 2 Rong, Libin 2 Sha, Xiaopeng 2 Wang, Jiangfeng 2 Wang, Nan 2 Wang, Rui 2 Wang, Yakun 2 Wu, Xinyuan 2 Yan, Ran 2 Yuan, Zhiling 2 Zhang, Siyu 2 Zhou, Jinchuan 2 Zhu, Zirui 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Bai, Yulin 1 Bai, Yuzhen 1 Banks, Jeffrey W. 1 Cai, Yuanli 1 Cao, Aimin 1 Cao, Qingjie 1 Chen, Haonan 1 Chen, Lin 1 Chen, Shaozhu 1 Chi, Heng 1 Dong, Jiuxiang 1 Dong, Li 1 Dong, Xuefei 1 Eldeeb, Ahmed Abdel-Moneim 1 Fu, Bosheng 1 Gao, Guangyuan 1 Guan, Bowen 1 Han, Chang 1 Han, Jianxin 1 He, Leliang 1 Henshaw, William D. 1 Hou, Tongyun 1 Huang, Xiuli 1 Jia, Shengsen 1 Ju, Peijun 1 Kang, Guolian 1 Kang, Ping 1 Kong, Xiangjun 1 Kuang, Jian 1 Li, Jibao 1 Li, Kun 1 Li, Zhe 1 Liu, Hui 1 Liu, Kunming 1 Liu, Puchen 1 Liu, Ruihong 1 Liu, Tongbo 1 Liu, Yanwen 1 Liu, Yuanyuan 1 Lü, Fang 1 Lu, Yuhua 1 Ma, Aili 1 Meng, Dongyuan ...and 51 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 38 Applied Mathematics and Computation 24 Journal of Qufu Normal University. Natural Science 17 Annals of Differential Equations 11 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 10 Advances in Difference Equations 9 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 6 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 6 Complexity 6 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 5 Dynamic Systems and Applications 5 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 Journal of the Indonesian Mathematical Society 4 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 2 Advances in Mathematical Physics 2 International Journal of Differential Equations 2 Annals of Applied Mathematics 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica 1 Automatica 1 Calcolo 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1 Kodai Mathematical Journal 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Semigroup Forum 1 Advances in Mathematics (Beijing) 1 Journal of Computational Mathematics 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Mathematica Applicata 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 1 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 1 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 1 Control Theory & Applications 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Journal of Northeastern University. Natural Science 1 Control and Decision 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 Applied Mathematical Sciences (Ruse) 1 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Journal of Inner Mongolia University 1 Differential Equations and Applications 1 International Journal of Information Science and Computer Mathematics 1 IAENG. International Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Asian Journal of Control 1 ISRN Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 1 Journal of Function Spaces 1 Mathematical Foundations of Computing all top 5 Fields 144 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 55 Real functions (26-XX) 31 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 25 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 18 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 17 Integral equations (45-XX) 13 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 12 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 8 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 162 Publications have been cited 1,815 times in 908 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Explicit bounds on some new nonlinear integral inequalities with delay. Zbl 1135.26015 Jiang, Fangcui; Meng, Fanwei 83 2007 Trigonometric collocation methods based on Lagrange basis polynomials for multi-frequency oscillatory second-order differential equations. Zbl 1353.65074 Wang, Bin; Wu, Xinyuan; Meng, Fanwei 58 2017 New criteria for exponential stability of switched time-varying systems with delays and nonlinear disturbances. Zbl 1373.93271 Li, Yanan; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 51 2017 Some new weakly singular integral inequalities and their applications to fractional differential equations. Zbl 1337.26022 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei 48 2016 Gronwall-Bellman type nonlinear delay integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1223.26051 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Bin 46 2011 Some new oscillation criteria for second order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations. Zbl 1115.34341 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei 44 2006 Oscillation and asymptotic analysis on a new generalized Emden-Fowler equation. Zbl 1308.34084 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei; Liu, Puchen 40 2012 Some new nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1335.26007 Gu, Juan; Meng, Fanwei 40 2014 Sixth-order symplectic and symmetric explicit ERKN schemes for solving multi-frequency oscillatory nonlinear Hamiltonian equations. Zbl 1369.65169 Wang, Bin; Yang, Hongli; Meng, Fanwei 40 2017 Some new integral inequalities and their applications in studying the stability of nonlinear integro-differential equations with time delay. Zbl 1256.45003 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; Ju, Peijun 38 2011 Efficient implementation of RKN-type Fourier collocation methods for second-order differential equations. Zbl 1368.65114 Wang, Bin; Meng, Fanwei; Fang, Yonglei 38 2017 A note on Kamenev type theorems for second order matrix differential systems. Zbl 0891.34037 Meng, Fanwei; Wang, Jizhong; Zheng, Zhaowen 36 1998 Exponential stabilization of switched time-varying systems with delays and disturbances. Zbl 1426.34101 Li, Yanan; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei; Tian, Yazhou 34 2018 Traveling wave solutions for fractional partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics by an improved fractional Jacobi elliptic equation method. Zbl 1370.35073 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 34 2017 Some new Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1329.45017 Meng, Fanwei; Shao, Jing 33 2013 Note on the paper of Džurina and Stavroulakis. Zbl 1096.34048 Sun, Yuan Gong; Meng, Fan Wei 31 2006 Oscillation criteria for second order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations. Zbl 1193.34137 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei 29 2007 Some new generalized Volterra-Fredholm type discrete fractional sum inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1347.26045 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 28 2016 Interval oscillation criteria for second-order nonlinear forced differential equations involving variable exponent. Zbl 1419.34121 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 28 2016 State bounding for switched homogeneous positive nonlinear systems with exogenous input. Zbl 1388.93049 Zhang, Na; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 28 2018 Oscillation criteria for fractional differential equations with mixed nonlinearities. Zbl 1391.34069 Shao, Jing; Zheng, Zhaowen; Meng, Fanwei 26 2013 Exponential Fourier collocation methods for solving first-order differential equations. Zbl 1413.65309 Wang, Bin; Wu, Xinyuan; Meng, Fanwei; Fang, Yonglei 25 2017 Some new delay integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1067.26019 Li, Wei Nian; Han, Maoan; Meng, Fan Wei 23 2005 On some new nonlinear discrete inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1032.26019 Meng, Fan Wei; Li, Wei Nian 22 2003 Some new nonlinear integral inequalities with weakly singular kernel and their applications to FDEs. Zbl 1336.26007 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 21 2015 Global well-posedness of the 3D magneto-micropolar equations with damping. Zbl 1417.35133 Liu, Hui; Sun, Chengfeng; Meng, Fanwei 21 2019 Some generalized integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1217.26049 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; He, Leliang 20 2010 Gronwall-Bellman type inequalities and their applications to fractional differential equations. Zbl 1297.34010 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 20 2013 On some new integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1045.26009 Meng, Fanwei; Li, Weinian 19 2004 Some new delay integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1178.26031 Yuan, Zhiling; Yuan, Xingwei; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Hongxia 19 2009 Oscillation of linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1008.37032 Meng, Fanwei; Mingarelli, Angelo B. 19 2003 A generalization of retarded integral inequalities in two independent variables and their applications. Zbl 1329.26046 Tian, Yazhou; Fan, Min; Meng, Fanwei 19 2013 Interval criteria for oscillation of second-order differential equations with mixed nonlinearities. Zbl 1141.34317 Sun, Yuan Gong; Meng, Fan Wei 19 2008 Ultimate boundedness results for a certain system of third order nonliner differential equations. Zbl 0783.34042 Meng, Fan Wei 18 1993 Reachable set estimation for a class of nonlinear time-varying systems. Zbl 1373.93061 Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 18 2017 Some nonlinear delay Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1417.26006 Tian, Yazhou; El-Deeb, A. A.; Meng, Fanwei 18 2018 Oscillation of linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1047.34030 Meng, Fanwei; Sun, Yuangong 17 2002 Oscillation criteria for certain even order quasi-linear neutral differential equations with deviating arguments. Zbl 1131.34319 Meng, Fanwei; Xu, Run 16 2007 A new approach for solving fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1266.35140 Meng, Fanwei 16 2013 Nonlinear retarded integral inequalities on time scales and their applications. Zbl 1388.26016 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 16 2018 Estimates on some power nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1422.34263 Wang, Jiangfeng; Meng, Fanwei; Gu, Juan 16 2017 Interval oscillation criteria for a forced second-order nonlinear differential equations with damping. Zbl 1235.34104 Meng, Fanwei; Huang, Yan 14 2011 Oscillation of solutions to nonlinear forced fractional differential equations. Zbl 1292.34003 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 14 2013 Fourth-order accurate fractional-step IMEX schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on moving overlapping grids. Zbl 1442.76079 Meng, F.; Banks, J. W.; Henshaw, W. D.; Schwendeman, D. W. 13 2020 On some integral inequalities on time scales and their applications. Zbl 1192.37112 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei; Song, Cuihua 13 2010 Existence of positive periodic solutions for a predator-prey system of Holling type IV function response with mutual interference and impulsive effects. Zbl 1418.92110 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 13 2015 On some new nonlinear discrete inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1128.26015 Meng, Fan Wei; Ji, Dehong 12 2007 New Kamenev-type oscillation criteria for second order neutral nonlinear differential equations. Zbl 1142.34360 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei 12 2007 Some generalized Ostrowski-Grüss type integral inequalities. Zbl 1238.26020 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 12 2012 Oscillation criteria for forced second-order nonlinear differential equations with damping. Zbl 1167.34325 Huang, Yan; Meng, Fanwei 11 2009 Oscillation of second-order delay differential equations with mixed nonlinearities. Zbl 1171.34338 Sun, Yuan Gong; Meng, Fan Wei 11 2009 Integral average method for oscillation of second order partial differential equations with delays. Zbl 1119.35108 Wang, Jizhong; Meng, Fanwei; Liu, Sanyang 11 2007 Some new Gronwall-type inequalities arising in the research of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1296.26054 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 11 2013 H\(_\infty\) optimal performance design of an unstable plant under Bode integral constraint. Zbl 1405.93092 Meng, Fanwei; Pang, Aiping; Dong, Xuefei; Han, Chang; Sha, Xiaopeng 11 2018 Oscillation results for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1055.34066 Meng, Fanwei 10 2002 Oscillation results for a fractional order dynamic equation on time scales with conformable fractional derivative. Zbl 1446.34108 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 10 2018 Integral inequalities in two independent variables for retarded Volterra equations. Zbl 1134.26311 Zhang, Hongxia; Meng, Fanwei 10 2008 Self-adjoint realization of a class of third-order differential operators with an eigenparameter contained in the boundary conditions. Zbl 1473.34021 Li, Kun; Bai, Yulin; Wang, Wanyi; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 State bounding for discrete-time switched nonlinear time-varying systems using ADT method. Zbl 1433.93015 Zhang, Jie; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 Stabilization of switched positive system with impulse and marginally stable subsystems: a mode-dependent dwell time method. Zbl 1508.93244 Ju, Yanhao; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 Vectored immunoprophylaxis and cell-to-cell transmission in HIV dynamics. Zbl 1457.34083 Xu, Yancong; Zhu, Zirui; Yang, Yu; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 Positive solutions of the singular semipositone boundary value problem on time scales. Zbl 1201.34148 Yang, Yitao; Meng, Fanwei 9 2010 A new fractional subequation method and its applications for space-time fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1271.35068 Meng, Fanwei; Feng, Qinghua 9 2013 Application of sum of squares method in nonlinear \(H_ \infty\) control for satellite attitude maneuvers. Zbl 1432.93087 Meng, Fanwei; Wang, Dini; Yang, Penghui; Xie, Guanzhou 9 2019 Some new oscillation results for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1161.34002 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 8 2009 Oscillation criteria for forced second-order quasi-linear differential equations. Zbl 1143.34309 Zheng, Zhaowen; Meng, Fanwei 8 2007 Generalized Ostrowski type inequalities for multiple points on time scales involving functions of two independent variables. Zbl 1279.26069 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 8 2012 Oscillation on a class of differential equations of fractional order. Zbl 1299.34018 Liu, Tongbo; Zheng, Bin; Meng, Fanwei 8 2013 Common weak linear copositive Lyapunov functions for positive switched linear systems. Zbl 1398.93309 Sun, Yuangong; Wu, Zhaorong; Meng, Fanwei 8 2018 Some new generalized Volterra-Fredholm type finite difference inequalities involving four iterated sums. Zbl 1296.26055 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Fu, Bosheng 8 2013 Interval oscillation criteria for second order partial differential equations with delays. Zbl 1135.35090 Wang, Jizhong; Meng, Fanwei; Liu, Sanyang 7 2008 Oscillation results related to integral averaging technique for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1208.34040 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 7 2009 On certain integral inequalities in two independent variables for retarded equations. Zbl 1200.26033 Zhang, Hongxia; Meng, Fanwei 7 2008 Oscillation theorems for linear matrix Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1338.34074 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 7 2015 Stability analysis of solutions for a kind of integro-differential equations with a delay. Zbl 1427.34102 Zhao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 7 2018 Nonlinear impulsive differential and integral inequalities with integral jump conditions. Zbl 1419.34072 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 7 2016 Oscillation of second-order nonlinear ODE with damping. Zbl 1156.34024 Huang, Yan; Meng, Fanwei 7 2008 Interval criteria for oscillation of linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1085.34521 Meng, Fanwei; Sun, Yuangong 7 2004 Modeling and analysis of recurrent autoimmune disease. Zbl 1437.34063 Xu, Yancong; Yang, Yu; Meng, Fanwei; Yu, Pei 6 2020 A kind of stricter Hyers-Ulam stability of second order linear differential equations of Carathéodory type. Zbl 1471.34030 Yang, Yue; Meng, Fanwei 6 2021 Oscillatory behavior of a fractional partial differential equation. Zbl 1456.35226 Wang, Jiangfeng; Meng, Fanwei 6 2018 Oscillation theorems for superlinear second-order damped differential equations. Zbl 1128.34020 Lu, Fang; Meng, Fanwei 6 2007 Some nonlinear delay integral inequalities on time scales arising in the theory of dynamics equations. Zbl 1275.26055 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming; Zheng, Bin; Zhou, Jinchuan 6 2011 Oscillation of second-order nonlinear ODE with damping. Zbl 1122.34027 Zhao, Xueqin; Meng, Fanwei 6 2006 A note on Tong paper: The asymptotic behavior of a class of nonlinear differential equations of second order. Zbl 0699.34053 Meng, Fan Wei 6 1990 Oscillation for systems of neutral partial differential equations with continuous distributed deviating arguments. Zbl 0993.35085 Li, Wei Nian; Meng, Fan Wei 6 2001 \(H\)-oscillation of solutions of certain vector hyperbolic differential equations with deviating arguments. Zbl 1062.35155 Li, Wei Nian; Han, Maoan; Meng, Fan Wei 6 2004 Some generalizations of delay integral inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman type with power and their applications. Zbl 1501.26018 Song, Haoyue; Meng, Fanwei 5 2022 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a delay-induced predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten type predator harvesting. Zbl 1480.92173 Liu, Ming; Hu, Dongpo; Meng, Fanwei 5 2021 An oscillation theorem for second order superlinear differential equations. Zbl 0862.34023 Meng, Fanwei 5 1996 Oscillation criteria for second-order neutral equations with distributed deviating argument. Zbl 1161.34344 Zhao, Junhua; Meng, Fanwei 5 2008 Some new finite difference inequalities arising in the theory of difference equations. Zbl 1263.39020 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming 5 2011 Generalized Gronwall-Bellman-type discrete inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1272.26017 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming 5 2011 Existence of positive solution for impulsive boundary value problem with \(p\)-Laplacian in Banach spaces. Zbl 1282.34037 Yang, Yitao; Meng, Fanwei 5 2013 Oscillation criteria of second-order quasi-linear neutral delay differential equations. Zbl 1151.34327 Wang, Xiaoli; Meng, Fanwei 5 2007 \(\Psi\)-stability of nonlinear Volterra integro-differential systems. Zbl 1246.45009 Meng, Fanwei; Li, Lianzhong; Bai, Yuzhen 5 2011 Some new Gronwall-Bellman type nonlinear dynamic inequalities containing integration on infinite intervals on time scales. Zbl 1279.26070 Zheng, Bin; Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming 5 2012 Oscillation of second-order linear matrix differential systems. Zbl 1018.34033 Zheng, Zhaowen; Meng, Fanwei; Yu, Yuanhong 5 1998 On some advanced integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1087.26018 Zhao, Xueqin; Meng, Fanwei 5 2005 Oscillation results for matrix differential systems with damping. Zbl 1082.34058 Sun, Yuan Gong; Meng, Fan Wei 5 2005 Observer design method for nonlinear generalized systems with nonlinear algebraic constraints with applications. Zbl 1536.93291 Meng, Shengya; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Fan; Li, Qi; Zhang, Yu; Zemouche, Ali 4 2024 Complex dynamics induced by additive Allee effect in a Leslie-Gower predator-prey model. Zbl 1546.34115 Yang, Yue; Meng, Fanwei; Xu, Yancong; Rong, Libin 1 2024 A robust observer based on the nonlinear descriptor systems application to estimate the state of charge of lithium-ion batteries. Zbl 1525.93129 Meng, Shengya; Meng, Fanwei; Chi, Heng; Chen, Haonan; Pang, Aiping 3 2023 Dynamic edge event-triggered consensus for one-sided Lipschitz multiagent systems with disturbances. Zbl 1532.93258 Yang, Wang; Dong, Jiuxiang; Meng, Fanwei 3 2023 Global bifurcation analysis in a predator-prey system with simplified Holling IV functional response and antipredator behavior. Zbl 1538.34196 Yang, Yue; Meng, Fanwei; Xu, Yancong 2 2023 Some generalizations of delay integral inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman type with power and their applications. Zbl 1501.26018 Song, Haoyue; Meng, Fanwei 5 2022 Exponential stability of switched linear impulsive time-varying system and its application. Zbl 1492.93147 Ju, Yanhao; Meng, Fanwei; Sun, Yuangong 2 2022 Bogdanov-Takens and Hopf bifurcations analysis of a genetic regulatory network. Zbl 1495.34068 Liu, Ming; Meng, Fanwei; Hu, Dongpo 1 2022 A kind of stricter Hyers-Ulam stability of second order linear differential equations of Carathéodory type. Zbl 1471.34030 Yang, Yue; Meng, Fanwei 6 2021 Stability and bifurcation analysis in a delay-induced predator-prey model with Michaelis-Menten type predator harvesting. Zbl 1480.92173 Liu, Ming; Hu, Dongpo; Meng, Fanwei 5 2021 Fourth-order accurate fractional-step IMEX schemes for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on moving overlapping grids. Zbl 1442.76079 Meng, F.; Banks, J. W.; Henshaw, W. D.; Schwendeman, D. W. 13 2020 Self-adjoint realization of a class of third-order differential operators with an eigenparameter contained in the boundary conditions. Zbl 1473.34021 Li, Kun; Bai, Yulin; Wang, Wanyi; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 State bounding for discrete-time switched nonlinear time-varying systems using ADT method. Zbl 1433.93015 Zhang, Jie; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 Stabilization of switched positive system with impulse and marginally stable subsystems: a mode-dependent dwell time method. Zbl 1508.93244 Ju, Yanhao; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 Vectored immunoprophylaxis and cell-to-cell transmission in HIV dynamics. Zbl 1457.34083 Xu, Yancong; Zhu, Zirui; Yang, Yu; Meng, Fanwei 9 2020 Modeling and analysis of recurrent autoimmune disease. Zbl 1437.34063 Xu, Yancong; Yang, Yu; Meng, Fanwei; Yu, Pei 6 2020 Impacts of multiple time delays on a gene regulatory network mediated by small noncoding RNA. Zbl 1446.34102 Liu, Ming; Meng, Fanwei; Hu, Dongpo 3 2020 Modelling the dynamics of avian influenza with nonlinear recovery rate and psychological effect. Zbl 1464.35366 Jiang, Xiaoyu; Yang, Yu; Meng, Fanwei; Xu, Yancong 1 2020 Global well-posedness of the 3D magneto-micropolar equations with damping. Zbl 1417.35133 Liu, Hui; Sun, Chengfeng; Meng, Fanwei 21 2019 Application of sum of squares method in nonlinear \(H_ \infty\) control for satellite attitude maneuvers. Zbl 1432.93087 Meng, Fanwei; Wang, Dini; Yang, Penghui; Xie, Guanzhou 9 2019 A class of dynamic integral inequalities with mixed nonlinearities and their applications in partial dynamic systems. Zbl 1458.26043 Fan, Min; Tian, Yazhou; Meng, Fanwei 4 2019 Lyapunov-based stability of mix-valued logical networks. Zbl 1432.93267 Zhao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei; Liu, Zhenbin 2 2019 Oscillation criteria of certain fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1485.35013 Xu, Di; Meng, Fanwei 1 2019 Disturbance attenuation and rejection for a class of switched nonlinear systems subject to input and sensor saturations. Zbl 1435.93109 Wei, Yunliang; Sun, Liping; Jia, Shengsen; Liu, Kunming; Meng, Fanwei 1 2019 Exponential stabilization of switched time-varying systems with delays and disturbances. Zbl 1426.34101 Li, Yanan; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei; Tian, Yazhou 34 2018 State bounding for switched homogeneous positive nonlinear systems with exogenous input. Zbl 1388.93049 Zhang, Na; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 28 2018 Some nonlinear delay Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1417.26006 Tian, Yazhou; El-Deeb, A. A.; Meng, Fanwei 18 2018 Nonlinear retarded integral inequalities on time scales and their applications. Zbl 1388.26016 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 16 2018 H\(_\infty\) optimal performance design of an unstable plant under Bode integral constraint. Zbl 1405.93092 Meng, Fanwei; Pang, Aiping; Dong, Xuefei; Han, Chang; Sha, Xiaopeng 11 2018 Oscillation results for a fractional order dynamic equation on time scales with conformable fractional derivative. Zbl 1446.34108 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 10 2018 Common weak linear copositive Lyapunov functions for positive switched linear systems. Zbl 1398.93309 Sun, Yuangong; Wu, Zhaorong; Meng, Fanwei 8 2018 Stability analysis of solutions for a kind of integro-differential equations with a delay. Zbl 1427.34102 Zhao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 7 2018 Oscillatory behavior of a fractional partial differential equation. Zbl 1456.35226 Wang, Jiangfeng; Meng, Fanwei 6 2018 Recent development in oscillatory properties of certain differential equations. Zbl 1461.34054 Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 4 2018 Exact solutions with variable coefficient function forms for conformable fractional partial differential equations by an auxiliary equation method. Zbl 1408.35217 Meng, Fanwei; Feng, Qinghua 3 2018 Stability and boundedness of solutions for a certain fourth-order delay differential equation. Zbl 1438.34235 Cai, Meilan; Meng, Fanwei 2 2018 Some properties for solutions of Riemann-Liouville fractional differential systems with a delay. Zbl 1406.34092 Zhao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 2 2018 Reachable set bounding for a class of nonlinear time-varying systems with delay. Zbl 1440.34071 Zhu, Xingao; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 1 2018 Trigonometric collocation methods based on Lagrange basis polynomials for multi-frequency oscillatory second-order differential equations. Zbl 1353.65074 Wang, Bin; Wu, Xinyuan; Meng, Fanwei 58 2017 New criteria for exponential stability of switched time-varying systems with delays and nonlinear disturbances. Zbl 1373.93271 Li, Yanan; Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 51 2017 Sixth-order symplectic and symmetric explicit ERKN schemes for solving multi-frequency oscillatory nonlinear Hamiltonian equations. Zbl 1369.65169 Wang, Bin; Yang, Hongli; Meng, Fanwei 40 2017 Efficient implementation of RKN-type Fourier collocation methods for second-order differential equations. Zbl 1368.65114 Wang, Bin; Meng, Fanwei; Fang, Yonglei 38 2017 Traveling wave solutions for fractional partial differential equations arising in mathematical physics by an improved fractional Jacobi elliptic equation method. Zbl 1370.35073 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 34 2017 Exponential Fourier collocation methods for solving first-order differential equations. Zbl 1413.65309 Wang, Bin; Wu, Xinyuan; Meng, Fanwei; Fang, Yonglei 25 2017 Reachable set estimation for a class of nonlinear time-varying systems. Zbl 1373.93061 Sun, Yuangong; Meng, Fanwei 18 2017 Estimates on some power nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1422.34263 Wang, Jiangfeng; Meng, Fanwei; Gu, Juan 16 2017 Some new weakly singular integral inequalities and their applications to fractional differential equations. Zbl 1337.26022 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei 48 2016 Some new generalized Volterra-Fredholm type discrete fractional sum inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1347.26045 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 28 2016 Interval oscillation criteria for second-order nonlinear forced differential equations involving variable exponent. Zbl 1419.34121 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 28 2016 Nonlinear impulsive differential and integral inequalities with integral jump conditions. Zbl 1419.34072 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 7 2016 Finite difference scheme with spatial fourth-order accuracy for a class of time fractional parabolic equations with variable coefficient. Zbl 1419.35206 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 3 2016 Some new nonlinear integral inequalities with weakly singular kernel and their applications to FDEs. Zbl 1336.26007 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 21 2015 Existence of positive periodic solutions for a predator-prey system of Holling type IV function response with mutual interference and impulsive effects. Zbl 1418.92110 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei 13 2015 Oscillation theorems for linear matrix Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1338.34074 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 7 2015 Some new nonlinear Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1335.26007 Gu, Juan; Meng, Fanwei 40 2014 The generalization of two basic results for orthodox semigroups. Zbl 1308.20054 Kong, Xiangjun; Meng, Fanwei 4 2014 Stability analysis of a class of higher order difference equations. Zbl 1470.39001 Liu, Yuanyuan; Meng, Fanwei 1 2014 Asymptotic properties of solutions to third-order nonlinear neutral differential equations. Zbl 1474.34523 Li, Qi; Wang, Rui; Meng, Fanwei; Han, Jianxin 1 2014 Some new Volterra-Fredholm type dynamic integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1329.45017 Meng, Fanwei; Shao, Jing 33 2013 Oscillation criteria for fractional differential equations with mixed nonlinearities. Zbl 1391.34069 Shao, Jing; Zheng, Zhaowen; Meng, Fanwei 26 2013 Gronwall-Bellman type inequalities and their applications to fractional differential equations. Zbl 1297.34010 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 20 2013 A generalization of retarded integral inequalities in two independent variables and their applications. Zbl 1329.26046 Tian, Yazhou; Fan, Min; Meng, Fanwei 19 2013 A new approach for solving fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1266.35140 Meng, Fanwei 16 2013 Oscillation of solutions to nonlinear forced fractional differential equations. Zbl 1292.34003 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 14 2013 Some new Gronwall-type inequalities arising in the research of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1296.26054 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 11 2013 A new fractional subequation method and its applications for space-time fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1271.35068 Meng, Fanwei; Feng, Qinghua 9 2013 Oscillation on a class of differential equations of fractional order. Zbl 1299.34018 Liu, Tongbo; Zheng, Bin; Meng, Fanwei 8 2013 Some new generalized Volterra-Fredholm type finite difference inequalities involving four iterated sums. Zbl 1296.26055 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Fu, Bosheng 8 2013 Existence of positive solution for impulsive boundary value problem with \(p\)-Laplacian in Banach spaces. Zbl 1282.34037 Yang, Yitao; Meng, Fanwei 5 2013 New Ostrowski-Grüss type inequalities with the derivatives bounded by functions. Zbl 1297.26034 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 3 2013 New interval oscillation criteria for certain linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1417.34080 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 1 2013 Oscillation and asymptotic analysis on a new generalized Emden-Fowler equation. Zbl 1308.34084 Liu, Haidong; Meng, Fanwei; Liu, Puchen 40 2012 Some generalized Ostrowski-Grüss type integral inequalities. Zbl 1238.26020 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 12 2012 Generalized Ostrowski type inequalities for multiple points on time scales involving functions of two independent variables. Zbl 1279.26069 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei 8 2012 Some new Gronwall-Bellman type nonlinear dynamic inequalities containing integration on infinite intervals on time scales. Zbl 1279.26070 Zheng, Bin; Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming 5 2012 Eigenvalue problem for finite difference equations with \(p\)-Laplacian. Zbl 1295.39006 Yang, Yitao; Meng, Fanwei 3 2012 Generalized variational oscillation principles for second-order differential equations with mixed-nonlinearities. Zbl 1248.34043 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei; Pang, Xinqin 2 2012 Some delay integral inequalities on time scales and their applications in the theory of dynamic equations. Zbl 1237.34152 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming; Zhou, Jinchuan; Zheng, Bin 2 2012 Oscillation and nonoscillation for third order nonlinear difference equations. Zbl 1265.39018 Chen, Wenqiang; Meng, Fanwei 1 2012 Gronwall-Bellman type nonlinear delay integral inequalities on time scales. Zbl 1223.26051 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Bin 46 2011 Some new integral inequalities and their applications in studying the stability of nonlinear integro-differential equations with time delay. Zbl 1256.45003 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; Ju, Peijun 38 2011 Interval oscillation criteria for a forced second-order nonlinear differential equations with damping. Zbl 1235.34104 Meng, Fanwei; Huang, Yan 14 2011 Some nonlinear delay integral inequalities on time scales arising in the theory of dynamics equations. Zbl 1275.26055 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming; Zheng, Bin; Zhou, Jinchuan 6 2011 Some new finite difference inequalities arising in the theory of difference equations. Zbl 1263.39020 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming 5 2011 Generalized Gronwall-Bellman-type discrete inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1272.26017 Feng, Qinghua; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Yaoming 5 2011 \(\Psi\)-stability of nonlinear Volterra integro-differential systems. Zbl 1246.45009 Meng, Fanwei; Li, Lianzhong; Bai, Yuzhen 5 2011 Explicit bounds to some new Gronwall-Bellman-type delay integral inequalities in two independent variables on time scales. Zbl 1228.26041 Meng, Fanwei; Feng, Qinghua; Zheng, Bin 4 2011 Generalized variational principles on oscillation for nonlinear nonhomogeneous differential equations. Zbl 1222.34036 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 3 2011 Some generalized integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1217.26049 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; He, Leliang 20 2010 On some integral inequalities on time scales and their applications. Zbl 1192.37112 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei; Song, Cuihua 13 2010 Positive solutions of the singular semipositone boundary value problem on time scales. Zbl 1201.34148 Yang, Yitao; Meng, Fanwei 9 2010 Oscillation theorems for second-order forced neutral nonlinear differential equations with delayed argument. Zbl 1207.34084 Shao, Jing; Meng, Fanwei 2 2010 Oscillation criteria for even order neutral equations with distributed deviating argument. Zbl 1207.34088 Zhang, Siyu; Meng, Fanwei 1 2010 Asymptotic behavior and oscillations of second order integro-differential equations with deviating argument. Zbl 1224.45017 Yuan, Zhiling; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Hongxia 1 2010 Oscillation criteria for second order neutral partial functional differential equations. Zbl 1211.35266 Xu, Run; Meng, Fanwei 1 2010 Some new delay integral inequalities and their applications. Zbl 1178.26031 Yuan, Zhiling; Yuan, Xingwei; Meng, Fanwei; Zhang, Hongxia 19 2009 Oscillation criteria for forced second-order nonlinear differential equations with damping. Zbl 1167.34325 Huang, Yan; Meng, Fanwei 11 2009 Oscillation of second-order delay differential equations with mixed nonlinearities. Zbl 1171.34338 Sun, Yuan Gong; Meng, Fan Wei 11 2009 Some new oscillation results for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1161.34002 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 8 2009 Oscillation results related to integral averaging technique for linear Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1208.34040 Li, Lianzhong; Meng, Fanwei; Zheng, Zhaowen 7 2009 ...and 62 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,218 Authors 103 Meng, Fanwei 40 Sun, Yuangong 24 Li, Tongxing 23 Feng, Qinghua 22 Wang, Bin 21 Liu, Haidong 19 Xu, Run 18 Eldeeb, Ahmed Abdel-Moneim 18 Zheng, Zhaowen 17 Zheng, Bin 15 Xu, Yancong 14 Han, Zhenlai 14 Liu, Hui 13 Grace, Said Rezk 13 Tian, Yazhou 13 Wang, Wusheng 13 Wu, Xinyuan 12 Li, Peiluan 12 Li, Weinian 12 Xu, Changjin 11 Sun, Chengfeng 11 Sun, Shurong 10 Džurina, Jozef 10 Fang, Yonglei 10 Jadlovská, Irena 9 Moaaz, Osama 9 Shao, Jing 9 Thandapani, Ethiraju 9 Tunç, Cemil 9 Wu, Yonghong 9 Zhang, Xinguang 9 Zhu, Xingao 8 Boukerrioua, Khaled 8 Cui, Yujun 8 Liao, Maoxin 8 Ma, Qinghua 7 Baculíková, Blanka 7 Chatzarakis, George E. 7 Khan, Zareen Abdulhameed 7 Liu, Ming 7 Liu, Shutang 7 Onitsuka, Masakazu 7 Wang, Jinrong 7 Zhang, Chenghui 7 Zhou, Xiaoliang 6 Agarwal, Ravi P. 6 Graef, John R. 6 Hu, Dongpo 6 Liu, Lishan 6 Ma, Changfeng 6 Ntouyas, Sotiris K. 6 Pečarić, Josip 6 Rong, Libin 6 Sadhasivam, Vadivel 6 Tariboon, Jessada 6 Yuan, Shuai 6 Zhang, Yaoming 5 Bai, Yuzhen 5 Bohner, Martin J. 5 Brugnano, Luigi 5 Fan, Min 5 Han, Maoan 5 Jiang, Xiaoyu 5 Li, Jiyong 5 Li, Zizun 5 Liu, Changying 5 Ma, Cuiqin 5 Manafian Heris, Jalil 5 Muhib, Ali 5 Nwaeze, Eze Raymond 5 Omeike, Mathew Omonigho 5 O’Regan, Donal 5 Qiu, Jianlong 5 Rashid, Saima 5 Shi, Wei 5 Sun, Yibing 5 Tang, Xiao-Bin 5 Tunç, Ercan 5 Wang, Qiru 5 Wang, Xiang 5 Xin, Jie 5 Yang, Qigui 5 You, Xiong 5 Zhu, Quanxin 4 Abdeldaim, A. 4 Adeyanju, Adetunji Adedotun 4 Alzabut, Jehad O. 4 Anderson, Douglas Robert 4 Chhatria, Gokula Nanda 4 Grigoryan, Gevorg Avagovich 4 Gu, Yongyi 4 Jiang, Jiqiang 4 Jiang, Zhaolin 4 Kong, Xiangjun 4 Li, Chengliang 4 Li, Lianzhong 4 Li, Ting 4 Lin, Lin 4 Liu, Kai 4 Meftah, Badreddine ...and 1,118 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 198 Serials 80 Applied Mathematics and Computation 74 Advances in Difference Equations 56 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 34 Abstract and Applied Analysis 28 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 27 Applied Mathematics Letters 25 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 24 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 23 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 21 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 19 Journal of the Franklin Institute 19 Boundary Value Problems 16 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 16 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 16 Complexity 14 Journal of Function Spaces 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics 11 Numerical Algorithms 9 Filomat 9 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 9 Advances in Mathematical Physics 8 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 8 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 7 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 6 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 6 AIMS Mathematics 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 5 Calcolo 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 5 Applied Numerical Mathematics 5 Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 5 IET Control Theory & Applications 5 International Journal of Differential Equations 5 Open Mathematics 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Nonlinear Dynamics 4 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 4 Mathematical Foundations of Computing 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Information Sciences 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 3 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 3 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 3 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 3 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 3 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 3 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 3 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 Proyecciones 3 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 3 Asian Journal of Control 3 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 2 International Journal of Control 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Physica A 2 Automatica 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 Fractals 2 Opuscula Mathematica 2 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2 Journal of Applied Analysis 2 Soft Computing 2 Analysis (München) 2 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 2 Nonlinear Analysis. 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RACSAM 2 Fractional Differential Calculus 2 Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematics ...and 98 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 41 Fields 433 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 231 Real functions (26-XX) 126 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 120 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 91 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 68 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 51 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 50 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 49 Integral equations (45-XX) 27 Operator theory (47-XX) 20 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 16 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 14 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Special functions (33-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 7 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year