Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Milovanović, Igor Ž. Co-Author Distance Author ID: milovanovic.igor-z Published as: Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, I.; Milovanovic, Igor Z.; Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, I. Z.; Milovanović, Igor Ž; Milovanović, I.Ž.; Milovanović, I. Z.; Milovanović, I. Ž; Milovanovich, I. Zh.; Milovanović, Igor Z.; Milovanović, Igor Ẑ.; Milovanović, I. ž.; Milovanovic, I. more...less Homepage: https://www.npao.ni.ac.rs/elektronski-fakultet/2082-igor-milovanovic/2082-igor-m... External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp Documents Indexed: 177 Publications since 1977, including 4 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 70 Co-Authors with 172 Joint Publications 1,525 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 130 Milovanović, Emina I. 55 Matejić, Marjan M. 23 Stojčev, Mile K. 19 Ali, Akbar 19 Milovanović, Gradimir V. 12 Altındağ, Ş. Burcu Bozkurt 11 Gutman, Ivan M. 9 Bekakos, Michael P. 9 Mihajlović, Milan D. 9 Milentijević, Ivan Z. 9 Pečarić, Josip 8 Glogić, Edin 8 Kovačević, Milan A. 7 Stojanović, Nebojša M. 5 Toader, Gheorghe 4 Ranđelović, Branislav M. 4 Stankov, Stefan D. 4 Tokić, T. I. 3 Das, Kinkar Chandra 3 Furtula, Boris 3 Kocić, Ljubiša M. 3 Mesihović, Behdžet A. 3 Milošević, Predrag 3 Randjelović, Dragan M. 3 Raza, Zahid 3 Stanković, Ružica M. 3 Vasic, Petar M. 2 Albalahi, Abeer M. 2 Cvejić, Stana D. 2 Hamza, Amjad E. 2 Javaid, Mubeen 2 Mirković, Tatjana Z. 2 Novaković, N. M. 2 Popovic, Milos R. 2 Stankovic, Ljubomir R. 2 Zogić, Emir 1 Alanazi, Abdulaziz Mohammed 1 Alraqad, Tariq A. 1 Ashrafi, Ali Reza 1 Attiya, Adel A. 1 Bekakos, P. M. 1 Borovićanin, Bojana 1 Bozkurt, Altındağ Ş. Burcu 1 Ćirić, V. M. 1 Đorđević, Radosav S. 1 Dolićanin, E. Ć. 1 Đorđević, Slađana 1 Ghalavand, Ali 1 Jamil, Muhammad Kamran 1 Jovanović, Ivan Č. 1 Jovanović, Zoran 1 Karra, M. Ch. 1 Khoeilar, Rana 1 Klippert, John 1 Marinković, Lidija Z. 1 Mazorodze, Jaya Percival 1 Milosavljević, Dragan I. 1 Mitić, B. 1 Nikolić, Tatjana 1 Radenković, Slavko 1 Rančić, Lidija Z. 1 Réti, Tamás 1 Saber, Hicham 1 Stamenković, Zoran 1 Stojanović, Natalija 1 Stojmenović, Ivan 1 Tokić, Teufik 1 Tošić, Milorad B. 1 Tselepis, I. N. 1 Zakić, A. all top 5 Serials 14 Filomat 14 MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 7 Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 6 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 6 Publikacije Elektrotehnickog Fakulteta. Univerzitat u Beogradu. Serija Matematika i Fizika 6 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 5 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 5 Bulletin of the International Mathematical Virtual Institute 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. L’Analyse Numérique et la Théorie de l’Approximation 4 Contributions to Mathematics 3 Discrete Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations 3 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 Transactions on Combinatorics 3 DML. Discrete Mathematics Letters 2 Soviet Mathematics 2 Parallel Computing 2 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 2 PU.M.A. Pure Mathematics and Applications 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Miskolc Mathematical Notes 2 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 2 Creative Mathematics and Informatics 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Computers and Artificial Intelligence 1 Punime Matematike. Shoqata e Matematikaneve, Fizikaneve dhe Astronomeve e KSA te Kosoves. Drustvo Matematicara, Fizicara i Astronoma SAP Kosova 1 International Journal of Electronics 1 PU.M.A. Pure Mathematics and Applications. Ser. A 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Scientific Review. Series: Science and Engineering 1 Journal of Electrotechnics and Mathematics 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Computing and Informatics 1 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Publications de la Faculté d’Électrotechnique de l’Université à Belgrade. Série Mathématiques et Physique 1 Preprint. “Babeș-Bolyai” University. Faculty of Mathematics. Research Seminars 1 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications all top 5 Fields 87 Combinatorics (05-XX) 40 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 34 Real functions (26-XX) 32 Computer science (68-XX) 25 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 25 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 99 Publications have been cited 546 times in 352 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Sum of powers of the degrees of graphs: extremal results and bounds. Zbl 1468.05288 Ali, Akbar; Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 50 2018 Beyond the Zagreb indices. Zbl 1473.05062 Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 44 2020 Degree-based energies of graphs. Zbl 1392.05073 Das, Kinkar Ch.; Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Furtula, Boris 43 2018 On some mathematical properties of Sombor indices. Zbl 1499.05145 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan 24 2021 A short note on graph energy. Zbl 1464.05245 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Zakić, A. 24 2014 Some new bounds on the general sum-connectivity index. Zbl 1488.05073 Ali, Akbar; Javaid, Mubeen; Matejic, Marjan; Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina 13 2020 A note on the first Zagreb index and coindex of graphs. Zbl 1488.05111 Matejic, Marjan; Milovanovic, Emina; Milovanovic, Igor; Khoeilar, Rana 13 2021 Bounds for symmetric division deg index of graphs. Zbl 1499.05116 Das, Kinkar Ch.; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 13 2019 Upper bounds for some graph energies. Zbl 1410.05138 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Gutman, Ivan 11 2016 On discrete inequalities of Wirtinger’s type. Zbl 0505.26010 Milovanovic, Gradimir V.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 11 1982 On Kirchhoff and degree Kirchhoff indices. Zbl 1464.05100 Milovanović, Igor; Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina 11 2015 On some lower bounds of the Kirchhoff index. Zbl 1471.92454 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 10 2017 Sharp bounds for the first Zagreb index and first Zagreb coindex. Zbl 1349.05183 Milovanović, Emina I.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 9 2016 Remark on forgotten topological index of a line graphs. Zbl 1412.05052 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, Emina I. 9 2017 On Kirchhoff index, Laplacian energy and their relations. Zbl 1471.92453 Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina; Glogić, Edin; Matejic, Marjan 9 2019 Generalizations of Szőkefalvi Nagy and Chebyshev inequalities with applications in spectral graph theory. Zbl 1426.26045 Gutman, Ivan; Das, Kinkar Ch.; Furtula, Boris; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 9 2017 Upper bounds for the inverse sum indeg index of graphs. Zbl 1401.05068 Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 9 2018 Remark on spectral study of the geometric-arithmetic index and some generalizations. Zbl 1427.05138 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I.Ž.; Matejić, M. M. 8 2018 Lower bounds for inverse sum indeg index of graphs. Zbl 1488.05094 Gutman, I.; Matejić, M.; Milovanović, E.; Milovanović, I. 8 2020 Some new inequalities for the forgotten topological index and coindex of graphs. Zbl 1473.92084 Liu, J. B.; Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 8 2020 Remarks on the energy and the minimum dominating energy of a graph. Zbl 1461.05131 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I. 8 2016 Some new upper bounds for the hyper-Zagreb index. Zbl 1438.05065 Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 8 2019 On the normalized Laplacian spectral radius, Laplacian incidence energy and Kemeny’s constant. Zbl 1426.05105 Milovanović, E. I.; Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, I.Ž. 7 2019 A note on the first reformulated Zagreb index. Zbl 1410.05055 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Dolićanin, E. Ć.; Glogić, E. 7 2016 A generalization of a result of A. Meir for non-decreasing sequences. Zbl 0606.26011 Milovanović, G. V.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 6 1986 On a generalization of certain results of A. Ostrowski and A. Lupas. Zbl 0454.26005 Milovanovic, Gradimir V.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 6 1979 Some results on the Sombor indices of graphs. Zbl 1538.05065 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Ali, Akbar; Matejić, Marjan 6 2021 On the ratio of means. Zbl 0373.26006 Vasic, Petar M.; Milovanovic, Igor 5 1977 Some inequalities for general sum-connectivity index. Zbl 1463.05101 Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 5 2020 Some new upper bounds for the inverse sum indeg index of graphs. Zbl 1468.05041 Ali, Akbar; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 5 2020 Some inequalities for general sum-connectivity index. Zbl 1472.92326 Milovanović, I. Z.; Milovanović, E. I.; Matejic, M. 5 2018 On upper bounds for the geometric-arithmetic topological index. Zbl 1468.05038 Milovanović, I. ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Matejić, M. M. 5 2018 Some inequalities for the harmonic topological index. Zbl 1391.05086 Milovanovic, E. I.; Matejic, M. M.; Milovanovic, I. Z. 5 2018 On some spectral, vertex and edge degree-based graph invariants. Zbl 1466.92275 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Ćirić, V. M.; Milentijević, I. Z.; Milovanović, E. I. 5 2017 Some properties of the Zagreb indices. Zbl 1499.05144 Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor; Jamil, Muhammad 5 2018 On Laplacian eigenvalues of connected graphs. Zbl 1363.15016 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I.; Glogić, Edin 4 2015 The design of optimal planar systolic arrays for matrix multiplication. Zbl 0872.65040 Milentijević, I. Z.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K. 4 1997 Discrete inequalities of Wirtinger’s type for higher differences. Zbl 0893.26009 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 4 1997 A property of \((p,q)\)-convex sequences. Zbl 0569.40002 Kocić, Lj. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 4 1986 Some discrete inequalities of Opial’s type. Zbl 0597.26024 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 4 1984 Some remarks on the sum of the inverse values of the normalized signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs. Zbl 1488.05311 Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina; Matejic, Marjan; Bozkurt Altındağ, Serife Burcu 4 2021 On bounds for harmonic topological index. Zbl 1488.05112 Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 4 2018 Some new lower bounds for the Kirchhoff index of a graph. Zbl 1377.05050 Milovanović, I.; Matejić, M.; Glogić, E.; Milovanović, E. 4 2018 Some inequalities for general zeroth-order Randić index. Zbl 1499.05142 Milošević, Predrag; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan 4 2019 Relations between ordinary and multiplicative degree-based topological indices. Zbl 1499.05123 Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 4 2018 Bounds for Laplacian-type graph energies. Zbl 1340.05164 Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 3 2015 Designing of processor-time optimal systolic arrays for band matrix-vector multiplication. Zbl 0857.65049 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Milentijević, I. Z.; Stojčev, M. K. 3 1996 On some inequalities for \(\nabla\)-convex sequences of higher order. Zbl 0569.40003 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Pečarić, J. E. 3 1986 On an inequality of Nanson. Zbl 0613.26015 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Pečarić, J. E.; Toader, Gh. 3 1986 A note on some lower bounds of the Laplacian energy of a graph. Zbl 1463.05347 Milovanovic, Igor Z.; Matejic, M.; Milosevic, P.; Milovanovic, Emina I.; Ali, Akbar 3 2019 On relations between Kirchhoff index, Laplacian energy, Laplacian-energy-like invariant and degree deviation of graphs. Zbl 1499.05382 Milošević, Predrag; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 3 2020 Extremal problems for polynomials and their coefficients. Zbl 0857.26004 Milovanović, G. V.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Marinković, L. Z. 2 1993 Discrete inequalities of Wirtinger’s type. Zbl 0907.26015 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 2 1998 On representation of a linear operator on the set of starshaped sequences. Zbl 0614.26004 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. M.; Kocić, Lj. M. 2 1986 Transformation matrices for systolic array synthesis. Zbl 1099.68774 Bekakos, M.; Milovanović, Emina; Stojanović, Natalija; Tokić, Teufik; Milovanović, Igor; Milentijević, Ivan 2 2002 Remarks on the degree Kirchhoff index. Zbl 1488.05113 Matejić, M.; Milovanović, I.; Milovanović, E. 2 2019 Some new lower bounds for augmented Zagreb index. Zbl 1428.05059 Furtula, Boris; Gutman, Ivan; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 2 2019 A note on the general zeroth-order Randić coindex of graphs. Zbl 1538.05064 Milovanović, Igor; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina 2 2020 A note on the variable sum exdeg index/coindex of trees. Zbl 1538.05063 Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor; Ali, Akbar 2 2020 Some properties of \(L^k_p\)-convex sequences. Zbl 1446.40002 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 2 2015 McClelland-type upper bounds for graph energy. Zbl 1498.92333 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina; Altindağ, Şerife Burcu Bozkurt; Matejić, Marjan 2 2022 New bounds for some spectrum-based topological indices of graphs. Zbl 1474.92181 Zogić, Emir; Borovićanin, Bojana; Glogić, Edin; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 2 2021 Extending the McClelland formula for total \(\pi \)-electron energy. Zbl 1383.81365 Gutman, Ivan; Radenković, Slavko; Đorđević, Slađana; Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I. 2 2017 On applications of Andrica-Badea and Nagy inequalities in spectral graph theory. Zbl 1389.05104 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Glogić, Edin 2 2015 Correcting a paper on first Zagreb index. Zbl 1476.05036 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 2 2015 Some new bounds on the modified first Zagreb index. Zbl 1524.05059 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Ali, Akbar 2 2023 Improved bounds for Kirchhoff index of graphs. Zbl 1524.05044 Bozkurt, Altındağ Ş. Burcu; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 2 2023 Remark on inequalities for the Laplacian spread of graphs. Zbl 1340.05174 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 1 2014 On representation of a linear operator on the set of mean-convex sequences. Zbl 0764.26015 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. M.; Toader, Gh.; Pečarić, J. E. 1 1992 A class of fault-tolerant systolic arrays for matrix multiplication. Zbl 1225.65128 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K. 1 2011 Designing of processor-time optimal hexagonal systolic array for matrix multiplication. Zbl 0878.68015 Milovanović, E. I.; Milentijević, I. Z.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 1 1997 On a generalization of the Eneström-Kakeya theorem. Zbl 0773.30001 Kovačević, M. A.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 1 1992 Forty-three ways of systolic matrix multiplication. Zbl 1209.68008 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Bekakos, M. P.; Tselepis, I. N.; Milovanović, E. I. 1 2010 Determining VLSI array size for one class of nested loop algorithms. Zbl 0942.68147 Tokić, T. I.; Milovanović, I. Z.; Randjelović, D. M.; Milovanović, E. I. 1 1998 Determining the number of processing elements in systolic arrays. Zbl 1054.68004 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Tokić, T. I.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K. 1 2000 Mapping matrix multiplication algorithm onto fault-tolerant systolic array. Zbl 1063.65032 Stojanović, N. M.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojmenović, I.; Milovanović, I. Ž; Tokić, T. I. 1 2004 A note on the relationship between graph energy and determinant of adjacency matrix. Zbl 1404.05116 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I.; Matejić, Marjan M.; Ali, Akbar 1 2019 Matrix-vector multiplication on a fixed-size linear systolic array. Zbl 0960.65045 Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K.; Novaković, N. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 1 2000 One some inequalities for convex and \(\nabla\)-convex sequences of higher order. I. Zbl 0605.26018 Pečarić, J. E.; Mesihović, B. A.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. 1 1986 On some inequalities for convex and \(\nabla\)-convex sequences of higher order. II. Zbl 0605.26019 Pečarić, J. E.; Mesihović, B. A.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. 1 1986 The best constant in some integral inequalities of Opial type. Zbl 0464.26008 Milovanovic, Gradimir V.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 1 1980 A modification of the Euler-Abel transform for convergent series. Zbl 0723.40001 Milovanovic, Igor Z.; Kovaceuic, Milan A.; Cvejic, Stana D.; Klippert, John 1 1989 Some inequalities for convex functions. Zbl 0459.26007 Stankovic, Ljubomir R.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 1 1980 Remark on ordinary and Randić energy of graphs. Zbl 1350.05097 Milovanović, Emina I.; Popović, Miloš R.; Stanković, Ružica M.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 1 2016 On the extremal cactus graphs for variable sum exdeg index with a fixed number of cycles. Zbl 1469.05040 Javaid, Mubeen; Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 1 2020 On the Randić incidence energy of graphs. Zbl 1476.05123 Matejić, M.; Altindağ, Ş. B. Bozkurt; Milovanović, E.; Milovanović, I. 1 2021 The normalized signless Laplacian Estrada index of graphs. Zbl 1513.05232 Altındağ, Ş. B. Bozkurt; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 1 2023 Designing hexagonal systolic array by composite mappings. Zbl 0943.68004 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, G. V.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milosavljević, D. 1 1997 Computing correlation and convolution on bidirectional linear systolic array. Zbl 1084.68502 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stanković, R. 1 2005 Fault-tolerant linear systolic arrays for matrix-vector multiplication. Zbl 1154.65316 Bekakos, M. P.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojanović, N. M. 1 2006 Synthesis of a unidirectional systolic array for matrix-vector multiplication. Zbl 1133.65024 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Bekakos, M. P. 1 2006 A note on the Laplacian resolvent energy of graphs. Zbl 1458.05150 Matejić, M.; Zogić, E.; Milovanović, E.; Milovanović, I. 1 2020 Some observations on the Laplacian-energy-like invariant of trees. Zbl 1538.05179 Matejić, Marjan; Altındağ, Ş. Burcu Bozkurt; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 1 2023 On the upper bounds for the degree deviation of graphs. Zbl 1479.05058 Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 1 2020 Some inequalities on the inverse sum indeg coindex. Zbl 1482.05055 Mitić, B.; Milovanović, E.; Matejić, M.; Milovanović, I. 1 2021 Solutions to some open problems about four Sombor-index-like graph invariants. Zbl 1516.92129 Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Albalahi, Abeer M.; Alanazi, Abdulaziz M.; Hamza, Amjad E. 1 2023 On the signless Laplacian and normalized signless Laplacian spreads of graphs. Zbl 07729520 Milovanović, Emina; Bozkurt Altindağ, Serife B.; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 1 2023 Sharp inequalities for the atom-bond (sum) connectivity index. Zbl 1533.05060 Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan 1 2023 Some lower bounds on the Kirchhoff index. Zbl 07814342 Stankov, S.; Milovanovic, I.; Milovanovic, E.; Matejic, M. 1 2024 Some lower bounds on the Kirchhoff index. Zbl 07814342 Stankov, S.; Milovanovic, I.; Milovanovic, E.; Matejic, M. 1 2024 Some new bounds on the modified first Zagreb index. Zbl 1524.05059 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Ali, Akbar 2 2023 Improved bounds for Kirchhoff index of graphs. Zbl 1524.05044 Bozkurt, Altındağ Ş. Burcu; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 2 2023 The normalized signless Laplacian Estrada index of graphs. Zbl 1513.05232 Altındağ, Ş. B. Bozkurt; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 1 2023 Some observations on the Laplacian-energy-like invariant of trees. Zbl 1538.05179 Matejić, Marjan; Altındağ, Ş. Burcu Bozkurt; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 1 2023 Solutions to some open problems about four Sombor-index-like graph invariants. Zbl 1516.92129 Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Albalahi, Abeer M.; Alanazi, Abdulaziz M.; Hamza, Amjad E. 1 2023 On the signless Laplacian and normalized signless Laplacian spreads of graphs. Zbl 07729520 Milovanović, Emina; Bozkurt Altindağ, Serife B.; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 1 2023 Sharp inequalities for the atom-bond (sum) connectivity index. Zbl 1533.05060 Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan 1 2023 McClelland-type upper bounds for graph energy. Zbl 1498.92333 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina; Altindağ, Şerife Burcu Bozkurt; Matejić, Marjan 2 2022 On some mathematical properties of Sombor indices. Zbl 1499.05145 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan 24 2021 A note on the first Zagreb index and coindex of graphs. Zbl 1488.05111 Matejic, Marjan; Milovanovic, Emina; Milovanovic, Igor; Khoeilar, Rana 13 2021 Some results on the Sombor indices of graphs. Zbl 1538.05065 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Ali, Akbar; Matejić, Marjan 6 2021 Some remarks on the sum of the inverse values of the normalized signless Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs. Zbl 1488.05311 Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina; Matejic, Marjan; Bozkurt Altındağ, Serife Burcu 4 2021 New bounds for some spectrum-based topological indices of graphs. Zbl 1474.92181 Zogić, Emir; Borovićanin, Bojana; Glogić, Edin; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 2 2021 On the Randić incidence energy of graphs. Zbl 1476.05123 Matejić, M.; Altindağ, Ş. B. Bozkurt; Milovanović, E.; Milovanović, I. 1 2021 Some inequalities on the inverse sum indeg coindex. Zbl 1482.05055 Mitić, B.; Milovanović, E.; Matejić, M.; Milovanović, I. 1 2021 Beyond the Zagreb indices. Zbl 1473.05062 Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 44 2020 Some new bounds on the general sum-connectivity index. Zbl 1488.05073 Ali, Akbar; Javaid, Mubeen; Matejic, Marjan; Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina 13 2020 Lower bounds for inverse sum indeg index of graphs. Zbl 1488.05094 Gutman, I.; Matejić, M.; Milovanović, E.; Milovanović, I. 8 2020 Some new inequalities for the forgotten topological index and coindex of graphs. Zbl 1473.92084 Liu, J. B.; Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 8 2020 Some inequalities for general sum-connectivity index. Zbl 1463.05101 Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 5 2020 Some new upper bounds for the inverse sum indeg index of graphs. Zbl 1468.05041 Ali, Akbar; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 5 2020 On relations between Kirchhoff index, Laplacian energy, Laplacian-energy-like invariant and degree deviation of graphs. Zbl 1499.05382 Milošević, Predrag; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 3 2020 A note on the general zeroth-order Randić coindex of graphs. Zbl 1538.05064 Milovanović, Igor; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina 2 2020 A note on the variable sum exdeg index/coindex of trees. Zbl 1538.05063 Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor; Ali, Akbar 2 2020 On the extremal cactus graphs for variable sum exdeg index with a fixed number of cycles. Zbl 1469.05040 Javaid, Mubeen; Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 1 2020 A note on the Laplacian resolvent energy of graphs. Zbl 1458.05150 Matejić, M.; Zogić, E.; Milovanović, E.; Milovanović, I. 1 2020 On the upper bounds for the degree deviation of graphs. Zbl 1479.05058 Ali, Akbar; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 1 2020 Bounds for symmetric division deg index of graphs. Zbl 1499.05116 Das, Kinkar Ch.; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 13 2019 On Kirchhoff index, Laplacian energy and their relations. Zbl 1471.92453 Milovanovic, Igor; Milovanovic, Emina; Glogić, Edin; Matejic, Marjan 9 2019 Some new upper bounds for the hyper-Zagreb index. Zbl 1438.05065 Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor 8 2019 On the normalized Laplacian spectral radius, Laplacian incidence energy and Kemeny’s constant. Zbl 1426.05105 Milovanović, E. I.; Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, I.Ž. 7 2019 Some inequalities for general zeroth-order Randić index. Zbl 1499.05142 Milošević, Predrag; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Matejić, Marjan 4 2019 A note on some lower bounds of the Laplacian energy of a graph. Zbl 1463.05347 Milovanovic, Igor Z.; Matejic, M.; Milosevic, P.; Milovanovic, Emina I.; Ali, Akbar 3 2019 Remarks on the degree Kirchhoff index. Zbl 1488.05113 Matejić, M.; Milovanović, I.; Milovanović, E. 2 2019 Some new lower bounds for augmented Zagreb index. Zbl 1428.05059 Furtula, Boris; Gutman, Ivan; Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 2 2019 A note on the relationship between graph energy and determinant of adjacency matrix. Zbl 1404.05116 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I.; Matejić, Marjan M.; Ali, Akbar 1 2019 Sum of powers of the degrees of graphs: extremal results and bounds. Zbl 1468.05288 Ali, Akbar; Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 50 2018 Degree-based energies of graphs. Zbl 1392.05073 Das, Kinkar Ch.; Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Furtula, Boris 43 2018 Upper bounds for the inverse sum indeg index of graphs. Zbl 1401.05068 Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 9 2018 Remark on spectral study of the geometric-arithmetic index and some generalizations. Zbl 1427.05138 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I.Ž.; Matejić, M. M. 8 2018 Some inequalities for general sum-connectivity index. Zbl 1472.92326 Milovanović, I. Z.; Milovanović, E. I.; Matejic, M. 5 2018 On upper bounds for the geometric-arithmetic topological index. Zbl 1468.05038 Milovanović, I. ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Matejić, M. M. 5 2018 Some inequalities for the harmonic topological index. Zbl 1391.05086 Milovanovic, E. I.; Matejic, M. M.; Milovanovic, I. Z. 5 2018 Some properties of the Zagreb indices. Zbl 1499.05144 Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor; Jamil, Muhammad 5 2018 On bounds for harmonic topological index. Zbl 1488.05112 Matejić, Marjan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 4 2018 Some new lower bounds for the Kirchhoff index of a graph. Zbl 1377.05050 Milovanović, I.; Matejić, M.; Glogić, E.; Milovanović, E. 4 2018 Relations between ordinary and multiplicative degree-based topological indices. Zbl 1499.05123 Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 4 2018 On some lower bounds of the Kirchhoff index. Zbl 1471.92454 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 10 2017 Remark on forgotten topological index of a line graphs. Zbl 1412.05052 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Matejić, M. M.; Milovanović, Emina I. 9 2017 Generalizations of Szőkefalvi Nagy and Chebyshev inequalities with applications in spectral graph theory. Zbl 1426.26045 Gutman, Ivan; Das, Kinkar Ch.; Furtula, Boris; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 9 2017 On some spectral, vertex and edge degree-based graph invariants. Zbl 1466.92275 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Ćirić, V. M.; Milentijević, I. Z.; Milovanović, E. I. 5 2017 Extending the McClelland formula for total \(\pi \)-electron energy. Zbl 1383.81365 Gutman, Ivan; Radenković, Slavko; Đorđević, Slađana; Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I. 2 2017 Upper bounds for some graph energies. Zbl 1410.05138 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Gutman, Ivan 11 2016 Sharp bounds for the first Zagreb index and first Zagreb coindex. Zbl 1349.05183 Milovanović, Emina I.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 9 2016 Remarks on the energy and the minimum dominating energy of a graph. Zbl 1461.05131 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I. 8 2016 A note on the first reformulated Zagreb index. Zbl 1410.05055 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Dolićanin, E. Ć.; Glogić, E. 7 2016 Remark on ordinary and Randić energy of graphs. Zbl 1350.05097 Milovanović, Emina I.; Popović, Miloš R.; Stanković, Ružica M.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 1 2016 On Kirchhoff and degree Kirchhoff indices. Zbl 1464.05100 Milovanović, Igor; Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina 11 2015 On Laplacian eigenvalues of connected graphs. Zbl 1363.15016 Milovanović, Igor Ž.; Milovanović, Emina I.; Glogić, Edin 4 2015 Bounds for Laplacian-type graph energies. Zbl 1340.05164 Gutman, Ivan; Milovanović, Emina; Milovanović, Igor 3 2015 Some properties of \(L^k_p\)-convex sequences. Zbl 1446.40002 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 2 2015 On applications of Andrica-Badea and Nagy inequalities in spectral graph theory. Zbl 1389.05104 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina; Glogić, Edin 2 2015 Correcting a paper on first Zagreb index. Zbl 1476.05036 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I. 2 2015 A short note on graph energy. Zbl 1464.05245 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Zakić, A. 24 2014 Remark on inequalities for the Laplacian spread of graphs. Zbl 1340.05174 Milovanović, Igor; Milovanović, Emina 1 2014 A class of fault-tolerant systolic arrays for matrix multiplication. Zbl 1225.65128 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K. 1 2011 Forty-three ways of systolic matrix multiplication. Zbl 1209.68008 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Bekakos, M. P.; Tselepis, I. N.; Milovanović, E. I. 1 2010 Fault-tolerant linear systolic arrays for matrix-vector multiplication. Zbl 1154.65316 Bekakos, M. P.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojanović, N. M. 1 2006 Synthesis of a unidirectional systolic array for matrix-vector multiplication. Zbl 1133.65024 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Bekakos, M. P. 1 2006 Computing correlation and convolution on bidirectional linear systolic array. Zbl 1084.68502 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stanković, R. 1 2005 Mapping matrix multiplication algorithm onto fault-tolerant systolic array. Zbl 1063.65032 Stojanović, N. M.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojmenović, I.; Milovanović, I. Ž; Tokić, T. I. 1 2004 Transformation matrices for systolic array synthesis. Zbl 1099.68774 Bekakos, M.; Milovanović, Emina; Stojanović, Natalija; Tokić, Teufik; Milovanović, Igor; Milentijević, Ivan 2 2002 Determining the number of processing elements in systolic arrays. Zbl 1054.68004 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Tokić, T. I.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K. 1 2000 Matrix-vector multiplication on a fixed-size linear systolic array. Zbl 0960.65045 Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K.; Novaković, N. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 1 2000 Discrete inequalities of Wirtinger’s type. Zbl 0907.26015 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 2 1998 Determining VLSI array size for one class of nested loop algorithms. Zbl 0942.68147 Tokić, T. I.; Milovanović, I. Z.; Randjelović, D. M.; Milovanović, E. I. 1 1998 The design of optimal planar systolic arrays for matrix multiplication. Zbl 0872.65040 Milentijević, I. Z.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Stojčev, M. K. 4 1997 Discrete inequalities of Wirtinger’s type for higher differences. Zbl 0893.26009 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 4 1997 Designing of processor-time optimal hexagonal systolic array for matrix multiplication. Zbl 0878.68015 Milovanović, E. I.; Milentijević, I. Z.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 1 1997 Designing hexagonal systolic array by composite mappings. Zbl 0943.68004 Milovanović, E. I.; Milovanović, G. V.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milosavljević, D. 1 1997 Designing of processor-time optimal systolic arrays for band matrix-vector multiplication. Zbl 0857.65049 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Milovanović, E. I.; Milentijević, I. Z.; Stojčev, M. K. 3 1996 Extremal problems for polynomials and their coefficients. Zbl 0857.26004 Milovanović, G. V.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Marinković, L. Z. 2 1993 On representation of a linear operator on the set of mean-convex sequences. Zbl 0764.26015 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. M.; Toader, Gh.; Pečarić, J. E. 1 1992 On a generalization of the Eneström-Kakeya theorem. Zbl 0773.30001 Kovačević, M. A.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 1 1992 A modification of the Euler-Abel transform for convergent series. Zbl 0723.40001 Milovanovic, Igor Z.; Kovaceuic, Milan A.; Cvejic, Stana D.; Klippert, John 1 1989 A generalization of a result of A. Meir for non-decreasing sequences. Zbl 0606.26011 Milovanović, G. V.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 6 1986 A property of \((p,q)\)-convex sequences. Zbl 0569.40002 Kocić, Lj. M.; Milovanović, I. Ž. 4 1986 On some inequalities for \(\nabla\)-convex sequences of higher order. Zbl 0569.40003 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Pečarić, J. E. 3 1986 On an inequality of Nanson. Zbl 0613.26015 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Pečarić, J. E.; Toader, Gh. 3 1986 On representation of a linear operator on the set of starshaped sequences. Zbl 0614.26004 Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. M.; Kocić, Lj. M. 2 1986 One some inequalities for convex and \(\nabla\)-convex sequences of higher order. I. Zbl 0605.26018 Pečarić, J. E.; Mesihović, B. A.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. 1 1986 On some inequalities for convex and \(\nabla\)-convex sequences of higher order. II. Zbl 0605.26019 Pečarić, J. E.; Mesihović, B. A.; Milovanović, I. Ž.; Stojanović, N. 1 1986 Some discrete inequalities of Opial’s type. Zbl 0597.26024 Milovanović, Gradimir V.; Milovanović, Igor Ž. 4 1984 On discrete inequalities of Wirtinger’s type. Zbl 0505.26010 Milovanovic, Gradimir V.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 11 1982 The best constant in some integral inequalities of Opial type. Zbl 0464.26008 Milovanovic, Gradimir V.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 1 1980 Some inequalities for convex functions. Zbl 0459.26007 Stankovic, Ljubomir R.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 1 1980 On a generalization of certain results of A. Ostrowski and A. Lupas. Zbl 0454.26005 Milovanovic, Gradimir V.; Milovanovic, Igor Z. 6 1979 On the ratio of means. Zbl 0373.26006 Vasic, Petar M.; Milovanovic, Igor 5 1977 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 466 Authors 48 Milovanović, Igor Ž. 45 Milovanović, Emina I. 33 Matejić, Marjan M. 25 Ali, Akbar 21 Gutman, Ivan M. 15 Das, Kinkar Chandra 11 Jahanbani, Akbar 11 Rodríguez García, José Manuel 10 Altındağ, Ş. Burcu Bozkurt 10 Khoeilar, Rana 10 Raza, Zahid 9 Li, Xueliang 9 Rada, Juan 9 Sheikholeslami, Seyed Mahmoud 9 Sigarreta Almira, José María 8 Azari, Mahdieh 8 Pečarić, Josip 6 Furtula, Boris 6 Ghalavand, Ali 6 Liu, Jia-bao 6 Mondal, Sourav 5 Balachandran, Selvaraj 5 Du, Jianwei 5 Elumalai, Suresh 5 Liu, Hechao 5 Sun, Xiaoling 5 Yang, Ning 4 Albalahi, Abeer M. 4 Alzer, Horst 4 Ashrafi, Ali Reza 4 Bhatti, Akhlaq Ahmad 4 Du, Zhibin 4 Glogić, Edin 4 Selvaraj, Chikkanna Ramalingam 4 Selvaraj, Suguna 3 Agarwal, Ravi P. 3 Akhbari, Mohammad Hadi 3 Došlić, Tomislav 3 Gao, Yubin 3 Ghorbani, Modjtaba 3 Horoldagva, Batmend 3 Huang, Yufei 3 Javaid, Muhammad Bin 3 Lin, Wenshui 3 Lin, Zhen 3 Méndez Bermúdez, José Antonio 3 Milošević, Predrag 3 Monsalve, Juan Daniel 3 Movahedi, Fateme 3 Pal, Anita 3 Portilla, Ana 3 Redžepović, Izudin 3 Shao, Zehui 3 Stankov, Stefan D. 3 Vetrík, Tomáš 3 Wang, Zhiqian 3 Wu, Baoyindureng 3 Zhou, Ting 3 Zogić, Emir 2 Ahangar, Hossein Abdollahzadeh 2 Ahmad, Maqsood 2 Akbari, Saieed 2 Alhevaz, Abdollah 2 Alomari, Mohammad Wajeeh 2 Alyar, Sattar 2 Amraei, Najaf 2 Anchan, Deekshitha Vivek 2 Aslam, Adnan 2 Atapour, Maryam 2 Baghipur, Maryam 2 Bekakos, Michael P. 2 Bhat K., Arathi 2 Bhat, Pradeep Ganapati 2 Bhatnagar, Sandeep 2 Buhphang, Ardeline Mary 2 Cancan, Murat 2 Chen, Xiaodan 2 Cruz, Roberto 2 Das, Parikshit 2 Dehgardi, Nasrin 2 Dehmer, Matthias 2 Dimitrov, Darko 2 D’souza, Sabitha 2 Fu, Peifang 2 Ganie, Hilal Ahmad 2 Gao, Jing 2 Gerbner, Dániel 2 Gök, Gülistan Kaya 2 Gowtham, Halgar Jagadeesh 2 Gowtham, Kalkere Jayanna 2 Granados, Ana 2 Gudkov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 2 Gursoy, Arif 2 Gursoy, Necla Kircali 2 Hasni, Roslan 2 Hayat, Sakander 2 Hosamani, Sunilkumar M. 2 Huh, Da-yeon 2 Husin, Mohamad Nazri 2 Hussain, Muhammad ...and 366 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 101 Serials 29 Applied Mathematics and Computation 24 Discrete Applied Mathematics 24 DML. Discrete Mathematics Letters 18 Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization 17 Linear Algebra and its Applications 17 MATCH - Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 15 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 10 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 8 Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 7 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 Transactions on Combinatorics 6 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 6 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 5 Filomat 5 Journal of Mathematics 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 4 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 4 AIMS Mathematics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Positivity 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 3 Proyecciones 3 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 2 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 2 Bulletin. 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Informatica 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 2 Afrika Matematika 2 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematics 2 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 2 Special Matrices 2 Open Mathematics 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Mathematika 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 1 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Complexity 1 Computer Science Journal of Moldova 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 RAIRO. Operations Research 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Difference Equations 1 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 1 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Extension 1 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics 1 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 1 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 1 Ural Mathematical Journal ...and 1 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 25 Fields 296 Combinatorics (05-XX) 125 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 48 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 38 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 5 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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