Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich Co-Author Distance Author ID: mityagin.boris-samuilovich Published as: Mityagin, B. S.; Mityagin, Boris; Mityagin, B.; Mityagin, Boris S.; Mitiagin, Boris; Mitjagin, B.; Mitiagin, B. S.; Mitjagin, B. S.; Mitjagin, Boris S.; Mitiagin, B.; Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich; Mitjagin, Boris more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND Documents Indexed: 157 Publications since 1958, including 2 Books and 4 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 106 Co-Authors with 108 Joint Publications 3,836 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 52 single-authored 38 Djakov, Plamen B. 8 Kostyuchenko, Anatolii Gordeevich 7 Semënov, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 6 Siegl, Petr 5 Gorin, Evgeniĭ Alekseevich 5 Kappeler, Thomas 5 Zobin, Naum M. 3 Adduci, James 3 Bergelson, Vitaly 3 Faddeev, Lyudvig Dmitrievich 3 Kadets, Mikhail I. 3 Khenkin, Gennadiĭ Markovich 3 Kornfeld, Isaac 3 Krasnosel’skiĭ, Mark Aleksandrovich 3 Kreĭn, Selim Grigor’evich 3 Petunin, Yuriĭ Ivanovich 3 Rutitskij, Ya. B. 3 Sobolev, Vladimir Ivanovich 3 Tsitlanadze, Elizbar S. 3 Vilenkin, Naum Yakovlevich 3 Viola, Joe 2 Abros’kina, G. S. 2 Baker, Charles E. 2 Bättig, Daniel 2 Brudnyi, Yuri A. 2 Edelstein, I. S. 2 Faddeev, Dmitriĭ Konstantinovich 2 Gavurin, Mark Konstantinovich 2 Kolmogorov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 2 Lin, Vladimir Ya. 2 Linnik, Yuriĭ Vladimirovich 2 Makarov, Valeriĭ Leonidovich 2 Maslov, Viktor Pavlovich 2 Nikishin, Evgenii Mikhailovich 2 Pełczyński, Aleksander 2 Pinsker, Aron Grigor’evich 2 Rubinshteĭn, Gennadiĭ Shlemovich 2 Stet’senko, V. Ya. 2 Vershik, Anatoliĭ Moiseevich 2 Vulikh, Boris Zakharovich 2 Zaidenberg, Mikhail G. 1 Agranovich, Mikhail Semënovich 1 Aharoni, Israel 1 Aĭzenberg, Lev Abramovich 1 Balogh, Zoltán M. 1 Belitskii, Genrich R. 1 Birman, Mikhail Shlëmovich 1 Blokh, Alexander M. 1 Boron, Leo F. 1 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 1 Drinfeld, Vladimir Gershonovich 1 Dubinsky, Ed 1 Dynin, Alexander 1 Ehdel’shtejn, I. S. 1 Eremenko, Alexandre 1 Eskin, Gregory 1 Fel’dman, Gennadiĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Girsanov, Igor’ Vladimirovich 1 Glushkin, E. D. 1 Grébert, Benoît 1 Ibrogimov, Orif O. 1 Iokhvidov, Iosif Semenovich 1 Ismagilov, Rais Sal’manovich 1 Jitomirskaya, Svetlana Yakovlevna 1 Kashin, Boris Sergeevich 1 Kirillov, A. A. senior 1 Kirzhner, Valery M. 1 Klaus, Martin 1 Kochetkov, Yuri Yu. 1 Koldobsky, Alexander L. 1 Kozlov, Vladimir A. 1 Kuchment, Peter A. 1 Laptev, Ari 1 Leibman, Alexander 1 Lyubich, Mikhail 1 Makarov, Boris Mikhaĭlovich 1 Marchenko, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Markus, Alexander S. 1 Maurey, Bernard 1 Milman, Vitali D. 1 Nevai, Paul G. 1 Nikol’skiĭ, Nikolaĭ Kapitonovich 1 Norvidas, Saulius 1 Novikov, Sergeĭ Petrovich 1 Pastur, Leonid Andreevich 1 Pinchover, Yehuda 1 Pokrovskiĭ, Valeriĭ Leonidovich 1 Reich, Simeon 1 Rolewicz, Stefan 1 Rozenblum, Grigori V. 1 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 1 Sadovskii, Boris Nikolaevich 1 Schwarz, Albert S. 1 Semenov, Pavel Vladimirovič 1 Sergeev, Armen Glebovich 1 Shatalova, Oksana A. 1 Shkalikov, Andreĭ Andreevich 1 Sinaĭ, Yakov Grigor’evich 1 Sobolev, Alexander V. 1 Sodin, Mikhail ...and 12 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 13 Russian Mathematical Surveys 10 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 8 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Functional Analysis and its Applications 6 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 5 Studia Mathematica 5 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 5 Journal of Approximation Theory 4 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 4 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 4 Translations. Series 2. American Mathematical Society 3 Letters in Mathematical Physics 3 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Matematicheskie Zametki 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 Trudy Moskovskogo Matematicheskogo Obshchestva 1 Comptes Rendus Mathématiques de l’Académie des Sciences 1 Journal of Operator Theory 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR. Seriya Fiziko-Tekhnicheskikh i Matematicheskikh Nauk 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhanika 1 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Teoriya Funktsiĭ, Funktsional’nyĭ Analiz i ikh Prilozheniya 1 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 1 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry 1 Nauchnye Doklady Vyssheĭ Shkoly. Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematiki, Mekhaniki, Astronomii, Fiziki, Khimii 1 Journal of Spectral Theory all top 5 Fields 66 Operator theory (47-XX) 45 Functional analysis (46-XX) 43 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 History and biography (01-XX) 6 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 129 Publications have been cited 1,416 times in 900 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Approximative dimension and bases in nuclear spaces. Zbl 0104.08601 Mityagin, B. S. 113 1961 Instability zones of periodic 1-dimensional Schrödinger and Dirac operators. Zbl 1128.47041 Djakov, P.; Mityagin, B. S. 84 2006 Criteria for existence of Riesz bases consisting of root functions of Hill and 1D Dirac operators. Zbl 1263.34121 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 48 2012 Unconditional convergence of spectral decompositions of 1D Dirac operators with regular boundary conditions. Zbl 1297.47047 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 44 2012 The zero set of a real analytic function. Zbl 1442.26039 Mityagin, B. S. 36 2020 Functional analysis. Translated from the Russian by Richard E. Flaherty. English edition edited by George F. Votruba with the collaboration of Leo F. Boron. Zbl 0236.47001 Vilenkin, N. Ya.; Gorin, E. A.; Kostyuchenko, A. G.; Krasnosel’skiĭ, M. A.; Kreĭn, S. G.; Maslov, V. P.; Mityagin, B. S.; Petunin, Yu. I.; Rutitskiĭ, Ya. B.; Sobolev, V. I.; Stetsenko, V. Ya.; Faddeev, L. D.; Tsitlanadze, E. S. 35 1972 Bari-Markus property for Riesz projections of 1D periodic Dirac operators. Zbl 1198.34188 Djakov, P.; Mityagin, B. 33 2010 Uniform embeddings of metric spaces and of Banach spaces into Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0596.46010 Aharoni, I.; Maurey, B.; Mityagin, B. S. 32 1985 Functional analysis. Edited by S. G. Kreĭn. (Функционаляный анализ.) Zbl 0128.10302 Vilenkin, N. Ya.; Gorin, E. A.; Kostyuchenko, A. G.; Krasnosel’skiĭ, M. A.; Kreĭn, S. G.; Maslov, V. P.; Mityagin, B. S.; Petunin, Yu. I.; Rutitskiĭ, Ya. B.; Sobolev, V. I.; Stetsenko, V. Ya.; Faddeev, L. D.; Tsitlanadze, È. S. 30 1964 Convergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with trigonometric polynomial potentials. Zbl 1367.47050 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 27 2011 Riesz bases consisting of root functions of 1D Dirac operators. Zbl 1297.47046 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 25 2013 Homotopical structure of linear groups of Banach spaces. Zbl 0232.47046 Mityagin, B. S. 25 1970 Simple and double eigenvalues of the Hill operator with a two-term potential. Zbl 1080.34066 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 24 2005 Smoothness of Schrödinger operator potential in the case of Gevrey type asymptotics of the gaps. Zbl 1037.34080 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 23 2002 Spectral triangles of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials. Zbl 1088.34072 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 23 2003 Estimates for periodic and Dirichlet eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator. Zbl 1097.34553 Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 23 2001 Convergence and divergence of Fourier integrals in the Sobolev-spaces pair. Zbl 0309.42013 Mityagin, B. S. 23 1974 Functors in categories of Banach spaces. Zbl 0129.08205 Mityagin, B. S.; Shvarts, A. S. 22 1964 Ein Interpolationssatz für modulare Räume. Zbl 0142.10701 Mityagin, B. S. 22 1965 Differential operators admitting various rates of spectral projection growth. Zbl 1545.47031 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr; Viola, Joe 19 2017 Convergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with trigonometric polynomial potentials. Zbl 1242.34148 Djakov, P. B.; Mityagin, B. S. 19 2011 Spectral expansions of one-dimensional periodic Dirac operators. Zbl 1092.34048 Mityagin, Boris 19 2004 Eigensystem of an \(L ^{2}\)-perturbed harmonic oscillator is an unconditional basis. Zbl 1259.47059 Adduci, James; Mityagin, Boris 19 2012 Criterion for nuclearity in terms of approximative dimension. Zbl 0104.08504 Dynin, A.; Mitjagin, B. S. 18 1960 Approximation von Funktionen auf einem Torus in den Räumen \(L^p\) und \(C\). Zbl 0129.28001 Mityagin, B. S. 18 1962 Nuclear operators and approximative dimension. Zbl 0191.41704 Mityagin, B. S.; Pelczyński, Aleksander 18 1968 Die Äquivalenz von Basen in Hilbertskalen. Zbl 0215.19502 Mityagin, B. S. 18 1971 Root system of singular perturbations of the harmonic oscillator type operators. Zbl 1330.47023 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr 17 2016 Homotopy type of linear groups of two classes of Banach spaces. Zbl 0228.47030 Mityagin, B. S.; Ehdel’shtejn, I. S. 17 1970 Linear problems of complex analysis. Zbl 0245.46027 Mityagin, B. S.; Khenkin, G. M. 17 1972 Equiconvergence of spectral decompositions of 1D Dirac operators with regular boundary conditions. Zbl 1258.34174 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 17 2012 An indefinitely differentiable function with the values of its derivatives given at a point. Zbl 0132.28802 Mityagin, B. S. 16 1961 Spectral gaps of the periodic Schrödinger operator when its potential is an entire function. Zbl 1047.34100 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 15 2003 Gap estimates of the spectrum of Hill’s equation and action variables for KdV. Zbl 0924.58074 Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 15 1999 Spectral gaps of Schrödinger operators with periodic singular potentials. Zbl 1238.34151 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 15 2009 Spectral gap asymptotics of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with singular periodic potentials. Zbl 1176.34108 Djakov, P.; Mityagin, B. 14 2009 Asymptotics of instability zones of the Hill operator with a two term potential. Zbl 1115.34079 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 14 2007 Instability zones of a periodic 1D Dirac operator and smoothness of its potential. Zbl 1083.34064 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 13 2005 Nuclearity and other properties of spaces of type S. Zbl 0206.11904 Mityagin, B. S. 13 1970 Absolute convergence of the series of Fourier coefficients. Zbl 0141.25504 Mityagin, B. S. 13 1964 Root system of a perturbation of a selfadjoint operator with discrete spectrum. Zbl 1294.47022 Adduci, James; Mityagin, Boris 12 2012 Gap estimates of the spectrum of the Zakharov-Shabat system. Zbl 0940.35186 Grébert, B.; Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 11 1998 Entire functions in \(B_ 0\)-algebras. Zbl 0111.31001 Mitiagin, B.; Rolewicz, Stefan; Zelazko, W. 11 1962 Modified construction of nuclear Frechet spaces without basis. Zbl 0339.46004 Djakov, Plamen; Mitiagin, Boris 11 1976 Spectra of 1-D periodic Dirac operators and smoothness of potentials. Zbl 1079.47044 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 10 2003 Fourier method for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with singular periodic potentials. Zbl 1200.34107 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 10 2010 An interpolation theorem for modular spaces. Zbl 0578.46021 Mityagin, Boris 9 1984 1D Dirac operators with special periodic potentials. Zbl 1256.47029 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 9 2012 The spectrum of a harmonic oscillator operator perturbed by point interactions. Zbl 1329.81172 Mityagin, Boris S. 9 2015 On second mixed derivative. Zbl 0090.27302 Mityagin, B. S. 9 1958 Positive definite functionals on nuclear spaces. Zbl 0099.32001 Kostyuchenko, A. G.; Mityagin, B. S. 9 1960 The absence of a linear resolvent operator in problems in the theory of holomorphic functions. Zbl 0243.32005 Mityagin, B. S.; Khenkin, G. M. 9 1971 Divergenz von Spektralentwicklungen in \(L_p\)-Räumen. Zbl 0316.58018 Mityagin, Boris S. 9 1974 Lack of interpolation of linear operators in spaces of smooth functions. Zbl 0395.46030 Mityagin, B. S.; Semenov, E. M. 9 1977 Coupling constant behavior of eigenvalues of Zakharov-Shabat systems. Zbl 1153.81387 Klaus, Martin; Mityagin, Boris 8 2007 Bari-Markus property for Riesz projections of Hill operators with singular potentials. Zbl 1185.34130 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 8 2009 On the Korteweg-de Vries equation: Frequencies and initial value problem. Zbl 0899.35096 Bättig, D.; Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 8 1997 Complemented subspaces in Banach spaces. Zbl 0287.46029 Kadets, M. I.; Mityagin, B. S. 8 1973 Asymptotics of instability zones of Hill operators with a two term potential. Zbl 1063.34081 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 7 2004 Nuklearität und andere Eigenschaften der Räume vom Typ S (Zusatz zur vorangehenden Arbeit.). Zbl 0151.18002 Mityagin, B. S. 7 1960 Fréchet spaces with a unique unconditional basis. Zbl 0205.12002 Mitjagin, B. 7 1970 Trace formula and spectral Riemann surfaces for a class of tri-diagonal matrices. Zbl 1118.47022 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 7 2006 Contre exemple à l’existence d’une base dans un espace de Fréchet nucléaire. Zbl 0312.46016 Mitjagin, Boris S.; Zobin, Naum M. 7 1974 Linearization of holomorphic operator functions. I. Zbl 0385.47006 Mitiagin, Boris 7 1978 The spectrum of a harmonic oscillator operator perturbed by \(\delta\)-interactions. Zbl 1353.47085 Mityagin, Boris S. 6 2016 Equiconvergence of spectral decompositions of Hill-Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1317.47044 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 6 2013 Examples of nuclear linear metric spaces without a basis. Zbl 0344.46014 Zobin, N. M.; Mityagin, B. S. 6 1974 Riesz basis property of Hill operators with potentials in weighted spaces. Zbl 1369.47055 Djakov, Plamen B.; Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich 5 2014 Smoothness of solutions of a nonlinear ODE. Zbl 1029.34004 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 5 2002 The asymptotics of spectral gaps of a 1D Dirac operator with cosine potential. Zbl 1046.34096 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 5 2003 Complemented subspaces in Banach spaces. Zbl 0288.46017 Kadets, M. I.; Mityagin, B. S. 5 1973 Notes on mathematical economics. Zbl 0256.90006 Mityagin, B. S. 5 1973 On the divergence of spectral expansions in the mean and almost everywhere. Zbl 0298.35045 Mityagin, B. S.; Nikishin, E. M. 5 1973 A criterion for the \(\mathbb Z_d\)-symmetry of the spectrum of a compact operator. Zbl 1399.47076 Mityagin, Boris S. 4 2016 Functional equations and the Cauchy mean value theorem. Zbl 1361.39011 Balogh, Zoltán M.; Ibrogimov, Orif O.; Mityagin, Boris S. 4 2016 Smoothness of solutions of nonlinear ODE. Zbl 1020.34083 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 4 2002 Quadratic pencils and least-squares piecewise-polynomial approximation. Zbl 0534.41009 Mityagin, Boris 4 1983 The structure of polynomial ideals in the algebra of entire functions. Zbl 0434.46034 Djakov, P. B.; Mitiagin, B. S. 4 1980 Systems of dilated functions: completeness, minimality, basisness. Zbl 1392.46015 Mityagin, Boris S. 4 2017 Normierte Ideale eines Zwischentyps. Zbl 0124.06802 Mityagin, B. S. 4 1964 Multidimensional moment problem. Zbl 0128.34402 Kostyucenko, A. G.; Mityagin, B. S. 4 1960 Sur l’équivalence des bases inconditionnelles dans les échelles de Hilbert. Zbl 0186.44704 Mitjagin, Boris 4 1969 Das Fehlen der Interpolation linearer Operatoren im Räumen glatter Funktionen. Zbl 0369.46033 Mityagin, B. S.; Semenov, E. M. 4 1977 Local form-subordination condition and Riesz basisness of root systems. Zbl 1435.47022 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr 4 2019 The linear groups of \(C\) and \(L_ 1\) are contractible. Zbl 0192.47401 Edelstein, I.; Mitjagin, B.; Semenov, E. 4 1970 Non-Schwartzian power series spaces. Zbl 0541.46007 Mityagin, Boris 3 1983 Multiplicities of the eigenvalues of periodic Dirac operators. Zbl 1069.34128 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 3 2005 Spectral triangles of non-selfadjoint Hill and Dirac operators. Zbl 07281941 Djakov, P. B.; Mityagin, B. S. 3 2020 Nuclear Frechet spaces without bases. II: The case of strongly finite- dimensional decompositions. Zbl 0358.46002 Mitiagin, B. S. 3 1976 On the divergence of Fourier series almost everywhere. Zbl 0287.42009 Mityagin, B. S.; Nikishin, E. M. 3 1973 On the Korteweg-de Vries equation: Convergent Birkhoff normal form. Zbl 0868.35099 Bättig, D.; Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 2 1996 A family of anisotropic integral operators and behavior of its maximal eigenvalue. Zbl 1236.45001 Mityagin, Boris S.; Sobolev, Alexander V. 2 2011 Convergence radii for eigenvalues of tri-diagonal matrices. Zbl 1200.47039 Adduci, James; Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 2 2010 On idempotent multipliers in symmetric functional spaces. Zbl 0286.42017 Mityagin, B. S. 2 1973 Perturbation of an orthogonal projection and the intertwining unitary operator. Zbl 1190.47017 Mityagin, B. 2 2005 Geometry of nuclear spaces II - linear topological invariants. Zbl 0408.46004 Mityagin, B. 2 1979 Riesz nuclear scales. Zbl 0102.10002 Mityagin, B. S. 2 1961 Differentialgleichungen mit kleinem Parameter im Banachschen Raum. Zbl 0100.12201 Mityagin, B. S. 2 1961 Räume von Funktionen, die in mehrfachen Kreisgebieten analytisch sind. Zbl 0168.32704 Ajzenberg, L. A.; Mityagin, B. S. 2 1960 Zwei Ungleichungen für die Volumina konvexer Körper. Zbl 0176.19504 Mityagin, B. S. 2 1969 Concentration of eigenfunctions of Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1506.34114 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr; Viola, Joe 2 2022 The zero set of a real analytic function. Zbl 1442.26039 Mityagin, B. S. 36 2020 Spectral triangles of non-selfadjoint Hill and Dirac operators. Zbl 07281941 Djakov, P. B.; Mityagin, B. S. 3 2020 Non-real eigenvalues of the harmonic oscillator perturbed by an odd, two-point interaction. Zbl 1443.81026 Baker, C.; Mityagin, B. 1 2020 Local form-subordination condition and Riesz basisness of root systems. Zbl 1435.47022 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr 4 2019 Localization of eigenvalues of doubly cyclic matrices. Zbl 1380.26013 Baker, Charles E.; Mityagin, Boris S. 1 2018 Differential operators admitting various rates of spectral projection growth. Zbl 1545.47031 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr; Viola, Joe 19 2017 Systems of dilated functions: completeness, minimality, basisness. Zbl 1392.46015 Mityagin, Boris S. 4 2017 Shifts of a measurable function and criterion of \(p\)-integrability. Zbl 1384.46022 Mityagin, Boris S. 1 2017 Root system of singular perturbations of the harmonic oscillator type operators. Zbl 1330.47023 Mityagin, Boris; Siegl, Petr 17 2016 The spectrum of a harmonic oscillator operator perturbed by \(\delta\)-interactions. Zbl 1353.47085 Mityagin, Boris S. 6 2016 A criterion for the \(\mathbb Z_d\)-symmetry of the spectrum of a compact operator. Zbl 1399.47076 Mityagin, Boris S. 4 2016 Functional equations and the Cauchy mean value theorem. Zbl 1361.39011 Balogh, Zoltán M.; Ibrogimov, Orif O.; Mityagin, Boris S. 4 2016 The spectrum of a harmonic oscillator operator perturbed by point interactions. Zbl 1329.81172 Mityagin, Boris S. 9 2015 Riesz basis property of Hill operators with potentials in weighted spaces. Zbl 1369.47055 Djakov, Plamen B.; Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich 5 2014 Riesz bases consisting of root functions of 1D Dirac operators. Zbl 1297.47046 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 25 2013 Equiconvergence of spectral decompositions of Hill-Schrödinger operators. Zbl 1317.47044 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 6 2013 Divergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with two exponential term potentials. Zbl 1286.34113 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 2 2013 Combinatorial identities related to eigen-function decompositions of Hill operators: open questions. Zbl 1276.47058 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 1 2013 Criteria for existence of Riesz bases consisting of root functions of Hill and 1D Dirac operators. Zbl 1263.34121 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 48 2012 Unconditional convergence of spectral decompositions of 1D Dirac operators with regular boundary conditions. Zbl 1297.47047 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 44 2012 Eigensystem of an \(L ^{2}\)-perturbed harmonic oscillator is an unconditional basis. Zbl 1259.47059 Adduci, James; Mityagin, Boris 19 2012 Equiconvergence of spectral decompositions of 1D Dirac operators with regular boundary conditions. Zbl 1258.34174 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 17 2012 Root system of a perturbation of a selfadjoint operator with discrete spectrum. Zbl 1294.47022 Adduci, James; Mityagin, Boris 12 2012 1D Dirac operators with special periodic potentials. Zbl 1256.47029 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 9 2012 Equiconvergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators. Zbl 1258.47052 Djakov, P. B.; Mityagin, B. S. 1 2012 Convergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with trigonometric polynomial potentials. Zbl 1367.47050 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 27 2011 Convergence of spectral decompositions of Hill operators with trigonometric polynomial potentials. Zbl 1242.34148 Djakov, P. B.; Mityagin, B. S. 19 2011 A family of anisotropic integral operators and behavior of its maximal eigenvalue. Zbl 1236.45001 Mityagin, Boris S.; Sobolev, Alexander V. 2 2011 An anisotropic integral operator in high temperature superconductivity. Zbl 1217.47089 Mityagin, Boris 2 2011 Bari-Markus property for Riesz projections of 1D periodic Dirac operators. Zbl 1198.34188 Djakov, P.; Mityagin, B. 33 2010 Fourier method for one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with singular periodic potentials. Zbl 1200.34107 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 10 2010 Convergence radii for eigenvalues of tri-diagonal matrices. Zbl 1200.47039 Adduci, James; Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 2 2010 Spectral gaps of Schrödinger operators with periodic singular potentials. Zbl 1238.34151 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 15 2009 Spectral gap asymptotics of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators with singular periodic potentials. Zbl 1176.34108 Djakov, P.; Mityagin, B. 14 2009 Bari-Markus property for Riesz projections of Hill operators with singular potentials. Zbl 1185.34130 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 8 2009 Asymptotics of instability zones of the Hill operator with a two term potential. Zbl 1115.34079 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 14 2007 Coupling constant behavior of eigenvalues of Zakharov-Shabat systems. Zbl 1153.81387 Klaus, Martin; Mityagin, Boris 8 2007 Instability zones of periodic 1-dimensional Schrödinger and Dirac operators. Zbl 1128.47041 Djakov, P.; Mityagin, B. S. 84 2006 Trace formula and spectral Riemann surfaces for a class of tri-diagonal matrices. Zbl 1118.47022 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 7 2006 Simple and double eigenvalues of the Hill operator with a two-term potential. Zbl 1080.34066 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 24 2005 Instability zones of a periodic 1D Dirac operator and smoothness of its potential. Zbl 1083.34064 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 13 2005 Multiplicities of the eigenvalues of periodic Dirac operators. Zbl 1069.34128 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 3 2005 Perturbation of an orthogonal projection and the intertwining unitary operator. Zbl 1190.47017 Mityagin, B. 2 2005 Spectral expansions of one-dimensional periodic Dirac operators. Zbl 1092.34048 Mityagin, Boris 19 2004 Asymptotics of instability zones of Hill operators with a two term potential. Zbl 1063.34081 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 7 2004 Spectral triangles of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials. Zbl 1088.34072 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 23 2003 Spectral gaps of the periodic Schrödinger operator when its potential is an entire function. Zbl 1047.34100 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 15 2003 Spectra of 1-D periodic Dirac operators and smoothness of potentials. Zbl 1079.47044 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 10 2003 The asymptotics of spectral gaps of a 1D Dirac operator with cosine potential. Zbl 1046.34096 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 5 2003 Smoothness of Schrödinger operator potential in the case of Gevrey type asymptotics of the gaps. Zbl 1037.34080 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 23 2002 Smoothness of solutions of a nonlinear ODE. Zbl 1029.34004 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 5 2002 Smoothness of solutions of nonlinear ODE. Zbl 1020.34083 Djakov, Plamen; Mityagin, Boris 4 2002 Estimates for periodic and Dirichlet eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator. Zbl 1097.34553 Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 23 2001 A Krengel-type theorem for finitely-generated nilpotent groups. Zbl 1007.47006 Bergelson, V.; Kornfeld, I.; Leibman, A.; Mityagin, B. 1 2001 Gap estimates of the spectrum of Hill’s equation and action variables for KdV. Zbl 0924.58074 Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 15 1999 Gap estimates of the spectrum of the Zakharov-Shabat system. Zbl 0940.35186 Grébert, B.; Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 11 1998 On the Korteweg-de Vries equation: Frequencies and initial value problem. Zbl 0899.35096 Bättig, D.; Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 8 1997 On the Korteweg-de Vries equation: Convergent Birkhoff normal form. Zbl 0868.35099 Bättig, D.; Kappeler, T.; Mityagin, B. 2 1996 Weakly wandering vectors for unitary actions of commutative groups. Zbl 0841.22004 Bergelson, Vitaly; Kornfeld, Isaac; Mityagin, Boris 1 1994 Uniform embeddings of metric spaces and of Banach spaces into Hilbert spaces. Zbl 0596.46010 Aharoni, I.; Maurey, B.; Mityagin, B. S. 32 1985 An interpolation theorem for modular spaces. Zbl 0578.46021 Mityagin, Boris 9 1984 Quadratic pencils and least-squares piecewise-polynomial approximation. Zbl 0534.41009 Mityagin, Boris 4 1983 Non-Schwartzian power series spaces. Zbl 0541.46007 Mityagin, Boris 3 1983 The structure of polynomial ideals in the algebra of entire functions. Zbl 0434.46034 Djakov, P. B.; Mitiagin, B. S. 4 1980 The structure of subspaces of an infinite Hilbert scale. Zbl 0453.46009 Mityagin, B. S. 1 1980 Geometry of nuclear spaces II - linear topological invariants. Zbl 0408.46004 Mityagin, B. 2 1979 Linearization of holomorphic operator functions. I. Zbl 0385.47006 Mitiagin, Boris 7 1978 Linearization of holomorphic operator functions. II. Zbl 0385.47007 Mitiagin, Boris 2 1978 Quotient spaces without bases in nuclear Frechet spaces. Zbl 0399.46003 Dubinsky, Ed; Mitiagin, Boris 2 1978 Lack of interpolation of linear operators in spaces of smooth functions. Zbl 0395.46030 Mityagin, B. S.; Semenov, E. M. 9 1977 Das Fehlen der Interpolation linearer Operatoren im Räumen glatter Funktionen. Zbl 0369.46033 Mityagin, B. S.; Semenov, E. M. 4 1977 Zufällige Matrizen und Unterräume. Zbl 0416.46005 Mityagin, B. S. 1 1977 Modified construction of nuclear Frechet spaces without basis. Zbl 0339.46004 Djakov, Plamen; Mitiagin, Boris 11 1976 Nuclear Frechet spaces without bases. II: The case of strongly finite- dimensional decompositions. Zbl 0358.46002 Mitiagin, B. S. 3 1976 Continuum of pairwise nonisomorphic nuclear F-spaces without base. Zbl 0354.46007 Zobin, N. M.; Mityagin, B. S. 2 1976 \(C^k\) is not an interpolation space between \(C\) and \(C^n\), \(O<k<n\). Zbl 0352.46024 Mityagin, B. S.; Semenov, E. M. 2 1976 Kontinuum paarweise nicht isomorpher F-Kernräume ohne Basis. Zbl 0334.46018 Zobin, N. M.; Mityagin, B. S. 1 1976 Convergence and divergence of Fourier integrals in the Sobolev-spaces pair. Zbl 0309.42013 Mityagin, B. S. 23 1974 Divergenz von Spektralentwicklungen in \(L_p\)-Räumen. Zbl 0316.58018 Mityagin, Boris S. 9 1974 Contre exemple à l’existence d’une base dans un espace de Fréchet nucléaire. Zbl 0312.46016 Mitjagin, Boris S.; Zobin, Naum M. 7 1974 Examples of nuclear linear metric spaces without a basis. Zbl 0344.46014 Zobin, N. M.; Mityagin, B. S. 6 1974 Contre-exemple à l’existence d’une base dans un espace de Fréchet nucléaire. Zbl 0312.46017 Mitjagin, Boris S.; Zobin, Naum M. 1 1974 Complemented subspaces in Banach spaces. Zbl 0287.46029 Kadets, M. I.; Mityagin, B. S. 8 1973 Complemented subspaces in Banach spaces. Zbl 0288.46017 Kadets, M. I.; Mityagin, B. S. 5 1973 Notes on mathematical economics. Zbl 0256.90006 Mityagin, B. S. 5 1973 On the divergence of spectral expansions in the mean and almost everywhere. Zbl 0298.35045 Mityagin, B. S.; Nikishin, E. M. 5 1973 On the divergence of Fourier series almost everywhere. Zbl 0287.42009 Mityagin, B. S.; Nikishin, E. M. 3 1973 On idempotent multipliers in symmetric functional spaces. Zbl 0286.42017 Mityagin, B. S. 2 1973 Uniform convergence of spectral resolutions. Zbl 0286.47027 Kostyuchenko, A. G.; Mityagin, B. S. 2 1973 Functional analysis. Translated from the Russian by Richard E. Flaherty. English edition edited by George F. Votruba with the collaboration of Leo F. Boron. Zbl 0236.47001 Vilenkin, N. Ya.; Gorin, E. A.; Kostyuchenko, A. G.; Krasnosel’skiĭ, M. A.; Kreĭn, S. G.; Maslov, V. P.; Mityagin, B. S.; Petunin, Yu. I.; Rutitskiĭ, Ya. B.; Sobolev, V. I.; Stetsenko, V. Ya.; Faddeev, L. D.; Tsitlanadze, E. S. 35 1972 Linear problems of complex analysis. Zbl 0245.46027 Mityagin, B. S.; Khenkin, G. M. 17 1972 Funktionalanalysis. (Funkcional’nyi analiz.) Gesamtredaktion S. G. Krejn. 2. überarb. und erg. Aufl. Zbl 0261.47001 2 1972 Bemerkungen über die mathematische Ökonomik. Zbl 0249.90007 Mityagin, B. S. 1 1972 Die Äquivalenz von Basen in Hilbertskalen. Zbl 0215.19502 Mityagin, B. S. 18 1971 The absence of a linear resolvent operator in problems in the theory of holomorphic functions. Zbl 0243.32005 Mityagin, B. S.; Khenkin, G. M. 9 1971 Homotopical structure of linear groups of Banach spaces. Zbl 0232.47046 Mityagin, B. S. 25 1970 Homotopy type of linear groups of two classes of Banach spaces. Zbl 0228.47030 Mityagin, B. S.; Ehdel’shtejn, I. S. 17 1970 Nuclearity and other properties of spaces of type S. Zbl 0206.11904 Mityagin, B. S. 13 1970 Fréchet spaces with a unique unconditional basis. Zbl 0205.12002 Mitjagin, B. 7 1970 ...and 29 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 935 Authors 44 Mityagin, Boris Samuilovich 26 Djakov, Plamen B. 17 Savchuk, Artem M. 15 Kappeler, Thomas 15 Sadovnichaya, Inna Viktorovna 13 Khasanov, Aknazar Bekdurdievich 13 Shkalikov, Andreĭ Andreevich 12 Malamud, Mark M. 12 Zakharyuta, Vyacheslav Pavlovich 11 Siegl, Petr 9 Astashkin, Sergeĭ Vladimir 9 Baskakov, Anatoliĭ Grigor’evich 9 Bunimovich, Leonid Abramovich 9 Cappiello, Marco 9 Lunyov, Anton A. 9 Makin, Alexander S. 9 Naor, Assaf 7 Brudnyi, Alexander 7 Kerimov, Nazim B. 7 Polyakov, Dmitriĭ Mikhaĭlovich 7 Topalov, Peter J. 6 Gramchev, Todor V. 6 Rodino, Luigi 6 Semënov, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 6 Uskova, Natal’ya Borisovna 6 Veliev, Oktay Alish 5 Aytuna, Aydin 5 Burlutskaya, Marija Shaukatovna 5 Dragilev, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich 5 Dubinsky, Ed 5 Goncharov, Alexander P. 5 Kaya, Ufuk 5 Kostin, Andrey B. 5 Krishtal, Ilya Arkadievich 5 Kuchment, Peter A. 5 Langenbruch, Michael 5 Martini, Alessio 5 Normurodov, Kh. N. 5 Prinari, Barbara 5 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 5 Viola, Joe 5 Vogt, Dietmar 4 Albiac, Fernando 4 Bierstone, Edward 4 Biondini, Gino 4 Bondarenko, Natalia P. 4 Brudnyi, Yuri A. 4 Bukhvalov, Alexander V. 4 Haslinger, Friedrich 4 Khudayorov, Ulughbek 4 Krieg, David 4 Kuzhel, Sergei 4 Laustsen, Niels Jakob 4 Marchenko, Vitalii 4 Mastyło, Mieczysław 4 Molnar, Jan-Cornelius 4 Oridoroga, Leonid L. 4 Sommariva, Alvise 4 Van der Mee, Cornelis Victor Maria 4 Vianello, Marco 4 Wick Pelletier, Joan 4 Zvereva, Margarita Borisovna 3 Adduci, James 3 Ansorena, José Luis 3 Bagarello, Fabio 3 Bardaro, Carlo 3 Belykh, Vladimir Nikitich 3 Berezans’kyĭ, Yuriĭ Makarovych 3 Cabri, Olgun 3 Carl, Bernd 3 Dall’Ara, Gian Maria 3 Dudkin, Mykola E. 3 Dyuzhenkova, O. Yu. 3 Fan, Dashan 3 Fan, Zhou 3 Gesztesy, Fritz 3 Grébert, Benoît 3 Kamthan, Pawan Kumar 3 Kamuda, Alan 3 Kamynin, Vitaly Leonidovich 3 Khromov, Avgust Petrovich 3 Kondakov, Vladimir Petrovich 3 Kong, Lingju 3 Kosarev, A. P. 3 Krejčiřík, David 3 Kurbanov, Vali M. 3 Lindenstrauss, Joram 3 Malejki, Maria 3 Mantellini, Ilaria 3 Meise, Reinhold G. 3 Michor, Peter Wolfram 3 Nikol’skaya, N. S. 3 Nikol’skiĭ, Nikolaĭ Kapitonovich 3 Nilsson, Per G. 3 Pirkovskiĭ, Alekseĭ Yul’evich 3 Polyakova, Dar’ya Aleksandrovna 3 Reinov, Oleg I. 3 Sadullaev, Azimbai S. 3 Solov’ev, Mikhaĭl Aleksandrovich 3 Terzioglu, Tosun ...and 835 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 257 Serials 45 Mathematical Notes 41 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 39 Journal of Functional Analysis 28 Siberian Mathematical Journal 22 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 22 Differential Equations 21 Doklady Mathematics 19 Journal of Approximation Theory 16 Journal of Differential Equations 15 Israel Journal of Mathematics 15 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 14 Communications in Mathematical Physics 14 Archiv der Mathematik 13 Mathematische Annalen 12 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 12 Functional Analysis and its Applications 11 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 11 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 10 Journal of Mathematical Physics 10 Advances in Mathematics 10 Journal of Spectral Theory 9 Mathematische Zeitschrift 9 Results in Mathematics 8 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 8 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 7 Letters in Mathematical Physics 7 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 7 Linear Algebra and its Applications 7 Sbornik: Mathematics 7 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 6 Studia Mathematica 6 Duke Mathematical Journal 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 Monatshefte für Mathematik 6 Central European Journal of Mathematics 6 Operators and Matrices 5 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 5 Analysis Mathematica 5 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 5 Russian Mathematical Surveys 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Journal of Complexity 5 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 5 Positivity 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Reports on Mathematical Physics 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 4 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 4 Inventiones Mathematicae 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 4 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 4 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 4 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 4 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 3 Communications in Algebra 3 Arkiv för Matematik 3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 3 Constructive Approximation 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 3 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 3 Russian Mathematics 3 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 3 Chaos 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 The Annals of Probability 2 The Annals of Statistics 2 Automatica 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Algebra 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Mathematics of Operations Research 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Studies in Applied Mathematics 2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Série V. Mathématiques 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Physica D 2 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 2 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics ...and 157 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 312 Functional analysis (46-XX) 236 Operator theory (47-XX) 196 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 127 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 69 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 65 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 59 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 39 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 36 Quantum theory (81-XX) 31 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 26 Real functions (26-XX) 26 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 22 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 20 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 17 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 15 General topology (54-XX) 12 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 12 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 10 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 10 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 9 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 9 Special functions (33-XX) 9 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Integral equations (45-XX) 9 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Potential theory (31-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 4 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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