Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Močkoř, Jiří Co-Author Distance Author ID: mockor.jiri Published as: Močkoř, Jiří; Mockor, Jiri; Močkoř, J.; Močkoř, Jiři; Mockor, J. more...less Documents Indexed: 69 Publications since 1974, including 3 Books Reviewing Activity: 116 Reviews Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications 180 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 52 single-authored 6 Kontolatou, Angeliki 3 Hurtík, Petr 3 Smolíková, Renata 2 Alajbegović, Jusuf H. 1 Geroldinger, Alfred 1 Holcapek, Michal 1 Kalapodi, Aleka 1 Novák, Vilém 1 Perfilieva, Irina G. all top 5 Serials 10 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 9 Soft Computing 6 Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli 5 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 4 Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis 3 International Journal of General Systems 3 Archivum Mathematicum 2 Colloquium Mathematicum 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 2 Mathematics and its Applications. East European Series 2 Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Bulletin pour les Sous Ensembles Flous et Leurs Applications 1 Grazer Mathematische Berichte 1 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 1 The Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science 1 Journal of Fuzzy Set Valued Analysis all top 5 Fields 31 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 30 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 23 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 19 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 9 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 9 Computer science (68-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 36 Publications have been cited 396 times in 299 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Mathematical principles of fuzzy logic. Zbl 0940.03028 Novák, Vilém; Perfilieva, Irina; Močkoř, Jiří 229 1999 Semigroup homomorphisms and fuzzy automata. Zbl 1039.68080 Močkoř, J. 20 2002 A category of fuzzy automata. Zbl 0735.68063 Močkoř, Jiři 17 1991 Groups of divisibility. Zbl 0528.13001 Močkoř, Jiří 9 1983 Groups with quasi-divisors theory. Zbl 0794.06015 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 9 1993 Fuzzy objects in spaces with fuzzy partitions. Zbl 1430.18005 Močkoř, Jiří; Holčapek, Michal 8 2017 Quasi-divisor theories and generalizations of Krull domains. Zbl 0853.13012 Geroldinger, Alfred; Močkoř, Jiří 8 1995 Cut systems in sets with similarity relations. Zbl 1225.03070 Močkoř, Jiří 8 2010 Quasi-divisors theory of partly ordered groups. Zbl 0794.06014 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 7 1993 Approximation theorems in commutative algebra. Classical and categorical methods. Zbl 0772.13001 Alajbegović, J.; Močkoř, J. 7 1992 Extensional subobjects in categories of \(\Omega \)-fuzzy sets. Zbl 1174.06320 Močkoř, Jiří 6 2007 Powerset operators of extensional fuzzy sets. Zbl 1398.03185 Močkoř, J. 6 2018 Divisor class groups of ordered subgroups. Zbl 0849.06013 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 6 1993 Fuzzy sets and cut systems in a category of sets with similarity relations. Zbl 1260.03096 Močkoř, Jiří 6 2012 Axiomatic of lattice-valued \(F\)-transform. Zbl 1401.18010 Močkoř, Jiří 5 2018 Topological groups of divisibility. Zbl 0372.22004 Mockor, J. 5 1977 Spaces with fuzzy partitions and fuzzy transform. Zbl 1457.18010 Močkoř, Jiří 4 2017 Covariant functors in categories of fuzzy sets over MV-algebras. Zbl 1121.03077 Močkoř, Jiří 4 2006 Complete subobjects of fuzzy sets over MV-algebras. Zbl 1080.18001 Močkoř, Jiří 4 2004 Lattice-valued \(F\)-transforms and similarity relations. Zbl 1401.18011 Močkoř, Jiří; Hurtik, Petr 3 2018 Approximations of fuzzy soft sets by fuzzy soft relations with image processing application. Zbl 1498.03137 Močkoř, Jiří; Hurtík, Petr 3 2021 \(\alpha\)-cuts and models of fuzzy logic. Zbl 1301.03052 Močkoř, Jiří 2 2013 Some remarks on Lorenzen \(r\)-group of partly ordered groups. Zbl 0879.20031 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 2 1996 Divisor class group and theory of quasi-divisors. Zbl 0955.06011 Močkoř, Jiří 2 2000 The completion of Prüfer domains. Zbl 0379.13012 Mockor, Jiri 2 1977 Fuzzy logic models in a category of fuzzy relations. Zbl 1183.03026 Močkoř, Jiří 2 2009 Closure theories of powerset theories. Zbl 1396.18003 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2015 \(t\)-valuations and the theory of quasi-divisors. Zbl 0885.06008 Močkoř, Jiři 1 1997 Topological characterizations of ordered groups with quasi-divisor theory. Zbl 1019.06008 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2002 F-transforms and semimodule homomorphisms. Zbl 1418.18001 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2019 Output functions of fuzzy automata. Zbl 0852.68059 Močkoř, Jiří; Smolíková, Renata 1 1995 Fuzzy automata. Zbl 0954.68090 Močkoř, Jiří; Smolíková, Renata 1 1997 Constructions of fuzzy logic models in categories of sets with similarities. Zbl 1205.03037 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2010 A realization of d-groups. Zbl 0379.06007 Mockor, Jiri 1 1977 Prüfer d-Groups. Zbl 0384.06023 Mockor, Jiri 1 1978 Fuzzy logic interpretations in categories of fuzzy objects. Zbl 1356.03067 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2016 Approximations of fuzzy soft sets by fuzzy soft relations with image processing application. Zbl 1498.03137 Močkoř, Jiří; Hurtík, Petr 3 2021 F-transforms and semimodule homomorphisms. Zbl 1418.18001 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2019 Powerset operators of extensional fuzzy sets. Zbl 1398.03185 Močkoř, J. 6 2018 Axiomatic of lattice-valued \(F\)-transform. Zbl 1401.18010 Močkoř, Jiří 5 2018 Lattice-valued \(F\)-transforms and similarity relations. Zbl 1401.18011 Močkoř, Jiří; Hurtik, Petr 3 2018 Fuzzy objects in spaces with fuzzy partitions. Zbl 1430.18005 Močkoř, Jiří; Holčapek, Michal 8 2017 Spaces with fuzzy partitions and fuzzy transform. Zbl 1457.18010 Močkoř, Jiří 4 2017 Fuzzy logic interpretations in categories of fuzzy objects. Zbl 1356.03067 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2016 Closure theories of powerset theories. Zbl 1396.18003 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2015 \(\alpha\)-cuts and models of fuzzy logic. Zbl 1301.03052 Močkoř, Jiří 2 2013 Fuzzy sets and cut systems in a category of sets with similarity relations. Zbl 1260.03096 Močkoř, Jiří 6 2012 Cut systems in sets with similarity relations. Zbl 1225.03070 Močkoř, Jiří 8 2010 Constructions of fuzzy logic models in categories of sets with similarities. Zbl 1205.03037 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2010 Fuzzy logic models in a category of fuzzy relations. Zbl 1183.03026 Močkoř, Jiří 2 2009 Extensional subobjects in categories of \(\Omega \)-fuzzy sets. Zbl 1174.06320 Močkoř, Jiří 6 2007 Covariant functors in categories of fuzzy sets over MV-algebras. Zbl 1121.03077 Močkoř, Jiří 4 2006 Complete subobjects of fuzzy sets over MV-algebras. Zbl 1080.18001 Močkoř, Jiří 4 2004 Semigroup homomorphisms and fuzzy automata. Zbl 1039.68080 Močkoř, J. 20 2002 Topological characterizations of ordered groups with quasi-divisor theory. Zbl 1019.06008 Močkoř, Jiří 1 2002 Divisor class group and theory of quasi-divisors. Zbl 0955.06011 Močkoř, Jiří 2 2000 Mathematical principles of fuzzy logic. Zbl 0940.03028 Novák, Vilém; Perfilieva, Irina; Močkoř, Jiří 229 1999 \(t\)-valuations and the theory of quasi-divisors. Zbl 0885.06008 Močkoř, Jiři 1 1997 Fuzzy automata. Zbl 0954.68090 Močkoř, Jiří; Smolíková, Renata 1 1997 Some remarks on Lorenzen \(r\)-group of partly ordered groups. Zbl 0879.20031 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 2 1996 Quasi-divisor theories and generalizations of Krull domains. Zbl 0853.13012 Geroldinger, Alfred; Močkoř, Jiří 8 1995 Output functions of fuzzy automata. Zbl 0852.68059 Močkoř, Jiří; Smolíková, Renata 1 1995 Groups with quasi-divisors theory. Zbl 0794.06015 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 9 1993 Quasi-divisors theory of partly ordered groups. Zbl 0794.06014 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 7 1993 Divisor class groups of ordered subgroups. Zbl 0849.06013 Močkoř, Jiří; Kontolatou, Angeliki 6 1993 Approximation theorems in commutative algebra. Classical and categorical methods. Zbl 0772.13001 Alajbegović, J.; Močkoř, J. 7 1992 A category of fuzzy automata. Zbl 0735.68063 Močkoř, Jiři 17 1991 Groups of divisibility. Zbl 0528.13001 Močkoř, Jiří 9 1983 Prüfer d-Groups. Zbl 0384.06023 Mockor, Jiri 1 1978 Topological groups of divisibility. Zbl 0372.22004 Mockor, J. 5 1977 The completion of Prüfer domains. Zbl 0379.13012 Mockor, Jiri 2 1977 A realization of d-groups. Zbl 0379.06007 Mockor, Jiri 1 1977 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 256 Authors 34 Novák, Vilém 30 Močkoř, Jiří 21 Kreinovich, Vladik Yakovlevich 16 Kosheleva, Olga M. 15 Tiwari, S. P. 14 Holcapek, Michal 14 Štěpnička, Martin 13 Perfilieva, Irina G. 11 Murinová, Petra 10 Dvořák, Antonín 9 Wang, Guojun 8 Bělohlávek, Radim 8 Kerre, Etienne E. 7 Daňková, Martina 7 De Cock, Martine 7 Vychodil, Vilém 6 Cornelis, Chris 6 Godo, Lluís 6 Li, Yongming 6 Madrid, Nicolás 6 Pedrycz, Witold 5 Esteva, Francesc 5 Gerla, Giangiacomo 5 Pal, Priyanka 5 Vetterlein, Thomas 5 Zhou, Hongjun 4 Cao, Nhung 4 De Baets, Bernard 4 Deschrijver, Glad 4 Schockaert, Steven 4 Tang, Yiming 4 Zahedi, Mohammad Mehdi 3 Bošnjak, Ivica 3 Burda, Michal 3 Dubey, Maneesh Kumar 3 Geroldinger, Alfred 3 Gottwald, Siegfried 3 Guller, Dušan 3 Hliněná, Dana 3 Holeňa, Martin 3 Kalina, Martin 3 Kontolatou, Angeliki 3 Král’, Pavol 3 Madarász, Rozália Sz. 3 Noguera, Carles 3 Ojeda-Aciego, Manuel 3 Turunen, Esko 3 Urenda, Julio C. 3 Xu, Yang 3 Yadav, Vijay Kumar 3 Zadeh, Lotfi Asker 2 Abolpour, Khadijeh 2 Bodenhofer, Ulrich 2 Boffa, Stefania 2 Cintula, Petr 2 Csiszár, Orsolya 2 Di Nola, Antonio 2 Ferbas, Petr 2 Gautam, Vinay 2 Gerla, Brunella 2 Ghorani, Maryam 2 Gispert, Joan 2 Hájek, Petr 2 Haniková, Zuzana 2 Hurtík, Petr 2 Janssen, Jeroen 2 Jayaram, Balasubramaniam 2 Klimes, Cyril 2 Ma, Jun 2 Mahato, Sutapa 2 Mandal, Sayantan 2 Mesiar, Radko 2 Nguyen Ngoc Thach 2 Nguyen, Hoang Phuong 2 Paudel, Lokendra 2 Pavliska, Viktor 2 Pei, Daowu 2 Rodríguez, J. Tinguaro 2 Ruan, Da 2 Smolíková, Renata 2 Šostak, Alexander P. 2 Vermeir, Dirk 1 Abid, Muhammad Ali 1 Acar, Erman 1 Aguzzoli, Stefano 1 Ahmad, Zubair 1 Alkhatib, Hamza 1 Ameri, Reza 1 Phạm Ngọc Ánh 1 Anis, Saima 1 Autchariyapanikul, Kittawit 1 Baeth, Nicholas R. 1 Bartoš, Jiří 1 Batyrshin, Il’dar Zakirzyanovich 1 Běhounek, Libor 1 Bokati, Laxman 1 Booth, Richard F. 1 Bradić, M. 1 Chakraborty, Mihir Kumar 1 Chen, Guoqing ...and 156 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 53 Serials 107 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 21 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 18 Soft Computing 16 Information Sciences 7 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 6 Kybernetika 6 Acta Mathematica et Informatica Universitatis Ostraviensis 5 Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 5 New Mathematics and Natural Computation 4 International Journal of General Systems 4 Archive for Mathematical Logic 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 3 Journal of Applied Logic 3 Logica Universalis 3 Axioms 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 2 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 2 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Physica A 1 Algebra and Logic 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Studia Logica 1 Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 1 Order 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Algebras and Representation Theory 1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 1 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 1 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Thai Journal of Mathematics 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 1 Advances in Fuzzy Systems 1 Categories and General Algebraic Structures with Applications all top 5 Cited in 34 Fields 186 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 108 Computer science (68-XX) 49 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 29 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 16 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 11 Statistics (62-XX) 11 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 7 General topology (54-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year