Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Morgan, Jacqueline Co-Author Distance Author ID: morgan.jacqueline Published as: Morgan, Jacqueline; Morgan, J.; Morgan, Jaqueline; Margan, Jacqueline more...less Homepage: http://wpage.unina.it/morgan/ Documents Indexed: 101 Publications since 1979 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 21 Co-Authors with 98 Joint Publications 419 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 32 Lignola, Maria Beatrice 14 Loridan, Pierre 9 Scalzo, Vincenzo 8 Mallozzi, Lina 7 Caruso, Francesco 7 Ceparano, Maria Carmela 7 De Marco, Giuseppe 5 Raucci, Roberto 3 Bonnel, Henri 3 Crisci, Maria Rosaria 3 Delfour, Michel Claude 3 Patrone, Fioravante 3 Romaniello, Maria 2 Cavazzuti, Ennio 2 Flåm, Sjur Didrik 1 Bilbao, Jesús Mario 1 Bischi, Gian-Italo 1 Branzei, Rodica M. 1 Del Prete, Imma 1 Haurie, Alain B. 1 Tijs, Stef all top 5 Serials 15 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 8 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 International Game Theory Review 6 Optimization 4 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Università di Modena 3 Journal of Global Optimization 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 SIAM Journal on Optimization 3 Journal of Convex Analysis 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Annals of Operations Research 2 Economic Theory 2 Top 2 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Pacific Journal of Optimization 2 Dynamic Games and Applications 1 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1 International Journal of Game Theory 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Le Matematiche 1 Mathematical Programming 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. B 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VII. B 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Optimization Letters 1 Minimax Theory and its Applications all top 5 Fields 58 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 53 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 43 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 88 Publications have been cited 947 times in 435 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Weak via strong Stackelberg problem: New results. Zbl 0861.90151 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 62 1996 Well-posedness for optimization problems with constraints defined by variational inequalities having a unique solution. Zbl 0960.90079 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 57 2000 Semivectorial bilevel optimization problem: penalty approach. Zbl 1205.90258 Bonnel, H.; Morgan, J. 49 2006 New results on approximate solutions in two-level optimization. Zbl 0684.90089 Loridan, P.; Morgan, Jacqueline 37 1989 Pseudocontinuous functions and existence of Nash equilibria. Zbl 1280.91010 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 31 2007 \(\alpha\)-well-posedness for Nash equilibria and for optimization problems with Nash equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1105.49029 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 31 2006 Stability of regularized bilevel programming problems. Zbl 0872.90092 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 30 1997 A theoretical approximation scheme for Stackelberg problems. Zbl 0642.90107 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 27 1989 Topological existence and stability for Stackelberg problems. Zbl 0826.90148 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 26 1995 Approximations and well-posedness in multicriteria games. Zbl 1138.91407 Morgan, Jacqueline 24 2005 Constrained well-posed two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0786.90112 Morgan, J. 23 1989 Well-posed saddle point problems. Zbl 0519.49015 Cavazzuti, Ennio; Morgan, Jacqueline 23 1983 Semi-continuities of marginal functions in a sequential setting. Zbl 0823.47051 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 22 1992 Scalarization and Kuhn-Tucker-like conditions for weak vector generalized quasivariational inequalities. Zbl 1123.49004 Morgan, J.; Romaniello, M. 22 2006 Pseudocontinuity in optimization and nonzero-sum games. Zbl 1090.91006 Morgan, J.; Scalzo, V. 21 2004 Generalized variational inequalities with pseudomonotone operators under perturbations. Zbl 1126.49305 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 20 1999 On strict \(\varepsilon{}\)-solutions for a two-level optimization problem. Zbl 0825.90834 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 19 1992 Discontinuous but well-posed optimization problems. Zbl 1119.49026 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 18 2006 New concepts of well-posedness for optimization problems with variational inequality constraints. Zbl 1029.49024 Del Prete, Imma; Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 17 2003 Semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems: Existence results. Zbl 1279.49002 Bonnel, Henri; Morgan, Jacqueline 16 2012 Approximate solutions for two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0662.90090 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 15 1988 \(\epsilon\)-regularized two-level optimization problems: Approximation and existence results. Zbl 0688.90045 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 14 1989 Convergences of marginal functions with dependent constraints. Zbl 0814.49010 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 13 1992 Penalty functions in epsilon-programming and epsilon-minimax problems. Zbl 0511.90086 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 13 1983 Optimality conditions for semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems. Zbl 1283.49042 Bonnel, Henri; Morgan, Jacqueline 12 2013 Inner regularizations and viscosity solutions for pessimistic bilevel optimization problems. Zbl 1373.49042 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 11 2017 Semincontinuity and episemicontinuity: Equivalence and applications. Zbl 0799.49013 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 11 1994 \(\epsilon\)-mixed strategies for static continuous-kernel Stackelberg games. Zbl 0796.90089 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 10 1993 Topological existence and stability for min sup problems. Zbl 0714.49012 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 10 1990 Hierarchical systems with weighted reaction set. Zbl 0985.91008 Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 10 1996 Convergence of solutions of quasi-variational inequalities and applications. Zbl 0912.49010 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 10 1997 Uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in continuous two-player weighted potential games. Zbl 1415.91013 Caruso, Francesco; Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 9 2018 Oligopolistic markets with leadership and demand functions possibly discontinuous. Zbl 1118.91045 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 8 2005 Slightly altruistic equilibria. Zbl 1153.91007 De Marco, G.; Morgan, J. 8 2008 Regularization and approximation methods in Stackelberg games and bilevel optimization. Zbl 1479.91064 Caruso, Francesco; Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 8 2020 Existence of solutions to generalized bilevel programming problem. Zbl 0896.90164 Lignola, Maria Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 8 1998 New convergence results for Nash equilibria. Zbl 1034.91022 Morgan, Jacqueline; Raucci, Roberto 7 1999 Least-norm regularization for weak two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0777.90059 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 7 1992 Existence for optimization problems with equilibrium constraints in reflexive Banach spaces. Zbl 1116.90403 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 7 2002 Approximate fixed point theorems in Banach spaces with applications in game theory. Zbl 1037.47038 Brânzei, Rodica; Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo; Tijs, Stef 7 2003 A refinement concept for equiliria in multicriteria games via stable scalarizations. Zbl 1139.91311 de Marco, Guiseppe; Morgan, Jaqueline 7 2007 Quasi convex lower level problem and applications in two level optimization. Zbl 0726.90111 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 7 1990 Stackelberg problems: subgame perfect equilibria via Tikhonov regularization. Zbl 1275.91032 Morgan, Jacqueline; Patrone, Fioravante 7 2006 Asymptotic behavior of semi-quasivariational optimistic bilevel problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1305.49013 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 2015 Convergence of minimal and approximate minimal elements of sets in partially ordered vector spaces. Zbl 0997.90100 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J.; Raucci, R. 6 1999 Approximate solutions to variational inequalities and applications. Zbl 0848.49010 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 1994 Lower semicontinuity for approximate social Nash equilibria. Zbl 1072.91001 Morgan, Jacqueline; Raucci, Roberto 6 2002 Further on inner regularizations in bilevel optimization. Zbl 1409.49012 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 2019 Variational stability of social Nash equilibria. Zbl 1154.91312 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 6 2008 Vector quasi-variational inequalities: approximate solutions and well-posedness. Zbl 1105.49016 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 6 2006 Stability in regularized quasi-variational settings. Zbl 1266.49016 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 2012 Newtonian mechanics and Nash play. Zbl 1087.91001 Flåm, S. D.; Morgan, J. 5 2004 A new look for Stackelberg-Cournot equilibria in oligopolistic markets. Zbl 1030.91023 Flåm, Sjur D.; Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 5 2002 New results on value functions and applications to MaxSup and MaxInf problems. Zbl 1094.90047 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 5 2004 Equilibrium selection in multi-leader-follower games with vertical information. Zbl 1380.49008 Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 5 2017 On convergence results for weak efficiency in vector optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1152.90594 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 5 2007 Viscosity solutions for bilevel problems with Nash equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1307.49015 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2014 Weak Stackelberg problem and mixed solutions under data perturbations. Zbl 0817.90149 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 4 1995 Approximating security values of minsup problems with quasi-variational inequality constraints. Zbl 1305.49014 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2014 Regularizations for two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0770.90102 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jaqueline 4 1992 Generalized quasi-variational inequalities and duality. Zbl 1082.65544 Morgan, Jacqueline; Romaniello, Maria 4 2003 Convergence of approximate solutions and values in parametric vector optimization. Zbl 0989.65066 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2000 Friendliness and reciprocity in equilibrium selection. Zbl 1153.91305 de Marco, Giuseppe; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2008 Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium: a learning approach via costs to move. Zbl 1429.91015 Caruso, Francesco; Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2019 Approximation of the Stackelberg problem and applications in control theory. Zbl 0619.90102 Morgan, J.; Loridan, P. 3 1986 Existence and approximation results for min-sup problems. Zbl 0900.49007 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 1992 Existence of solutions to bilevel variational problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 0992.49007 Lignola, Maria Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2001 Mixed strategies for hierarchical zero-sum games. Zbl 1008.91008 Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2001 On approximate mixed Nash equilibria and average marginal functions for two-stage three-players games. Zbl 1196.91014 Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2006 Approximate values for mathematical programs with variational inequality constraints. Zbl 1284.90093 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2012 A method to bypass the lack of solutions in minsup problems under quasi-equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1368.90176 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2016 Convergences for variational inequalities and generalized variational inequalities. Zbl 0891.49004 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 1997 Epiconvergence and continuous convergence. Zbl 0817.54013 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Margan, Jacqueline 2 1994 A complement to the differentiability of saddle points and min-max. Zbl 0774.49018 Delfour, M. C.; Morgan, J. 2 1992 Implementation and numerical results of an approximation method for constrained saddle point problems. Zbl 0578.65066 Crisci, M. R.; Morgan, J. 2 1984 An exterior approximation method for constrained saddle point problems via unconstrained optimization. Zbl 0493.49033 Morgan, J. 2 1980 Equilibrium selection and altruistic behavior in noncooperative social networks. Zbl 1183.91008 De Marco, Giuseppe; Morgan, Jacqueline 2 2009 An inverse-adjusted best response algorithm for Nash equilibria. Zbl 1441.47096 Caruso, Francesco; Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 2 2020 A sequential stability result for constrained Stackelberg problems. Zbl 0721.49015 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 2 1989 Asymptotical behavior of finite and possible discontinuous economies. Zbl 1130.91037 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 2 2007 An algorithm for a constrained saddle point problem via an exact penalty method. Zbl 0676.65062 Crisci, M. R.; Morgan, J. 1 1989 Existence of a feedback equilibrium for two-stage Stackelberg games. Zbl 0893.90188 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 1 1997 One-sided derivative of Min Max and saddle points with respect to a parameter. Zbl 0815.49008 Delfour, M. C.; Morgan, J. 1 1994 Convergence results of an approximation method for constrained saddle point problems. Zbl 0539.65049 Crisci, M. R.; Morgan, J. 1 1984 Altruistic behavior and correlated equilibrium selection. Zbl 1259.91065 De Marco, Giuseppe; Morgan, Jacqueline 1 2011 Lower convergence of approximate solutions to vector quasi-variational problems. Zbl 1198.49009 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 1 2010 Generalized quasi-variational inequalities: duality under perturbations. Zbl 1101.49028 Morgan, Jacqueline; Romaniello, Maria 1 2006 Approximate solutions for strong hierarchical saddle point problems. Zbl 0893.49003 Morgan, Jacqueline; Raucci, Roberto 1 1997 Regularization and approximation methods in Stackelberg games and bilevel optimization. Zbl 1479.91064 Caruso, Francesco; Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 8 2020 An inverse-adjusted best response algorithm for Nash equilibria. Zbl 1441.47096 Caruso, Francesco; Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 2 2020 Further on inner regularizations in bilevel optimization. Zbl 1409.49012 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 2019 Subgame perfect Nash equilibrium: a learning approach via costs to move. Zbl 1429.91015 Caruso, Francesco; Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2019 Uniqueness of Nash equilibrium in continuous two-player weighted potential games. Zbl 1415.91013 Caruso, Francesco; Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 9 2018 Inner regularizations and viscosity solutions for pessimistic bilevel optimization problems. Zbl 1373.49042 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 11 2017 Equilibrium selection in multi-leader-follower games with vertical information. Zbl 1380.49008 Ceparano, Maria Carmela; Morgan, Jacqueline 5 2017 A method to bypass the lack of solutions in minsup problems under quasi-equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1368.90176 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2016 Asymptotic behavior of semi-quasivariational optimistic bilevel problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 1305.49013 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 2015 Viscosity solutions for bilevel problems with Nash equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1307.49015 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2014 Approximating security values of minsup problems with quasi-variational inequality constraints. Zbl 1305.49014 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2014 Optimality conditions for semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems. Zbl 1283.49042 Bonnel, Henri; Morgan, Jacqueline 12 2013 Semivectorial bilevel convex optimal control problems: Existence results. Zbl 1279.49002 Bonnel, Henri; Morgan, Jacqueline 16 2012 Stability in regularized quasi-variational settings. Zbl 1266.49016 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 2012 Approximate values for mathematical programs with variational inequality constraints. Zbl 1284.90093 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2012 Altruistic behavior and correlated equilibrium selection. Zbl 1259.91065 De Marco, Giuseppe; Morgan, Jacqueline 1 2011 Lower convergence of approximate solutions to vector quasi-variational problems. Zbl 1198.49009 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 1 2010 Equilibrium selection and altruistic behavior in noncooperative social networks. Zbl 1183.91008 De Marco, Giuseppe; Morgan, Jacqueline 2 2009 Slightly altruistic equilibria. Zbl 1153.91007 De Marco, G.; Morgan, J. 8 2008 Variational stability of social Nash equilibria. Zbl 1154.91312 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 6 2008 Friendliness and reciprocity in equilibrium selection. Zbl 1153.91305 de Marco, Giuseppe; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2008 Pseudocontinuous functions and existence of Nash equilibria. Zbl 1280.91010 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 31 2007 A refinement concept for equiliria in multicriteria games via stable scalarizations. Zbl 1139.91311 de Marco, Guiseppe; Morgan, Jaqueline 7 2007 On convergence results for weak efficiency in vector optimization problems with equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1152.90594 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 5 2007 Asymptotical behavior of finite and possible discontinuous economies. Zbl 1130.91037 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 2 2007 Semivectorial bilevel optimization problem: penalty approach. Zbl 1205.90258 Bonnel, H.; Morgan, J. 49 2006 \(\alpha\)-well-posedness for Nash equilibria and for optimization problems with Nash equilibrium constraints. Zbl 1105.49029 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 31 2006 Scalarization and Kuhn-Tucker-like conditions for weak vector generalized quasivariational inequalities. Zbl 1123.49004 Morgan, J.; Romaniello, M. 22 2006 Discontinuous but well-posed optimization problems. Zbl 1119.49026 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 18 2006 Stackelberg problems: subgame perfect equilibria via Tikhonov regularization. Zbl 1275.91032 Morgan, Jacqueline; Patrone, Fioravante 7 2006 Vector quasi-variational inequalities: approximate solutions and well-posedness. Zbl 1105.49016 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 6 2006 On approximate mixed Nash equilibria and average marginal functions for two-stage three-players games. Zbl 1196.91014 Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2006 Generalized quasi-variational inequalities: duality under perturbations. Zbl 1101.49028 Morgan, Jacqueline; Romaniello, Maria 1 2006 Approximations and well-posedness in multicriteria games. Zbl 1138.91407 Morgan, Jacqueline 24 2005 Oligopolistic markets with leadership and demand functions possibly discontinuous. Zbl 1118.91045 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 8 2005 Pseudocontinuity in optimization and nonzero-sum games. Zbl 1090.91006 Morgan, J.; Scalzo, V. 21 2004 Newtonian mechanics and Nash play. Zbl 1087.91001 Flåm, S. D.; Morgan, J. 5 2004 New results on value functions and applications to MaxSup and MaxInf problems. Zbl 1094.90047 Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo 5 2004 New concepts of well-posedness for optimization problems with variational inequality constraints. Zbl 1029.49024 Del Prete, Imma; Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 17 2003 Approximate fixed point theorems in Banach spaces with applications in game theory. Zbl 1037.47038 Brânzei, Rodica; Morgan, Jacqueline; Scalzo, Vincenzo; Tijs, Stef 7 2003 Generalized quasi-variational inequalities and duality. Zbl 1082.65544 Morgan, Jacqueline; Romaniello, Maria 4 2003 Existence for optimization problems with equilibrium constraints in reflexive Banach spaces. Zbl 1116.90403 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 7 2002 Lower semicontinuity for approximate social Nash equilibria. Zbl 1072.91001 Morgan, Jacqueline; Raucci, Roberto 6 2002 A new look for Stackelberg-Cournot equilibria in oligopolistic markets. Zbl 1030.91023 Flåm, Sjur D.; Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 5 2002 Existence of solutions to bilevel variational problems in Banach spaces. Zbl 0992.49007 Lignola, Maria Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2001 Mixed strategies for hierarchical zero-sum games. Zbl 1008.91008 Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 2001 Well-posedness for optimization problems with constraints defined by variational inequalities having a unique solution. Zbl 0960.90079 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 57 2000 Convergence of approximate solutions and values in parametric vector optimization. Zbl 0989.65066 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 4 2000 Generalized variational inequalities with pseudomonotone operators under perturbations. Zbl 1126.49305 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 20 1999 New convergence results for Nash equilibria. Zbl 1034.91022 Morgan, Jacqueline; Raucci, Roberto 7 1999 Convergence of minimal and approximate minimal elements of sets in partially ordered vector spaces. Zbl 0997.90100 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J.; Raucci, R. 6 1999 Existence of solutions to generalized bilevel programming problem. Zbl 0896.90164 Lignola, Maria Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 8 1998 Stability of regularized bilevel programming problems. Zbl 0872.90092 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 30 1997 Convergence of solutions of quasi-variational inequalities and applications. Zbl 0912.49010 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 10 1997 Convergences for variational inequalities and generalized variational inequalities. Zbl 0891.49004 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 1997 Existence of a feedback equilibrium for two-stage Stackelberg games. Zbl 0893.90188 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 1 1997 Approximate solutions for strong hierarchical saddle point problems. Zbl 0893.49003 Morgan, Jacqueline; Raucci, Roberto 1 1997 Weak via strong Stackelberg problem: New results. Zbl 0861.90151 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 62 1996 Hierarchical systems with weighted reaction set. Zbl 0985.91008 Mallozzi, Lina; Morgan, Jacqueline 10 1996 Topological existence and stability for Stackelberg problems. Zbl 0826.90148 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 26 1995 Weak Stackelberg problem and mixed solutions under data perturbations. Zbl 0817.90149 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 4 1995 Semincontinuity and episemicontinuity: Equivalence and applications. Zbl 0799.49013 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 11 1994 Approximate solutions to variational inequalities and applications. Zbl 0848.49010 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 6 1994 Epiconvergence and continuous convergence. Zbl 0817.54013 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Margan, Jacqueline 2 1994 One-sided derivative of Min Max and saddle points with respect to a parameter. Zbl 0815.49008 Delfour, M. C.; Morgan, J. 1 1994 \(\epsilon\)-mixed strategies for static continuous-kernel Stackelberg games. Zbl 0796.90089 Mallozzi, L.; Morgan, J. 10 1993 Semi-continuities of marginal functions in a sequential setting. Zbl 0823.47051 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 22 1992 On strict \(\varepsilon{}\)-solutions for a two-level optimization problem. Zbl 0825.90834 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 19 1992 Convergences of marginal functions with dependent constraints. Zbl 0814.49010 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 13 1992 Least-norm regularization for weak two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0777.90059 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 7 1992 Regularizations for two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0770.90102 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jaqueline 4 1992 Existence and approximation results for min-sup problems. Zbl 0900.49007 Lignola, M. Beatrice; Morgan, Jacqueline 3 1992 A complement to the differentiability of saddle points and min-max. Zbl 0774.49018 Delfour, M. C.; Morgan, J. 2 1992 Topological existence and stability for min sup problems. Zbl 0714.49012 Lignola, M. B.; Morgan, J. 10 1990 Quasi convex lower level problem and applications in two level optimization. Zbl 0726.90111 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 7 1990 New results on approximate solutions in two-level optimization. Zbl 0684.90089 Loridan, P.; Morgan, Jacqueline 37 1989 A theoretical approximation scheme for Stackelberg problems. Zbl 0642.90107 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 27 1989 Constrained well-posed two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0786.90112 Morgan, J. 23 1989 \(\epsilon\)-regularized two-level optimization problems: Approximation and existence results. Zbl 0688.90045 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 14 1989 A sequential stability result for constrained Stackelberg problems. Zbl 0721.49015 Loridan, Pierre; Morgan, Jacqueline 2 1989 An algorithm for a constrained saddle point problem via an exact penalty method. Zbl 0676.65062 Crisci, M. R.; Morgan, J. 1 1989 Approximate solutions for two-level optimization problems. Zbl 0662.90090 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 15 1988 Approximation of the Stackelberg problem and applications in control theory. Zbl 0619.90102 Morgan, J.; Loridan, P. 3 1986 Implementation and numerical results of an approximation method for constrained saddle point problems. Zbl 0578.65066 Crisci, M. R.; Morgan, J. 2 1984 Convergence results of an approximation method for constrained saddle point problems. Zbl 0539.65049 Crisci, M. R.; Morgan, J. 1 1984 Well-posed saddle point problems. Zbl 0519.49015 Cavazzuti, Ennio; Morgan, Jacqueline 23 1983 Penalty functions in epsilon-programming and epsilon-minimax problems. Zbl 0511.90086 Loridan, P.; Morgan, J. 13 1983 An exterior approximation method for constrained saddle point problems via unconstrained optimization. Zbl 0493.49033 Morgan, J. 2 1980 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 524 Authors 45 Morgan, Jacqueline 19 Lignola, Maria Beatrice 17 Dempe, Stephan 15 Anh, Lam Quoc 13 Phan Quôc Khánh 12 Huang, Nan-Jing 12 Scalzo, Vincenzo 12 Wan, Zhongping 11 Fang, Yaping 10 De Marco, Giuseppe 10 Hu, Rong 9 Zheng, Yue 8 Aboussoror, Abdelmalek 8 Do Van Luu 8 Mallozzi, Lina 7 Yao, Jen-Chih 6 Caruso, Francesco 6 Ceng, Lu-Chuan 6 Ceparano, Maria Carmela 6 Lampariello, Lorenzo 6 Mehlitz, Patrick 6 Sagratella, Simone 6 Savard, Gilles 6 Yang, Xinmin 5 Bonnel, Henri 5 Cotrina, John 5 Duy, Tran Quoc 5 Huang, Xuexiang 5 Patrone, Fioravante 5 Pusillo, Lucia 5 Romaniello, Maria 5 Svensson, Anton 5 Wangkeeree, Rabian 4 Adly, Samir 4 Aussel, Didier 4 Bantaojai, Thanatporn 4 Gadhi, Nazih Abderrazzak 4 Gong, Xunhua 4 Kanzow, Christian 4 Ljubić, Ivana 4 Loridan, Pierre 4 Peng, Jianwen 4 Peng, Zaiyun 4 Sinnl, Markus 4 Xiao, Yibin 4 Yang, Zhe 4 Yu, Jian 4 Zemkoho, Alain B. 3 Ait Mansour, Mohamed 3 Bhatia, Guneet 3 Chen, Jiawei 3 Cho, Yeol Je 3 Eichfelder, Gabriele 3 Fakhar, Majid 3 Giuli, Massimiliano 3 Hajisharifi, Hamid Reza 3 Hang, Dinh Dieu 3 Hung, Nguyen Van 3 Jia, Wensheng 3 Kostarelou, Eftychia 3 Kozanidis, George 3 Lafhim, Lahoussine 3 Lalitha, C. S. 3 Li, Gaoxi 3 Mansouri, Abdelatif 3 Marcotte, Patrice 3 Margiocco, Marco 3 Migdalas, Athanasios 3 Moulaï, Mustapha 3 Outrata, Jiří V. 3 Prokopyev, Oleg Alexan 3 Tijs, Stef 3 Treanţă, Savin 3 Tuy, Hoang 2 Adjiman, Claire S. 2 Alves, Maria João 2 Amini-Harandi, Alireza 2 Andrianesis, Panagiotis 2 Audet, Charles 2 Benita, Francisco 2 Bergounioux, Maïtine 2 Bigi, Giancarlo 2 Bogdan, Marcel 2 Brotcorne, Luce 2 Cao, Dong 2 Capătă, Adela Elisabeta 2 Castellani, Marco 2 Červinka, Michal 2 Chadli, Ouayl 2 Chuang, Chih-Sheng 2 Collonge, Julien 2 Colson, Benoît 2 Duoc, Pham Thanh 2 Dutta, Joydeep 2 Facchinei, Francisco 2 Fali, Fatima 2 Fan, Yuxin 2 Fang, Zhimiao 2 Fischetti, Matteo 2 Gaar, Elisabeth ...and 424 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 106 Serials 60 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 41 Optimization 24 Journal of Global Optimization 18 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 15 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 11 Annals of Operations Research 11 SIAM Journal on Optimization 10 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 10 European Journal of Operational Research 10 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 9 Optimization Letters 8 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 7 Computational Optimization and Applications 7 Positivity 6 Operations Research Letters 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Computers & Operations Research 5 RAIRO. Operations Research 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Economic Theory 4 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 4 International Game Theory Review 4 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 Journal of Mathematical Economics 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Mathematical Social Sciences 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 3 Top 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Games 3 Dynamic Games and Applications 3 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 3 Minimax Theory and its Applications 3 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 2 International Journal of Game Theory 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Theory and Decision 2 Economics Letters 2 Applied Mathematical Modelling 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Optimization Methods & Software 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 2 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 4OR 2 Computational Management Science 1 Applicable Analysis 1 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Automatica 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Operations Research 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Economics 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 Applications of Mathematics 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 Games and Economic Behavior 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 INFORMS Journal on Computing 1 Mathematical Communications 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 Soft Computing 1 Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences (WUJNS) 1 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 1 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 1 Optimization and Engineering 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 ASTIN Bulletin 1 Central European Journal of Mathematics 1 Engineering Optimization 1 JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 1 Advances in Mathematical Physics 1 Advances in Operations Research ...and 6 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 22 Fields 281 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 187 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 162 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 38 Operator theory (47-XX) 28 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 18 General topology (54-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year