Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Mostafa, Adela Osman Co-Author Distance Author ID: mostafa.adela-osman Published as: Mostafa, A. O.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Mostafa, Adela Osman; Mostafa, Adela more...less External Links: ORCID · Google Scholar · dblp Documents Indexed: 172 Publications since 1990 Co-Authors: 29 Co-Authors with 160 Joint Publications 999 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 145 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal 40 Shamandy, Ali 22 Zayed, Hanaa Mousa 20 Adwan, Eman Ahmed 15 Madian, Samar Mohamed 11 Bulboacă, Teodor 8 El-Emam, Fatma Z. 8 El-hawsh, Ghada M. 8 Munassar, Basheer M. 7 Lashin, A. Y. 6 Saleh, Z. M. 6 Shahin, Awatif Mohamed 6 Wagdy, A. K. 5 Al-Quhali, F. Y. 4 Elmorsy, R. E. 2 Algubouri, Omar M. 2 El-Ashwah, Rabha Mohamed 2 Madian, Samer M. 2 Mowafy, Mohamed A. 2 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 2 Tang, Huo 1 Adwa, E. A. 1 Aljuboori, O. M. 1 Aljubori, O. M. 1 Bulboacua, Teodor 1 Bulut, Serap 1 Cho, Nak Eun 1 Elyamany, W. K. 1 Hussain, Aisha 1 Lashen, Abd-Elmoem Y. 1 Morsy, R. E. El. 1 Naser, R. A. all top 5 Serials 27 Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics 12 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 10 Afrika Matematika 10 Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications 6 Le Matematiche 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 Indian Journal of Mathematics 5 Matematički Vesnik 5 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 5 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 4 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 4 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Demonstratio Mathematica 3 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 2 Mathematica Slovaca 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Filomat 2 Journal of Applied Analysis 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 2 Miskolc Mathematical Notes 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 ROMAI Journal 2 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series A 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 1 Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 1 Analysis in Theory and Applications 1 Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Mathematics and Applications 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 1 Axioms 1 Journal of Classical Analysis 1 International Journal of Analysis 1 Journal of Complex Analysis 1 Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Fields 172 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 80 Publications have been cited 284 times in 168 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Basic and fractional \(q\)-calculus and associated Fekete-Szegő problem for \(p\)-valently \(q\)-starlike functions and \(p\)-valently \(q\)-convex functions of complex order. Zbl 1438.26015 Srivastava, H. M.; Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Zayed, H. M. 29 2019 On a subclass of \(n-p\)-valent prestarlike functions. Zbl 1140.30304 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 24 2008 A study on starlike and convex properties for hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1180.30019 Mostafa, A. O. 17 2009 Some properties of analytic functions associated with fractional \(q\)-calculus operators. Zbl 1463.30087 Srivastava, H. M.; Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 14 2019 Subordination and superordination properties of \(p\)-valent functions defined by a generalized fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1425.30015 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 11 2016 On certain subclasses of multivalent functions defined by a generalized fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1368.30005 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 9 2017 Some characterizations of integral operators associated with certain classes of \(p\)-valent functions defined by the Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1350.30015 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 9 2016 Multivalent functions associated with Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1401.30007 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, Mohamed K.; Zayed, Hanaa M.; Bulboacă, Teodor 9 2018 Some constraints of hypergeometric functions to belong to certain subclasses of analytic functions. Zbl 1342.30004 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 8 2016 Some subordination results for classes of analytic functions defined by the Al-Oboudi-Al-Amoudi operator. Zbl 1165.30313 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 7 2009 Convolution properties for some subclasses of meromorphic functions of complex order. Zbl 1433.30028 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 7 2015 Convolution conditions for subclasses of meromorphic functions of complex order associated with basic Bessel functions. Zbl 1376.30009 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, Mohamed K.; Zayed, Hanaa M.; Bulboacă, Teodor 6 2017 Sandwich theorems for \(p\)-valent functions defined by a certain integral operator. Zbl 1219.30005 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Ashwah, R. 6 2011 Neighborhoods of certain \(p\)-valent analytic functions with complex order. Zbl 1189.30029 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 6 2009 Some properties of a subclass of uniformly convex functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1159.30307 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 5 2008 Subordination results for certain class of analytic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1231.30003 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 5 2011 Subordination theorem of analytic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1356.30006 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 4 2013 Necessity and sufficiency for hypergeometric functions to be in a subclass of analytic functions. Zbl 1328.30004 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 4 2015 Properties of some families of meromorphic \(p\)-valent functions involving certain differential operator. Zbl 1224.30031 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 4 2009 Starlikeness and convexity results for hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1193.30021 Mostafa, A. O. 4 2010 On partial sums of certain meromophic \(p\)-valent functions. Zbl 1185.30013 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 4 2009 Fekete-Szegö problems for certain classes of meromorphic functions using \(q\)-derivative operator. Zbl 1424.30083 Tang, Huo; Zayed, H. M.; Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 4 2018 A class of \(\beta-\)uniformly univalent functions defined by Salagean type \(q-\)difference operator. Zbl 1474.30049 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Al-Quhali, F. Y. 4 2019 Subordinating results for \(p\)-valent functions associated with the Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1413.30074 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, M. K.; Zayed, Hanaa M. 4 2018 Convolution conditions for some subclasses of meromorphic bounded functions of complex order. Zbl 1350.30016 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 3 2016 Subordination properties of \(p\)-valent functions defined by Sălăgean operator. Zbl 1221.30019 Aouf, M. K.; Bulboacă, T.; Mostafa, A. O. 3 2010 Sandwich theorems for analytic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1212.30023 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 3 2010 Applications of differential subordination to certain subclasses of \(p\)-valent meromorphic functions involving a certain operator. Zbl 1228.30005 Mostafa, A. O. 3 2011 Inclusion relations for subclasses of multivalent functions defined by Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1413.30073 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, M. K.; Zayed, Hanaa M. 3 2018 Goodman-Ronning-Type multivalent harmonic functions based on Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1349.30066 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 2 2015 On certain subclasses of meromorphically \(p\)-valent functions associated with integral operators. Zbl 1389.30027 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Emam, F. Z. 2 2011 Bi-univalent properties for certain class of bazilevič functions defined by convolution and with bounded boundary rotation. Zbl 1429.30018 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Madian, Samar M.; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2019 Certain inequalities of meromorphic univalent functions associated with the Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1433.30084 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2019 Certain subclasses of \(p\)-valent meromorphic functions associated with a new operator. Zbl 1268.30023 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 2 2013 Coefficient bounds for general class of bi-univalent functions of complex order associated with \(q\)-Sălăgeăn operator and Chebyshev polynomials. Zbl 1463.30037 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Morsy, R. E. El. 2 2020 Sufficiency conditions for hypergeometric functions to be in a subclass of analytic functions. (Sufficiency conditions for hypergeometric functions to be in a subclasses of analytic functions.) Zbl 1342.30005 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal; Mostafa, Adela Osman; Zayed, Hanaa Mousa 2 2016 Some applications of differential subordination of \(p\)-valent functions associated with Cho-Kwon-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1178.30013 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 2 2009 A subclass of \(M\)-\(W\)-starlike functions. Zbl 1212.30024 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 2 2010 Mapping properties for convolution involving hypergeometric series. Zbl 1435.30037 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 2 2019 Subordination properties for multivalent functions associated with a generalized fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1432.30017 Zayed, Hanaa M.; Kamal Aouf, Mohamed; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2018 Certain subclasses of uniformly starlike and convex functions defined by convolution with negative coefficients. Zbl 1299.30014 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A. A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Wagdy, A. K. 2 2013 Neighborhood properties for certain \(p\)-valent analytic functions associated with complex order. Zbl 1216.30004 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 2 2010 On sandwich theorems for multivalent functions involving a generalized differential operator. Zbl 1221.30020 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Emam, F. Z. 2 2011 Some subordinating results for classes of functions defined by Sălăgean type \(q\) derivative operator. Zbl 1499.30058 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2020 On convolution properties for some classes of meromorphic functions associated with linear operator. Zbl 1373.30025 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2015 Some properties for subclasses of meromorphic multivalent functions associated with new operator. Zbl 1374.30027 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 1 2015 Differential subordination applications to a class of meromorphic multivalent functions associated with Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1429.30021 Mostafa, Adela O.; El-hawsh, Ghada M. 1 2019 Applications of differential subordinations for certain classes of \(p\)-valent functions associated with generalized Srivastava-Attiya operator. Zbl 1296.30011 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shahin, A. M.; Madian, S. M. 1 2012 Some properties of uniformly starlike and convex hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1428.30012 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 1 2019 Subclasses of bi-univalent functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1446.30029 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2014 Some classes of multivalent harmonic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1463.30064 Mostafa, Adela O. 1 2014 Subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1296.30012 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2013 Some families of uniformly starlike and convex functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1424.30027 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Algubouri, Omar M. 1 2016 Partial sums for a certain subclass of meromorphic univalent functions. Zbl 1318.30019 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Lashin, A. Y.; Munassar, B. M. 1 2014 Some classes of \(p\)-valent meromorphic functions defined by a new operator. Zbl 1330.30017 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2013 Subordination results for a class of multivalent non–Bazilevic analytic functions defined by linear operator. Zbl 1313.30027 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2012 Argument estimates of certain meromorphically \(p\)-valent functions defined by a linear operator. Zbl 1389.30064 Mostafa, Adela; Aouf, M. K. 1 2013 Subordination results for certain classes of analytic functions defined by convolution with complex order. Zbl 1314.30022 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2011 Fekete-Szegö properties for quasi-subordination class of complex order defined by Sălăgean operator. Zbl 1449.30012 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 1 2020 Sandwich theorems for certain subclasses of analytic functions defined by family of linear operators. Zbl 1182.30016 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2009 Partial sums of certain classes of analytic functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1289.30045 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2012 Properties for a class related to a new fractional differential operator. Zbl 07890991 Mowafy, M. A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 1 2023 Sandwich results for multivalent functions defined by generalized Srivastava-Attiya operator. Zbl 07893215 Mostafa, Adela O.; Bulboacă, Teodor; Aouf, Mohamed K. 1 2023 On partial sums of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1160.30322 Mostafa, Adela O. 1 2008 Certain subclasses of \(p-\)Valent meromorphic functions involving certain operator. Zbl 1165.30312 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2008 Subordination properties of subclasses of \(p\)-valent functions involving certain operators. Zbl 1192.30003 Aouf, M. K.; Bulboacă, T.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2008 A study on certain class of harmonic functions of complex order associated with convolution. Zbl 1281.30010 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shamandy, A. A.; Wagdy, A. K. 1 2012 Certain subclasses of analytic functions with varying arguments. Zbl 1319.30005 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Adwan, Eman A. 1 2014 Argument estimates of certain meromorphically \(p\)-valent functions associated with a family of linear operator. Zbl 1289.30046 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Emam, F. 1 2011 Quasi-subordination and coefficient bounds for certain classes of meromorphic functions of complex order. Zbl 1487.30024 Zayed, H. M.; Bulut, Serap; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2019 Notes on multivalent Bazilević functions defined by higher order derivatives. Zbl 1493.30021 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Bulboaca, Teodor 1 2021 Subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by modified Cata’s operator. Zbl 1340.30054 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2014 Some subordination results for \(p\)-valent functions associated with differintegral operator. Zbl 1488.30105 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2014 On a new subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by modified Cata’s operator. Zbl 1476.30058 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2020 Some inclusion properties for new subclasses of meromorphic multivalent strongly starlike and strongly convex functions associated with Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1476.30059 Mostafa, A. O.; El-Hawsh, G. M. 1 2019 Certain subclass of analytic function associated with a generalization of \(q\)-Salagean operator with negative coefficients. Zbl 1474.30092 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; El-Morsy, R. E. 1 2021 Certain family of integral operators associated with multivalent functions preserving subordination and superordination. Zbl 1499.30055 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 1 2018 On a certain subclass of analytic functions with negative coefficients and defined by Sălăgean operator. Zbl 1413.30035 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Elyamany, W. K. 1 2016 Some families of uniformly starlike and convex functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1413.30034 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Algubouri, O. M. 1 2016 Subordination results for analytic functions associated with fractional \(q\)-calculus operators with complex order. Zbl 1463.30034 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2020 Properties for a class related to a new fractional differential operator. Zbl 07890991 Mowafy, M. A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 1 2023 Sandwich results for multivalent functions defined by generalized Srivastava-Attiya operator. Zbl 07893215 Mostafa, Adela O.; Bulboacă, Teodor; Aouf, Mohamed K. 1 2023 Notes on multivalent Bazilević functions defined by higher order derivatives. Zbl 1493.30021 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Bulboaca, Teodor 1 2021 Certain subclass of analytic function associated with a generalization of \(q\)-Salagean operator with negative coefficients. Zbl 1474.30092 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; El-Morsy, R. E. 1 2021 Coefficient bounds for general class of bi-univalent functions of complex order associated with \(q\)-Sălăgeăn operator and Chebyshev polynomials. Zbl 1463.30037 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Morsy, R. E. El. 2 2020 Some subordinating results for classes of functions defined by Sălăgean type \(q\) derivative operator. Zbl 1499.30058 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2020 Fekete-Szegö properties for quasi-subordination class of complex order defined by Sălăgean operator. Zbl 1449.30012 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 1 2020 On a new subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by modified Cata’s operator. Zbl 1476.30058 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2020 Subordination results for analytic functions associated with fractional \(q\)-calculus operators with complex order. Zbl 1463.30034 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2020 Basic and fractional \(q\)-calculus and associated Fekete-Szegő problem for \(p\)-valently \(q\)-starlike functions and \(p\)-valently \(q\)-convex functions of complex order. Zbl 1438.26015 Srivastava, H. M.; Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Zayed, H. M. 29 2019 Some properties of analytic functions associated with fractional \(q\)-calculus operators. Zbl 1463.30087 Srivastava, H. M.; Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 14 2019 A class of \(\beta-\)uniformly univalent functions defined by Salagean type \(q-\)difference operator. Zbl 1474.30049 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Al-Quhali, F. Y. 4 2019 Bi-univalent properties for certain class of bazilevič functions defined by convolution and with bounded boundary rotation. Zbl 1429.30018 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Madian, Samar M.; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2019 Certain inequalities of meromorphic univalent functions associated with the Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1433.30084 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2019 Mapping properties for convolution involving hypergeometric series. Zbl 1435.30037 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 2 2019 Differential subordination applications to a class of meromorphic multivalent functions associated with Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1429.30021 Mostafa, Adela O.; El-hawsh, Ghada M. 1 2019 Some properties of uniformly starlike and convex hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1428.30012 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 1 2019 Quasi-subordination and coefficient bounds for certain classes of meromorphic functions of complex order. Zbl 1487.30024 Zayed, H. M.; Bulut, Serap; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2019 Some inclusion properties for new subclasses of meromorphic multivalent strongly starlike and strongly convex functions associated with Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1476.30059 Mostafa, A. O.; El-Hawsh, G. M. 1 2019 Multivalent functions associated with Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1401.30007 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, Mohamed K.; Zayed, Hanaa M.; Bulboacă, Teodor 9 2018 Fekete-Szegö problems for certain classes of meromorphic functions using \(q\)-derivative operator. Zbl 1424.30083 Tang, Huo; Zayed, H. M.; Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 4 2018 Subordinating results for \(p\)-valent functions associated with the Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1413.30074 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, M. K.; Zayed, Hanaa M. 4 2018 Inclusion relations for subclasses of multivalent functions defined by Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1413.30073 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, M. K.; Zayed, Hanaa M. 3 2018 Subordination properties for multivalent functions associated with a generalized fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1432.30017 Zayed, Hanaa M.; Kamal Aouf, Mohamed; Mostafa, Adela O. 2 2018 Certain family of integral operators associated with multivalent functions preserving subordination and superordination. Zbl 1499.30055 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 1 2018 On certain subclasses of multivalent functions defined by a generalized fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1368.30005 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 9 2017 Convolution conditions for subclasses of meromorphic functions of complex order associated with basic Bessel functions. Zbl 1376.30009 Mostafa, Adela O.; Aouf, Mohamed K.; Zayed, Hanaa M.; Bulboacă, Teodor 6 2017 Subordination and superordination properties of \(p\)-valent functions defined by a generalized fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1425.30015 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 11 2016 Some characterizations of integral operators associated with certain classes of \(p\)-valent functions defined by the Srivastava-Saigo-Owa fractional differintegral operator. Zbl 1350.30015 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 9 2016 Some constraints of hypergeometric functions to belong to certain subclasses of analytic functions. Zbl 1342.30004 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 8 2016 Convolution conditions for some subclasses of meromorphic bounded functions of complex order. Zbl 1350.30016 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 3 2016 Sufficiency conditions for hypergeometric functions to be in a subclass of analytic functions. (Sufficiency conditions for hypergeometric functions to be in a subclasses of analytic functions.) Zbl 1342.30005 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal; Mostafa, Adela Osman; Zayed, Hanaa Mousa 2 2016 Some families of uniformly starlike and convex functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1424.30027 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Algubouri, Omar M. 1 2016 On a certain subclass of analytic functions with negative coefficients and defined by Sălăgean operator. Zbl 1413.30035 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Elyamany, W. K. 1 2016 Some families of uniformly starlike and convex functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1413.30034 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Algubouri, O. M. 1 2016 Convolution properties for some subclasses of meromorphic functions of complex order. Zbl 1433.30028 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 7 2015 Necessity and sufficiency for hypergeometric functions to be in a subclass of analytic functions. Zbl 1328.30004 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 4 2015 Goodman-Ronning-Type multivalent harmonic functions based on Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1349.30066 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 2 2015 On convolution properties for some classes of meromorphic functions associated with linear operator. Zbl 1373.30025 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2015 Some properties for subclasses of meromorphic multivalent functions associated with new operator. Zbl 1374.30027 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Zayed, H. M. 1 2015 Subclasses of bi-univalent functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1446.30029 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2014 Some classes of multivalent harmonic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1463.30064 Mostafa, Adela O. 1 2014 Partial sums for a certain subclass of meromorphic univalent functions. Zbl 1318.30019 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Lashin, A. Y.; Munassar, B. M. 1 2014 Certain subclasses of analytic functions with varying arguments. Zbl 1319.30005 Aouf, Mohamed K.; Mostafa, Adela O.; Adwan, Eman A. 1 2014 Subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by modified Cata’s operator. Zbl 1340.30054 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2014 Some subordination results for \(p\)-valent functions associated with differintegral operator. Zbl 1488.30105 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2014 Subordination theorem of analytic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1356.30006 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 4 2013 Certain subclasses of \(p\)-valent meromorphic functions associated with a new operator. Zbl 1268.30023 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 2 2013 Certain subclasses of uniformly starlike and convex functions defined by convolution with negative coefficients. Zbl 1299.30014 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A. A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Wagdy, A. K. 2 2013 Subclass of harmonic univalent functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1296.30012 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2013 Some classes of \(p\)-valent meromorphic functions defined by a new operator. Zbl 1330.30017 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shamandy, A.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2013 Argument estimates of certain meromorphically \(p\)-valent functions defined by a linear operator. Zbl 1389.30064 Mostafa, Adela; Aouf, M. K. 1 2013 Applications of differential subordinations for certain classes of \(p\)-valent functions associated with generalized Srivastava-Attiya operator. Zbl 1296.30011 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shahin, A. M.; Madian, S. M. 1 2012 Subordination results for a class of multivalent non–Bazilevic analytic functions defined by linear operator. Zbl 1313.30027 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2012 Partial sums of certain classes of analytic functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1289.30045 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2012 A study on certain class of harmonic functions of complex order associated with convolution. Zbl 1281.30010 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; Shamandy, A. A.; Wagdy, A. K. 1 2012 Sandwich theorems for \(p\)-valent functions defined by a certain integral operator. Zbl 1219.30005 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Ashwah, R. 6 2011 Subordination results for certain class of analytic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1231.30003 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 5 2011 Applications of differential subordination to certain subclasses of \(p\)-valent meromorphic functions involving a certain operator. Zbl 1228.30005 Mostafa, A. O. 3 2011 On certain subclasses of meromorphically \(p\)-valent functions associated with integral operators. Zbl 1389.30027 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Emam, F. Z. 2 2011 On sandwich theorems for multivalent functions involving a generalized differential operator. Zbl 1221.30020 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Emam, F. Z. 2 2011 Subordination results for certain classes of analytic functions defined by convolution with complex order. Zbl 1314.30022 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Adwan, E. A. 1 2011 Argument estimates of certain meromorphically \(p\)-valent functions associated with a family of linear operator. Zbl 1289.30046 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; El-Emam, F. 1 2011 Starlikeness and convexity results for hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1193.30021 Mostafa, A. O. 4 2010 Subordination properties of \(p\)-valent functions defined by Sălăgean operator. Zbl 1221.30019 Aouf, M. K.; Bulboacă, T.; Mostafa, A. O. 3 2010 Sandwich theorems for analytic functions defined by convolution. Zbl 1212.30023 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 3 2010 A subclass of \(M\)-\(W\)-starlike functions. Zbl 1212.30024 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 2 2010 Neighborhood properties for certain \(p\)-valent analytic functions associated with complex order. Zbl 1216.30004 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 2 2010 A study on starlike and convex properties for hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1180.30019 Mostafa, A. O. 17 2009 Some subordination results for classes of analytic functions defined by the Al-Oboudi-Al-Amoudi operator. Zbl 1165.30313 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 7 2009 Neighborhoods of certain \(p\)-valent analytic functions with complex order. Zbl 1189.30029 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 6 2009 Properties of some families of meromorphic \(p\)-valent functions involving certain differential operator. Zbl 1224.30031 Aouf, M. K.; Shamandy, A.; Mostafa, A. O.; Madian, S. M. 4 2009 On partial sums of certain meromophic \(p\)-valent functions. Zbl 1185.30013 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 4 2009 Some applications of differential subordination of \(p\)-valent functions associated with Cho-Kwon-Srivastava operator. Zbl 1178.30013 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 2 2009 Sandwich theorems for certain subclasses of analytic functions defined by family of linear operators. Zbl 1182.30016 Mostafa, A. O.; Aouf, M. K. 1 2009 On a subclass of \(n-p\)-valent prestarlike functions. Zbl 1140.30304 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 24 2008 Some properties of a subclass of uniformly convex functions with negative coefficients. Zbl 1159.30307 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 5 2008 On partial sums of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1160.30322 Mostafa, Adela O. 1 2008 Certain subclasses of \(p-\)Valent meromorphic functions involving certain operator. Zbl 1165.30312 Aouf, M. K.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2008 Subordination properties of subclasses of \(p\)-valent functions involving certain operators. Zbl 1192.30003 Aouf, M. K.; Bulboacă, T.; Mostafa, A. O. 1 2008 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 191 Authors 48 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal 27 Mostafa, Adela Osman 16 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 16 Zayed, Hanaa Mousa 11 El-Ashwah, Rabha Mohamed 11 Seoudy, Tamer Mohamed 10 Darus, Maslina 10 Frasin, Basem Aref 8 Bulboacă, Teodor 7 Khan, Bilal 7 Khan, Nazar 7 Murugusundaramoorthy, Gangadharan 6 Hussain, Saqib 5 Ahmad, Qazi Zahoor 5 Madian, Samar Mohamed 5 Tang, Huo 4 Orhan, Halit 4 Porwal, Saurabh 4 Rasheed, Akhter 4 Wang, Zhigang 3 Adwan, Eman Ahmed 3 Arif, Muhammad 3 Bulut, Serap 3 Cho, Nak Eun 3 El-Deeb, Sheza Mohammed 3 El-hawsh, Ghada M. 3 Elmorsy, R. E. 3 Shah, Syed Ghoos Ali 3 Shamandy, Ali 3 Swamy, Sondekola Rudra 3 Tahir, Muhammad 2 Akgül, Arzu 2 Al-Hawary, Tariq 2 Al-Janaby, Hiba Fawzi 2 Albalahi, Abeer M. 2 Aldawish, Ibtisam 2 Arikan, Hava 2 Arjika, Sama 2 Attiya, Adel A. 2 Darwish, Hanan Elsayed 2 Deng, Guantie 2 Dziok, Jacek 2 El-Emam, Fatma Z. 2 Foroutan, Mohammadreza 2 Golmohammadi, Mohammad Hassan 2 Haq, Mirajul 2 Hassan, Taher S. 2 Irmak, Huseyin 2 Khan, Nasir 2 Khan, Shahid Ali 2 Li, Shuhai 2 Magesh, Nanjundan 2 Mamatha, Paduvalapattana Kempegowda 2 Mishra, Akshaya Kumar 2 Najafzadeh, Shahram 2 Prajapat, Jugal Kishore 2 Reddy, Pinninti Thirupathi 2 Shi, Lei 2 Sokół, Janusz 2 Soren, Madan Mohan 2 Srivastava, Rekha 2 Ur Rehman, Muhammad Sabil 2 Venkateswarlu, Bollineni 2 Vijaya, Kaliappan 2 Yousef, Feras 2 Zaighum, Muhammad Asad 1 Acu, Mugur 1 Agarwal, Ritu 1 Ahamad, Dilshad 1 Ahmad, Muhammad Zaini 1 Ahmad, Sarfraz 1 Aktaş, İbrahim 1 Al-Quhali, F. Y. 1 Alatawi, Abdullah 1 Alb Lupaş, Alina 1 Ali, Ekram Elsayed 1 Amourah, Ala’ Ali 1 An, Seon Hye 1 Araci, Serkan 1 Badghaish, Abeer O. 1 Bajamal, Amani Z. 1 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 1 Banaś, Józef 1 Bhamare, Jayashri J. 1 Bukhari, Syed Zakar Hussain 1 Cătaş, Adriana 1 Chandola, Ankita 1 Choi, Junesang 1 Chu, Jifeng 1 Cotîrlă, Luminiţa-Ioana 1 Darwish, Mohamed Abdalla 1 Ding, Deng 1 Dong, Xinhan 1 Dutta, Hemen 1 Ebadian, Ali 1 El-Qadeem, Alaa Hassan 1 Elhaddad, Suhila 1 Ezhilarasi, Raman 1 Frotan, M. R. 1 Gbolagade, A. M. ...and 91 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 64 Serials 20 Afrika Matematika 11 Journal of Function Spaces 9 AIMS Mathematics 7 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 6 Filomat 5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 5 Journal of Complex Analysis 4 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 4 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 3 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 Advances in Difference Equations 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 3 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 2 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 2 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Journal of Classical Analysis 2 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Korean Journal of Mathematics 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1 Honam Mathematical Journal 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Mathematica 1 Journal of Mathematical Extension 1 Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Axioms 1 International Journal of Analysis 1 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Open Mathematics 1 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 163 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year