Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Müller, Stefan Co-Author Distance Author ID: muller.stefan.1 Published as: Müller, Stefan; Müller, S. Homepage: http://www.hcm.uni-bonn.de/people/profile/stefan-mueller/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · GND · IdRef Awards: EMS Prize (1992) Documents Indexed: 161 Publications since 1981, including 14 Additional arXiv Preprints 6 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 79 Co-Authors with 131 Joint Publications 2,429 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 23 single-authored 20 Conti, Sergio 12 Dolzmann, Georg 11 Šverák, Vladimír 10 DeSimone, Antonio 9 Mora, Maria Giovanna 8 Garroni, Adriana 8 James, Richard D. 8 Kohn, Robert Vita 7 Kleiner, Bruce 7 Otto, Felix 6 Fonseca, Irene 5 Friesecke, Gero 5 Kirchheim, Bernd 5 Struwe, Michael 4 McDowell, David L. 4 Ortiz, Michael 4 Spector, Scott J. 4 Werner, Ewald A. 3 Abels, Helmut 3 Adams, Stefan 3 Ball, John MacLeod 3 Chaudhuri, Nirmalendu 3 De Lellis, Camillo 3 Flucher, Martin 3 Hungerbuhler, Norbert 3 Kienzler, Reinhold 3 Kotecký, Roman 3 Palombaro, Mariapia 2 Ben Belgacem, Hafedh 2 Bourne, David P. 2 Cotar, Codina 2 Deuschel, Jean-Dominique 2 Freire, Alexandre 2 Geymonat, Giuseppe 2 Kopecká, Eva 2 Lewicka, Marta 2 Maggi, Francesco 2 Müller, Paul F. X. 2 Olbermann, Heiner 2 Pakzad, Mohammad Reza 2 Schweiger, Florian 2 Tang, Qi 2 Triantafyllidis, Nicolas 2 Yan, Baisheng 1 Alberti, Giovanni 1 Boger, Marko 1 Bothorel, Sylvie 1 Bouchon-Meunier, Bernadette 1 Brixner, Tobias 1 Buchholz, Simon 1 Carstensen, Carsten 1 Dacorogna, Bernard 1 Deshpande, Abhishek 1 Dmitrieva, Olga 1 Dondl, Patrick Werner 1 Esteban, Maria J. 1 Evans, Lawrence Craig 1 Faraco, Daniel 1 Forest, Samuel 1 Francfort, Gilles A. 1 Fransson, Jens H. M. 1 Fusco, Nicola 1 Giuliani, Alessandro 1 Hartl, Hans 1 Jeckle, Mario 1 Kenneweg, Tristan 1 Koop, Andreas 1 Krömer, Milan 1 Kröner, Dietmar 1 Labrador, V. 1 Lecumberry, Myriam 1 Lee, Jihoon 1 Leoni, Giovanni 1 Lewintan, Peter 1 Lienstromberg, Christina 1 Marcellini, Paolo 1 Mielke, Alexander 1 Neff, Patrizio 1 Neukamm, Stefan 1 Pedregal, Pablo 1 Pfeiffer, Walter 1 Raabe, Dierk 1 Rieger, Marc Oliver 1 Rifqi, Maria 1 Röger, Matthias 1 Romeo, Mario 1 Scardia, Lucia 1 Schäfer, Rudolf 1 Schlömerkemper, Anja 1 Schroeter, Brian M. 1 Schultz, M. G. 1 Schupp, Bernhard 1 Sivaloganathan, Jeyabal 1 Stoltz, Jean-François 1 Süli, Endre E. 1 Sychev, Mikhail A. 1 Székelyhidi, László jun. 1 Wang, Xiong 1 Xie, Xiangdongk 1 Zeppieri, Caterina Ida all top 5 Serials 15 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 15 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 12 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 8 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 6 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 6 Oberwolfach Reports 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 4 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 4 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 3 Journal of Differential Geometry 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 3 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Acta Astronautica 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Meccanica 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 1 GAMM-Mitteilungen 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana all top 5 Fields 80 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 60 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 52 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 18 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 15 Differential geometry (53-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 8 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 8 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 136 Publications have been cited 5,052 times in 2,812 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A theorem on geometric rigidity and the derivation of nonlinear plate theory from three-dimensional elasticity. Zbl 1021.74024 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Müller, Stefan 386 2002 A hierarchy of plate models derived from nonlinear elasticity by gamma-convergence. Zbl 1100.74039 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Müller, Stefan 236 2006 Variational models for microstructure and phase transitions. Zbl 0968.74050 Müller, Stefan 223 1999 \(\mathcal A\)-quasiconvexity, lower semicontinuity, and Young measures. Zbl 0940.49014 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan 160 1999 Convex integration for Lipschitz mappings and counterexamples to regularity. Zbl 1083.35032 Müller, S.; Šverák, V. 139 2003 Homogenization of nonconvex integral functionals and cellular elastic materials. Zbl 0629.73009 Müller, Stefan 132 1987 Surface energy and microstructure in coherent phase transitions. Zbl 0803.49007 Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan 117 1994 Homogenization of nonlinearly elastic materials, microscopic bifurcation and macroscopic loss of rank-one convexity. Zbl 0801.73008 Geymonat, Giuseppe; Müller, Stefan; Triantafyllidis, Nicolas 115 1993 An existence theory for nonlinear elasticity that allows for cavitation. Zbl 0836.73025 Müller, Stefan; Spector, Scott J. 112 1995 A uniqueness proof for the Wulff theorem. Zbl 0752.49019 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan 107 1991 Higher integrability of determinants and weak convergence in \(L^ 1\). Zbl 0713.49004 Müller, Stefan 103 1990 Quasi-convex integrands and lower semicontinuity in \(L^ 1\). Zbl 0764.49012 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan 96 1992 Relaxation of quasiconvex functionals in \(BV(\Omega, \mathbb{R}^ N)\) for integrands \(f(x, u, \bigtriangledown u)\). Zbl 0788.49039 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan 92 1993 Derivation of nonlinear bending theory for shells from three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity by Gamma-convergence. Zbl 1140.74481 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 90 2003 On a new class of elastic deformations not allowing for cavitation. Zbl 0863.49002 Müller, S.; Qi, Tang; Yan, B. S. 84 1994 Analysis of concentration and oscillation effects generated by gradients. Zbl 0920.49009 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan; Pedregal, Pablo 81 1998 \(\Gamma\)-limit of a phase-field model of dislocations. Zbl 1094.82008 Garroni, A.; Müller, S. 79 2005 A reduced theory for thin-film micromagnetics. Zbl 1027.82042 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 75 2002 Singular perturbations as a selection criterion for periodic minimizing sequences. Zbl 0821.49015 Müller, Stefan 73 1993 A variational model for dislocations in the line tension limit. Zbl 1158.74365 Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 70 2006 Convex integration with constraints and applications to phase transitions and partial differential equations. Zbl 0953.35042 Müller, S.; Šverák, V. 67 1999 Derivation of the nonlinear bending-torsion theory for inextensible rods by \(\Gamma\)-convergence. Zbl 1053.74027 Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 67 2003 Nonlinear elliptic systems with measure-valued right hand side. Zbl 0895.35029 Dolzmann, Georg; Hungerbühler, Norbert; Müller, Stefan 66 1997 Studying nonlinear PDE by geometry in matrix space. Zbl 1290.35097 Kirchheim, Bernd; Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimír 65 2003 Uniqueness and maximal regularity for nonlinear elliptic systems of \(n\)-Laplace type with measure valued right hand side. Zbl 0937.35065 Dolzmann, Georg; Hungerbühler, Norbert; Müller, Stefan 61 2000 Det\(=\det\). A remark on the distributional determinant. Zbl 0717.46033 Müller, Stefan 61 1990 A compactness result in the gradient theory of phase transitions. Zbl 0986.49009 DeSimone, Antonio; Müller, Stefan; Kohn, Robert V.; Otto, Felix 58 2001 Estimates for Green’s matrices of elliptic systems by \(L^ p\) theory. Zbl 0846.35040 Dolzmann, G.; Müller, S. 55 1995 Attainment results for the two-well problem by convex integration. Zbl 0930.35038 Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir 54 1996 On surfaces of finite total curvature. Zbl 0853.53003 Müller, S.; Šverák, V. 54 1995 Recent analytical developments in micromagnetics. Zbl 1151.35426 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 54 2006 Microstructures with finite surface energy: The two-well problem. Zbl 0846.73054 Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan 52 1995 Optimal rigidity estimates for nearly umbilical surfaces. Zbl 1087.53004 de Lellis, Camillo; Müller, Stefan 52 2005 Data-driven problems in elasticity. Zbl 1402.35276 Conti, S.; Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 52 2018 A new approach to variational problems with multiple scales. Zbl 1021.49012 Alberti, Giovanni; Müller, Stefan 44 2001 Hardy spaces and the two-dimensional Euler equations with nonnegative vorticity. Zbl 0802.35120 Evans, L. C.; Müller, S. 44 1994 Energy scaling of compressed elastic films – three-dimensional elasticity and reduced theories. Zbl 1041.74048 Ben Belgacem, Hafedh; Conti, Sergio; DeSimone, Antonio; Müller, Stefan 44 2002 Rank-one convexity implies quasiconvexity on diagonal matrices. Zbl 1055.49506 Müller, Stefan 43 1999 A nonlinear model for inextensible rods as a low energy \(\varGamma\)-limit of three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1109.74028 Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 42 2004 Lower semicontinuity and existence of minimizers in incremental finite-strain elastoplasticity. Zbl 1102.74006 Mielke, Alexander; Müller, Stefan 42 2006 Optimal existence theorems for nonhomogeneous differential inclusions. Zbl 0989.49012 Müller, S.; Sychev, M. A. 39 2001 The \(p\)-harmonic system with measure-valued right hand side. Zbl 0879.35052 Dolzmann, Georg; Hungerbühler, Norbert; Müller, Stefan 38 1997 Rigorous derivation of nonlinear plate theory and geometric rigidity. Zbl 1012.74043 Friesecke, Gero; Müller, Stefan; James, Richard D. 36 2002 Invertibility and a topological property of Sobolev maps. Zbl 0855.73028 Müller, Stefan; Spector, Scott J.; Tang, Qi 35 1996 Rigourous bounds for the Föppl-von Kármán theory of isotropically compressed plates. Zbl 1015.74029 Ben Belgacem, H.; Conti, S.; DeSimone, A.; Müller, S. 32 2000 Weak continuity of determinants and nonlinear elasticity. (Continuité faible des déterminants et applications à l’élasticité non linéaire). Zbl 0679.34051 Müller, Stefan 31 1988 Local stress regularity in scalar nonconvex variational problems. Zbl 1012.49027 Carstensen, Carsten; Müller, Stefan 30 2002 The uniform Korn-Poincaré inequality in thin domains. Zbl 1253.74055 Lewicka, Marta; Müller, Stefan 29 2011 Hardy space methods for nonlinear partial differential equations. Zbl 0811.35025 Müller, Stefan 28 1994 Stability of slender bodies under compression and validity of the von Kármán theory. Zbl 1200.74060 Lecumberry, Myriam; Müller, Stefan 28 2009 A surprising higher integrability property of mappings with positive determinant. Zbl 0689.49006 Müller, Stefan 28 1989 Magnetic microstructures – a paradigm of multiscale problems. Zbl 0991.82038 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 27 2000 Korn’s second inequality and geometric rigidity with mixed growth conditions. Zbl 1295.35369 Conti, Sergio; Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan 27 2014 The Föppl-von Kármán plate theory as a low energy \(\Gamma\)-limit of nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1041.74043 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Müller, Stefan 27 2002 Sufficient conditions for the validity of the Cauchy-Born rule close to \(\mathrm{SO}(n)\). Zbl 1146.74006 Conti, Sergio; Dolzmann, Georg; Kirchheim, Bernd; Müller, Stefan 27 2006 A \(C^{0}\) estimate for nearly umbilical surfaces. Zbl 1100.53005 De Lellis, Camillo; Müller, Stefan 26 2006 Singular kernels, multiscale decomposition of microstructure, and dislocation models. Zbl 1251.74006 Conti, Sergio; Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 26 2011 Strict convexity of the free energy for a class of non-convex gradient models. Zbl 1173.82010 Cotar, Codina; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique; Müller, Stefan 25 2009 The time-dependent von Kármán plate equation as a limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1346.74110 Abels, Helmut; Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 24 2011 Unexpected solutions of first and second order partial differential equations. Zbl 0896.35029 Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir 23 1998 Regularity properties of isometric immersions. Zbl 1082.58010 Müller, Stefan; Pakzad, Mohammad Reza 23 2005 On quasiconvex functions which are homogeneous of degree 1. Zbl 0736.26006 Müller, Stefan 23 1992 On the \(\Gamma\)-convergence of discrete dynamics and variational integrators. Zbl 1136.37350 Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 22 2004 On the singular support of the distributional determinant. Zbl 0792.46027 Müller, Stefan 22 1993 A sharp version of Zhang’s theorem on truncating sequences of gradients. Zbl 0942.49013 Müller, Stefan 20 1999 Internal variables and fine-scale oscillations in micromagnetics. Zbl 0814.73054 James, R. D.; Müller, Stefan 20 1994 Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic plates – the von Kármán case. Zbl 1141.74034 Müller, S.; Pakzad, M. R. 20 2008 Data-driven finite elasticity. Zbl 1437.35654 Conti, S.; Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 20 2020 Korn inequalities for incompatible tensor fields in three space dimensions with conformally invariant dislocation energy. Zbl 1471.35009 Lewintan, Peter; Müller, Stefan; Neff, Patrizio 20 2021 Rigidity estimate for two incompatible wells. Zbl 1086.49010 Chaudhuri, Nirmalendu; Müller, Stefan 19 2004 \(\mathcal A\)-quasiconvexity: weak-star convergence and the gap. Zbl 1064.49016 Fonseca, Irene; Leoni, Giovanni; Müller, Stefan 18 2004 Convergence of equilibria of three-dimensional thin elastic beams. Zbl 1142.74022 Mora, M. G.; Müller, S. 18 2008 On the commutability of homogenization and linearization in finite elasticity. Zbl 1262.74029 Müller, Stefan; Neukamm, Stefan 18 2011 The influence of surface energy on stress-free microstructures in shape memory alloys. Zbl 0835.73061 Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan 17 1995 Conical singularities in thin elastic sheets. Zbl 1285.49031 Müller, Stefan; Olbermann, Heiner 17 2014 Two-dimensional modelling of soft ferromagnetic films. Zbl 1065.74028 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix; Schäfer, Rudolf 17 2001 The div-curl lemma for sequences whose divergence and curl are compact in \(W^{-1,1}\). Zbl 1235.46034 Conti, Sergio; Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan 17 2011 On the optimal constants in Korn’s and geometric rigidity estimates in bounded and unbounded domains, under Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 1405.74010 Lewicka, Marta; Müller, Stefan 16 2016 Weak compactness of wave maps and harmonic maps. Zbl 0924.58011 Freire, Alexandre; Müller, Stefan; Struwe, Michael 15 1998 Parabolic systems with nowhere smooth solutions. Zbl 1116.35059 Müller, Stefan; Rieger, Marc Oliver; Šverák, Vladimír 15 2005 Combined effects of homogenization and singular perturbations in elasticity. Zbl 0802.35007 Francfort, G. A.; Müller, S. 15 1994 Large time existence for thin vibrating plates. Zbl 1247.74019 Abels, Helmut; Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 15 2011 Repulsive interaction of Néel walls, and the internal length scale of the cross-tie wall. Zbl 1059.82046 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 14 2003 Rank-one convex functions on \(2\times 2\) symmetric matrices and laminates on rank-three lines. Zbl 1135.26301 Conti, S.; Faraco, D.; Maggi, F.; Müller, S. 14 2005 Sobolev maps with integer degree and applications to Skyrme’s problem. Zbl 0757.49010 Esteban, Maria J.; Müller, Stefan 13 1992 Striped periodic minimizers of a two-dimensional model for martensitic phase transitions. Zbl 1448.74082 Giuliani, Alessandro; Müller, Stefan 13 2012 Convergence of equilibria of planar thin elastic beams. Zbl 1125.74026 Mora, M. G.; Müller, S.; Schultz, M. G. 13 2007 Rigorous derivation of Föppl’s theory for clamped elastic membranes leads to relaxation. Zbl 1146.74025 Conti, Sergio; Maggi, Francesco; Müller, Stefan 12 2007 Radial symmetry and decay rate of variational ground states in the zero mass case. Zbl 0908.35005 Flucher, M.; Müller, S. 11 1998 Global existence of wave maps in 1+2 dimensions with finite energy data. Zbl 0896.35086 Müller, Stefan; Struwe, Michael 11 1996 Sharp stability results for almost conformal maps in even dimensions. Zbl 0966.35016 Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir; Yan, Baisheng 11 1999 Weak convergence of wave maps from \((1+2)\)-dimensional Minkowski space to Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 0906.35061 Freire, Alexandre; Müller, Stefan; Struwe, Michael 11 1997 Energy bounds for a compressed elastic film on a substrate. Zbl 1387.74069 Bourne, David P.; Conti, Sergio; Müller, Stefan 11 2017 Relaxation and regularization of nonconvex variational problems. Zbl 0819.49014 Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan 10 1992 Compensated compactness, separately convex functions and interpolatory estimates between Riesz transforms and Haar projections. Zbl 1230.49009 Lee, Jihoon; Müller, Paul F. X.; Müller, Stefan 10 2011 Confined structures of least bending energy. Zbl 1296.53127 Müller, Stefan; Röger, Matthias 10 2014 Existence of minimizers for a polyconvex energy in a crystal with dislocations. Zbl 1134.74015 Müller, Stefan; Palombaro, Mariapia 10 2008 Mathematical problems in thin elastic sheets: scaling limits, packing, crumpling and singularities. Zbl 1372.35003 Müller, Stefan 10 2017 Quasiconvexity is not invariant under transposition. Zbl 0980.49017 Müller, Stefan 9 2000 Derivation of a rod theory for biphase materials with dislocations at the interface. Zbl 1274.74064 Müller, Stefan; Palombaro, Mariapia 9 2013 Rigidity of Euclidean product structure: breakdown for low Sobolev exponents. Zbl 07941366 Kleiner, Bruce; Müller, Stefan; Székelyhidi, László jun.; Xie, Xiangdongk 1 2024 Derivation of strain-gradient plasticity from a generalized Peierls-Nabarro model. Zbl 1519.74009 Conti, Sergio; Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 2 2023 A new decomposition of the graph Laplacian and the binomial structure of mass-action systems. Zbl 1519.05158 Müller, Stefan 2 2023 Korn inequalities for incompatible tensor fields in three space dimensions with conformally invariant dislocation energy. Zbl 1471.35009 Lewintan, Peter; Müller, Stefan; Neff, Patrizio 20 2021 Data-driven finite elasticity. Zbl 1437.35654 Conti, S.; Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 20 2020 Symmetric div-quasiconvexity and the relaxation of static problems. Zbl 1434.74010 Conti, S.; Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 7 2020 Local strong solutions to a quasilinear degenerate fourth-order thin-film equation. Zbl 1445.35198 Lienstromberg, Christina; Müller, Stefan 5 2020 Optimal-order finite difference approximation of generalized solutions to the biharmonic equation in a cube. Zbl 1471.65172 Müller, Stefan; Schweiger, Florian; Süli, Endre 4 2020 Estimates for the Green’s function of the discrete Bilaplacian in dimensions 2 and 3. Zbl 1422.65324 Müller, Stefan; Schweiger, Florian 9 2019 Data-driven problems in elasticity. Zbl 1402.35276 Conti, S.; Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 52 2018 Energy bounds for a compressed elastic film on a substrate. Zbl 1387.74069 Bourne, David P.; Conti, Sergio; Müller, Stefan 11 2017 Mathematical problems in thin elastic sheets: scaling limits, packing, crumpling and singularities. Zbl 1372.35003 Müller, Stefan 10 2017 Homogenization of vector-valued partition problems and dislocation cell structures in the plane. Zbl 1469.74095 Conti, Sergio; Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 3 2017 On the optimal constants in Korn’s and geometric rigidity estimates in bounded and unbounded domains, under Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 1405.74010 Lewicka, Marta; Müller, Stefan 16 2016 Dislocation microstructures and strain-gradient plasticity with one active slip plane. Zbl 1482.74137 Conti, Sergio; Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 9 2016 Gradient theory for geometrically nonlinear plasticity via the homogenization of dislocations. Zbl 1456.74018 Müller, Stefan; Scardia, Lucia; Zeppieri, Caterina Ida 8 2015 Microstructure in plasticity, a comparison between theory and experiment. Zbl 1370.74026 Dmitrieva, Olga; Raabe, Dierk; Müller, Stefan; Dondl, Patrick W. 3 2015 Korn’s second inequality and geometric rigidity with mixed growth conditions. Zbl 1295.35369 Conti, Sergio; Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan 27 2014 Conical singularities in thin elastic sheets. Zbl 1285.49031 Müller, Stefan; Olbermann, Heiner 17 2014 Confined structures of least bending energy. Zbl 1296.53127 Müller, Stefan; Röger, Matthias 10 2014 On a differential inclusion related to the Born-Infeld equations. Zbl 1301.35226 Müller, Stefan; Palombaro, Mariapia 6 2014 Almost conical deformations of thin sheets with rotational symmetry. Zbl 1290.49087 Müller, Stefan; Olbermann, Heiner 5 2014 Derivation of a rod theory for biphase materials with dislocations at the interface. Zbl 1274.74064 Müller, Stefan; Palombaro, Mariapia 9 2013 Finite range decomposition for families of gradient Gaussian measures. Zbl 1263.60047 Adams, Stefan; Kotecký, Roman; Müller, Stefan 9 2013 Striped periodic minimizers of a two-dimensional model for martensitic phase transitions. Zbl 1448.74082 Giuliani, Alessandro; Müller, Stefan 13 2012 The uniform Korn-Poincaré inequality in thin domains. Zbl 1253.74055 Lewicka, Marta; Müller, Stefan 29 2011 Singular kernels, multiscale decomposition of microstructure, and dislocation models. Zbl 1251.74006 Conti, Sergio; Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 26 2011 The time-dependent von Kármán plate equation as a limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1346.74110 Abels, Helmut; Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 24 2011 On the commutability of homogenization and linearization in finite elasticity. Zbl 1262.74029 Müller, Stefan; Neukamm, Stefan 18 2011 The div-curl lemma for sequences whose divergence and curl are compact in \(W^{-1,1}\). Zbl 1235.46034 Conti, Sergio; Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan 17 2011 Large time existence for thin vibrating plates. Zbl 1247.74019 Abels, Helmut; Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 15 2011 Compensated compactness, separately convex functions and interpolatory estimates between Riesz transforms and Haar projections. Zbl 1230.49009 Lee, Jihoon; Müller, Paul F. X.; Müller, Stefan 10 2011 Monotone curves. Zbl 1238.46017 Kirchheim, Bernd; Kopecká, Eva; Müller, Stefan 2 2011 Stability of slender bodies under compression and validity of the von Kármán theory. Zbl 1200.74060 Lecumberry, Myriam; Müller, Stefan 28 2009 Strict convexity of the free energy for a class of non-convex gradient models. Zbl 1173.82010 Cotar, Codina; Deuschel, Jean-Dominique; Müller, Stefan 25 2009 Do projections stay close together? Zbl 1160.51016 Kirchheim, Bernd; Kopecká, Eva; Müller, Stefan 2 2009 Convergence of equilibria of thin elastic plates – the von Kármán case. Zbl 1141.74034 Müller, S.; Pakzad, M. R. 20 2008 Convergence of equilibria of three-dimensional thin elastic beams. Zbl 1142.74022 Mora, M. G.; Müller, S. 18 2008 Existence of minimizers for a polyconvex energy in a crystal with dislocations. Zbl 1134.74015 Müller, Stefan; Palombaro, Mariapia 10 2008 Convergence of equilibria of planar thin elastic beams. Zbl 1125.74026 Mora, M. G.; Müller, S.; Schultz, M. G. 13 2007 Rigorous derivation of Föppl’s theory for clamped elastic membranes leads to relaxation. Zbl 1146.74025 Conti, Sergio; Maggi, Francesco; Müller, Stefan 12 2007 Derivation of a rod theory for multiphase materials. Zbl 1105.74016 Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 7 2007 Scaling of the energy for thin martensitic films. Zbl 1108.74039 Chaudhuri, Nirmalendu; Müller, Stefan 5 2007 A hierarchy of plate models derived from nonlinear elasticity by gamma-convergence. Zbl 1100.74039 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Müller, Stefan 236 2006 A variational model for dislocations in the line tension limit. Zbl 1158.74365 Garroni, Adriana; Müller, Stefan 70 2006 Recent analytical developments in micromagnetics. Zbl 1151.35426 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 54 2006 Lower semicontinuity and existence of minimizers in incremental finite-strain elastoplasticity. Zbl 1102.74006 Mielke, Alexander; Müller, Stefan 42 2006 Sufficient conditions for the validity of the Cauchy-Born rule close to \(\mathrm{SO}(n)\). Zbl 1146.74006 Conti, Sergio; Dolzmann, Georg; Kirchheim, Bernd; Müller, Stefan 27 2006 A \(C^{0}\) estimate for nearly umbilical surfaces. Zbl 1100.53005 De Lellis, Camillo; Müller, Stefan 26 2006 \(\Gamma\)-limit of a phase-field model of dislocations. Zbl 1094.82008 Garroni, A.; Müller, S. 79 2005 Optimal rigidity estimates for nearly umbilical surfaces. Zbl 1087.53004 de Lellis, Camillo; Müller, Stefan 52 2005 Regularity properties of isometric immersions. Zbl 1082.58010 Müller, Stefan; Pakzad, Mohammad Reza 23 2005 Parabolic systems with nowhere smooth solutions. Zbl 1116.35059 Müller, Stefan; Rieger, Marc Oliver; Šverák, Vladimír 15 2005 Rank-one convex functions on \(2\times 2\) symmetric matrices and laminates on rank-three lines. Zbl 1135.26301 Conti, S.; Faraco, D.; Maggi, F.; Müller, S. 14 2005 Self-similar folding patterns and energy scaling in compressed elastic sheets. Zbl 1082.74030 Conti, Sergio; DeSimone, Antonio; Müller, Stefan 6 2005 A nonlinear model for inextensible rods as a low energy \(\varGamma\)-limit of three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1109.74028 Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 42 2004 On the \(\Gamma\)-convergence of discrete dynamics and variational integrators. Zbl 1136.37350 Müller, S.; Ortiz, M. 22 2004 Rigidity estimate for two incompatible wells. Zbl 1086.49010 Chaudhuri, Nirmalendu; Müller, Stefan 19 2004 \(\mathcal A\)-quasiconvexity: weak-star convergence and the gap. Zbl 1064.49016 Fonseca, Irene; Leoni, Giovanni; Müller, Stefan 18 2004 Convex integration for Lipschitz mappings and counterexamples to regularity. Zbl 1083.35032 Müller, S.; Šverák, V. 139 2003 Derivation of nonlinear bending theory for shells from three-dimensional nonlinear elasticity by Gamma-convergence. Zbl 1140.74481 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 90 2003 Derivation of the nonlinear bending-torsion theory for inextensible rods by \(\Gamma\)-convergence. Zbl 1053.74027 Mora, Maria Giovanna; Müller, Stefan 67 2003 Studying nonlinear PDE by geometry in matrix space. Zbl 1290.35097 Kirchheim, Bernd; Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimír 65 2003 Repulsive interaction of Néel walls, and the internal length scale of the cross-tie wall. Zbl 1059.82046 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 14 2003 Rank-one convexity implies quasi-convexity on certain hypersurfaces. Zbl 1054.49018 Chaudhuri, Nirmalendu; Müller, Stefan 5 2003 Polyconvexity equals rank-one convexity for connected isotropic sets in \(\mathbb M^{2\times 2}\). Zbl 1050.49010 Conti, Sergio; De Lellis, Camillo; Müller, Stefan; Romeo, Mario 4 2003 Multiscale modeling of materials – the role of analysis. Zbl 1065.74056 Conti, Sergio; DeSimone, Antonio; Dolzmann, Georg; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 4 2003 Concentration phenomena for the volume functional in unbounded domains: identification of concentration points. Zbl 1161.49305 Garroni, A.; Müller, S. 1 2003 A theorem on geometric rigidity and the derivation of nonlinear plate theory from three-dimensional elasticity. Zbl 1021.74024 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Müller, Stefan 386 2002 A reduced theory for thin-film micromagnetics. Zbl 1027.82042 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 75 2002 Energy scaling of compressed elastic films – three-dimensional elasticity and reduced theories. Zbl 1041.74048 Ben Belgacem, Hafedh; Conti, Sergio; DeSimone, Antonio; Müller, Stefan 44 2002 Rigorous derivation of nonlinear plate theory and geometric rigidity. Zbl 1012.74043 Friesecke, Gero; Müller, Stefan; James, Richard D. 36 2002 Local stress regularity in scalar nonconvex variational problems. Zbl 1012.49027 Carstensen, Carsten; Müller, Stefan 30 2002 The Föppl-von Kármán plate theory as a low energy \(\Gamma\)-limit of nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 1041.74043 Friesecke, Gero; James, Richard D.; Müller, Stefan 27 2002 Discrete-to-continuum limit of magnetic forces. Zbl 1038.74018 Müller, Stefan; Schlömerkemper, Anja 8 2002 Concentration of low energy extremals: Identification of concentration points. Zbl 1004.35040 Flucher, M.; Garroni, A.; Müller, S. 8 2002 A compactness result in the gradient theory of phase transitions. Zbl 0986.49009 DeSimone, Antonio; Müller, Stefan; Kohn, Robert V.; Otto, Felix 58 2001 A new approach to variational problems with multiple scales. Zbl 1021.49012 Alberti, Giovanni; Müller, Stefan 44 2001 Optimal existence theorems for nonhomogeneous differential inclusions. Zbl 0989.49012 Müller, S.; Sychev, M. A. 39 2001 Two-dimensional modelling of soft ferromagnetic films. Zbl 1065.74028 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix; Schäfer, Rudolf 17 2001 Uniqueness and maximal regularity for nonlinear elliptic systems of \(n\)-Laplace type with measure valued right hand side. Zbl 0937.35065 Dolzmann, Georg; Hungerbühler, Norbert; Müller, Stefan 61 2000 Rigourous bounds for the Föppl-von Kármán theory of isotropically compressed plates. Zbl 1015.74029 Ben Belgacem, H.; Conti, S.; DeSimone, A.; Müller, S. 32 2000 Magnetic microstructures – a paradigm of multiscale problems. Zbl 0991.82038 DeSimone, Antonio; Kohn, Robert V.; Müller, Stefan; Otto, Felix 27 2000 Quasiconvexity is not invariant under transposition. Zbl 0980.49017 Müller, Stefan 9 2000 The two-well problem in three dimensions. Zbl 0956.74039 Dolzmann, Georg; Kirchheim, Bernd; Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir 8 2000 Similarity and prototype-based approach for classification of microcalcifications. Zbl 0952.62059 Rifqi, M.; Bothorel, S.; Bouchon-Meunier, B.; Muller, S. 1 2000 Variational models for microstructure and phase transitions. Zbl 0968.74050 Müller, Stefan 223 1999 \(\mathcal A\)-quasiconvexity, lower semicontinuity, and Young measures. Zbl 0940.49014 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan 160 1999 Convex integration with constraints and applications to phase transitions and partial differential equations. Zbl 0953.35042 Müller, S.; Šverák, V. 67 1999 Rank-one convexity implies quasiconvexity on diagonal matrices. Zbl 1055.49506 Müller, Stefan 43 1999 A sharp version of Zhang’s theorem on truncating sequences of gradients. Zbl 0942.49013 Müller, Stefan 20 1999 Sharp stability results for almost conformal maps in even dimensions. Zbl 0966.35016 Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir; Yan, Baisheng 11 1999 An isoperimetric estimate and \(W^{1,p}\)-quasiconvexity in nonlinear elasticity. Zbl 0929.74013 Müller, Stefan; Sivaloganathan, Jeyabal; Spector, Scott J. 8 1999 Concentration of low energy extremals. Zbl 0938.35042 Flucher, M.; Müller, S. 7 1999 Analysis of concentration and oscillation effects generated by gradients. Zbl 0920.49009 Fonseca, Irene; Müller, Stefan; Pedregal, Pablo 81 1998 Unexpected solutions of first and second order partial differential equations. Zbl 0896.35029 Müller, Stefan; Šverák, Vladimir 23 1998 Weak compactness of wave maps and harmonic maps. Zbl 0924.58011 Freire, Alexandre; Müller, Stefan; Struwe, Michael 15 1998 Radial symmetry and decay rate of variational ground states in the zero mass case. Zbl 0908.35005 Flucher, M.; Müller, S. 11 1998 Spatially discrete wave maps on (1+2)-dimensional space-time. Zbl 0933.58020 Müller, Stefan; Struwe, Michael 3 1998 Microstructures, phase transitions and geometry. Zbl 0908.49014 Müller, Stefan 2 1998 ...and 36 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,431 Authors 85 Conti, Sergio 63 Müller, Stefan 39 Fonseca, Irene 38 Ortiz, Michael 36 Kružík, Martin 31 Neff, Patrizio 27 Braides, Andrea 27 Dolzmann, Georg 27 Iwaniec, Tadeusz 26 Ciarlet, Philippe Gaston 26 Yang, Dachun 24 Garroni, Adriana 23 Friedrich, Manuel 23 Hornung, Peter 23 Mardare, Cristinel 23 Otto, Felix 23 Pedregal, Pablo 22 Ignat, Radu 22 Mora-Corral, Carlos 21 Bartels, Sören 21 Stefanelli, Ulisse 21 Yan, Baisheng 21 Zappale, Elvira 20 DeSimone, Antonio 20 Henao, Duvan A. 20 Lewicka, Marta 20 Mingione, Giuseppe 20 Rüland, Angkana 19 Azroul, Elhoussine 19 Balaadich, Farah 19 Mora, Maria Giovanna 19 Paroni, Roberto 19 Ponte Castañeda, Pedro 19 Székelyhidi, László jun. 18 De Philippis, Guido 18 Kohn, Robert Vita 18 Onninen, Jani 18 Pruchnicki, Erick 18 Rindler, Filip 18 Schmidt, Bernd 17 De Lellis, Camillo 17 Harutyunyan, Davit 17 Kreisbeck, Carolin 17 Kristensen, Jan 16 Davoli, Elisa 16 Hencl, Stanislav 16 Lopez-Pamies, Oscar 16 Rivière, Tristan 16 Velčić, Igor 15 Faraco, Daniel 15 Fusco, Nicola 15 Krömer, Stefan 15 Muratov, Cyrill B. 15 Zhang, Kewei 14 Carstensen, Carsten 14 Ponsiglione, Marcello 14 Schlömerkemper, Anja 14 Zeppieri, Caterina Ida 13 Cianchi, Andrea 13 Dacorogna, Bernard 13 Dondl, Patrick Werner 13 Griso, Georges 13 Guerra, André 13 James, Richard D. 13 Malý, Jan 13 Mielke, Alexander 13 Neukamm, Stefan 13 Olbermann, Heiner 13 Palombaro, Mariapia 13 Serfaty, Sylvia 13 Zwicknagl, Barbara Maria 12 Dal Maso, Gianni 12 De Luca, Lucia 12 Francfort, Gilles A. 12 Knüpfer, Hans 12 Leoni, Giovanni 12 Miehe, Christian 12 Schikorra, Armin 12 Spector, Scott J. 12 Tione, Riccardo 11 Arroyo-Rabasa, Adolfo 11 Cicalese, Marco 11 Gloria, Antoine 11 Gmeineder, Franz 11 Gwiazda, Piotr 11 Kim, Seonghak 11 Lewintan, Peter 11 Lorent, Andrew 11 Maggi, Francesco 11 Cardoso Matias, José Carlos Pedro 11 Mucci, Domenico 11 Roubíček, Tomáš 11 Rumpf, Martin 11 Steigmann, David J. 10 Babadjian, Jean-François 10 Bella, Peter 10 Benešová, Barbora 10 Bevan, Jonathan J. 10 Blanchard, Dominique 10 Focardi, Matteo ...and 2,331 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 329 Serials 223 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 193 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 108 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 92 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 80 Journal of Elasticity 73 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 72 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 71 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 67 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 56 Journal of Differential Equations 55 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 53 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 52 Journal of Nonlinear Science 49 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 48 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 46 Journal of Functional Analysis 42 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 36 Advances in Calculus of Variations 33 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 31 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 29 Communications in Mathematical Physics 29 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 23 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 22 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 21 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 21 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 20 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 18 Advances in Mathematics 18 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 18 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 17 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 17 Mathematische Annalen 17 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 17 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 15 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 14 Applicable Analysis 14 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 14 Physica D 14 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 14 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 13 Journal of Computational Physics 13 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 13 Inventiones Mathematicae 13 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 13 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 13 Oberwolfach Reports 12 International Journal of Engineering Science 12 Journal of Statistical Physics 12 Nonlinearity 12 Manuscripta Mathematica 12 Computational Mechanics 12 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 11 Journal of Mathematical Physics 11 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 11 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 11 Mathematics in Engineering 10 The Annals of Probability 10 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 10 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 10 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 10 GAMM-Mitteilungen 10 Science China. Mathematics 9 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 9 Mathematische Nachrichten 9 Ricerche di Matematica 9 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 9 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 9 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 9 Analysis & PDE 8 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 8 Duke Mathematical Journal 8 Meccanica 8 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 8 Asymptotic Analysis 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 8 Interfaces and Free Boundaries 7 Mathematische Zeitschrift 7 Numerische Mathematik 7 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 7 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 7 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 6 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 6 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 6 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 6 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 6 Journal of Scientific Computing 6 Potential Analysis 6 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 5 Probability Theory and Related Fields 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 5 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Revista Matemática Complutense 5 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications ...and 229 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 1,255 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,213 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 909 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 245 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 209 Functional analysis (46-XX) 204 Differential geometry (53-XX) 166 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 156 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 149 Real functions (26-XX) 97 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 90 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 77 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 76 Operator theory (47-XX) 72 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 69 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 64 Measure and integration (28-XX) 44 Potential theory (31-XX) 41 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 40 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 25 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 25 Computer science (68-XX) 24 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 24 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 22 Quantum theory (81-XX) 17 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 17 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 12 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 12 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 11 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 11 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 10 Integral equations (45-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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