Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. Co-Author Distance Author ID: neittaanmaki.pekka-j Published as: Neittaanmäki, P.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Neittaanmaki, P.; Neittaanmaeki, Pekka; Neittaanmaeki, P.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka J.; Neittaanmäki, P more...less Homepage: http://users.jyu.fi/~pn/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 222 Publications since 1978, including 22 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 18 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 117 Reviews Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 118 Co-Authors with 225 Joint Publications 2,908 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 15 single-authored 28 Křížek, Michal 25 Haslinger, Jaroslav 25 Repin, Sergeĭ Igorevich 20 Tiba, Dan 16 Plamenevskiĭ, Boris Alekseevich 13 Averbuch, Amir Z. 13 Zheludev, Valery A. 10 Kuznetsov, Yuriĭ Alekseevich 10 Saranen, Jukka 9 Korotov, Sergey 9 Rivkind, Valeriĭ Yakovlevich 8 Marinov, Corneliu A. 8 Tai, Xuecheng 7 Sarafanov, Oleg V. 7 Tiihonen, Timo 6 Heikkola, Erkki 5 Banichuk, Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich 5 Liu, Liping 5 Salmenjoki, Kimmo 5 Tarvainen, Pasi 5 Tuovinen, Tero 4 Baskin, Lev 4 Grikurov, Valery E. 4 Jeronen, Juha 4 Kalvin, Victor 4 Laitinen, Erkki K. 4 Mäkinen, Raino A. E. 4 Mali, Olli 4 Pironneau, Olivier 3 Anjam, Immanuel 3 Dementieva, Maria B. 3 Fitzgibbon, William Edward 3 Kokotov, A. Yu. 3 Kuznetsov, Nikolay Vladimirovich 3 Leonov, Gennadiĭ Alekseevich 3 Mäkelä, Marko Mikael 3 Männikkö, Timo 3 Niemistö, Antti 3 Périaux, Jacques F. 3 Picard, Rainer H. 3 Seregin, Gregory A. 3 Sokołowski, Jan 3 Zakharov, Victor V. 2 Arnăutu, Viorel 2 Barbu, Viorel 2 Faragó, István 2 Glowinski, Roland 2 Gorshkova, Elena 2 Horák, Václav 2 Kaarna, Arto 2 Kärkkäinen, Tommi 2 Kravchuk, Alexander S. 2 Lasiecka, Irena 2 Liu, Steve Wenbin 2 Lü, Tao 2 Matculevich, Svetlana 2 Moroșanu, Gheorghe 2 Rudnicki, Marek 2 Seidman, Thomas I. 2 Stachurski, Andrzej 2 Stenberg, Rolf 1 Barsuk, Alexandr A. 1 Baskin, L. M. 1 Bräysy, Olli 1 Buslaev, Vladimir Savel’evich 1 Chetverushkin, Boris Nikolaevich 1 Cohen, Gary C. 1 Dullaert, Wout E. H. 1 Frolov, M. E. 1 Frolov, Maksim 1 Gan’kova, Anna 1 Hamina, Martti 1 Hara, Veikko 1 Hauser, Jonathan 1 Hiironen, Juha 1 Hokkanen, Veli-Matti 1 Jokinen, Tapani 1 Joly, Patrick 1 Kabardov, Muaed 1 Kiseleva, M. A. 1 Koikkalainen, Pasi 1 Koren, Jenny 1 Kudryashova, Elena Vladimirovna 1 Kuznetsova, Olga Aleksandrovna 1 Lappalainen, Vesa 1 Lehtonen, Ari 1 Levin, S. B. 1 Lin, Qun 1 Lyalinov, Mikhail Anatolievich 1 Martikainen, Janne 1 Miettinen, Kaisa M. 1 Muzalevsky, A. V. 1 Nakari, Pentti 1 Nečas, Jindřich 1 Nokka, Marjaana 1 Palosaari, Seppo 1 Parviainen, Sirkku 1 Räisänen, Teppo 1 Reunanen, Jarmo 1 Roach, Gary Francis ...and 18 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 9 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 8 Bericht. Universität Jyväskylä. Mathematisches Institut 7 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 6 Applications of Mathematics 6 Computational Methods in Applied Sciences 5 Solid Mechanics and Its Applications 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Aplikace Matematiky 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Problemy Matematicheskogo Analiza 3 Numerische Mathematik 3 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 3 East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics 3 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 3 Doklady Mathematics 2 Applicable Analysis 2 International Journal of Solids and Structures 2 Inverse Problems 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Series A I. Mathematica 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Journal of Computational Mathematics 2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 2 COMPEL 2 Matemática Aplicada e Computacional 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 2 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Mathematics and its Applications 2 Lecture Notes on Numerical Methods in Engineering and Sciences 1 Arkhimedes 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 Journal of Computational Physics 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Mathematica 1 BIT 1 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems 1 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Série V. Mathématiques 1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Arab Journal of Mathematics 1 Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 1 Surveys on Mathematics for Industry 1 Commentationes Physico-Mathematicae 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Doklady Akademii Nauk 1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 1 International Game Theory Review 1 Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ. Series A I. Mathematica. Dissertationes 1 ISNM. International Series of Numerical Mathematics 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker 1 Studies in Mathematics and its Applications 1 GAKUTO International Series. Mathematical Sciences and Applications 1 Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Inverse Problems and Imaging 1 Pure and Applied Functional Analysis 1 Springer Monographs in Mathematics 1 Mathematical Modelling: Theory and Applications 1 Scientific Computation all top 5 Fields 140 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 117 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 65 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 37 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 22 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 21 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 18 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 16 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 152 Publications have been cited 1,735 times in 1,371 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Nonsmooth optimization. Analysis and algorithms with applications to optimal control. Zbl 0757.49017 Mäkelä, Marko M.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 131 1992 Optimal control of nonlinear parabolic systems: theory, algorithms, and applications. Zbl 0812.49001 Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 128 1994 Reliable methods for computer simulation. Error control and a posteriori estimates. Zbl 1076.65093 Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 101 2004 Finite element approximation for optimal shape design: Theory and applications. Zbl 0713.73062 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P. 94 1988 Finite element approximation for optimal shape, material and topology design. Zbl 0845.73001 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmaki, P. 87 1996 On superconvergence techniques. Zbl 0624.65107 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 75 1987 Weakened acute type condition for tetrahedral triangulations and the discrete maximum principle. Zbl 1001.65125 Korotov, Sergey; Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 67 2001 Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Zbl 1106.49002 Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jürgen; Tiba, Dan 65 2006 Variational and quasi-variational inequalities in mechanics. Zbl 1131.49001 Kravchuk, Alexander S.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. 54 2007 Superconvergence phenomenon in the finite element method arising from averaging gradients. Zbl 0575.65104 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 51 1984 A parallel splitting up method and its application to Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0718.65066 Lu, T.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tai, Xue-Cheng 45 1991 A parallel splitting-up method for partial differential equations and its applications to Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0756.65129 Lu, T.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tai, X.-C. 37 1992 Finite element approximation of variational problems and applications. Zbl 0708.65106 Křížek, M; Neittaanmäki, P. 35 1990 On a global superconvergence of the gradient of linear triangular elements. Zbl 0602.65084 Křížek, M.; Neittaanmäki, P. 33 1987 Accuracy verification methods. Theory and algorithms. Zbl 1364.65106 Mali, Olli; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 31 2014 On the instability of an axially moving elastic plate. Zbl 1193.74061 Banichuk, N.; Jeronen, J.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tuovinen, T. 27 2010 Finite element methods. Superconvergence, post-processing, and a posteriori estimates. 1st conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Zbl 0884.00048 21 1998 Numerical methods for scientific computing. Variational problems and applications. Zbl 1158.65006 18 2003 An embedding of domains approach in free boundary problems and optimal design. Zbl 0843.49024 Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 17 1995 Fictitious domain methods for the numerical solution of two-dimensional scattering problems. Zbl 0909.65119 Heikkola, Erkki; Kuznetsov, Yuri A.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Toivanen, Jari 16 1998 Second-order optimality conditions for nondominated solutions of multiobjective programming with \(C^{1,1}\) data. Zbl 0995.90085 Liu, Liping; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Křížek, Michal 15 2000 A posteriori error estimation of goal-oriented quantities by a superconvergence patch recovery. Zbl 1039.65075 Korotov, S.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 15 2003 Mechanics of moving materials. Zbl 1287.74001 Banichuk, Nikolay; Jeronen, Juha; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Saksa, Tytti; Tuovinen, Tero 15 2014 Inverse problems and optimal design in electricity and magnetism. Zbl 0865.65090 Neittaanmaki, P.; Rudnicki, M.; Savini, A. 14 1996 On the validity of Friedrichs’ inequalities. Zbl 0555.35003 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 14 1984 Optimal control from theory to computer programs. Zbl 1056.49001 Arnăutu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 14 2003 Higher order finite element approximation of a quasilinear elliptic boundary value problem of a non-monotone type. Zbl 0870.65096 Liu, Liping; Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 13 1996 Shape optimization in contact problems based on penalization of the state inequality. Zbl 0594.73109 Haslinger, Jaroslav; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Tiihonen, Timo 13 1986 Finite element approximation of vector fields given by curl and divergence. Zbl 0456.65069 Neittaanmäki, P.; Saranen, J. 13 1981 Schwarz methods for obstacle problems with convection-diffusion operators. Zbl 0817.65052 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tarvainen, P. 13 1994 On finite element approximation of the gradient for solution of Poisson equation. Zbl 0463.65073 Neittaanmäki, P.; Saranen, J. 13 1981 Error estimates for the finite element approximation to a Maxwell-type boundary value problem. Zbl 0469.65079 Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Picard, Rainer 12 1980 Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems. Zbl 1252.49068 Neittaanmäki, P; Tiba, D 12 2012 Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1167.35545 Neittaanmäki, P.; Pennanen, A.; Tiba, D. 12 2009 Diffraction on a cone: the asymptotic of solutions near the vertex. Zbl 1029.35160 Kokotov, A. Yu.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskii, B. A. 11 1999 On the existence of optimal shapes in contact problems. Zbl 0559.73099 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P. 10 1984 Optimization of the domain in elliptic variational inequalities. Zbl 0824.49003 Neittaanmäki, P.; Sokołowski, Jan; Zolesio, Jean-Paul 9 1988 Stability of axially moving materials. Zbl 1430.74003 Banichuk, Nikolay; Barsuk, Alexander; Jeronen, Juha; Tuovinen, Tero; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 9 2020 Overlapping domain decomposition methods for the obstacle problem. Zbl 0795.65083 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tarvainen, P. 8 1994 On computation of scattering matrices and on surface waves for diffraction gratings. Zbl 1022.78009 Grikurov, Valery E.; Heikkola, Erkki; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevskii, Boris A. 8 2003 Mathematical models in electrical circuits: theory and applications. Zbl 0728.94007 Marinov, C. A.; Neittaanmäki, P. 8 1991 Bibliography on superconvergence. Zbl 0902.65001 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 8 1998 Finite element approximation of electromagnetic fields in three dimensional space. Zbl 0451.65087 Neittaanmäki, P.; Saranen, J. 8 1980 Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, WAVES 2003. Proceedings of the sixth international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, Jyväskylä, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2003. Zbl 1029.00072 8 2003 On time-harmonic Maxwell equations with nonhomogeneous conductivities: Solvability and FE-approximation. Zbl 0696.65085 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 8 1989 On optimal shape design of systems governed by mixed Dirichlet-Signorini boundary value problems. Zbl 0603.49020 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P. 8 1986 Asymptotic and numerical study of resonant tunneling in two-dimensional quantum waveguides of variable cross section. Zbl 1313.78034 Baskin, L. M.; Kabardov, M.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskii, B. A.; Sarafanov, O. V. 8 2013 A posteriori error estimates for boundary-value problems related to the biharmonic operator. Zbl 0986.65101 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. I. 7 2001 Block relaxation methods for algebraic obstacle problems with \(M\)- matrices. Zbl 0807.65068 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tarvainen, P. 7 1994 Penalty method in design optimization of systems governed by a unilateral boundary value problem. Zbl 0547.49004 Haslinger, Jaroslav; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 7 1983 Evolutionary algorithms in engineering and computer science. Recent advances in genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, genetic programming and industrial applications. EUROGEN99, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, May 30 - June 3, 1999. Zbl 0922.00027 7 1999 Resonant tunneling. Quantum waveguides of variable cross-section, asymptotics, numerics, and applications. Zbl 1338.81003 Baskin, Lev; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevskii, Boris; Sarafanov, Oleg 7 2015 Guaranteed error bounds for conforming approximations of a Maxwell type problem. Zbl 1186.65145 Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 7 2010 New approach to numerical computation of the eigenfunctions of the continuous spectrum of three-particle Schrödinger operator. I: One-dimensional particles, short-range pair potentials. Zbl 1193.81111 Buslaev, V. S.; Levin, S. B.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Ojala, T. 7 2010 Shape optimization in contact problems with friction. Zbl 0628.73123 Haslinger, J.; Horák, V.; Neittaanmäki, P. 7 1985 On the existence of optimal shapes in contact problems - Perfectly plastic bodies. Zbl 0607.73106 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P. 7 1986 Parallel finite element splitting-up method for parabolic problems. Zbl 0747.65084 Tai, Xuecheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 6 1991 A posteriori error estimates for time-dependent reaction-diffusion problems based on the Payne-Weinberger inequality. Zbl 1334.35126 Matculevich, Svetlana; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 6 2015 Partial differential equations. Modelling and numerical simulation. Some papers based on the presentations at the international conference, Helsinki, Finland, fall 2005. Zbl 1140.65007 6 2008 A posteriori error majorants for approximations of the evolutionary Stokes problem. Zbl 1203.65164 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 6 2010 On a fixed domain approach for a shape optimization problem. Zbl 0766.49030 Mäkinen, R. A. E.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 6 1992 A modified least squares FE-method for ideal fluid flow problems. Zbl 0488.76004 Neittaanmaeki, P.; Saranen, J. 6 1982 Acceleration of the convergence in finite difference method by predictor- corrector and splitting extrapolation methods. Zbl 0626.65092 Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Lin, Qun 6 1987 Spline and spline wavelet methods with applications to signal and image processing. Volume I: Periodic splines. Zbl 1316.65019 Averbuch, Amir Z.; Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery A. 6 2014 Discretization estimates for an elliptic control problem. Zbl 0915.49022 Arnăutu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 5 1998 The Neumann problem for the wave equation in a cone. Zbl 0996.35013 Kokotov, A. Yu.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskij, B. A. 5 2000 Mathematical and numerical modelling in electrical engineering. Theory and practice. Zbl 0859.65128 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 5 1997 On different finite element methods for approximating the gradient of the solution to the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 0574.65123 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P. 5 1984 Asymptotic theory of resonant tunneling in 3D quantum waveguides of variable cross-section. Zbl 1202.35061 Baskin, Lev; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevsky, Boris; Sarafanov, Oleg 5 2009 A posteriori error estimates for a Maxwell type problem. Zbl 1196.78015 Anjam, I.; Mali, O.; Muzalevsky, A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 5 2009 Existence for shape optimization problems in arbitrary dimension. Zbl 1031.49040 Liu, W. B.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 5 2003 Shape optimization in contact problems. Approximation and numerical realization. Zbl 0616.73108 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P. 5 1987 Structural optimization with uncertainties. Zbl 1182.49001 Banichuk, N. V.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. 5 2010 Finite element methods. 50 years of the Courant element. Conference held at the Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, 1993. Zbl 0802.00026 4 1994 Sensitivity analysis for a class of shape control problems. Zbl 0592.49005 Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiihonen, Timo 4 1985 Nonsmooth optimization in optimal shape design. Zbl 0748.90065 Mäkelä, M. M.; Neittaanmäki, P. 4 1991 Spline and spline wavelet methods with applications to signal and image processing. Volume III. Selected topics. Zbl 1398.65004 Averbuch, Amir Z.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery A. 4 2019 On numerical simulation of the continuous casting process. Zbl 0638.65089 Laitinen, E.; Neittaanmäki, P 4 1988 Approximating optimal control problems governed by variational inequalities. Zbl 0812.49012 Barbu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Niemistö, Antti 3 1994 Finite element analysis of a nonlinear elliptic problem with a pure radiation condition. Zbl 0953.65081 Křížek, Michael; Liu, Liping; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1999 Conjugate gradient algorithms and finite element methods. Zbl 1059.65001 3 2004 Error estimates for numerical identification of distributed parameters. Zbl 0793.65066 Tai, Xuecheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1992 Solvability of a first order system in three-dimensional non-smooth domains. Zbl 0593.35073 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1985 Drilling systems: stability and hidden oscillations. Zbl 1334.70010 Kiseleva, M. A.; Kuznetsov, N. V.; Leonov, G. A.; Neittaanmäki, P. 3 2014 On the existence of strongly regular families of triangulations for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary. Zbl 1060.65665 Korotov, Sergey; Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1999 Guaranteed functional error estimates for the Reissner-Mindlin plate problem. Zbl 1125.74028 Frolov, M. E.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, S. I. 3 2005 On optimal mesh design for FEM in unilateral boundary value problems. Zbl 0687.73075 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Salmenjoki, K. 3 1988 On FE-grid relocation in solving unilateral boundary value problems by FEM. Zbl 0757.65114 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Salmenjoki, K. 2 1992 Finite element approximation for a div-rot system with mixed boundary conditions in non-smooth plane domains. Zbl 0575.65125 Křižek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 2 1984 On optimal shape design of an elastic body on a rigid foundation. Zbl 0588.73159 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiihonen, Timo 2 1985 A pointwise error estimate for distributed parameter identification. Zbl 0972.34010 Tai, Xue-Cheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 2 1997 On the structural optimization problems. (Sur les problèmes d’optimisation structurelle.) Zbl 0980.49034 Liu, Wenbin; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Tiba, Dan 2 2000 Method for computing scattering matrices for general dissipative and selfadjoint elliptic problems in domains with cylindrical ends. Zbl 1099.35031 Kalvine, V. O.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevskii, B. A. 2 2004 Applied and numerical partial differential equations. Scientific computing in simulation, optimization and control in a multidisciplinary context. Zbl 1181.65008 2 2010 On the finite element method for time-harmonic acoustic boundary value problems. Zbl 0451.76071 Neittaanmäki, P.; Picard, R. 2 1980 A least square FE-method for ideal fluid flow problems. Zbl 0457.76022 Hamina, M.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Saranen, J. 2 1981 On the convergence of the finite element approximation of eigenfrequencies and eigenvectors to Maxwell’s boundary value problem. Zbl 0489.65068 Neittaanmaeki, Pekka; Picard, Rainer 2 1981 On the finite element approximation for Maxwell’s problem in polygonal domains of the plane. Zbl 0454.65080 Neittaanmäki, P.; Saranen, J. 2 1981 An hybrid denoising algorithm based on directional wavelet packets. Zbl 1504.94007 Averbuch, Amir; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery; Salhov, Moshe; Hauser, Jonathan 2 2022 Block based deconvolution algorithm using spline wavelet packets. Zbl 1255.42030 Averbuch, Amir; Zheludev, Valery; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Koren, Jenny 2 2010 Directional wavelet packets originating from polynomial splines. Zbl 1529.41005 Averbuch, Amir; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery 1 2023 An hybrid denoising algorithm based on directional wavelet packets. Zbl 1504.94007 Averbuch, Amir; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery; Salhov, Moshe; Hauser, Jonathan 2 2022 Stability of axially moving materials. Zbl 1430.74003 Banichuk, Nikolay; Barsuk, Alexander; Jeronen, Juha; Tuovinen, Tero; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 9 2020 Spline and spline wavelet methods with applications to signal and image processing. Volume III. Selected topics. Zbl 1398.65004 Averbuch, Amir Z.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery A. 4 2019 Contributions to partial differential equations and applications. Invited papers of the conferences ‘Contributions to partial differential equations’, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, August 31 – September 1, 2015 and ‘Applied and computational mathematics’, University of Houston, Texas, USA, February 26–27, 2016. Zbl 1411.35011 1 2019 Spline and spline wavelet methods with applications to signal and image processing. Volume II. Non-periodic splines. Zbl 1338.65032 Averbuch, Amir Z.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery A. 1 2016 Resonant tunneling. Quantum waveguides of variable cross-section, asymptotics, numerics, and applications. Zbl 1338.81003 Baskin, Lev; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevskii, Boris; Sarafanov, Oleg 7 2015 A posteriori error estimates for time-dependent reaction-diffusion problems based on the Payne-Weinberger inequality. Zbl 1334.35126 Matculevich, Svetlana; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 6 2015 Periodic spline-based frames for image restoration. Zbl 1332.65024 Averbuch, Amir; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery 1 2015 Accuracy verification methods. Theory and algorithms. Zbl 1364.65106 Mali, Olli; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 31 2014 Mechanics of moving materials. Zbl 1287.74001 Banichuk, Nikolay; Jeronen, Juha; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Saksa, Tytti; Tuovinen, Tero 15 2014 Spline and spline wavelet methods with applications to signal and image processing. Volume I: Periodic splines. Zbl 1316.65019 Averbuch, Amir Z.; Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Zheludev, Valery A. 6 2014 Drilling systems: stability and hidden oscillations. Zbl 1334.70010 Kiseleva, M. A.; Kuznetsov, N. V.; Leonov, G. A.; Neittaanmäki, P. 3 2014 Asymptotic and numerical study of electron flow spin polarization in 2D waveguides of variable cross-section in the presence of magnetic field. Zbl 1311.35240 Baskin, L.; Kabardov, M.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Sarafanov, O. 2 2014 Modeling, simulation and optimization for science and technology. Selected contributions based on the presentations at the conferences “Optimization and PDE’s with industrial applications”, Jyväskylä, Finland, June, 2012 on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Jaques Périaux and “Optimization and PDE’s with application”, Jyväskylä, Finland, June, 2012 on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Roland Glowinski. Zbl 1300.00032 2 2014 Parameter rating by diffusion gradient. Zbl 1328.65046 Wolf, Guy; Averbuch, Amir; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 1 2014 Asymptotic and numerical study of resonant tunneling in two-dimensional quantum waveguides of variable cross section. Zbl 1313.78034 Baskin, L. M.; Kabardov, M.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskii, B. A.; Sarafanov, O. V. 8 2013 Estimates of deviations from exact solutions for elasticity problems with nonlinear boundary conditions. Zbl 1282.74107 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S.; Valdman, J. 2 2013 Guaranteed error bounds for a class of Picard-Lindelöf iteration methods. Zbl 1267.65083 Matculevich, Svetlana; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 1 2013 Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems. Zbl 1252.49068 Neittaanmäki, P; Tiba, D 12 2012 On the instability of an axially moving elastic plate. Zbl 1193.74061 Banichuk, N.; Jeronen, J.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tuovinen, T. 27 2010 Guaranteed error bounds for conforming approximations of a Maxwell type problem. Zbl 1186.65145 Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 7 2010 New approach to numerical computation of the eigenfunctions of the continuous spectrum of three-particle Schrödinger operator. I: One-dimensional particles, short-range pair potentials. Zbl 1193.81111 Buslaev, V. S.; Levin, S. B.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Ojala, T. 7 2010 A posteriori error majorants for approximations of the evolutionary Stokes problem. Zbl 1203.65164 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 6 2010 Structural optimization with uncertainties. Zbl 1182.49001 Banichuk, N. V.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. 5 2010 Applied and numerical partial differential equations. Scientific computing in simulation, optimization and control in a multidisciplinary context. Zbl 1181.65008 2 2010 Block based deconvolution algorithm using spline wavelet packets. Zbl 1255.42030 Averbuch, Amir; Zheludev, Valery; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Koren, Jenny 2 2010 Fixed domain approaches in shape optimization problems with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1167.35545 Neittaanmäki, P.; Pennanen, A.; Tiba, D. 12 2009 Asymptotic theory of resonant tunneling in 3D quantum waveguides of variable cross-section. Zbl 1202.35061 Baskin, Lev; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevsky, Boris; Sarafanov, Oleg 5 2009 A posteriori error estimates for a Maxwell type problem. Zbl 1196.78015 Anjam, I.; Mali, O.; Muzalevsky, A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 5 2009 Computable error indicators for approximate solutions of elliptic problems. Zbl 1169.65086 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 1 2009 Partial differential equations. Modelling and numerical simulation. Some papers based on the presentations at the international conference, Helsinki, Finland, fall 2005. Zbl 1140.65007 6 2008 New a posteriori error indicator in terms of linear functionals for linear elliptic problems. Zbl 1136.65103 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S.; Turchyn, P. 1 2008 Comparing solutions in joint implementation projects. Zbl 1152.91339 Zakharov, Victor; Gan’kova, Anna; Dementieva, Maria; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 1 2008 Variational and quasi-variational inequalities in mechanics. Zbl 1131.49001 Kravchuk, Alexander S.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. 54 2007 A posteriori error estimates for viscous flow problems with rotation. Zbl 1202.35171 Gorshkova, E.; Mahalov, A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 1 2007 Optimization of elliptic systems. Theory and applications. Zbl 1106.49002 Neittaanmaki, Pekka; Sprekels, Jürgen; Tiba, Dan 65 2006 Guaranteed functional error estimates for the Reissner-Mindlin plate problem. Zbl 1125.74028 Frolov, M. E.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, S. I. 3 2005 Reliable methods for computer simulation. Error control and a posteriori estimates. Zbl 1076.65093 Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 101 2004 Conjugate gradient algorithms and finite element methods. Zbl 1059.65001 3 2004 Method for computing scattering matrices for general dissipative and selfadjoint elliptic problems in domains with cylindrical ends. Zbl 1099.35031 Kalvine, V. O.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevskii, B. A. 2 2004 On computational properties of a posteriori error estimates based upon the method of duality error majorants. Zbl 1056.65062 Frolov, Maxim; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Repin, Sergey 1 2004 Numerical methods for scientific computing. Variational problems and applications. Zbl 1158.65006 18 2003 A posteriori error estimation of goal-oriented quantities by a superconvergence patch recovery. Zbl 1039.65075 Korotov, S.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. 15 2003 Optimal control from theory to computer programs. Zbl 1056.49001 Arnăutu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 14 2003 On computation of scattering matrices and on surface waves for diffraction gratings. Zbl 1022.78009 Grikurov, Valery E.; Heikkola, Erkki; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Plamenevskii, Boris A. 8 2003 Mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, WAVES 2003. Proceedings of the sixth international conference on mathematical and numerical aspects of wave propagation, Jyväskylä, Finland, 30 June – 4 July 2003. Zbl 1029.00072 8 2003 Existence for shape optimization problems in arbitrary dimension. Zbl 1031.49040 Liu, W. B.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 5 2003 On a method of searching for surface waves in diffraction gratings. Zbl 1170.78359 Grikurov, V. E.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskij, B. A.; Heikkola, E. 1 2002 A method of searching for surface waves in diffraction gratings. Zbl 1148.35312 Grikurov, V. E.; Heikkola, E.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskii, B. A. 1 2002 Weakened acute type condition for tetrahedral triangulations and the discrete maximum principle. Zbl 1001.65125 Korotov, Sergey; Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 67 2001 A posteriori error estimates for boundary-value problems related to the biharmonic operator. Zbl 0986.65101 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S. I. 7 2001 Second-order optimality conditions for nondominated solutions of multiobjective programming with \(C^{1,1}\) data. Zbl 0995.90085 Liu, Liping; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Křížek, Michal 15 2000 The Neumann problem for the wave equation in a cone. Zbl 0996.35013 Kokotov, A. Yu.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskij, B. A. 5 2000 On the structural optimization problems. (Sur les problèmes d’optimisation structurelle.) Zbl 0980.49034 Liu, Wenbin; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Tiba, Dan 2 2000 On surface waves in diffraction gratings. Zbl 0964.78006 Grikurov, V. E.; Lyalinov, M. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskii, B. A. 1 2000 Diffraction on a cone: the asymptotic of solutions near the vertex. Zbl 1029.35160 Kokotov, A. Yu.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Plamenevskii, B. A. 11 1999 Evolutionary algorithms in engineering and computer science. Recent advances in genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, evolutionary programming, genetic programming and industrial applications. EUROGEN99, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, May 30 - June 3, 1999. Zbl 0922.00027 7 1999 Finite element analysis of a nonlinear elliptic problem with a pure radiation condition. Zbl 0953.65081 Křížek, Michael; Liu, Liping; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1999 On the existence of strongly regular families of triangulations for domains with a piecewise smooth boundary. Zbl 1060.65665 Korotov, Sergey; Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1999 Finite element methods. Superconvergence, post-processing, and a posteriori estimates. 1st conference, University of Jyväskylä, Finland. Zbl 0884.00048 21 1998 Fictitious domain methods for the numerical solution of two-dimensional scattering problems. Zbl 0909.65119 Heikkola, Erkki; Kuznetsov, Yuri A.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Toivanen, Jari 16 1998 Bibliography on superconvergence. Zbl 0902.65001 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 8 1998 Discretization estimates for an elliptic control problem. Zbl 0915.49022 Arnăutu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 5 1998 Finite element analysis for the heat conduction equation with the third boundary condition. Zbl 0935.35058 Faragó, István; Korotov, Sergey; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 1 1998 Mathematical and numerical modelling in electrical engineering. Theory and practice. Zbl 0859.65128 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 5 1997 A pointwise error estimate for distributed parameter identification. Zbl 0972.34010 Tai, Xue-Cheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 2 1997 Finite element approximation for optimal shape, material and topology design. Zbl 0845.73001 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmaki, P. 87 1996 Inverse problems and optimal design in electricity and magnetism. Zbl 0865.65090 Neittaanmaki, P.; Rudnicki, M.; Savini, A. 14 1996 Higher order finite element approximation of a quasilinear elliptic boundary value problem of a non-monotone type. Zbl 0870.65096 Liu, Liping; Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 13 1996 Numerical methods for nonlinear inverse problems. Zbl 0866.65040 Kärkkäinen, T.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Niemistö, A. 1 1996 An embedding of domains approach in free boundary problems and optimal design. Zbl 0843.49024 Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 17 1995 On the approximation of some ill-posed problems. Zbl 0844.65069 Neittaanmäki, P.; Räisänen, T.; Tiba, Dan 1 1995 Optimal control of nonlinear parabolic systems: theory, algorithms, and applications. Zbl 0812.49001 Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 128 1994 Schwarz methods for obstacle problems with convection-diffusion operators. Zbl 0817.65052 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tarvainen, P. 13 1994 Overlapping domain decomposition methods for the obstacle problem. Zbl 0795.65083 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tarvainen, P. 8 1994 Block relaxation methods for algebraic obstacle problems with \(M\)- matrices. Zbl 0807.65068 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tarvainen, P. 7 1994 Finite element methods. 50 years of the Courant element. Conference held at the Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, 1993. Zbl 0802.00026 4 1994 Approximating optimal control problems governed by variational inequalities. Zbl 0812.49012 Barbu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Niemistö, Antti 3 1994 A penalty method for the identification of nonlinear elliptic differential operator. Zbl 0805.35145 Barbu, Viorel; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Niemistö, Antti 1 1994 A rapid method for the identification of the free boundary in two-phase Stefan problems. Zbl 0805.65136 Männikkö, T.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 1 1994 Discontinuous finite element approximations for functionals with linear growth. Zbl 0849.65047 Neittaanmäki, P.; Repin, S.; Rivkind, V. 1 1994 Mathematical modelling of liquid drops evaporation. Zbl 0792.76014 Neittaanmäki, P.; Rivkind, V. 1 1993 Nonsmooth optimization. Analysis and algorithms with applications to optimal control. Zbl 0757.49017 Mäkelä, Marko M.; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 131 1992 A parallel splitting-up method for partial differential equations and its applications to Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0756.65129 Lu, T.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tai, X.-C. 37 1992 On a fixed domain approach for a shape optimization problem. Zbl 0766.49030 Mäkinen, R. A. E.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tiba, D. 6 1992 Error estimates for numerical identification of distributed parameters. Zbl 0793.65066 Tai, Xuecheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 3 1992 On FE-grid relocation in solving unilateral boundary value problems by FEM. Zbl 0757.65114 Haslinger, J.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Salmenjoki, K. 2 1992 A nontraditional approach for solving the Neumann problem by the finite element method. Zbl 0771.65070 Křížek, Michal; Neittaanmäki, Pekka; Vondrák, Miroslav 1 1992 Sensitivity analysis for discretized unilateral plane elasticity problem. Zbl 0765.73069 Haslinger, Jaroslav; Neittaanmäki, P.; Salmenjoki, K. 1 1992 Overlapping domain decomposition methods for the simplified Dirichlet- Signorini problem. Zbl 0765.65065 Kuznetsov, Yu. A.; Neittaanmäki, P. 1 1992 A parallel splitting up method and its application to Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0718.65066 Lu, T.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Tai, Xue-Cheng 45 1991 Mathematical models in electrical circuits: theory and applications. Zbl 0728.94007 Marinov, C. A.; Neittaanmäki, P. 8 1991 Parallel finite element splitting-up method for parabolic problems. Zbl 0747.65084 Tai, Xuecheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 6 1991 Nonsmooth optimization in optimal shape design. Zbl 0748.90065 Mäkelä, M. M.; Neittaanmäki, P. 4 1991 On the numerical solution of the distributed parameter identification problem. Zbl 0742.35073 Tai, Xue-Cheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 1 1991 Controllability-type properties for elliptic systems and applications. Zbl 0753.49005 Tiba, D.; Neittaanmäki, P.; Mäkinen, R. 1 1991 Computer aided optimal structural design. Zbl 0760.49024 Neittaanmäki, Pekka 1 1991 Numerical methods for free boundary problems. Proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Mathematics, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, July 23-27, 1990. Zbl 0722.00035 1 1991 A linear approach for the nonlinear distributed parameter identification problem. Zbl 0733.65098 Tai, Xue-Cheng; Neittaanmäki, Pekka 1 1991 ...and 52 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,776 Authors 49 Neittaanmäki, Pekka J. 47 Repin, Sergeĭ Igorevich 27 Křížek, Michal 24 Korotov, Sergey 21 Haslinger, Jaroslav 21 Zhang, Zhimin 20 Mäkelä, Marko Mikael 19 Chen, Yanping 19 Li, Zi-Cai 15 Tiba, Dan 14 Liu, Steve Wenbin 13 Tai, Xuecheng 12 Bagirov, Adil M. 12 Banichuk, Nikolaĭ Vladimirovich 11 Hintermüller, Michael 11 Ivanova, Svetlana Yu. 11 Karmitsa, Napsu 11 Li, Jichun 10 Hlaváček, Ivan 10 Plamenevskiĭ, Boris Alekseevich 10 Sarafanov, Oleg V. 10 Yan, Ningning 9 Aniţa, Sebastian 9 Düster, Alexander 9 Huang, Hung-Tsai 9 Langer, Ulrich 9 Murea, Cornel Marius 9 Nicaise, Serge 9 Sinha, Rajen Kumar 9 Sofonea, Mircea 9 Valdman, Jan 8 Cao, Waixiang 8 Hoppe, Ronald H. W. 8 Klarbring, Anders 8 Lin, Qun 8 Miettinen, Kaisa M. 8 Saranen, Jukka 8 Vejchodský, Tomáš 8 Walker, Shawn W. 8 Zhu, Shengfeng 7 Afanas’ev, V. S. 7 Babuška, Ivo 7 Chang, Ching Lung 7 Chen, Ke 7 Gaudioso, Manlio 7 Huang, Yunqing 7 Karátson, János 7 Lin, Yanping 7 Matculevich, Svetlana 7 Sun, Tongjun 7 Wolfmayr, Monika 6 Averbuch, Amir Z. 6 Bi, Chunjia 6 Casas, Eduardo 6 Ern, Alexandre 6 Faragó, István 6 Ginchev, Ivan G. 6 Ito, Kazufumi 6 Ivorra, Benjamin 6 Joki, Kaisa 6 Lazarov, Raytcho D. 6 Levin, S. B. 6 Lü, Tao 6 Lu, Zuliang 6 Migórski, Stanisław 6 Monk, Peter B. 6 Nobakhtian, Soghra 6 Outrata, Jiří V. 6 Perotto, Simona 6 Rank, Ernst 6 Serovaĭskiĭ, Simon Ya. 6 Shen, Wanfang 6 Tarzia, Domingo Alberto 6 Toivanen, Jari 6 Wang, Yanqing 6 Yang, Danping 6 Zeng, Jinping 6 Zheludev, Valery A. 5 Bobylev, A. A. 5 Creusé, Emmanuel 5 Fang, Qing 5 Gimperlein, Heiko 5 Glowinski, Roland 5 Guerraggio, Angelo 5 Hou, Tianliang 5 Huang, Qiumei 5 Kanzow, Christian 5 Kunisch, Karl 5 Li, Yonghai 5 Lovíšek, Ján 5 Matei, Andaluzia Cristina 5 Micheletti, Stefano 5 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 5 Noor, Khalida Inayat 5 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 5 Pauly, Dirk 5 Ramos, Angel Manuel 5 Sheng, Zhiqiang 5 Stephan, Ernst Peter 5 Surowiec, Thomas ...and 1,676 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 256 Serials 83 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 75 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 45 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 45 Applications of Mathematics 44 Applied Mathematics and Computation 32 Journal of Computational Physics 29 Mathematics of Computation 29 Numerische Mathematik 27 Applied Numerical Mathematics 27 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 26 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 25 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 22 Journal of Scientific Computing 22 Computational Optimization and Applications 17 Numerical Algorithms 16 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 16 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 16 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 14 Aplikace Matematiky 14 Optimization 14 Computational Mechanics 14 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 13 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 12 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 12 Journal of Global Optimization 12 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 12 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 12 Optimization Letters 11 Applied Mathematical Modelling 11 Optimization Methods & Software 10 Applicable Analysis 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 10 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 10 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 9 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 9 Advances in Computational Mathematics 9 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 8 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 8 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 8 SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 8 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 8 Mechanics of Solids 7 Acta Mechanica 7 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 7 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 6 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 6 European Journal of Operational Research 6 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 6 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 6 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 6 Central European Journal of Mathematics 5 Calcolo 5 Kybernetika 5 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 5 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 5 Differential Equations 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 5 Boundary Value Problems 5 Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 4 Computer Physics Communications 4 Inverse Problems 4 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 4 BIT 4 COMPEL 4 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 4 Russian Mathematics 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 4 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 4 Communications in Computational Physics 4 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 3 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 3 Automatica 3 Computing 3 Functional Analysis and its Applications 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Meccanica 3 Ricerche di Matematica 3 Archive of Applied Mechanics 3 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 3 International Journal of Computer Vision 3 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 3 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling ...and 156 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 45 Fields 783 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 532 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 435 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 270 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 209 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 122 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 72 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 43 Operator theory (47-XX) 42 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 32 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 30 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 28 Computer science (68-XX) 25 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 18 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 14 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 13 Integral equations (45-XX) 13 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Quantum theory (81-XX) 11 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Real functions (26-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 7 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 5 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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