Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Nelsen, Roger B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: nelsen.roger-b Published as: Nelsen, Roger B.; Nelsen, Roger; Nelsen, R. B.; Nelsen, R. more...less Further Spellings: Nelsen, Roger Bain Homepage: https://sites.google.com/a/lclark.edu/nelsen/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 143 Publications since 1970, including 18 Books 1 Contribution as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 27 Co-Authors with 58 Joint Publications 591 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 84 single-authored 22 Alsina, Claudi 17 Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 12 Quesada-Molina, José Juan 11 Rodríguez Lallena, José Antonio 6 Fredricks, Gregory A. 3 Schweizer, Berthold 2 Durante, Fabrizio 2 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan 1 Bailey, Rosemary A. 1 Beliakov, Gleb 1 Boardman, Michael E. 1 Cameron, Peter Jephson 1 Chen, Yung-Pin 1 Chetwynd, Amanda G. 1 Daykin, David E. 1 De Baets, Bernard 1 de Melo, Eduardo Fraga L. 1 De Meyer, Hans E. 1 Delahaye, Jean-Paul 1 Diefenderfer, Caren Lea 1 Erdely, Arturo 1 Frank, Maurice J. 1 García, Jesús Enrique 1 Goldstein, Isaac H. 1 González-Barrios, José María 1 González-López, Verónica Andrea 1 Hilton, Anthony J. W. 1 Holroyd, Fred C. 1 Hopkins, Brian 1 Kaas, Rob 1 Laeven, Roger J. A. 1 Lathrop, Eve D. 1 Lévy-Leblond, Jean-Marc 1 Mason, John H. 1 Mendes, Beatriz Vaz de Melo 1 Opencomb, W. E. 1 Oswald, Nicola 1 Puccetti, Giovanni 1 Rowley, C. A. 1 Scherer, Matthias 1 Schmidt, Harvey jun. 1 Vanduffel, Steven 1 Woodall, Douglas R. all top 5 Serials 48 Mathematics Magazine 28 The College Mathematics Journal 7 Statistics & Probability Letters 6 Classroom Resource Materials 4 The Dolciani Mathematical Expositions 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 3 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 3 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 3 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Forum Geometricorum 2 AMS/MAA Dolciani Mathematical Expositions 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Kybernetika 1 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Statistical Papers 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Lecture Notes in Statistics 1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Springer Series in Statistics 1 Dependence Modeling 1 MAA Textbooks all top 5 Fields 61 Mathematics education (97-XX) 40 Statistics (62-XX) 29 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 25 Number theory (11-XX) 22 Geometry (51-XX) 15 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 14 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 78 Publications have been cited 4,196 times in 3,274 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An introduction to copulas. 2nd ed. Zbl 1152.62030 Nelsen, Roger B. 2,305 2006 An introduction to copulas. Properties and applications. Zbl 0909.62052 Nelsen, Roger B. 656 1999 On the characterization of a class of binary operations on distribution functions. Zbl 0798.60023 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B.; Schweizer, Berthold 99 1993 On the construction of copulas and quasi-copulas with given diagonal sections. Zbl 1152.60311 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 65 2008 Extremes of nonexchangeability. Zbl 1110.62071 Nelsen, Roger B. 56 2007 Best-possible bounds on sets of bivariate distribution functions. Zbl 1057.62038 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda Flores, Manuel 55 2004 Proofs without words. Exercises in visual thinking. Zbl 1160.00303 Nelsen, Roger B. 50 1993 The lattice-theoretic structure of sets of bivariate copulas and quasi-copulas. Zbl 1076.62053 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda Flores, Manuel 47 2005 Best-possible bounds for the distribution of a sum – a problem of Kolmogorov. Zbl 0586.60016 Frank, M. J.; Nelsen, R. B.; Schweizer, B. 44 1987 Copulas constructed from diagonal sections. Zbl 0906.60022 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 40 1997 On the relationship between Spearman’s rho and Kendall’s tau for pairs of continuous random variables. Zbl 1120.62045 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 39 2007 Kendall distribution functions. Zbl 1048.62058 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 33 2003 The Bertino family of copulas. Zbl 1135.62334 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 33 2002 Some concepts of bivariate symmetry. Zbl 1380.62227 Nelsen, Roger B. 32 1993 Diagonal copulas. Zbl 0906.60021 Nelsen, Roger B.; Fredricks, Gregory A. 31 1997 Worst VaR scenarios with given marginals and measures of association. Zbl 1162.91417 Kaas, Rob; Laeven, Roger J. A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 30 2009 Copulas with fractal supports. Zbl 1098.60018 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B.; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio 29 2005 Bounds on bivariate distribution functions with given margins and measures of association. Zbl 1008.62605 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 28 2001 Proofs without words. II. More exercises in visual thinking. Zbl 1099.00003 Nelsen, Roger B. 28 2000 Concordance and copulas: a survey. Zbl 1135.62337 Nelsen, Roger B. 28 2002 Properties of a one-parameter family of bivariate distributions with specified marginals. Zbl 0616.62067 Nelsen, Roger B. 28 1986 Some new properties of quasi-copulas. Zbl 1135.62339 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 23 2002 Copulas and association. Zbl 0727.60002 Nelsen, Roger B. 22 1991 Copulas and quasi-copulas: an introduction to their properties and applications. Zbl 1079.60021 Nelsen, Roger B. 22 2005 Bivariate copulas with cubic sections. Zbl 0898.62074 Nelsen, R. B.; Quesada-Molina, J. J.; Rodríguez-Lallena, J. A. 21 1996 Some properties of Schur-constant survival models and their copulas. Zbl 1272.62065 Nelsen, Roger B. 21 2005 Concordance and Gini’s measure of association. Zbl 0919.62057 Nelsen, Roger B. 20 1998 Multivariate copulas, quasi-copulas and lattices. Zbl 1219.62086 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan; Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 20 2011 Dependence and order in families of Archimedean copulas. Zbl 0883.62049 Nelsen, Roger B. 18 1997 On measures of association as measures of positive dependence. Zbl 0761.62075 Nelsen, Roger B. 18 1992 Quasi-copulas and signed measures. Zbl 1198.62044 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 18 2010 Distribution functions of copulas: A class of bivariate probability integral transforms. Zbl 0992.60020 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 17 2001 Discrete bivariate distributions with given marginals and correlation. Zbl 0609.62072 Nelsen, Roger B. 17 1987 Charming proofs. A journey into elegant mathematics. Zbl 1200.00021 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 17 2010 A comparison of bounds on sets of joint distribution functions derived from various measures of association. Zbl 1210.62054 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 12 2004 Directional dependence in multivariate distributions. Zbl 1237.62076 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 12 2012 Multivariate Archimedean quasi-copulas. Zbl 1135.62338 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 9 2002 Icons of mathematics. An exploration of twenty key images. Zbl 1230.00001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 9 2011 Best-possible bounds on the set of copulas with given degree of non-exchangeability. Zbl 1308.62108 Beliakov, G.; De Baets, B.; De Meyer, H.; Nelsen, R. B.; Úbeda-Flores, M. 9 2014 Chains in power sets. Zbl 0751.05006 Nelsen, Roger B.; Schmidt, Harvey jun. 8 1991 Math made visual. Creating images for understanding mathematics. Zbl 1132.00001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 8 2006 Kendall distribution functions and associative copulas. Zbl 1183.60006 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 8 2009 Proofs without words. III. Further exercises in visual thinking. Zbl 1452.00003 Nelsen, Roger B. 8 2016 A characterization of Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions via Spearman’s rho and chi-square divergence. Zbl 0846.62040 Nelsen, Roger B. 7 1994 A visual proof of the Erdős-Mordell inequality. Zbl 1123.51024 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 7 2007 On the intricacy of combinatorial construction problems. Zbl 0548.05013 Opencomb, W. E. 6 1984 Robust fits for copula models. Zbl 1126.62017 Mendes, Beatriz V. M.; De Melo, Eduardo F. L.; Nelsen, Roger B. 6 2007 When less is more. Visualizing basic inequalities. Zbl 1163.00008 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 6 2009 Copulas, characterization, correlation, and counterexamples. Zbl 0832.60019 Nelsen, Roger B. 5 1995 Heron’s formula via proofs without words. Zbl 1014.51012 Nelsen, Roger B. 5 2001 A new index to measure positive dependence in trivariate distributions. Zbl 1259.62051 García, Jesús E.; González-López, V. A.; Nelsen, R. B. 5 2013 Geometric proofs of the Weitzenböck and Hadwiger-Finsler inequalities. Zbl 1223.51019 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 4 2008 A cornucopia of quadrilaterals. Zbl 1443.51001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 4 2020 Independence results for multivariate tail dependence coefficients. Zbl 1404.62053 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan; Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 4 2016 An invitation to proofs without words. Zbl 1209.00020 Alsina, Claudio; Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2010 A mathematical space odyssey. Solid geometry in the 21st century. Zbl 1332.51001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2015 Further integral skinning with applications. Zbl 1444.97016 Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2018 How close are pairwise and mutual independence? Zbl 1349.62243 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 3 2012 Consequences of the memoryless property for random variables. Zbl 0637.60023 Nelsen, Roger B. 3 1987 Computing an expected hitting time for the 3-urn Ehrenfest model via electric networks. Zbl 1380.60018 Chen, Yung-Pin; Goldstein, Isaac H.; Lathrop, Eve D.; Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2017 Symmetries of random discrete copulas. Zbl 1206.62099 Erdely, Arturo; González-Barrios, José M.; Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2008 Cameos for calculus. Visualization in the first-year course. Zbl 1451.97006 Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2015 Proof without words: inequalities for two numbers whose sum is one. Zbl 1227.97031 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2011 Periodic continued fractions via a proof without words. Zbl 1407.11014 Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2018 Pairwise and global dependence in trivariate copula models. Zbl 1420.62229 Durante, Fabrizio; Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 2 2014 Proof without words: Diophantus of Alexandria’s sum of squares identity. Zbl 1398.11071 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2017 My introduction to copulas. An interview with Roger Nelsen. Zbl 1404.62052 Durante, Fabrizio; Puccetti, Giovanni; Scherer, Matthias; Vanduffel, Steven 1 2017 Proofs without words. Edited by Nicola Oswald. Translated from the English. (Beweise ohne Worte. Deutschsprachige Ausgabe herausgegeben von Nicola Oswald.) Zbl 1349.00011 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2016 Proof without words: the golden ratio. Zbl 1442.97019 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2016 On the diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral. Zbl 1162.51303 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2007 Proof without words: a trigonometric identity for \(\sec x + \tan x\). Zbl 1325.97010 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2015 College calculus. A one-term course for students with previous calculus experience. Zbl 1384.26002 Boardman, Michael E.; Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2015 Proof without words: the formulas of Hutton and Strassnitzky. Zbl 1293.97036 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2013 Proof without words: a reciprocal Pythagorean theorem. Zbl 1227.97023 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2009 Random displacements of regularly spaces events. Zbl 0213.19802 Nelsen, R. B.; Williams, Trevor 1 1970 Proof without words: perfect numbers and triangular numbers. Zbl 1442.97006 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2016 The incircle of an arbelos. Zbl 1547.51013 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2024 Means, Milne’s inequality, and quadrilateral area. Zbl 1469.26025 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2021 The incircle of an arbelos. Zbl 1547.51013 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2024 Means, Milne’s inequality, and quadrilateral area. Zbl 1469.26025 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2021 A cornucopia of quadrilaterals. Zbl 1443.51001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 4 2020 Further integral skinning with applications. Zbl 1444.97016 Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2018 Periodic continued fractions via a proof without words. Zbl 1407.11014 Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2018 Computing an expected hitting time for the 3-urn Ehrenfest model via electric networks. Zbl 1380.60018 Chen, Yung-Pin; Goldstein, Isaac H.; Lathrop, Eve D.; Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2017 Proof without words: Diophantus of Alexandria’s sum of squares identity. Zbl 1398.11071 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2017 My introduction to copulas. An interview with Roger Nelsen. Zbl 1404.62052 Durante, Fabrizio; Puccetti, Giovanni; Scherer, Matthias; Vanduffel, Steven 1 2017 Proofs without words. III. Further exercises in visual thinking. Zbl 1452.00003 Nelsen, Roger B. 8 2016 Independence results for multivariate tail dependence coefficients. Zbl 1404.62053 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan; Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 4 2016 Proofs without words. Edited by Nicola Oswald. Translated from the English. (Beweise ohne Worte. Deutschsprachige Ausgabe herausgegeben von Nicola Oswald.) Zbl 1349.00011 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2016 Proof without words: the golden ratio. Zbl 1442.97019 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2016 Proof without words: perfect numbers and triangular numbers. Zbl 1442.97006 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2016 A mathematical space odyssey. Solid geometry in the 21st century. Zbl 1332.51001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2015 Cameos for calculus. Visualization in the first-year course. Zbl 1451.97006 Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2015 Proof without words: a trigonometric identity for \(\sec x + \tan x\). Zbl 1325.97010 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2015 College calculus. A one-term course for students with previous calculus experience. Zbl 1384.26002 Boardman, Michael E.; Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2015 Best-possible bounds on the set of copulas with given degree of non-exchangeability. Zbl 1308.62108 Beliakov, G.; De Baets, B.; De Meyer, H.; Nelsen, R. B.; Úbeda-Flores, M. 9 2014 Pairwise and global dependence in trivariate copula models. Zbl 1420.62229 Durante, Fabrizio; Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 2 2014 A new index to measure positive dependence in trivariate distributions. Zbl 1259.62051 García, Jesús E.; González-López, V. A.; Nelsen, R. B. 5 2013 Proof without words: the formulas of Hutton and Strassnitzky. Zbl 1293.97036 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2013 Directional dependence in multivariate distributions. Zbl 1237.62076 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 12 2012 How close are pairwise and mutual independence? Zbl 1349.62243 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 3 2012 Multivariate copulas, quasi-copulas and lattices. Zbl 1219.62086 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan; Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 20 2011 Icons of mathematics. An exploration of twenty key images. Zbl 1230.00001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 9 2011 Proof without words: inequalities for two numbers whose sum is one. Zbl 1227.97031 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2011 Quasi-copulas and signed measures. Zbl 1198.62044 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 18 2010 Charming proofs. A journey into elegant mathematics. Zbl 1200.00021 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 17 2010 An invitation to proofs without words. Zbl 1209.00020 Alsina, Claudio; Nelsen, Roger B. 3 2010 Worst VaR scenarios with given marginals and measures of association. Zbl 1162.91417 Kaas, Rob; Laeven, Roger J. A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 30 2009 Kendall distribution functions and associative copulas. Zbl 1183.60006 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 8 2009 When less is more. Visualizing basic inequalities. Zbl 1163.00008 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 6 2009 Proof without words: a reciprocal Pythagorean theorem. Zbl 1227.97023 Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2009 On the construction of copulas and quasi-copulas with given diagonal sections. Zbl 1152.60311 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 65 2008 Geometric proofs of the Weitzenböck and Hadwiger-Finsler inequalities. Zbl 1223.51019 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 4 2008 Symmetries of random discrete copulas. Zbl 1206.62099 Erdely, Arturo; González-Barrios, José M.; Nelsen, Roger B. 2 2008 Extremes of nonexchangeability. Zbl 1110.62071 Nelsen, Roger B. 56 2007 On the relationship between Spearman’s rho and Kendall’s tau for pairs of continuous random variables. Zbl 1120.62045 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 39 2007 A visual proof of the Erdős-Mordell inequality. Zbl 1123.51024 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 7 2007 Robust fits for copula models. Zbl 1126.62017 Mendes, Beatriz V. M.; De Melo, Eduardo F. L.; Nelsen, Roger B. 6 2007 On the diagonals of a cyclic quadrilateral. Zbl 1162.51303 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 1 2007 An introduction to copulas. 2nd ed. Zbl 1152.62030 Nelsen, Roger B. 2,305 2006 Math made visual. Creating images for understanding mathematics. Zbl 1132.00001 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B. 8 2006 The lattice-theoretic structure of sets of bivariate copulas and quasi-copulas. Zbl 1076.62053 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda Flores, Manuel 47 2005 Copulas with fractal supports. Zbl 1098.60018 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B.; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio 29 2005 Copulas and quasi-copulas: an introduction to their properties and applications. Zbl 1079.60021 Nelsen, Roger B. 22 2005 Some properties of Schur-constant survival models and their copulas. Zbl 1272.62065 Nelsen, Roger B. 21 2005 Best-possible bounds on sets of bivariate distribution functions. Zbl 1057.62038 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda Flores, Manuel 55 2004 A comparison of bounds on sets of joint distribution functions derived from various measures of association. Zbl 1210.62054 Nelsen, Roger B.; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 12 2004 Kendall distribution functions. Zbl 1048.62058 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 33 2003 The Bertino family of copulas. Zbl 1135.62334 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 33 2002 Concordance and copulas: a survey. Zbl 1135.62337 Nelsen, Roger B. 28 2002 Some new properties of quasi-copulas. Zbl 1135.62339 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 23 2002 Multivariate Archimedean quasi-copulas. Zbl 1135.62338 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 9 2002 Bounds on bivariate distribution functions with given margins and measures of association. Zbl 1008.62605 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 28 2001 Distribution functions of copulas: A class of bivariate probability integral transforms. Zbl 0992.60020 Nelsen, Roger B.; Quesada-Molina, José Juan; Rodríguez-Lallena, José Antonio; Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 17 2001 Heron’s formula via proofs without words. Zbl 1014.51012 Nelsen, Roger B. 5 2001 Proofs without words. II. More exercises in visual thinking. Zbl 1099.00003 Nelsen, Roger B. 28 2000 An introduction to copulas. Properties and applications. Zbl 0909.62052 Nelsen, Roger B. 656 1999 Concordance and Gini’s measure of association. Zbl 0919.62057 Nelsen, Roger B. 20 1998 Copulas constructed from diagonal sections. Zbl 0906.60022 Fredricks, Gregory A.; Nelsen, Roger B. 40 1997 Diagonal copulas. Zbl 0906.60021 Nelsen, Roger B.; Fredricks, Gregory A. 31 1997 Dependence and order in families of Archimedean copulas. Zbl 0883.62049 Nelsen, Roger B. 18 1997 Bivariate copulas with cubic sections. Zbl 0898.62074 Nelsen, R. B.; Quesada-Molina, J. J.; Rodríguez-Lallena, J. A. 21 1996 Copulas, characterization, correlation, and counterexamples. Zbl 0832.60019 Nelsen, Roger B. 5 1995 A characterization of Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern distributions via Spearman’s rho and chi-square divergence. Zbl 0846.62040 Nelsen, Roger B. 7 1994 On the characterization of a class of binary operations on distribution functions. Zbl 0798.60023 Alsina, Claudi; Nelsen, Roger B.; Schweizer, Berthold 99 1993 Proofs without words. Exercises in visual thinking. Zbl 1160.00303 Nelsen, Roger B. 50 1993 Some concepts of bivariate symmetry. Zbl 1380.62227 Nelsen, Roger B. 32 1993 On measures of association as measures of positive dependence. Zbl 0761.62075 Nelsen, Roger B. 18 1992 Copulas and association. Zbl 0727.60002 Nelsen, Roger B. 22 1991 Chains in power sets. Zbl 0751.05006 Nelsen, Roger B.; Schmidt, Harvey jun. 8 1991 Best-possible bounds for the distribution of a sum – a problem of Kolmogorov. Zbl 0586.60016 Frank, M. J.; Nelsen, R. B.; Schweizer, B. 44 1987 Discrete bivariate distributions with given marginals and correlation. Zbl 0609.62072 Nelsen, Roger B. 17 1987 Consequences of the memoryless property for random variables. Zbl 0637.60023 Nelsen, Roger B. 3 1987 Properties of a one-parameter family of bivariate distributions with specified marginals. Zbl 0616.62067 Nelsen, Roger B. 28 1986 On the intricacy of combinatorial construction problems. Zbl 0548.05013 Opencomb, W. E. 6 1984 Random displacements of regularly spaces events. Zbl 0213.19802 Nelsen, R. B.; Williams, Trevor 1 1970 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,874 Authors 94 Mesiar, Radko 78 Durante, Fabrizio 77 Fernández-Sánchez, Juan 66 Úbeda-Flores, Manuel 55 Genest, Christian 47 De Baets, Bernard 40 De Meyer, Hans E. 39 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 36 Trutschnig, Wolfgang 35 Kolesárová, Anna 34 Li, Xiaohu 33 Quessy, Jean-François 31 Nešlehová, Johanna G. 29 Klement, Erich Peter 29 Navarro, Jorge 28 Nelsen, Roger B. 26 Quesada-Molina, José Juan 26 Sempi, Carlo 25 Czado, Claudia 25 Emura, Takeshi 24 Jaworski, Piotr 22 Hofert, Marius 21 Fuchs, Sebastian L. 21 Gijbels, Irène 21 Spizzichino, Fabio L. 21 Yang, Jingping 20 Omladič, Matjaž 20 Rodríguez Lallena, José Antonio 20 Veraverbeke, Noël 19 Pellerey, Franco 19 Saminger-Platz, Susanne 18 Bouzebda, Salim 18 Marceau, Étienne 17 Fang, Rui 17 Mesfioui, Mhamed 16 Okhrin, Ostap 16 Suarez-Llorens, Alfonso 15 Cossette, Hélène 15 De Amo, Enrique 15 Puccetti, Giovanni 14 Dolati, Ali 14 Fan, Yanqin 14 Kojadinovic, Ivan 14 Rémillard, Bruno N. 14 Scherer, Matthias 14 Sordo, Miguel Ángel 14 Wang, Ruodu 13 Barmalzan, Ghobad 13 Bouezmarni, Taoufik 13 Diaz Carrillo, Manuel 13 Embrechts, Paul 13 Janssen, Paul 13 Kokol-Bukovšek, Damjana 13 Sriboonchitta, Songsak 12 Amini-Dehak, Mohammad 12 Bücher, Axel 12 Di Bernardino, Elena 12 Kundu, Debasis 12 Li, Jinzhu 12 Mai, Jan-Frederik 12 Pap, Endre 12 Rüschendorf, Ludger 11 González-Barrios, José María 11 Jwaid, Tarad 11 Stopar, Nik 11 Stupňanová, Andrea 11 Sun, Jianguo 11 You, Yinping 10 Asimit, Alexandru V. 10 Belzunce, Félix 10 Cuadras, Carles M. 10 Durante, Fabrizio 10 Falk, Michael 10 Grothe, Oliver 10 Joe, Harry 10 Li, Chen 10 Louzada-Neto, Francisco 10 Marra, Giampiero 10 Omelka, Marek 10 Radice, Rosalba 10 Rullière, Didier 10 Segers, Johan 10 Shi, Peng 10 Siburg, Karl Friedrich 10 Zhang, Yiying 9 Ahn, Jae Youn 9 Braekers, Roel 9 Chen, Xiaohong 9 Cherubini, Umberto 9 Cook, Richard John 9 Fermanian, Jean-David 9 Ghiselli Ricci, Roberto 9 Girard, Stéphane 9 Klein, Nadja 9 Košir, Tomaž 9 Lefèvre, Claude 9 Mazo, Gildas 9 Reich, Brian James 9 Schmid, Friedrich 9 Smith, Michael Stanley ...and 3,774 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 385 Serials 182 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 178 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 169 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 120 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 101 Statistics & Probability Letters 100 Dependence Modeling 83 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 58 Information Sciences 54 Kybernetika 50 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 48 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 47 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 45 Statistical Papers 41 Journal of Econometrics 40 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 40 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 38 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38 European Journal of Operational Research 37 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 36 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 35 Journal of Applied Statistics 33 Mathematics Magazine 32 Metrika 32 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 29 Statistics in Medicine 27 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 27 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 27 Statistics and Computing 26 Statistics 26 Extremes 26 Statistical Methods and Applications 25 Test 24 Lifetime Data Analysis 24 ASTIN Bulletin 24 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 23 Biometrics 23 Quantitative Finance 22 Journal of the American Statistical Association 22 Electronic Journal of Statistics 21 Bernoulli 20 Journal of Applied Probability 20 Computational Statistics 19 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 19 The College Mathematics Journal 18 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 17 Annals of Operations Research 17 Thai Journal of Mathematics 16 The Annals of Statistics 15 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 15 The Annals of Applied Statistics 13 Biometrical Journal 13 Economics Letters 13 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 13 Sankhyā. Series B 12 Advances in Applied Probability 12 Applied Mathematical Modelling 12 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 12 North American Actuarial Journal 12 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 12 Environmetrics 11 Econometric Theory 10 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Statistical Science 10 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 10 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 9 Naval Research Logistics 9 Statistica Neerlandica 9 Econometric Reviews 9 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 9 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 9 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 8 Metron 8 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 8 Operations Research Letters 8 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 8 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 8 Statistical Methodology 8 Sankhyā. Series A 8 Journal of the Japan Statistical Society. Japanese Issue 7 The American Statistician 7 Physica A 7 Psychometrika 7 The Mathematical Intelligencer 7 Journal of Economic Theory 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 Mathematical Finance 7 Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 7 REVSTAT 7 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 6 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 6 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 6 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 6 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 5 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology ...and 285 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 2,548 Statistics (62-XX) 897 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 622 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 179 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 169 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 113 Computer science (68-XX) 94 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 56 Measure and integration (28-XX) 52 Real functions (26-XX) 46 Geometry (51-XX) 40 Number theory (11-XX) 37 Mathematics education (97-XX) 34 Combinatorics (05-XX) 30 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 28 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 27 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 18 Functional analysis (46-XX) 18 Geophysics (86-XX) 16 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 14 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 12 General topology (54-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 10 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 8 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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