Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Neumann, Bernhard Hermann (b. 1909 d. 2002) Co-Author Distance Author ID: neumann.bernhard-h Published as: Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Bernhard H.; Neumann, B.; Neumann, Bernhard more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 138 Publications since 1932, including 1 Book 3 Contributions as Editor · 4 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 107 Reviews Biographic References: 6 Publications Co-Authors: 30 Co-Authors with 47 Joint Publications 512 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 95 single-authored 12 Neumann, Hanna 8 Kovács, László György 4 Kim, Ann Chi 4 Macdonald, Ian D. 3 Baumslag, Gilbert 3 Higman, Graham 2 Ledermann, Walter 2 Neumann, Peter Michael 2 Wiegold, James 1 Bibel, Wolfgang 1 Böcker, Heinz-Dieter 1 Boley, Harold 1 Boone, William W. 1 Buckley, Joseph T. 1 Cherry, Thomas MacFarland 1 de Vries, Hendrik 1 Dlab, Vlastimil 1 Dreschler, L. 1 Eisinger, Norbert 1 Evans, Trevor 1 Foith, Joergen P. 1 Fu, King-Sun 1 Habel, Christopher 1 Hein, Hans-Werner 1 Hickman, John Llewellyn 1 Hoernig, Klaus Martin 1 Hornung, Günter 1 Kertész, Andor 1 Knapp, U. 1 Kurosh, Aleksandr Gennad’evich 1 Lennox, John C. 1 Luck, K.v. 1 Marburger, Heinz 1 Meek, Dereck S. 1 Mennicke, Jens L. 1 Morik, Katharina 1 Nagel, Hans-Hellmut 1 Neubüser, Joachim 1 Newman, Michael Frederick 1 Novak, Hans-Joachim 1 Olthoff, Walter 1 Owsnicki, Bernd 1 Polak, Wolfgang 1 Pretschner, B. 1 Radig, Bernd 1 Radig, W. 1 Rado, Richard 1 Raulefs, Peter 1 Rhemtulla, Akbar Hussein 1 Rollinger, Claus-Rainer 1 Schefe, Peter 1 Shepperd, J. A. H. 1 Siebenbach, H. 1 Siekmann, Jörg H. 1 Smith, Howard 1 Smolka, Gert 1 Stanton, Ralph Gordon 1 Szabó, Peter 1 Taylor, Tekla 1 van der Poorten, Alfred J. 1 Wahlster, Wolfgang 1 Wiegold, E. C. 1 Wilson, L. G. 1 Yamamuro, Sadayuki all top 5 Serials 33 Journal of the London Mathematical Society 9 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 7 Mathematische Zeitschrift 7 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 6 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 6 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 5 Archiv der Mathematik 5 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 4 Mathematische Annalen 2 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Mathematica Scandinavica 2 Sitzungsberichte der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Physikalisch-Mathematische Klasse 2 Informatik-Fachberichte 2 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2 Mathematical Medley 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 The Fibonacci Quarterly 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Ser. A 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Tweede Serie 1 Proceedings of the Glasgow Mathematical Association 1 Universidade de Lisboa. Revista da Faculdade de Ciências. \(2^a\) Série. A: Ciências Matemáticas 1 Lectures on Mathematics and Physics. Mathematics. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research 1 Mathematische Lehrbücher und Monographien. I. Abteilung: Mathematische Lehrbücher all top 5 Fields 53 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 10 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 109 Publications have been cited 2,507 times in 2,102 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Varieties of groups. Zbl 0149.26704 Neumann, B. H. 439 1967 Embedding theorems for groups. Zbl 0034.30101 Higman, Graham; Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 212 1950 Groups covered by permutable subsets. Zbl 0055.01604 Neumann, B. H. 181 1954 On ordered division rings. Zbl 0035.30401 Neumann, B. H. 159 1949 An essay on free products of groups with amalgamations. Zbl 0057.01702 Neumann, B. H. 100 1954 Groups with finite classes of conjugate subgroups. Zbl 0064.25201 Neumann, B. H. 93 1955 Groups with finite classes of conjugate elements. (In memoriam Issai Schur.). Zbl 0043.02401 Neumann, B. H. 86 1951 A problem of Paul Erdős on groups. Zbl 0333.05110 Neumann, Bernhard H. 83 1976 On ordered groups. Zbl 0031.34201 Neumann, B. H. 63 1949 Embedding theorems for groups. Zbl 0102.26401 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 52 1959 Groups covered by finitely many cosets. Zbl 0057.25603 Neumann, B. H. 50 1954 Identical relations in groups. I. Zbl 0016.35102 Neumann, B. H. 49 1937 Subsemigroups of nilpotent groups. Zbl 0115.02502 Neumann, B. H.; Taylor, Tekla 48 1963 Some remarks on infinite groups. Zbl 0016.29501 Neumann, B. H. 39 1937 Twisted wreath products of groups. Zbl 0108.02602 Neumann, B. H. 32 1963 Adjunction of elements to groups. Zbl 0028.33902 Neumann, B. H. 31 1943 Wreath products and varieties of groups. Zbl 0105.02003 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna; Neumann, Peter M. 30 1962 On the commutativity of addition. Zbl 0027.15401 Neumann, B. H. 29 1940 Groups with automorphisms that leave only the neutral element fixed. Zbl 0070.02203 Neumann, B. H. 29 1956 Groups with all subgroups normal-by-finite. Zbl 0853.20023 Buckley, J. T.; Lennox, John C.; Neumann, B. H.; Smith, Howard; Wiegold, James 27 1995 On an invariant of plane regions and mass distributions. Zbl 0063.05928 Neumann, B. H. 23 1945 Zwei Klassen charakteristischer Untergruppen und ihre Faktorgruppen. Zbl 0042.02102 Neumann, Bernhard H.; Neumann, Hanna 22 1951 Embedding theorems for semigroups. Zbl 0090.01701 Neumann, B. H. 22 1960 Die Automorphismengruppe der freien Gruppen. Zbl 0005.24402 Neumann, Bernhard 21 1932 Some remarks on semigroup presentations. Zbl 0189.30503 Neumann, B. H. 20 1968 On the number of generators of a free product. Zbl 0028.33901 Neumann, B. H. 20 1943 A note on algebraically closed groups. Zbl 0046.24802 Neumann, B. H. 20 1952 Groups as groupoids with one law. Zbl 0050.25303 Higman, Graham; Neumann, B. H. 19 1953 On amalgams of periodic groups. Zbl 0092.02001 Neumann, B. H. 19 1960 Permutational products of groups. Zbl 0095.01701 Neumann, B. H. 18 1960 Some unsolvable problems about elements and subgroups of groups. Zbl 0104.00704 Baumslag, G.; Boone, W. W.; Neumann, B. H. 18 1959 Groups whose elements have bounded orders. Zbl 0016.39303 Neumann, B. H. 17 1937 On varieties generated by a finitely generated group. Zbl 0125.01402 Baumslag, G.; Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, H.; Neumann, P. M. 16 1964 A twogenerator group isomorphic to a proper factor group. Zbl 0038.16201 Neumann, B. H. 16 1950 Some Sylow subgroups. Zbl 0102.26205 Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H.; De Vries, H. 16 1961 On two questions of Itô. Zbl 0055.01602 Higman, Graham; Neumann, B. H. 15 1954 Embedding non-associative rings in division rings. Zbl 0043.03602 Neumann, B. H. 14 1951 The isomorphism problem for algebraically closed groups. Zbl 0198.34103 Neumann, Bernhard H. 14 1973 On a theorem of Auslander and Lyndon. Zbl 0216.08302 Neumann, Bernhard H. 13 1962 Another single law for groups. Zbl 0581.20003 Neumann, B. H. 13 1981 Ascending derived series. Zbl 0070.25405 Neumann, B. H. 13 1956 Gruppentheorie. Mit einem Anhang von B. H. Neumann. Zbl 0053.01001 Kurosch, A. G. 13 1953 On a question of Gaschütz. Zbl 0075.23903 Neumann, B. H. 12 1956 Some remarks on infinite groups. JFM 63.0064.03 Neumann, B. H. 11 1937 A remark on generalized free products. Zbl 0038.01203 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 11 1950 Embedding theorems for ordered groups. Zbl 0102.26402 Neumann, B. H. 11 1960 An embedding theorem for algebraic systems. Zbl 0056.02901 Neumann, B. H. 11 1954 Identical relations in groups. I. JFM 63.0064.02 Neumann, B. H. 9 1937 Ensuring commutativity of finite groups. Zbl 0996.20014 Neumann, B. H. 9 2001 On a conjecture of Hanna Neumann. Zbl 0073.01304 Neumann, B. H. 9 1956 On linked products of groups. Zbl 0132.26706 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 9 1960 Über ein gruppentheoretisch-arithmetisches Problem. JFM 59.0146.03 Neumann, B. 8 1933 On finite groups with ”hidden” primes. Zbl 0226.20025 Kovács, L. G.; Neubüser, Joachim; Neumann, Bernhard H. 8 1971 On some finite groups with trivial multiplicator. Zbl 0070.25603 Neumann, B. H. 8 1956 Groups whose elements have bounded orders. JFM 63.0066.03 Neumann, B. H. 7 1937 Extending partial endomorphisms of groups. Zbl 0049.15403 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 7 1952 Semigroups with few endomorphisms. Zbl 0181.03203 Dlab, Vlastimil; Neumann, B. H. 7 1969 On varieties of groupoids and loops. Zbl 0050.01705 Evans, Trevor; Neumann, B. H. 7 1953 Some remarks on polygons. Zbl 0060.34801 Neumann, B. H. 7 1941 On the order of the automorphism group of a finite group. I. Zbl 0068.25503 Ledermann, W.; Neumann, B. H. 7 1955 On the commutativity of addition. JFM 66.0109.01 Neumann, B. H. 7 1940 On a problem of Hopf. Zbl 0050.25402 Neumann, B. H. 6 1953 A contribution to the embedding theory of group amalgams. Zbl 0050.25403 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 6 1953 Boolean powers of simple groups. Zbl 0132.26901 Neumann, B. H.; Yamamuro, Sadayuki 6 1965 On some affine invariants of closed convex regions. Zbl 0026.35901 Neumann, B. H. 6 1939 On certain embeddability criteria for group amalgams. Zbl 0128.25301 Neumann, B. H.; Wiegold, J. 6 1962 On a problem of G. Grätzer. Zbl 0189.29804 Neumann, B. H. 5 1967 Yet another single law for groups. Zbl 0581.20004 Neumann, B. H. 5 1986 Some remarks on cancellative semigroups. Zbl 0198.34101 Neumann, Bernhard H. 5 1970 Isomorphism of Sylow subgroups of infinite groups. Zbl 0085.25304 Neumann, B. H. 5 1958 On characteristic subgroups of free groups. Zbl 0143.03603 Neumann, B. H. 4 1966 Ascending verbal and Frattini series. Zbl 0080.01704 Neumann, B. H. 4 1958 On products of normal subgroups. Zbl 0135.04902 Baumslag, G.; Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 4 1965 A semigroup representation of varieties of algebras. Zbl 0192.09602 Neumann, B. H.; Wiegold, E. C. 4 1966 Algebraically closed semigroups. Zbl 0198.34102 Neumann, Bernhard H. 4 1971 A third-Engel 5-group. Zbl 0163.02502 Macdonald, I. D.; Neumann, B. H. 4 1967 Some group presentations. Zbl 0389.20025 Neumann, Bernhard H. 3 1978 Lectures on topics in the theory of infinite groups. Reissued. Zbl 0237.20001 Neumann, Bernhard H. 3 1968 Yet more on finite groups with few defining relations. Zbl 0664.20013 Neumann, B. H. 3 1989 A remark on polygons. Zbl 0028.29803 Neumann, B. H. 3 1942 Die Automorphismengruppe der freien Gruppen. JFM 58.0124.03 Neumann, B. 3 1932 Embedding theorems for group. Zbl 0159.03002 Neumann, B. H. 3 1968 On the order of the automorphism group of a finite group. II. Zbl 0075.24002 Ledermann, W.; Neumann, B. H. 3 1956 Some new rumours in group theory. Zbl 0418.20001 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1978 Not quite inner automorphisms. Zbl 0448.20024 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1981 Some remarks on polygons. JFM 67.1066.03 Neumann, B. H. 2 1941 Identical relations in groups. JFM 63.0082.01 Neumann, B. H. 2 1937 Properties of countable character. Zbl 0225.08008 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1971 Group properties of countable character. Zbl 0277.20062 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1973 Commutative quandles. Zbl 0583.20002 Neumann, B. H. 2 1984 More on finite groups with few defining relations. Zbl 0664.20014 Mennicke, J. L.; Neumann, B. H. 2 1989 On a class of Abelian groups. Zbl 0050.25404 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 2 1953 Partial endomorpisms of finite groups. Zbl 0057.25602 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 2 1954 Supplements of direct powers in cartesian powers. Zbl 0136.27403 Neumann, B. H. 2 1965 On the existence of Baur-soluble groups of arbitrary height. Zbl 0135.04802 Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 2 1965 An embedding theorem for some countable groups. Zbl 0135.05002 Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 2 1965 Kurt Mahler 1903-1988. Zbl 0643.01030 Neumann, B. H.; van der Poorten, Alf 2 1988 A question of Babai on groups. Zbl 0314.20030 Hickman, J. L.; Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1975 Some semigroup laws in groups. Zbl 1023.20009 Neumann, B. H. 2 2001 Über ein gruppentheoretisch-arithmetisches Problem. Zbl 0007.05204 Neumann, Bernhard 2 1933 Ensuring commutativity of finite groups. Zbl 0996.20014 Neumann, B. H. 9 2001 Some semigroup laws in groups. Zbl 1023.20009 Neumann, B. H. 2 2001 Groups with all subgroups normal-by-finite. Zbl 0853.20023 Buckley, J. T.; Lennox, John C.; Neumann, B. H.; Smith, Howard; Wiegold, James 27 1995 A large nilpotent group without large abelian subgroups. Zbl 0811.20034 Neumann, B. H. 1 1993 Yet more on finite groups with few defining relations. Zbl 0664.20013 Neumann, B. H. 3 1989 More on finite groups with few defining relations. Zbl 0664.20014 Mennicke, J. L.; Neumann, B. H. 2 1989 Kurt Mahler 1903-1988. Zbl 0643.01030 Neumann, B. H.; van der Poorten, Alf 2 1988 On commutator laws in groups. Zbl 0653.20001 Macdonald, I. D.; Neumann, B. H. 1 1988 Yet another single law for groups. Zbl 0581.20004 Neumann, B. H. 5 1986 Commutative quandles. Zbl 0583.20002 Neumann, B. H. 2 1984 Pure subgroups of non-Abelian groups. Zbl 0557.20020 Kertész, A.; Kovács, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 1 1983 Another single law for groups. Zbl 0581.20003 Neumann, B. H. 13 1981 Not quite inner automorphisms. Zbl 0448.20024 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1981 Some group presentations. Zbl 0389.20025 Neumann, Bernhard H. 3 1978 Some new rumours in group theory. Zbl 0418.20001 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1978 A problem of Paul Erdős on groups. Zbl 0333.05110 Neumann, Bernhard H. 83 1976 A question of Babai on groups. Zbl 0314.20030 Hickman, J. L.; Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1975 The isomorphism problem for algebraically closed groups. Zbl 0198.34103 Neumann, Bernhard H. 14 1973 Group properties of countable character. Zbl 0277.20062 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1973 On finite groups with ”hidden” primes. Zbl 0226.20025 Kovács, L. G.; Neubüser, Joachim; Neumann, Bernhard H. 8 1971 Algebraically closed semigroups. Zbl 0198.34102 Neumann, Bernhard H. 4 1971 Properties of countable character. Zbl 0225.08008 Neumann, Bernhard H. 2 1971 Some remarks on cancellative semigroups. Zbl 0198.34101 Neumann, Bernhard H. 5 1970 Semigroups with few endomorphisms. Zbl 0181.03203 Dlab, Vlastimil; Neumann, B. H. 7 1969 On characteristic morphisms. In memoriam Thomas MacFarland Cherry. Zbl 0181.02903 Neumann, B. H. 1 1969 Some remarks on semigroup presentations. Zbl 0189.30503 Neumann, B. H. 20 1968 Lectures on topics in the theory of infinite groups. Reissued. Zbl 0237.20001 Neumann, Bernhard H. 3 1968 Embedding theorems for group. Zbl 0159.03002 Neumann, B. H. 3 1968 Varieties of groups. Zbl 0149.26704 Neumann, B. H. 439 1967 On a problem of G. Grätzer. Zbl 0189.29804 Neumann, B. H. 5 1967 A third-Engel 5-group. Zbl 0163.02502 Macdonald, I. D.; Neumann, B. H. 4 1967 On characteristic subgroups of free groups. Zbl 0143.03603 Neumann, B. H. 4 1966 A semigroup representation of varieties of algebras. Zbl 0192.09602 Neumann, B. H.; Wiegold, E. C. 4 1966 Boolean powers of simple groups. Zbl 0132.26901 Neumann, B. H.; Yamamuro, Sadayuki 6 1965 On products of normal subgroups. Zbl 0135.04902 Baumslag, G.; Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 4 1965 Supplements of direct powers in cartesian powers. Zbl 0136.27403 Neumann, B. H. 2 1965 On the existence of Baur-soluble groups of arbitrary height. Zbl 0135.04802 Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 2 1965 An embedding theorem for some countable groups. Zbl 0135.05002 Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H. 2 1965 On varieties generated by a finitely generated group. Zbl 0125.01402 Baumslag, G.; Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, H.; Neumann, P. M. 16 1964 Subsemigroups of nilpotent groups. Zbl 0115.02502 Neumann, B. H.; Taylor, Tekla 48 1963 Twisted wreath products of groups. Zbl 0108.02602 Neumann, B. H. 32 1963 Wreath products and varieties of groups. Zbl 0105.02003 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna; Neumann, Peter M. 30 1962 On a theorem of Auslander and Lyndon. Zbl 0216.08302 Neumann, Bernhard H. 13 1962 On certain embeddability criteria for group amalgams. Zbl 0128.25301 Neumann, B. H.; Wiegold, J. 6 1962 Some Sylow subgroups. Zbl 0102.26205 Kovacs, L. G.; Neumann, B. H.; De Vries, H. 16 1961 Embedding theorems for semigroups. Zbl 0090.01701 Neumann, B. H. 22 1960 On amalgams of periodic groups. Zbl 0092.02001 Neumann, B. H. 19 1960 Permutational products of groups. Zbl 0095.01701 Neumann, B. H. 18 1960 Embedding theorems for ordered groups. Zbl 0102.26402 Neumann, B. H. 11 1960 On linked products of groups. Zbl 0132.26706 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 9 1960 Embedding theorems for groups. Zbl 0102.26401 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 52 1959 Some unsolvable problems about elements and subgroups of groups. Zbl 0104.00704 Baumslag, G.; Boone, W. W.; Neumann, B. H. 18 1959 Isomorphism of Sylow subgroups of infinite groups. Zbl 0085.25304 Neumann, B. H. 5 1958 Ascending verbal and Frattini series. Zbl 0080.01704 Neumann, B. H. 4 1958 Finite extensions of fully ordered groups. Zbl 0077.03301 Neumann, B. H.; Shepperd, J. A. H. 2 1957 Groups with automorphisms that leave only the neutral element fixed. Zbl 0070.02203 Neumann, B. H. 29 1956 Ascending derived series. Zbl 0070.25405 Neumann, B. H. 13 1956 On a question of Gaschütz. Zbl 0075.23903 Neumann, B. H. 12 1956 On a conjecture of Hanna Neumann. Zbl 0073.01304 Neumann, B. H. 9 1956 On some finite groups with trivial multiplicator. Zbl 0070.25603 Neumann, B. H. 8 1956 On the order of the automorphism group of a finite group. II. Zbl 0075.24002 Ledermann, W.; Neumann, B. H. 3 1956 Groups with finite classes of conjugate subgroups. Zbl 0064.25201 Neumann, B. H. 93 1955 On the order of the automorphism group of a finite group. I. Zbl 0068.25503 Ledermann, W.; Neumann, B. H. 7 1955 Groups covered by permutable subsets. Zbl 0055.01604 Neumann, B. H. 181 1954 An essay on free products of groups with amalgamations. Zbl 0057.01702 Neumann, B. H. 100 1954 Groups covered by finitely many cosets. Zbl 0057.25603 Neumann, B. H. 50 1954 On two questions of Itô. Zbl 0055.01602 Higman, Graham; Neumann, B. H. 15 1954 An embedding theorem for algebraic systems. Zbl 0056.02901 Neumann, B. H. 11 1954 Partial endomorpisms of finite groups. Zbl 0057.25602 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 2 1954 Groups as groupoids with one law. Zbl 0050.25303 Higman, Graham; Neumann, B. H. 19 1953 Gruppentheorie. Mit einem Anhang von B. H. Neumann. Zbl 0053.01001 Kurosch, A. G. 13 1953 On varieties of groupoids and loops. Zbl 0050.01705 Evans, Trevor; Neumann, B. H. 7 1953 On a problem of Hopf. Zbl 0050.25402 Neumann, B. H. 6 1953 A contribution to the embedding theory of group amalgams. Zbl 0050.25403 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 6 1953 On a class of Abelian groups. Zbl 0050.25404 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 2 1953 A note on algebraically closed groups. Zbl 0046.24802 Neumann, B. H. 20 1952 Extending partial endomorphisms of groups. Zbl 0049.15403 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 7 1952 Groups with finite classes of conjugate elements. (In memoriam Issai Schur.). Zbl 0043.02401 Neumann, B. H. 86 1951 Zwei Klassen charakteristischer Untergruppen und ihre Faktorgruppen. Zbl 0042.02102 Neumann, Bernhard H.; Neumann, Hanna 22 1951 Embedding non-associative rings in division rings. Zbl 0043.03602 Neumann, B. H. 14 1951 Embedding theorems for groups. Zbl 0034.30101 Higman, Graham; Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 212 1950 A twogenerator group isomorphic to a proper factor group. Zbl 0038.16201 Neumann, B. H. 16 1950 A remark on generalized free products. Zbl 0038.01203 Neumann, B. H.; Neumann, Hanna 11 1950 On a special class of infinite groups. Zbl 0035.29403 Neumann, B. H. 1 1950 On ordered division rings. Zbl 0035.30401 Neumann, B. H. 159 1949 On ordered groups. Zbl 0031.34201 Neumann, B. H. 63 1949 On an invariant of plane regions and mass distributions. Zbl 0063.05928 Neumann, B. H. 23 1945 Adjunction of elements to groups. Zbl 0028.33902 Neumann, B. H. 31 1943 On the number of generators of a free product. Zbl 0028.33901 Neumann, B. H. 20 1943 A remark on polygons. Zbl 0028.29803 Neumann, B. H. 3 1942 Some remarks on polygons. Zbl 0060.34801 Neumann, B. H. 7 1941 Some remarks on polygons. JFM 67.1066.03 Neumann, B. H. 2 1941 On the commutativity of addition. Zbl 0027.15401 Neumann, B. H. 29 1940 On the commutativity of addition. JFM 66.0109.01 Neumann, B. H. 7 1940 On some affine invariants of closed convex regions. Zbl 0026.35901 Neumann, B. H. 6 1939 On some affine invariants of closed convex regions. JFM 65.1425.04 Neumann, B. H. 2 1939 Identical relations in groups. I. Zbl 0016.35102 Neumann, B. H. 49 1937 Some remarks on infinite groups. Zbl 0016.29501 Neumann, B. H. 39 1937 Groups whose elements have bounded orders. Zbl 0016.39303 Neumann, B. H. 17 1937 Some remarks on infinite groups. JFM 63.0064.03 Neumann, B. H. 11 1937 ...and 9 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,814 Authors 30 Baumslag, Gilbert 29 de Giovanni, Francesco 27 Kurdachenko, Leonid Andriĭovych 26 Wiegold, James 23 Shumyatsky, Pavel 21 Maj, Mercede 20 Longobardi, Patrizia 20 Neumann, Bernhard Hermann 18 Musella, Carmela 17 Cossey, John 16 De Falco, Maria 16 Subbotin, Igor Yakov 15 Roman’kov, Vitaliĭ Anatol’evich 14 Dixon, Martyn Russell 14 Mikaelian, Vahagn H. 14 Spellman, Dennis 13 Kovács, László György 13 Macedońska, Olga 12 Gaglione, Anthony M. 12 Smith, Howard 11 Kappe, Luise-Charlotte 11 Morris, Sidney A. 11 Osin, Denis V. 11 Otal Cinca, Javier 11 Timoshenko, Evgeniĭ Iosifovich 10 Abdollahi, Alireza 10 Allenby, R. B. J. T. 10 Bryant, Roger M. 10 Bryce, Robert Aitken 10 Fine, Benjamin L. 10 Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich 10 Myasnikov, Alexei G. 10 Neumann, Peter Michael 9 Cameron, Peter Jephson 9 Detomi, Eloisa 9 Gupta, Narain Datt 9 Herzog, Marcel 9 Jabara, Enrico 9 Newman, Michael Frederick 9 Wilson, John Stuart 8 Atabekyan, Varuzhan S. 8 Belegradek, Oleg V. 8 Groves, John R. J. 8 Lennox, John C. 8 Lubotzky, Alexander 8 Maier, Berthold J. 8 Moghaddam, Mohammad Reza Rajabzadeh 8 Morigi, Marta 8 Rhemtulla, Akbar Hussein 8 Rosenberger, Gerhard 8 Ruškuc, Nik 7 Bergman, George M. 7 Brandl, Rolf 7 Cohn, Paul Moritz 7 Dardano, Ulderico 7 De Mari, Fausto 7 Gupta, Chander Kanta 7 Levin, Frank 7 Lyndon, Roger C. 7 Lytkina, Dar’ya Viktorovna 7 Neumann, Hanna 7 Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth 7 Reilly, Norman R. 7 Sapir, Mark Valentinovich 7 Shalev, Aner 7 Solitar, Donald M. 7 Swartz, Eric 7 Tang, Chi Yu 7 Thomas, Richard M. 7 Trombetti, Marco 7 Trotter, Peter G. 7 Wagner, Frank Olaf 6 Ashrafi, Ali Reza 6 Budkin, Aleksandr Ivanovich 6 Burns, Robert G. 6 de Cornulier, Yves 6 Imrich, Wilfried 6 Jespers, Eric 6 Karrass, Abraham 6 Kuczkowski, Joseph E. 6 Lichtman, Alexander I. 6 Ligh, Steve 6 Lucchini, Andrea 6 Nath, Rajat Kanti 6 Ol’shanskiĭ, Aleksandr Yur’evich 6 Padmanabhan, Ranganathan 6 Rinauro, Silvana 6 Robertson, Edmund Frederick 6 Robinson, Derek J. S. 6 Volkov, Mikhail Vladimirovich 6 Wehrfritz, Bertram A. F. 6 Zarrin, Mohammad 5 Acciarri, Cristina 5 Araújo, João 5 Bachmuth, Seymour 5 Cain, Alan J. 5 Ehrlich, Philip 5 Endimioni, Gérard 5 Evans, Martin J. 5 Evans, Trevor ...and 1,714 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 271 Serials 221 Journal of Algebra 98 Communications in Algebra 98 Archiv der Mathematik 82 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 80 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 75 Mathematische Zeitschrift 74 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 70 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 68 Algebra and Logic 67 Siberian Mathematical Journal 61 Semigroup Forum 54 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 53 Algebra Universalis 40 Israel Journal of Mathematics 40 Journal of Group Theory 31 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 28 Mathematische Annalen 26 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 23 Mathematical Notes 23 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 21 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 21 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 18 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 17 International Journal of Group Theory 16 Results in Mathematics 15 Advances in Mathematics 15 Inventiones Mathematicae 14 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 14 Monatshefte für Mathematik 14 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 13 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 12 Discrete Mathematics 12 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 11 Topology and its Applications 9 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 9 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 8 Journal of Functional Analysis 8 Journal of Geometry 8 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 7 Acta Mathematica 7 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 7 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 7 Aequationes Mathematicae 7 Expositiones Mathematicae 7 Matematický Časopis, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied 6 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 6 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 6 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 Manuscripta Mathematica 6 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 6 Ricerche di Matematica 6 European Journal of Combinatorics 6 Linear Algebra and its Applications 6 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 6 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 6 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 5 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 5 Compositio Mathematica 5 Geometriae Dedicata 5 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Journal of Automated Reasoning 5 Archive for Mathematical Logic 5 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 5 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 4 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 4 Duke Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Number Theory 4 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 4 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 4 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 4 Theory of Computing Systems 4 Geometry & Topology 4 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 4 Central European Journal of Mathematics 4 Open Mathematics 4 Advances in Group Theory and Applications 3 Archive for History of Exact Sciences 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Russian Mathematical Surveys 3 Fundamenta Mathematicae 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Mathematika 3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 3 Advances in Applied Mathematics 3 Discrete & Computational Geometry 3 Information and Computation 3 Forum Mathematicum 3 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series ...and 171 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 52 Fields 1,435 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 201 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 151 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 133 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 129 Combinatorics (05-XX) 107 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 92 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 85 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 69 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 69 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 56 Computer science (68-XX) 39 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 39 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 34 Functional analysis (46-XX) 32 Number theory (11-XX) 32 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 31 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 29 General topology (54-XX) 26 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 25 Geometry (51-XX) 23 History and biography (01-XX) 22 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 19 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 16 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 9 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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