Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ng, Michael Kwok-Po Co-Author Distance Author ID: ng.michael-k Published as: Ng, Michael K.; Ng, Michael; Ng, M. K.; Ng, Michael Kwok-Po; Ng, M.; Ng, Michael M.; Ng, Kwok-Po more...less Homepage: https://www.math.hkbu.edu.hk/~mng/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · IdRef Documents Indexed: 395 Publications since 1993, including 3 Books and 6 Additional arXiv Preprints 3 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 251 Co-Authors with 378 Joint Publications 6,766 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 15 single-authored 40 Ching, Wai-Ki 22 Chan, Raymond Hon-Fu 19 Wang, Wei 18 Lin, Xuelei 16 Bai, Zhongzhi 15 Li, Wen 15 Song, Guangjing 15 Sun, Haiwei 15 Wen, Youwei 13 Zhao, Xile 12 Lin, Fu-Rong 12 Zeng, Tie Yong 12 Zhang, Xiongjun 10 Fung, Eric S. 10 Huang, Yumei 10 Yip, Andy M. 9 Li, Fang 9 Pan, Junjun 8 Chen, Junren 8 Chen, Wengu 8 Pan, Jianyu 8 Plemmons, Robert James 8 Zhu, Hong 7 Ge, HuanMin 7 Jin, Zhengmeng 7 Jing, Liping 7 Liao, Li-Zhi 7 Lu, Linzhang 7 Wei, Yimin 7 Yuan, Xiaoming 6 Li, Xutao 6 Nikolova, Mila 6 Siu, Tak Kuen 6 Tong, Hongzhi 6 Wang, Fan 5 Bai, Minru 5 Bertaccini, Daniele 5 Chen, Chuan 5 Cui, Lubin 5 Jia, Zhigang 5 Ke, Rihuan 5 Yau, Andy C. 5 Zeng, Chao 5 Zhang, Shuqin 4 Ding, Weiyang 4 Gu, Yiqi 4 Huang, Joshua Zhexue 4 Huang, Ting-Zhu 4 Jiang, Tai-Xiang 4 Tam, Chi-pan 4 Xu, Wei-Wei 4 Yu, Jian 4 Zhang, Wenxing 3 Bai, Zhengjian 3 Chan, Tony Fan-Cheong 3 Chang, Huibin 3 Gao, Yihang 3 Golub, Gene Howard 3 Huang, Joshua 3 Jin, Xiaoqing 3 Kwan, Wilson C. 3 Liao, Haiyong 3 Lu, Jian 3 Min, Lihua 3 Qi, Liqun 3 Vong, Seakweng 3 Wang, Hong 3 Wang, Xuezhong 3 Ye, YunMing 3 Yuen, Wai-On 3 Zhang, Lei-Hong 2 Akutsu, Tatsuya 2 Barlow, Jesse L. 2 Benzi, Michele 2 Bose, Nirmal K. 2 Cai, Jian-Feng 2 Chan, Elaine Y. 2 Chen, Xiaoshan 2 Cheung, David W. 2 Chu, Delin 2 Ding, Meng 2 Fang, Zhiwei 2 Fu, Haoying 2 Huang, Chaoyan 2 Huang, Xin 2 Huang, Zhexue 2 Huo, Limei 2 Lam, Edmund Y. 2 Li, Peng 2 Liu, Dongdong 2 Nagy, James Gerard 2 Niu, Qiang 2 Qiao, Motong 2 Qiu, Duo 2 Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 2 So, Meko M. C. 2 Tablino Possio, Cristina 2 Tyrtyshnikov, Evgeniĭ Evgen’evich 2 Wang, Di 2 Wong, Ka-Kuen ...and 159 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 31 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 28 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 28 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 21 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 20 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 16 Linear Algebra and its Applications 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 13 Journal of Scientific Computing 9 Inverse Problems and Imaging 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 7 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 7 BIT 7 Numerische Mathematik 7 Numerical Algorithms 6 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 6 Journal of Computational Physics 6 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 6 Pattern Recognition 5 Journal of Computational Mathematics 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 Communications in Computational Physics 4 Journal of the Operational Research Society 4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 International Journal of Applied Mathematics 4 IMA Journal of Management Mathematics 3 Inverse Problems 3 Calcolo 3 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 3 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Neural Networks 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Quantitative Finance 2 Pacific Journal of Optimization 2 International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 2 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 2 Annals of Applied Mathematics 2 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Mathematica Numerica Sinica 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Journal of Classification 1 Journal of Complexity 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Neural Computation 1 International Journal of High Speed Computing 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 SIAM Review 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Computational Economics 1 Numerical Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematical Finance 1 The Bulletin of the Hong Kong Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 The ANZIAM Journal 1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 1 Electronic Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (EJMAPS) 1 Communications in Information and Systems 1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 1 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Advanced Modeling and Optimization 1 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 1 Advances in Numerical Analysis 1 International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management (IJDMMM) 1 Information and Inference 1 Fuzzy Information and Engineering 1 Journal of Theoretical Biology 1 Algorithmic Finance 1 Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 1 IFIP, International Federation for Information Processing all top 5 Fields 249 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 120 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 102 Computer science (68-XX) 77 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 58 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 37 Statistics (62-XX) 31 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 21 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 8 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 8 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 311 Publications have been cited 6,283 times in 3,536 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems. Zbl 1036.65032 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Golub, Gene H.; Ng, Michael K. 750 2003 Conjugate gradient methods for Toeplitz systems. Zbl 0863.65013 Chan, Raymond H.; Ng, Michael K. 360 1996 Finding the largest eigenvalue of a nonnegative tensor. Zbl 1197.65036 Ng, Michael; Qi, Liqun; Zhou, Guanglu 223 2010 Iterative methods for Toeplitz systems. Zbl 1059.65031 Ng, Michael K. 198 2004 On inexact Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting methods for non-Hermitian positive definite linear systems. Zbl 1135.65016 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Golub, Gene H.; Ng, Michael K. 146 2008 On successive-overrelaxation acceleration of the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting iterations. Zbl 1199.65097 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Golub, Gene H.; Ng, Michael K. 146 2007 A fast algorithm for deblurring models with Neumann boundary conditions. Zbl 0951.65038 Ng, Michael K.; Chan, Raymond H.; Tang, Wun-Cheung 143 1999 Control of Boolean networks: hardness results and algorithms for tree structured networks. Zbl 1450.92040 Akutsu, Tatsuya; Hayashida, Morihiro; Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K. 125 2007 Constraint preconditioners for symmetric indefinite matrices. Zbl 1195.65033 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Zeng-Qi 124 2009 Preconditioning techniques for diagonal-times-Toeplitz matrices in fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1314.65112 Pan, Jianyu; Ke, Rihuan; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 119 2014 New preconditioners for saddle point problems. Zbl 1088.65040 Pan, Jian-Yu; Ng, Michael K.; Bai, Zhong-Zhi 116 2006 On the limiting probability distribution of a transition probability tensor. Zbl 1301.60049 Li, Wen; Ng, Michael K. 105 2014 On inexact preconditioners for nonsymmetric matrices. Zbl 1077.65043 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Ng, Michael K. 88 2005 New total variation method for multiplicative noise removal. Zbl 1187.68655 Huang, A. Yu-Mei; Ng, Michael K.; Wen, You-Wei 87 2009 Efficient reconstruction of piecewise constant images using nonsmooth nonconvex minimization. Zbl 1207.94017 Nikolova, Mila; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Shuqin; Ching, Wai-Ki 86 2008 Fast nonconvex nonsmooth minimization methods for image restoration and reconstruction. Zbl 1371.94277 Nikolova, Mila; Ng, Michael K.; Tam, Chi-Pan 86 2010 Solving constrained total-variation image restoration and reconstruction problems via alternating direction methods. Zbl 1217.65071 Ng, Michael K.; Weiss, Pierre; Yuan, Xiaoming 85 2010 A relaxed dimensional factorization preconditioner for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1419.76433 Benzi, Michele; Ng, Michael; Niu, Qiang; Wang, Zhen 72 2011 A fast direct method for block triangular Toeplitz-like with tri-diagonal block systems from time-fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1349.65404 Ke, Rihuan; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 71 2015 A fast total variation minimization method for image restoration. Zbl 1172.94316 Huang, Yumei; Ng, Michael K.; Wen, You-Wei 66 2008 Solving sparse non-negative tensor equations: algorithms and applications. Zbl 1323.65027 Li, Xutao; Ng, Michael K. 65 2015 Robust quaternion matrix completion with applications to image inpainting. Zbl 1474.65126 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Song, Guang-Jing 54 2019 A new convex optimization model for multiplicative noise and blur removal. Zbl 1296.65093 Zhao, Xi-Le; Wang, Fan; Ng, Michael K. 54 2014 Non-Lipschitz \(\ell_p\)-regularization and box constrained model for image restoration. Zbl 1373.94080 Chen, Xiaojun; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Chao 52 2012 Analysis of half-quadratic minimization methods for signal and image recovery. Zbl 1141.49318 Nikolova, Mila; Ng, Michael K. 51 2005 Preconditioned iterative methods for weighted Toeplitz least squares problems. Zbl 1102.65050 Benzi, Michele; Ng, Michael K. 49 2006 An eigenvalue problem for even order tensors with its applications. Zbl 1362.15005 Cui, Lu-Bin; Chen, Chuan; Li, Wen; Ng, Michael K. 48 2016 Markov chains: models, algorithms and applications. Zbl 1089.60003 Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K. 46 2006 A splitting preconditioner for Toeplitz-like linear systems arising from fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1381.65030 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 45 2017 Color image restoration by saturation-value total variation. Zbl 1524.94019 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Wei 42 2019 Inexact alternating direction methods for image recovery. Zbl 1234.94013 Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Fan; Yuan, Xiaoming 40 2011 Robust tensor completion using transformed tensor singular value decomposition. Zbl 1549.65123 Song, Guangjing; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Xiongjun 40 2020 Preconditioners for nonsymmetric block Toeplitz-like-plus-diagonal linear systems. Zbl 1080.65021 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Ng, Michael K. 39 2003 Lanczos method for large-scale quaternion singular value decomposition. Zbl 07107363 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Song, Guang-Jing 38 2019 On preconditioned iterative methods for Burgers equations. Zbl 1144.65034 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Huang, Yu-Mei; Ng, Michael K. 37 2007 Circulant and skew-circulant splitting methods for Toeplitz systems. Zbl 1033.65014 Ng, Michael K. 37 2003 Toeplitz preconditioners for Hermitian Toeplitz systems. Zbl 0783.65042 Chan, Raymond H.; Ng, Kwok-Po 36 1993 Approximate inverse circulant-plus-diagonal preconditioners for Toeplitz-plus-diagonal matrices. Zbl 1222.65028 Ng, Michael K.; Pan, Jianyu 35 2010 A total variation model for retinex. Zbl 1215.65117 Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Wei 35 2011 Some bounds for the spectral radius of nonnegative tensors. Zbl 1345.15003 Li, Wen; Ng, Michael K. 34 2015 Total variation structured total least squares method for image restoration. Zbl 1287.65014 Zhao, Xi-Le; Wang, Wei; Zeng, Tie-Yong; Huang, Ting-Zhu; Ng, Michael K. 32 2013 Kronecker product approximations for image restoration with reflexive boundary conditions. Zbl 1068.65055 Nagy, James G.; Ng, Michael K.; Perrone, Lisa 31 2004 Efficient minimization methods of mixed \(\ell2-\ell1\) and \(\ell1-\ell1\) norms for image restoration. Zbl 1103.65044 Fu, Haoying; Ng, Michael K.; Nikolova, Mila; Barlow, Jesse L. 31 2006 Nonconvex-TV based image restoration with impulse noise removal. Zbl 1382.49013 Zhang, Xiongjun; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K. 31 2017 Fast iterative solvers for linear systems arising from time-dependent space-fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1348.65067 Pan, Jianyu; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Hong 30 2016 Structure preserving quaternion generalized minimal residual method. Zbl 1468.65030 Jia, ZhiGang; Ng, Michael K. 30 2021 Framelet representation of tensor nuclear norm for third-order tensor completion. Zbl 1544.94048 Jiang, Tai-Xiang; Ng, Michael K.; Zhao, Xi-Le; Huang, Ting-Zhu 29 2020 A divide-and-conquer fast finite difference method for space-time fractional partial differential equation. Zbl 1412.65073 Fu, Hongfei; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Hong 28 2017 Multiplicative noise removal with spatially varying regularization parameters. Zbl 1185.65067 Li, Fang; Ng, Michael K.; Shen, Chaomin 27 2010 A fast \(\ell_1\)-TV algorithm for image restoration. Zbl 1191.65029 Guo, Xiaoxia; Li, Fang; Ng, Michael K. 27 2009 A multigrid method for linear systems arising from time-dependent two-dimensional space-fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1375.35606 Lin, Xue-lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 27 2017 Coupled variational image decomposition and restoration model for blurred cartoon-plus-texture images with missing pixels. Zbl 1373.94301 Ng, Michael K.; Yuan, Xiaoming; Zhang, Wenxing 26 2013 Fast preconditioned iterative methods for finite volume discretization of steady-state space-fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1358.65069 Pan, Jianyu; Ng, Michael; Wang, Hong 26 2017 Restoration of images corrupted by mixed Gaussian-impulse noise via \(l_{1}-l_{0}\) minimization. Zbl 1218.68191 Xiao, Yu; Zeng, Tieyong; Yu, Jian; Ng, Michael K. 26 2011 A multivariate Markov chain model for categorical data sequences and its applications in demand predictions. Zbl 1040.62108 Ching, Wai-Ki; Fung, Eric S.; Ng, Michael K. 25 2002 Multiplicative noise removal via a learned dictionary. Zbl 1373.94180 Huang, Yu-Mei; Moisan, Lionel; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Tieyong 25 2012 Iterative algorithms based on decoupling of deblurring and denoising for image restoration. Zbl 1172.94333 Wen, You-Wei; Ng, Michael K.; Ching, Wai-Ki 25 2008 Spectral analysis for preconditioning of multi-dimensional Riesz fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1513.65054 Huang, Xin; Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 25 2022 Strang-type preconditioners for systems of LMF-based ODE codes. Zbl 0990.65076 Chan, Raymond H.; Ng, Michael K.; Jin, Xiao-Qing 24 2001 Higher-order multivariate Markov chains and their applications. Zbl 1144.65006 Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K.; Fung, Eric S. 24 2008 On \(\ell_1\) data fitting and concave regularization for image recovery. Zbl 1267.65028 Nikolova, Mila; Ng, Michael K.; Tam, Chi-Pan 24 2013 A multiphase image segmentation method based on fuzzy region competition. Zbl 1200.68267 Li, Fang; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Tie Yong; Shen, Chunli 24 2010 The uniqueness of multilinear PageRank vectors. Zbl 1488.65102 Li, Wen; Liu, Dongdong; Ng, Michael K.; Vong, Seak-Weng 24 2017 The perturbation bound for the Perron vector of a transition probability tensor. Zbl 1313.15036 Li, Wen; Cui, Lu-Bin; Ng, Michael K. 24 2013 An optimization algorithm for clustering using weighted dissimilarity measures. Zbl 1072.68549 Chan, Elaine Y.; Ching, Wai Ki; Ng, Michael K.; Huang, Joshua Z. 23 2004 On preconditioned iterative methods for certain time-dependent partial differential equations. Zbl 1195.65032 Bai, Zhong-Zhi; Huang, Yu-Mei; Ng, Michael K. 23 2009 Weighted Toeplitz regularized least squares computation for image restoration. Zbl 1307.65046 Ng, Michael K.; Pan, Jianyu 23 2014 Birkhoff-von Neumann theorem for multistochastic tensors. Zbl 1309.15040 Cui, Lu-Bin; Li, Wen; Ng, Michael K. 23 2014 \(\ell_1-\alpha\ell_2\) minimization methods for signal and image reconstruction with impulsive noise removal. Zbl 1468.94021 Li, Peng; Chen, Wengu; Ge, Huanmin; Ng, Michael K. 23 2020 On inversion of Toeplitz matrices. Zbl 0998.15031 Ng, Michael K.; Rost, Karla; Wen, You-Wei 21 2002 Stability and convergence analysis of finite difference schemes for time-dependent space-fractional diffusion equations with variable diffusion coefficients. Zbl 1398.65214 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 21 2018 Efficient preconditioner of one-sided space fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1404.65136 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 21 2018 Sine transform based preconditioners for symmetric Toeplitz systems. Zbl 0837.65043 Chan, Raymond H.; Ng, Michael K.; Wong, C. K. 20 1996 Block \(\omega\)-circulant preconditioners for the systems of differential equations. Zbl 1072.65044 Bertaccini, Daniele; Ng, Michael K. 20 2003 Coupled segmentation and denoising/deblurring models for hyperspectral material identification. Zbl 1274.94005 Li, Fang; Ng, Michael K.; Plemmons, Robert J. 20 2012 Spectral analysis for HSS preconditioners. Zbl 1174.65352 Chan, Lung Chak; Ng, Michael K.; Tsing, Nam Kiu 20 2008 Phase retrieval from incomplete magnitude information via total variation regularization. Zbl 1352.49034 Chang, Huibin; Lou, Yifei; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Tieyong 19 2016 An all-At-once preconditioner for evolutionary partial differential equations. Zbl 07379636 Lin, Xue-lei; Ng, Michael 18 2021 On a multivariate Markov chain model for credit risk measurement. Zbl 1134.91485 Siu, Tak-Kuen; Ching, Wai-Ki; Fung, S. Eric; Ng, Michael K. 18 2005 Nonconvex optimization for robust tensor completion from grossly sparse observations. Zbl 1472.65056 Zhao, Xueying; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K. 18 2020 Fast iterative methods for symmetric sinc-Galerkin systems. Zbl 0952.65057 Ng, Michael K. 17 1999 A corrected tensor nuclear norm minimization method for noisy low-rank tensor completion. Zbl 1538.65104 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K. 17 2019 Primitive tensors and directed hypergraphs. Zbl 1307.05166 Cui, Lu-Bin; Li, Wen; Ng, Michael K. 17 2015 Computing Moore-Penrose inverses of Toeplitz matrices by Newton’s iteration. Zbl 1069.65045 Wei, Yimin; Cai, Jianfeng; Ng, Michael K. 16 2004 Efficient total variation minimization methods for color image restoration. Zbl 1371.94406 Wen, You-Wei; Ng, Michael K.; Huang, Yu-Mei 16 2008 Fast algorithms for the generalized Foley-Sammon discriminant analysis. Zbl 1205.65031 Zhang, Lei-Hong; Liao, Li-Zhi; Ng, Michael K. 15 2010 On adaptively accelerated Arnoldi method for computing PageRank. Zbl 1274.65109 Yin, Jun-Feng; Yin, Guo-Jian; Ng, Michael 15 2012 Crank-Nicolson alternative direction implicit method for space-fractional diffusion equations with nonseparable coefficients. Zbl 1422.65162 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 15 2019 Fast inversion of triangular Toeplitz matrices. Zbl 1103.65310 Lin, Fu-Rong; Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K. 14 2004 Band preconditioners for block-Toeplitz – Toeplitz-block systems. Zbl 0877.65016 Ng, Michael K. 14 1997 A fast algorithm for deconvolution and Poisson noise removal. Zbl 1392.94049 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K.; Bai, Minru 14 2018 Displacement structure of group inverses. Zbl 1164.15305 Wei, Yimin; Ng, Michael K. 14 2005 Nonlocal robust tensor recovery with nonconvex regularization. Zbl 1464.65039 Qiu, Duo; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Xiongjun 14 2021 Higher-order Markov chain models for categorical data sequences. Zbl 1054.62098 Ching, Wai Ki; Fung, Eric S.; Ng, Michael K. 13 2004 Skew-circulant preconditioners for systems of LMF-based ODE codes. Zbl 0979.65064 Bertaccini, Daniele; Ng, Michael K. 13 2001 Galerkin projection methods for solving multiple linear systems. Zbl 0954.65027 Chan, Tony F.; Ng, Michael K. 13 1999 Cosine transform preconditioners for high resolution image reconstruction. Zbl 0993.65056 Ng, Michael K.; Chan, Raymond H.; Chan, Tony F.; Yip, Andy M. 13 2000 The best circulant preconditioners for Hermitian Toeplitz systems. Zbl 0978.65035 Chan, Raymond H.; Yip, Andy M.; Ng, Michael K. 13 2000 A new approach to constrained total least squares image restoration. Zbl 0960.65044 Ng, Michael K.; Plemmons, Robert J.; Pimentel, Felipe 13 2000 Two-stage image segmentation based on nonconvex \(\ell_2-\ell_p\) approximation and thresholding. Zbl 1510.94030 Wu, Tingting; Shao, Jinbo; Gu, Xiaoyu; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Tieyong 13 2021 Fully-connected tensor network decomposition for robust tensor completion problem. Zbl 1528.94007 Liu, Yun-Yang; Zhao, Xi-Le; Song, Guang-Jing; Zheng, Yu-Bang; Ng, Michael K.; Huang, Ting-Zhu 3 2024 Quantizing heavy-tailed data in statistical estimation: (near) minimax rates, covariate quantization, and uniform recovery. Zbl 1547.62045 Chen, Junren; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Di 1 2024 Block-diagonalization of quaternion circulant matrices with applications. Zbl 1545.65144 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K. 1 2024 Incremental algorithms for truncated higher-order singular value decompositions. Zbl 1531.65055 Zeng, Chao; Ng, Michael K.; Jiang, Tai-Xiang 1 2024 Deep learning based source reconstruction method using asymmetric encoder-decoder structure and physics-induced loss. Zbl 1533.68312 Ng, Michael; Yao, He Ming 1 2024 A \(\tau \)-preconditioner for a non-symmetric linear system arising from multi-dimensional Riemann-Liouville fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1506.65054 Lin, Xue-lei; Huang, Xin; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 5 2023 Riemannian conjugate gradient descent method for fixed multi rank third-order tensor completion. Zbl 1501.15020 Song, Guang-Jing; Wang, Xue-Zhong; Ng, Michael K. 4 2023 Separable quaternion matrix factorization for polarization images. Zbl 1521.65033 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K. 4 2023 Tensor completion by multi-rank via unitary transformation. Zbl 1514.15037 Song, Guang-Jing; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Xiongjun 3 2023 \( L_1-\beta L_q\) minimization for signal and image recovery. Zbl 1538.65143 Huo, Limei; Chen, Wengu; Ge, Huanmin; Ng, Michael K. 3 2023 Nonnegative low rank tensor approximations with multidimensional image applications. Zbl 1542.65051 Jiang, Tai-Xiang; Ng, Michael K.; Pan, Junjun; Song, Guang-Jing 2 2023 Analysis of the ratio of \(\ell_1\) and \(\ell_2\) norms for signal recovery with partial support information. Zbl 1540.94028 Ge, Huanmin; Chen, Wengu; Ng, Michael K. 2 2023 Coseparable nonnegative matrix factorization. Zbl 07752098 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K. 2 2023 Deep neural networks for solving large linear systems arising from high-dimensional problems. Zbl 1525.65026 Gu, Yiqi; Ng, Michael K. 2 2023 Uniform exact reconstruction of sparse signals and low-rank matrices from phase-only measurements. Zbl 1547.94077 Chen, Junren; Ng, Michael K. 1 2023 High dimensional statistical estimation under uniformly dithered one-bit quantization. Zbl 1546.94008 Chen, Junren; Wang, Cheng-Long; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Di 1 2023 Spherical image inpainting with frame transformation and data-driven prior deep networks. Zbl 07724135 Li, Jianfei; Huang, Chaoyan; Chan, Raymond; Feng, Han; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Tieyong 1 2023 A learnable group-tube transform induced tensor nuclear norm and its application for tensor completion. Zbl 1519.94005 Li, Ben-Zheng; Zhao, Xi-Le; Zhang, Xiongjun; Ji, Teng-Yu; Chen, Xinyu; Ng, Michael K. 1 2023 Quantized low-rank multivariate regression with random dithering. Zbl 1548.94121 Chen, Junren; Wang, Yueqi; Ng, Michael K. 1 2023 Spectral analysis for preconditioning of multi-dimensional Riesz fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1513.65054 Huang, Xin; Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 25 2022 Sparse nonnegative tensor factorization and completion with noisy observations. Zbl 1497.65085 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K. 5 2022 Stable image reconstruction using transformed total variation minimization. Zbl 1492.94020 Huo, Limei; Chen, Wengu; Ge, Huanmin; Ng, Michael K. 5 2022 Wasserstein generative adversarial uncertainty quantification in physics-informed neural networks. Zbl 07536770 Gao, Yihang; Ng, Michael K. 4 2022 Color image inpainting via robust pure quaternion matrix completion: error bound and weighted loss. Zbl 1496.94007 Chen, Junren; Ng, Michael K. 4 2022 Gaussian patch mixture model guided low-rank covariance matrix minimization for image denoising. Zbl 1524.62474 Guo, Jing; Guo, Yu; Jin, Qiyu; Ng, Michael Kwok-Po; Wang, Shuping 3 2022 Cartoon and texture decomposition for color image in opponent color space. Zbl 1510.94028 Wen, You-Wei; Zhao, Mingchao; Ng, Michael 3 2022 Non-asymptotic error bound for optimal prediction of function-on-function regression by RKHS approach. Zbl 1492.60295 Tong, Hong Zhi; Hu, Ling Fang; Ng, Michael 2 2022 Geometric inexact Newton method for generalized singular values of Grassmann matrix pair. Zbl 1492.65093 Xu, Wei-Wei; Ng, Michael K.; Bai, Zheng-Jian 2 2022 Deep Ritz method for the spectral fractional Laplacian equation using the Caffarelli-Silvestre extension. Zbl 1492.65309 Gu, Yiqi; Ng, Michael K. 2 2022 Robust tensor train component analysis. Zbl 07511584 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K. 2 2022 Total variation based pure quaternion dictionary learning method for color image denoising. Zbl 1524.94036 Wu, Tingting; Huang, Chaoyan; Jin, Zhengmeng; Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K. 1 2022 A gradient iteration method for functional linear regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1538.65160 Tong, Hongzhi; Ng, Michael 1 2022 Structure preserving quaternion generalized minimal residual method. Zbl 1468.65030 Jia, ZhiGang; Ng, Michael K. 30 2021 An all-At-once preconditioner for evolutionary partial differential equations. Zbl 07379636 Lin, Xue-lei; Ng, Michael 18 2021 Nonlocal robust tensor recovery with nonconvex regularization. Zbl 1464.65039 Qiu, Duo; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Xiongjun 14 2021 Two-stage image segmentation based on nonconvex \(\ell_2-\ell_p\) approximation and thresholding. Zbl 1510.94030 Wu, Tingting; Shao, Jinbo; Gu, Xiaoyu; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Tieyong 13 2021 Generalized singular value decompositions for tensors and their applications. Zbl 1488.15044 He, Zhuoheng; Ng, Michael K.; Zeng, Chao 11 2021 New restricted isometry property analysis for \(\ell_1-\ell_2\) minimization methods. Zbl 1474.94041 Ge, Huanmin; Chen, Wengu; Ng, Michael K. 10 2021 Robust low transformed multi-rank tensor methods for image alignment. Zbl 1464.65020 Qiu, Duo; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Xiongjun 10 2021 A parallel-in-time two-sided preconditioning for all-at-once system from a non-local evolutionary equation with weakly singular kernel. Zbl 07508529 Lin, Xue-lei; Ng, Michael K.; Zhi, Yajing 9 2021 Low rank pure quaternion approximation for pure quaternion matrices. Zbl 1510.65086 Song, Guangjing; Ding, Weiyang; Ng, Michael K. 9 2021 Color image restoration by saturation-value total variation regularization on vector bundles. Zbl 1538.94014 Wang, Wei; Ng, Michael K. 8 2021 Color image multiplicative noise and blur removal by saturation-value total variation. Zbl 1481.94036 Wang, Wei; Yao, Mingjia; Ng, Michael K. 5 2021 Tensor train rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor completion. Zbl 1467.94004 Ding, Meng; Huang, Ting-Zhu; Zhao, Xi-Le; Ng, Michael K.; Ma, Tian-Hui 5 2021 Bilinear constraint based ADMM for mixed Poisson-Gaussian noise removal. Zbl 1471.65060 Zhang, Jie; Duan, Yuping; Lu, Yue; Ng, Michael K.; Chang, Huibin 4 2021 A nonlocal low rank model for Poisson noise removal. Zbl 1467.94008 Zhao, Mingchao; Wen, You-Wei; Ng, Michael; Li, Hongwei 4 2021 Orthogonal nonnegative Tucker decomposition. Zbl 1461.65066 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K.; Liu, Ye; Zhang, Xiongjun; Yan, Hong 3 2021 An approximate augmented Lagrangian method for nonnegative low-rank matrix approximation. Zbl 1476.90318 Zhu, Hong; Ng, Michael K.; Song, Guang-Jing 2 2021 Preconditioning for symmetric positive definite systems in balanced fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1467.65024 Fang, Zhi-Wei; Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 2 2021 Incremental CP tensor decomposition by alternating minimization method. Zbl 1470.90086 Zeng, Chao; Ng, Michael K. 2 2021 Interpretable deep generative recommendation models. Zbl 07626717 Liu, Huafeng; Jing, Liping; Wen, Jingxuan; Xu, Pengyu; Wang, Jiaqi; Yu, Jian; Ng, Michael K. 1 2021 Sparsity reconstruction using nonconvex TGpV-shearlet regularization and constrained projection. Zbl 1510.94029 Wu, Tingting; Ng, Michael K.; Zhao, Xi-Le 1 2021 A variational model for spatially weighting in image fusion. Zbl 1474.94020 Jin, Zhengmeng; Zhang, Junkang; Min, Lihua; Ng, Michael K. 1 2021 Parallel active subspace decomposition for tensor robust principal component analysis. Zbl 1476.62018 Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Xue-Zhong 1 2021 On recovery of sparse signals with prior support information via weighted \(\ell_p\)-minimization. Zbl 1487.94039 Ge, Huanmin; Chen, Wengu; Ng, Michael K. 1 2021 Robust tensor completion using transformed tensor singular value decomposition. Zbl 1549.65123 Song, Guangjing; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Xiongjun 40 2020 Framelet representation of tensor nuclear norm for third-order tensor completion. Zbl 1544.94048 Jiang, Tai-Xiang; Ng, Michael K.; Zhao, Xi-Le; Huang, Ting-Zhu 29 2020 \(\ell_1-\alpha\ell_2\) minimization methods for signal and image reconstruction with impulsive noise removal. Zbl 1468.94021 Li, Peng; Chen, Wengu; Ge, Huanmin; Ng, Michael K. 23 2020 Nonconvex optimization for robust tensor completion from grossly sparse observations. Zbl 1472.65056 Zhao, Xueying; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K. 18 2020 Nonnegative low rank matrix approximation for nonnegative matrices. Zbl 1436.65056 Song, Guang-Jing; Ng, Michael K. 13 2020 Efficient preconditioning for time fractional diffusion inverse source problems. Zbl 1464.65031 Ke, Rihuan; Ng, Michael K.; Wei, Ting 7 2020 Tensor factorization with total variation and Tikhonov regularization for low-rank tensor completion in imaging data. Zbl 1486.90157 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Zhao, Xi-Le 7 2020 A globally convergent algorithm for a class of gradient compounded non-Lipschitz models applied to non-additive noise removal. Zbl 1461.94030 Zheng, Zhe; Ng, Michael; Wu, Chunlin 7 2020 Fast and high-order accuracy numerical methods for time-dependent nonlocal problems in \(\mathbb{R}^2\). Zbl 1445.74054 Cao, Rongjun; Chen, Minghua; Ng, Michael K.; Wu, Yu-Jiang 5 2020 An efficient second-order convergent scheme for one-side space fractional diffusion equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1463.65233 Lin, Xue-Lei; Lyu, Pin; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei; Vong, Seakweng 5 2020 New RIP bounds for recovery of sparse signals with partial support information via weighted \(\ell_p\)-minimization. Zbl 1448.94059 Ge, Huanmin; Chen, Wengu; Ng, Michael K. 4 2020 A Retinex-based total variation approach for image segmentation and bias correction. Zbl 1481.94019 Jin, Zhengmeng; Wu, Yimeng; Min, Lihua; Ng, Michael K. 3 2020 Decompositions of third-order tensors: HOSVD, T-SVD, and beyond. Zbl 1549.65095 Zeng, Chao; Ng, Michael K. 3 2020 3D point cloud denoising using graph Laplacian regularization of a low dimensional manifold model. Zbl 1544.94144 Zeng, Jin; Cheung, Gene; Ng, Michael; Pang, Jiahao; Yang, Cheng 2 2020 Compressive total variation for image reconstruction and restoration. Zbl 1446.94008 Li, Peng; Chen, Wengu; Ng, Michael K. 2 2020 Saturation-value total variation model for chromatic aberration correction. Zbl 07208041 Wang, Wei; Pi, Ling; Ng, Michael K. 1 2020 Structured dictionary learning for image denoising under mixed Gaussian and impulse noise. Zbl 1544.94187 Zhu, Hong; Ng, Michael K. 1 2020 Robust quaternion matrix completion with applications to image inpainting. Zbl 1474.65126 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Song, Guang-Jing 54 2019 Color image restoration by saturation-value total variation. Zbl 1524.94019 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Wang, Wei 42 2019 Lanczos method for large-scale quaternion singular value decomposition. Zbl 07107363 Jia, Zhigang; Ng, Michael K.; Song, Guang-Jing 38 2019 A corrected tensor nuclear norm minimization method for noisy low-rank tensor completion. Zbl 1538.65104 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K. 17 2019 Crank-Nicolson alternative direction implicit method for space-fractional diffusion equations with nonseparable coefficients. Zbl 1422.65162 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 15 2019 A fast solver for multidimensional time-space fractional diffusion equation with variable coefficients. Zbl 1442.65169 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K. 12 2019 Circulant preconditioners for a kind of spatial fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1437.65013 Fang, Zhi-Wei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 11 2019 A \(C\)-eigenvalue problem for tensors with applications to higher-order multivariate Markov chains. Zbl 1442.15043 Li, Wen; Ke, Rihuan; Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K. 7 2019 Structural similarity-based nonlocal variational models for image restoration. Zbl 1544.94117 Wang, Wei; Li, Fang; Ng, Michael K. 6 2019 A primal-dual method for the Meyer model of cartoon and texture decomposition. Zbl 1524.94035 Wen, You-Wei; Sun, Hai-Wei; Ng, Michael K. 4 2019 Image colorization by using graph bi-Laplacian. Zbl 1421.68180 Li, Fang; Ng, Michael K. 3 2019 A Peaceman-Rachford splitting method with monotone plus skew-symmetric splitting for nonlinear saddle point problems. Zbl 1436.65074 Ding, Weiyang; Ng, Michael K.; Zhang, Wenxing 3 2019 A fast algorithm for solving linear inverse problems with uniform noise removal. Zbl 1416.65108 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K. 2 2019 Calibration of \(\epsilon\)-insensitive loss in support vector machines regression. Zbl 1448.68377 Tong, Hongzhi; Ng, Michael K. 2 2019 Image colorization by fusion of color transfers based on DFT and variance features. Zbl 1442.94011 Jin, Zhengmeng; Min, Lihua; Ng, Michael K.; Zheng, Minling 1 2019 Stability and convergence analysis of finite difference schemes for time-dependent space-fractional diffusion equations with variable diffusion coefficients. Zbl 1398.65214 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 21 2018 Efficient preconditioner of one-sided space fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1404.65136 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 21 2018 A fast algorithm for deconvolution and Poisson noise removal. Zbl 1392.94049 Zhang, Xiongjun; Ng, Michael K.; Bai, Minru 14 2018 A separable preconditioner for time-space fractional Caputo-Riesz diffusion equations. Zbl 1438.65038 Lin, Xuelei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Haiwei 12 2018 Analysis of regularized least squares for functional linear regression model. Zbl 1402.62158 Tong, Hongzhi; Ng, Michael 12 2018 Orthogonal nonnegative matrix factorization by sparsity and nuclear norm optimization. Zbl 1391.65111 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K. 9 2018 Symmetric orthogonal approximation to symmetric tensors with applications to image reconstruction. Zbl 1513.65134 Pan, Junjun; Ng, Michael K. 6 2018 Fast computation of stationary joint probability distribution of sparse Markov chains. Zbl 1379.65005 Ding, Weiyang; Ng, Michael; Wei, Yimin 4 2018 A semi-smooth Newton method for inverse problem with uniform noise. Zbl 1402.49024 Wen, You-Wei; Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael 3 2018 Multiple graphs clustering by gradient flow method. Zbl 1395.62181 Zhu, Hong; Chen, Chuan; Liao, Li-Zhi; Ng, Michael K. 2 2018 Regularized semi-supervised least squares regression with dependent samples. Zbl 1407.62253 Tong, Hongzhi; Ng, Michael 1 2018 A splitting preconditioner for Toeplitz-like linear systems arising from fractional diffusion equations. Zbl 1381.65030 Lin, Xue-Lei; Ng, Michael K.; Sun, Hai-Wei 45 2017 Nonconvex-TV based image restoration with impulse noise removal. Zbl 1382.49013 Zhang, Xiongjun; Bai, Minru; Ng, Michael K. 31 2017 ...and 211 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,015 Authors 152 Ng, Michael Kwok-Po 109 Huang, Ting-Zhu 64 Serra-Capizzano, Stefano 64 Zhang, Guofeng 63 Ma, Changfeng 59 Qi, Liqun 56 Zhao, Xile 53 Bai, Zhongzhi 52 Wei, Yimin 49 Wang, Hong 43 Zeng, Tie Yong 40 Chan, Raymond Hon-Fu 39 Huang, Zhengge 39 Li, Wen 37 Sun, Haiwei 35 Cui, Jingjing 35 Donatelli, Marco 35 Wu, Yujiang 35 Yang, Aili 34 Gu, Xian-Ming 33 Cao, Yang 32 Khojasteh Salkuyeh, Davod 30 Ching, Wai-Ki 30 Liang, Zhaozheng 29 Chen, Fang 29 Jin, Xiaoqing 29 Wu, Shiliang 27 Li, Cuixia 26 Li, Haitao 26 Wu, Qingbiao 25 Lei, Siulong 25 Lin, Fu-Rong 25 Lv, Xiaoguang 25 Vong, Seakweng 24 Li, Chaoqian 23 Yuan, Xiaoming 23 Zheng, Bing 22 Lin, Xuelei 22 Zhao, Yongliang 21 Jiang, Zhaolin 21 Reichel, Lothar 20 Hajarian, Masoud 20 Jbilou, Khalide 20 Xu, Zhong 19 Wang, Ligong 19 Wu, Chunlin 19 Zeng, Minli 18 Li, Yaotang 18 Lu, Jian 18 Mazza, Mariarosa 17 Cui, Lubin 17 Deng, Liangjian 17 Fu, Hongfei 17 Ma, Tian-Hui 17 Nagy, James Gerard 17 Wang, Xiang 16 Benzi, Michele 16 He, Hongjin 16 Huang, Yumei 16 Jung, Miyoun 16 Ke, Yifen 16 Liu, Jun 16 Zheng, Xiangcheng 15 Jia, Jinhong 15 Sgallari, Fiorella 15 Shen, Lixin 15 Tai, Xuecheng 15 Wang, Qingwen 15 Wang, Yuzhen 15 Wen, Chun 15 Zhou, Guanglu 14 Chen, Guoliang 14 Guo, Xueping 14 Han, Deren 14 Hon, Sean Y. 14 Huang, Na 14 Li, Fang 14 Liao, Lidan 14 Xiao, Xiaoyong 14 Yin, Junfeng 14 Zhang, Xiongjun 14 Zheng, Qingqing 13 Chen, Hao 13 Fan, Hongtao 13 Jia, Zhigang 13 Li, Ying 13 Ling, Chen 13 Lu, Linzhang 13 Miao, Shu-Xin 13 Pang, Hong-Kui 13 Ren, Zhi-Ru 13 Shao, Xinhui 13 Wen, Youwei 13 Zhang, Wenxing 12 Beik, Fatemeh Panjeh Ali 12 Bentbib, Abdeslem Hafid 12 Carpentieri, Bruno 12 Che, Maolin 12 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 12 Ding, Weiyang ...and 3,915 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 348 Serials 263 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 228 Applied Mathematics and Computation 160 Numerical Algorithms 153 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 151 Linear Algebra and its Applications 145 Journal of Scientific Computing 129 Computational and Applied Mathematics 126 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 84 Applied Numerical Mathematics 69 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 63 Applied Mathematics Letters 59 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 58 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 58 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 55 Inverse Problems and Imaging 54 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 47 Inverse Problems 47 Journal of Computational Physics 47 BIT 44 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 44 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 Calcolo 41 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 36 Automatica 35 Applied Mathematical Modelling 33 Information Sciences 30 Computational Optimization and Applications 30 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 29 Journal of the Franklin Institute 25 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 25 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 25 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 23 Advances in Computational Mathematics 22 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 21 Numerische Mathematik 21 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 20 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 19 Abstract and Applied Analysis 19 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 18 Mathematics of Computation 16 Pattern Recognition 16 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 16 Science China. 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