Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Nielson, Flemming Co-Author Distance Author ID: nielson.flemming Published as: Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, F. Documents Indexed: 109 Publications since 1982, including 6 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 51 Co-Authors with 99 Joint Publications 1,058 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 12 single-authored 78 Riis Nielson, Hanne 8 Pilegaard, Henrik 6 Bodei, Chiara 6 Degano, Pierpaolo 6 Hansen, René Rydhof 6 Seidl, Helmut 4 Li, Ximeng 4 Nanz, Sebastian 3 Buchholtz, Mikael 3 Nielson, Hanne R. 3 Skrypnyuk, Nataliya 3 Vasilikos, Panagiotis 3 Zhang, Lijun 2 Amtoft, Torben 2 Hankin, Chris L. 2 Hermanns, Holger 2 Jansen, David N. 2 Lluch Lafuente, Alberto 2 Midtgaard, Jan 2 Sagiv, Mooly 2 Song, Lei 2 Vigo, Roberto 1 Aslanyan, Zaruhi 1 Bauer, Jörg 1 Curti, Michele 1 De Nicola, Rocco 1 Feng, Xinyu 1 Gao, Han 1 Gasser, Kirsten L. Solberg 1 Godskesen, Jens Chr. 1 Gorla, Daniele 1 Hernandez, Alejandro Mario 1 Huth, Michael R. A. 1 Jensen, Jacob Grydholt 1 Kaklamanis, Christos 1 Kencana Ramli, Carroline Dewi Puspa 1 López, Hugo A. 1 Mödersheim, Sebastian Alexander 1 Mycroft, Alan 1 Nielsen, Bo Friis 1 Nielsen, Christoffer Rosenkilde 1 Nielson, H. Riis 1 Priami, Corrado 1 Probst, Christian W. 1 Pugliese, Rosario 1 Sands, David 1 Solberg Gasser, Kirsten Lackner 1 Sun, Hongyan 1 Zeng, Kebin 1 Zhang, Fuyuan 1 Zhang, Ye all top 5 Serials 5 Theoretical Computer Science 5 Science of Computer Programming 4 Logical Methods in Computer Science 3 Information and Computation 3 Nordic Journal of Computing 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 2 Journal of Functional Programming 2 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 1 ACM Computing Surveys 1 Acta Informatica 1 ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 1 Formal Aspects of Computing 1 Journal of Logic and Computation 1 FGCS. Future Generation Computer Systems 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science EATCS 1 Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 1 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1 Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 1 Undergraduate Topics in Computer Science all top 5 Fields 111 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 90 Publications have been cited 660 times in 391 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Principles of program analysis. Zbl 0932.68013 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Hankin, Chris 131 1999 Semantics with applications. A formal introduction. Zbl 0875.68626 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 34 1992 Principles of program analysis. Corr. 2nd printing. Zbl 1069.68534 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Hankin, Chris 24 2005 Static analysis for the \(\pi\)-calculus with applications to security. Zbl 1007.68118 Bodei, Chiara; Degano, Pierpaolo; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 22 2001 Flow logic: A multi-paradigmatic approach to static analysis. Zbl 1026.68029 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 17 2002 Two-level functional languages. Zbl 0763.68023 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 16 1992 Abstract interpretation of mobile ambients. Zbl 0957.68079 Hansen, René Rydhof; Jensen, Jacob Grydholt; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 16 1999 Two-level semantics and abstract interpretation. Zbl 0696.68093 Nielson, Flemming 15 1989 Two-level semantics and code generation. Zbl 0632.68007 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 15 1988 Semantics with applications: an appetizer. Zbl 1126.68052 Riis Nielson, Hanne; Nielson, Flemming 14 2007 Spatial analysis of BioAmbients. Zbl 1104.68420 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 13 2004 Validating firewalls using flow logics. Zbl 1016.68003 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Hansen, René Rydhof 13 2002 Pathway analysis for BioAmbients. Zbl 1147.92002 Pilegaard, Henrik; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 12 2008 Program transformations in a denotational setting. Zbl 0566.68013 Nielson, Flemming 12 1985 Shape analysis for mobile ambients. Zbl 1323.68414 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 12 2000 Control-flow analysis in cubic time. Zbl 0977.68520 Nielson, Flemming; Seidl, Helmut 11 2001 Strong abstract interpretation using power domains (extended abstract). Zbl 0516.68012 Mycroft, A.; Nielson, F. 11 1983 Static analysis for secrecy and non-interference in networks of processes. Zbl 1005.68064 Bodei, C.; Degano, P.; Nielson, F.; Nielson, H. Riis 11 2001 A denotational framework for data flow analysis. Zbl 0479.68012 Nielson, Flemming 10 1982 Strictness analysis and denotational abstract interpretation. Zbl 0636.68018 Nielson, Flemming 10 1988 A succinct solver for ALFP. Zbl 1088.68774 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 9 2002 Automatic binding time analysis for a typed \(\lambda\)-calculus. Zbl 0653.03008 Nielson, Hanne R.; Nielson, Flemming 9 1988 Normalizable Horn clauses, strongly recognizable relations, and Spi. Zbl 1015.68042 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 9 2002 Data flow analysis for CCS. Zbl 1149.68361 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 8 2007 Tensor products generalize the relational data flow analysis method. Zbl 0587.68007 Nielson, F. 8 1986 Security for mobility. Zbl 1202.68173 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Buchholtz, Mikael 7 2004 Performance evaluation of security protocols specified in LySa. Zbl 1272.68225 Bodei, Chiara; Curti, Michele; Degano, Pierpaolo; Buchholtz, Mikael; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Priami, Corrado 7 2005 Abstract interpretation of mobile ambients. Zbl 1047.68080 Nielson, Flemming; Hansen, René Rydhof; Nielson, Hanne Riis 7 2003 A calculus of quality for robustness against unreliable communication. Zbl 1337.68041 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Vigo, Roberto 7 2015 Strictness and totality analysis. Zbl 0941.68021 Solberg Gasser, Kirsten Lackner; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 7 1998 Bisimulations meet PCTL equivalences for probabilistic automata. Zbl 1264.03087 Song, Lei; Zhang, Lijun; Godskesen, Jens Chr.; Nielson, Flemming 7 2013 Flow logic and operational semantics. Zbl 0925.68293 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 7 1997 Enforcing availability in failure-aware communicating systems. Zbl 1347.68060 López, Hugo A.; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 6 2016 Modal abstractions of concurrent behaviour. Zbl 1149.68407 Nanz, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne 6 2008 The succinct solver suite. Zbl 1126.68354 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Sun, Hongyan; Buchholtz, Mikael; Hansen, René Rydhof; Pilegaard, Henrik; Seidl, Helmut 6 2004 Type and behavior reconstruction for higher-order concurrent programs. Zbl 0881.68034 Amtoft, Torben; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 6 1997 Abstract interpretation of denotational definitions. (A survey). Zbl 0589.68008 Nielson, Flemming 6 1986 From flow logic to static type systems for coordination languages. Zbl 1192.68126 de Nicola, Rocco; Gorla, Daniele; Hansen, René Rydhof; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Probst, Christian W.; Pugliese, Rosario 5 2010 Discretionary information flow control for interaction-oriented specifications. Zbl 1321.68349 Lluch Lafuente, Alberto; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 5 2015 From CML to its process algebra. Zbl 0873.68131 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 5 1996 Efficient CSL model checking using stratification. Zbl 1348.68152 Zhang, Lijun; Jansen, David N.; Nielson, Flemming; Hermanns, Holger 5 2012 Automata-based CSL model checking. Zbl 1334.68135 Zhang, Lijun; Jansen, David N.; Nielson, Flemming; Hermanns, Holger 5 2011 A Kleene analysis of mobile ambients. Zbl 0971.68579 Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne; Sagiv, Mooly 5 2000 Systematic realisation of control flow analyses for CML. Zbl 1369.68097 Gasser, Kirsten L. Solberg; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 4 1997 Automatic complexity analysis. Zbl 1077.68610 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 4 2002 Correctness of code generation from a two-level meta-language. Zbl 0589.68012 Nielson, Flemming 4 1986 Flow logic for Dolev-Yao secrecy in cryptographic processes. Zbl 1046.68048 Bodei, C.; Degano, P.; Nielson, F.; Riis Nielson, H. 4 2002 Static analysis of topology-dependent broadcast networks. Zbl 1191.68052 Nanz, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 3 2010 Relational analysis of correlation. Zbl 1149.68308 Bauer, Jörg; Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne; Pilegaard, Henrik 3 2008 Safety versus security in the quality calculus. Zbl 1390.68484 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 3 2013 Cryptographic analysis in cubic time. Zbl 1268.94029 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 3 2002 Model checking exact cost for attack scenarios. Zbl 1444.68102 Aslanyan, Zaruhi; Nielson, Flemming 3 2017 Bounded fixed-point iteration. Zbl 0783.68075 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 3 1992 Expected forms of data flow analysis. Zbl 0585.68040 Nielson, Flemming 3 1986 Pragmatic aspects of two-level denotational meta-languages. Zbl 0587.68004 Nielson, Hanne R.; Nielson, Flemming 3 1986 Shape analysis for mobile ambients. Zbl 0985.68039 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 3 2001 LOMAPS. Logical and operational methods in the analysis of programs and systems. Zbl 1030.68561 Nielson, Flemming 3 1996 Topology-dependent abstractions of broadcast networks. Zbl 1151.68322 Nanz, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 2007 The tensor product in Wadler’s analysis of lists. Zbl 0810.68092 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 1994 Information flow for timed automata. Zbl 1431.68079 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Vasilikos, Panagiotis 2 2017 Operational semantics of termination types. Zbl 0856.68095 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 1996 Code generation from two-level denotational meta-languages. Zbl 0585.68012 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne R. 2 1986 Reachability for finite-state process algebras using static analysis. Zbl 1348.68170 Skrypnyuk, Nataliya; Nielson, Flemming 2 2011 Static analysis of IMC. Zbl 1243.68220 Skrypnyuk, Nataliya; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 2 2012 Secure information release in timed automata. Zbl 1427.68038 Vasilikos, Panagiotis; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 2018 Stochastic model checking of the stochastic quality calculus. Zbl 1454.68079 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Zeng, Kebin 2 2015 Lightweight information flow. Zbl 1534.68044 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 2019 A monotone framework for CCS. Zbl 1387.68172 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 2009 A scalable inclusion constraint solver using unification. Zbl 1179.68042 Zhang, Ye; Nielson, Flemming 1 2008 What is a free name in a process algebra? Zbl 1184.68346 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Pilegaard, Henrik 1 2007 Types from control flow analysis. Zbl 1149.68360 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2007 Iterative specialisation of Horn clauses. Zbl 1133.03335 Rosenkilde Nielsen, Christoffer; Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne 1 2008 Hoare logic for disjunctive information flow. Zbl 1434.68095 Riis Nielson, Hanne; Nielson, Flemming; Li, Ximeng 1 2015 Content dependent information flow control. Zbl 1359.68050 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 2017 A coordination language for databases. Zbl 1398.68124 Li, Ximeng; Wu, Xi; Lluch Lafuente, Alberto; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2017 Functional completeness of the mixed \(\lambda\)-calculus and combinatory logic. Zbl 0714.03014 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 1990 XACML 3.0 in answer set programming. Zbl 1395.68084 Ramli, Carroline Dewi Puspa Kencana; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 2013 Lazy mobile intruders. Zbl 1390.68280 Mödersheim, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2013 Flow logic for process calculi. Zbl 1293.68192 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 1 2012 Disjunctive information flow for communicating processes. Zbl 1457.68017 Li, Ximeng; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Feng, Xinyu 1 2016 Secure guarded commands. Zbl 1440.68036 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2020 CaPiTo: Protocol stacks for services. Zbl 1226.68029 Gao, Han; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2011 Using transformations in the implementation of higher-order functions. Zbl 0941.68543 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 1991 Kleene’s Logic with equality. Zbl 1032.68100 Nielson, F.; Riis Nielson, H.; Sagiv, M. 1 2001 Security analysis using flow logics. Zbl 1056.68083 Bodei, Chiara; Degano, Pierpaolo; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2001 A bibliography on abstract interpretation. Zbl 1022.68500 Nielson, Flemming 1 1986 A parametric abstract domain for lattice-valued regular expressions. Zbl 1394.68080 Midtgaard, Jan; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2016 Static and dynamic processor allocation for higher-order concurrent languages. Zbl 1496.68113 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 1995 Constraints for polymorphic behaviours of concurrent ML. Zbl 1495.68028 Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne 1 1994 Static analysis for proactive security. Zbl 1482.68069 Huth, Michael; Nielson, Flemming 1 2019 Secure guarded commands. Zbl 1440.68036 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2020 Lightweight information flow. Zbl 1534.68044 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 2019 Static analysis for proactive security. Zbl 1482.68069 Huth, Michael; Nielson, Flemming 1 2019 Secure information release in timed automata. Zbl 1427.68038 Vasilikos, Panagiotis; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 2018 Model checking exact cost for attack scenarios. Zbl 1444.68102 Aslanyan, Zaruhi; Nielson, Flemming 3 2017 Information flow for timed automata. Zbl 1431.68079 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Vasilikos, Panagiotis 2 2017 Content dependent information flow control. Zbl 1359.68050 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 2017 A coordination language for databases. Zbl 1398.68124 Li, Ximeng; Wu, Xi; Lluch Lafuente, Alberto; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2017 Enforcing availability in failure-aware communicating systems. Zbl 1347.68060 López, Hugo A.; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 6 2016 Disjunctive information flow for communicating processes. Zbl 1457.68017 Li, Ximeng; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Feng, Xinyu 1 2016 A parametric abstract domain for lattice-valued regular expressions. Zbl 1394.68080 Midtgaard, Jan; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2016 A calculus of quality for robustness against unreliable communication. Zbl 1337.68041 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Vigo, Roberto 7 2015 Discretionary information flow control for interaction-oriented specifications. Zbl 1321.68349 Lluch Lafuente, Alberto; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 5 2015 Stochastic model checking of the stochastic quality calculus. Zbl 1454.68079 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Zeng, Kebin 2 2015 Hoare logic for disjunctive information flow. Zbl 1434.68095 Riis Nielson, Hanne; Nielson, Flemming; Li, Ximeng 1 2015 Bisimulations meet PCTL equivalences for probabilistic automata. Zbl 1264.03087 Song, Lei; Zhang, Lijun; Godskesen, Jens Chr.; Nielson, Flemming 7 2013 Safety versus security in the quality calculus. Zbl 1390.68484 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 3 2013 XACML 3.0 in answer set programming. Zbl 1395.68084 Ramli, Carroline Dewi Puspa Kencana; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 2013 Lazy mobile intruders. Zbl 1390.68280 Mödersheim, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2013 Efficient CSL model checking using stratification. Zbl 1348.68152 Zhang, Lijun; Jansen, David N.; Nielson, Flemming; Hermanns, Holger 5 2012 Static analysis of IMC. Zbl 1243.68220 Skrypnyuk, Nataliya; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 2 2012 Flow logic for process calculi. Zbl 1293.68192 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 1 2012 Automata-based CSL model checking. Zbl 1334.68135 Zhang, Lijun; Jansen, David N.; Nielson, Flemming; Hermanns, Holger 5 2011 Reachability for finite-state process algebras using static analysis. Zbl 1348.68170 Skrypnyuk, Nataliya; Nielson, Flemming 2 2011 CaPiTo: Protocol stacks for services. Zbl 1226.68029 Gao, Han; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2011 From flow logic to static type systems for coordination languages. Zbl 1192.68126 de Nicola, Rocco; Gorla, Daniele; Hansen, René Rydhof; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Probst, Christian W.; Pugliese, Rosario 5 2010 Static analysis of topology-dependent broadcast networks. Zbl 1191.68052 Nanz, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 3 2010 A monotone framework for CCS. Zbl 1387.68172 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 2009 Pathway analysis for BioAmbients. Zbl 1147.92002 Pilegaard, Henrik; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 12 2008 Modal abstractions of concurrent behaviour. Zbl 1149.68407 Nanz, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne 6 2008 Relational analysis of correlation. Zbl 1149.68308 Bauer, Jörg; Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne; Pilegaard, Henrik 3 2008 A scalable inclusion constraint solver using unification. Zbl 1179.68042 Zhang, Ye; Nielson, Flemming 1 2008 Iterative specialisation of Horn clauses. Zbl 1133.03335 Rosenkilde Nielsen, Christoffer; Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne 1 2008 Semantics with applications: an appetizer. Zbl 1126.68052 Riis Nielson, Hanne; Nielson, Flemming 14 2007 Data flow analysis for CCS. Zbl 1149.68361 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 8 2007 Topology-dependent abstractions of broadcast networks. Zbl 1151.68322 Nanz, Sebastian; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 2007 What is a free name in a process algebra? Zbl 1184.68346 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Pilegaard, Henrik 1 2007 Types from control flow analysis. Zbl 1149.68360 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2007 Principles of program analysis. Corr. 2nd printing. Zbl 1069.68534 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Hankin, Chris 24 2005 Performance evaluation of security protocols specified in LySa. Zbl 1272.68225 Bodei, Chiara; Curti, Michele; Degano, Pierpaolo; Buchholtz, Mikael; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Priami, Corrado 7 2005 Spatial analysis of BioAmbients. Zbl 1104.68420 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Pilegaard, Henrik 13 2004 Security for mobility. Zbl 1202.68173 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming; Buchholtz, Mikael 7 2004 The succinct solver suite. Zbl 1126.68354 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Sun, Hongyan; Buchholtz, Mikael; Hansen, René Rydhof; Pilegaard, Henrik; Seidl, Helmut 6 2004 Abstract interpretation of mobile ambients. Zbl 1047.68080 Nielson, Flemming; Hansen, René Rydhof; Nielson, Hanne Riis 7 2003 Flow logic: A multi-paradigmatic approach to static analysis. Zbl 1026.68029 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 17 2002 Validating firewalls using flow logics. Zbl 1016.68003 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Hansen, René Rydhof 13 2002 A succinct solver for ALFP. Zbl 1088.68774 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 9 2002 Normalizable Horn clauses, strongly recognizable relations, and Spi. Zbl 1015.68042 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 9 2002 Automatic complexity analysis. Zbl 1077.68610 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 4 2002 Flow logic for Dolev-Yao secrecy in cryptographic processes. Zbl 1046.68048 Bodei, C.; Degano, P.; Nielson, F.; Riis Nielson, H. 4 2002 Cryptographic analysis in cubic time. Zbl 1268.94029 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Seidl, Helmut 3 2002 Static analysis for the \(\pi\)-calculus with applications to security. Zbl 1007.68118 Bodei, Chiara; Degano, Pierpaolo; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 22 2001 Control-flow analysis in cubic time. Zbl 0977.68520 Nielson, Flemming; Seidl, Helmut 11 2001 Static analysis for secrecy and non-interference in networks of processes. Zbl 1005.68064 Bodei, C.; Degano, P.; Nielson, F.; Nielson, H. Riis 11 2001 Shape analysis for mobile ambients. Zbl 0985.68039 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 3 2001 Kleene’s Logic with equality. Zbl 1032.68100 Nielson, F.; Riis Nielson, H.; Sagiv, M. 1 2001 Security analysis using flow logics. Zbl 1056.68083 Bodei, Chiara; Degano, Pierpaolo; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 1 2001 Shape analysis for mobile ambients. Zbl 1323.68414 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 12 2000 A Kleene analysis of mobile ambients. Zbl 0971.68579 Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne; Sagiv, Mooly 5 2000 Principles of program analysis. Zbl 0932.68013 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Hankin, Chris 131 1999 Abstract interpretation of mobile ambients. Zbl 0957.68079 Hansen, René Rydhof; Jensen, Jacob Grydholt; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 16 1999 Strictness and totality analysis. Zbl 0941.68021 Solberg Gasser, Kirsten Lackner; Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 7 1998 Flow logic and operational semantics. Zbl 0925.68293 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 7 1997 Type and behavior reconstruction for higher-order concurrent programs. Zbl 0881.68034 Amtoft, Torben; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 6 1997 Systematic realisation of control flow analyses for CML. Zbl 1369.68097 Gasser, Kirsten L. Solberg; Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 4 1997 From CML to its process algebra. Zbl 0873.68131 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 5 1996 LOMAPS. Logical and operational methods in the analysis of programs and systems. Zbl 1030.68561 Nielson, Flemming 3 1996 Operational semantics of termination types. Zbl 0856.68095 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 1996 Static and dynamic processor allocation for higher-order concurrent languages. Zbl 1496.68113 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 1995 The tensor product in Wadler’s analysis of lists. Zbl 0810.68092 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 2 1994 Constraints for polymorphic behaviours of concurrent ML. Zbl 1495.68028 Nielson, Flemming; Riis Nielson, Hanne 1 1994 Semantics with applications. A formal introduction. Zbl 0875.68626 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 34 1992 Two-level functional languages. Zbl 0763.68023 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 16 1992 Bounded fixed-point iteration. Zbl 0783.68075 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 3 1992 Using transformations in the implementation of higher-order functions. Zbl 0941.68543 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 1991 Functional completeness of the mixed \(\lambda\)-calculus and combinatory logic. Zbl 0714.03014 Nielson, Hanne Riis; Nielson, Flemming 1 1990 Two-level semantics and abstract interpretation. Zbl 0696.68093 Nielson, Flemming 15 1989 Two-level semantics and code generation. Zbl 0632.68007 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne Riis 15 1988 Strictness analysis and denotational abstract interpretation. Zbl 0636.68018 Nielson, Flemming 10 1988 Automatic binding time analysis for a typed \(\lambda\)-calculus. Zbl 0653.03008 Nielson, Hanne R.; Nielson, Flemming 9 1988 Tensor products generalize the relational data flow analysis method. Zbl 0587.68007 Nielson, F. 8 1986 Abstract interpretation of denotational definitions. (A survey). Zbl 0589.68008 Nielson, Flemming 6 1986 Correctness of code generation from a two-level meta-language. Zbl 0589.68012 Nielson, Flemming 4 1986 Expected forms of data flow analysis. Zbl 0585.68040 Nielson, Flemming 3 1986 Pragmatic aspects of two-level denotational meta-languages. Zbl 0587.68004 Nielson, Hanne R.; Nielson, Flemming 3 1986 Code generation from two-level denotational meta-languages. Zbl 0585.68012 Nielson, Flemming; Nielson, Hanne R. 2 1986 A bibliography on abstract interpretation. Zbl 1022.68500 Nielson, Flemming 1 1986 Program transformations in a denotational setting. Zbl 0566.68013 Nielson, Flemming 12 1985 Strong abstract interpretation using power domains (extended abstract). Zbl 0516.68012 Mycroft, A.; Nielson, F. 11 1983 A denotational framework for data flow analysis. Zbl 0479.68012 Nielson, Flemming 10 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 636 Authors 37 Nielson, Flemming 29 Riis Nielson, Hanne 15 Bodei, Chiara 10 Gori, Roberta 9 Di Pierro, Alessandra 9 Wiklicky, Herbert 8 Cortesi, Agostino 8 Hankin, Chris L. 8 Levi, Francesca 7 Degano, Pierpaolo 6 Danvy, Olivier 6 Focardi, Riccardo 6 Seidl, Helmut 5 Giacobazzi, Roberto 5 Hansen, René Rydhof 5 Hermenegildo, Manuel V. 5 Pilegaard, Henrik 5 Ranzato, Francesco 5 Reps, Thomas W. 5 Schmidt, David A. 5 Taha, Walid 4 Albert, Elvira 4 Brodo, Linda 4 Coppo, Mario 4 Cruz-Filipe, Luís 4 Ferrari, Gian Luigi 4 Gallagher, John P. 4 Kiefer, Stefan 4 Kobayashi, Naoki 4 Křetínský, Jan 4 Larsen, Kim Guldstrand 4 Li, Ximeng 4 Mastroeni, Isabella 4 Montesi, Fabrizio 4 Piazza, Carla 4 Pugliese, Rosario 4 Srba, Jiří 4 Zhang, Lijun 3 Arceri, Vincenzo 3 Bernardo, Marco 3 Braghin, Chiara 3 De Nicola, Rocco 3 Esparza, Javier 3 Genaim, Samir 3 Gordon, Andrew D. 3 Katoen, Joost-Pieter 3 Katsumata, Shin-ya 3 Klemen, Maximiliano 3 König, Barbara 3 Lluch Lafuente, Alberto 3 López-García, Pedro 3 Loreti, Michele 3 Luttenberger, Michael 3 Peressotti, Marco 3 Pichardie, David 3 Priami, Corrado 3 Reuß, Andreas 3 Sagiv, Mooly 3 Schmidt-Schauß, Manfred 3 Uustalu, Tarmo 3 VanHorn, David A. 3 Xu, Ming 2 Amtoft, Torben 2 Aziz, Benjamin 2 Baldan, Paolo 2 Barthe, Gilles 2 Bauer, Jörg 2 Beneš, Nikola 2 Beyer, Dirk 2 Blanchet, Bruno 2 Bruni, Roberto 2 Bruse, Florian 2 Burn, Geoffrey L. 2 Cardelli, Luca 2 Carro, Manuel 2 Charlton, Nathaniel 2 Chiarugi, Davide 2 Chin, Wei-Ngan 2 Damian, Daniel 2 Damiani, Ferruccio 2 De Giacomo, Giuseppe 2 del Mar Gallardo, María 2 Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola 2 Douence, Rémi 2 Eisentraut, Julia 2 El-Zawawy, Mohamed A. 2 Feng, Yuan 2 Ferrara, Pietro 2 Foster, Jeffrey S. 2 Fradet, Pascal 2 Gao, Han 2 Ghelli, Giorgio 2 Giannini, Paola 2 Gorla, Daniele 2 Guan, Yong 2 Hage, Jurriaan 2 Hamilton, Geoff W. 2 Hannan, John 2 Hermanns, Holger 2 Hermith, Diana ...and 536 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 46 Serials 43 Theoretical Computer Science 24 Information and Computation 16 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 11 Acta Informatica 10 Journal of Functional Programming 10 Computer Languages, Systems & Structures 9 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 7 Science of Computer Programming 7 Journal of Automated Reasoning 7 Formal Aspects of Computing 7 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 6 Information Processing Letters 6 Formal Methods in System Design 6 Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation 6 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 5 Logical Methods in Computer Science 4 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 2 International Journal of General Systems 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 1 Computing 1 Information Sciences 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 New Generation Computing 1 Algorithmica 1 International Journal of Parallel Programming 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 Real-Time Systems 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Computer Science Journal of Moldova 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Journal of the ACM 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 Foundations of Science 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Informatica 1 Central European Journal of Computer Science 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences all top 5 Cited in 21 Fields 383 Computer science (68-XX) 44 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 13 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 11 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 11 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 9 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year