Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Novotný, Jiří Co-Author Distance Author ID: novotny.jiri Published as: Novotný, Jiří; Novotny, Jiri; Novotný, Jirí; Novotný, Jiŕǐ; Novotný, J. more...less Documents Indexed: 27 Publications since 1959 Co-Authors: 9 Co-Authors with 10 Joint Publications 102 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 14 single-authored 5 Kampf, Karol 4 Trnka, Jaroslav 2 Novotný, Miroslav 2 Vaško, Petr 1 Cheung, Clifford 1 Drahoňovský, Zbyněk 1 Kadavy, Tomas 1 Meier, Hans-Jörg 1 Pisl, Milan 1 Přeučil, Filip 1 Schnabl, Martin 1 Shen, Chia-Hsien all top 5 Serials 6 Journal of High Energy Physics 2 Mathematica Slovaca 2 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Series IV 2 Knižnice Odborných a Vědeckých SpisůVysokého UčeníTechnického v Brně. B 1 Modern Physics Letters A 1 International Journal of Modern Physics A 1 Fortschritte der Physik 1 Časopis Pro Pěstování Matematiky 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Sbornik Vysokeho Učeni Technickeho v Brně 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Pokroky Matematiky, Fyziky & Astronomie 1 Discussiones Mathematicae. Algebra and Stochastic Methods 1 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 1 The European Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields all top 5 Fields 11 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 14 Publications have been cited 160 times in 126 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A periodic table of effective field theories. Zbl 1377.81123 Cheung, Clifford; Kampf, Karol; Novotny, Jiri; Shen, Chia-Hsien; Trnka, Jaroslav 83 2017 Tree-level amplitudes in the nonlinear sigma model. Zbl 1392.81139 Kampf, Karol; Novotný, Jirí; Trnka, Jaroslav 53 2013 On different Lagrangian formalisms for vector resonances within chiral perturbation theory. Zbl 1191.81152 Kampf, K.; Novotný, J.; Trnka, J. 9 2007 Notes on the algebraic approach to dependence in information systems. Zbl 0762.68058 Novotný, Jiří; Novotný, Miroslav 4 1992 Point-splitting regularization of composite operators and anomalies. Zbl 0988.81080 Novotný, J.; Schnabl, M. 3 2000 Special Galileon at one loop. Zbl 1429.81051 Přeučil, Filip; Novotný, Jiří 3 2019 Cardinal arithmetic of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0616.08012 Novotný, Jiří 2 1986 Groupoids and cyclic monounary algebras. Zbl 0921.08003 Novotný, Jiŕǐ 2 1998 On the characterization of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0734.08003 Novotný, Jiří 1 1990 The category of Pawlak machines. Zbl 0574.68047 Novotný, Jiří 1 1982 Morphisms of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0659.08004 Novotný, Jiří 1 1988 On dependence in Wille’s contexts. Zbl 0781.68106 Novotný, Jiří; Novotný, Miroslav 1 1993 On the generally invariant theories of gravitation. Zbl 0634.53062 Novotný, J. 1 1988 One-loop topological mass in \(\text{QED}_{2+1}\) within a broad class of gauge invariant regularization schemes. Zbl 1021.81685 Novotný, J. 1 1992 Special Galileon at one loop. Zbl 1429.81051 Přeučil, Filip; Novotný, Jiří 3 2019 A periodic table of effective field theories. Zbl 1377.81123 Cheung, Clifford; Kampf, Karol; Novotny, Jiri; Shen, Chia-Hsien; Trnka, Jaroslav 83 2017 Tree-level amplitudes in the nonlinear sigma model. Zbl 1392.81139 Kampf, Karol; Novotný, Jirí; Trnka, Jaroslav 53 2013 On different Lagrangian formalisms for vector resonances within chiral perturbation theory. Zbl 1191.81152 Kampf, K.; Novotný, J.; Trnka, J. 9 2007 Point-splitting regularization of composite operators and anomalies. Zbl 0988.81080 Novotný, J.; Schnabl, M. 3 2000 Groupoids and cyclic monounary algebras. Zbl 0921.08003 Novotný, Jiŕǐ 2 1998 On dependence in Wille’s contexts. Zbl 0781.68106 Novotný, Jiří; Novotný, Miroslav 1 1993 Notes on the algebraic approach to dependence in information systems. Zbl 0762.68058 Novotný, Jiří; Novotný, Miroslav 4 1992 One-loop topological mass in \(\text{QED}_{2+1}\) within a broad class of gauge invariant regularization schemes. Zbl 1021.81685 Novotný, J. 1 1992 On the characterization of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0734.08003 Novotný, Jiří 1 1990 Morphisms of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0659.08004 Novotný, Jiří 1 1988 On the generally invariant theories of gravitation. Zbl 0634.53062 Novotný, J. 1 1988 Cardinal arithmetic of a certain class of monounary algebras. Zbl 0616.08012 Novotný, Jiří 2 1986 The category of Pawlak machines. Zbl 0574.68047 Novotný, Jiří 1 1982 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 178 Authors 9 Cheung, Clifford 8 Sen, Ashoke 7 Hinterbichler, Kurt 7 Novotný, Jiří 6 Kampf, Karol 6 Stefanyszyn, David 5 Bijnens, Johan 5 Elvang, Henriette 5 Joyce, Austin 5 Trnka, Jaroslav 5 Wen, Congkao 4 Bonifacio, James 4 Brauner, Tomáš 4 Carrasco, John Joseph M. 4 Hadjiantonis, Marios 4 Helset, Andreas 4 Jones, Callum R. T. 4 Low, Ian 4 Mafra, Carlos R. 4 Paranjape, Shruti 4 Parra-Martinez, Julio 4 Roest, Diederik 4 Sahoo, Biswajit 4 Schlotterer, Oliver 4 Shen, Chia-Hsien 4 Yin, Zhewei 3 Cachazo, Freddy 3 Du, Yi-Jian 3 Jakubíková-Studenovská, Danica 3 Laddha, Alok 3 Mangan, James 3 Melville, Scott 3 Werkman, Pelle 2 Armstrong, Connor 2 Chakrabarti, Subhroneel 2 Chen, Gang 2 de Gracia, G. B. 2 Derda, Maria 2 Di Vecchia, Paolo 2 Gomez, Humberto 2 He, Song 2 Huang, Yu-Tin 2 Johnson, Laura A. 2 Kashyap, Sitender Pratap 2 Li, Zhizhong 2 Lipstein, Arthur E. 2 Marotta, Raffaele 2 Mei, Jiajie 2 Mizera, Sebastian 2 Mojahed, Martin A. 2 Mojaza, Matin 2 Nepveu, Jasper Roosmale 2 Pajer, Enrico 2 Pavao, Nicolas H. 2 Remmen, Grant N. 2 Rosen, Rachel A. 2 Shu, Jing 2 Steinwachs, Christian Friedrich 2 Verma, Mritunjay 2 Zhang, Shunqing 1 Baratella, Pietro 1 Benincasa, Paolo 1 Bern, Zvi 1 Bertuzzo, Enrico 1 Bhatkar, Sayali Atul 1 Bittermann, Noah 1 Blauvelt, Erin 1 Bogers, Mark P. 1 Bonnefoy, Quentin 1 Cao, Weiguang 1 Carballo-Rubio, Raúl 1 Carrillo-González, Mariana 1 Cha, Peter 1 Chiodaroli, Marco 1 Conde, Eduardo 1 Corcella, Gennaro 1 Davis, Anne-Christine 1 De Angelis, Stefano 1 de Neeling, Dijs 1 De Rham, Claudia 1 Di Filippo, Francesco 1 Dong, Jin 1 Du, Zong-Zhe 1 Düntsch, Ivo 1 Durieux, Gauthier 1 Early, Nicholas 1 Edison, Alex 1 Engelbrecht, Laura 1 Falkowski, Adam 1 Farnsworth, Kara 1 Fernandez, Clara 1 Fu, Chih-Hao 1 Gabai, Barak 1 Gediga, Günther 1 Ghorbani, Karim 1 Goon, Garrett 1 Grall, Tanguy 1 Grojean, Christophe 1 Gudnason, Sven Bjarke 1 Guerrieri, Andrea L. ...and 78 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 13 Serials 100 Journal of High Energy Physics 5 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 4 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Physics Letters. B 2 International Journal of Modern Physics A 2 Nuclear Physics. B 2 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 2 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Computer Physics Communications 1 Physics Reports 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematical Social Sciences 1 Soft Computing all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 114 Quantum theory (81-XX) 59 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) Citations by Year