Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Obradović, Milutin Co-Author Distance Author ID: obradovic.milutin Published as: Obradović, Milutin; Obradović, M.; Obradovic, Milutin; Obradovi’{c}, Milutin; Obradovic, M. more...less External Links: MGP Documents Indexed: 172 Publications since 1983, including 14 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Co-Authors: 38 Co-Authors with 139 Joint Publications 1,389 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 27 single-authored 50 Owa, Shigeyoshi 38 Ponnusamy, Saminathan 38 Tuneski, Nikola 8 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal 8 Wirths, Karl-Joachim 6 Nunokawa, Mamoru 4 Peng, Zhigang 4 Sekine, Tadayuki 4 Vasundhra, P. 3 Ali, Rosihan Mohamed 3 Lee, Sang Keun 3 Pascu, Nicolae N. 3 Saitoh, Hitoshi 3 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 3 Zaprawa, Paweł 2 Fukui, Seiichi 2 Nikić, Milojub 2 Radomir, Irinel 2 Singh, Vikramaditya 1 Alarifi, Najla M. 1 Arandjelović, V. 1 Baricz, Árpád 1 Barnard, Roger W. 1 Bharanedhar, Vaidhyanathan 1 Bulboacă, Teodor 1 Cho, Nak Eun 1 Ikeda, Akira 1 Kanas, Stanisława R. 1 Koike, Naoya 1 Lee, See Keong 1 Micic, Vladimir P. 1 Milutinović, N. 1 Moldoveanu, Silvia 1 Naik, Swatee 1 Ogawa, Shotaro 1 Pascu, S. S. 1 Răducanu, Dorina 1 Rodić, R. 1 Sang Keun Lee 1 Shigeyoshi, Owa 1 Thomas, Derek Keith 1 Todorov, Pavel Georgiev 1 Yaguchi, Teruo all top 5 Serials 14 Matematički Vesnik 8 Filomat 7 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Mathematica Japonica 4 Mathematische Nachrichten 4 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 4 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 4 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 4 Zbornik Radova Filozofskog Fakulteta u Nisu. Serija Matematika 4 The Journal of Analysis 4 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica 3 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Mathematica Montisnigri 3 Analysis (München) 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 2 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège 2 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematica Slovaca 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Siberian Mathematical Journal 2 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Mathematica 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Chinese Journal of Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Kodai Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Yokohama Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of the Faculty of Science and Technology 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Gaṇita Sandesh 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Panamerican Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 1 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii Nauk 1 Serdica 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Matematyka 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 RIMS Kokyuroku 1 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIS) 1 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 1 Armenian Journal of Mathematics 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Classical Analysis 1 Advances in Mathematics. Scientific Journal 1 Mathematica Pannonica. New Series 1 Researches in Mathematics Fields 171 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 91 Publications have been cited 634 times in 360 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ New criteria and distortion theorems for univalent functions. Zbl 1023.30015 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 38 2001 Geometric studies on the class \(\mathcal U(\lambda)\). Zbl 1348.30009 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 31 2016 Coefficient characterizations and sections for some univalent functions. Zbl 1283.30047 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 31 2013 On certain properties for some classes of starlike functions. Zbl 0707.30009 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 30 1990 Univalence and starlikeness of certain transforms defined by convolution of analytic functions. Zbl 1123.30006 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 28 2007 Logarithmic coefficients and a coefficient conjecture for univalent functions. Zbl 1400.30027 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 28 2018 A class of univalent functions. Zbl 0908.30009 Obradović, Milutin 25 1998 One criterion for univalency. Zbl 0672.30022 Nunokawa, Mamoru; Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 24 1989 Third Hankel determinant for univalent starlike functions. Zbl 1461.30048 Zaprawa, Paweł; Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 22 2021 Univalency, starlikeness and convexity applied to certain classes of rational functions. Zbl 1010.30011 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Singh, V.; Vasundhra, P. 18 2002 On the starlike criteria defined by Silverman. Zbl 0999.30016 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 18 2000 On some results for starlike functions of complex order. Zbl 0701.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Aouf, M. K.; Owa, Shigeyoshi 15 1989 Simple sufficient conditions for univalence. Zbl 0992.30005 Obradović, Milutin 14 1997 Some properties of the class \(\mathcal{U}\). Zbl 1433.30042 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 13 2019 A proof of Yamashita’s conjecture on area integral. Zbl 1283.30031 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 12 2013 Injectivity and starlikeness of sections of a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1320.30031 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 12 2013 Radius properties for subclasses of univalent functions. Zbl 1121.30010 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 11 2005 Product of univalent functions. Zbl 1305.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 11 2013 Coefficient characterization for certain classes of univalent functions. Zbl 1175.30016 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 11 2009 Radius of univalence of certain combination of univalent and analytic functions. Zbl 1246.30028 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Tuneski, N. 10 2012 Starlikeness and certain class of rational functions. Zbl 0845.30005 Obradović, Milutin 10 1995 On certain classes of strongly starlike functions. Zbl 0917.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Joshi, Santosh B. 10 1998 Integral means and Dirichlet integral for analytic functions. Zbl 1309.30019 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, S.; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 9 2015 On certain subclasses of univalent functions and radius properties. Zbl 1199.30089 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 9 2009 Hankel determinants of second and third order for the class \(\mathcal{S}\) of univalent functions. Zbl 1482.30048 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 9 2021 Some sufficient conditions for strongly starlikeness. Zbl 0980.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 8 2000 A note on certain classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0842.30009 Jovanović, Ivan; Obradović, Milutin 7 1995 Certain subclasses of Bazilevich functions of type \(\alpha\). Zbl 0605.30011 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin 7 1986 On certain inequalities for some regular functions in \(| z| <1\). Zbl 0598.30024 Obradović, Milutin 7 1985 An application on differential subordinations and some criteria for univalency. Zbl 0721.30013 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin 6 1990 Partial sums and the radius problem for some class of conformal mappings. Zbl 1218.30044 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 6 2011 A class of univalent functions defined by a differential inequality. Zbl 1230.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 6 2011 Sufficient conditions for starlikeness. Zbl 1042.30502 Nunokawa, M.; Owa, S.; Lee, S. K.; Obradović, M.; Aouf, M. K.; Saitoh, H.; Ikeda, A.; Koike, N. 6 1996 On relations between the classes \(\mathcal {S}\) and \(\mathcal {U}\). Zbl 1362.30017 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 5 2016 Starlikeness of sections of univalent functions. Zbl 1298.30012 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 5 2014 A criterion for starlikeness. Zbl 0676.30009 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 5 1989 Certain classes of analytic functions of complex order and type beta. Zbl 0764.30009 Aouf, M. K.; Owa, S.; Obradović, M. 5 1991 Radius of univalence of certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1494.30037 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 5 2013 On some conditions for univalence and starlikeness in the unit disc. Zbl 0772.30013 Obradović, M.; Yaguchi, T.; Saitoh, H. 5 1992 Criteria for univalent functions in the unit disk. Zbl 1269.30016 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 5 2013 Hermitian Toeplitz determinants for the class \(\mathcal{S}\) of univalent functions. Zbl 1502.30057 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 5 2021 The estimate of the difference of initial successive coefficients of univalent functions. Zbl 1433.30046 Peng, Zhigang; Obradović, Milutin 4 2019 Where is \(f (z) / f'(z)\) univalent? Zbl 1336.30018 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 4 2014 On some classes of close-to-convex functions and its applications. Zbl 0663.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 4 1988 Some properties of certain expressions of analytic functions. Zbl 1236.30017 Tuneski, Nikola; Obradović, Milutin 4 2011 The radius of univalence of the reciprocal of a product of two analytic functions. Zbl 1375.30013 Baricz, Árpád; Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 4 2013 Sharp bounds for initial coefficients and the second Hankel determinant. Zbl 1456.30028 Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Obradovi’{c}, Milutin 4 2020 A class of univalent functions. Zbl 0868.30013 Obradović, M.; Pascu, N. N.; Radomir, I. 3 1996 A class of univalent functions. II. Zbl 0938.30008 Obradović, Milutin 3 1999 On harmonic combination of univalent functions. Zbl 1254.30019 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 3 2012 Some new results for certain classes of univalent functions. Zbl 1393.30017 Obradović, M.; Peng, Z. 3 2018 Notes on certain subclass of analytic functions introduced by Salagean. Zbl 0623.30013 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin; Lee, Sang Keun 2 1986 Necessary and sufficient conditions for univalent functions. Zbl 1269.30010 Ali, Rosihan M.; Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2013 Univalence of quotient of analytic functions. Zbl 1338.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 2 2014 On some criterions for starlikeness of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 0679.30009 Obradović, M.; Owa, S. 2 1988 Univalence and starlikeness of nonlinear integral transform of certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1182.30017 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Vasundhra, P. 2 2009 A class of univalent functions with real coefficients. Zbl 1436.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2020 Two parameter families of close-to-convex functions and convolution theorems. Zbl 1069.30015 Barnard, R. W.; Naik, S.; Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2004 Coefficient inequalities for univalent starlike functions. Zbl 1324.30029 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 2 2013 Univalence, strong starlikeness and integral transforms. Zbl 1084.30014 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Vasundhra, P. 2 2005 Univalence of the average of two analytic functions. Zbl 1291.30092 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2012 Ruscheweyh derivatives and some classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0991.30500 Obradović, Milutin 2 1992 On some results for \(\lambda\)-spiral functions of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 0605.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 2 1986 Some theorems on subordination by univalent functions. Zbl 0591.30010 Obradović, Milutin 2 1985 Improved upper bound of third order Hankel determinant for Ozaki close-to-convex functions. Zbl 1499.30139 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2021 On a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1251.30023 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2012 Coefficients of the inverse of functions for the subclass of the class \(\mathcal{U} (\lambda)\). Zbl 1483.30045 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2022 New results for a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1499.30148 Peng, Zhigang; Obradović, Milutin 2 2019 Hankel determinant of second order for some classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1499.30138 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2021 Hankel determinant for a class of analytic functions. Zbl 1433.30041 Obradovic, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2019 On certain properies of a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1274.30057 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 1999 On certain analytic functions and subordinations. Zbl 0713.30021 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin; Nunokawa, Mamoru 1 1990 A note on a certain subclass of close-to-convex functions. Zbl 0716.30005 Srivastava, H. M.; Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin 1 1988 On certain inequalities of integral type for some regular functions. Zbl 0617.30015 Obradović, Milutin 1 1986 An application of Miller and Mocanu’s result. Zbl 0662.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 1 1987 A property of the class of functions whose derivative has a positive real part. Zbl 0686.30018 Obradović, Milutin 1 1989 Disk of univalence of the ratio of two analytic functions. Zbl 1318.30032 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 1 2015 Univalency and convolution results associated with confluent hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1183.30010 Obradovic, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 1 2009 Coefficient criteria for univalent and close-to-convex functions. Zbl 1446.30018 Bharanedhar, Vaidhyanathan; Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 1 2013 Analytic functions of non-Bazilevič type and starlikeness. Zbl 0998.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 1 2001 On two classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0996.30009 Obradović, Milutin 1 1999 An application of convolution properties to univalence in the unit disc. Zbl 0899.30013 Obradovic, Milutin; Nunokawa, Mamoru 1 1997 On certain sufficient conditions for starlikeness and convexity. Zbl 0909.30010 Obradović, M.; Joshi, S. B.; Jovanović, I. 1 1998 Univalence of a certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1274.30056 Obradović, Milutin 1 2000 Some results on Bazilevič functions. Zbl 0574.30012 Obradović, M. 1 1985 Estimates of the real part of f(z)/z for some classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0572.30013 Obradović, M. 1 1984 Sharp bounds of the third Hankel determinant for classes of univalent functions with bounded turning. Zbl 1513.30071 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola; Zaprawa, Paweł 1 2022 Certain properties of the class of univalent functions with real coefficients. Zbl 1527.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2023 The third logarithmic coefficient for the class \(\mathcal{S}\). Zbl 1493.30034 Obradovic, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2020 Two types of the second Hankel determinant for the class \(\mathcal{U}\) and the general class \(\mathcal{S}\). Zbl 1537.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2023 On the initial coefficients for certain class of functions analytic in the unit disc. Zbl 1452.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2020 Certain properties of the class of univalent functions with real coefficients. Zbl 1527.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2023 Two types of the second Hankel determinant for the class \(\mathcal{U}\) and the general class \(\mathcal{S}\). Zbl 1537.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2023 Coefficients of the inverse of functions for the subclass of the class \(\mathcal{U} (\lambda)\). Zbl 1483.30045 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2022 Sharp bounds of the third Hankel determinant for classes of univalent functions with bounded turning. Zbl 1513.30071 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola; Zaprawa, Paweł 1 2022 Third Hankel determinant for univalent starlike functions. Zbl 1461.30048 Zaprawa, Paweł; Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 22 2021 Hankel determinants of second and third order for the class \(\mathcal{S}\) of univalent functions. Zbl 1482.30048 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 9 2021 Hermitian Toeplitz determinants for the class \(\mathcal{S}\) of univalent functions. Zbl 1502.30057 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 5 2021 Improved upper bound of third order Hankel determinant for Ozaki close-to-convex functions. Zbl 1499.30139 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2021 Hankel determinant of second order for some classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1499.30138 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2021 Sharp bounds for initial coefficients and the second Hankel determinant. Zbl 1456.30028 Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Obradovi’{c}, Milutin 4 2020 A class of univalent functions with real coefficients. Zbl 1436.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 2 2020 The third logarithmic coefficient for the class \(\mathcal{S}\). Zbl 1493.30034 Obradovic, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2020 On the initial coefficients for certain class of functions analytic in the unit disc. Zbl 1452.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2020 Some properties of the class \(\mathcal{U}\). Zbl 1433.30042 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 13 2019 The estimate of the difference of initial successive coefficients of univalent functions. Zbl 1433.30046 Peng, Zhigang; Obradović, Milutin 4 2019 New results for a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1499.30148 Peng, Zhigang; Obradović, Milutin 2 2019 Hankel determinant for a class of analytic functions. Zbl 1433.30041 Obradovic, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 2019 Logarithmic coefficients and a coefficient conjecture for univalent functions. Zbl 1400.30027 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 28 2018 Some new results for certain classes of univalent functions. Zbl 1393.30017 Obradović, M.; Peng, Z. 3 2018 Geometric studies on the class \(\mathcal U(\lambda)\). Zbl 1348.30009 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 31 2016 On relations between the classes \(\mathcal {S}\) and \(\mathcal {U}\). Zbl 1362.30017 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 5 2016 Integral means and Dirichlet integral for analytic functions. Zbl 1309.30019 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, S.; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 9 2015 Disk of univalence of the ratio of two analytic functions. Zbl 1318.30032 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 1 2015 Starlikeness of sections of univalent functions. Zbl 1298.30012 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 5 2014 Where is \(f (z) / f'(z)\) univalent? Zbl 1336.30018 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 4 2014 Univalence of quotient of analytic functions. Zbl 1338.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 2 2014 Coefficient characterizations and sections for some univalent functions. Zbl 1283.30047 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 31 2013 A proof of Yamashita’s conjecture on area integral. Zbl 1283.30031 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan; Wirths, Karl-Joachim 12 2013 Injectivity and starlikeness of sections of a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1320.30031 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 12 2013 Product of univalent functions. Zbl 1305.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 11 2013 Radius of univalence of certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1494.30037 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 5 2013 Criteria for univalent functions in the unit disk. Zbl 1269.30016 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 5 2013 The radius of univalence of the reciprocal of a product of two analytic functions. Zbl 1375.30013 Baricz, Árpád; Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 4 2013 Necessary and sufficient conditions for univalent functions. Zbl 1269.30010 Ali, Rosihan M.; Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2013 Coefficient inequalities for univalent starlike functions. Zbl 1324.30029 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 2 2013 Coefficient criteria for univalent and close-to-convex functions. Zbl 1446.30018 Bharanedhar, Vaidhyanathan; Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 1 2013 Radius of univalence of certain combination of univalent and analytic functions. Zbl 1246.30028 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Tuneski, N. 10 2012 On harmonic combination of univalent functions. Zbl 1254.30019 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 3 2012 Univalence of the average of two analytic functions. Zbl 1291.30092 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2012 On a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1251.30023 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2012 Partial sums and the radius problem for some class of conformal mappings. Zbl 1218.30044 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 6 2011 A class of univalent functions defined by a differential inequality. Zbl 1230.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Ponnusamy, Saminathan 6 2011 Some properties of certain expressions of analytic functions. Zbl 1236.30017 Tuneski, Nikola; Obradović, Milutin 4 2011 Coefficient characterization for certain classes of univalent functions. Zbl 1175.30016 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 11 2009 On certain subclasses of univalent functions and radius properties. Zbl 1199.30089 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 9 2009 Univalence and starlikeness of nonlinear integral transform of certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1182.30017 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Vasundhra, P. 2 2009 Univalency and convolution results associated with confluent hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1183.30010 Obradovic, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 1 2009 Univalence and starlikeness of certain transforms defined by convolution of analytic functions. Zbl 1123.30006 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 28 2007 Radius properties for subclasses of univalent functions. Zbl 1121.30010 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 11 2005 Univalence, strong starlikeness and integral transforms. Zbl 1084.30014 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Vasundhra, P. 2 2005 Two parameter families of close-to-convex functions and convolution theorems. Zbl 1069.30015 Barnard, R. W.; Naik, S.; Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 2 2004 Univalency, starlikeness and convexity applied to certain classes of rational functions. Zbl 1010.30011 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S.; Singh, V.; Vasundhra, P. 18 2002 New criteria and distortion theorems for univalent functions. Zbl 1023.30015 Obradović, M.; Ponnusamy, S. 38 2001 Analytic functions of non-Bazilevič type and starlikeness. Zbl 0998.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 1 2001 On the starlike criteria defined by Silverman. Zbl 0999.30016 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 18 2000 Some sufficient conditions for strongly starlikeness. Zbl 0980.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 8 2000 Univalence of a certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1274.30056 Obradović, Milutin 1 2000 A class of univalent functions. II. Zbl 0938.30008 Obradović, Milutin 3 1999 On certain properies of a class of univalent functions. Zbl 1274.30057 Obradović, Milutin; Tuneski, Nikola 1 1999 On two classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0996.30009 Obradović, Milutin 1 1999 A class of univalent functions. Zbl 0908.30009 Obradović, Milutin 25 1998 On certain classes of strongly starlike functions. Zbl 0917.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Joshi, Santosh B. 10 1998 On certain sufficient conditions for starlikeness and convexity. Zbl 0909.30010 Obradović, M.; Joshi, S. B.; Jovanović, I. 1 1998 Simple sufficient conditions for univalence. Zbl 0992.30005 Obradović, Milutin 14 1997 An application of convolution properties to univalence in the unit disc. Zbl 0899.30013 Obradovic, Milutin; Nunokawa, Mamoru 1 1997 Sufficient conditions for starlikeness. Zbl 1042.30502 Nunokawa, M.; Owa, S.; Lee, S. K.; Obradović, M.; Aouf, M. K.; Saitoh, H.; Ikeda, A.; Koike, N. 6 1996 A class of univalent functions. Zbl 0868.30013 Obradović, M.; Pascu, N. N.; Radomir, I. 3 1996 Starlikeness and certain class of rational functions. Zbl 0845.30005 Obradović, Milutin 10 1995 A note on certain classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0842.30009 Jovanović, Ivan; Obradović, Milutin 7 1995 On some conditions for univalence and starlikeness in the unit disc. Zbl 0772.30013 Obradović, M.; Yaguchi, T.; Saitoh, H. 5 1992 Ruscheweyh derivatives and some classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0991.30500 Obradović, Milutin 2 1992 Certain classes of analytic functions of complex order and type beta. Zbl 0764.30009 Aouf, M. K.; Owa, S.; Obradović, M. 5 1991 On certain properties for some classes of starlike functions. Zbl 0707.30009 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 30 1990 An application on differential subordinations and some criteria for univalency. Zbl 0721.30013 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin 6 1990 On certain analytic functions and subordinations. Zbl 0713.30021 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin; Nunokawa, Mamoru 1 1990 One criterion for univalency. Zbl 0672.30022 Nunokawa, Mamoru; Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 24 1989 On some results for starlike functions of complex order. Zbl 0701.30011 Obradović, Milutin; Aouf, M. K.; Owa, Shigeyoshi 15 1989 A criterion for starlikeness. Zbl 0676.30009 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 5 1989 A property of the class of functions whose derivative has a positive real part. Zbl 0686.30018 Obradović, Milutin 1 1989 On some classes of close-to-convex functions and its applications. Zbl 0663.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 4 1988 On some criterions for starlikeness of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 0679.30009 Obradović, M.; Owa, S. 2 1988 A note on a certain subclass of close-to-convex functions. Zbl 0716.30005 Srivastava, H. M.; Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin 1 1988 An application of Miller and Mocanu’s result. Zbl 0662.30010 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 1 1987 Certain subclasses of Bazilevich functions of type \(\alpha\). Zbl 0605.30011 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin 7 1986 Notes on certain subclass of analytic functions introduced by Salagean. Zbl 0623.30013 Owa, Shigeyoshi; Obradović, Milutin; Lee, Sang Keun 2 1986 On some results for \(\lambda\)-spiral functions of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 0605.30012 Obradović, Milutin; Owa, Shigeyoshi 2 1986 On certain inequalities of integral type for some regular functions. Zbl 0617.30015 Obradović, Milutin 1 1986 On certain inequalities for some regular functions in \(| z| <1\). Zbl 0598.30024 Obradović, Milutin 7 1985 Some theorems on subordination by univalent functions. Zbl 0591.30010 Obradović, Milutin 2 1985 Some results on Bazilevič functions. Zbl 0574.30012 Obradović, M. 1 1985 Estimates of the real part of f(z)/z for some classes of univalent functions. Zbl 0572.30013 Obradović, M. 1 1984 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 357 Authors 43 Ponnusamy, Saminathan 38 Obradović, Milutin 21 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal 20 Tuneski, Nikola 15 Owa, Shigeyoshi 15 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 15 Wirths, Karl-Joachim 13 Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 11 Bulboacă, Teodor 11 Darus, Maslina 10 Cho, Nak Eun 10 Mostafa, Adela Osman 10 Sokół, Janusz 9 Kumar, Shanmugam Sivaprasad 9 Kumar, Sushil 8 Ali, Rosihan Mohamed 8 Arif, Muhammad 8 Bhowmik, Bappaditya 8 Kargar, Rahim 8 Liu, Jinlin 8 Nunokawa, Mamoru 8 Sivasubramanian, Srikandan 8 Zaprawa, Paweł 7 Lecko, Adam 7 Murugusundaramoorthy, Gangadharan 7 Seoudy, Tamer Mohamed 7 Vasudevarao, Allu 6 Ebadian, Ali 6 Kumar, Virendra 6 Li, Liulan 6 Sahoo, Swadesh Kumar 6 Shanmugam, Tirunelveli Nellaiappan 6 Sharma, Navneet Lal 6 Swaminathan, Anbhu 6 Wang, Zhigang 5 Adegani, Ebrahim Analouei 5 Ali, Md Firoz 5 Arora, Vibhuti 5 El-Ashwah, Rabha Mohamed 5 Ibrahim, Rabha Waell 5 Irmak, Huseyin 5 Jain, Naveen Kumar 5 Parveen, Firdoshi 5 Prajapat, Jugal Kishore 5 Thomas, Derek Keith 4 Khan, Nazar 4 Peng, Zhigang 4 Raza, Mohsan 4 Shi, Lei 4 Wani, Lateef Ahmad 4 Zayed, Hanaa Mousa 3 Alimohammadi, Davood 3 Allu, Vasudevarao 3 Attiya, Adel A. 3 Banga, Shagun 3 Cang, Yi-Ling 3 Chandrashekar, Ramasamy 3 Goyal, Som Prakash 3 Gupta, Sushma 3 Ihsan, Muhammad 3 Kaliraj, Anbareeswaran Sairam 3 Khan, Bilal 3 Kim, Inhwa 3 Kowalczyk, Bogumiła 3 Kumar, K. Sanjay 3 Lee, See Keong 3 Maharana, Sudhananda 3 Noor, Khalida Inayat 3 Patel, Jagannath 3 Rafiq, Ayesha 3 Rath, Biswajit 3 Saitoh, Hitoshi 3 Singh, Sukhjit 3 Sugawa, Toshiyuki 3 Tang, Huo 3 Vamshee Krishna, Deekonda 3 Vasundhra, P. 3 Yang, Dinggong 2 Abbas, Muhammad Mohsin 2 Agrawal, Sarita 2 Ahmad, Qazi Zahoor 2 Alarifi, Najla M. 2 Aldawish, Ibtisam 2 Anastassiou, George Angelos 2 Arjika, Sama 2 Badghaish, Abeer O. 2 Bajamal, Amani Z. 2 Das, Nilanjan 2 Deniz, Erhan 2 Gal, Sorin Gheorghe 2 Ghosh, Nirupam 2 Giri, Surya 2 Gochhayat, Priyabrat 2 Güney, Hatun Özlem 2 Haq, Wasim Ul 2 Iqbal, Naveed H. 2 Jawarneh, Yousef 2 Jeyaraman, M. P. 2 Kumar, Rakesh 2 Lashin, A. Y. ...and 257 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 123 Serials 12 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 12 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 12 Journal of Function Spaces 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 The Journal of Analysis 8 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 7 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 7 Applied Mathematics and Computation 7 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 7 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 7 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 7 Computational Methods and Function Theory 7 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 7 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 7 Afrika Matematika 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Mathematica Slovaca 6 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 6 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Monatshefte für Mathematik 5 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 5 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 5 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 4 Demonstratio Mathematica 4 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Results in Mathematics 4 Siberian Mathematical Journal 4 Filomat 4 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 4 Journal of Classical Analysis 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 3 Forum Mathematicum 3 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 3 Korean Journal of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 2 Honam Mathematical Journal 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 International Journal of Differential Equations 2 Symmetry 2 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 2 AIMS Mathematics 1 Acta Mechanica 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Le Matematiche 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1 Electronic Communications in Probability 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 Analysis (München) 1 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 1 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India. Section A. Physical Sciences 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal ...and 23 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 21 Fields 355 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 13 Potential theory (31-XX) 10 Special functions (33-XX) 7 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year