Author ID: oltra.sandra Recent zbMATH articles by "Oltra, Sandra"
Published as: Oltra, S.; Oltra, Sandra
Documents Indexed: 7 Publications since 2002
Co-Authors: 3 Co-Authors with 7 Joint Publications
150 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

6 Publications have been cited 193 times in 179 Documents Cited by Year
Banach’s fixed point theorem for partial metric spaces. Zbl 1080.54030
Oltra, Sandra; Valero, Oscar
Bicompleting weightable quasi-metric spaces and partial metric spaces. Zbl 1098.54027
Romaguera, S.; Oltra, S.; Sánchez-Pérez, E. A.
The canonical partial metric and the uniform convexity on normed spaces. Zbl 1101.54031
Oltra, S.; Romaguera, S.; Sánchez-Pérez, E. A.
Spaces \(L_2(\lambda)\) of a positive vector measure \(\lambda\) and generalized Fourier coefficients. Zbl 1088.46023
Oltra, S.; Sánchez Pérez, E. A.; Valero, O.
Isometries on quasi-normed cones and bicompletion. Zbl 1061.54019
Oltra, Sandra; Valero, Oscar
Order properties and \(p\)-metrics on Köthe function spaces. Zbl 1098.54026
Oltra, S.; Sánchez Pérez, E. A.
Order properties and \(p\)-metrics on Köthe function spaces. Zbl 1098.54026
Oltra, S.; Sánchez Pérez, E. A.
The canonical partial metric and the uniform convexity on normed spaces. Zbl 1101.54031
Oltra, S.; Romaguera, S.; Sánchez-Pérez, E. A.
Spaces \(L_2(\lambda)\) of a positive vector measure \(\lambda\) and generalized Fourier coefficients. Zbl 1088.46023
Oltra, S.; Sánchez Pérez, E. A.; Valero, O.
Banach’s fixed point theorem for partial metric spaces. Zbl 1080.54030
Oltra, Sandra; Valero, Oscar
Isometries on quasi-normed cones and bicompletion. Zbl 1061.54019
Oltra, Sandra; Valero, Oscar
Bicompleting weightable quasi-metric spaces and partial metric spaces. Zbl 1098.54027
Romaguera, S.; Oltra, S.; Sánchez-Pérez, E. A.
all top 5

Cited by 218 Authors

21 Karapınar, Erdal
16 Radenovic, Stojan
15 Aydi, Hassen Mohamed
15 Valero, Oscar
10 Altun, Ishak
10 Arshad, Muhammad
10 Kadelburg, Zoran
10 Nazam, Muhammad
10 Samet, Bessem
8 Abbas, Mujahid
8 Nashine, Hemant Kumar
7 Shahzad, Naseer
7 Shatanawi, Wasfi A.
6 Vetro, Calogero
5 Abdeljawad, Thabet
5 Alghamdi, Maryam A.
5 Ilić, Dejan B.
5 Imdad, Mohammad
5 Kumam, Poom
5 Nazir, Talat
5 Rakočević, Vladimir
5 Romaguera Bonilla, Salvador
5 Sánchez-Pérez, Enrique Alfonso
5 Vetro, Pasquale
4 Erhan, İnci M.
4 Künzi, Hans-Peter A.
4 Pavlović, Vladimir
4 Saluja, Gurucharan Singh
4 Shukla, Satish
3 Alsulami, Saud Mastour A.
3 Erduran, Ali
3 Gu, Feng
3 Hussain, Nawab
3 Jleli, Mohamed Boussairi
3 Park, Choonkil
3 Parvaneh, Vahid
3 Pasicki, Lech
3 Roshan, Jamal Rezaei
3 Taş, Kenan
3 Turkoglu, Duran
3 Vetro, Francesca
2 Acar, Özlem
2 Ahmad, Abd Ghafur Bin
2 Chen, Chiming
2 Chen, Chunfang
2 Choudhury, Binayak Samadder
2 Ćirić, Ljubomir B.
2 Di Bari, Cristina Maria
2 Fadail, Zaid Mohammed
2 García-Raffi, Luis M.
2 Golubović, Zorana
2 Jaradat, Mohammed M. M.
2 Jiménez Fernández, Eduardo
2 Kishore, Gajula Naveen Venkata
2 Mohammadi, Zahra
2 Mukheimer, Aiman A. S.
2 Mustafa, Zead
2 Nastasi, Antonella
2 Ofoedu, Eric Uwadiegwu
2 Ozturk, Vildan
2 Paesano, Daniela
2 Rao, Koduru Pandu Ranga
2 Sadarangani, Kishin B.
2 Saleh, Hayel N.
2 Schellekens, Michel P.
2 Sintunavarat, Wutiphol
2 Xu, Wenqing
2 Zhu, Chuanxi
1 Abdullahi, Muhammad Sirajo
1 Agarwal, Ravi P.
1 Aghajani, Asadollah
1 Ahmadullah, Md
1 Al-Mezel, Saleh Abdullah Rasheed
1 Aleomraninejad, Seyed Mohammad Ali
1 Alfaqih, Waleed Mohd.
1 Alghamdi, Mohammed Ali
1 Allahyari, Reza
1 Alotaibi, Abdullah M.
1 Alzabut, Jehad O.
1 Ameer, Eskandar
1 Amini-Harandi, Alireza
1 Ansari, Arslan Hojat
1 Arab, Reza
1 Aslam, Muhammad
1 Aygün, Halis
1 Bandyopadhyay, Chaitali
1 Barakat, Mohamed A.
1 Batsari, Umar Yusuf
1 Batul, Samina
1 Beg, Ismat
1 Benchabane, Saadia
1 Berinde, Vasile
1 Bildik, Necdet
1 Biswas, Nityagopal
1 Cerdà-Uguet, M. A.
1 Chandra, Naveen
1 Chauhan, Varsha
1 Cobzaş, Ştefan
1 Daniilidis, Aris
1 Dhivya, P.
...and 118 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 76 Serials

40 Fixed Point Theory and Applications
16 Abstract and Applied Analysis
7 Topology and its Applications
6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
5 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications
4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
3 Applied Mathematics and Computation
3 Applied Mathematics Letters
3 Journal of Inequalities and Applications
3 Mathematica Moravica
3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications
3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM
3 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation
3 International Journal of Analysis
2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal
2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences
2 Filomat
2 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control
2 Journal of Applied Mathematics
2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série
2 TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
2 Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science. JMCS
2 Afrika Matematika
2 Mathematical Sciences
2 Journal of Mathematics
2 Journal of Function Spaces
1 Studia Mathematica
1 Demonstratio Mathematica
1 Gaṇita
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Matematički Vesnik
1 Mathematische Nachrichten
1 Mathematica Slovaca
1 Quaestiones Mathematicae
1 Results in Mathematics
1 Theoretical Computer Science
1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica
1 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society
1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
1 The Journal of Analysis
1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition)
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 Theory of Computing Systems
1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics
1 Positivity
1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
1 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series
1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
1 Thai Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications
1 Advances in Difference Equations
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 Applied General Topology
1 Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal of Mathematical Extension
1 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics
1 Fuzzy Information and Engineering
1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics
1 ISRN Computational Mathematics
1 Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory & Applications
1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation
1 Axioms
1 Chinese Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal of Operators
1 Open Mathematics
1 Cogent Mathematics
1 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences
1 Waves, Wavelets and Fractals. Advanced Analysis
1 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
1 Korean Journal of Mathematics
1 AIMS Mathematics
1 Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal

Citations by Year