Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Orhon, Mehmet Co-Author Distance Author ID: orhon.mehmet Published as: Orhon, Mehmet; Orhon, M. Homepage: https://ceps.unh.edu/person/mehmet-orhon Member of Collective: Honor, R. B. Documents Indexed: 32 Publications since 1969, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 10 Co-Authors with 25 Joint Publications 219 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 13 Kitover, Arkady K. 5 Hadwin, Donald W. 2 Feldman, David Victor 2 Grinberg, Eric Liviu 2 Terzioglu, Tosun 1 Alpay, Safak 1 Blass, Andreas Raphael 1 Duru, Hülya 1 Erkip, Albert Kohen 1 Önder, Huriye all top 5 Serials 8 Positivity 2 Houston Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Doğa. Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Operator Theory 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Karadeniz Technical University. Series of Mathematics-Physics 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France. Supplément. Mémoires all top 5 Fields 21 Operator theory (47-XX) 19 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 19 Publications have been cited 50 times in 25 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Reflexivity and approximate reflexivity for bounded boolean algebras of projections. Zbl 0716.47026 Hadwin, Don; Orhon, Mehmet 7 1989 The ideal center of the dual of a Banach lattice. Zbl 1220.47055 Orhon, Mehmet 7 2010 A noncommutative theory of Bade functionals. Zbl 0752.46031 Hadwin, Don; Orhon, Mehmet 5 1991 Boolean algebras of commuting projections. Zbl 0498.47019 Orhon, Mehmet 5 1983 Reflexivity of Banach \(C(K)\)-modules via the reflexivity of Banach lattices. Zbl 1309.46003 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 4 2014 On the Hahn-Banach theorem for modules over \(C(S)\). Zbl 0181.40102 Orhon, M. 4 1969 Weak sequential completeness in Banach \(C(K)\)-modules of finite multiplicity. Zbl 1384.46005 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 3 2017 Multiplication operators on vector-valued function spaces. Zbl 1280.47044 Duru, Hülya; Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 2 2013 Strong monotonicity of spectral radius of positive operators. Zbl 1372.47049 Hadwin, Donald W.; Kitover, Arkady K.; Orhon, Mehmet 2 2015 Transitive operator algebras on the n-fold direct sum of a cyclic Banach space. Zbl 0701.47024 Önder, Huriye; Orhon, Mehmet 2 1989 Spectrum of weighted composition operators. V: Spectrum and essential spectra of weighted rotation-like operators. Zbl 1491.47019 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2020 Algebras of operators containing a Boolean algebra of projections of finite multiplicity. Zbl 0621.47042 Orhon, Mehmet 1 1987 Dedekind complete and order continuous Banach \(C(K)\)-modules. Zbl 1454.46023 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2019 Diagonal operators on spaces of measurable functions. Zbl 0241.47017 Orhon, M.; Terzioglu, T. 1 1971 Reflexive representations and Banach \(C^*\)-modules. Zbl 0909.47034 Hadwin, Don; Orhon, Mehmet 1 1997 Diagonal operators on spaces of measurable functions. Zbl 0245.47028 Orhon, M.; Terzioglu, T. 1 1972 Spectrum of weighted composition operators. VI: Essential spectra of \(d\)-endomorphisms of Banach \(C(K)\)-modules. Zbl 1511.47033 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2021 Characterization of Riesz spaces with topologically full center. Zbl 1408.46006 Alpay, Şafak; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2016 The dual Radon-Nikodym property for finitely generated Banach \(C(K)\)-modules. Zbl 1396.46014 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2018 Spectrum of weighted composition operators. VI: Essential spectra of \(d\)-endomorphisms of Banach \(C(K)\)-modules. Zbl 1511.47033 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2021 Spectrum of weighted composition operators. V: Spectrum and essential spectra of weighted rotation-like operators. Zbl 1491.47019 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2020 Dedekind complete and order continuous Banach \(C(K)\)-modules. Zbl 1454.46023 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2019 The dual Radon-Nikodym property for finitely generated Banach \(C(K)\)-modules. Zbl 1396.46014 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2018 Weak sequential completeness in Banach \(C(K)\)-modules of finite multiplicity. Zbl 1384.46005 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 3 2017 Characterization of Riesz spaces with topologically full center. Zbl 1408.46006 Alpay, Şafak; Orhon, Mehmet 1 2016 Strong monotonicity of spectral radius of positive operators. Zbl 1372.47049 Hadwin, Donald W.; Kitover, Arkady K.; Orhon, Mehmet 2 2015 Reflexivity of Banach \(C(K)\)-modules via the reflexivity of Banach lattices. Zbl 1309.46003 Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 4 2014 Multiplication operators on vector-valued function spaces. Zbl 1280.47044 Duru, Hülya; Kitover, Arkady; Orhon, Mehmet 2 2013 The ideal center of the dual of a Banach lattice. Zbl 1220.47055 Orhon, Mehmet 7 2010 Reflexive representations and Banach \(C^*\)-modules. Zbl 0909.47034 Hadwin, Don; Orhon, Mehmet 1 1997 A noncommutative theory of Bade functionals. Zbl 0752.46031 Hadwin, Don; Orhon, Mehmet 5 1991 Reflexivity and approximate reflexivity for bounded boolean algebras of projections. Zbl 0716.47026 Hadwin, Don; Orhon, Mehmet 7 1989 Transitive operator algebras on the n-fold direct sum of a cyclic Banach space. Zbl 0701.47024 Önder, Huriye; Orhon, Mehmet 2 1989 Algebras of operators containing a Boolean algebra of projections of finite multiplicity. Zbl 0621.47042 Orhon, Mehmet 1 1987 Boolean algebras of commuting projections. Zbl 0498.47019 Orhon, Mehmet 5 1983 Diagonal operators on spaces of measurable functions. Zbl 0245.47028 Orhon, M.; Terzioglu, T. 1 1972 Diagonal operators on spaces of measurable functions. Zbl 0241.47017 Orhon, M.; Terzioglu, T. 1 1971 On the Hahn-Banach theorem for modules over \(C(S)\). Zbl 0181.40102 Orhon, M. 4 1969 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 28 Authors 11 Orhon, Mehmet 6 Kitover, Arkady K. 4 Hadwin, Donald W. 2 Gao, Niushan 2 Ricker, Werner Joseph 1 Alpay, Safak 1 Aslantaş, Mustafa 1 Calabuig, José Manuel 1 de Pagter, Bernardus 1 Dong, Xingtang 1 Duru, Hülya 1 Fernández-Unzueta, Maite 1 Filipović, Damir 1 Galaz-Fontes, Fernando 1 Gao, Yongxin 1 Kupper, Michael 1 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 1 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 1 Lindemulder, Nick 1 Nordgren, Eric A. 1 Pliev, Marat Amurkhanovich 1 Sánchez-Pérez, Enrique Alfonso 1 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 1 Terzioglu, Tosun 1 Turan, Bahri 1 Vogelpoth, Nicolas 1 Yousefi, Hassan 1 Zhou, Zehua all top 5 Cited in 14 Serials 7 Positivity 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France. Supplément. Mémoires Cited in 5 Fields 18 Functional analysis (46-XX) 17 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) Citations by Year