Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ōshima, Hideaki Co-Author Distance Author ID: oshima.hideaki Published as: Ōshima, Hideaki; Oshima, Hideaki; Oshima, H.; Ōshima, H. more...less Documents Indexed: 52 Publications since 1973, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 16 Co-Authors with 29 Joint Publications 153 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 23 single-authored 7 Ōshima, Katsumi 5 Morisugi, Kaoru 3 Arkowitz, Martin 3 Hemmi, Yutaka 3 Strom, Jeffrey A. 2 Kono, Akira 2 Sasao, Seiya 2 Tsukiyama, Kouzou 1 Egawa, Tomoki 1 Hirashima, Yasumasa 1 Hubbuck, John R. 1 Maruyama, Ken-ichi 1 Mimura, Mamoru 1 Takahara, Kōji 1 Yagita, Nobuaki 1 Yosimura, Zen-ichi all top 5 Serials 14 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 4 Kodai Mathematical Journal 4 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 3 Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University 3 Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 3 Mathematical Journal of Ibaraki University 2 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 2 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science. Series A. Mathematics 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the Faculty of Science. Section I A 1 Japanese Journal of Mathematics. New Series 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Topology 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Engineering. Shimane University. Series B. Mathematical Science 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Fields 51 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 19 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 24 Publications have been cited 79 times in 44 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Commutativity of the group of self-homotopy classes of Lie groups. Zbl 1041.55009 Kono, Akira; Ōshima, Hideaki 14 2004 Noncommutativity of the group of self homotopy classes of Lie groups. Zbl 1012.55019 Arkowitz, Martin; Ōshima, Hideaki; Strom, Jeffrey 8 2002 Non commutativity of self homotopy groups. Zbl 0982.55007 Ōshima, Hideaki; Yagita, Nobuaki 7 2001 Self homotopy group of the exceptional Lie group \(G_2\). Zbl 1009.55007 Ōshima, Hideaki 6 2000 Self homotopy groups of Hopf spaces with at most three cells. Zbl 0931.55005 Mimura, Mamoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 5 1999 Self homotopy set of a Hopf space. Zbl 0947.55010 Ōshima, Hideaki 5 1999 Some James numbers of Stiefel manifolds. Zbl 0503.57025 Oshima, Hideaki 5 1982 A homotopy group of the symmetric space SO(2n)/U(n). Zbl 0549.57022 Ōshima, Hideaki 4 1984 Samelson products in the exceptional Lie group of rank 2. Zbl 1090.55003 Ōshima, Hideaki 4 2005 Quasi tertiary compositions and a Toda bracket in homotopy groups of SU(3). Zbl 1318.55008 Ōshima, Hideaki; Ōshima, Katsumi 3 2015 On the group of equivariant self equivalences of free actions. Zbl 0622.55005 Ōshima, Hideaki; Tsukiyama, Kouzou 2 1986 On stable homotopy types of some stunted spaces. Zbl 0335.55008 Oshima, Hideaki 2 1976 Homotopy classes of self-maps and induced homomorphisms of homotopy groups. Zbl 1112.55007 Arkowitz, Martin; Ōshima, Hideaki; Strom, Jeffrey 2 2006 Unstable higher Toda brackets. Zbl 1437.55018 Oshima, H.; Oshima, K. 2 2020 A remark on James numbers of Stiefel manifolds. Zbl 0584.55014 Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1984 On stable James numbers of stunted complex or quaternionic projective spaces. Zbl 0414.55010 Oshima, Hideaki 1 1979 On the stable James numbers of complex projective spaces. Zbl 0292.57005 Oshima, Hideaki 1 1974 Projective dimension of complex bordism modules of CW-spectra. II. Zbl 0273.55007 Oshima, Hideaki; Yosimura, Zen-ichi 1 1973 Correction to “Self maps of sphere bundles over spheres”. Zbl 0853.55017 Hemmi, Yutaka; Morisugi, Kaoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1996 Homotopy groups of the spaces of self-maps of Lie groups. Zbl 1148.55002 Maruyama, Ken-Ichi; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 2008 Self maps of sphere bundles over spheres. Zbl 0853.55016 Hemmi, Yutaka; Morisugi, Kaoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1995 On the homotopy group \(\pi_{2n+q}(U(n))\) for \(n\geq 6\). Zbl 0446.57038 Oshima, Hideaki 1 1980 Whitehead products in Stiefel manifolds and Samelson products in classical groups. Zbl 0648.55014 Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1987 Self maps of spaces. Zbl 0904.55002 Hemmi, Yutaka; Morisugi, Kaoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1997 Unstable higher Toda brackets. Zbl 1437.55018 Oshima, H.; Oshima, K. 2 2020 Quasi tertiary compositions and a Toda bracket in homotopy groups of SU(3). Zbl 1318.55008 Ōshima, Hideaki; Ōshima, Katsumi 3 2015 Homotopy groups of the spaces of self-maps of Lie groups. Zbl 1148.55002 Maruyama, Ken-Ichi; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 2008 Homotopy classes of self-maps and induced homomorphisms of homotopy groups. Zbl 1112.55007 Arkowitz, Martin; Ōshima, Hideaki; Strom, Jeffrey 2 2006 Samelson products in the exceptional Lie group of rank 2. Zbl 1090.55003 Ōshima, Hideaki 4 2005 Commutativity of the group of self-homotopy classes of Lie groups. Zbl 1041.55009 Kono, Akira; Ōshima, Hideaki 14 2004 Noncommutativity of the group of self homotopy classes of Lie groups. Zbl 1012.55019 Arkowitz, Martin; Ōshima, Hideaki; Strom, Jeffrey 8 2002 Non commutativity of self homotopy groups. Zbl 0982.55007 Ōshima, Hideaki; Yagita, Nobuaki 7 2001 Self homotopy group of the exceptional Lie group \(G_2\). Zbl 1009.55007 Ōshima, Hideaki 6 2000 Self homotopy groups of Hopf spaces with at most three cells. Zbl 0931.55005 Mimura, Mamoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 5 1999 Self homotopy set of a Hopf space. Zbl 0947.55010 Ōshima, Hideaki 5 1999 Self maps of spaces. Zbl 0904.55002 Hemmi, Yutaka; Morisugi, Kaoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1997 Correction to “Self maps of sphere bundles over spheres”. Zbl 0853.55017 Hemmi, Yutaka; Morisugi, Kaoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1996 Self maps of sphere bundles over spheres. Zbl 0853.55016 Hemmi, Yutaka; Morisugi, Kaoru; Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1995 Whitehead products in Stiefel manifolds and Samelson products in classical groups. Zbl 0648.55014 Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1987 On the group of equivariant self equivalences of free actions. Zbl 0622.55005 Ōshima, Hideaki; Tsukiyama, Kouzou 2 1986 A homotopy group of the symmetric space SO(2n)/U(n). Zbl 0549.57022 Ōshima, Hideaki 4 1984 A remark on James numbers of Stiefel manifolds. Zbl 0584.55014 Ōshima, Hideaki 1 1984 Some James numbers of Stiefel manifolds. Zbl 0503.57025 Oshima, Hideaki 5 1982 On the homotopy group \(\pi_{2n+q}(U(n))\) for \(n\geq 6\). Zbl 0446.57038 Oshima, Hideaki 1 1980 On stable James numbers of stunted complex or quaternionic projective spaces. Zbl 0414.55010 Oshima, Hideaki 1 1979 On stable homotopy types of some stunted spaces. Zbl 0335.55008 Oshima, Hideaki 2 1976 On the stable James numbers of complex projective spaces. Zbl 0292.57005 Oshima, Hideaki 1 1974 Projective dimension of complex bordism modules of CW-spectra. II. Zbl 0273.55007 Oshima, Hideaki; Yosimura, Zen-ichi 1 1973 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 49 Authors 9 Kishimoto, Daisuke 6 Kono, Akira 5 Hamanaka, Hiroaki 4 Ōshima, Hideaki 3 Arkowitz, Martin 3 Morisugi, Kaoru 3 Ohsita, Akihiro 2 Blanc, David Abraham 2 Choi, Howon 2 Kaji, Shizuo 2 Lee, Kee Young 2 Maruyama, Ken-ichi 2 Mohammadi, Sajjad 2 Mukai, Juno 2 Strom, Jeffrey A. 2 Takeda, Masahiro 2 Theriault, Stephen D. 2 Tsutaya, Mitsunobu 1 Abdelal, Mohammed 1 Ashraf, Rehana 1 Basu, Samik 1 Bukhshtaber, Viktor Matveevich 1 Crabb, Michael C. 1 Di Scala, Antonio Jose 1 Hasui, Sho 1 Hideaki, Ōshima 1 Imaoka, Mitsunori 1 Janfada, Ali Sarbaz 1 Johnson, Mark W. 1 Kasuya, Naohiko 1 Kobayashi, Teiichi 1 Lee, Jinho 1 Lundell, Albert T. 1 Miyauchi, Toshiyuki 1 Nagao, Tomoaki 1 Önder, Turgut 1 Oprea, John F. 1 Ōshima, Katsumi 1 Pak, Jingyal 1 Pertici, Donato 1 Schröder, Herbert 1 Sen, Debasis 1 Shin, Hye Seon 1 Tong, Yichen 1 Tosa, Yasunari 1 Turner, James M. 1 Xia, Jianguo 1 Yang, Juxin 1 Zuddas, Daniele all top 5 Cited in 21 Serials 15 Topology and its Applications 4 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 3 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 1 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana all top 5 Cited in 11 Fields 40 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 14 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Citations by Year