Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Palese, Marcella Co-Author Distance Author ID: palese.marcella Published as: Palese, Marcella; Palese, M. External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 59 Publications since 1994, including 11 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 31 Reviews Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 55 Joint Publications 461 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 38 Winterroth, Ekkehart 19 Francaviglia, Mauro 7 Ferraris, Marco 4 Fatibene, Lorenzo 4 Leo, Rosario Antonio 4 Soliani, Giulio 4 Vitolo, Raffaele F. 3 Alfinito, Eleonora 3 Leo, Mario 2 Accornero, Luca 2 Capone, Monica 2 Garruto, Simon 2 Magnano, Guido 2 Mercadante, Silvio 2 Rossi, Olga 1 Borowiec, Andrzej Zdzisław 1 Capozziello, Salvatore 1 Cattafi, Francesco 1 De Laurentis, Mariafelicia F. 1 Garrone, E. 1 Musilová, Jana 1 Zanello, Fabrizio all top 5 Serials 10 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 4 Communications in Mathematics 3 Reports on Mathematical Physics 3 Archivum Mathematicum 3 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Serie VIII. Sezione A. La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications all top 5 Fields 43 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 24 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 10 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 38 Publications have been cited 192 times in 46 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Symmetries in finite order variational sequences. Zbl 1006.58014 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Vitolo, Raffaele 14 2002 Covariant gauge-natural conservation laws. Zbl 1066.58009 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 11 2004 Conservation laws and variational sequences in gauge-natural theories. Zbl 0988.58006 Fatibene, L.; Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M. 11 2001 Variational sequences, representation sequences and applications in physics. Zbl 1347.70043 Palese, Marcella; Rossi, Olga; Winterroth, Ekkehart; Musilová, Jana 10 2016 Local variational problems and conservation laws. Zbl 1233.58002 Ferraris, Marco; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 10 2011 Global generalized Bianchi identities for invariant variational problems on gauge-natural bundles. Zbl 1112.58005 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 9 2005 The relation between the Jacobi morphism and the Hessian in gauge-natural field theories. Zbl 1186.70020 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 9 2007 The Hessian and Jacobi morphisms for higher order calculus of variations. Zbl 1065.58010 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Vitolo, Raffaele 9 2005 Canonical connections in gauge-natural field theories. Zbl 1175.58006 Ferraris, Marco; Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 8 2008 Variationally equivalent problems and variations of Noether currents. Zbl 1271.58008 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 8 2013 Topological obstructions in Lagrangian field theories, with an application to 3D Chern-Simons gauge theory. Zbl 1406.70036 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 7 2017 Second variational derivative of gauge-natural invariant Lagrangians and conservation laws. Zbl 1109.58005 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 6 2005 Variational derivatives in locally Lagrangian field theories and Noether-Bessel-Hagen currents. Zbl 1357.58023 Cattafi, Francesco; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 6 2016 Gauge-natural Noether currents and connection fields. Zbl 1215.58005 Ferraris, Marco; Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 6 2011 Conservation laws for non-global Lagrangians. Zbl 1060.70034 Borowiec, A.; Ferraris, M.; Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M. 6 2003 Nonlinear \((2+1)\)-dimensional field equations from incomplete Lie algebra structures. Zbl 1039.81528 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 6 2002 Generalized Bianchi identities in gauge-natural field theories and the curvature of variational principles. Zbl 1087.58009 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 5 2005 Generalized Jacobi morphisms in variational sequences. Zbl 1028.58022 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella 4 2002 Second order variations in variational sequences. Zbl 0977.58019 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella 4 2001 Lagrangian reductive structures on gauge-natural bundles. Zbl 1168.58003 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 3 2008 Noether identities in Einstein-Dirac theory and the Lie derivative of spinor fields. Zbl 1160.58004 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 3 2008 Higgs fields induced by Yang-Mills type Lagrangians on gauge-natural prolongations of principal bundles. Zbl 1422.81130 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 3 2019 Bäcklund loop algebras for compact and noncompact nonlinear spin models in \(2+1\) dimensions. Zbl 1178.37103 Palese, M. 3 2005 Variational Lie derivative and cohomology classes. Zbl 1276.70012 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 3 2011 On a class of polynomial Lagrangians. Zbl 1002.58003 Palese, Marcella; Vitolo, Raffaele 3 2001 Second variational derivative of local variational problems and conservation laws. Zbl 1265.58008 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart; Garrone, E. 3 2011 Symmetry transformations of extremals and higher conserved quantities: invariant Yang-Mills connections. Zbl 1477.81064 Accornero, Luca; Palese, Marcella 3 2021 Locally variational invariant field equations and global currents: Chern-Simons theories. Zbl 1344.70047 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 3 2012 Erratum to: “Variations by generalized symmetries of local Noether strong currents equivalent to global canonical Noether currents”. Zbl 1408.58006 Palese, Marcella 2 2017 On the geometry of Bäcklund transformations. Zbl 1053.58506 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 2 2003 Algebraic properties of the \(1+1\)-dimensional Heisenberg spin field model. Zbl 0808.35144 Alfinito, E.; Leo, M.; Leo, R. A.; Palese, M.; Soliani, G. 2 1994 Superpotentials in variational sequences. Zbl 0953.58015 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Vitolo, R. 2 1999 Geometric integration by parts and Lepage equivalents. Zbl 1500.53085 Palese, Marcella; Rossi, Olga; Zanello, Fabrizio 2 2022 The Jacobi morphism and the Hessian in higher order field theory; with applications to a Yang-Mills theory on a Minkowskian background. Zbl 07811491 Accornero, Luca; Palese, Marcella 2 2020 A new geometric proposal for the Hamiltonian description of classical field theories. Zbl 1109.70310 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 1 2001 Gauge-natural field theories and Noether theorems: canonical covariant conserved currents. Zbl 1113.58002 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 1 2006 Algebraic and geometrical properties of integrable nonlinear field equations. Zbl 0941.37515 Palese, M.; Alfinito, E.; Leo, M.; Leo, R. A.; Soliani, G. 1 1996 Invariant variational problems and Cartan connections on gauge-natural bundles. Zbl 1440.53117 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 1 2009 Geometric integration by parts and Lepage equivalents. Zbl 1500.53085 Palese, Marcella; Rossi, Olga; Zanello, Fabrizio 2 2022 Symmetry transformations of extremals and higher conserved quantities: invariant Yang-Mills connections. Zbl 1477.81064 Accornero, Luca; Palese, Marcella 3 2021 The Jacobi morphism and the Hessian in higher order field theory; with applications to a Yang-Mills theory on a Minkowskian background. Zbl 07811491 Accornero, Luca; Palese, Marcella 2 2020 Higgs fields induced by Yang-Mills type Lagrangians on gauge-natural prolongations of principal bundles. Zbl 1422.81130 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 3 2019 Topological obstructions in Lagrangian field theories, with an application to 3D Chern-Simons gauge theory. Zbl 1406.70036 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 7 2017 Erratum to: “Variations by generalized symmetries of local Noether strong currents equivalent to global canonical Noether currents”. Zbl 1408.58006 Palese, Marcella 2 2017 Variational sequences, representation sequences and applications in physics. Zbl 1347.70043 Palese, Marcella; Rossi, Olga; Winterroth, Ekkehart; Musilová, Jana 10 2016 Variational derivatives in locally Lagrangian field theories and Noether-Bessel-Hagen currents. Zbl 1357.58023 Cattafi, Francesco; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 6 2016 Variationally equivalent problems and variations of Noether currents. Zbl 1271.58008 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 8 2013 Locally variational invariant field equations and global currents: Chern-Simons theories. Zbl 1344.70047 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 3 2012 Local variational problems and conservation laws. Zbl 1233.58002 Ferraris, Marco; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 10 2011 Gauge-natural Noether currents and connection fields. Zbl 1215.58005 Ferraris, Marco; Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 6 2011 Variational Lie derivative and cohomology classes. Zbl 1276.70012 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 3 2011 Second variational derivative of local variational problems and conservation laws. Zbl 1265.58008 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart; Garrone, E. 3 2011 Invariant variational problems and Cartan connections on gauge-natural bundles. Zbl 1440.53117 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 1 2009 Canonical connections in gauge-natural field theories. Zbl 1175.58006 Ferraris, Marco; Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 8 2008 Lagrangian reductive structures on gauge-natural bundles. Zbl 1168.58003 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 3 2008 Noether identities in Einstein-Dirac theory and the Lie derivative of spinor fields. Zbl 1160.58004 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 3 2008 The relation between the Jacobi morphism and the Hessian in gauge-natural field theories. Zbl 1186.70020 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 9 2007 Gauge-natural field theories and Noether theorems: canonical covariant conserved currents. Zbl 1113.58002 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 1 2006 Global generalized Bianchi identities for invariant variational problems on gauge-natural bundles. Zbl 1112.58005 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 9 2005 The Hessian and Jacobi morphisms for higher order calculus of variations. Zbl 1065.58010 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Vitolo, Raffaele 9 2005 Second variational derivative of gauge-natural invariant Lagrangians and conservation laws. Zbl 1109.58005 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 6 2005 Generalized Bianchi identities in gauge-natural field theories and the curvature of variational principles. Zbl 1087.58009 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 5 2005 Bäcklund loop algebras for compact and noncompact nonlinear spin models in \(2+1\) dimensions. Zbl 1178.37103 Palese, M. 3 2005 Covariant gauge-natural conservation laws. Zbl 1066.58009 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 11 2004 Conservation laws for non-global Lagrangians. Zbl 1060.70034 Borowiec, A.; Ferraris, M.; Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M. 6 2003 On the geometry of Bäcklund transformations. Zbl 1053.58506 Palese, M.; Winterroth, E. 2 2003 Symmetries in finite order variational sequences. Zbl 1006.58014 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Vitolo, Raffaele 14 2002 Nonlinear \((2+1)\)-dimensional field equations from incomplete Lie algebra structures. Zbl 1039.81528 Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 6 2002 Generalized Jacobi morphisms in variational sequences. Zbl 1028.58022 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella 4 2002 Conservation laws and variational sequences in gauge-natural theories. Zbl 0988.58006 Fatibene, L.; Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M. 11 2001 Second order variations in variational sequences. Zbl 0977.58019 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella 4 2001 On a class of polynomial Lagrangians. Zbl 1002.58003 Palese, Marcella; Vitolo, Raffaele 3 2001 A new geometric proposal for the Hamiltonian description of classical field theories. Zbl 1109.70310 Francaviglia, Mauro; Palese, Marcella; Winterroth, Ekkehart 1 2001 Superpotentials in variational sequences. Zbl 0953.58015 Francaviglia, M.; Palese, M.; Vitolo, R. 2 1999 Algebraic and geometrical properties of integrable nonlinear field equations. Zbl 0941.37515 Palese, M.; Alfinito, E.; Leo, M.; Leo, R. A.; Soliani, G. 1 1996 Algebraic properties of the \(1+1\)-dimensional Heisenberg spin field model. Zbl 0808.35144 Alfinito, E.; Leo, M.; Leo, R. A.; Palese, M.; Soliani, G. 2 1994 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 45 Authors 22 Palese, Marcella 16 Winterroth, Ekkehart 7 Francaviglia, Mauro 4 Ferraris, Marco 4 Rossi, Olga 2 Lompay, Robert R. 2 Musilová, Jana 2 Petrov, Alexander N. 2 Urban, Zbyněk 2 Vitolo, Raffaele F. 2 Volná, Jana 2 Yan, Zhaowen 1 Accornero, Luca 1 Capriotti, Santiago 1 Cattafi, Francesco 1 Chiaffredo, Federico 1 Doupovec, Miroslav 1 Fatibene, Lorenzo 1 Hronek, Stanislav 1 Janssens, Bas 1 Janyška, Josef 1 Krupka, Demeter 1 Li, Chuanzhong 1 Li, Minli 1 Matteucci, Paolo 1 Michel, Jean-Philippe 1 Mikulski, Włodzimierz M. 1 Modugno, Marco 1 Moreno, Giovanni 1 Morozov, Oleg I. 1 Neagu, Mircea 1 Oană, Alexandru 1 Pons, Josep M. 1 Ricossa, Emanuele 1 Saller, Dirk 1 Sati, Hisham 1 Saunders, David J. 1 Schreiber, Urs 1 Tolksdorf, Jürgen 1 Usseglio, Davide 1 Vondra, Jan 1 Wang, Dengshan 1 Wu, Ke 1 Zanello, Fabrizio 1 Zhao, Weizhong all top 5 Cited in 16 Serials 9 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 8 Journal of Mathematical Physics 5 Reports on Mathematical Physics 4 Communications in Mathematics 3 Differential Geometry and its Applications 3 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Journal of High Energy Physics 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Central European Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 27 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 19 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 12 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 8 Quantum theory (81-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 7 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.