Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Panchenko, Dmitry Co-Author Distance Author ID: panchenko.dmitry Published as: Panchenko, Dmitry; Panchenko, Dmitriy; Panchenko, D. A.; Panchenko, D. more...less Documents Indexed: 71 Publications since 1997, including 1 Book and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 27 Co-Authors with 34 Joint Publications 677 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 37 single-authored 10 Chen, Wei-Kuo 8 Kolchinskiĭ, Vladimir I’ich 4 Talagrand, Michel 3 Barbier, Jean 3 Borisov, Igor Semenovich 2 Kulinskii, Vladimir 2 Lozano, Fernando 2 Mukherjee, Sayan 2 Sáenz, Manuel 2 Skilyagina, G. I. 2 Subag, Eliran 1 Abdallah, Chaouki Tanios 1 Andonova, Savina 1 Ariola, Marco 1 Austin, Tim D. 1 Bousquet, Olivier 1 Conti, Andrea 1 Dey, Partha Sarathi 1 Dorato, Peter 1 Gamarnik, David 1 Golland, Polina 1 Liang, Feng 1 Mourrat, Jean-Christophe 1 Rahman, Mustazee 1 Rakhlin, Alexander 1 Sidenko, Sergiy 1 Tralli, Velio all top 5 Serials 9 The Annals of Probability 6 Electronic Communications in Probability 5 Communications in Mathematical Physics 5 Journal of Statistical Physics 5 Probability Theory and Related Fields 4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 3 Electronic Journal of Probability 2 The Annals of Statistics 2 Random Structures & Algorithms 2 The Annals of Applied Probability 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 1 Markov Processes and Related Fields 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Information and Inference 1 Springer Monographs in Mathematics all top 5 Fields 45 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 41 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 60 Publications have been cited 1,205 times in 521 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1266.82005 Panchenko, Dmitry 179 2013 The Parisi ultrametricity conjecture. Zbl 1270.60060 Panchenko, Dmitry 93 2013 The Parisi formula for mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1292.82020 Panchenko, Dmitry 70 2014 Empirical margin distributions and bounding the generalization error of combined classifiers. Zbl 1012.62004 Koltchinskii, V.; Panchenko, D. 62 2002 Bounds for diluted mean-fields spin glass models. Zbl 1101.82041 Panchenko, Dmitry; Talagrand, Michel 53 2004 The free energy in a multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1338.60237 Panchenko, Dmitry 52 2015 Rademacher processes and bounding the risk of function learning. Zbl 1106.68385 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy 45 2000 Free energy in the mixed \(p\)-spin models with vector spins. Zbl 1430.60032 Panchenko, Dmitry 37 2018 Spin glass models from the point of view of spin distributions. Zbl 1281.60081 Panchenko, Dmitry 36 2013 The Ghirlanda-Guerra identities for mixed \(p\)-spin model. Zbl 1204.82036 Panchenko, Dmitry 34 2010 Free energy in the Potts spin Glass. Zbl 1430.60088 Panchenko, Dmitry 31 2018 On the overlap in the multiple spherical SK models. Zbl 1128.60086 Panchenko, Dmitry; Talagrand, Michel 30 2007 A connection between the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities and ultrametricity. Zbl 1196.60167 Panchenko, Dmitry 26 2010 Suboptimality of local algorithms for a class of max-cut problems. Zbl 1466.60200 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Gamarnik, David; Panchenko, Dmitry; Rahman, Mustazee 25 2019 Free energy in the generalized Sherrington-Kirkpatrick mean field model. Zbl 1102.82014 Panchenko, Dmitry 24 2005 The generalized TAP free energy. II. Zbl 1456.82762 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry; Subag, Eliran 20 2021 On differentiability of the Parisi formula. Zbl 1205.82092 Panchenko, Dmitry 19 2008 Improved sample complexity estimates for statistical learning control of uncertain systems. Zbl 0991.93130 Koltchinskii, V.; Abdallah, C. T.; Ariola, M.; Dorato, P.; Panchenko, D. 18 2000 Some local measures of complexity of convex hulls and generalization bounds. Zbl 1050.68055 Bousquet, Olivier; Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy 18 2002 Ghirlanda-Guerra identities and ultrametricity: an elementary proof in the discrete case. Zbl 1226.82030 Panchenko, Dmitry 17 2011 Extending the Parisi formula along a Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Zbl 1439.82019 Mourrat, Jean-Christophe; Panchenko, Dmitry 16 2020 A question about the Parisi functional. Zbl 1136.82332 Panchenko, Dmitry 15 2005 Symmetrization approach to concentration inequalities for empirical processes. Zbl 1042.60008 Panchenko, Dmitry 15 2003 On the TAP free energy in the mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1397.82012 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 15 2018 Hierarchical exchangeability of pure states in mean field spin glass models. Zbl 1320.60159 Panchenko, Dmitry 14 2015 Risk bounds for mixture density estimation. Zbl 1141.62024 Rakhlin, Alexander; Panchenko, Dmitry; Mukherjee, Sayan 14 2005 On the Dovbysh-Sudakov representation result. Zbl 1226.60050 Panchenko, Dmitry 14 2010 A hierarchical version of the de Finetti and Aldous-Hoover representations. Zbl 1306.60027 Austin, Tim; Panchenko, Dmitry 13 2014 Fluctuations of the free energy in the mixed \(p\)-spin models with external field. Zbl 1368.60096 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Dey, Partha; Panchenko, Dmitry 13 2017 Structure of finite-RSB asymptotic Gibbs measures in the diluted spin glass models. Zbl 1338.82031 Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2016 Chaos in temperature in generic \(2p\)-spin models. Zbl 1357.82072 Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2016 The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model: an overview. Zbl 1259.82050 Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2012 Temperature chaos in some spherical mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1364.82027 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2017 Structure of 1-RSB asymptotic Gibbs measures in the diluted \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1291.82058 Panchenko, Dmitry 10 2014 An approach to chaos in some mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1287.60115 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 10 2013 On one property of Derrida-Ruelle cascades. Zbl 1131.82046 Panchenko, Dmitry; Talagrand, Michel 9 2007 Permutation tests for classification. Zbl 1137.68537 Golland, Polina; Liang, Feng; Mukherjee, Sayan; Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2005 A note on Talagrand’s positivity principle. Zbl 1140.60355 Panchenko, Dmitriy 8 2007 A unified stability property in spin glasses. Zbl 1251.82051 Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2012 Complexities of convex combinations and bounding the generalization error in classification. Zbl 1080.62045 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2005 On the K-sat model with large number of clauses. Zbl 1391.60023 Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2018 On the replica symmetric solution of the \(K\)-sat model. Zbl 1302.60138 Panchenko, Dmitry 6 2014 Disorder chaos in some diluted spin Glass models. Zbl 1410.60091 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 6 2018 Some extensions of an inequality of Vapnik and Chervonenkis. Zbl 1008.60035 Panchenko, Dmitriy 5 2002 Cavity method in the spherical SK model. Zbl 1193.82021 Panchenko, Dmitry 5 2009 Generalized TAP free energy. Zbl 07748347 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry; Subag, Eliran 5 2023 A note on Talagrand’s concentration inequality. Zbl 0977.60008 Panchenko, Dmitriy 4 2001 On minimal smoothness conditions for asymptotic expansions of moments in the CLT. Zbl 0917.60024 Borisov, I. S.; Panchenko, D. A.; Skilyagina, G. I. 3 1998 A note on the free energy of the coupled system in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1071.60098 Panchenko, D. 3 2005 Bounding the generalization error of convex combinations of classifiers: Balancing the dimensionality and the margins. Zbl 1073.62535 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy; Lozano, Fernando 3 2003 Further explanation of the effectiveness of voting methods: The game between margins and weights. Zbl 0992.68511 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy; Lozano, Fernando 2 2001 A deletion-invariance property for random measures satisfying the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities. Zbl 1219.60087 Panchenko, Dmitry 2 2011 Strong replica symmetry in high-dimensional optimal Bayesian inference. Zbl 1494.82020 Barbier, Jean; Panchenko, Dmitry 2 2022 Some examples of quenched self-averaging in models with Gaussian disorder. Zbl 1361.60087 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 1 2017 Generalization bounds for voting classifiers based on sparsity and clustering. Zbl 1274.68328 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitry; Andonova, Savina 1 2003 Log-concavity property of the error probability with application to local bounds for wireless communications. Zbl 1367.94018 Conti, Andrea; Panchenko, Dmitry; Sidenko, Sergiy; Tralli, Velio 1 2009 Deviation inequality for monotonic Boolean functions with application to the number of \(k\)-cycles in a random graph. Zbl 1031.05126 Panchenko, Dmitry 1 2004 On minimal smoothness conditions for asymptotic expansions of moments in the CLT. Zbl 0932.60022 Borisov, I. S.; Panchenko, D. A.; Skilyagina, G. I. 1 1998 Strong replica symmetry for high-dimensional disordered log-concave Gibbs measures. Zbl 1510.60086 Barbier, Jean; Panchenko, Dmitry; Sáenz, Manuel 1 2022 Introduction to the SK model. Zbl 1506.60109 Panchenko, Dmitry 1 2016 Generalized TAP free energy. Zbl 07748347 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry; Subag, Eliran 5 2023 Strong replica symmetry in high-dimensional optimal Bayesian inference. Zbl 1494.82020 Barbier, Jean; Panchenko, Dmitry 2 2022 Strong replica symmetry for high-dimensional disordered log-concave Gibbs measures. Zbl 1510.60086 Barbier, Jean; Panchenko, Dmitry; Sáenz, Manuel 1 2022 The generalized TAP free energy. II. Zbl 1456.82762 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry; Subag, Eliran 20 2021 Extending the Parisi formula along a Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Zbl 1439.82019 Mourrat, Jean-Christophe; Panchenko, Dmitry 16 2020 Suboptimality of local algorithms for a class of max-cut problems. Zbl 1466.60200 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Gamarnik, David; Panchenko, Dmitry; Rahman, Mustazee 25 2019 Free energy in the mixed \(p\)-spin models with vector spins. Zbl 1430.60032 Panchenko, Dmitry 37 2018 Free energy in the Potts spin Glass. Zbl 1430.60088 Panchenko, Dmitry 31 2018 On the TAP free energy in the mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1397.82012 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 15 2018 On the K-sat model with large number of clauses. Zbl 1391.60023 Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2018 Disorder chaos in some diluted spin Glass models. Zbl 1410.60091 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 6 2018 Fluctuations of the free energy in the mixed \(p\)-spin models with external field. Zbl 1368.60096 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Dey, Partha; Panchenko, Dmitry 13 2017 Temperature chaos in some spherical mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1364.82027 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2017 Some examples of quenched self-averaging in models with Gaussian disorder. Zbl 1361.60087 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 1 2017 Structure of finite-RSB asymptotic Gibbs measures in the diluted spin glass models. Zbl 1338.82031 Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2016 Chaos in temperature in generic \(2p\)-spin models. Zbl 1357.82072 Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2016 Introduction to the SK model. Zbl 1506.60109 Panchenko, Dmitry 1 2016 The free energy in a multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1338.60237 Panchenko, Dmitry 52 2015 Hierarchical exchangeability of pure states in mean field spin glass models. Zbl 1320.60159 Panchenko, Dmitry 14 2015 The Parisi formula for mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1292.82020 Panchenko, Dmitry 70 2014 A hierarchical version of the de Finetti and Aldous-Hoover representations. Zbl 1306.60027 Austin, Tim; Panchenko, Dmitry 13 2014 Structure of 1-RSB asymptotic Gibbs measures in the diluted \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1291.82058 Panchenko, Dmitry 10 2014 On the replica symmetric solution of the \(K\)-sat model. Zbl 1302.60138 Panchenko, Dmitry 6 2014 The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1266.82005 Panchenko, Dmitry 179 2013 The Parisi ultrametricity conjecture. Zbl 1270.60060 Panchenko, Dmitry 93 2013 Spin glass models from the point of view of spin distributions. Zbl 1281.60081 Panchenko, Dmitry 36 2013 An approach to chaos in some mixed \(p\)-spin models. Zbl 1287.60115 Chen, Wei-Kuo; Panchenko, Dmitry 10 2013 The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model: an overview. Zbl 1259.82050 Panchenko, Dmitry 11 2012 A unified stability property in spin glasses. Zbl 1251.82051 Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2012 Ghirlanda-Guerra identities and ultrametricity: an elementary proof in the discrete case. Zbl 1226.82030 Panchenko, Dmitry 17 2011 A deletion-invariance property for random measures satisfying the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities. Zbl 1219.60087 Panchenko, Dmitry 2 2011 The Ghirlanda-Guerra identities for mixed \(p\)-spin model. Zbl 1204.82036 Panchenko, Dmitry 34 2010 A connection between the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities and ultrametricity. Zbl 1196.60167 Panchenko, Dmitry 26 2010 On the Dovbysh-Sudakov representation result. Zbl 1226.60050 Panchenko, Dmitry 14 2010 Cavity method in the spherical SK model. Zbl 1193.82021 Panchenko, Dmitry 5 2009 Log-concavity property of the error probability with application to local bounds for wireless communications. Zbl 1367.94018 Conti, Andrea; Panchenko, Dmitry; Sidenko, Sergiy; Tralli, Velio 1 2009 On differentiability of the Parisi formula. Zbl 1205.82092 Panchenko, Dmitry 19 2008 On the overlap in the multiple spherical SK models. Zbl 1128.60086 Panchenko, Dmitry; Talagrand, Michel 30 2007 On one property of Derrida-Ruelle cascades. Zbl 1131.82046 Panchenko, Dmitry; Talagrand, Michel 9 2007 A note on Talagrand’s positivity principle. Zbl 1140.60355 Panchenko, Dmitriy 8 2007 Free energy in the generalized Sherrington-Kirkpatrick mean field model. Zbl 1102.82014 Panchenko, Dmitry 24 2005 A question about the Parisi functional. Zbl 1136.82332 Panchenko, Dmitry 15 2005 Risk bounds for mixture density estimation. Zbl 1141.62024 Rakhlin, Alexander; Panchenko, Dmitry; Mukherjee, Sayan 14 2005 Permutation tests for classification. Zbl 1137.68537 Golland, Polina; Liang, Feng; Mukherjee, Sayan; Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2005 Complexities of convex combinations and bounding the generalization error in classification. Zbl 1080.62045 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitry 8 2005 A note on the free energy of the coupled system in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Zbl 1071.60098 Panchenko, D. 3 2005 Bounds for diluted mean-fields spin glass models. Zbl 1101.82041 Panchenko, Dmitry; Talagrand, Michel 53 2004 Deviation inequality for monotonic Boolean functions with application to the number of \(k\)-cycles in a random graph. Zbl 1031.05126 Panchenko, Dmitry 1 2004 Symmetrization approach to concentration inequalities for empirical processes. Zbl 1042.60008 Panchenko, Dmitry 15 2003 Bounding the generalization error of convex combinations of classifiers: Balancing the dimensionality and the margins. Zbl 1073.62535 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy; Lozano, Fernando 3 2003 Generalization bounds for voting classifiers based on sparsity and clustering. Zbl 1274.68328 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitry; Andonova, Savina 1 2003 Empirical margin distributions and bounding the generalization error of combined classifiers. Zbl 1012.62004 Koltchinskii, V.; Panchenko, D. 62 2002 Some local measures of complexity of convex hulls and generalization bounds. Zbl 1050.68055 Bousquet, Olivier; Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy 18 2002 Some extensions of an inequality of Vapnik and Chervonenkis. Zbl 1008.60035 Panchenko, Dmitriy 5 2002 A note on Talagrand’s concentration inequality. Zbl 0977.60008 Panchenko, Dmitriy 4 2001 Further explanation of the effectiveness of voting methods: The game between margins and weights. Zbl 0992.68511 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy; Lozano, Fernando 2 2001 Rademacher processes and bounding the risk of function learning. Zbl 1106.68385 Koltchinskii, Vladimir; Panchenko, Dmitriy 45 2000 Improved sample complexity estimates for statistical learning control of uncertain systems. Zbl 0991.93130 Koltchinskii, V.; Abdallah, C. T.; Ariola, M.; Dorato, P.; Panchenko, D. 18 2000 On minimal smoothness conditions for asymptotic expansions of moments in the CLT. Zbl 0917.60024 Borisov, I. S.; Panchenko, D. A.; Skilyagina, G. I. 3 1998 On minimal smoothness conditions for asymptotic expansions of moments in the CLT. Zbl 0932.60022 Borisov, I. S.; Panchenko, D. A.; Skilyagina, G. I. 1 1998 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 580 Authors 36 Panchenko, Dmitry 31 Chen, Wei-Kuo 18 Coja-Oghlan, Amin 16 Jagannath, Aukosh 14 Auffinger, Antonio 12 Barra, Adriano 12 Subag, Eliran 11 Contucci, Pierluigi 11 Gamarnik, David 9 Chatterjee, Sourav 9 Mingione, Emanuele 9 Mohri, Mehryar 9 Mourrat, Jean-Christophe 8 Agliari, Elena 8 Bates, Erik 8 Kolchinskiĭ, Vladimir I’ich 8 Sen, Subhabrata 8 Zdeborová, Lenka 7 Arguin, Louis-Pierre 7 Kistler, Nicola 7 Lugosi, Gábor 7 Sellke, Mark 7 Tempo, Roberto 6 Lecué, Guillaume 6 Mendelson, Shahar 6 Perkins, Will 6 Sun, Nike 6 Tantari, Daniele 5 Alberici, Diego 5 Alemanno, Francesco 5 Baik, Jinho 5 Genovese, Giuseppe 5 Itoi, Chigak 5 Manai, Chokri 5 Nguyen, Hien Duy 5 Talagrand, Michel 5 Warzel, Simone 5 Wein, Alexander S. 4 Albanese, Linda 4 Alquier, Pierre 4 Barbier, Jean 4 Bartlett, Peter L. 4 Ben Arous, Gérard 4 Bousquet, Olivier 4 Chen, Hongbin 4 Cortes, Corinna 4 Dabbene, Fabrizio 4 Ding, Jian 4 Fachechi, Alberto 4 Guerra, Francesco 4 Krzakąła, Florent 4 Lee, Ji Oon 4 Montanari, Andrea 4 Nguyen, TrungTin 4 Oliveira, Roberto Imbuzeiro 4 Schmidt, Marius Alexander 4 Sly, Allan 4 Sohn, Youngtak 4 Starr, Shannon L. 4 Tobasco, Ian 4 Wu, Qiang 4 Ying, Yiming 3 Abdallah, Chaouki Tanios 3 Addario-Berry, Louigi 3 Adhikari, Arka 3 Álamo, Teodoro 3 Ariola, Marco 3 Boucheron, Stéphane Vincent 3 Brennecke, Christian 3 Bulinskiĭ, Aleksandr Vadimovich 3 Calafiore, Giuseppe Carlo 3 Campi, Marco Claudio 3 Chamroukhi, Faicel 3 Chernozhukov, Victor 3 Chetverikov, Denis 3 Crane, Harry 3 Dembo, Amir 3 DeSalvo, Giulia 3 Dey, Partha Sarathi 3 Fan, Zhou 3 Fyodorov, Yan V. 3 Gao, Daqi 3 Guo, Zheng-Chu 3 Huang, Brice 3 Kabán, Ata 3 Kato, Kengo 3 Ko, Justin 3 Le Doussal, Pierre 3 Massart, Pascal 3 Maurer, Andreas 3 McLachlan, Geoffrey John 3 Müller, Noela S. 3 Schertzer, Adrien 3 Sebastiani, Giulia 3 Semerjian, Guilhem 3 Van de Geer, Sara Anna 3 Wang, Zhe 3 Xia, Jiaming 3 Zhou, Dingxuan 2 Airola, Antti ...and 480 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 120 Serials 70 Journal of Statistical Physics 34 Communications in Mathematical Physics 29 The Annals of Statistics 27 The Annals of Probability 26 Probability Theory and Related Fields 17 Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 15 The Annals of Applied Probability 13 Electronic Journal of Probability 12 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 10 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 9 Machine Learning 8 Automatica 8 Random Structures & Algorithms 8 Electronic Communications in Probability 7 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 5 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 5 Electronic Journal of Statistics 4 Discrete Applied Mathematics 4 Advances in Mathematics 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Theoretical Computer Science 4 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4 Bernoulli 4 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 4 Mathematical Statistics and Learning 3 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Journal of Complexity 3 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 3 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 3 Annales Henri Poincaré 3 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 3 Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning 3 Annales Henri Lebesgue 3 Probability and Mathematical Physics 2 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 2 Applied Mathematics and Computation 2 Information Sciences 2 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Statistics & Probability Letters 2 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2 Neural Computation 2 Pattern Recognition 2 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 2 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 European Journal of Control 2 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Quantum Information Processing 2 Oberwolfach Reports 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 International Journal of Control 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Physics Reports 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Econometrica 1 International Statistical Review 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Econometrics 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 Kybernetika 1 Operations Research 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Systems & Control Letters 1 Combinatorica 1 Physica D 1 Constructive Approximation 1 Statistical Science 1 Neural Networks 1 Computational Geometry 1 Computational Statistics 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Annals of Physics 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Archive for Mathematical Logic 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Test 1 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Statistica Sinica 1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) 1 Multibody System Dynamics 1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery ...and 20 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 294 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 219 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 114 Computer science (68-XX) 112 Statistics (62-XX) 45 Combinatorics (05-XX) 28 Quantum theory (81-XX) 27 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 25 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 23 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 21 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 20 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) Citations by Year