Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Pasciak, Joseph E. Co-Author Distance Author ID: pasciak.joseph-e Published as: Pasciak, Joseph E.; Pasciak, J. E.; Pasciak, Joseph more...less Documents Indexed: 113 Publications since 1979, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Co-Authors: 51 Co-Authors with 104 Joint Publications 1,644 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 9 single-authored 55 Bramble, James H. 19 Lazarov, Raytcho D. 10 Vassilevski, Panayot Spirov 9 Bonito, Andrea 7 Ewing, Richard Edward 7 Gopalakrishnan, Jay 7 Xu, Jinchao 6 Jin, Bangti 6 Schatz, Alfred H. 4 Lei, Wenyu 4 Vassilev, Apostol T. 4 Zhou, Zhi 3 Bacuta, Constantin 3 Kim, Seungil 3 Kolev, Tzanio V. 3 Parashkevov, Rossen R. 2 Copeland, Dylan Matthew 2 Dobson, David C. 2 Duan, Beiping 2 Goldstein, Charles I. 2 Harizanov, Stanislav 2 Leyk, Zbigniew 2 Margenov, Svetozar D. 2 Rundell, William 2 Wang, Junping 1 Bağci, Hakan 1 Cai, Zhiqiang 1 Demkowicz, Leszek 1 Friedman, Mark J. 1 Guermond, Jean-Luc 1 Hsiao, George Chia-Chu 1 Kim, Chisup 1 Kim, Taejong 1 Knyazev, Andrew V. 1 Kwak, Do Young 1 Lyons, Steve L. 1 Nigam, Nilima 1 Papavassiliou, Dimitrios V. 1 Pissanetzky, Sergio 1 Qin, Guan 1 Sammon, Peter H. 1 Schöberl, Joachim 1 Shen, Jian 1 Sirenko, Kostyantyn Y. 1 Steinbach, Olaf 1 Thomée, Vidar 1 Trenev, Dimitar 1 Wang, Yanqiu 1 Xu, Liwei 1 Zhang, Xuejun 1 Zhao, J. all top 5 Serials 38 Mathematics of Computation 10 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 6 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 4 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 4 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1 COMPEL 1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 1 Computational Geosciences 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling all top 5 Fields 103 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 76 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 19 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 14 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 105 Publications have been cited 3,432 times in 2,347 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Analysis of the inexact Uzawa algorithm for saddle point problems. Zbl 0873.65031 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 235 1997 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. I. Zbl 0615.65112 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schatz, A. H. 172 1986 Parallel multilevel preconditioners. Zbl 0703.65076 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 162 1990 A preconditioning technique for indefinite systems resulting from mixed approximations of elliptic problems. Zbl 0643.65017 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 143 1988 Numerical approximation of fractional powers of elliptic operators. Zbl 1331.65159 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 118 2015 Variational formulation of problems involving fractional order differential operators. Zbl 1321.65127 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Rundell, William 116 2015 On the stability of the \(L^2\) projection in \(H^1(\omega)\). Zbl 0989.65122 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Steinbach, Olaf 96 2002 Convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms without regularity assumptions. Zbl 0727.65101 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Wang, Junping; Xu, Jinchao 90 1991 Error analysis of semidiscrete finite element methods for inhomogeneous time-fractional diffusion. Zbl 1321.65142 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 84 2015 Convergence estimates for product iterative methods with applications to domain decomposition. Zbl 0754.65085 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Wang, Junping; Xu, Jinchao 83 1991 A least-squares approach based on a discrete minus one inner product for first order systems. Zbl 0870.65104 Bramble, James H.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 82 1997 The analysis of multigrid algorithms with nonnested spaces or noninherited quadratic forms. Zbl 0718.65081 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 80 1991 New convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms. Zbl 0659.65098 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 71 1987 Error analysis of a finite element method for the space-fractional parabolic equation. Zbl 1310.65126 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 70 2014 An iterative method for elliptic problems on regions partitioned into substructures. Zbl 0595.65111 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schatz, A. H. 67 1986 Uzawa type algorithms for nonsymmetric saddle point problems. Zbl 0951.65122 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 66 2000 New estimates for multilevel algorithms including the V-cycle. Zbl 0783.65081 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 59 1993 Numerical approximation of the integral fractional Laplacian. Zbl 1414.65032 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 58 2019 Analysis of a finite PML approximation for the three dimensional time-harmonic Maxwell and acoustic scattering problems. Zbl 1116.78019 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 53 2007 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. IV. Zbl 0668.65082 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Schatz, Alfred H. 43 1989 The analysis of smoothers for multigrid algorithms. Zbl 0771.65082 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 42 1992 A preconditioning technique for the efficient solution of problems with local grid refinement. Zbl 0619.76113 Bramble, James H.; Ewing, Richard E.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Schatz, Alfred H. 42 1988 Parallel multilevel preconditioners. Zbl 0725.65095 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Xu, J. 42 1990 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. II. Zbl 0623.65118 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schatz, A. H. 41 1987 Iterative techniques for time dependent Stokes problems. Zbl 1030.76506 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E. 40 1997 Multiplier spaces for the mortar finite element method in three dimensions. Zbl 1006.65129 Kim, Chisup; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 39 2001 Uniform convergence of multigrid \(V\)-cycle iterations for indefinite and nonsymmetric problems. Zbl 0813.65130 Bramble, James H.; Kwak, Do Y.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 39 1994 Computational scales of Sobolev norms with application to preconditioning. Zbl 0941.65052 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 39 2000 A new approximation technique for div-curl systems. Zbl 1049.78026 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 37 2004 Least-squares methods for Stokes equations based on a discrete minus one inner product. Zbl 0867.65055 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 35 1996 A subspace preconditioning algorithm for eigenvector/eigenvalue computation. Zbl 0879.65024 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Knyazev, Andrew V. 32 1996 Analysis of a multigrid algorithm for time harmonic Maxwell equations. Zbl 1079.78025 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Demkowicz, Leszek F. 32 2004 Overlapping Schwarz methods in H(curl) on polyhedral domains. Zbl 1017.65099 Pasciak, J. E.; Zhao, J. 31 2002 Analysis of a finite PML approximation to the three dimensional elastic wave scattering problem. Zbl 1273.74155 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Trenev, Dimitar 31 2010 Error analysis of the DtN-FEM for the scattering problem in acoustics via Fourier analysis. Zbl 1226.65090 Hsiao, George C.; Nigam, Nilima; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Liwei 31 2011 On sinc quadrature approximations of fractional powers of regularly accretive operators. Zbl 1476.65292 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 29 2019 The computation of resonances in open systems using a perfectly matched layer. Zbl 1198.65224 Kim, Seungil; Pasciak, Joseph E. 29 2009 A domain decomposition technique for Stokes problems. Zbl 0691.76031 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 28 1990 Analysis of a finite element PML approximation for the three dimensional time-harmonic Maxwell problem. Zbl 1155.78316 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 27 2008 The analysis of multigrid algorithms for nonsymmetric and indefinite elliptic problems. Zbl 0699.65075 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 27 1988 Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to acoustic scattering problems in \(\mathbb R^2\) and \(\mathbb R^3\). Zbl 1268.65150 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 26 2013 Analysis of numerical methods for spectral fractional elliptic equations based on the best uniform rational approximation. Zbl 07505620 Harizanov, Stanislav; Lazarov, Raytcho; Margenov, Svetozar; Marinov, Pencho; Pasciak, Joseph 26 2020 Overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for indefinite time harmonic Maxwell equations. Zbl 1009.78009 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 25 2003 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. III. Zbl 0701.65070 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Schatz, Alfred H. 25 1988 The convergence of V-cycle multigrid algorithms for axisymmetric Laplace and Maxwell equations. Zbl 1119.65106 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 25 2006 Numerical approximation of fractional powers of regularly accretive operators. Zbl 1433.65099 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 25 2017 Spectral and pseudo spectral methods for advection equations. Zbl 0448.65071 Pasciak, Joseph E. 23 1980 Exact de Rham sequences of spaces defined on macro-elements in two and three spatial dimensions. Zbl 1195.78061 Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 22 2008 Least-quares for second-order elliptic problems. Zbl 0944.65119 Bramble, James H.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 21 1998 An efficient method for band structure calculations in 3D photonic crystals. Zbl 1034.78013 Dobson, David C.; Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 21 2000 Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to acoustic scattering problems in \(\mathbb R^2\). Zbl 1277.76093 Kim, Seungil; Pasciak, Joseph E. 21 2010 The approximation of the Maxwell eigenvalue problem using a least-squares method. Zbl 1078.65100 Bramble, James H.; Kolev, Tzanio V.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 20 2005 Multigrid for the mortar finite element method. Zbl 0951.65134 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 20 2000 Incomplete iterations in multistep backward difference methods for parabolic problems with smooth and nonsmooth data. Zbl 0663.65110 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Sammon, Peter H.; Thomée, Vidar 20 1989 A mixed method for axisymmetric div-curl systems. Zbl 1202.78027 Copeland, Dylan M.; Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 20 2008 Numerical well model for non-Darcy flow through isotropic porous media. Zbl 0964.76041 Ewing, Richard E.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Lyons, Steve L.; Papavassiliou, Dimitrios V.; Pasciak, Joseph; Qin, Guan 18 1999 Least-squares methods for linear elasticity based on a discrete minus one inner product. Zbl 0999.74107 Bramble, James H.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 18 2001 The analysis of multigrid algorithms for pseudodifferential operators of order minus one. Zbl 0812.65110 Bramble, James H.; Leyk, Zbigniew; Pasciak, Joseph E. 17 1994 Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to the three dimensional electromagnetic wave scattering problem. Zbl 1277.78030 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 17 2012 Using finite element tools in proving shift theorems for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 1071.65559 Bacuta, Constantin; Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 16 2003 Multilevel iteration for mixed finite element systems with penalty. Zbl 0809.65114 Cai, Zhiqiang; Goldstein, Charles I.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 14 1993 The approximation of parabolic equations involving fractional powers of elliptic operators. Zbl 1416.65338 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 14 2017 A preconditioning technique for indefinite systems resulting from mixed approximations of elliptic problems. Zbl 0649.65061 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 14 1988 Analysis of an algorithm for computing electromagnetic Bloch modes using Nedelec spaces. Zbl 1006.78013 Dobson, D. C.; Pasciak, J. E. 13 2001 A note on the existence and uniqueness of solutions of frequency domain elastic wave problems: a priori estimates in \(H^1\). Zbl 1146.35323 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 13 2008 A least-squares approximation method for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations. Zbl 1126.78016 Bramble, J. H.; Kolev, T. V.; Pasciak, J. E. 13 2005 Space-time Petrov-Galerkin FEM for fractional diffusion problems. Zbl 1382.65311 Duan, Beiping; Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 13 2018 Comparison analysis of two numerical methods for fractional diffusion problems based on the best rational approximations of \(t^\gamma\) on \([0, 1]\). Zbl 1429.65064 Harizanov, Stanislav; Lazarov, Raytcho; Margenov, Svetozar; Marinov, Pencho; Pasciak, Joseph 13 2019 New interpolation results and applications to finite element methods for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0993.65128 Bacuta, C.; Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E. 12 2001 Convergence analysis of variational and non-variational multigrid algorithms for the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Zbl 1246.65208 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 12 2012 Shift theorems for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem. Zbl 1068.65134 Bacuta, Constantin; Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2002 Uniform convergence estimates for multigrid V-cycle algorithms with less than full elliptic regularity. Zbl 0797.65085 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 1994 Spectral properties for the magnetization integral operator. Zbl 0555.45006 Friedman, Mark J.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 1984 Analysis of the spectrum of a Cartesian perfectly matched layer (PML) approximation to acoustic scattering problems. Zbl 1255.76109 Kim, Seungil; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2010 Numerical approximation of space-time fractional parabolic equations. Zbl 1434.65175 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2017 Numerical approximation of fractional powers of elliptic operators. Zbl 1466.65184 Duan, Beiping; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2020 The analysis of multigrid algorithms for cell centered finite difference methods. Zbl 0848.65082 Bramble, James H.; Ewing, Richard E.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Shen, Jian 10 1996 A least-squares method for axisymmetric div–curl systems. Zbl 1174.78302 Copeland, Dylan M.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 10 2006 Preconditioned iterative methods for nonselfadjoint or indefinite elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0544.65075 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E. 9 1984 Analysis of non-overlapping domain decomposition algorithms with inexact solves. Zbl 0902.65067 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 8 1998 Domain decomposition methods for problems with partial refinement. Zbl 0746.65084 Bramble, James H.; Ewing, Richard E.; Parashkevov, Rossen R.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 8 1992 Spectral methods for a nonlinear initial value problem involving pseudo differential operators. Zbl 0489.65061 Pasciak, Joseph E. 8 1982 Galerkin FEM for fractional order parabolic equations with initial data in \(H ^{ - s }\), \(0 \leq s \leq 1\). Zbl 1352.65351 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 8 2013 \({\mathbf H}\)(curl) auxiliary mesh preconditioning. Zbl 1212.65490 Kolev, T. V.; Pasciak, J. E.; Vassilevski, P. S. 8 2008 Domain decomposition type iterative techniques for parabolic problems on locally refined grids. Zbl 0794.65076 Ewing, Richard E.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 7 1993 A boundary parametric approximation to the linearized scalar potential magnetostatic field problem. Zbl 0619.65113 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 6 1985 Almost optimal interior penalty discontinuous approximations of symmetric elliptic problems on nonmatching grids. Zbl 1095.65103 Lazarov, R. D.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schöberl, J.; Vassilevski, P. S. 6 2003 Iterative schemes for nonsymmetric and indefinite elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0795.65071 Bramble, James H.; Leyk, Zbigniew; Pasciak, Joseph E. 5 1993 Two domain decomposition techniques for Stokes problems. Zbl 0675.76034 Pasciak, Joseph E. 5 1989 Stability of discrete Stokes operators in fractional Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1188.35129 Guermond, Jean-Luc; Pasciak, Joseph E. 5 2008 A convergence analysis for a sweeping preconditioner for block tridiagonal systems of linear equations. Zbl 1363.65040 Bağci, Hakan; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Sirenko, Kostyantyn Y. 5 2015 A multigrid preconditioner for the mixed formulation of linear plane elasticity. Zbl 1109.74049 Pasciak, Joseph E.; Wang, Yanqiu 4 2006 A new scalar potential formulation of the magnetostatic field problem. Zbl 0552.65082 Pasciak, Joseph E. 3 1984 Iterative solution of a coupled mixed and standard Galerkin discretization method for elliptic problems. Zbl 1051.65107 Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 3 2001 Coupling mixed and finite volume discretizations of convection-diffusion-reaction equations on non-matching grids. Zbl 1052.65554 Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 3 1999 Corrigendum to: “Numerical approximation of fractional powers of regularly accretive operators”. Zbl 1433.65100 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 3 2017 Two-level preconditioners for \(2m\)’th order elliptic finite element problems. Zbl 0860.65120 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Zhang, Xuejun 2 1996 Analysis of V-cycle multigrid algorithms for forms defined by numerical quadrature. Zbl 0802.65121 Bramble, J. H.; Goldstein, C. I.; Pasciak, J. E. 2 1994 Domain decomposition preconditioners for elliptic problems in two and three dimensions: First approach. Zbl 0658.65093 Pasciak, Joseph E. 2 1988 Mesh-independent convergence of the modified inexact Newton method for a second order non-linear problem. Zbl 1193.65200 Kim, T.; Pasciak, J. E.; Vassilevski, P. S. 2 2006 Analysis of numerical methods for spectral fractional elliptic equations based on the best uniform rational approximation. Zbl 07505620 Harizanov, Stanislav; Lazarov, Raytcho; Margenov, Svetozar; Marinov, Pencho; Pasciak, Joseph 26 2020 Numerical approximation of fractional powers of elliptic operators. Zbl 1466.65184 Duan, Beiping; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2020 Numerical approximation of the integral fractional Laplacian. Zbl 1414.65032 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 58 2019 On sinc quadrature approximations of fractional powers of regularly accretive operators. Zbl 1476.65292 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 29 2019 Comparison analysis of two numerical methods for fractional diffusion problems based on the best rational approximations of \(t^\gamma\) on \([0, 1]\). Zbl 1429.65064 Harizanov, Stanislav; Lazarov, Raytcho; Margenov, Svetozar; Marinov, Pencho; Pasciak, Joseph 13 2019 Space-time Petrov-Galerkin FEM for fractional diffusion problems. Zbl 1382.65311 Duan, Beiping; Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 13 2018 Numerical approximation of fractional powers of regularly accretive operators. Zbl 1433.65099 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 25 2017 The approximation of parabolic equations involving fractional powers of elliptic operators. Zbl 1416.65338 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 14 2017 Numerical approximation of space-time fractional parabolic equations. Zbl 1434.65175 Bonito, Andrea; Lei, Wenyu; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2017 Corrigendum to: “Numerical approximation of fractional powers of regularly accretive operators”. Zbl 1433.65100 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 3 2017 Numerical approximation of fractional powers of elliptic operators. Zbl 1331.65159 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 118 2015 Variational formulation of problems involving fractional order differential operators. Zbl 1321.65127 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Rundell, William 116 2015 Error analysis of semidiscrete finite element methods for inhomogeneous time-fractional diffusion. Zbl 1321.65142 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 84 2015 A convergence analysis for a sweeping preconditioner for block tridiagonal systems of linear equations. Zbl 1363.65040 Bağci, Hakan; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Sirenko, Kostyantyn Y. 5 2015 Error analysis of a finite element method for the space-fractional parabolic equation. Zbl 1310.65126 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 70 2014 Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to acoustic scattering problems in \(\mathbb R^2\) and \(\mathbb R^3\). Zbl 1268.65150 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 26 2013 Galerkin FEM for fractional order parabolic equations with initial data in \(H ^{ - s }\), \(0 \leq s \leq 1\). Zbl 1352.65351 Jin, Bangti; Lazarov, Raytcho; Pasciak, Joseph; Zhou, Zhi 8 2013 Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to the three dimensional electromagnetic wave scattering problem. Zbl 1277.78030 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 17 2012 Convergence analysis of variational and non-variational multigrid algorithms for the Laplace-Beltrami operator. Zbl 1246.65208 Bonito, Andrea; Pasciak, Joseph E. 12 2012 Error analysis of the DtN-FEM for the scattering problem in acoustics via Fourier analysis. Zbl 1226.65090 Hsiao, George C.; Nigam, Nilima; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Liwei 31 2011 Analysis of a finite PML approximation to the three dimensional elastic wave scattering problem. Zbl 1273.74155 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Trenev, Dimitar 31 2010 Analysis of a Cartesian PML approximation to acoustic scattering problems in \(\mathbb R^2\). Zbl 1277.76093 Kim, Seungil; Pasciak, Joseph E. 21 2010 Analysis of the spectrum of a Cartesian perfectly matched layer (PML) approximation to acoustic scattering problems. Zbl 1255.76109 Kim, Seungil; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2010 The computation of resonances in open systems using a perfectly matched layer. Zbl 1198.65224 Kim, Seungil; Pasciak, Joseph E. 29 2009 Analysis of a finite element PML approximation for the three dimensional time-harmonic Maxwell problem. Zbl 1155.78316 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 27 2008 Exact de Rham sequences of spaces defined on macro-elements in two and three spatial dimensions. Zbl 1195.78061 Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 22 2008 A mixed method for axisymmetric div-curl systems. Zbl 1202.78027 Copeland, Dylan M.; Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 20 2008 A note on the existence and uniqueness of solutions of frequency domain elastic wave problems: a priori estimates in \(H^1\). Zbl 1146.35323 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 13 2008 \({\mathbf H}\)(curl) auxiliary mesh preconditioning. Zbl 1212.65490 Kolev, T. V.; Pasciak, J. E.; Vassilevski, P. S. 8 2008 Stability of discrete Stokes operators in fractional Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1188.35129 Guermond, Jean-Luc; Pasciak, Joseph E. 5 2008 Multigrid convergence for second-order elliptic problems with smooth complex coefficients. Zbl 1194.65134 Gopalakrishnan, J.; Pasciak, J. E. 2 2008 Analysis of a finite PML approximation for the three dimensional time-harmonic Maxwell and acoustic scattering problems. Zbl 1116.78019 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 53 2007 The convergence of V-cycle multigrid algorithms for axisymmetric Laplace and Maxwell equations. Zbl 1119.65106 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 25 2006 A least-squares method for axisymmetric div–curl systems. Zbl 1174.78302 Copeland, Dylan M.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 10 2006 A multigrid preconditioner for the mixed formulation of linear plane elasticity. Zbl 1109.74049 Pasciak, Joseph E.; Wang, Yanqiu 4 2006 Mesh-independent convergence of the modified inexact Newton method for a second order non-linear problem. Zbl 1193.65200 Kim, T.; Pasciak, J. E.; Vassilevski, P. S. 2 2006 The approximation of the Maxwell eigenvalue problem using a least-squares method. Zbl 1078.65100 Bramble, James H.; Kolev, Tzanio V.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 20 2005 A least-squares approximation method for the time-harmonic Maxwell equations. Zbl 1126.78016 Bramble, J. H.; Kolev, T. V.; Pasciak, J. E. 13 2005 A new approximation technique for div-curl systems. Zbl 1049.78026 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 37 2004 Analysis of a multigrid algorithm for time harmonic Maxwell equations. Zbl 1079.78025 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Demkowicz, Leszek F. 32 2004 Overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for indefinite time harmonic Maxwell equations. Zbl 1009.78009 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 25 2003 Using finite element tools in proving shift theorems for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 1071.65559 Bacuta, Constantin; Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 16 2003 Almost optimal interior penalty discontinuous approximations of symmetric elliptic problems on nonmatching grids. Zbl 1095.65103 Lazarov, R. D.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schöberl, J.; Vassilevski, P. S. 6 2003 On the stability of the \(L^2\) projection in \(H^1(\omega)\). Zbl 0989.65122 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Steinbach, Olaf 96 2002 Overlapping Schwarz methods in H(curl) on polyhedral domains. Zbl 1017.65099 Pasciak, J. E.; Zhao, J. 31 2002 Shift theorems for the biharmonic Dirichlet problem. Zbl 1068.65134 Bacuta, Constantin; Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 2002 Multiplier spaces for the mortar finite element method in three dimensions. Zbl 1006.65129 Kim, Chisup; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 39 2001 Least-squares methods for linear elasticity based on a discrete minus one inner product. Zbl 0999.74107 Bramble, James H.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 18 2001 Analysis of an algorithm for computing electromagnetic Bloch modes using Nedelec spaces. Zbl 1006.78013 Dobson, D. C.; Pasciak, J. E. 13 2001 New interpolation results and applications to finite element methods for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0993.65128 Bacuta, C.; Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E. 12 2001 Iterative solution of a coupled mixed and standard Galerkin discretization method for elliptic problems. Zbl 1051.65107 Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 3 2001 Uzawa type algorithms for nonsymmetric saddle point problems. Zbl 0951.65122 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 66 2000 Computational scales of Sobolev norms with application to preconditioning. Zbl 0941.65052 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 39 2000 An efficient method for band structure calculations in 3D photonic crystals. Zbl 1034.78013 Dobson, David C.; Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 21 2000 Multigrid for the mortar finite element method. Zbl 0951.65134 Gopalakrishnan, Jayadeep; Pasciak, Joseph E. 20 2000 Numerical well model for non-Darcy flow through isotropic porous media. Zbl 0964.76041 Ewing, Richard E.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Lyons, Steve L.; Papavassiliou, Dimitrios V.; Pasciak, Joseph; Qin, Guan 18 1999 Coupling mixed and finite volume discretizations of convection-diffusion-reaction equations on non-matching grids. Zbl 1052.65554 Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 3 1999 Least-quares for second-order elliptic problems. Zbl 0944.65119 Bramble, James H.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 21 1998 Analysis of non-overlapping domain decomposition algorithms with inexact solves. Zbl 0902.65067 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 8 1998 Inexact Uzawa algorithms for symmetric and nonsymmetric saddle-point problems. Zbl 0912.65050 Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 1 1998 Analysis of the inexact Uzawa algorithm for saddle point problems. Zbl 0873.65031 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilev, Apostol T. 235 1997 A least-squares approach based on a discrete minus one inner product for first order systems. Zbl 0870.65104 Bramble, James H.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 82 1997 Iterative techniques for time dependent Stokes problems. Zbl 1030.76506 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E. 40 1997 Least-squares methods for Stokes equations based on a discrete minus one inner product. Zbl 0867.65055 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 35 1996 A subspace preconditioning algorithm for eigenvector/eigenvalue computation. Zbl 0879.65024 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Knyazev, Andrew V. 32 1996 The analysis of multigrid algorithms for cell centered finite difference methods. Zbl 0848.65082 Bramble, James H.; Ewing, Richard E.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Shen, Jian 10 1996 Two-level preconditioners for \(2m\)’th order elliptic finite element problems. Zbl 0860.65120 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Zhang, Xuejun 2 1996 Uniform convergence of multigrid \(V\)-cycle iterations for indefinite and nonsymmetric problems. Zbl 0813.65130 Bramble, James H.; Kwak, Do Y.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 39 1994 The analysis of multigrid algorithms for pseudodifferential operators of order minus one. Zbl 0812.65110 Bramble, James H.; Leyk, Zbigniew; Pasciak, Joseph E. 17 1994 Uniform convergence estimates for multigrid V-cycle algorithms with less than full elliptic regularity. Zbl 0797.65085 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 1994 Analysis of V-cycle multigrid algorithms for forms defined by numerical quadrature. Zbl 0802.65121 Bramble, J. H.; Goldstein, C. I.; Pasciak, J. E. 2 1994 New estimates for multilevel algorithms including the V-cycle. Zbl 0783.65081 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 59 1993 Multilevel iteration for mixed finite element systems with penalty. Zbl 0809.65114 Cai, Zhiqiang; Goldstein, Charles I.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 14 1993 Domain decomposition type iterative techniques for parabolic problems on locally refined grids. Zbl 0794.65076 Ewing, Richard E.; Lazarov, Raytcho D.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Vassilevski, Panayot S. 7 1993 Iterative schemes for nonsymmetric and indefinite elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0795.65071 Bramble, James H.; Leyk, Zbigniew; Pasciak, Joseph E. 5 1993 The analysis of smoothers for multigrid algorithms. Zbl 0771.65082 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 42 1992 Domain decomposition methods for problems with partial refinement. Zbl 0746.65084 Bramble, James H.; Ewing, Richard E.; Parashkevov, Rossen R.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 8 1992 Convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms without regularity assumptions. Zbl 0727.65101 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Wang, Junping; Xu, Jinchao 90 1991 Convergence estimates for product iterative methods with applications to domain decomposition. Zbl 0754.65085 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Wang, Junping; Xu, Jinchao 83 1991 The analysis of multigrid algorithms with nonnested spaces or noninherited quadratic forms. Zbl 0718.65081 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 80 1991 Parallel multilevel preconditioners. Zbl 0703.65076 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 162 1990 Parallel multilevel preconditioners. Zbl 0725.65095 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Xu, J. 42 1990 A domain decomposition technique for Stokes problems. Zbl 0691.76031 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 28 1990 Parallel multilevel preconditioners. Zbl 0711.65102 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 1 1990 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. IV. Zbl 0668.65082 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Schatz, Alfred H. 43 1989 Incomplete iterations in multistep backward difference methods for parabolic problems with smooth and nonsmooth data. Zbl 0663.65110 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Sammon, Peter H.; Thomée, Vidar 20 1989 Two domain decomposition techniques for Stokes problems. Zbl 0675.76034 Pasciak, Joseph E. 5 1989 A preconditioning technique for indefinite systems resulting from mixed approximations of elliptic problems. Zbl 0643.65017 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 143 1988 A preconditioning technique for the efficient solution of problems with local grid refinement. Zbl 0619.76113 Bramble, James H.; Ewing, Richard E.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Schatz, Alfred H. 42 1988 The analysis of multigrid algorithms for nonsymmetric and indefinite elliptic problems. Zbl 0699.65075 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Xu, Jinchao 27 1988 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. III. Zbl 0701.65070 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E.; Schatz, Alfred H. 25 1988 A preconditioning technique for indefinite systems resulting from mixed approximations of elliptic problems. Zbl 0649.65061 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 14 1988 Domain decomposition preconditioners for elliptic problems in two and three dimensions: First approach. Zbl 0658.65093 Pasciak, Joseph E. 2 1988 Domain decomposition preconditioners for elliptic problems in two and three dimensions. Zbl 0703.65077 Pasciak, Joseph E. 1 1988 New convergence estimates for multigrid algorithms. Zbl 0659.65098 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 71 1987 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. II. Zbl 0623.65118 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schatz, A. H. 41 1987 The construction of preconditioners for elliptic problems by substructuring. I. Zbl 0615.65112 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schatz, A. H. 172 1986 An iterative method for elliptic problems on regions partitioned into substructures. Zbl 0595.65111 Bramble, J. H.; Pasciak, J. E.; Schatz, A. H. 67 1986 A boundary parametric approximation to the linearized scalar potential magnetostatic field problem. Zbl 0619.65113 Bramble, James H.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 6 1985 Spectral properties for the magnetization integral operator. Zbl 0555.45006 Friedman, Mark J.; Pasciak, Joseph E. 11 1984 ...and 5 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,767 Authors 42 Pasciak, Joseph E. 33 Bramble, James H. 32 Xu, Jinchao 31 Wang, Hong 30 Vassilevski, Panayot Spirov 26 Lazarov, Raytcho D. 26 Zhang, Guofeng 23 Ma, Changfeng 21 Brenner, Susanne Cecelia 21 Ewing, Richard Edward 20 Vabishchevich, Pëtr Nikolaevich 19 Bonito, Andrea 19 Li, Jichun 19 Yang, Danping 18 Liang, Zhaozheng 18 Zhou, Zhi 17 Bacuta, Constantin 17 Gopalakrishnan, Jay 17 Xu, Xuejun 17 Zheng, Xiangcheng 16 Duan, Huoyuan 16 Harbrecht, Helmut 16 Hu, Qiya 16 Huang, Yunqing 16 Jin, Bangti 16 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 15 Lamichhane, Bishnu Prasad 15 Nochetto, Ricardo Horacio 15 Zikatanov, Ludmil T. 14 Deng, Weihua 14 Shu, Shi 14 Stynes, Martin Joseph 14 Zou, Jun 13 Xu, Fei 13 Zhang, Shangyou 12 Bertoluzza, Silvia 12 Huang, Chaobao 12 Mandel, Jan 12 Mardal, Kent-Andre 12 Margenov, Svetozar D. 12 Melenk, Jens Markus 11 Antil, Harbir 11 Axelsson, Axel Owe Holger 11 Chen, Long 11 Cui, Jingjing 11 Demkowicz, Leszek 11 Griebel, Michael 11 Huang, Zhengge 11 Kwak, Do Young 11 Li, Peijun 11 Oswald, Peter 11 Salgado, Abner J. 11 Steinbach, Olaf 11 Sun, Tongjun 11 Wang, Junping 11 Wang, Ligong 11 Xie, Xiaoping 11 Xu, Zhong 11 Yang, Suh-Yuh 10 Ainsworth, Mark 10 Ervin, Vincent J. 10 Kim, Seungil 10 Langer, Ulrich 10 Stevenson, Rob P. 10 Sung, Li-Yeng 10 Zheng, Qingqing 9 Chen, Huanzhen 9 Dahmen, Wolfgang A. 9 Harizanov, Stanislav 9 Huang, Na 9 Karkulik, Michael 9 Kuchta, Miroslav 9 Kunoth, Angela 9 Lin, Yiqin 9 Schöberl, Joachim 9 Schwab, Christoph 9 Tan, Roger C. 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