Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Peng, Shuangjie Co-Author Distance Author ID: peng.shuangjie Published as: Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Shuang-Jie; Peng, ShuangJie; Peng, Shuang Jie more...less Homepage: http://maths.ccnu.edu.cn/info/1173/21657.htm External Links: ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 136 Publications since 1998, including 1 Book and 11 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 15 Reviews Co-Authors: 63 Co-Authors with 130 Joint Publications 1,437 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 23 Deng, Yinbin 19 Cao, Daomin 18 Yan, Shusen 10 Luo, Peng 10 Wang, Chunhua 9 Kang, Dongsheng 8 Li, Gongbao 6 Guo, Yuxia 6 Long, Wei 5 Bartsch, Thomas J. 5 Guo, Qing 5 Shuai, Wei 4 Li, Qi 4 Pan, Kefan 4 Peng, Yanfang 4 Wang, Jixiu 4 Wang, Qingfang 4 Yang, Xi’an 3 An, Xiaoming 3 Guo, Yujin 3 He, Qihan 3 Jin, Lingyu 3 Liu, Zhongyuan 3 Lü, Dengfeng 3 Luo, Yong 3 Pi, Huirong 3 Wang, Zhi-Qiang 3 Xiang, Changlin 3 Yang, Jing 3 Zhou, Yang 2 Li, Yi 2 Liu, Junyuan 2 Ma, Yaming 2 Musso, Monica 2 Wang, Li 2 Xie, Chaodong 1 Ba, Na 1 Bi, Yuchen 1 Chen, Lu 1 Chen, Mengyao 1 Dancer, Edward Norman 1 Gao, Wenliang 1 Guo, Lun 1 He, Yi 1 Hu, Tingxi 1 Hua, Qiaoqiao 1 Kloks, Ton 1 Kou, Bingyu 1 Li, Jiayu 1 Li, Shujuan 1 Li, Yan 1 Lin, Chang-Shou 1 Lin, Xianan 1 Liu, Lei 1 Lu, Guozhen 1 Luo, Lin 1 Wei, Juncheng 1 Wei, Suting 1 Xie, Minghong 1 Zeng, Xianzhong 1 Zhang, Xinyue 1 Zhang, Zhengjie 1 Zhang, Zhitao 1 Zhou, Jing all top 5 Serials 18 Journal of Differential Equations 12 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 5 Journal of Functional Analysis 5 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Central China Normal University. Natural Sciences 4 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 4 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 4 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 4 Science China. Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Advances in Differential Equations 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Journal of Mathematics. Wuhan University 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Journal of Hebei Normal University. Natural Science Edition 1 Science in China. Series A 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Communications in Mathematical Sciences 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 1 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Scientia Sinica. Mathematica 1 Journal of Central China Normal University. Natural Sciences 1 Electronic Research Archive all top 5 Fields 125 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Operator theory (47-XX) 7 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 6 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 111 Publications have been cited 2,697 times in 1,581 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Existence and asymptotic behavior of nodal solutions for the Kirchhoff-type problems in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1343.35081 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 220 2015 Concentrating bound states for Kirchhoff type problems in \({\mathbb R}^3\) involving critical Sobolev exponents. Zbl 1305.35033 He, Yi; Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie 127 2014 A note on the sign-changing solutions to elliptic problems with critical Sobolev and Hardy terms. Zbl 1140.35412 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 112 2003 Segregated and synchronized vector solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems. Zbl 1260.35211 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Zhi-qiang 111 2013 Positive soliton solutions for generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical growth. Zbl 1302.35345 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 99 2015 Critical exponents and solitary wave solutions for generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1330.35099 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 86 2016 Infinitely many positive solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson system. Zbl 1206.35082 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 85 2010 The asymptotic behaviour of the ground state solutions for Hénon equation. Zbl 1086.35036 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 82 2003 Infinitely many solutions for \(p\)-Laplacian equation involving critical Sobolev growth. Zbl 1238.35038 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 77 2012 Local uniqueness and periodicity induced by concentration. Zbl 1378.35143 Guo, Yuxia; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 66 2017 Positive solutions for singular critical elliptic problems. Zbl 1133.35358 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 63 2004 A global compactness result for singular elliptic problems involving critical Sobolev exponent. Zbl 1075.35009 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 58 2003 Semi-classical bound states for Schrödinger equations with potentials vanishing or unbounded at infinity. Zbl 1185.35248 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 55 2009 Construction of solutions via local Pohozaev identities. Zbl 1392.35148 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Yan, Shusen 55 2018 A singularly perturbed Kirchhoff problem revisited. Zbl 1426.35018 Li, Gongbao; Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Xiang, Chang-Lin 54 2020 Nodal standing waves for a gauged nonlinear Schrödinger equation in \(\mathbb{R}^2\). Zbl 1383.35064 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 48 2018 Singularly perturbed methods for nonlinear elliptic problems. Zbl 1465.35003 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 47 2021 On elliptic systems with Sobolev critical growth. Zbl 1364.35091 Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yan-fang; Wang, Zhi-Qiang 46 2016 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for Choquard equation involving Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent. Zbl 1422.35077 Guo, Lun; Hu, Tingxi; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 46 2019 Nodal soliton solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical exponent. Zbl 1293.35292 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 42 2013 Existence and non-existence of solutions to elliptic equations related to the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. Zbl 1189.35092 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhang, Zhitao 42 2007 Multiple boundary concentrating solutions to Dirichlet problem of Hénon equation. Zbl 1153.35325 Peng, Shuangjie 39 2006 Solutions for semilinear elliptic problems with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents and Hardy potential. Zbl 1086.35044 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 39 2005 Planar vortex patch problem in incompressible steady flow. Zbl 1480.35318 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 38 2015 Nodal soliton solutions for generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1292.81037 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 34 2014 Asymptotic behaviour of ground state solutions for the Hénon equation. Zbl 1169.35377 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 31 2009 Non-degeneracy of multi-bubbling solutions for the prescribed scalar curvature equations and applications. Zbl 1444.35070 Guo, Yuxia; Musso, Monica; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 31 2020 Multi-bump solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson system. Zbl 1317.35238 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 30 2011 Multiple positive solutions for linearly coupled nonlinear elliptic systems with critical exponent. Zbl 1365.35027 Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei; Wang, Qingfang 30 2017 Solutions of Schrödinger equations with inverse square potential and critical nonlinearity. Zbl 1248.35058 Deng, Yinbin; Jin, Lingyu; Peng, Shuangjie 29 2012 On coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems with mixed couplings. Zbl 1439.35162 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Qingfang; Wang, Zhi-Qiang 29 2019 Multi-peak positive solutions to a class of Kirchhoff equations. Zbl 1437.35024 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Xiang, Chang-Lin 27 2019 Existence and asymptotic behavior of vector solutions for coupled nonlinear Kirchhoff-type systems. Zbl 1376.35051 Lü, Dengfeng; Peng, Shuangjie 25 2017 Multi-bump bound states of Schrödinger equations with a critical frequency. Zbl 1123.35061 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 23 2006 On multi-bump semi-classical bound states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with electromagnetic fields. Zbl 1146.35081 Bartsch, Thomas; Dancer, E. Norman; Peng, Shuangjie 23 2006 Infinitely many sign-changing solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations in \({\mathbb R}^N\). Zbl 1273.35103 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 22 2011 Infinitely many positive and sign-changing solutions for nonlinear fractional scalar field equations. Zbl 1331.35381 Yang, Jing; Peng, Shuangjie; Long, Wei 22 2016 Uniqueness of positive solutions with concentration for the Schrödinger-Newton problem. Zbl 1436.35029 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 22 2020 Constructing solutions for the prescribed scalar curvature problem via local Pohozaev identities. Zbl 1420.35106 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Wei, Suting 21 2019 Semiclassical symmetric Schrödinger equations: existence of solutions concentrating simultaneously on several spheres. Zbl 1133.35087 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie 21 2007 Segregated vector solutions for a class of Bose-Einstein systems. Zbl 1288.35434 Long, Wei; Peng, Shuangjie 20 2014 Solutions with large number of peaks for the supercritical Hénon equation. Zbl 1333.35065 Liu, Zhongyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 20 2016 Asymptotic behavior on the Hénon equation with supercritical exponent. Zbl 1184.35136 Li, ShuJuan; Peng, ShuangJie 20 2009 Local uniqueness for vortex patch problem in incompressible planar steady flow. Zbl 1436.35153 Cao, Daomin; Guo, Yuxia; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 20 2019 Segregated vector solutions for linearly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems. Zbl 1304.35648 Lin, Chang-Shou; Peng, Shuangjie 19 2014 Infinitely many solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with electromagnetic fields. Zbl 1229.35267 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 18 2011 Existence and asymptotic properties of solutions to elliptic systems involving multiple critical exponents. Zbl 1219.35022 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 17 2011 Multiplicity of solutions for the plasma problem in two dimensions. Zbl 1200.35130 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 17 2010 Excited states of Bose-Einstein condensates with degenerate attractive interactions. Zbl 1477.35244 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wei, Juncheng; Yan, Shusen 17 2021 On the positive vector solutions for nonlinear fractional Laplacian systems with linear coupling. Zbl 1365.35213 Lü, Dengfeng; Peng, Shuangjie 16 2017 Asymptotic behavior for elliptic problems with singular coefficient and nearly critical Sobolev growth. Zbl 1232.35058 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 15 2006 Sign-changing bubble tower solutions for the supercritical Hénon-type equations. Zbl 1403.35108 Cao, Daomin; Liu, Zhongyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 14 2018 Existence of solutions for elliptic problems with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents. Zbl 1210.35121 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 14 2004 Multi-peak bound states for Schrödinger equations with compactly supported or unbounded potentials. Zbl 1200.35282 Ba, Na; Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie 13 2010 Existence of solutions for elliptic equations with critical Sobolev–Hardy exponents. Zbl 1046.35032 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 13 2004 The number of positive solutions to the Brezis-Nirenberg problem. Zbl 1471.35140 Cao, Daomin; Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie 12 2021 An elliptic equation with combined critical Sobolev-Hardy terms. Zbl 1233.35092 Gao, Wenliang; Peng, Shuangjie 11 2006 Existence of multiple positive solutions for inhomogeneous Neumann problem. Zbl 1018.35022 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie 11 2002 Remarks on singular critical growth elliptic equations. Zbl 1134.35361 Peng, Shuangjie 11 2006 A Robin boundary problem with Hardy potential and critical nonlinearities. Zbl 1156.35040 Deng, Yinbin; Jin, Lingyu; Peng, Shuangjie 10 2008 Infinitely many solutions to elliptic systems with critical exponents and Hardy potentials. Zbl 1261.35021 Kang, DongSheng; Peng, ShuangJie 10 2012 Sign-changing solutions for elliptic problems with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents. Zbl 1045.35029 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 10 2004 Existence, non-degeneracy of proportional positive solutions and least energy solutions for a fractional elliptic system. Zbl 1377.35264 He, Qihan; Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yanfang 10 2017 Multiple solutions for an elliptic problem related to vortex pairs. Zbl 1214.31005 Li, Yi; Peng, Shuangjie 9 2011 Existence of solutions for elliptic equations with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents. Zbl 1115.35322 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 9 2004 Infinitely many solutions for a Hardy-Sobolev equation involving critical growth. Zbl 1308.35098 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 9 2015 Local uniqueness of ground states for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. Zbl 1477.35193 Guo, Yujin; Luo, Yong; Peng, Shuangjie 9 2021 On the webster scalar curvature problem on the CR sphere with a cylindrical-type symmetry. Zbl 1277.32041 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 8 2013 Remarks on elliptic problems involving the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. Zbl 1133.35045 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie 8 2008 Non-degeneracy and existence of new solutions for the Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1496.35178 Guo, Yuxia; Musso, Monica; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 8 2022 Solutions concentrating on higher dimensional subsets for singularly perturbed elliptic equations. II. Zbl 1195.35143 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2010 Spike vector solutions for some coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1327.35038 Pi, Huirong; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2016 Multiple positive solutions for a type of nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1368.35087 Long, Wei; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2016 Semi-classical solutions for fractional Schrödinger equations with potential vanishing at infinity. Zbl 1409.81040 An, Xiaoming; Peng, Shuangjie; Xie, Chaodong 7 2019 Regularization of planar vortices for the incompressible flow. Zbl 1438.35191 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 7 2018 Bound states for fractional Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical exponent. Zbl 1480.35198 Chen, Mengyao; Li, Qi; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2021 Solutions concentrating on higher dimensional subsets for singularly perturbed elliptic equations. I. Zbl 1155.35026 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie 6 2008 Existence of multiple solutions for a nonhomogeneous semilinear elliptic equation involving critical exponent. Zbl 1241.35077 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Li 6 2012 Boundary concentrating solutions for a Hénon-like equation. Zbl 1317.35048 Peng, Shuangjie; Pi, Huirong 6 2015 Solutions for the prescribing mean curvature equation. Zbl 1161.35014 Cao, Dao-Min; Peng, Shuang-Jie 5 2008 Nodal solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation involving the \(p\)-Laplacian and critical exponents. Zbl 1386.35109 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 5 2018 Positive vector solutions for a Schrödinger system with external source terms. Zbl 1460.35123 Long, Wei; Peng, Shuangjie 5 2020 Concentration of solutions for a Paneitz type problem. Zbl 1186.35049 Peng, Shuangjie; Zhou, Jing 5 2010 A class of supercritical Sobolev type inequalities with logarithm and related elliptic equations. Zbl 1511.35011 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhang, Xinyue; Zhou, Yang 5 2022 Pohozaev identities and their applications to nonlinear elliptic equations. Zbl 1499.35259 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Qingfang 5 2016 Bound states with clustered peaks for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with compactly supported potentials. Zbl 1301.35148 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Pi, Huirong 4 2014 Sign-changing solutions of an elliptic system with critical exponent in dimension \(N= 5 \). Zbl 1415.35114 Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yanfang; Wang, Qingfang 4 2019 Concentration of solutions for the Yamabe problem on half-spaces. Zbl 1293.53048 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2013 Multi-peak solutions to two types of free boundary problems. Zbl 1333.35023 Li, Yi; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2015 Infinitely many double-boundary-peak solutions for a Hénon-like equation with critical nonlinearity. Zbl 1323.35006 Liu, Zhongyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2016 On the fractional Lazer-McKenna conjecture with critical growth. Zbl 1500.35300 Li, Qi; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2022 Existence and non-degeneracy of positive multi-bubbling solutions to critical elliptic systems of Hamiltonian type. Zbl 1512.35235 Guo, Qing; Liu, Junyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2023 On fractional logarithmic Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1485.35396 Li, Qi; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 3 2022 Positive solutions for elliptic equations related to the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. Zbl 1173.35583 Deng, Yinbin; Jin, Lingyu; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2009 Infinitely many radial solutions to elliptic systems involving critical exponents. Zbl 1277.35044 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Li 2 2014 Achievability of a supremum for the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality with supercritical exponent. Zbl 1437.35207 An, Xiaoming; Peng, Shuangjie; Xie, Chaodong 2 2019 Singular elliptic problems in \(\mathbb R^N\) with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents. Zbl 1156.35029 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2008 A new type of solutions for a singularly perturbed elliptic Neumann problem. Zbl 1153.35040 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 2 2007 On the prescribed scalar curvature problem with very degenerate prescribed functions. Zbl 1505.35183 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhou, Yang 2 2023 Multi-peak semiclassical bound states for fractional Schrödinger equations with fast decaying potentials. Zbl 1487.35032 An, Xiaoming; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2022 Morse index of concentrated solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with a very degenerate potential. Zbl 1544.35026 Luo, Peng; Pan, Kefan; Peng, Shuangjie 1 2024 Existence and non-degeneracy of positive multi-bubbling solutions to critical elliptic systems of Hamiltonian type. Zbl 1512.35235 Guo, Qing; Liu, Junyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2023 On the prescribed scalar curvature problem with very degenerate prescribed functions. Zbl 1505.35183 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhou, Yang 2 2023 Existence and asymptotic behavior of ground states for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. Zbl 1512.35201 Guo, Yujin; Luo, Yong; Peng, Shuangjie 1 2023 Local uniqueness of concentrated solutions and some applications on nonlinear Schrödinger equations with very degenerate potentials. Zbl 1518.35041 Luo, Peng; Pan, Kefan; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhou, Yang 1 2023 The \(C^0\)-convergence at the Neumann boundary for Liouville equations. Zbl 1518.35384 Bi, Yuchen; Li, Jiayu; Liu, Lei; Peng, Shuangjie 1 2023 New existence of multi-spike solutions for the fractional Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1514.35458 Guo, Qing; Guo, Yuxia; Peng, Shuangjie 1 2023 Uniqueness and non-degeneracy of ground states for Choquard equations with fractional Laplacian. Zbl 1520.35065 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yang, Xian 1 2023 Non-degeneracy and existence of new solutions for the Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1496.35178 Guo, Yuxia; Musso, Monica; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 8 2022 A class of supercritical Sobolev type inequalities with logarithm and related elliptic equations. Zbl 1511.35011 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhang, Xinyue; Zhou, Yang 5 2022 On the fractional Lazer-McKenna conjecture with critical growth. Zbl 1500.35300 Li, Qi; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2022 On fractional logarithmic Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1485.35396 Li, Qi; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 3 2022 Multi-peak semiclassical bound states for fractional Schrödinger equations with fast decaying potentials. Zbl 1487.35032 An, Xiaoming; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2022 Positive solutions to a nonlinear fractional equation with an external source term. Zbl 1497.35495 Li, Qi; Pan, Kefan; Peng, Shuangjie 1 2022 Singularly perturbed methods for nonlinear elliptic problems. Zbl 1465.35003 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 47 2021 Excited states of Bose-Einstein condensates with degenerate attractive interactions. Zbl 1477.35244 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wei, Juncheng; Yan, Shusen 17 2021 The number of positive solutions to the Brezis-Nirenberg problem. Zbl 1471.35140 Cao, Daomin; Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie 12 2021 Local uniqueness of ground states for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. Zbl 1477.35193 Guo, Yujin; Luo, Yong; Peng, Shuangjie 9 2021 Bound states for fractional Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical exponent. Zbl 1480.35198 Chen, Mengyao; Li, Qi; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2021 A singularly perturbed Kirchhoff problem revisited. Zbl 1426.35018 Li, Gongbao; Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Xiang, Chang-Lin 54 2020 Non-degeneracy of multi-bubbling solutions for the prescribed scalar curvature equations and applications. Zbl 1444.35070 Guo, Yuxia; Musso, Monica; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 31 2020 Uniqueness of positive solutions with concentration for the Schrödinger-Newton problem. Zbl 1436.35029 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 22 2020 Positive vector solutions for a Schrödinger system with external source terms. Zbl 1460.35123 Long, Wei; Peng, Shuangjie 5 2020 Existence and concentration of solutions for singularly perturbed doubly nonlocal elliptic equations. Zbl 1437.35308 Lü, Dengfeng; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2020 Existence and uniqueness of solutions for Choquard equation involving Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponent. Zbl 1422.35077 Guo, Lun; Hu, Tingxi; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 46 2019 On coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems with mixed couplings. Zbl 1439.35162 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Qingfang; Wang, Zhi-Qiang 29 2019 Multi-peak positive solutions to a class of Kirchhoff equations. Zbl 1437.35024 Luo, Peng; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Xiang, Chang-Lin 27 2019 Constructing solutions for the prescribed scalar curvature problem via local Pohozaev identities. Zbl 1420.35106 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Wei, Suting 21 2019 Local uniqueness for vortex patch problem in incompressible planar steady flow. Zbl 1436.35153 Cao, Daomin; Guo, Yuxia; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 20 2019 Semi-classical solutions for fractional Schrödinger equations with potential vanishing at infinity. Zbl 1409.81040 An, Xiaoming; Peng, Shuangjie; Xie, Chaodong 7 2019 Sign-changing solutions of an elliptic system with critical exponent in dimension \(N= 5 \). Zbl 1415.35114 Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yanfang; Wang, Qingfang 4 2019 Achievability of a supremum for the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev inequality with supercritical exponent. Zbl 1437.35207 An, Xiaoming; Peng, Shuangjie; Xie, Chaodong 2 2019 Construction of solutions via local Pohozaev identities. Zbl 1392.35148 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua; Yan, Shusen 55 2018 Nodal standing waves for a gauged nonlinear Schrödinger equation in \(\mathbb{R}^2\). Zbl 1383.35064 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 48 2018 Sign-changing bubble tower solutions for the supercritical Hénon-type equations. Zbl 1403.35108 Cao, Daomin; Liu, Zhongyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 14 2018 Regularization of planar vortices for the incompressible flow. Zbl 1438.35191 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 7 2018 Nodal solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation involving the \(p\)-Laplacian and critical exponents. Zbl 1386.35109 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 5 2018 Local uniqueness and periodicity induced by concentration. Zbl 1378.35143 Guo, Yuxia; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 66 2017 Multiple positive solutions for linearly coupled nonlinear elliptic systems with critical exponent. Zbl 1365.35027 Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei; Wang, Qingfang 30 2017 Existence and asymptotic behavior of vector solutions for coupled nonlinear Kirchhoff-type systems. Zbl 1376.35051 Lü, Dengfeng; Peng, Shuangjie 25 2017 On the positive vector solutions for nonlinear fractional Laplacian systems with linear coupling. Zbl 1365.35213 Lü, Dengfeng; Peng, Shuangjie 16 2017 Existence, non-degeneracy of proportional positive solutions and least energy solutions for a fractional elliptic system. Zbl 1377.35264 He, Qihan; Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yanfang 10 2017 Critical exponents and solitary wave solutions for generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1330.35099 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 86 2016 On elliptic systems with Sobolev critical growth. Zbl 1364.35091 Peng, Shuangjie; Peng, Yan-fang; Wang, Zhi-Qiang 46 2016 Infinitely many positive and sign-changing solutions for nonlinear fractional scalar field equations. Zbl 1331.35381 Yang, Jing; Peng, Shuangjie; Long, Wei 22 2016 Solutions with large number of peaks for the supercritical Hénon equation. Zbl 1333.35065 Liu, Zhongyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 20 2016 Spike vector solutions for some coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1327.35038 Pi, Huirong; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2016 Multiple positive solutions for a type of nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1368.35087 Long, Wei; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2016 Pohozaev identities and their applications to nonlinear elliptic equations. Zbl 1499.35259 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Qingfang 5 2016 Infinitely many double-boundary-peak solutions for a Hénon-like equation with critical nonlinearity. Zbl 1323.35006 Liu, Zhongyuan; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2016 Synchronized vector solutions to an elliptic system. Zbl 1342.35097 He, Qihan; Peng, Shuangjie 1 2016 Existence and asymptotic behavior of nodal solutions for the Kirchhoff-type problems in \(\mathbb{R}^3\). Zbl 1343.35081 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Shuai, Wei 220 2015 Positive soliton solutions for generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical growth. Zbl 1302.35345 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 99 2015 Planar vortex patch problem in incompressible steady flow. Zbl 1480.35318 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 38 2015 Infinitely many solutions for a Hardy-Sobolev equation involving critical growth. Zbl 1308.35098 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 9 2015 Boundary concentrating solutions for a Hénon-like equation. Zbl 1317.35048 Peng, Shuangjie; Pi, Huirong 6 2015 Multi-peak solutions to two types of free boundary problems. Zbl 1333.35023 Li, Yi; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2015 Concentrating bound states for Kirchhoff type problems in \({\mathbb R}^3\) involving critical Sobolev exponents. Zbl 1305.35033 He, Yi; Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie 127 2014 Nodal soliton solutions for generalized quasilinear Schrödinger equations. Zbl 1292.81037 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 34 2014 Segregated vector solutions for a class of Bose-Einstein systems. Zbl 1288.35434 Long, Wei; Peng, Shuangjie 20 2014 Segregated vector solutions for linearly coupled nonlinear Schrödinger systems. Zbl 1304.35648 Lin, Chang-Shou; Peng, Shuangjie 19 2014 Bound states with clustered peaks for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with compactly supported potentials. Zbl 1301.35148 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Pi, Huirong 4 2014 Infinitely many radial solutions to elliptic systems involving critical exponents. Zbl 1277.35044 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Li 2 2014 Segregated and synchronized vector solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger systems. Zbl 1260.35211 Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Zhi-qiang 111 2013 Nodal soliton solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations with critical exponent. Zbl 1293.35292 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 42 2013 On the webster scalar curvature problem on the CR sphere with a cylindrical-type symmetry. Zbl 1277.32041 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 8 2013 Concentration of solutions for the Yamabe problem on half-spaces. Zbl 1293.53048 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 3 2013 Infinitely many solutions for \(p\)-Laplacian equation involving critical Sobolev growth. Zbl 1238.35038 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 77 2012 Solutions of Schrödinger equations with inverse square potential and critical nonlinearity. Zbl 1248.35058 Deng, Yinbin; Jin, Lingyu; Peng, Shuangjie 29 2012 Infinitely many solutions to elliptic systems with critical exponents and Hardy potentials. Zbl 1261.35021 Kang, DongSheng; Peng, ShuangJie 10 2012 Existence of multiple solutions for a nonhomogeneous semilinear elliptic equation involving critical exponent. Zbl 1241.35077 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Li 6 2012 Multi-bump solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson system. Zbl 1317.35238 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 30 2011 Infinitely many sign-changing solutions for quasilinear Schrödinger equations in \({\mathbb R}^N\). Zbl 1273.35103 Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Jixiu 22 2011 Infinitely many solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations with electromagnetic fields. Zbl 1229.35267 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Wang, Chunhua 18 2011 Existence and asymptotic properties of solutions to elliptic systems involving multiple critical exponents. Zbl 1219.35022 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 17 2011 Multiple solutions for an elliptic problem related to vortex pairs. Zbl 1214.31005 Li, Yi; Peng, Shuangjie 9 2011 Infinitely many positive solutions for the nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson system. Zbl 1206.35082 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 85 2010 Multiplicity of solutions for the plasma problem in two dimensions. Zbl 1200.35130 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 17 2010 Multi-peak bound states for Schrödinger equations with compactly supported or unbounded potentials. Zbl 1200.35282 Ba, Na; Deng, Yinbin; Peng, Shuangjie 13 2010 Solutions concentrating on higher dimensional subsets for singularly perturbed elliptic equations. II. Zbl 1195.35143 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie 7 2010 Concentration of solutions for a Paneitz type problem. Zbl 1186.35049 Peng, Shuangjie; Zhou, Jing 5 2010 Semi-classical bound states for Schrödinger equations with potentials vanishing or unbounded at infinity. Zbl 1185.35248 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 55 2009 Asymptotic behaviour of ground state solutions for the Hénon equation. Zbl 1169.35377 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 31 2009 Asymptotic behavior on the Hénon equation with supercritical exponent. Zbl 1184.35136 Li, ShuJuan; Peng, ShuangJie 20 2009 Positive solutions for elliptic equations related to the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. Zbl 1173.35583 Deng, Yinbin; Jin, Lingyu; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2009 Quasilinear elliptic equations with Neumann boundary and singularity. Zbl 1187.35098 Kou, Bing-Yu; Peng, Shuang-Jie 1 2009 A Robin boundary problem with Hardy potential and critical nonlinearities. Zbl 1156.35040 Deng, Yinbin; Jin, Lingyu; Peng, Shuangjie 10 2008 Remarks on elliptic problems involving the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. Zbl 1133.35045 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie 8 2008 Solutions concentrating on higher dimensional subsets for singularly perturbed elliptic equations. I. Zbl 1155.35026 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie 6 2008 Solutions for the prescribing mean curvature equation. Zbl 1161.35014 Cao, Dao-Min; Peng, Shuang-Jie 5 2008 Singular elliptic problems in \(\mathbb R^N\) with critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents. Zbl 1156.35029 Kang, Dongsheng; Peng, Shuangjie 2 2008 Existence and non-existence of solutions to elliptic equations related to the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. Zbl 1189.35092 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie; Zhang, Zhitao 42 2007 Semiclassical symmetric Schrödinger equations: existence of solutions concentrating simultaneously on several spheres. Zbl 1133.35087 Bartsch, Thomas; Peng, Shuangjie 21 2007 A new type of solutions for a singularly perturbed elliptic Neumann problem. Zbl 1153.35040 Li, Gongbao; Peng, Shuangjie; Yan, Shusen 2 2007 Multiple boundary concentrating solutions to Dirichlet problem of Hénon equation. Zbl 1153.35325 Peng, Shuangjie 39 2006 Multi-bump bound states of Schrödinger equations with a critical frequency. Zbl 1123.35061 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 23 2006 On multi-bump semi-classical bound states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with electromagnetic fields. Zbl 1146.35081 Bartsch, Thomas; Dancer, E. Norman; Peng, Shuangjie 23 2006 Asymptotic behavior for elliptic problems with singular coefficient and nearly critical Sobolev growth. Zbl 1232.35058 Cao, Daomin; Peng, Shuangjie 15 2006 An elliptic equation with combined critical Sobolev-Hardy terms. Zbl 1233.35092 Gao, Wenliang; Peng, Shuangjie 11 2006 Remarks on singular critical growth elliptic equations. Zbl 1134.35361 Peng, Shuangjie 11 2006 ...and 11 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,165 Authors 75 Peng, Shuangjie 56 Tang, Xianhua 46 Tang, Chun-Lei 41 Guo, Yuxia 37 Cao, Daomin 37 Deng, Yinbin 37 Kang, Dongsheng 34 Wang, Chunhua 31 Chen, Haibo 23 Tang, Zhongwei 23 Yang, Minbo 22 Yan, Shusen 21 Chen, Jianhua 21 Yang, Jing 21 Zhang, Jianjun 19 Long, Wei 19 Wang, Zhi-Qiang 18 Cheng, Bitao 18 Li, Qi 18 Liu, Weiming 18 Zou, Wenming 17 Shuai, Wei 17 Wang, Dabin 17 Wang, Guodong 17 Zhang, Binlin 16 Chen, Sitong 16 Li, Gongbao 16 Liu, Zhongyuan 16 Luo, Xiao 16 Zhang, Fubao 15 Li, Quanqing 15 Liao, Jiafeng 15 Liu, Haidong 15 Wei, Juncheng 14 Lü, Dengfeng 14 Luo, Peng 14 Miyagaki, Olimpio Hiroshi 14 Rădulescu, Vicenţiu D. 13 Byeon, Jaeyoung 13 Hu, Yichen 13 Nie, Jianjun 13 Wang, Lushun 13 Wang, Qingfang 13 Zhang, Jihui 12 Da Silva, Edcarlos Domingos 12 Guo, Qianqiao 12 Li, Benniao 12 Liu, Ting 12 Liu, Xiangqing 12 Mao, Anmin 12 Shen, Liejun 12 Wu, Tsungfang 12 Wu, Yuanze 11 Guo, Qing 11 Guo, Shangjiang 11 Guo, Yujin 11 He, Qihan 11 Wang, Li 11 Yang, Jianfu 11 Zhang, Jian 11 Zhang, Zhitao 11 Zhen, Maoding 10 Echarghaoui, Rachid 10 Gao, Fashun 10 He, Xiaoming 10 Huang, Xianjiu 10 Liang, Sihua 10 Pistoia, Angela 10 Teng, Kaimin 10 Wan, Jie 10 Wang, Jun 9 Che, Guofeng 9 Chen, Wenjing 9 Clapp, Mónica 9 Guan, Wen 9 Han, Pigong 9 Huang, Wentao 9 Huang, Yisheng 9 Jia, HuiFang 9 Li, Fuyi 9 Liu, Jiaquan 9 Liu, Zhisu 9 Tian, ShuYing 9 Wang, Tao 9 Xiang, Changlin 9 Zeng, Xiaoyu 9 Zhang, Yimin 9 Zhao, Junfang 9 Zhao, Leiga 8 Ambrosio, Vincenzo 8 An, Xiaoming 8 Do Ó, João M. Bezerra 8 Gu, Guangze 8 Guo, Hui 8 Guo, Lun 8 Li, Guidong 8 Lu, Lu 8 Niu, Pengcheng 8 Peng, Yanfang 8 Qin, Dongdong ...and 1,065 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 172 Serials 120 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 101 Journal of Differential Equations 78 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 66 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 58 Journal of Mathematical Physics 57 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 55 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 53 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 51 Applied Mathematics Letters 43 Applicable Analysis 41 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 39 Advanced Nonlinear Studies 38 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 37 Boundary Value Problems 36 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 32 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 25 Science China. Mathematics 24 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 23 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 22 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 21 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 21 Journal of Functional Analysis 19 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 19 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 18 Nonlinearity 17 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 17 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 16 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 15 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 14 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 13 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 12 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 11 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 9 Mathematische Nachrichten 9 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 9 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 7 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 7 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 7 Asymptotic Analysis 7 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 7 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 6 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 6 AIMS Mathematics 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica 5 Annals of Functional Analysis 5 Journal of Function Spaces 5 Open Mathematics 5 Electronic Research Archive 5 SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications 4 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 4 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 4 Manuscripta Mathematica 4 Mathematische Annalen 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 4 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 4 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 4 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 4 Potential Analysis 4 Advances in Differential Equations 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 4 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 4 Differential Equations and Applications 4 Advances in Mathematical Physics 4 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 4 Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis 3 Advances in Mathematics 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 3 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 3 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 3 Science in China. Series A 3 International Journal of Mathematics 3 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Frontiers of Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Differential Geometry and its Applications 2 Journal of Nonlinear Science 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics ...and 72 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 27 Fields 1,549 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 74 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 58 Operator theory (47-XX) 36 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 29 Quantum theory (81-XX) 27 Functional analysis (46-XX) 23 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 15 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 14 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 13 Real functions (26-XX) 13 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 11 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year