Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Persson, Lars-Erik Co-Author Distance Author ID: persson.lars-erik Published as: Persson, Lars-Erik; Persson, L.-E.; Persson, L. E.; Persson, Lars Erik; Persson, Lars-Eric; Persson, L.; Persson, Lars Eric; Persson, Lars-erik; Persson, Lars E.; Persson, L. -E. more...less Homepage: http://www.ltu.se/staff/l/larserik-1.11738 External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 335 Publications since 1972, including 15 Books and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints 8 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 170 Co-Authors with 327 Joint Publications 3,487 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 16 single-authored 32 Tephnadze, George 28 Maligranda, Lech 27 Pečarić, Josip 24 Wall, Peter 23 Samko, Natasha 22 Kufner, Alois 22 Nikolova, Ludmila 19 Barza, Sorina 18 Oguntuase, James Adedayo 17 Lukkassen, Dag 16 Wedestig, Anna 15 Stepanov, Vladimir Dmitrievich 12 Abramovich, Shoshana 10 Gogatishvili, Amiran 10 Jain, Pankaj 10 Oĭnarov, Ryskul Oĭnarovich 9 Varošanec, Sanja 8 Okpoti, Christopher Adjei 7 Čižmešija, Aleksandra 7 Peetre, Jaak 6 Johansson, Maria 6 Kruglyak, Natan Ya. 6 Marcoci, Liviu-Gabriel 6 Perić, Ivan 6 Samko, Stefan Grigor’evich 6 Shaimardan, Serikbol 5 Kopezhanova, Aĭgerim Nurzhanovna 5 Koroleva, Yulia O. 5 Meidell, Annette 5 Niculescu, Constantin P. 5 Popa, Nicolae 5 Singh, Harpal 4 Akishev, Gabdolla Akishevich 4 Areshidze, Nika 4 Baramidze, Davit 4 Carro, María Jesús 4 Chechkin, Gregory Aleksandrovich 4 Kalybay, Aigerim Aisultankyzy 4 Kamińska, Anna 4 Kuliev, Komil D. 4 Larsson, Leo 4 Nursultanov, Erlan D. 4 Soria, Javier 4 Temirkhanova, Ainur Maralkyzy 4 Ushakova, Elena Pavlovna 4 Weisz, Ferenc 4 Yimer, Markos Fisseha 3 Abylaeva, Akbota Muhamediyarovna 3 Baramidze, David 3 Blahota, István 3 Burenkov, Viktor Ivanovich 3 Cwikel, Michael 3 Dechevsky, Lubomir T. 3 Essel, Emmanuel Kwame 3 Heinig, Hans P. 3 Koski, Timo J. T. 3 Krulić Himmelreich, Kristina 3 Marcoci, Anca-Nicoleta 3 Popova, Olga V. 3 Shambilova, Guldarya Ermakovna 3 Silvestrov, Sergei D. 3 Zachariades, Theodossios 2 Adeleke, Emmanuel Oyeyemi 2 Allotey, Francis Kofi Ampenyin 2 Arendarenko, L. S. 2 Asekritova, Irina U. 2 Ayele, Tsegaye Gedif 2 Baiarystanov, Askar O. 2 Bergh, Jöran 2 Burtseva, Evgeniya 2 Cobos, Fernando 2 Čuljak, Vera 2 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 2 Engliš, Miroslav 2 Engström, Jonas 2 Ericsson, Stefan 2 Høibakk, Ralph 2 Isac, George 2 Kaijser, Sten 2 Lindblom, Ove 2 Lions, Jacques-Louis 2 Mustafayev, Rza Ch. 2 Nadirashvili, Nato 2 Páles, Zsolt 2 Rafeiro, Humberto 2 Sarybekova, Lyazzat Omarovna 2 Schipp, Ferenc 2 Sinnamon, Gord 2 Sparr, Gunnar 2 Svanstedt, Nils E. M. 2 Tleukhanova, Nazerke Tulekovna 2 Upreti, Priti 2 Wyller, John A. 1 Abdikalikova, Zamira 1 Adeagbo-Sheikh, Abdulaziz Gbadebo 1 Adeagbo-Sheikh, Abdullaziz G. 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Aglić Aljinović, Andrea 1 Ågotnes, Joachim Jørgensen 1 Akhmetkaliyeva, Raya Duisenbekovna ...and 70 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 38 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 35 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 15 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 14 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 12 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 Proceedings of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 6 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications 5 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 5 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 5 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 5 Journal of Approximation Theory 5 Mathematica Scandinavica 5 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 5 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 5 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 4 Applications of Mathematics 4 Doklady Mathematics 4 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 4 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 3 Studia Mathematica 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Real Analysis Exchange 3 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 3 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy. Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science 3 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Collectanea Mathematica 2 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Georgian Mathematical Journal 2 Nonlinear Studies 2 Positivity 2 CMS Books in Mathematics/Ouvrages de Mathématiques de la SMC 2 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Constructive Mathematical Analysis 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 The Mathematical Gazette 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Arkiv för Matematik 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Indagationes Mathematicae 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Normat 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria I. Commentationes Mathematicae 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Computatorica 1 Note di Matematica 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Mathematica Pannonica 1 Godishnik na Sofiĭskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Okhridski”. Fakultet po Matematika i Informatika 1 Aequationes Mathematicae 1 Doklady Bolgarskoĭ Akademii Nauk 1 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 1 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie. Nouvelle Série 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Filomat 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics, Mathematics 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 1 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. New Series 1 Bulletin of TICMI 1 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 1 Journal of Analysis and Applications 1 Archives of Inequalities and Applications 1 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 1 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Publications of the Centre for Nonlinear Analysis and ist Applications 1 Operators and Matrices 1 Advances in Algebra and Analysis 1 International Journal of Differential Equations 1 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematics 1 Transactions of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute 1 Mathematics Research Developments all top 5 Fields 202 Real functions (26-XX) 105 Functional analysis (46-XX) 68 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 53 Operator theory (47-XX) 21 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 20 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 261 Publications have been cited 3,720 times in 2,232 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Convex functions and their applications. A contemporary approach. Zbl 1100.26002 Niculescu, Constantin; Persson, Lars-Erik 366 2006 The Hardy inequality. About its history and some related results. Zbl 1213.42001 Kufner, Alois; Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars-Erik 349 2007 Weighted inequalities of Hardy type. Zbl 1065.26018 Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik 319 2003 Some inequalities of Hadamard type. Zbl 0834.26009 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru; Pečarić, Josip E.; Persson, L. E. 211 1995 Convex functions and their applications. A contemporary approach. 2nd edition. Zbl 1404.26003 Niculescu, Constantin P.; Persson, Lars-Erik 125 2018 Weighted inequalities of Hardy type. 2nd updated edition. Zbl 1380.26001 Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 123 2017 The prehistory of the Hardy inequality. Zbl 1153.01015 Kufner, Alois; Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars-Erik 117 2006 Interpolation with a parameter function. Zbl 0619.46064 Persson, Lars Erik 61 1986 Generalized duality of some Banach function spaces. Zbl 0704.46018 Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars Erik 59 1989 Old and new on the Hermite-Hadamard inequality. Zbl 1073.26015 Niculescu, Constantin P.; Persson, Lars-Erik 54 2004 Properties of some functionals related to Jensen’s inequality. Zbl 0847.26013 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru; Pečarić, Josip E.; Persson, L. E. 48 1996 On Carleman and Knopp’s inequalities. Zbl 1049.26014 Kaijser, Sten; Persson, Lars-Erik; Öberg, Anders 45 2002 Maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means. Zbl 1311.42071 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 42 2015 Hardy-type inequalities via convexity. Zbl 1083.26013 Kaijser, Sten; Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wedestig, Anna 39 2005 A note on the best constants in some Hardy inequalities. Zbl 1314.26021 Persson, L.-E.; Samko, S. G. 38 2015 Weighted integral inequalities with the geometric mean operator. Zbl 1024.26008 Persson, Lars-Erik; Stepanov, Vladimir D. 37 2002 Weighted Hardy and potential operators in the generalized Morrey spaces. Zbl 1211.42018 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 37 2011 Reiterated homogenization of nonlinear monotone operators. Zbl 0979.35047 Lions, J. L.; Lukkassen, D.; Persson, L. E.; Wall, P. 33 2001 Martingale Hardy spaces and summability of the one-dimensional Vilenkin-Fourier series. Zbl 1512.42042 Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Weisz, Ferenc 33 2022 On strengthened Hardy and Pólya-Knopp’s inequalities. Zbl 1034.26008 Čižmešija, Aleksandra; Pečarić, Josip; Persson, Lars-Erik 31 2003 Some new Hardy type inequalities with general kernels. Zbl 1177.26038 Krulić, Kristina; Pečarić, Josip; Persson, Lars-Erik 27 2009 An equivalence theorem for integral conditions related to Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 1070.26015 Gogatishvili, Amiram; Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wedestig, Anna 26 2004 The homogenization method. An introduction. Zbl 0847.73003 Persson, Lars-Erik; Persson, Leif; Svanstedt, Nils; Wyller, John 26 1993 Weighted norm inequalities for integral transforms with product kernels. Zbl 1257.44002 Kokilashvili, Vakhtang; Meskhi, Alexander; Persson, Lars-Erik 26 2009 Fejér and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(N\)-quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1382.26016 Abramovich, S.; Persson, Lars Erik 26 2017 Some new iterated Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1260.26023 Gogatishvili, A.; Mustafayev, R. Ch.; Persson, L.-E. 24 2012 An analogy of the Carleson-Hunt theorem with respect to Vilenkin systems. Zbl 1492.42032 Persson, L.-E.; Schipp, F.; Tephnadze, G.; Weisz, F. 24 2022 Sharp \(H_{p}\)-\(L_{p}\) type inequalities of weighted maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means and its applications. Zbl 1352.42037 Baramidze, Lasha; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Wall, Peter 22 2016 Indices, convexity and concavity of Calderón-Lozanovskii spaces. Zbl 1026.46020 Maligranda, L.; Kamińska, A.; Persson, L. E. 21 2003 On the connection between real and complex interpolation of quasi-Banach spaces. Zbl 0953.46037 Cobos, Fernando; Peetre, Jaak; Persson, Lars Erik 20 1998 A note on the maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means with non-increasing coefficients. Zbl 1399.42079 Memić, N.; Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G. 20 2016 Refinement of Hardy’s inequalities via superquadratic and subquadratic functions. Zbl 1131.26014 Oguntuase, James Adedayo; Persson, Lars-Erik 19 2008 On an elementary approach to the fractional Hardy inequality. Zbl 0935.26008 Krugljak, Natan; Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars Erik 18 2000 Time scales Hardy-type inequalities via superquadracity. Zbl 1368.26026 Oguntuase, James Adedayo; Persson, Lars-Erik 18 2014 Mixed norm and multidimensional Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1110.46018 Barza, Sorina; Kamińska, Anna; Persson, Lars-Erik; Soria, Javier 18 2006 Hardy and singular operators in weighted generalized Morrey spaces with applications to singular integral equations. Zbl 1252.42026 Lukkassen, D.; Meidell, A.; Persson, L.-E.; Samko, N. 18 2012 Reiterated homogenization of monotone operators. Zbl 0953.35041 Lions, Jacques-Louis; Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wall, Peter 17 2000 Weighted Favard and Berwald inequalities. Zbl 0834.26012 Maligranda, L.; Pečarić, J. E.; Persson, L. E. 17 1995 Some new iterated Hardy-type inequalities: the case \({\theta=1}\). Zbl 1297.26035 Gogatishvili, Amiran; Mustafayev, Rza; Persson, Lars-Erik 16 2013 What should have happened if Hardy had discovered this? Zbl 1282.26038 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 16 2012 Multiplicative inequalities of Carlson type and interpolation. Zbl 1102.41001 Larsson, Leo; Maligranda, Lech; Pečarić, Josip; Persson, Lars-Erik 16 2006 A sharp boundedness result for restricted maximal operators of Vilenkin-Fourier series on martingale Hardy spaces. Zbl 1440.42127 Blahota, István; Nagy, Karoly; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George 16 2019 On the Nörlund logarithmic means with respect to Vilenkin system in the martingale Hardy space \(H_1\). Zbl 1399.42082 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 16 2018 A sharp boundedness result concerning some maximal operators of Vilenkin-Fejér means. Zbl 1358.42023 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G. 16 2016 Characterisation of embeddings in Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1128.26012 Gogatishvili, A.; Johansson, M.; Okpoti, C. A.; Persson, L.-E. 15 2007 Some scales of equivalent weight characterizations of Hardy’s inequality: the case \(q < p\). Zbl 1122.26016 Persson, Lars-Erik; Stepanov, Vladimir; Wall, Peter 15 2007 Best constants in reversed Hardy’s inequalities for quasimonotone functions. Zbl 0805.26008 Bergh, Jöran; Burenkov, Victor; Persson, Lars Erik 14 1994 On an approximation of 2-dimensional Walsh-Fourier series in martingale Hardy spaces. Zbl 1382.42017 Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 14 2018 On the boundedness of subsequences of Vilenkin-Fejér means on the martingale Hardy spaces. Zbl 1465.42031 Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Tutberidze, Georgi 14 2020 Quasi-monotone weight functions and their characteristics and applications. Zbl 1254.26016 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha; Wall, Peter 14 2012 On some fractional order Hardy inequalities. Zbl 0880.26021 Heinig, Hans P.; Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik 13 1997 Sharp weighted multidimensional integral inequalities for monotone functions. Zbl 0944.26025 Barza, Sorina; Persson, Lars-Erik; Soria, Javier 13 2000 Convexity, concavity, type and cotype of Lorentz spaces. Zbl 0937.46027 Kamińska, A.; Maligranda, L.; Persson, L. E. 13 1998 Carleman’s inequality – history, proofs and some new generalizations. Zbl 1064.26020 Johansson, Maria; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wedestig, Anna 13 2003 Two-sided estimates of the Lebesgue constants with respect to Vilenkin systems and applications. Zbl 1379.42012 Blahota, I.; Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G. 13 2018 On the Friedrichs inequality in a domain perforated aperiodically along the boundary. Homogenization procedure. Asymptotics for parabolic problems. Zbl 1180.35072 Chechkin, G. A.; Koroleva, Yu. O.; Meidell, A.; Persson, L.-E. 13 2009 Multidimensional rearrangement and Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1074.46019 Barza, S.; Persson, L.-E.; Soria, J. 12 2004 Some new (\(H_p,L_p\)) type inequalities of maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means with non-decreasing coefficients. Zbl 1329.42030 Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 12 2015 On the Nörlund means of Vilenkin-Fourier series. Zbl 1374.42054 Blahota, István; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, Giorgi 12 2015 On Hardy \(q\)-inequalities. Zbl 1349.26037 Maligranda, Lech; Oinarov, Ryskul; Persson, Lars-Erik 12 2014 Hardy type operators in local vanishing Morrey spaces on fractal sets. Zbl 1345.46023 Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 12 2015 Hardy-type inequalities on the weighted cones of quasi-concave functions. Zbl 1312.26046 Persson, L.-E.; Shambilova, G. E.; Stepanov, V. D. 12 2015 On the precise asymptotics of the constant in Friedrich’s inequality for functions vanishing on the part of the boundary with microinhomogeneous structure. Zbl 1144.35357 Chechkin, G. A.; Koroleva, Yu. O.; Persson, L.-E. 12 2007 Equivalence of Hardy-type inequalities with general measures on the cones of non-negative respective non-increasing functions. Zbl 1093.26023 Persson, L.-E.; Stepanov, V. D.; Ushakova, E. P. 12 2006 Some new refined Hardy type inequalities with general kernels and measures. Zbl 1214.26012 Abramovich, Shoshana; Krulić, Kristina; Pečarić, Josip; Persson, Lars-Erik 12 2010 Distribution and rearrangement estimates of the maximal function and interpolation. Zbl 0888.42011 Asekritova, Irina U.; Krugljak, Natan Ya.; Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars-Erik 11 1997 Some new scales of weight characterizations of the class \(B_p\). Zbl 1199.26057 Gogatishvili, A.; Kufner, A.; Persson, L.-E. 11 2009 Some new estimates of the ‘Jensen gap’. Zbl 1336.26019 Abramovich, Shoshana; Persson, Lars-Erik 11 2016 Calderón-Zygmund type singular operators in weighted generalized Morrey spaces. Zbl 1344.42013 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha; Wall, Peter 11 2016 Reverse Cauchy-Schwarz inequalities for positive \(C^{*}\)-valued sesquilinear forms. Zbl 1188.46037 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal; Persson, Lars-Erik 11 2009 An extension of Rothe’s method to non-cylindrical domains. Zbl 1164.65463 Kuliev, Komil; Persson, Lars-Erik 11 2007 Indices and regularizations of measurable functions. Zbl 0965.46019 Kamińska, A.; Maligranda, L.; Persson, L. E. 10 2000 Carleman-Knopp type inequalities via Hardy inequalities. Zbl 0989.26015 Jain, Pankaj; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wedestig, Anna 10 2001 Stolarsky’s inequality with general weights. Zbl 0824.26012 Maligranda, Lech; Pečarić, Josip E.; Persson, Lars Erik 10 1995 Sharp multidimensional multiplicative inequalities for weighted \(L_p\) spaces with homogeneous weights. Zbl 0910.26014 Barza, Sorina; Burenkov, Victor; Pečarić, Josip; Persson, Lars-Erik 9 1998 A matriceal analogue of Fejér’s theory. Zbl 1043.15020 Barza, Sorina; Persson, Lars-Erik; Popa, Nicolae 9 2003 Hardy-type inequalities for means. Zbl 1058.26015 Páles, Zsolt; Persson, Lars-Erik 9 2004 Some multi-dimensional Hardy type integral inequalities. Zbl 1160.26009 Persson, L.-E.; Ushakova, E. P. 9 2007 On \(n\)-th James and Khintchine constants of Banach spaces. Zbl 1147.46015 Maligranda, L.; Nikolova, L. I.; Persson, L.-E.; Zachariades, T. 9 2008 Relations between summability of functions and their Fourier series. Zbl 0337.42002 Persson, L.-E. 9 1976 Some elementary inequalities in connection with \(X^ p\)-spaces. Zbl 0732.46019 Persson, Lars Erik 9 1988 An equivalence theorem for some integral conditions with general measures related to Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 1113.26024 Okpoti, Christopher A.; Persson, Lars-Erik; Sinnamon, Gord 9 2007 Some weak type inequalities and almost everywhere convergence of Vilenkin-Nörlund means. Zbl 1532.42031 Baramidze, Davit; Nadirashvili, Nato; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George 9 2023 Vilenkin-Lebesgue points and almost everywhere convergence for some classical summability methods. Zbl 1501.42006 Nadirashvili, Nato; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Weisz, Ferenc 9 2022 Some inequalities related to strong convergence of Riesz logarithmic means. Zbl 1503.26064 Lukkassen, D.; Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G.; Tutberidze, G. 9 2020 From Hardy to Carleman and general mean-type inequalities. Zbl 1005.26018 Jain, Pankaj; Persson, Lars-Erik; Wedestig, Anna 8 2000 Real interpolation between weighted \(L^ p\) and Lorentz spaces. Zbl 0674.46047 Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars E. 8 1987 Real interpolation of compact operators between quasi-Banach spaces. Zbl 0921.46084 Cobos, Fernando; Persson, Lars-Erik 8 1998 Lions–Peetre reiteration formulas for triples and their applications. Zbl 0987.46024 Asekritova, Irina; Krugljak, Natan; Maligranda, Lech; Nikolova, Lyudmila; Persson, Lars-Erik 8 2001 The failure of the Hardy inequality and interpolation of intersections. Zbl 1021.46024 Krugljak, Natan; Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars-Erik 8 1999 On Clarkson’s inequalities and interpolation. Zbl 0777.46041 Maligranda, Lech; Persson, Lars Erik 8 1992 On some sharp bounds for the homogenized \(p\)-Poisson equation. Zbl 0832.35009 Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars Erik; Wall, Peter 8 1995 On the best constants in certain integral inequalities for monotone functions. Zbl 0814.26011 Myasnikov, E. A.; Persson, L. E.; Stepanov, V. D. 8 1994 Multidimensional Hardy-type inequalities with general kernels. Zbl 1152.26020 Oguntuase, James A.; Persson, Lars-Erik; Essel, Emmanuel K. 8 2008 Multi-dimensional Hardy type inequalities in Hölder spaces. Zbl 1410.46015 Burtseva, Evgeniya; Lundberg, Staffan; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 8 2018 Some new results and inequalities for subsequences of Nörlund logarithmic means of Walsh-Fourier series. Zbl 1506.42036 Baramidze, David; Persson, Lars-Erik; Singh, Harpal; Tephnadze, George 8 2022 Some properties of \(X^ p\)-spaces. Zbl 0769.46021 Nikolova, Ljudmila I.; Persson, Lars-Erik 7 1991 Some new Hardy-type inequalities in \(q\)-analysis. Zbl 1348.26009 Baiarystanov, A. O.; Persson, L. E.; Shaimardan, S.; Temirkhanova, A. 7 2016 Some properties of generalized exponential entropies with applications to data compression. Zbl 0746.94006 Koski, Timo; Persson, Lars-Erik 7 1992 Inequalites and properties of some generalized Orlicz classes and spaces. Zbl 1164.26016 Jain, P.; Persson, L. E.; Upreti, P. 7 2007 On Hardy-type inequalities as an intellectual adventure for 100 years. Zbl 07831293 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 1 2024 Some weak type inequalities and almost everywhere convergence of Vilenkin-Nörlund means. Zbl 1532.42031 Baramidze, Davit; Nadirashvili, Nato; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George 9 2023 Some new \((H_p -L_p)\) type inequalities for weighted maximal operators of partial sums of Walsh-Fourier series. Zbl 1518.42038 Baramidze, Davit; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George 7 2023 \((H_p-L_p)\)-type inequalities for subsequences of Nörlund means of Walsh-Fourier series. Zbl 1532.42029 Baramidze, David; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tangrand, Kristoffer; Tephnadze, George 3 2023 Some new weak (\(H_p\)-\(L_p\))-type inequality for weighted maximal operators of partial sums of Walsh-Fourier series. Zbl 1522.42057 Baramidze, David; Persson, Lars-Erik; Singh, Harpal; Tephnadze, George 3 2023 Sharpness of some Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1537.26015 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha; Tephnadze, George 3 2023 Some new refinements of the Young, Hölder, and Minkowski inequalities. Zbl 1532.26011 Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Varošanec, Sanja 1 2023 Some new multidimensional Cochran-Lee and Hardy type inequalities. Zbl 1538.26118 Yimer, Markos Fisseha; Persson, Lars Erik; Ayele, Tsegaye Gedif 1 2023 Martingale Hardy spaces and summability of the one-dimensional Vilenkin-Fourier series. Zbl 1512.42042 Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Weisz, Ferenc 33 2022 An analogy of the Carleson-Hunt theorem with respect to Vilenkin systems. Zbl 1492.42032 Persson, L.-E.; Schipp, F.; Tephnadze, G.; Weisz, F. 24 2022 Vilenkin-Lebesgue points and almost everywhere convergence for some classical summability methods. Zbl 1501.42006 Nadirashvili, Nato; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Weisz, Ferenc 9 2022 Some new results and inequalities for subsequences of Nörlund logarithmic means of Walsh-Fourier series. Zbl 1506.42036 Baramidze, David; Persson, Lars-Erik; Singh, Harpal; Tephnadze, George 8 2022 Continuous refinements of some Jensen-type inequalities via strong convexity with applications. Zbl 1506.26018 Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Varošanec, Sanja 4 2022 Refinements of some classical inequalities via superquadraticity. Zbl 1506.26019 Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Varošanec, Sanja; Yimer, Markos Fisseha 2 2022 Some new results on the strong convergence of Fejér means with respect to Vilenkin systems. Zbl 1479.42075 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G.; Tutberidze, G.; Wall, P. 7 2021 Refinement of continuous forms of classical inequalities. Zbl 1488.26123 Nikolova, L.; Persson, L.-E.; Varošanec, S. 2 2021 Some Hardy-type inequalities in Banach function spaces. Zbl 1485.26022 Barza, Sorina; Nikolova, Ljudmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Yimer, Markos 2 2021 On weighted Fourier inequalities – some new scales of equivalent conditions. Zbl 1471.42012 Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik 1 2021 On the boundedness of subsequences of Vilenkin-Fejér means on the martingale Hardy spaces. Zbl 1465.42031 Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Tutberidze, Georgi 14 2020 Some inequalities related to strong convergence of Riesz logarithmic means. Zbl 1503.26064 Lukkassen, D.; Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G.; Tutberidze, G. 9 2020 Weighted iterated discrete Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1453.26026 Omarbayeva, B. K.; Persson, L.-E.; Temirkhanova, A. M. 4 2020 Rearrangements and Jensen type inequalities related to convexity, superquadracity, strong convexity and 1-quasiconvexity. Zbl 1454.26025 Abramovich, S.; Persson, L.-E. 3 2020 Some new Hermite-Hadamard and Fejer type inequalities without convexity/concavity. Zbl 1444.26024 Abramovich, Shoshana; Persson, Lars-Erik 2 2020 Existence and uniqueness of some Cauchy type problems in fractional \(q\)-difference calculus. Zbl 1499.39025 Shaimardan, S.; Persson, L. E.; Tokmagambetov, N. S. 2 2020 A new fractional order Poincaré’s inequality with weights. Zbl 1447.26018 Mamedov, Farman; Mammadzade, Nazira; Persson, Lars-Erik 1 2020 Inequalities for the Fourier coefficients in unbounded orthogonal systems in generalized Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1479.42006 Akishev, Gabdolla; Persson, Lars-Erik; Singh, Harpal 1 2020 Some new Fourier inequalities for unbounded orthogonal systems in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces. Zbl 1503.26039 Akishev, G.; Lukkassen, D.; Persson, L. E. 1 2020 A sharp boundedness result for restricted maximal operators of Vilenkin-Fourier series on martingale Hardy spaces. Zbl 1440.42127 Blahota, István; Nagy, Karoly; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George 16 2019 Multidimensional Hardy-type inequalities on time scales with variable exponents. Zbl 1425.26008 Fabelurin, O. O.; Oguntuase, J. A.; Persson, L.-E. 6 2019 Equivalent integral conditions related to bilinear Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1434.26037 Kanjilal, Saikat; Persson, Lars-Erik; Shambilova, Guldarya E. 2 2019 Some Fourier inequalities for orthogonal systems in Lorentz-Zygmund spaces. Zbl 1499.42018 Akishev, G.; Persson, L. E.; Seger, A. 2 2019 Convex functions and their applications. A contemporary approach. 2nd edition. Zbl 1404.26003 Niculescu, Constantin P.; Persson, Lars-Erik 125 2018 On the Nörlund logarithmic means with respect to Vilenkin system in the martingale Hardy space \(H_1\). Zbl 1399.42082 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 16 2018 On an approximation of 2-dimensional Walsh-Fourier series in martingale Hardy spaces. Zbl 1382.42017 Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 14 2018 Two-sided estimates of the Lebesgue constants with respect to Vilenkin systems and applications. Zbl 1379.42012 Blahota, I.; Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G. 13 2018 Multi-dimensional Hardy type inequalities in Hölder spaces. Zbl 1410.46015 Burtseva, Evgeniya; Lundberg, Staffan; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 8 2018 Extensions and refinements of Fejer and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities. Zbl 1400.26039 Abramovich, Shoshana; Persson, Lars-Erik 3 2018 A new generalization of Boas theorem for some Lorentz spaces \(\Lambda_q(\omega)\). Zbl 1410.46018 Kopezhanova, Aigerim; Nursultanov, Erlan; Persson, Lars-Erik 3 2018 Hardy-type inequalities in fractional \(h\)-discrete calculus. Zbl 1497.39003 Persson, Lars-Erik; Oinarov, Ryskul; Shaimardan, Serikbol 3 2018 On geometric construction of some power means. Zbl 1472.51016 Hoibakk, Ralph; Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Meidell, Annette 2 2018 Hardy type inequalities and compactness of a class of integral operators with logarithmic singularities. Zbl 06846472 Abylayeva, Akbota M.; Persson, Lars-Erik 2 2018 Weighted inequalities of Hardy type. 2nd updated edition. Zbl 1380.26001 Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 123 2017 Fejér and Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for \(N\)-quasiconvex functions. Zbl 1382.26016 Abramovich, S.; Persson, Lars Erik 26 2017 Hardy type inequalities with kernels: the current status and some new results. Zbl 1357.26028 Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 4 2017 A new look at classical inequalities involving Banach lattice norms. Zbl 1386.26018 Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Varošanec, Sanja 4 2017 Historical synopsis of the Taylor remainder. Zbl 1387.26001 Persson, Lars-Erik; Rafeiro, Humberto; Wall, Peter 3 2017 Some new two-sided inequalities concerning the Fourier transform. Zbl 1391.42008 Kopezhanova, Aigerim; Nursultanov, Erlan; Persson, Lars-Erik 2 2017 On a Taylor remainder. Zbl 1413.26004 Persson, Lars-Erik; Rafeiro, Humberto 1 2017 Refinements of some limit Hardy-type inequalities via superquadracity. Zbl 1513.26069 Oguntuase, James Adedayo; Persson, Lars-Erik; Fabelurin, Olabiyi Olanrewaju; Adeagbo-Sheikh, Abdullaziz G. 1 2017 Sharp \(H_{p}\)-\(L_{p}\) type inequalities of weighted maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means and its applications. Zbl 1352.42037 Baramidze, Lasha; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George; Wall, Peter 22 2016 A note on the maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means with non-increasing coefficients. Zbl 1399.42079 Memić, N.; Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G. 20 2016 A sharp boundedness result concerning some maximal operators of Vilenkin-Fejér means. Zbl 1358.42023 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G. 16 2016 Some new estimates of the ‘Jensen gap’. Zbl 1336.26019 Abramovich, Shoshana; Persson, Lars-Erik 11 2016 Calderón-Zygmund type singular operators in weighted generalized Morrey spaces. Zbl 1344.42013 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha; Wall, Peter 11 2016 Some new Hardy-type inequalities in \(q\)-analysis. Zbl 1348.26009 Baiarystanov, A. O.; Persson, L. E.; Shaimardan, S.; Temirkhanova, A. 7 2016 Continuous forms of classical inequalities. Zbl 1353.26017 Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Varošanec, Sanja 5 2016 Weighted Hardy type inequalities for supremum operators on the cones of monotone functions. Zbl 1346.26009 Persson, Lars-Erik; Shambilova, Guldarya E.; Stepanov, Vladimir D. 5 2016 Boundedness and compactness of a class of Hardy type operators. Zbl 1351.26009 Abylayeva, Akbota M.; Oinarov, Ryskul; Persson, Lars-Erik 4 2016 Some sharp inequalities for multidimensional integral operators with homogeneous kernel: an overview and new results. Zbl 1337.26033 Lukkassen, D.; Persson, L.-E.; Samko, S. G.; Wall, P. 3 2016 Some sharp inequalities for integral operators with homogeneous kernel. Zbl 1334.26037 Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Stefan G. 3 2016 Maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means. Zbl 1311.42071 Persson, L.-E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 42 2015 A note on the best constants in some Hardy inequalities. Zbl 1314.26021 Persson, L.-E.; Samko, S. G. 38 2015 Some new (\(H_p,L_p\)) type inequalities of maximal operators of Vilenkin-Nörlund means with non-decreasing coefficients. Zbl 1329.42030 Persson, L. E.; Tephnadze, G.; Wall, P. 12 2015 On the Nörlund means of Vilenkin-Fourier series. Zbl 1374.42054 Blahota, István; Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, Giorgi 12 2015 Hardy type operators in local vanishing Morrey spaces on fractal sets. Zbl 1345.46023 Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 12 2015 Hardy-type inequalities on the weighted cones of quasi-concave functions. Zbl 1312.26046 Persson, L.-E.; Shambilova, G. E.; Stepanov, V. D. 12 2015 Some new results concerning a class of third-order differential equations. Zbl 1308.34075 Akhmetkaliyeva, R. D.; Persson, L.-E.; Ospanov, K. N.; Wall, P. 6 2015 On \(\gamma\)-quasiconvexity, superquadracity and two-sided reversed Jensen type inequalities. Zbl 1326.26036 Abramovich, S.; Persson, L.-E.; Samko, N. 4 2015 Some new Hardy-type inequalities for Riemann-Liouville fractional \(q\)-integral operator. Zbl 1336.26042 Persson, Lars-Erik; Shaimardan, Serikbol 3 2015 A new discrete Hardy-type inequality with kernels and monotone functions. Zbl 1336.26036 Kalybay, Aigerim; Persson, Lars-Erik; Temirkhanova, Ainur 2 2015 Time scale Hardy-type inequalities with ‘broken’ exponent \(p\). Zbl 1308.26035 Oguntuase, James A.; Fabelurin, Olanrewaju O.; Adeagbo-Sheikh, Abdulaziz G.; Persson, Lars-Erik 1 2015 Time scales Hardy-type inequalities via superquadracity. Zbl 1368.26026 Oguntuase, James Adedayo; Persson, Lars-Erik 18 2014 On Hardy \(q\)-inequalities. Zbl 1349.26037 Maligranda, Lech; Oinarov, Ryskul; Persson, Lars-Erik 12 2014 Some new sharp limit Hardy-type inequalities via convexity. Zbl 1372.26014 Barza, Sorina; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 6 2014 Weighted Hardy-type inequalities on the cone of quasi-concave functions. Zbl 1291.39049 Persson, L.-E.; Popova, O. V.; Stepanov, V. D. 5 2014 Matrix spaces and Schur multipliers. Matriceal harmonic analysis. Zbl 1303.47018 Persson, Lars-Erik; Popa, Nicolae 4 2014 Some new scales of refined Jensen and Hardy type inequalities. Zbl 1297.26039 Abramovich, S.; Persson, L. E.; Samko, N. 4 2014 Some scales of equivalent conditions to characterize the Stieltjes inequality: the case \(q<p\). Zbl 1298.26052 Gogatishvili, Amiran; Persson, Lars-Erik; Stepanov, Vladimir D.; Wall, Peter 3 2014 Inequalities and convexity. Zbl 1318.26039 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 3 2014 Some new refined Hardy type inequalities with breaking points \(p = 2\) or \(p = 3\). Zbl 1318.26043 Abramovich, S.; Persson, L.-E. 2 2014 Some Hardy type inequalities with “broken” exponent \(p\). Zbl 1308.26036 Oguntuase, James A.; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 1 2014 A note on Vilenkin-Fejér means on the martingale Hardy spaces \(H_p\). Zbl 1326.42035 Persson, Lars-Erik; Tephnadze, George 1 2014 On the equivalence between some multidimensional Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1280.26040 Oguntuase, J. A.; Persson, L.-E.; Samko, N.; Sonubi, A. 1 2014 Some new iterated Hardy-type inequalities: the case \({\theta=1}\). Zbl 1297.26035 Gogatishvili, Amiran; Mustafayev, Rza; Persson, Lars-Erik 16 2013 Weighted Hardy-type inequalities in variable exponent Morrey-type spaces. Zbl 1298.46029 Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Stefan; Wall, Peter 4 2013 Some new scales of refined Hardy type inequalities via functions related to superquadracity. Zbl 1280.26030 Abramovich, S.; Persson, L.-E. 4 2013 Some new scales of weight characterizations of Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1270.26020 Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 4 2013 The weighted Stieltjes inequality and applications. Zbl 1268.26026 Gogatishvili, Amiran; Kufner, Alois; Persson, Lars-Erik 3 2013 Some new Hardy-type integral inequalities on cones of monotone functions. Zbl 1277.47061 Arendarenko, L. S.; Oinarov, R.; Persson, L.-E. 2 2013 Some new iterated Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1260.26023 Gogatishvili, A.; Mustafayev, R. Ch.; Persson, L.-E. 24 2012 Hardy and singular operators in weighted generalized Morrey spaces with applications to singular integral equations. Zbl 1252.42026 Lukkassen, D.; Meidell, A.; Persson, L.-E.; Samko, N. 18 2012 What should have happened if Hardy had discovered this? Zbl 1282.26038 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha 16 2012 Quasi-monotone weight functions and their characteristics and applications. Zbl 1254.26016 Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Natasha; Wall, Peter 14 2012 On a new class of Hardy-type inequalities. Zbl 1279.26033 Adeleke, E. O.; Čižmešija, A.; Oguntuase, J. A.; Persson, L.-E.; Pokaz, D. 6 2012 Weighted Hardy operators in complementary Morrey spaces. Zbl 1268.46023 Lukkassen, Dag; Persson, Lars-Erik; Samko, Stefan 5 2012 The Beckenbach-Dresher inequality in the \(\Psi\)-direct sums of spaces and related results. Zbl 1275.26042 Nikolova, Ludmila; Persson, Lars-Erik; Varošanec, Sanja 4 2012 A Lizorkin theorem on Fourier series multipliers for strong regular systems. Zbl 1420.42011 Persson, Lars-Erik; Sarybekova, Lyazzat; Tleukhanova, Nazerke 4 2012 Some higher order Hardy inequalities. Zbl 1276.26048 Kufner, Alois; Kuliev, Komil; Persson, Lars-Erik 3 2012 On scales of equivalent conditions characterizing weighted Stieltjes inequality. Zbl 1261.42005 Gogatishvili, A.; Persson, L.-E.; Stepanov, V. D.; Wall, P. 3 2012 On the boundedness of some classes of integral operators in weighted Lebesgue spaces. Zbl 1285.47050 Arendarenko, L. S.; Oinarov, R.; Persson, L.-E. 2 2012 ...and 161 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,091 Authors 124 Persson, Lars-Erik 69 Pečarić, Josip 65 Noor, Muhammad Aslam 57 Noor, Khalida Inayat 49 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 41 Kashuri, Artion 39 Stepanov, Vladimir Dmitrievich 32 Liko, Rozana 31 Awan, Muhammad Uzair 30 Samko, Natasha 30 Tephnadze, George 29 Saker, Samir H. 25 Krnić, Mario 23 Kalybay, Aigerim Aisultankyzy 23 Niculescu, Constantin P. 22 Farid, Ghulam 22 Lukkassen, Dag 22 Maligranda, Lech 22 Weisz, Ferenc 21 Du, Tingsong 21 Gogatishvili, Amiran 20 Cobos, Fernando 20 Jain, Pankaj 20 Oĭnarov, Ryskul Oĭnarovich 19 Chu, Yuming 18 Khan, Muhammad Adil 18 Shambilova, Guldarya Ermakovna 17 Abramovich, Shoshana 17 Nikolova, Ludmila 16 Lam, Nguyen 16 Samko, Stefan Grigor’evich 16 Wall, Peter 15 Fiorenza, Alberto 15 Qi, Feng 15 Sánchez-Pérez, Enrique Alfonso 15 Varošanec, Sanja 14 İşcan, İmdat 14 Kamińska, Anna 14 Kolwicz, Paweł 14 Pasteczka, Paweł 14 Sarikaya, Mehmet Zeki 14 Sawano, Yoshihiro 14 Soria, Javier 14 Ushakova, Elena Pavlovna 13 Blahota, István 13 Ho, Kwok-Pun 13 Leśnik, Karol 13 Nguyen Tuan Duy 13 Páles, Zsolt 12 Chen, Yanping 12 Horváth, László 12 Iqbal, Sajid 12 Mizuta, Yoshihiro 12 Roventa, Ionel 12 Shimomura, Tetsu 11 Budak, Hüseyin 11 Gesztesy, Fritz 11 Guliyev, Vagif Sabir 11 Hakim, Denny Ivanal 11 Meidell, Annette 11 Mihai, Marcela V. 11 Niezgoda, Marek 11 Nursultanov, Erlan D. 10 Jleli, Mohamed Boussairi 10 Krulić Himmelreich, Kristina 10 Lu, Guozhen 10 Meskhi, Alexander 10 Oguntuase, James Adedayo 10 Pick, Luboš 10 Safdar, Farhat 10 Samet, Bessem 10 Wu, Shanhe 10 Zeng, Huihui 9 Astashkin, Sergeĭ Vladimir 9 Barza, Sorina 9 Batbold, Tserendorj 9 Fernández-Cabrera, Luz M. 9 Iftikhar, Sabah 9 Khan, Khuram Ali 9 Minculete, Nicusor 9 Moradi, Hamid Reza 9 Nosheen, Ammara 9 Saied, Ahmed I. 9 Saleem, Muhammad Shoaib 9 Samraiz, Muhammad 9 Yang, Yin 8 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 8 Bandaliev, Rovshan Alifaga ogly 8 Baramidze, Davit 8 Chechkin, Gregory Aleksandrovich 8 Dominguez, Oscar 8 Furuichi, Shigeru 8 Kadakal, Mahir 8 Karlovych, Oleksiy 8 Kaymakçalan, Billur 8 Mamedov, Farman Imran 8 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal 8 Mustafayev, Rza Ch. 8 Nagy, Károly 8 Pang, Michael M. H. ...and 1,991 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 426 Serials 127 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 125 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 92 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 49 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 43 Mathematische Nachrichten 35 Positivity 35 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 33 Journal of Functional Analysis 30 Aequationes Mathematicae 29 Journal of Function Spaces 24 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 23 Journal of Approximation Theory 22 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 21 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 21 Results in Mathematics 21 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 20 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 20 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 19 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 19 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 19 AIMS Mathematics 18 Applied Mathematics and Computation 17 Applications of Mathematics 17 Doklady Mathematics 17 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 16 Journal of Differential Equations 16 Advances in Difference Equations 15 Analysis Mathematica 15 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 15 Abstract and Applied Analysis 15 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications 14 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 13 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 13 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 13 Revista Matemática Complutense 12 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 12 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 12 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 12 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 12 Proyecciones 12 Transactions of A. 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Mathematics and Statistics 8 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 8 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 8 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 7 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 7 Collectanea Mathematica 7 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 7 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 7 Boundary Value Problems 7 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 7 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 7 Open Mathematics 6 Applicable Analysis 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Advances in Mathematics 6 Archiv der Mathematik 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 6 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 6 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 6 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 6 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 6 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 6 Science China. Mathematics 6 International Journal of Analysis and Applications 5 Communications in Mathematical Physics 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. 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