Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich Co-Author Distance Author ID: pinus.aleksandr-georgievich Published as: Pinus, A. G.; Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich; Pinus, Alexander; Pinus, A.; Pinus, Aleksandr Georg’evich; Pinus, Alexander Georgievich; Pinus, Aleksandr Georgevich; Pinus, Alexandr Georgievich; Pinus, Aleksandr G.; Pinus, Alexander G.; Pinus, Alexandre G. more...less Further Spellings: Пинус Александр Георгиевич Homepage: http://ciu.nstu.ru/kaf/persons/730 External Links: MGP · Math-Net.Ru · dblp Documents Indexed: 221 Publications since 1971, including 5 Books 8 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 57 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 1,079 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 197 single-authored 8 Ponomarev, Konstantin N. 5 Chajda, Ivan 5 Zhurkov, S. V. 4 Sudoplatov, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 3 Halaš, Radomír 3 Rose, Henry 3 Timoshenko, Evgeniĭ Iosifovich 2 Denisov, A. Yu. 2 Herre, Heinrich 2 Kokorin, Ali Ivanovich 2 Mordvinov, Ya. L. 1 Alaev, Pavel Evgenievich 1 Baizhanov, Bektur Sembiuly 1 Chatzidakis, Zoé Maria 1 Churkin, Valerii Avdeevich 1 Dëgtev, A. N. 1 Dulatova, Z. A. 1 Ershov, Yuriĭ Leonidovich 1 Goncharov, Sergeĭ Savost’yanovich 1 Grechkoseeva, Mariya Aleksandrovna 1 Jipsen, Peter 1 Kashintsev, E. V. 1 Khisamiev, Nazif Garrifullinovich 1 Kolesnikov, Pavel Sergeevich 1 Kolganov, N. 1 Kopytov, Valerij M. 1 Krynicki, Michał Marian 1 Kulpeshov, Beibut Shaiykovich 1 Maksimova, Larisa L’vovna 1 Mal’tsev, Ivan Anatol’evich 1 Mazurov, Viktor Danilovich 1 Michailov, M. M. 1 Morozov, Andreĭ Sergeevich 1 Odintsov, Sergei P. 1 Ovchinnikova, E. V. 1 Pal’chunov, Dimitriĭ Evgen’evich 1 Peryazev, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 1 Pobedin, L. N. 1 Poizat, Bruno Petrovich 1 Polyakov, E. A. 1 Pozhidaev, Aleksandr Petrovich 1 Puzarenko, Vadim G. 1 Remeslennikov, Vladimir Nikanorovich 1 Revin, Danila Olegovitch 1 Romanovskii, N. S. 1 Rosenberg, Ivo G. 1 Rozinas, M. G. 1 Ryanskin, A. N. 1 Schwdefsky, M. V. 1 Shegirov, K. M. 1 Shestakov, Ivan Pavlovich 1 Solon, B. Ya. 1 Starchenko, Sergei 1 Stepanova, Alena Andreevna 1 Tusupov, Dzhamalbek Aliaskarovich 1 Väänänen, Jouko Antero 1 Vasil’ev, Andreĭ Viktorovich 1 Vazhenin, Yu. M. 1 Vdovin, Evgeniĭ Petrovich 1 Verbovskiĭ, Viktor Valerievich 1 Vikent’ev, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Vlasov, Dmitriĭ Yur’evich 1 Zhelyabin, Viktor Nikolaevich all top 5 Serials 41 Siberian Mathematical Journal 25 Algebra and Logic 24 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 12 Algebra i Logika 11 Russian Mathematics 10 Soviet Mathematics 9 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniĭ, Matematika 8 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 6 Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya: Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 6 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 4 Russian Mathematical Surveys 4 Algebra Universalis 4 Vychislitel’nye Sistemy 4 Fundamental’naya i Prikladnaya Matematika 3 Mathematical Notes 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Zeitschrift für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 2 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Uporyadochennye Mnozhestva i Reshetki. Ordered Sets and Lattices 2 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Chistoĭ i Prikladnoĭ Matematiki 1 Matematicheskie Zametki 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 1 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Matematicheskie Voprosy Kibernetiki 1 Itogi Nauki i Tekhniki. Seriya Algebra. Topologiya. Geometriya 1 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 1 Matematicheskie Trudy 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Discussiones Mathematicae. General Algebra and Applications 1 Matematicheskie Zapiski 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Mathematics for Applications all top 5 Fields 165 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 115 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 59 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 13 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 6 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 120 Publications have been cited 363 times in 160 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Congruence-modular varieties of algebras. (Kongruehnts-modulyarnye mnogoobraziya algebr.) Zbl 0714.08003 Pinus, A. G. 19 1986 Decidability problems of extended theories. Zbl 0434.03014 Kokorin, A. I.; Pinus, A. G. 17 1978 The Härtig quantifier: A survey. Zbl 0737.03013 Herre, Heinrich; Krynicki, Michał; Pinus, Alexander; Väänänen, Jouko 15 1991 Conditional terms and their applications in algebra and computation theory. Zbl 1023.08006 Pinus, A. G. 13 2001 Quasiorders on universal algebras. Zbl 0824.08002 Pinus, A. G.; Chajda, I. 11 1993 Varieties with a simple countable embeddability skeleton. Zbl 0713.08004 Pinus, A. G. 9 1990 On simple denumerable epimorphicity skeletons for congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0652.08003 Pinus, A. G. 8 1987 Boolean constructions in universal algebras. Zbl 0792.08001 Pinus, A. G. 8 1993 Boolean constructions in universal algebra. Zbl 0792.08002 Pinus, A. G. 8 1992 Dimension of functional clones, metric on its collection. Zbl 1345.08002 Pinus, A. G. 8 2016 Geometric scales for varieties of algebras and quasi-identities. Zbl 1249.08011 Pinus, A. G. 8 2009 Relations of imbeddability and epimorphism on congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0619.08005 Pinus, A. G. 7 1985 Elementary equivalence of derived structures of free semigroups, unars, and groups. Zbl 1115.08009 Pinus, A. G. 7 2004 Coverings in epimorphy skeletons of varieties of algebras. Zbl 0666.08004 Pinus, A. G. 7 1988 The spectrum of rigid systems of Horn classes. Zbl 0481.03018 Pinus, A. G. 6 1981 Conditional identity calculus and the conditioned rational equivalence. Zbl 0913.08008 Pinus, A. G. 6 1998 Derived structures of universal algebras. (Производные структуры универсалп’ных алгебр.) Zbl 1152.08001 Pinus, A. G. 6 2007 On the Cartesian product operation. Zbl 0539.08004 Pinus, A. G. 5 1983 Congruence-distributive varieties of algebras. Zbl 0679.08004 Pinus, A. G. 5 1988 Lattices of quasiorders on universal algebras. Zbl 0854.06007 Pinus, A. G. 5 1995 Elementary equivalence of derivative structures of free lattices. Zbl 1025.06004 Pinus, A. G. 5 2002 Fragments of functional clones. Zbl 1484.08009 Pinus, A. G. 5 2017 On the quasiorder induced by inner homomorphisms and the operator of algebraic closure. Zbl 1332.08006 Pinus, A. G. 5 2015 On the lattices of algebraic subsets of universal algebras. Zbl 1299.03031 Pinus, A. G. 5 2011 Elementary definability of symmetry groups. Zbl 0272.02079 Pinus, A. G. 5 1973 Algebraically equivalent clones. Zbl 1378.08001 Pinus, A. G. 5 2017 On geometrically near algebras. Zbl 1210.08002 Pinus, A. G. 5 2009 Inner homomorphisms and positive-conditional terms. Zbl 0984.08003 Pinus, A. G. 5 2001 On conditional terms and identities on universal algebras. Zbl 0902.08009 Pinus, A. G. 4 1996 New algebraic invariants for definable subsets in universal algebra. Zbl 1260.08003 Pinus, A. G. 4 2011 \(n\)-algebraic complete algebras, pseudodirect products, and the algebraic closure operator on subsets of universal algebras. Zbl 1413.08001 Pinus, A. G. 4 2016 On quasi-simple algebras. Zbl 0672.08002 Pinus, A. G. 3 1987 Elementary theory of epimorphicity skeletons for congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0695.08013 Pinus, A. G. 3 1989 Countable embeddability skeletons of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0708.08005 Pinus, A. G. 3 1989 An elementary theory of imbeddability skeleta of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0756.08003 Pinus, A. G. 3 1991 Elementary equivalence for the lattices of subalgebras and automorphism groups of free algebras. Zbl 1164.08311 Pinus, A. G. 3 2008 Positively conditional pseudovarieties and implicit operations on them. Zbl 1115.08006 Pinus, A. G. 3 2006 On functions commuting with semigroups of transformations of algebras. Zbl 0967.08003 Pinus, A. G. 3 2000 Implicitly equivalent universal algebras. Zbl 1279.08001 Pinus, A. G. 3 2012 On the geometrically complete varieties of algebras. Zbl 1289.08008 Pinus, A. G. 3 2013 On the universal algebras with identical derived objects. Zbl 1328.08002 Pinus, A. G. 3 2014 Ihm-quasiorder and derived structures of universal algebras; 1-algebraic complete algebras. Zbl 1348.08002 Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich 3 2015 Zum Entscheidungsproblem für Theorien in Logiken mit monadischen verallgemeinerten Quantoren. Zbl 0397.03010 Herre, H.; Pinus, A. G. 3 1978 Über die Existenz der \(\alpha\)-Dimension partieller Ordnungen. Zbl 0448.06002 Pinus, A. G. 2 1980 Varieties with simple countable imbeddability skeleton. Zbl 0704.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 1990 Countable skeletons of finitely generated discriminator varieties. Zbl 0793.08008 Pinus, A. G. 2 1992 The computability potential scale of all finite algebras. Zbl 1164.08308 Pinus, A. G. 2 2007 Elementary classification and decidability of theories of derived structures. Zbl 1105.03016 Pinus, A. G.; Vazhenin, Yu. M. 2 2005 On the \(\exists^+\)-conditional varieties, \(\exists^+\)-conditional pseudovarieties and the implicit operations on them. Zbl 1101.08005 Pinus, A. G. 2 2005 On the subsemilattices of first-order definable and openly first-order definable congruences of the congruence lattice of a universal algebra. Zbl 1150.08302 Pinus, A. G. 2 2006 Characterization of conditionally termable functions. Zbl 0870.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 1997 On the logical equivalence of functional clones. Zbl 1420.08002 Pinus, A. G. 2 2017 The Löwenheim number for one of the skeletons of varieties of Boolean algebras. Zbl 0780.03018 Pinus, A. G. 2 1992 On \(\infty \)-quasivarieties. Zbl 1238.08002 Pinus, A. G. 2 2011 Implicit operations on the categories of universal algebras. Zbl 1224.08007 Pinus, A. G. 2 2009 On direct and inverse limits of retractive spectra. Zbl 1429.08009 Pinus, A. G. 2 2017 Algebraic sets of universal algebras and algebraic closure operator. Zbl 1370.08002 Pinus, A. G. 2 2017 On the number of pairwise noncomparable order types. Zbl 0265.04003 Pinus, A. G. 2 1973 Algebras with identical algebraic sets. Zbl 1345.08001 Pinus, A. G. 2 2015 Invariants of the rational equivalence. Zbl 0947.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 2000 On some of logical closures on universal algebras. Zbl 1347.08004 Pinus, Alexandr Georgievich 2 2015 Ihm-admissible and Ihm-forbidden quasiorders on sets. Zbl 1360.08001 Pinus, A. G. 2 2016 Proper automorphisms of universal algebras. Zbl 1080.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 2004 Simple countable epimorphicity skeletons for congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0659.08006 Pinus, A. G. 1 1987 Bounded theories of lattices of subalgebras of some Horn classes. Zbl 0622.06010 Pinus, A. G.; Dulatova, Z. A. 1 1986 On least linear extensions of partial orders. Zbl 0633.06001 Pinus, A. G. 1 1987 Complete embeddings of categories of algebraic systems and definability of a model for its semigroup of endomorphisms. Zbl 0524.03024 Pinus, A. G. 1 1982 Covers in the epimorphism skeletons of varieties of algebras. Zbl 0684.08001 Pinus, A. G. 1 1988 On Cartesian skeletons of congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0714.08004 Pinus, A. G. 1 1990 On Löwenheim numbers for skeletons of varieties of Boolean algebras. Zbl 0768.03025 Pinus, A. G. 1 1991 Elementary equivalence of partition lattices. Zbl 0709.03031 Pinus, A. G. 1 1988 Semilattices of definable subalgebras. Zbl 1106.03026 Pinus, A. G. 1 2005 An elementary theory of embeddability skeletons of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0782.08007 Pinus, A. G. 1 1991 Automorphisms, definable relations, and covers of elements of the computability potential scale for all finite algebras. Zbl 1164.08309 Pinus, A. G. 1 2008 On definability of derived objects on universal algebras. Zbl 1176.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 2006 Skeletons on congruence distributive varieties of algebras. Zbl 0813.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 1994 The countable skeletons of discriminator varieties. Results and problems. Zbl 0840.08009 Pinus, A. G. 1 1994 On the property of being a semilattice for countable imbeddability skeletons of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0909.08006 Pinus, A. G. 1 1996 Löwenheim numbers for skeletons of varieties. Zbl 0789.08007 Pinus, A. G. 1 1991 Rational and conditional-rational equivalent algebras. Zbl 1062.08008 Pinus, A. G. 1 2002 The scales of computability potentials of finite algebras: results and problems. Zbl 1071.08001 Pinus, A. G.; Zhurkov, S. V. 1 2003 Conditional geometric scales of discriminator varieties. Zbl 1230.08003 Pinus, A. G. 1 2011 On conditionally rationally equivalent algebras. Zbl 0954.08003 Pinus, A. G. 1 1999 The positive and generalized discriminators don’t exist. Zbl 0963.08001 Pinus, A. G. 1 2000 \(n\)-elementary embeddability and \(n\)-conditional terms. Zbl 0986.03028 Pinus, A. G. 1 1999 On algebraic properties of universal algebras. Zbl 1357.08003 Pinus, Alexander Georgievich 1 2017 Positive conditional varieties. Zbl 1015.08007 Pinus, A. G. 1 2001 Rational equivalence of algebras, its clone generalizations, and clone categoricity. Zbl 1329.08002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2013 Algebraic and logical geometries of universal algebras (a unified approach). Zbl 1283.08003 Pinus, A. G. 1 2012 Implicit algebraic geometry on categories of universal algebras. Zbl 1263.18002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2012 Universal algebras and ideals of the scale of computability potentials of all finite algebras. Zbl 1249.08009 Pinus, A. G. 1 2007 On the elementary theory of the scale of the computability potentials of all finite algebras. Zbl 1249.03041 Pinus, A. G. 1 2009 On algebras that are isomorphic to any of their nonempty subalgebras. Zbl 1249.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 2009 On potential computability scales of universal algebras. Zbl 1029.08003 Pinus, A. G.; Zhurkov, S. V. 1 2002 On automorphisms of computability potential scales for \(n\)-element algebras. Zbl 1028.08003 Zhurkov, S. V.; Pinus, A. G. 1 2003 Algebra and model theory 9. Collection of papers from the 10th summer school “Frontiers in model theory and universal algebra”, Erlogol, Russia, June 25–29, 2013. Zbl 1287.03006 1 2013 Hamiltonian closure on universal algebras. Zbl 1304.08002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2014 The classical Galois closure for universal algebras. Zbl 1301.08004 Pinus, A. G. 1 2014 Algebra and model theory. 2. Collection of papers. (Algebra i teoriya modelej. 2.) Zbl 0932.00008 1 1999 Skeletons of quasivarieties with the Fraser-Horn property. Zbl 1058.08010 Pinus, A. G. 1 2001 Fragments of functional clones. Zbl 1484.08009 Pinus, A. G. 5 2017 Algebraically equivalent clones. Zbl 1378.08001 Pinus, A. G. 5 2017 On the logical equivalence of functional clones. Zbl 1420.08002 Pinus, A. G. 2 2017 On direct and inverse limits of retractive spectra. Zbl 1429.08009 Pinus, A. G. 2 2017 Algebraic sets of universal algebras and algebraic closure operator. Zbl 1370.08002 Pinus, A. G. 2 2017 On algebraic properties of universal algebras. Zbl 1357.08003 Pinus, Alexander Georgievich 1 2017 Dimension of functional clones, metric on its collection. Zbl 1345.08002 Pinus, A. G. 8 2016 \(n\)-algebraic complete algebras, pseudodirect products, and the algebraic closure operator on subsets of universal algebras. Zbl 1413.08001 Pinus, A. G. 4 2016 Ihm-admissible and Ihm-forbidden quasiorders on sets. Zbl 1360.08001 Pinus, A. G. 2 2016 On the quasiorder induced by inner homomorphisms and the operator of algebraic closure. Zbl 1332.08006 Pinus, A. G. 5 2015 Ihm-quasiorder and derived structures of universal algebras; 1-algebraic complete algebras. Zbl 1348.08002 Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich 3 2015 Algebras with identical algebraic sets. Zbl 1345.08001 Pinus, A. G. 2 2015 On some of logical closures on universal algebras. Zbl 1347.08004 Pinus, Alexandr Georgievich 2 2015 On the universal algebras with identical derived objects. Zbl 1328.08002 Pinus, A. G. 3 2014 Hamiltonian closure on universal algebras. Zbl 1304.08002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2014 The classical Galois closure for universal algebras. Zbl 1301.08004 Pinus, A. G. 1 2014 On the geometrically complete varieties of algebras. Zbl 1289.08008 Pinus, A. G. 3 2013 Rational equivalence of algebras, its clone generalizations, and clone categoricity. Zbl 1329.08002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2013 Algebra and model theory 9. Collection of papers from the 10th summer school “Frontiers in model theory and universal algebra”, Erlogol, Russia, June 25–29, 2013. Zbl 1287.03006 1 2013 Implicitly equivalent universal algebras. Zbl 1279.08001 Pinus, A. G. 3 2012 Algebraic and logical geometries of universal algebras (a unified approach). Zbl 1283.08003 Pinus, A. G. 1 2012 Implicit algebraic geometry on categories of universal algebras. Zbl 1263.18002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2012 The point-termal complete clones of functions and the lattices of lattices of all subalgebras of algebras with fixed basic sets. Zbl 1279.08002 Pinus, Aleksandr Georgevich 1 2012 On the lattices of algebraic subsets of universal algebras. Zbl 1299.03031 Pinus, A. G. 5 2011 New algebraic invariants for definable subsets in universal algebra. Zbl 1260.08003 Pinus, A. G. 4 2011 On \(\infty \)-quasivarieties. Zbl 1238.08002 Pinus, A. G. 2 2011 Conditional geometric scales of discriminator varieties. Zbl 1230.08003 Pinus, A. G. 1 2011 Termal and polynomial endomorphisms of universal algebras. Zbl 1195.08001 Pinus, A. G. 1 2010 Geometric scales for varieties of algebras and quasi-identities. Zbl 1249.08011 Pinus, A. G. 8 2009 On geometrically near algebras. Zbl 1210.08002 Pinus, A. G. 5 2009 Implicit operations on the categories of universal algebras. Zbl 1224.08007 Pinus, A. G. 2 2009 On the elementary theory of the scale of the computability potentials of all finite algebras. Zbl 1249.03041 Pinus, A. G. 1 2009 On algebras that are isomorphic to any of their nonempty subalgebras. Zbl 1249.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 2009 Elementary equivalence for the lattices of subalgebras and automorphism groups of free algebras. Zbl 1164.08311 Pinus, A. G. 3 2008 Automorphisms, definable relations, and covers of elements of the computability potential scale for all finite algebras. Zbl 1164.08309 Pinus, A. G. 1 2008 Derived structures of universal algebras. (Производные структуры универсалп’ных алгебр.) Zbl 1152.08001 Pinus, A. G. 6 2007 The computability potential scale of all finite algebras. Zbl 1164.08308 Pinus, A. G. 2 2007 Universal algebras and ideals of the scale of computability potentials of all finite algebras. Zbl 1249.08009 Pinus, A. G. 1 2007 Positively conditional pseudovarieties and implicit operations on them. Zbl 1115.08006 Pinus, A. G. 3 2006 On the subsemilattices of first-order definable and openly first-order definable congruences of the congruence lattice of a universal algebra. Zbl 1150.08302 Pinus, A. G. 2 2006 On definability of derived objects on universal algebras. Zbl 1176.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 2006 Elementary classification and decidability of theories of derived structures. Zbl 1105.03016 Pinus, A. G.; Vazhenin, Yu. M. 2 2005 On the \(\exists^+\)-conditional varieties, \(\exists^+\)-conditional pseudovarieties and the implicit operations on them. Zbl 1101.08005 Pinus, A. G. 2 2005 Semilattices of definable subalgebras. Zbl 1106.03026 Pinus, A. G. 1 2005 Elementary equivalence of derived structures of free semigroups, unars, and groups. Zbl 1115.08009 Pinus, A. G. 7 2004 Proper automorphisms of universal algebras. Zbl 1080.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 2004 On implicit conditional operations defined on pseudouniversal classes. Zbl 1070.08004 Pinus, A. G. 1 2004 The scales of computability potentials of finite algebras: results and problems. Zbl 1071.08001 Pinus, A. G.; Zhurkov, S. V. 1 2003 On automorphisms of computability potential scales for \(n\)-element algebras. Zbl 1028.08003 Zhurkov, S. V.; Pinus, A. G. 1 2003 Elementary equivalence of derivative structures of free lattices. Zbl 1025.06004 Pinus, A. G. 5 2002 Rational and conditional-rational equivalent algebras. Zbl 1062.08008 Pinus, A. G. 1 2002 On potential computability scales of universal algebras. Zbl 1029.08003 Pinus, A. G.; Zhurkov, S. V. 1 2002 Conditional terms and their applications in algebra and computation theory. Zbl 1023.08006 Pinus, A. G. 13 2001 Inner homomorphisms and positive-conditional terms. Zbl 0984.08003 Pinus, A. G. 5 2001 Positive conditional varieties. Zbl 1015.08007 Pinus, A. G. 1 2001 Skeletons of quasivarieties with the Fraser-Horn property. Zbl 1058.08010 Pinus, A. G. 1 2001 Second order equivalence of cardinals: An algebraic approach. Zbl 0986.03035 Pinus, A. G.; Rose, H. 1 2001 Rudin-Keisler posets of complete Boolean algebras. Zbl 0994.06006 Jipsen, Peter; Pinus, Alexander; Rose, Henry 1 2001 On the definability of finite algebras by derived categories. Zbl 0996.08002 Pinus, A. G. 1 2001 On functions commuting with semigroups of transformations of algebras. Zbl 0967.08003 Pinus, A. G. 3 2000 Invariants of the rational equivalence. Zbl 0947.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 2000 The positive and generalized discriminators don’t exist. Zbl 0963.08001 Pinus, A. G. 1 2000 Foundations of universal algebra. 2nd revised ed. (Основы универсал’но алгебры.) Zbl 1010.08001 Pinus, A. G. 1 2000 Duality of normally presented varieties. Zbl 1015.08006 Chajda, I.; Halaš, R.; Pinus, A. G.; Rosenberg, I. G. 1 2000 On conditionally rationally equivalent algebras. Zbl 0954.08003 Pinus, A. G. 1 1999 \(n\)-elementary embeddability and \(n\)-conditional terms. Zbl 0986.03028 Pinus, A. G. 1 1999 Algebra and model theory. 2. Collection of papers. (Algebra i teoriya modelej. 2.) Zbl 0932.00008 1 1999 Lattices of quasiorders on universal algebras. Zbl 0951.08002 Chajda, Ivan; Pinus, A.; Denisov, A. 1 1999 Conditional identity calculus and the conditioned rational equivalence. Zbl 0913.08008 Pinus, A. G. 6 1998 On algebras conditionally rationally equivalent to semilattices and Boolean algebras. Zbl 0937.08002 Pinus, A. G. 1 1998 Conditional terms and identities on universal algebras. Zbl 0924.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 1998 Characterization of conditionally termable functions. Zbl 0870.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 1997 On conditional terms and identities on universal algebras. Zbl 0902.08009 Pinus, A. G. 4 1996 On the property of being a semilattice for countable imbeddability skeletons of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0909.08006 Pinus, A. G. 1 1996 Lattices of quasiorders on universal algebras. Zbl 0854.06007 Pinus, A. G. 5 1995 Skeletons on congruence distributive varieties of algebras. Zbl 0813.08005 Pinus, A. G. 1 1994 The countable skeletons of discriminator varieties. Results and problems. Zbl 0840.08009 Pinus, A. G. 1 1994 Quasiorders on universal algebras. Zbl 0824.08002 Pinus, A. G.; Chajda, I. 11 1993 Boolean constructions in universal algebras. Zbl 0792.08001 Pinus, A. G. 8 1993 Boolean constructions in universal algebra. Zbl 0792.08002 Pinus, A. G. 8 1992 Countable skeletons of finitely generated discriminator varieties. Zbl 0793.08008 Pinus, A. G. 2 1992 The Löwenheim number for one of the skeletons of varieties of Boolean algebras. Zbl 0780.03018 Pinus, A. G. 2 1992 The Härtig quantifier: A survey. Zbl 0737.03013 Herre, Heinrich; Krynicki, Michał; Pinus, Alexander; Väänänen, Jouko 15 1991 An elementary theory of imbeddability skeleta of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0756.08003 Pinus, A. G. 3 1991 On Löwenheim numbers for skeletons of varieties of Boolean algebras. Zbl 0768.03025 Pinus, A. G. 1 1991 An elementary theory of embeddability skeletons of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0782.08007 Pinus, A. G. 1 1991 Löwenheim numbers for skeletons of varieties. Zbl 0789.08007 Pinus, A. G. 1 1991 Varieties with a simple countable embeddability skeleton. Zbl 0713.08004 Pinus, A. G. 9 1990 Varieties with simple countable imbeddability skeleton. Zbl 0704.08004 Pinus, A. G. 2 1990 On Cartesian skeletons of congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0714.08004 Pinus, A. G. 1 1990 On intervals and chains in epimorphness skeletons of congruence- distributive varieties. Zbl 0760.08004 Pinus, A. G. 1 1990 Elementary theory of epimorphicity skeletons for congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0695.08013 Pinus, A. G. 3 1989 Countable embeddability skeletons of discriminator varieties. Zbl 0708.08005 Pinus, A. G. 3 1989 Coverings in epimorphy skeletons of varieties of algebras. Zbl 0666.08004 Pinus, A. G. 7 1988 Congruence-distributive varieties of algebras. Zbl 0679.08004 Pinus, A. G. 5 1988 Covers in the epimorphism skeletons of varieties of algebras. Zbl 0684.08001 Pinus, A. G. 1 1988 Elementary equivalence of partition lattices. Zbl 0709.03031 Pinus, A. G. 1 1988 On simple denumerable epimorphicity skeletons for congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0652.08003 Pinus, A. G. 8 1987 On quasi-simple algebras. Zbl 0672.08002 Pinus, A. G. 3 1987 Simple countable epimorphicity skeletons for congruence-distributive varieties. Zbl 0659.08006 Pinus, A. G. 1 1987 ...and 20 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 108 Authors 73 Pinus, Aleksandr Georgievich 5 Chajda, Ivan 5 Farakhutdinov, Renat Abukhanovich 4 Väänänen, Jouko Antero 3 Artamonov, Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich 3 Czédli, Gábor 3 Jakubíková-Studenovská, Danica 3 Mart’yanov, Vladimir Ivanovich 3 Molchanov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 3 Peryazev, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 3 Tronin, Serge N. 2 Aichinger, Erhard 2 Badia, Guillermo 2 Bludov, Vasiliĭ Vasil’evich 2 Denisov, A. Yu. 2 Gaynullina, Alina R. 2 Krynicki, Michał Marian 2 Noguera, Carles 2 Oskolkov, Anatolii Petrovich 2 Radeleczki, Sándor 2 Rossi, Bernardo 2 Shelah, Saharon 2 Shtakser, Gennady 2 Sviridyuk, Georgiĭ Anatol’evich 2 Vazhenin, Yu. M. 1 Adams, Michael E. 1 Alaev, Pavel Evgenievich 1 Amstislavskiĭ, V. S. 1 Bojańczyk, Mikołaj 1 Bokut, Leonid A. 1 Brendle, Jörg 1 Bulmer, Michael 1 Caicedo, Xavier 1 Chistikov, Dmitry V. 1 Davidova, Diana S. 1 Dutta, Arpan 1 Efremov, E. L. 1 Farkasová, Zuzana 1 Fearnley-Sander, Desmond 1 Fëdorov, Vladimir Evgen’evich 1 Freytes, Hector 1 Frolov, Andreĭ Nikolaevich 1 Fu, Xiaoxuan 1 Gareeva, L. D. 1 George, Benjamin R. 1 Grädel, Erich 1 Gurevich, Yuri 1 Gyenizse, Gergő 1 Haase, Christoph 1 Habermehl, Peter 1 Herre, Heinrich 1 Holland, Wilbur Charles jun. 1 Icard, Thomas F. III 1 Kartashova, Anna Vladimirovna 1 Kelly, Tyler L. 1 Kelmendi, Edon 1 Kennedy, Juliette Cara 1 Kharmeev, A. A. 1 Khvorostukhina, Ekaterina Vladimirovna 1 Kokorin, Ali Ivanovich 1 Kolaitis, Phokion G. 1 Kotsiolis, A. A. 1 Kovalyov, Serge P. 1 Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor 1 Kukin, G. P. 1 Kuske, Dietrich 1 Ledda, Antonio 1 Lisovik, Leonid P. 1 Lu, Chia-Hsuan 1 Mansutti, Alessio 1 Maróti, Miklós 1 Michailov, M. M. 1 Molkhasi, Ali 1 Mordvinov, Ya. L. 1 Moss, Lawrence S. 1 Mostowski, Marcin 1 Movsisyan, Yuri Movses 1 Otto, Martin 1 Panteleev, Vladimir Innokent’evich 1 Parente, Francesco 1 Penzin, Yu. G. 1 Petrejčíková, Mária 1 Pöschel, Reinhard 1 Remeslennikov, Vladimir Nikanorovich 1 Roman’kov, Vitaliĭ Anatol’evich 1 Rosen, Eric 1 Rubin, Matatyahu 1 Rutkowski, Aleksander 1 Saliĭ, Vyacheslav Nikolaevich 1 Shadiev, R. D. 1 Shemetova, Valentina Vladimirovna 1 Sichler, Jiří Jan 1 Stefański, Rafał 1 Stepanova, Alena Andreevna 1 Stokes, Timothy E. 1 Szigeti, Jenó 1 Tan, Tony 1 Taylor, Walter F. 1 Truss, John Kenneth 1 Usol’tsev, Vadim Leonidovich ...and 8 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 41 Serials 32 Siberian Mathematical Journal 29 Algebra and Logic 7 Algebra Universalis 7 Russian Mathematics 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Cybernetics 4 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 3 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 3 Mathematica Slovaca 3 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Studia Logica 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Order 2 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 Vestnik Novosibirskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya: Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 2 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 2 Logical Methods in Computer Science 2 Izvestiya Saratovskogo Universiteta. Novaya Seriya. Seriya Matematika, Mekhanika, Informatika 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathématiques 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Synthese 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 1 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 1 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 Differential Equations 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Chistoĭ i Prikladnoĭ Matematiki 1 Journal of Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics all top 5 Cited in 23 Fields 89 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 64 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 35 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 17 Computer science (68-XX) 16 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 12 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 7 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year