Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Preparata, Franco P. Co-Author Distance Author ID: preparata.franco-p Published as: Preparata, Franco P.; Preparata, F. P.; Preparata, F. more...less Homepage: http://cs.brown.edu/people/fprepara/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · IdRef Documents Indexed: 158 Publications since 1964, including 4 Books 4 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 68 Co-Authors with 126 Joint Publications 2,696 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 35 single-authored 13 Muller, David E. 12 Bilardi, Gianfranco 11 Devillers, Olivier 11 Tamassia, Roberto 9 Lee, Der-Tsai 8 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel 7 Lipski, Witold jun. 7 Mehlhorn, Kurt 5 Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 4 Apostolico, Alberto 4 Yvinec, Mariette 3 Alevizos, Panagiotis D. 3 Edelsbrunner, Herbert 3 Liotta, Giuseppe 3 Sarrafzadeh, Majid 3 Shamos, Michael Ian 2 Alt, Helmut 2 Amato, Nancy M. 2 Chazelle, Bernard 2 Chiang, Yi-Jen 2 Chien, Robert Tienwen 2 Fischer, Paul F. 2 Hagerup, Torben 2 Hong, Se June 2 Johnson, David Stifler 2 Luccio, Fabrizio 2 Nievergelt, Jurg 2 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 2 Pietracaprina, Andrea 2 Sarwate, Dilip V. 2 Savage, John E. 2 Vuillemin, Jean E. 2 Yeh, Raymond T. 1 Adleman, Leonard Max 1 Avnaim, Francis 1 Barak, Amnon B. 1 Baudet, Gerard M. 1 Bentley, Jon Louis 1 Booth, Kellogg S. 1 Camion, Paul F. 1 Codenotti, Bruno 1 Cole, Richard John 1 Dieuliis, V. A. 1 Donati, Leonbattista 1 Fang, Qizhi 1 Faust, Mark G. 1 Galbiati, Giulia 1 Garey, Michael Randolph 1 Heath, Samuel A. 1 Hornick, Scot W. 1 Kung, H. T. 1 Leoncini, Mauro 1 Leong, Hon Wai 1 Maurer, Hermann A. 1 Metze, Gernot 1 Mourrain, Bernard 1 Ray, Sylvian R. 1 Rosenberg, Arnold Leonard 1 Sung, Wing-Kin 1 Tarjan, Robert Endre 1 Trébuchet, Philippe 1 Vacca, Roberto 1 Welzl, Emo 1 West, Douglas Brent 1 Willy, Hugo 1 Wood, Derick 1 Wu, Xiaodong 1 Yap, Chee-Keng 1 Yin, Jianping all top 5 Serials 11 IEEE Transactions on Computers 11 SIAM Journal on Computing 10 Algorithmica 9 Theoretical Computer Science 8 Information Processing Letters 5 Information and Control 5 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 5 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 5 Kiberneticheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 5 Journal of Algorithms 5 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 4 Communications of the ACM 3 Discrete & Computational Geometry 3 Information and Computation 3 Theory of Computing Systems 3 IEEE Transactions on Electronic Computers 2 Acta Informatica 2 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2 Calcolo 2 Mathematical Systems Theory 2 Computational Geometry 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 BIT 1 IEEE Transactions on Communications 1 Information Sciences 1 Networks 1 Cryptologia 1 Journal of Symbolic Computation 1 ACM Transactions on Graphics 1 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing 1 Automation and Remote Control 1 International Journal of Number Theory 1 Revue du CETHEDEC 1 CIME Summer Schools all top 5 Fields 126 Computer science (68-XX) 37 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 17 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 10 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 119 Publications have been cited 2,962 times in 2,467 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Computational geometry. An introduction. Zbl 0759.68037 Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael I. 738 1985 Computational geometry. An introduction. Zbl 0575.68059 Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael Ian 439 1985 On the connection assignment of diagnosable systems. Zbl 0189.16904 Preparata, F. P.; Metze, G.; Chien, R. T. 230 1967 Convex hulls of finite sets of points in two and three dimensions. Zbl 0342.68030 Preparata, F. P.; Hong, S. J. 119 1977 On finding the maxima of a set of vectors. Zbl 0316.68030 Kung, H. T.; Luccio, F.; Preparata, F. P. 114 1975 Euclidean shortest paths in the presence of rectilinear barriers. Zbl 0545.90098 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 93 1984 Optimal off-line detection of repetitions in a string. Zbl 0497.68052 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 70 1983 Triangulating a simple polygon. Zbl 0384.68040 Garey, Michael R.; Johnson, David S.; Preparata, Franco P.; Tarjan, Robert E. 60 1978 Finding the intersection of two convex polyhedra. Zbl 0396.52002 Muller, D. E.; Preparata, F. P. 54 1978 An optimal algorithm for finding the kernel of a polygon. Zbl 0403.68051 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 50 1979 The densest hemisphere problem. Zbl 0368.68053 Johnson, D. S.; Preparata, F. P. 44 1978 Location of a point in a planar subdivision and its applications. Zbl 0357.68034 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 43 1977 Stabbing line segments. Zbl 0484.68053 Edelsbrunner, H.; Maurer, H. A.; Preparata, F. P.; Rosenberg, A. L.; Welzl, E.; Wood, D. 40 1982 Plane-sweep algorithms for intersecting geometric figures. Zbl 0491.68075 Nievergelt, J.; Preparata, F. P. 38 1982 Efficient algorithms for finding maximum matchings in convex bipartite graphs and related problems. Zbl 0445.68052 Lipski, W. jun.; Preparata, F. P. 37 1981 A class of optimum nonlinear double-error-correcting codes. Zbl 0167.47702 Preparata, Franco P. 35 1968 Bounds to complexities of networks for sorting and for switching. Zbl 0334.94007 Muller, David E.; Preparata, Franco P. 34 1975 An optimal real-time algorithm for planar convex hulls. Zbl 0404.68069 Preparata, F. P. 31 1979 New parallel-sorting schemes. Zbl 0379.68025 Preparata, Franco P. 25 1978 Minimum polygonal separation. Zbl 0642.52004 Edelsbrunner, H.; Preparata, F. P. 25 1988 An improved parallel processor bound in fast matrix inversion. Zbl 0373.65020 Preparata, F. P.; Sarwate, D. V. 21 1978 A new approach to planar point location. Zbl 0462.68048 Preparata, Franco P. 20 1981 Optimal three-layer channel routing. Zbl 0567.94029 Preparata, Franco P.; Lipski, Witold jun. 18 1984 Robust proximity queries: an illustration of degree-driven algorithm design. Zbl 0918.68116 Liotta, Giuseppe; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 18 1999 Fully dynamic point location in a monotone subdivision. Zbl 0682.68056 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 18 1989 Finding the intersection of n half-spaces in time O(n log n). Zbl 0412.51001 Preparata, F. P.; Muller, D. E. 17 1979 Continuously valued logic. Zbl 0262.02020 Preparata, F. P.; Yeh, R. T. 17 1972 The medial axis of a simple polygon. Zbl 0361.50003 Preparata, F. P. 16 1977 The all nearest-neighbor problem for convex polygons. Zbl 0387.52001 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 16 1978 Computational geometry - a survey. Zbl 0636.68048 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, Franco P. 16 1987 Halfspace range search: An algorithmic application of k-sets. Zbl 0594.68055 Chazelle, B.; Preparata, F. P. 16 1986 Computational geometry. An introduction. (Vychislitel’naya geometriya. Vvedenie). Transl. from the English by S. A. Viches and M. M. Komarov. Transl. ed. and with a foreword by Yu. M. Bayakovskij. (Vychislitel’naya geometriya. Vvedenie.) Zbl 0744.68131 Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael Ian 15 1989 Approximation algorithms for convex hulls. Zbl 0466.68059 Bentley, Jon Louis; Faust, Mark G.; Preparata, Franco P. 15 1982 Data structures and algorithms for the string statistics problem. Zbl 0846.68023 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 14 1996 New upper bounds for neighbor searching. Zbl 0595.68055 Chazelle, B.; Cole, R.; Preparata, F. P.; Yap, C. 14 1986 Tetrahedrizing point sets in three dimensions. Zbl 0717.68101 Edelsbrunner, H.; Preparata, F. P.; West, D. B. 14 1990 An improved algorithm for the rectangle enclosure problem. Zbl 0493.68072 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 14 1982 Étude de codes binaires abeliens modulaires autoduaux de petites longueurs, avec une contribution de F. Preparata. Zbl 0424.94009 Camion, P. 13 1979 Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones. Zbl 0635.68015 Alt, Helmut; Hagerup, Torben; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Preparata, Franco P. 13 1987 Checking the convexity of polytopes and the planarity of subdivisions. Zbl 0921.68101 Devillers, Olivier; Liotta, Giuseppe; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 13 1998 An optimal algorithm for the boundary of a cell in a union of rays. Zbl 0697.68030 Alevizos, Panagiotis; Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Preparata, Franco P. 12 1990 Structural properties of the string statistics problem. Zbl 0593.68047 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 12 1985 Robust plane sweep for intersecting segments. Zbl 0949.68165 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Preparata, Franco P. 11 2000 Computational complexity of Fourier transforms over finite fields. Zbl 0365.68053 Preparata, F. P.; Sarwate, D. V. 10 1977 Introduction to discrete structures for computer science and engineering. Zbl 0277.68001 Preparata, Franco P.; Yeh, Raymond T. 10 1973 Area-time lower-bound techniques with applications to sorting. Zbl 0622.68044 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 10 1986 Efficient point location in a convex spatial cell-complex. Zbl 0753.68094 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 10 1992 Dynamic maintenance of planar digraphs, with applications. Zbl 0697.68026 Tamassia, Roberto; Preparata, Franco P. 10 1990 Restructuring of arithmetic expressions for parallel evaluation. Zbl 0335.68022 Muller, David E.; Preparata, Franco P. 9 1976 Channel routing in knock-knee mode: Simplified algorithms and proofs. Zbl 0622.68059 Mehlhorn, Kurt; Preparata, F. P.; Sarrafzadeh, M. 9 1986 Horizons of parallel computation. Zbl 0939.68636 Bilardi, Gianfranco; Preparata, Franco P. 9 1995 A unified approach to dynamic point location, ray shooting and shortest paths in planar maps. Zbl 0841.68120 Chiang, Yi-Jen; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 9 1996 Evaluating signs of determinants using single-precision arithmetic. Zbl 0865.68119 Avnaim, Francis; Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P.; Yvinec, Mariette 9 1997 Computation of the axial view of a set of isothetic parallelepipeds. Zbl 0733.68091 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott; Yvinec, Mariette 9 1990 Area-time optimal VLSI networks for multiplying matrices. Zbl 0445.94045 Preparata, Franco P.; Vuillemin, Jean E. 8 1980 On permutation-embedding sequences. Zbl 0337.05007 Galbiati, G.; Preparata, F. P. 7 1976 A probabilistic analysis of the power of arithmetic filters. Zbl 0912.68204 Devillers, O.; Preparata, F. P. 7 1998 Planar point location revisited. Zbl 0726.68080 Preparata, Franco P. 7 1990 Optimal three-dimensional VLSI layouts. Zbl 0503.94029 Preparata, Franco P. 7 1983 Efficient parallel evaluation of Boolean expressions. Zbl 0327.94046 Preparata, Franco P.; Muller, David E. 6 1976 A note on locating a set of points in a planar subdivision. Zbl 0421.68046 Preparata, F. P. 6 1979 Storage for consecutive retrieval. Zbl 0354.68034 Luccio, F.; Preparata, F. P. 6 1976 Improved time and space bounds for Boolean matrix multiplication. Zbl 0389.68016 Adleman, Leonard; Booth, Kellogg S.; Preparata, Franco P.; Ruzzo, Walter L. 6 1978 Circular cylinders through four or five points in space. Zbl 1031.52008 Devillers, Olivier; Mourrain, Bernard; Preparata, Franco P.; Trebuchet, Philippe 6 2003 Size-time complexity of Boolean networks for prefix computations. Zbl 0679.68071 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 6 1989 Segments, rectangles, contours. Zbl 0464.68073 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 6 1981 Difference-preserving codes. Zbl 0298.94018 Preparata, Franco P.; Nievergelt, Jurg 5 1974 Weight and distance structure of Nordstrom-Robinson quadratic code. Zbl 0169.51003 Preparata, Franco P. 5 1968 Compact channel routing of multiterminal nets. Zbl 0563.94028 Sarrafzadeh, M.; Preparata, F. P. 5 1985 Parallel batched planar point location on the CCC. Zbl 0689.68063 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 5 1989 Further results on arithmetic filters for geometric predicates. Zbl 0944.68182 Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 4 1999 A unified approach to layout wirability. Zbl 0617.94015 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 4 1987 Characterization of associative operations with prefix circuits of constant depth and linear size. Zbl 0695.68019 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 4 1990 Area-time optimal VLSI integer multiplier with minimum computation time. Zbl 0542.68027 Mehlhorn, Kurt; Preparata, Franco P. 4 1983 Dynamic planar point location with optimal query time. Zbl 0701.68049 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 4 1990 A new look at the Golay (23,12) code. Zbl 0206.21101 Preparata, F. P. 3 1970 Reduction of depth of Boolean networks with a fan-in constraint. Zbl 0361.94054 Preparata, Franco P.; Muller, David E.; Barak, Amnon B. 3 1977 Processor-time tradeoffs under bounded-speed message propagation. II: Lower bounds. Zbl 0951.68003 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 3 1999 The parallel 3D convex hull problem revisited. Zbl 0762.68060 Amato, Nancy M.; Preparata, Franco P. 3 1992 Efficient spatial point location. Zbl 0794.68025 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 3 1989 The influence of key length on the area-time complexity of sorting. Zbl 0571.68048 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 3 1985 Work-preserving speed-up of parallel matrix computations. Zbl 0830.68059 Pan, Victor Y.; Preparata, Franco P. 3 1995 Inverting a Vandermonde matrix in minimum parallel time. Zbl 0748.65027 Preparata, Franco P. 3 1991 An \(O ({\sqrt n})\)-worst-case-time solution to the granularity problem. Zbl 0795.68090 Pietracaprina, A.; Preparata, F. P. 3 1993 Finding the contour of a union of iso-oriented rectangles. Zbl 0456.68079 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 3 1980 Output-sensitive generation of the perspective view of isothetic parallelepipeds (extended abstract). Zbl 1502.68340 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott; Yvinec, Mariette 3 1990 The time required to evaluate division-free arithmetic expressions. Zbl 0339.68041 Preparata, F. P.; Muller, D. E. 2 1975 Corrigendum: A fast stable sorting algorithm with absolutely minimum storage. Zbl 0341.68030 Preparata, F. P. 2 1977 An approach to artificial nonsymbolic cognition. Zbl 0227.68048 Preparata, Franco P.; Ray, Sylvian R. 2 1972 On the representation of integers in nonadjacent form. Zbl 0229.94003 Preparata, Franco P. 2 1971 Evaluating the cylindricity of a nominally cylindrical point set. Zbl 0953.65011 Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 2 2000 Area-time optimal division for \(T=\Omega ((\log \,n)^{1+\epsilon})\). Zbl 0622.68046 Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1987 Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones. Zbl 0617.68051 Alt, H.; Hagerup, T.; Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1986 A simplified technique for hidden-line elimination in terrains. Zbl 1493.68375 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 2 1992 Computing the union of 3-colored triangles. Zbl 0735.68083 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 2 1991 Channel routing of nets bounded degree. Zbl 0559.94018 Preparata, F. P.; Sarrafzadeh, M. 2 1985 Area-time optimal VLSI circuits for convolution. Zbl 0513.94030 Baudet, Gerard M.; Preparata, Franco P.; Vuillemin, Jean E. 2 1983 Area-time optimal division for \(T=\Omega ((\log \,n)^{1+\epsilon})\). Zbl 0596.68044 Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1986 Finding the contour of a union of iso-oriented rectangles. Zbl 0472.68031 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 2 1980 A structure for the statistics of all substrings of a textstring with or without overlap. Zbl 0503.68064 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1982 The unpredictable deviousness of models. Zbl 1157.68029 Preparata, Franco P. 1 2008 Circular cylinders through four or five points in space. Zbl 1031.52008 Devillers, Olivier; Mourrain, Bernard; Preparata, Franco P.; Trebuchet, Philippe 6 2003 Culling a set of points for roundness or cylindricity evaluations. Zbl 1074.68637 Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 1 2003 The role of arithmetic in fast parallel matrix inversion. Zbl 0982.65031 Codenotti, B.; Leoncini, M.; Preparata, F. P. 1 2001 Generalized scans and tridiagonal systems. Zbl 0974.68058 Fischer, Paul F.; Preparata, F. P.; Savage, J. E. 1 2001 Robust plane sweep for intersecting segments. Zbl 0949.68165 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Preparata, Franco P. 11 2000 Evaluating the cylindricity of a nominally cylindrical point set. Zbl 0953.65011 Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 2 2000 Robust proximity queries: an illustration of degree-driven algorithm design. Zbl 0918.68116 Liotta, Giuseppe; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 18 1999 Further results on arithmetic filters for geometric predicates. Zbl 0944.68182 Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 4 1999 Processor-time tradeoffs under bounded-speed message propagation. II: Lower bounds. Zbl 0951.68003 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 3 1999 Checking the convexity of polytopes and the planarity of subdivisions. Zbl 0921.68101 Devillers, Olivier; Liotta, Giuseppe; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 13 1998 A probabilistic analysis of the power of arithmetic filters. Zbl 0912.68204 Devillers, O.; Preparata, F. P. 7 1998 Evaluating signs of determinants using single-precision arithmetic. Zbl 0865.68119 Avnaim, Francis; Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P.; Yvinec, Mariette 9 1997 Processor-time tradeoffs under bounded-speed message propagation. I: Upper bounds. Zbl 0893.68007 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 1 1997 Data structures and algorithms for the string statistics problem. Zbl 0846.68023 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 14 1996 A unified approach to dynamic point location, ray shooting and shortest paths in planar maps. Zbl 0841.68120 Chiang, Yi-Jen; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 9 1996 Horizons of parallel computation. Zbl 0939.68636 Bilardi, Gianfranco; Preparata, Franco P. 9 1995 Work-preserving speed-up of parallel matrix computations. Zbl 0830.68059 Pan, Victor Y.; Preparata, Franco P. 3 1995 Lower bounds to processor-time tradeoffs under bounded-speed message propagation. Zbl 1502.68036 Bilardi, Gianfranco; Preparata, Franco P. 2 1995 A time-optimal parallel algorithm for three-dimensional convex hulls. Zbl 0833.68056 Amato, N. M.; Preparata, F. P. 1 1995 An \(O ({\sqrt n})\)-worst-case-time solution to the granularity problem. Zbl 0795.68090 Pietracaprina, A.; Preparata, F. P. 3 1993 A unified approach to dynamic point location, ray shooting, and shortest paths in planar maps. Zbl 0801.68158 Chiang, Yi-Jen; Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 1 1993 A simplified technique for hidden-line elimination in terrains. Zbl 0776.68113 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 1 1993 Efficient point location in a convex spatial cell-complex. Zbl 0753.68094 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 10 1992 The parallel 3D convex hull problem revisited. Zbl 0762.68060 Amato, Nancy M.; Preparata, Franco P. 3 1992 A simplified technique for hidden-line elimination in terrains. Zbl 1493.68375 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 2 1992 Parallel restructuring and evaluation of expressions. Zbl 0743.68068 Muller, D. E.; Preparata, F. P. 1 1992 Output-sensitive generation of the perspective view of isothetic parallelepipeds. Zbl 0776.68112 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott; Yvinec, Mariette 1 1992 Inverting a Vandermonde matrix in minimum parallel time. Zbl 0748.65027 Preparata, Franco P. 3 1991 Computing the union of 3-colored triangles. Zbl 0735.68083 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Devillers, Olivier; Preparata, Franco P. 2 1991 Tetrahedrizing point sets in three dimensions. Zbl 0717.68101 Edelsbrunner, H.; Preparata, F. P.; West, D. B. 14 1990 An optimal algorithm for the boundary of a cell in a union of rays. Zbl 0697.68030 Alevizos, Panagiotis; Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel; Preparata, Franco P. 12 1990 Dynamic maintenance of planar digraphs, with applications. Zbl 0697.68026 Tamassia, Roberto; Preparata, Franco P. 10 1990 Computation of the axial view of a set of isothetic parallelepipeds. Zbl 0733.68091 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott; Yvinec, Mariette 9 1990 Planar point location revisited. Zbl 0726.68080 Preparata, Franco P. 7 1990 Characterization of associative operations with prefix circuits of constant depth and linear size. Zbl 0695.68019 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 4 1990 Dynamic planar point location with optimal query time. Zbl 0701.68049 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 4 1990 Output-sensitive generation of the perspective view of isothetic parallelepipeds (extended abstract). Zbl 1502.68340 Preparata, Franco P.; Vitter, Jeffrey Scott; Yvinec, Mariette 3 1990 Fully dynamic point location in a monotone subdivision. Zbl 0682.68056 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 18 1989 Computational geometry. An introduction. (Vychislitel’naya geometriya. Vvedenie). Transl. from the English by S. A. Viches and M. M. Komarov. Transl. ed. and with a foreword by Yu. M. Bayakovskij. (Vychislitel’naya geometriya. Vvedenie.) Zbl 0744.68131 Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael Ian 15 1989 Size-time complexity of Boolean networks for prefix computations. Zbl 0679.68071 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 6 1989 Parallel batched planar point location on the CCC. Zbl 0689.68063 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 5 1989 Efficient spatial point location. Zbl 0794.68025 Preparata, Franco P.; Tamassia, Roberto 3 1989 Minimum polygonal separation. Zbl 0642.52004 Edelsbrunner, H.; Preparata, F. P. 25 1988 Computational geometry - a survey. Zbl 0636.68048 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, Franco P. 16 1987 Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones. Zbl 0635.68015 Alt, Helmut; Hagerup, Torben; Mehlhorn, Kurt; Preparata, Franco P. 13 1987 A unified approach to layout wirability. Zbl 0617.94015 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 4 1987 Area-time optimal division for \(T=\Omega ((\log \,n)^{1+\epsilon})\). Zbl 0622.68046 Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1987 Halfspace range search: An algorithmic application of k-sets. Zbl 0594.68055 Chazelle, B.; Preparata, F. P. 16 1986 New upper bounds for neighbor searching. Zbl 0595.68055 Chazelle, B.; Cole, R.; Preparata, F. P.; Yap, C. 14 1986 Area-time lower-bound techniques with applications to sorting. Zbl 0622.68044 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 10 1986 Channel routing in knock-knee mode: Simplified algorithms and proofs. Zbl 0622.68059 Mehlhorn, Kurt; Preparata, F. P.; Sarrafzadeh, M. 9 1986 Deterministic simulation of idealized parallel computers on more realistic ones. Zbl 0617.68051 Alt, H.; Hagerup, T.; Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1986 Area-time optimal division for \(T=\Omega ((\log \,n)^{1+\epsilon})\). Zbl 0596.68044 Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1986 Digital filtering in VLSI. Zbl 0595.94026 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 1 1986 Computational geometry. An introduction. Zbl 0759.68037 Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael I. 738 1985 Computational geometry. An introduction. Zbl 0575.68059 Preparata, Franco P.; Shamos, Michael Ian 439 1985 Structural properties of the string statistics problem. Zbl 0593.68047 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 12 1985 Compact channel routing of multiterminal nets. Zbl 0563.94028 Sarrafzadeh, M.; Preparata, F. P. 5 1985 The influence of key length on the area-time complexity of sorting. Zbl 0571.68048 Bilardi, G.; Preparata, F. P. 3 1985 Channel routing of nets bounded degree. Zbl 0559.94018 Preparata, F. P.; Sarrafzadeh, M. 2 1985 A minimum area VLSI network for O(log n) time sorting. Zbl 0556.68022 Bilardi, Gianfranco; Preparata, Franco P. 1 1985 Euclidean shortest paths in the presence of rectilinear barriers. Zbl 0545.90098 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 93 1984 Optimal three-layer channel routing. Zbl 0567.94029 Preparata, Franco P.; Lipski, Witold jun. 18 1984 Towards a theory of VLSI layout. A selected annotated bibliography. Zbl 0591.94039 Preparata, F. P. 1 1984 An architecture for bitonic sorting with optimal VLSI performance. Zbl 0537.68062 Bilardi, Gianfranco; Preparata, Franco P. 1 1984 Area-time optimal VLSI integer multiplier with minimum computation time. Zbl 0556.68015 Mehlhorn, K.; Preparata, F. P. 1 1984 Optimal off-line detection of repetitions in a string. Zbl 0497.68052 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 70 1983 Optimal three-dimensional VLSI layouts. Zbl 0503.94029 Preparata, Franco P. 7 1983 Area-time optimal VLSI integer multiplier with minimum computation time. Zbl 0542.68027 Mehlhorn, Kurt; Preparata, Franco P. 4 1983 Area-time optimal VLSI circuits for convolution. Zbl 0513.94030 Baudet, Gerard M.; Preparata, Franco P.; Vuillemin, Jean E. 2 1983 Stabbing line segments. Zbl 0484.68053 Edelsbrunner, H.; Maurer, H. A.; Preparata, F. P.; Rosenberg, A. L.; Welzl, E.; Wood, D. 40 1982 Plane-sweep algorithms for intersecting geometric figures. Zbl 0491.68075 Nievergelt, J.; Preparata, F. P. 38 1982 Approximation algorithms for convex hulls. Zbl 0466.68059 Bentley, Jon Louis; Faust, Mark G.; Preparata, Franco P. 15 1982 An improved algorithm for the rectangle enclosure problem. Zbl 0493.68072 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 14 1982 A structure for the statistics of all substrings of a textstring with or without overlap. Zbl 0503.68064 Apostolico, A.; Preparata, F. P. 2 1982 Corrigendum to: “Finding the contour of a union of iso-oriented rectangles”. Zbl 0492.68055 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 1 1982 Efficient algorithms for finding maximum matchings in convex bipartite graphs and related problems. Zbl 0445.68052 Lipski, W. jun.; Preparata, F. P. 37 1981 A new approach to planar point location. Zbl 0462.68048 Preparata, Franco P. 20 1981 Segments, rectangles, contours. Zbl 0464.68073 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 6 1981 Area-time optimal VLSI networks for multiplying matrices. Zbl 0445.94045 Preparata, Franco P.; Vuillemin, Jean E. 8 1980 Finding the contour of a union of iso-oriented rectangles. Zbl 0456.68079 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 3 1980 Finding the contour of a union of iso-oriented rectangles. Zbl 0472.68031 Lipski, Witold jun.; Preparata, Franco P. 2 1980 An optimal algorithm for finding the kernel of a polygon. Zbl 0403.68051 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 50 1979 An optimal real-time algorithm for planar convex hulls. Zbl 0404.68069 Preparata, F. P. 31 1979 Finding the intersection of n half-spaces in time O(n log n). Zbl 0412.51001 Preparata, F. P.; Muller, D. E. 17 1979 Étude de codes binaires abeliens modulaires autoduaux de petites longueurs, avec une contribution de F. Preparata. Zbl 0424.94009 Camion, P. 13 1979 A note on locating a set of points in a planar subdivision. Zbl 0421.68046 Preparata, F. P. 6 1979 Triangulating a simple polygon. Zbl 0384.68040 Garey, Michael R.; Johnson, David S.; Preparata, Franco P.; Tarjan, Robert E. 60 1978 Finding the intersection of two convex polyhedra. Zbl 0396.52002 Muller, D. E.; Preparata, F. P. 54 1978 The densest hemisphere problem. Zbl 0368.68053 Johnson, D. S.; Preparata, F. P. 44 1978 New parallel-sorting schemes. Zbl 0379.68025 Preparata, Franco P. 25 1978 An improved parallel processor bound in fast matrix inversion. Zbl 0373.65020 Preparata, F. P.; Sarwate, D. V. 21 1978 The all nearest-neighbor problem for convex polygons. Zbl 0387.52001 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 16 1978 Improved time and space bounds for Boolean matrix multiplication. Zbl 0389.68016 Adleman, Leonard; Booth, Kellogg S.; Preparata, Franco P.; Ruzzo, Walter L. 6 1978 Convex hulls of finite sets of points in two and three dimensions. Zbl 0342.68030 Preparata, F. P.; Hong, S. J. 119 1977 Location of a point in a planar subdivision and its applications. Zbl 0357.68034 Lee, D. T.; Preparata, F. P. 43 1977 The medial axis of a simple polygon. Zbl 0361.50003 Preparata, F. P. 16 1977 Computational complexity of Fourier transforms over finite fields. Zbl 0365.68053 Preparata, F. P.; Sarwate, D. V. 10 1977 Reduction of depth of Boolean networks with a fan-in constraint. Zbl 0361.94054 Preparata, Franco P.; Muller, David E.; Barak, Amnon B. 3 1977 ...and 19 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,307 Authors 37 Sharir, Micha 32 Edelsbrunner, Herbert 30 Preparata, Franco P. 30 Zhou, Shuming 29 Toussaint, Godfried Theodore 25 Hershberger, John E. 24 Overmars, Mark H. 23 Guibas, Leonidas John 22 Bose, Prosenjit K. 21 Lingas, Andrzej 20 Agarwal, Pankaj Kumar 20 Suri, Subhash 19 Chazelle, Bernard 19 Chen, Danny Ziyi 19 Seara, Carlos 18 de Berg, Mark Theodoor 18 Goodrich, Michael Truman 18 Lin, Cheng-Kuan 18 Wang, Shiying 17 Lee, Der-Tsai 16 Devillers, Olivier 16 Snoeyink, Jack Scott 16 Tamassia, Roberto 16 Xu, Min 15 Apostolico, Alberto 15 Smid, Michiel H. M. 14 Chan, Timothy Moon-Yew 14 Iliopoulos, Costas S. 14 Matoušek, Jiří 14 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 14 Urrutia Galicia, Jorge L. 14 Zhu, Binhai 13 Crochemore, Maxime 13 Fan, Jianxi 13 Levcopoulos, Christos 13 Maheshwari, Anil 13 Welzl, Emo 13 Zhu, Qiang 12 Dumitrescu, Adrian 12 Mitchell, Joseph S. B. 12 Sugihara, Kokichi 12 van Kreveld, Marc J. 12 Wang, Cao An 11 Ahn, Hee-Kap 11 Aronov, Boris 11 Dillencourt, Michael B. 11 Hsieh, Sun-Yuan 11 Mehlhorn, Kurt 11 Seidel, Raimund 11 Wood, Derick 10 Aurenhammer, Franz 10 Avis, David M. 10 Brimkov, Valentin E. 10 Chin, Francis Y. L. 10 Chwa, Kyungyong 10 Liu, Jiafei 10 Morin, Pat 10 Rote, Günter 10 Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger 10 Tan, Xuehou 10 Tokuyama, Takeshi 9 An, Phan Thanh 9 Asano, Tetsuo 9 Bae, Sang Won 9 Bereg, Sergey N. 9 Bhattacharya, Binay Kumar 9 Boissonnat, Jean-Daniel 9 Cheong, Otfried 9 Daescu, Ovidiu 9 Dimitriev, Yu. K. 9 Hao, Rongxia 9 Kedem, Klara 9 Liotta, Giuseppe 9 Liu, Aixia 9 Mulzer, Wolfgang Johann Heinrich 9 Papadopoulou, Evanthia 9 Pietracaprina, Andrea 9 Smyth, William F. 9 Tóth, Csaba D. 9 Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 9 Wang, Mujiangshan 9 Yuan, Jun 8 Aggarwal, Alok 8 Atallah, Mikhail J. 8 Cheng, Baolei 8 Cheng, Eddie 8 Dobkin, David P. 8 Gu, Mei-Mei 8 Halperin, Dan 8 Hurtado, Ferran 8 Kirkpatrick, David G. 8 Korman, Matias 8 Li, Xiaoyan 8 Mount, David M. 8 Pucci, Geppino 8 Vigneron, Antoine 8 Wang, Haitao 8 Yap, Chee-Keng 8 Zhou, Qianru 7 Chew, L. Paul ...and 3,207 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 303 Serials 232 Theoretical Computer Science 200 Information Processing Letters 181 Computational Geometry 164 Algorithmica 125 Discrete & Computational Geometry 91 Discrete Applied Mathematics 46 International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 39 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 36 Information Sciences 35 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 31 Computer Aided Geometric Design 29 Discrete Mathematics 27 BIT 26 European Journal of Operational Research 24 Applied Mathematics and Computation 22 Automation and Remote Control 21 Computing 20 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 20 Information and Computation 20 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 20 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 19 Computers & Operations Research 18 Pattern Recognition 17 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 16 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 16 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 15 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 15 Journal of Global Optimization 14 Journal of Complexity 13 Artificial Intelligence 12 SIAM Journal on Computing 12 The Visual Computer 11 International Journal of Computer & Information Sciences 11 Operations Research Letters 11 Annals of Operations Research 11 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 10 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 Mathematical Systems Theory 10 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 10 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 10 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 10 Theory of Computing Systems 9 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 9 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 9 Linear Algebra and its Applications 8 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 8 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 7 Acta Informatica 7 Problems of Information Transmission 7 Graphs and Combinatorics 7 Journal of Symbolic Computation 6 Mathematics of Computation 6 Calcolo 6 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 6 The Annals of Applied Probability 6 Numerical Algorithms 6 Parallel Processing Letters 5 Journal of Computational Physics 5 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 5 Optimization 5 Parallel Algorithms and Applications 4 International Journal of General Systems 4 Journal of Geometry 4 Networks 4 European Journal of Combinatorics 4 Advances in Computational Mathematics 4 Journal of Scheduling 4 Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 4 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 4 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 4 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 4 ACM Transactions on Algorithms 4 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 4 Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Mathematical Programming 3 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 3 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 3 Physica D 3 Neural Networks 3 Neural Computation 3 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 3 Distributed Computing 3 ZOR. Zeitschrift für Operations Research 3 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 3 Computational Optimization and Applications 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Top 3 International Transactions in Operational Research 3 Doklady Mathematics 3 Fundamenta Informaticae 3 JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 3 Discrete Optimization 3 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 2 Mathematical Biosciences ...and 203 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 1,767 Computer science (68-XX) 354 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 305 Combinatorics (05-XX) 301 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 297 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 115 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 61 Geometry (51-XX) 61 Statistics (62-XX) 36 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 34 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 30 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 29 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 25 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 19 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 17 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 16 Number theory (11-XX) 16 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 16 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 16 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 11 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 8 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 6 General topology (54-XX) 6 Geophysics (86-XX) 5 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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