Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Pujolle, Guy Co-Author Distance Author ID: pujolle.guy Published as: Pujolle, Guy; Pujolle, G. External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 33 Publications since 1976, including 2 Books 6 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Software Indexed: 1 Package Co-Authors: 44 Co-Authors with 31 Joint Publications 297 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 8 single-authored 4 Gelenbe, Sami Erol 3 Beylot, André-Luc 2 Achir, Nadjib 2 Ai, Wu 2 Labetoulle, Jacques 2 Muniz Bandeira Duarte, Otto Carlos 2 Puigjaner, Ramon 2 Soula, C. 1 Agoulmine, Nazim 1 Al Agha, Khaldoun 1 Al-Naamany, Ahmed M. 1 Atmaca, Tulin 1 Bechtold, Michael 1 Belding-Royer, Elizabeth M. 1 Borgonovo, Flaminio 1 Bouabdallah, Nizar 1 Boumerdassi, Selma 1 Bourdoucen, Hadj 1 Boussetta, Khaled 1 Capone, Antonio 1 Caseau, Paul 1 Chaouchi, Hakima 1 Charlot, François 1 da Silva Gonçalves, Paulo André 1 Deaton, G. A. jun. 1 Elias, Jocelyne 1 Fayolle, Guy 1 Ferreira de Rezende, José 1 Fonseca, Mauro 1 Franse, D. J. 1 Fratta, Luigi 1 Gaïti, Dominique 1 Gerla, Mario 1 Ghamri-Doudane, Yacine 1 Harnpanichpun, Niruhn 1 Inose, Hiroshi 1 Jamhour, Edgard 1 Khemiri, Sondes 1 Khriji, Lazhar 1 Kleinrock, Leonard 1 Kümmerle, K. 1 Kurinckx, Alain 1 Martignon, Fabio 1 Nabhen, Ricardo 1 Onvural, Raif O. 1 Penna, Manoel Camillo 1 Perros, Harry G. 1 Port, E. 1 Potier, Dominique 1 Rubinstein, Marcelo G. 1 Senouci, Sidi-Mohammed 1 Sha, Fei 1 Spaniol, Otto all top 5 Serials 3 Acta Informatica 3 IFIP, International Federation for Information Processing 2 IEEE Transactions on Communications 2 RAIRO. Recherche Opérationnelle 2 Computer Networks 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 INFOR 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Performance Evaluation 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section B. Calcul des Probabilités et Statistique 1 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1 Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Bleue 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle (RAIRO). Informatique Fields 27 Computer science (68-XX) 19 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 16 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 16 Publications have been cited 102 times in 93 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Introduction to queueing networks. Transl. from French by J. C. C. Nelson. Zbl 0654.60079 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 45 1987 The behaviour of a single queue in a general queueing network. Zbl 0349.60091 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 17 1976 Throughput capacity of a sequence of queues with blocking due to finite waiting room. Zbl 0428.68002 Caseau, Paul; Pujolle, Guy 11 1979 Introduction aux réseaux de files d’attente. Zbl 0547.60092 Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 7 1982 Discrete-time queueing systems for data networks performance evaluation. Zbl 0738.90030 Pujolle, G. 3 1991 Stationary distributions of flows in Jackson networks. Zbl 0502.90030 Labetoulle, J.; Pujolle, G.; Soula, C. 3 1981 Recurrence in single server queues with impatient customers. Zbl 0401.60094 Charlot, Francois; Pujolle, Guy 3 1978 The influence of protocols on the stability conditions in packet switching networks. Zbl 0408.60091 Pujolle, Guy 2 1979 A study of queueing networks with deterministic service and application to computer networks. Zbl 0349.68026 Labetoulle, J.; Pujolle, G. 2 1976 A study of flows in queueing networks and an approximate method for solution. Zbl 0405.90028 Pujolle, G.; Soula, C. 2 1979 A new approach to dynamic bandwidth allocation in quality of service networks: Performance and bounds. Zbl 1115.68356 Elias, J.; Martignon, F.; Capone, A.; Pujolle, G. 2 2007 Files d’attente avec dependance de l’etat et application à un système de communication multilignes. Zbl 0481.60093 Pujolle, Guy 1 1978 Product-form discrete-time queues in series with batch transition: late arrival case. Zbl 0875.68087 Harnpanichpun, Niruhn; Pujolle, Guy 1 1995 Réseaux de files d’attente à forme produit. Zbl 0447.90032 Pujolle, G. 1 1980 A solution for multiserver and multiclass open queueing networks. Zbl 0604.90058 Pujolle, Guy; Ai, Wu 1 1986 An analytic evaluation of the performance of the ”send and wait” protocol. Zbl 0373.94025 Fayolle, Guy; Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 1 1978 A new approach to dynamic bandwidth allocation in quality of service networks: Performance and bounds. Zbl 1115.68356 Elias, J.; Martignon, F.; Capone, A.; Pujolle, G. 2 2007 Product-form discrete-time queues in series with batch transition: late arrival case. Zbl 0875.68087 Harnpanichpun, Niruhn; Pujolle, Guy 1 1995 Discrete-time queueing systems for data networks performance evaluation. Zbl 0738.90030 Pujolle, G. 3 1991 Introduction to queueing networks. Transl. from French by J. C. C. Nelson. Zbl 0654.60079 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 45 1987 A solution for multiserver and multiclass open queueing networks. Zbl 0604.90058 Pujolle, Guy; Ai, Wu 1 1986 Introduction aux réseaux de files d’attente. Zbl 0547.60092 Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 7 1982 Stationary distributions of flows in Jackson networks. Zbl 0502.90030 Labetoulle, J.; Pujolle, G.; Soula, C. 3 1981 Réseaux de files d’attente à forme produit. Zbl 0447.90032 Pujolle, G. 1 1980 Throughput capacity of a sequence of queues with blocking due to finite waiting room. Zbl 0428.68002 Caseau, Paul; Pujolle, Guy 11 1979 The influence of protocols on the stability conditions in packet switching networks. Zbl 0408.60091 Pujolle, Guy 2 1979 A study of flows in queueing networks and an approximate method for solution. Zbl 0405.90028 Pujolle, G.; Soula, C. 2 1979 Recurrence in single server queues with impatient customers. Zbl 0401.60094 Charlot, Francois; Pujolle, Guy 3 1978 Files d’attente avec dependance de l’etat et application à un système de communication multilignes. Zbl 0481.60093 Pujolle, Guy 1 1978 An analytic evaluation of the performance of the ”send and wait” protocol. Zbl 0373.94025 Fayolle, Guy; Gelenbe, Erol; Pujolle, Guy 1 1978 The behaviour of a single queue in a general queueing network. Zbl 0349.60091 Gelenbe, E.; Pujolle, G. 17 1976 A study of queueing networks with deterministic service and application to computer networks. Zbl 0349.68026 Labetoulle, J.; Pujolle, G. 2 1976 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 165 Authors 5 Kouvatsos, Demetres D. 5 Krishna Kumar, Balasubramanian 5 Smith, James MacGregor 3 Bocharov, Pavel Petrovich 3 D’Apice, Ciro 3 Madheswari, S. Pavai 3 Othman, Abu Talib 2 Caglayan, Mehmet Ufuk 2 Charlot, François 2 Czachórski, Tadeusz 2 Dao-Thi, Thu-Ha 2 Kelly, Frank P. 2 Kerbache, Laoucine 2 Krishnamoorthy, Achyutha 2 Lakshmi, S. R. Anantha 2 Madan, Kailash C. 2 Mairesse, Jean 2 Nycz, Tomasz 2 Pechinkin, A. V. 2 Pechinkin, Alexandre 2 Pellaumail, Jean M. 2 Serfozo, Richard F. 1 Abdelrahman, Omer H. 1 Aissani, Djamil 1 Akyildiz, Ian Fuat 1 Al-Masri, Abedel-Quader 1 Al-Nasser, Amjad D. 1 Al-Rawwash, Mohammad Y. 1 Almond, John 1 Aloi, G. 1 Arivarignan, G. 1 Arivudainambi, D. 1 Armstrong, Michael J. 1 Artalejo, Jesus R. 1 Basha, S. Sadiq 1 Basharin, Gely Pavlovich 1 Bause, Falko 1 Bi, Huibo 1 Bonatti, Mario 1 Bouallouche-Medjkoune, Louiza 1 Boucherie, Richard J. 1 Buchholz, Peter 1 Buzacott, John Alan 1 Chakka, Ram 1 Chakravarthy, Srinivas R. 1 Chandra, M. Jeya 1 Chen, Yizheng 1 Chernyak, Vladimir Y. 1 Chertkov, Michael 1 Choi, Yoojin 1 Chouaf, Benamar 1 Damodaran, Purushothaman 1 de Nitto Personè, Vittoria 1 Decelle, Aurélien 1 Disney, Ralph L. 1 Do, Nam H. 1 Dou, Zufang 1 Dupuis, Paul G. 1 Economou, Antonis 1 Ekren, Banu Yetkin 1 Fan, Ruina 1 Fatma, Najiya 1 Fragoso, Marcelo Dutra 1 Furtlehner, Cyril 1 Gaivoronski, Alexei A. 1 Gavrilov, Evgeny. V. 1 Gelenbe, Sami Erol 1 Goldberg, David Alan 1 Gorbunova, A. V. 1 Gosavi, Hemant D. 1 Grandinetti, Lucio 1 Guellil, Ahmed 1 Halang, Wolfgang A. 1 Heavey, Cathal 1 Heragu, Sunderesh S. 1 Holmes, Mark P. 1 Houle, Jean-Louis 1 Hsieh, Yi-Chih 1 Ikuta, Seizo 1 Jain, Sushant 1 Jothivel, Kathiresan 1 Kelbert, Mark Ya. 1 Kiessler, Peter C. 1 Kijima, Shuji 1 König, Dieter 1 Kopats, Dmitry 1 Krishnan, Ramachandran Navaneetha 1 Ku-Mahamud, Ku Ruhana 1 Kumaran, Jayesh 1 Labetoulle, Jacques 1 Larionov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1 Laws, C. N. 1 Le Ny, Louis-Marie 1 Lebah, M. 1 Lee, Won-Taek 1 Leite, Saul C. 1 Lévesque, Moren 1 Li, Quanlin 1 Li, Suoping 1 Li, Yubai ...and 65 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 36 Serials 13 European Journal of Operational Research 7 Queueing Systems 6 Acta Informatica 6 Computers & Operations Research 6 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 5 Annals of Operations Research 4 International Journal of Systems Science 4 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Probabilités et Applications 4 RAIRO. Operations Research 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 International Journal of Production Research 2 Discrete Event Dynamic Systems 2 Automation and Remote Control 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Automatica 1 Computing 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II. Probabilités et Applications 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Top 1 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences 1 Stochastic Models 1 OR Spectrum 1 Computational Management Science 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Operational Research. An International Journal 1 Frontiers of Computer Science in China 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computational Mechanics all top 5 Cited in 11 Fields 69 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 60 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 25 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.