Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Radó, Ferenc (b. 1921 d. 1990) Co-Author Distance Author ID: rado.ferenc Published as: Rado, F.; Radó, F.; Rado, Francisc; Radó, Francisc; Rado, Fr.; Radó, François more...less External Links: MacTutor · Wikidata · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 57 Publications since 1953 Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 17 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications 282 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 39 single-authored 3 Aczél, János Dezső 3 Bal, Lascu 2 Baker, John A. 2 Groze, Victoria 2 Lascu, Bal 2 Orbán, Béla 1 Andreescu, D. 1 Călugăreanu, Gheorghe 1 Đoković, Dragomir Ž. 1 Hosszú, Miklós 1 Ionescu, Dumitru V. 1 Ionescu, Gh. D. 1 Kannappan, Palaniappan 1 Miron, Radu 1 Pickert, Günter 1 Tarţia, Cornel 1 Vălcan, Dumitru all top 5 Serials 8 Mathematica 6 Academia Republicii Populare Romîne, Filiala Cluj, Studii și Cercetări Matematica 5 Aequationes Mathematicae 4 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Series Mathematica, Physica 3 Journal of Geometry 3 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. Mathématica 3 Comunicările Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Academia Republicii Populare Romîne. Buletin Științific. Secțiunea de Științe Matematice și Fizike 2 Preprint. “Babeș-Bolyai” University. Faculty of Mathematics. Research Seminars 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathématica – Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation. L’Analyse Numérique et la Théorie de l’Approximation 1 Operations Research 1 Gazeta Matematica și Fizica. Seria A 1 Gazeta Matematica. Serie A 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Series Mathematica, Mechanica 1 Academia Republicii Populare Romîne. Filiala Cluj. Studii și Cercetări Științifice, Seria I: Științe Matematice, Fizice, Chimice ș Tehnice all top 5 Fields 14 Geometry (51-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 25 Publications have been cited 157 times in 138 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Pexider’s equation and aggregation of allocations. Zbl 0625.39007 Radó, F.; Baker, John A. 30 1987 Non-injective collineations on some sets in Desarguesian projective planes and extension of non-commutative valuations. Zbl 0202.51101 Radó, F. 26 1970 Extensions of certain homomorphisms of subsemigroups to homomorphisms of groups. Zbl 0224.20036 Aczél, János; Baker, J. A.; Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Kannappan, Pl.; Radó, F. 23 1971 The Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0651.90024 Radó, Francisc 14 1988 On the characterization of plane affine isometries. Zbl 0435.51007 Rado, F. 10 1980 Darstellung nicht-injektiver Kollineationen eines projektiven Raumes durch verallgemeinerte semilineare Abbildungen. Zbl 0176.17504 Rado, F. 8 1969 A characterization of the semi-isometries of a Minkowski plane over a field K. Zbl 0547.51005 Radó, F. 7 1983 Nomogramme, Gewebe und Quasigruppen. Zbl 0102.25801 Aczél, János; Pickert, G.; Rado, F. 5 1960 Affine Barbilian structures. Zbl 0481.51007 Rado, F. 5 1980 Congruence-preserving isomorphisms of the translation group associated with a translation plane. Zbl 0215.50401 Radó, F. 4 1971 Extension of collineations defined on subsets of a translation plane. Zbl 0228.50018 Radó, F. 3 1971 Equations fonctionnelles caractérisant les nomogrammes avec trois echelles rectilignes. Zbl 0091.11601 Radó, François 3 1959 Über eine Klasse von ternären Quasigruppen. Zbl 0132.00904 Rado, F.; Hosszu, M. 3 1964 On semi-symmetric quasigroups. Zbl 0293.20059 Rado, F. 3 1974 Eine Bedingung für die Regularität der Gewebe. Zbl 0100.35002 Radó, F. 2 1960 On the characterization of affine isometries. Zbl 0435.51009 Rado, F. 2 1979 Mappings of Galois planes preserving the unit Euclidean distance. Zbl 0581.51013 Radó, F. 1 1985 Caractérisation de l’ensemble des intégrales des équations différentielles linéaires homogènes à coefficients constants d’ordre donné. Zbl 0144.09603 Radó, F. 1 1962 Einbettung von Inzidenzstrukturen in projektive Ebenen mit vorgegebenen Schließungssätzen. Zbl 0184.23803 Rado, F. 1 1969 Équations fonctionnelles en liaison avec la nomographie. Zbl 0088.09201 Radó, Francisc 1 1958 Sur quelques équations fonctionnelles avec plusieures fonctions à deux variables. Zbl 0097.32001 Radó, F. 1 1959 On the definition of skew-fields. Zbl 0424.16010 Rado, F. 1 1979 Einbettung eines Halbgewebes in ein reguläres Gewebe und eines Halbgruppoids in eine Gruppe. Zbl 0136.01002 Radó, F. 1 1965 A generalization of the valued vector space. Zbl 0389.46059 Rado, F. 1 1977 On mappings of the Galois space. Zbl 0594.51013 Radó, F. 1 1986 The Euclidean multifacility location problem. Zbl 0651.90024 Radó, Francisc 14 1988 Pexider’s equation and aggregation of allocations. Zbl 0625.39007 Radó, F.; Baker, John A. 30 1987 On mappings of the Galois space. Zbl 0594.51013 Radó, F. 1 1986 Mappings of Galois planes preserving the unit Euclidean distance. Zbl 0581.51013 Radó, F. 1 1985 A characterization of the semi-isometries of a Minkowski plane over a field K. Zbl 0547.51005 Radó, F. 7 1983 On the characterization of plane affine isometries. Zbl 0435.51007 Rado, F. 10 1980 Affine Barbilian structures. Zbl 0481.51007 Rado, F. 5 1980 On the characterization of affine isometries. Zbl 0435.51009 Rado, F. 2 1979 On the definition of skew-fields. Zbl 0424.16010 Rado, F. 1 1979 A generalization of the valued vector space. Zbl 0389.46059 Rado, F. 1 1977 On semi-symmetric quasigroups. Zbl 0293.20059 Rado, F. 3 1974 Extensions of certain homomorphisms of subsemigroups to homomorphisms of groups. Zbl 0224.20036 Aczél, János; Baker, J. A.; Đoković, Dragomir Ž.; Kannappan, Pl.; Radó, F. 23 1971 Congruence-preserving isomorphisms of the translation group associated with a translation plane. Zbl 0215.50401 Radó, F. 4 1971 Extension of collineations defined on subsets of a translation plane. Zbl 0228.50018 Radó, F. 3 1971 Non-injective collineations on some sets in Desarguesian projective planes and extension of non-commutative valuations. Zbl 0202.51101 Radó, F. 26 1970 Darstellung nicht-injektiver Kollineationen eines projektiven Raumes durch verallgemeinerte semilineare Abbildungen. Zbl 0176.17504 Rado, F. 8 1969 Einbettung von Inzidenzstrukturen in projektive Ebenen mit vorgegebenen Schließungssätzen. Zbl 0184.23803 Rado, F. 1 1969 Einbettung eines Halbgewebes in ein reguläres Gewebe und eines Halbgruppoids in eine Gruppe. Zbl 0136.01002 Radó, F. 1 1965 Über eine Klasse von ternären Quasigruppen. Zbl 0132.00904 Rado, F.; Hosszu, M. 3 1964 Caractérisation de l’ensemble des intégrales des équations différentielles linéaires homogènes à coefficients constants d’ordre donné. Zbl 0144.09603 Radó, F. 1 1962 Nomogramme, Gewebe und Quasigruppen. Zbl 0102.25801 Aczél, János; Pickert, G.; Rado, F. 5 1960 Eine Bedingung für die Regularität der Gewebe. Zbl 0100.35002 Radó, F. 2 1960 Equations fonctionnelles caractérisant les nomogrammes avec trois echelles rectilignes. Zbl 0091.11601 Radó, François 3 1959 Sur quelques équations fonctionnelles avec plusieures fonctions à deux variables. Zbl 0097.32001 Radó, F. 1 1959 Équations fonctionnelles en liaison avec la nomographie. Zbl 0088.09201 Radó, Francisc 1 1958 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 144 Authors 11 Aczél, János Dezső 8 Benz, Walter 7 Radó, Ferenc 5 Törner, Günter 4 Brzdęk, Janusz 4 Chudziak, Jacek 3 Kannappan, Palaniappan 3 Ng, Che Tat 3 Pivato, Marcus 3 Samaga, Hans-Joachim 3 Stetkær, Henrik 2 Baker, John A. 2 Boros, Zoltán 2 Brezuleanu, Alexandru 2 Brungs, Hans-Heinrich 2 Chudziak, Małgorzata 2 Jiang, Jianlin 2 Leißner, Werner 2 Markov, Viktor Timofeevich 2 Mathiak, Karl 2 Mikhalëv, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 2 Mongin, Philippe 2 Orbán, Béla 2 Plastria, Frank 2 Radulescu, Dan Constantin 2 Skornyakov, Lev Anatolevich 2 Sobek, Barbara 2 Tuganbaev, Askar Akanovich 2 Vetterlein, Thomas 2 Weymark, John Allan 2 Zuber, Stéphane 1 Abbas, Ali E. 1 Albrecht, Ulrich F. 1 Almira, Jose María 1 André, Johannes 1 Atzmon, Dor 1 Bahyrycz, Anna 1 Basu, Amitabh 1 Beck, Amir 1 Beidar, Konstantin Igorevich 1 Belousov, Valentin Danilovici 1 Ben Maaouia, Mohamed Ben Fraj 1 Bennett, Frank E. 1 Berg, Lothar 1 Bierbrauer, Felix J. 1 Blackorby, Charles 1 Brauner, Heinrich 1 Cacciafesta, Fabrizio 1 Cheng, Kun 1 Chepoi, Victor D. 1 Chhajed, Dilip 1 Cruse, Allan B. 1 d’Aspremont, Claude 1 Donaldson, David John 1 Ebanks, Bruce R. 1 Erdei, Péter 1 Faye, Daouda 1 Felner, Ariel 1 Fleurbaey, Marc 1 Gajdos, Thibault 1 Gehrig, Wilhelm 1 Ghaffarinasab, Nader 1 Glavosits, Tamás 1 Goreva, G. A. 1 Gselmann, Eszter 1 Hartmann, Peter 1 Havel, Václav J. 1 Házy, Attila 1 Heller, Jürgen 1 Hildebrand, Robert 1 Ibeling, Duligur 1 Icard, Thomas F. III 1 Jabłońska, Eliza 1 Kalhoff, Franz B. 1 Kärkkäinen, Tommi 1 Karpfinger, Christian 1 Keppens, Dirk 1 Kiss, Tibor 1 Kocsis, Imre 1 Koenig, Sven 1 Köppe, Matthias 1 Krainichuk, Halyna V. 1 Krantz, David H. 1 Kreuzer, Alexander 1 Kuczma, Marek 1 Latyshev, Viktor Nikolaevich 1 Lenz, Hanfried 1 Leonetti, Paolo 1 Lester, June A. 1 Li, Jiaoyang 1 Losonczi, László 1 Lowe, Timothy J. 1 Luce, Robert Duncan 1 Machala, Frantisek 1 Maksa, Gyula 1 Mazurek, Ryszard 1 Mierzewski, Krzysztof 1 Minner, Stefan 1 Miyagawa, Masashi 1 Mossé, Milan ...and 44 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 48 Serials 27 Aequationes Mathematicae 18 Journal of Geometry 8 Results in Mathematics 6 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 5 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 5 Archiv der Mathematik 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Journal of Algebra 3 Journal of Mathematical Economics 3 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 2 Journal of Economic Theory 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Semigroup Forum 2 Siberian Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematical Social Sciences 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 Annales Mathematicae Silesianae 1 Artificial Intelligence 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Theory and Decision 1 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 1 Journal of Applied Analysis 1 Forma all top 5 Cited in 31 Fields 40 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 39 Geometry (51-XX) 17 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 15 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 9 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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