Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan Co-Author Distance Author ID: ravichandran.v Published as: Ravichandran, V.; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan Further Spellings: வை. இரவிச்சந்திரன் Homepage: https://sites.google.com/site/vravi68/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 225 Publications since 1993, including 3 Books and 14 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 107 Reviews Co-Authors: 82 Co-Authors with 215 Joint Publications 1,722 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 10 single-authored 57 Ali, Rosihan Mohamed 25 Nagpal, Sumit 20 Kumar, Shanmugam Sivaprasad 16 Kumar, Sushil 14 Lee, See Keong 12 Kumar, Virendra 12 Subramanian, Kumbakonam Govindarajan 11 Seenivasagan, Narayanasamy 10 Ahuja, Om Prakash 10 Shanmugam, Tirunelveli Nellaiappan 9 Darus, Maslina 9 Jain, Naveen Kumar 9 Sharma, Kanika 8 Cho, Nak Eun 8 Khan, M. Hussain 8 Supramaniam, Shamani 7 Khatter, Kanika 6 Beig, Subzar 6 Bohra, Nisha 6 Kumar, Ajay 6 Madaan, Vibha 5 Malik, Somya 5 Mendiratta, Rajni 5 Naz, Adiba 5 Verma, Shelly 4 Badghaish, Abeer O. 4 Chandrashekar, Ramasamy 4 Gandhi, Shweta 4 Gangadharan, A. 4 Gupta, Prachi 4 Nargesi, Mahnaz M. 4 Sebastian, Asha 4 Swaminathan, Anbhu 3 Aghalary, Rasoul 3 Kanaga, R. 3 Kwon, Ohsang 3 Mohd, Maisarah Haji 3 Razdan, Atul Kumar 3 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 3 Taneja, Harish Chander 3 Yadav, Shalu 2 Jayamala, M. 2 Joshi, Santosh Bhaurao 2 Keong, Lee See 2 Krishnan, Priya G. 2 Madhumitha, S. 2 Mahnaz, Moradi Nargesi 2 Mondal, Saiful Rahman 2 Saikrishnan, Ponnaiah 2 Selvaraj, Chellian 2 Silverman, Herb 2 Srinivasan, Narayanan 1 Ahmad El-Faqeer, Ahmad Sulaiman 1 Alarifi, Najla M. 1 Anand, Swati 1 Bolcal, Metin 1 Çetinkaya, Asena 1 Cho, Nakeun 1 Das, Abhijit 1 Gopalan, M. A. 1 Halim, Suzeini Abd 1 Hamidi, Samaneh Gholizadeh 1 Jabeen, Kanwal 1 Janani, B. B. 1 Jose, Neenu 1 Kasi, M. S. 1 Lecko, Adam 1 Marikkannan, Natarajan 1 Mohapatra, Ram Narayan 1 Murugesan, K. 1 Murugusundaramoorthy, Gangadharan 1 Polatoğlu, Yasar 1 Raj, Ankur 1 Rajagopal, Rajalakshmi 1 Rajalakshmi, Raji 1 Rajalaksmi, R. 1 Rønning, Frode 1 Saliu, Afis 1 Şen, Arzu 1 Shamani, Supramaniam 1 Sivagurunathan, S. 1 Sivasubramanian, Srikandan all top 5 Serials 11 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 10 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 8 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 7 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 7 The Journal of Analysis 6 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 6 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 6 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 6 Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences 5 Applied Mathematics and Computation 5 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 5 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 5 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Mathematica Slovaca 4 Filomat 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 4 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 4 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 4 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 3 The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 Honam Mathematical Journal 3 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Mathematical and Physical Sciences 2 The Mathematics Education 2 Annales Polonici Mathematici 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 2 Acta Universitatis Apulensis. Mathematics - Informatics 2 Proceedings of the Jangjeon Mathematical Society 2 Computational Methods and Function Theory 2 Journal of Analysis and Applications 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Symmetry 2 Afrika Matematika 2 Journal of Classical Analysis 1 Analysis Mathematica 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Mathematics Magazine 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Chinese Journal of Mathematics 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 Gaṇita 1 Jnanabha 1 Kodai Mathematical Journal 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 1 Complex Variables. Theory and Application 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 Mathematica 1 Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Matematyka 1 Mathematical Communications 1 The Ramanujan Journal 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. New Series 1 International Mathematical Journal 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. Serie 7 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 1 International Journal of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Applications 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 1 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Open Mathematics 1 Mathematical Foundations of Computing 1 University Texts in the Mathematical Sciences all top 5 Fields 217 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 12 Potential theory (31-XX) 8 Special functions (33-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 164 Publications have been cited 2,240 times in 877 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On a subclass of strongly starlike functions associated with exponential function. Zbl 1312.30019 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 122 2015 Bounds for the second Hankel determinant of certain univalent functions. Zbl 1302.30018 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 119 2013 Coefficient estimates for bi-univalent Ma-Minda starlike and convex functions. Zbl 1246.30018 Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 111 2012 Radius problems for starlike functions associated with the sine function. Zbl 1409.30009 Cho, N. E.; Kumar, V.; Kumar, S. S.; Ravichandran, V. 90 2019 Starlike functions associated with a cardioid. Zbl 1352.30015 Sharma, Kanika; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 87 2016 Bound for the fifth coefficient of certain starlike functions. (Borne pour le cinquième coefficient des fonctions étoilées.) Zbl 1317.30022 Ravichandran, V.; Verma, Shelly 61 2015 Radii of starlikeness associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli and the left-half plane. Zbl 1264.30005 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen K.; Ravichandran, V. 56 2012 A subclass of starlike functions associated with a rational function. Zbl 1363.30028 Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 56 2016 Coefficient bounds for \(p\)-valent functions. Zbl 1113.30024 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 52 2007 Differential subordination for functions associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1246.30034 Ali, Rosihan M.; Cho, Nak Eun; Ravichandran, V.; Sivaprasad Kumar, S. 49 2012 The Fekete-Szegö coefficient functional for transforms of analytic functions. Zbl 1193.30006 Ali, R. M.; Lee, S. K.; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, S. 43 2009 A subclass of starlike functions associated with left-half of the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1301.30015 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 38 2014 Radius of convexity and radius of starlikeness for some classes of analytic functions. Zbl 0902.30007 Ravichandran, V.; Rønning, F.; Shanmugam, T. N. 37 1997 Differential sandwich theorems for some subclasses of analytic functions. Zbl 1091.30019 Shanmugam, T. N.; Ravichandran, V.; Sivasubramanian, S. 37 2006 Certain subclasses of starlike and convex functions of complex order. Zbl 1105.30006 Ravichandran, V.; Polatoglu, Yasar; Bolcal, Metin; Sen, Arzu 32 2005 Sharp coefficient bounds for starlike functions associated with the Bell numbers. Zbl 1505.30013 Kumar, Virendra; Cho, Nak Eun; Ravichandran, V.; Srivastava, H. M. 31 2019 Fekete-Szegö problem for subclasses of starlike functions with respect to symmetric points. Zbl 1118.30015 Shanmugam, T. N.; Ramachandran, C.; Ravichandran, V. 30 2006 Differential sandwich theorems for certain analytic functions. Zbl 1074.30022 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Khan, M. Hussain; Subramanian, K. G. 29 2004 Starlike and convex functions with respect to conjugate points. Zbl 1066.30015 Ravichandran, V. 28 2004 Sufficient conditions for starlike functions associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1318.30026 Kumar, S.; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V.; Cho, Nak Eun 28 2013 Differential subordination and radius estimates for starlike functions associated with the Booth lemniscate. Zbl 1424.30036 Cho, Nak Eun; Kumar, Sushil; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 27 2018 Starlike functions associated with a lune. Zbl 1386.30015 Gandhi, Shweta; Ravichandran, V. 27 2017 Subordinations for functions with positive real part. Zbl 1393.30015 Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 27 2018 Radii of convexity and strong starlikeness for some classes of analytic functions. Zbl 0894.30009 Gangadharan, A.; Ravichandran, V.; Shanmugam, T. N. 25 1997 Sufficient conditions for Janowski starlikeness. Zbl 1139.30302 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 25 2007 Subordination and superordination of the Liu-Srivastava linear operator on meromorphic functions. Zbl 1151.30016 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 25 2008 Certain properties of uniformly convex functions. Zbl 0868.30017 Shanmugam, T. N.; Ravichandran, V. 23 1995 Starlike functions related to the Bell numbers. Zbl 1416.30002 Cho, Nak Eun; Kumar, Sushil; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V.; Srivastava, H. M. 23 2019 Radii of starlikeness and convexity for functions with fixed second coefficient defined by subordination. Zbl 1289.30153 Ali, Rosihan M.; Cho, Nak Eun; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 23 2012 Estimates for the initial coefficients of bi-univalent functions. Zbl 1308.30012 Kumar, S. Sivaprasad; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 23 2013 Classes of multivalent functions defined by Dziok-Srivastava linear operator and multiplier transformation. Zbl 1104.30016 Sivaprasad Kumar, S.; Taneja, H. C.; Ravichandran, V. 22 2006 Differential subordination and superordination of analytic functions defined by the multiplier transformation. Zbl 1170.30008 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 22 2009 On the radius constants for classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1269.30009 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 22 2013 Starlike functions associated with exponential function and the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1412.30048 Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V.; Kumar, S. Sivaprasad 21 2019 Fekete-Szegö inequality for certain class of Bazilevic functions. Zbl 1073.30011 Ravichandran, V.; Gangadharan, A.; Darus, Maslina 21 2004 Classes of meromorphic \(\alpha\)-convex functions. Zbl 1213.30006 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V. 20 2010 Fully starlike and fully convex harmonic mappings of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 1278.30018 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 20 2013 Subordination and superordination on Schwarzian derivatives. Zbl 1165.30309 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 19 2008 Second-order differential subordination for analytic functions with fixed initial coefficient. Zbl 1226.30008 Ali, Rosihan M.; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 19 2011 Differential subordination and superordination of analytic functions defined by the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator. Zbl 1204.30008 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 18 2010 Starlikeness of integral transforms and duality. Zbl 1244.30008 Ali, Rosihan M.; Badghaish, Abeer O.; Ravichandran, V.; Swaminathan, A. 16 2012 Construction of subclasses of univalent harmonic mappings. Zbl 1295.31009 Ravichandran, V.; Nagpal, Sumit 16 2014 Generalized Zalcman conjecture for some classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1359.30028 Ravichandran, V.; Verma, Shelly 16 2017 On subordination and superordination of the multiplier transformation for meromorphic functions. Zbl 1189.30009 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 15 2010 Bohr radius for classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1435.30004 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 15 2019 Star-likeness associated with the exponential function. Zbl 1421.30025 Naz, Adiba; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 15 2019 Applications of subordination theory to starlike functions. Zbl 1373.30032 Sharma, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 14 2016 Applications of first order differential subordination for functions with positive real part. Zbl 1438.30021 Ahuja, Om P.; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 13 2018 Sufficient conditions for starlike functions of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 1028.30011 Ravichandran, V.; Selvaraj, C.; Rajalaksmi, R. 12 2002 On uniformly convex functions. Zbl 1065.30008 Ravichandran, V. 12 2002 Radius of starlikeness of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1482.30050 Sebastian, Asha; Ravichandran, V. 12 2021 Sufficient conditions for starlikeness. Zbl 1323.30034 Ravichandran, V.; Sharma, Kanika 12 2015 A class of multivalent functions with negative coefficients defined by convolution. Zbl 1105.30002 Ali, Rosihan M.; Khan, M. Hussain; Ravichandran, V.; Subramanian, K. G. 11 2006 Convolution and differential subordination for multivalent functions. Zbl 1176.30065 Supramaniam, Shamani; Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V. 11 2009 On confluent hypergeometric functions and generalized Bessel functions. Zbl 1399.33008 Bohra, N.; Ravichandran, V. 11 2017 Radius of starlikeness for classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1451.30034 Lee, See Keong; Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 11 2020 Inequalities for analytic functions defined by certain linear operators. Zbl 1266.30016 Aghalary, R.; Ali, Rosihan M.; Joshi, S. B.; Ravichandran, V. 10 2005 Radii problems for normalized Bessel functions of first kind. Zbl 1387.33007 Bohra, Nisha; Ravichandran, V. 10 2018 First order differential subordinations for Carathéodory functions. Zbl 1435.30046 Gandhi, Shweta; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 10 2018 Some special differential subordinations. Zbl 1488.30046 Bohra, Nisha; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 10 2019 Subclasses of multivalent starlike and convex functions. Zbl 1176.30022 Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V. 9 2009 On the Janowski convexity and starlikeness of the confluent hypergeometric function. Zbl 1317.30014 Ali, Rosihan M.; Mondal, Saiful R.; Ravichandran, V. 9 2015 Argument estimates for starlike functions of reciprocal order. Zbl 1265.30091 Ravichandran, V.; Kumar, S. Sivaprasad 9 2011 Starlikeness associated with lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1499.30226 Madaan, Vibha; Kumar, Ajay; Ravichandran, V. 9 2019 A subclass of close-to-convex harmonic mappings. Zbl 1291.30091 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 9 2014 On the second Hankel determinant for the \(k\)th-root transform of analytic functions. Zbl 1488.30023 Alarifi, Najla M.; Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V. 9 2017 Subordinations for analytic functions defined by the Dziok-Srivastava linear operator. Zbl 1113.30027 Aghalary, R.; Joshi, S. B.; Mohapatra, R. N.; Ravichandran, V. 8 2007 Subclasses of meromorphic functions associated with convolution. Zbl 1176.30044 Mohd, Maisarah Haji; Ali, Rosihan M.; Keong, Lee See; Ravichandran, V. 8 2009 Convexity of integral transforms and duality. Zbl 1381.30006 Ali, Rosihan M.; Nargesi, Mahnaz M.; Ravichandran, V. 8 2013 Janowski starlikeness for a class of analytic functions. Zbl 1215.30002 Ali, Rosihan M.; Chandrashekar, R.; Ravichandran, V. 8 2011 Fekete-Szegö inequality for certain class of analytic functions. Zbl 1129.30307 Ravichandran, V.; Darus, Maslina; Khan, M. Hussain; Subramanian, K. G. 7 2004 Convolutions of meromorphic multivalent functions with respect to \(n\)-ply points and symmetric conjugate points. Zbl 1225.30007 Chandrashekar, R.; Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V. 7 2011 Radii of starlikeness, parabolic starlikeness and strong starlikeness for Janowski starlike functions with complex parameters. Zbl 1254.30013 Ali, Rosihan M.; Haji Mohd, Maisarah; Keong, Lee See; Ravichandran, V. 7 2011 Coefficient, distortion and growth inequalities for certain close-to-convex functions. Zbl 1269.30013 Cho, Nak Eun; Kwon, Oh Sang; Ravichandran, V. 7 2011 Classes of meromorphic \(p\)-valent parabolic starlike functions with positive coefficients. Zbl 1090.30020 Kumar, S. Sivaprasad; Ravichandran, V.; Murugusundaramoorthy, G. 7 2005 Starlikeness for certain close-to-star functions. Zbl 1488.30165 Kanaga, R.; Ravichandran, V. 7 2021 On a criteria for strong starlikeness. Zbl 1083.30015 Ravichandran, V.; Darus, M.; Seenivasagan, N. 6 2005 Radius problems for a class of analytic functions. Zbl 1098.30015 Ravichandran, V.; Hussain Khan, M.; Silverman, H.; Subramanian, K. G. 6 2006 Initial coefficients of biunivalent functions. Zbl 1474.30087 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 6 2014 Integral operators on Ma-Minda type starlike and convex functions. Zbl 1217.30011 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V. 6 2011 Convolution properties of the harmonic Koebe function and its connection with 2-starlike mappings. Zbl 1312.31007 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 6 2015 Univalence and convexity in one direction of the convolution of harmonic mappings. Zbl 1302.31001 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 6 2014 Inclusion relations and radius problems for a subclass of starlike functions. Zbl 1476.30049 Gupta, Prachi; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 6 2021 Convolutions of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1243.30011 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Jain, Naveen Kumar 6 2010 Applications of the theory of differential subordination for functions with fixed initial coefficient to univalent functions. Zbl 1267.30049 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 6 2012 On uniformly convex spiral functions and uniformly spirallike functions. Zbl 1047.30007 Ravichandran, V.; Selvaraj, C.; Rajagopal, Rajalakshmi 5 2003 Radius constants for functions with the prescribed coefficient bounds. Zbl 1470.30004 Ahuja, Om P.; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 5 2014 Lemniscate convexity of generalized Bessel functions. Zbl 1449.30007 Madaan, Vibha; Kumar, Ajay; Ravichandran, V. 5 2019 Functions starlike with respect ot n-ply symmetric, conjugate and symmetric conjugate points. Zbl 1069.30022 Ravichandran, V. 5 2004 Applications of differential subordination for functions with fixed second coefficient to geometric function theory. Zbl 1295.30038 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 5 2013 Starlikeness of certain non-univalent functions. Zbl 1476.30056 Lecko, Adam; Ravichandran, V.; Sebastian, Asha 5 2021 Radius of starlikeness of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1476.30103 Madhumitha, S.; Ravichandran, V. 5 2021 Exponential starlikeness and convexity of confluent hypergeometric, Lommel, and Struve functions. Zbl 1456.30034 Naz, Adiba; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 5 2020 Initial coefficients of starlike functions with real coefficients. Zbl 1405.30013 Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan; Verma, Shelly 5 2017 Convolution and convex combination of harmonic mappings. Zbl 1428.31002 Beig, Subzar; Ravichandran, V. 5 2019 Radii of starlikeness and convexity of some entire functions. Zbl 1451.30011 Madaan, Vibha; Kumar, Ajay; Ravichandran, V. 5 2020 Estimates for initial coefficients of certain starlike functions with respect to symmetric points. Zbl 1369.30016 Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V.; Sivaprasad Kumar, S. 5 2016 On Bernardi’s integral operator and the Briot–Bouquet differential subordination. Zbl 1104.30013 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V.; Seenivasagan, N. 4 2006 Sufficient conditions for Janowski starlike functions. Zbl 1389.30084 Sharma, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 4 2016 Second-order differential superordination for analytic functions with fixed initial coefficient. Zbl 1349.30065 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 4 2015 Differential subordination for certain strongly starlike functions. Zbl 1536.30032 Saliu, Afis; Jabeen, Kanwal; Ravichandran, V. 1 2024 The third Hermitian-Toeplitz and Hankel determinants for parabolic starlike functions. Zbl 1516.30012 Ali, Rosihan M.; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 2 2023 Geometric properties of generalized Bessel function associated with the exponential function. Zbl 1537.33005 Naz, Adiba; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 1 2023 Functions subordinate to the exponential function. Zbl 1523.30036 Krishnan, Priya G.; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan; Saikrishnan, Ponnaiah 1 2023 Schwarzian derivative and convexity of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 1515.30048 Malik, Somya; Ravichandran, V. 1 2023 Radius of starlikeness of functions defined by ratios of analytic functions. Zbl 1514.30005 El-Faqeer, Ahmad Sulaiman Ahmad; Mohd, Maisarah Haji; Supramaniam, Shamani; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 3 2022 Starlike functions associated with an epicycloid. Zbl 1524.30046 Gandhi, Shweta; Gupta, Prachi; Nagpal, Sumıt; Ravichandran, V. 3 2022 Coefficient functionals and radius problems of certain starlike functions. Zbl 1489.30022 Naz, Adiba; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 2 2022 Radius of starlikeness for some classes containing non-univalent functions. Zbl 1486.30057 Yadav, Shalu; Sharma, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 2 2022 Boundedness of analytic functions in the unit disc using the theory of differential subordination. Zbl 1508.30028 Krishnan, Priya G.; Saikrishnan, P.; Ravichandran, V. 1 2022 On functions starlike with respect to \(n\)-ply symmetric, conjugate and symmetric conjugate points. Zbl 1508.30033 Malik, Somya; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 1 2022 Radius of starlikeness of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1482.30050 Sebastian, Asha; Ravichandran, V. 12 2021 Starlikeness for certain close-to-star functions. Zbl 1488.30165 Kanaga, R.; Ravichandran, V. 7 2021 Inclusion relations and radius problems for a subclass of starlike functions. Zbl 1476.30049 Gupta, Prachi; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 6 2021 Starlikeness of certain non-univalent functions. Zbl 1476.30056 Lecko, Adam; Ravichandran, V.; Sebastian, Asha 5 2021 Radius of starlikeness of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1476.30103 Madhumitha, S.; Ravichandran, V. 5 2021 Starlikeness of analytic functions with subordinate ratios. Zbl 1477.30009 Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan; Sharma, Kanika 3 2021 Sufficient conditions for strong starlikeness. Zbl 1477.30020 Sharma, Kanika; Cho, Nak Eun; Ravichandran, V. 3 2021 Applications of Briot-Bouquet differential subordination. Zbl 1499.30065 Bohra, Nisha; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 2 2021 Radius of starlikeness for classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1451.30034 Lee, See Keong; Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 11 2020 Exponential starlikeness and convexity of confluent hypergeometric, Lommel, and Struve functions. Zbl 1456.30034 Naz, Adiba; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 5 2020 Radii of starlikeness and convexity of some entire functions. Zbl 1451.30011 Madaan, Vibha; Kumar, Ajay; Ravichandran, V. 5 2020 Third Hankel determinant of starlike and convex functions. Zbl 1435.30049 Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V.; Kumar, S. Sivaprasad 4 2020 Radius problems for starlike functions associated with the sine function. Zbl 1409.30009 Cho, N. E.; Kumar, V.; Kumar, S. S.; Ravichandran, V. 90 2019 Sharp coefficient bounds for starlike functions associated with the Bell numbers. Zbl 1505.30013 Kumar, Virendra; Cho, Nak Eun; Ravichandran, V.; Srivastava, H. M. 31 2019 Starlike functions related to the Bell numbers. Zbl 1416.30002 Cho, Nak Eun; Kumar, Sushil; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V.; Srivastava, H. M. 23 2019 Starlike functions associated with exponential function and the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1412.30048 Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V.; Kumar, S. Sivaprasad 21 2019 Bohr radius for classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1435.30004 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 15 2019 Star-likeness associated with the exponential function. Zbl 1421.30025 Naz, Adiba; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 15 2019 Some special differential subordinations. Zbl 1488.30046 Bohra, Nisha; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 10 2019 Starlikeness associated with lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1499.30226 Madaan, Vibha; Kumar, Ajay; Ravichandran, V. 9 2019 Lemniscate convexity of generalized Bessel functions. Zbl 1449.30007 Madaan, Vibha; Kumar, Ajay; Ravichandran, V. 5 2019 Convolution and convex combination of harmonic mappings. Zbl 1428.31002 Beig, Subzar; Ravichandran, V. 5 2019 Harmonic univalent functions defined by post quantum calculus operators. Zbl 1432.30006 Ahuja, Om P.; Çetinkaya, Asena; Ravichandran, V. 4 2019 Convolution and radius problems of analytic functions associated with the tilted Carathéodory functions. Zbl 1433.30032 Cho, Nak Eun; Kumar, Sushil; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 3 2019 A survey on coefficient estimates for Carathéodory functions. Zbl 1427.30018 Cho, Nakeun; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 1 2019 Differential subordination and radius estimates for starlike functions associated with the Booth lemniscate. Zbl 1424.30036 Cho, Nak Eun; Kumar, Sushil; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 27 2018 Subordinations for functions with positive real part. Zbl 1393.30015 Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 27 2018 Applications of first order differential subordination for functions with positive real part. Zbl 1438.30021 Ahuja, Om P.; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 13 2018 Radii problems for normalized Bessel functions of first kind. Zbl 1387.33007 Bohra, Nisha; Ravichandran, V. 10 2018 First order differential subordinations for Carathéodory functions. Zbl 1435.30046 Gandhi, Shweta; Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 10 2018 Sharp bounds on the higher order Schwarzian derivatives for Janowski classes. Zbl 1423.30011 Cho, Nak Eun; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 4 2018 Directional convexity of harmonic mappings. Zbl 1388.31001 Beig, Subzar; Ravichandran, V. 3 2018 Starlike functions associated with a lune. Zbl 1386.30015 Gandhi, Shweta; Ravichandran, V. 27 2017 Generalized Zalcman conjecture for some classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1359.30028 Ravichandran, V.; Verma, Shelly 16 2017 On confluent hypergeometric functions and generalized Bessel functions. Zbl 1399.33008 Bohra, N.; Ravichandran, V. 11 2017 On the second Hankel determinant for the \(k\)th-root transform of analytic functions. Zbl 1488.30023 Alarifi, Najla M.; Ali, Rosihan M.; Ravichandran, V. 9 2017 Initial coefficients of starlike functions with real coefficients. Zbl 1405.30013 Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan; Verma, Shelly 5 2017 Estimates for coefficients of certain analytic functions. Zbl 1499.30155 Ravichandran, V.; Verma, Shelly 4 2017 Radius of starlikeness for analytic functions with fixed second coefficient. Zbl 1387.30004 Ali, Rosihan M.; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V.; Kumar, Shanmugam Sivaprasad 4 2017 Functions defined by coefficient inequalities. Zbl 1527.30009 Kumar, S.; Ravichandran, V. 3 2017 A technique of constructing planar harmonic mappings and their properties. Zbl 1373.31001 Ahuja, Om P.; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 2 2017 Schwarzian derivative and Janowski convexity. Zbl 1399.30033 Bohra, Nisha; Ravichandran, V. 1 2017 Radius problems for ratios of Janowski starlike functions with their derivatives. Zbl 1362.30025 Verma, Shelly; Ravichandran, V. 1 2017 Starlike functions associated with a cardioid. Zbl 1352.30015 Sharma, Kanika; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 87 2016 A subclass of starlike functions associated with a rational function. Zbl 1363.30028 Kumar, Sushil; Ravichandran, V. 56 2016 Applications of subordination theory to starlike functions. Zbl 1373.30032 Sharma, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 14 2016 Estimates for initial coefficients of certain starlike functions with respect to symmetric points. Zbl 1369.30016 Khatter, Kanika; Ravichandran, V.; Sivaprasad Kumar, S. 5 2016 Sufficient conditions for Janowski starlike functions. Zbl 1389.30084 Sharma, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 4 2016 Applications of theory of differential subordination of functions with fixed initial coefficient. Zbl 1424.30102 Sharma, Kanika; Ravichandran, V. 3 2016 Coefficient inequalities for Janowski starlikeness. Zbl 1344.30012 Kumar, Sushil; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 1 2016 Product and convolution of certain univalent functions. Zbl 1387.30012 Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 1 2016 On a subclass of strongly starlike functions associated with exponential function. Zbl 1312.30019 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 122 2015 Bound for the fifth coefficient of certain starlike functions. (Borne pour le cinquième coefficient des fonctions étoilées.) Zbl 1317.30022 Ravichandran, V.; Verma, Shelly 61 2015 Sufficient conditions for starlikeness. Zbl 1323.30034 Ravichandran, V.; Sharma, Kanika 12 2015 On the Janowski convexity and starlikeness of the confluent hypergeometric function. Zbl 1317.30014 Ali, Rosihan M.; Mondal, Saiful R.; Ravichandran, V. 9 2015 Convolution properties of the harmonic Koebe function and its connection with 2-starlike mappings. Zbl 1312.31007 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 6 2015 Second-order differential superordination for analytic functions with fixed initial coefficient. Zbl 1349.30065 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 4 2015 Radii of starlikeness and convexity for analytic functions with fixed second coefficient satisfying certain coefficient inequalities. Zbl 1326.30014 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 4 2015 Close-to-convexity and starlikeness of analytic functions. Zbl 1327.30017 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 2 2015 A subclass of starlike functions associated with left-half of the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1301.30015 Mendiratta, Rajni; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 38 2014 Construction of subclasses of univalent harmonic mappings. Zbl 1295.31009 Ravichandran, V.; Nagpal, Sumit 16 2014 A subclass of close-to-convex harmonic mappings. Zbl 1291.30091 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 9 2014 Initial coefficients of biunivalent functions. Zbl 1474.30087 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 6 2014 Univalence and convexity in one direction of the convolution of harmonic mappings. Zbl 1302.31001 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 6 2014 Radius constants for functions with the prescribed coefficient bounds. Zbl 1470.30004 Ahuja, Om P.; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 5 2014 Starlikeness, convexity and close-to-convexity of harmonic mappings. Zbl 1316.31007 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 3 2014 A comprehensive class of harmonic functions defined by convolution and its connection with integral transforms and hypergeometric functions. Zbl 1313.30064 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 3 2014 Radii of starlikeness and convexity of analytic functions satisfying certain coefficient inequalities. Zbl 1324.30033 Ravichandran, V. 1 2014 Bounds for the second Hankel determinant of certain univalent functions. Zbl 1302.30018 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 119 2013 Sufficient conditions for starlike functions associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1318.30026 Kumar, S.; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V.; Cho, Nak Eun 28 2013 Estimates for the initial coefficients of bi-univalent functions. Zbl 1308.30012 Kumar, S. Sivaprasad; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 23 2013 On the radius constants for classes of analytic functions. Zbl 1269.30009 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 22 2013 Fully starlike and fully convex harmonic mappings of order \(\alpha\). Zbl 1278.30018 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 20 2013 Convexity of integral transforms and duality. Zbl 1381.30006 Ali, Rosihan M.; Nargesi, Mahnaz M.; Ravichandran, V. 8 2013 Applications of differential subordination for functions with fixed second coefficient to geometric function theory. Zbl 1295.30038 Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 5 2013 Subordination and superordination for multivalent functions defined by linear operators. Zbl 1295.30047 Sivaprasad Kumar, S.; Kumar, Virendra; Ravichandran, V. 3 2013 On the largest disc mapped by sum of convex and starlike functions. Zbl 1470.30005 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 3 2013 Livingston problem for close-to-convex functions with fixed second coefficient. Zbl 1312.30020 Mendiratta, Rajni; Ravichandran, V. 1 2013 Inclusion criteria for subclasses of functions and Gronwall’s inequality. Zbl 1307.30013 Ali, Rosihan M.; Nargesi, Mahnaz M.; Ravichandran, V.; Swaminathan, A. 1 2013 Zero-free approximants to derivatives of prestarlike functions. Zbl 1288.30001 Ali, Rosihan M.; Mondal, Saiful R.; Ravichandran, V. 1 2013 Coefficient estimates for bi-univalent Ma-Minda starlike and convex functions. Zbl 1246.30018 Ali, Rosihan M.; Lee, See Keong; Ravichandran, V.; Supramaniam, Shamani 111 2012 Radii of starlikeness associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli and the left-half plane. Zbl 1264.30005 Ali, Rosihan M.; Jain, Naveen K.; Ravichandran, V. 56 2012 Differential subordination for functions associated with the lemniscate of Bernoulli. Zbl 1246.30034 Ali, Rosihan M.; Cho, Nak Eun; Ravichandran, V.; Sivaprasad Kumar, S. 49 2012 Radii of starlikeness and convexity for functions with fixed second coefficient defined by subordination. Zbl 1289.30153 Ali, Rosihan M.; Cho, Nak Eun; Jain, Naveen Kumar; Ravichandran, V. 23 2012 Starlikeness of integral transforms and duality. Zbl 1244.30008 Ali, Rosihan M.; Badghaish, Abeer O.; Ravichandran, V.; Swaminathan, A. 16 2012 Applications of the theory of differential subordination for functions with fixed initial coefficient to univalent functions. Zbl 1267.30049 Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 6 2012 A first-order differential double subordination with applications. Zbl 1257.30005 Ali, Rosihan M.; Cho, Nak Eun; Kwon, Oh Sang; Ravichandran, V. 1 2012 Second-order differential subordination for analytic functions with fixed initial coefficient. Zbl 1226.30008 Ali, Rosihan M.; Nagpal, Sumit; Ravichandran, V. 19 2011 Argument estimates for starlike functions of reciprocal order. Zbl 1265.30091 Ravichandran, V.; Kumar, S. Sivaprasad 9 2011 ...and 64 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 667 Authors 90 Ravichandran, Vaithiyanathan 38 Darus, Maslina 37 Aouf, Mohamed Kamal 35 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 30 Kumar, Shanmugam Sivaprasad 29 Arif, Muhammad 29 Cho, Nak Eun 28 Ali, Rosihan Mohamed 27 Kumar, Sushil 27 Tang, Huo 24 Murugusundaramoorthy, Gangadharan 24 Wang, Zhigang 23 Raza, Mohsan 22 Bulboacă, Teodor 22 Lecko, Adam 22 Orhan, Halit 22 Sokół, Janusz 21 Deniz, Erhan 21 Kumar, Virendra 20 Magesh, Nanjundan 19 Bulut, Serap 19 Nagpal, Sumit 19 Sim, Youngjae 18 Ibrahim, Rabha Waell 18 Seoudy, Tamer Mohamed 15 Adegani, Ebrahim Analouei 15 Ebadian, Ali 15 Prajapat, Jugal Kishore 14 Kwon, Ohsang 14 Swaminathan, Anbhu 13 El-Ashwah, Rabha Mohamed 12 Li, Shuhai 12 Vamshee Krishna, Deekonda 12 Zaprawa, Paweł 11 Jain, Naveen Kumar 11 Mostafa, Adela Osman 11 Sun, Yong 11 Yalçin, Sibel 10 Çağlar, Murat 10 Frasin, Basem Aref 10 Lee, See Keong 10 Sivasubramanian, Srikandan 10 Wanas, Abbas Kareem 9 Allu, Vasudevarao 9 Deng, Guantie 9 Hussain, Saqib 9 Kazımoğlu, Sercan 9 Kowalczyk, Bogumiła 9 Liu, Jinlin 9 Liu, Zhihong 9 Thomas, Derek Keith 9 Venkateswarlu, Bollineni 9 Zayed, Hanaa Mousa 8 Altinkaya, Şahsene 8 Karthikeyan, Kadhavoor Ragavan 8 Khan, Bilal 8 Malik, Sarfraz Nawaz 8 Tuneski, Nikola 8 Vijaya, Kaliappan 8 Yamini, Jagadeesan 7 Ahmad, Bakhtiar 7 Ahuja, Om Prakash 7 Çetinkaya, Asena 7 Eker, Sevtap Sümer 7 Hamidi, Samaneh Gholizadeh 7 Jahangiri, Jay M. 7 Khan, Muhammad Ghaffar 7 Noor, Khalida Inayat 7 Rai, Pratima 7 Reddy, Pinninti Thirupathi 7 Sharma, Poonam 7 Śmiarowska, Barbara 6 Ahamed, Molla Basir 6 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 6 Bansal, Deepak 6 Gangania, Kamaljeet 6 Güney, Hatun Özlem 6 Kargar, Rahim 6 Khan, Nazar 6 Khatter, Kanika 6 Lashin, A. Y. 6 Mashwani, Wali Khan 6 Mehrez, Khaled 6 Mishra, Akshaya Kumar 6 Mohd, Maisarah Haji 6 Najafzadeh, Shahram 6 Obradović, Milutin 6 Panigrahi, Trailokya 6 Porwal, Saurabh 6 Raina, Ravinder Krishna 6 Rath, Biswajit 6 Shi, Lei 6 Singh, Gagandeep 6 Supramaniam, Shamani 6 Wani, Lateef Ahmad 5 Aghalary, Rasoul 5 Ahmad, Qazi Zahoor 5 Banga, Shagun 5 Bohra, Nisha 5 Bukhari, Syed Zakar Hussain ...and 567 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 165 Serials 37 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 36 Journal of Function Spaces 35 Afrika Matematika 32 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 30 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 22 Abstract and Applied Analysis 21 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 20 Applied Mathematics and Computation 19 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 17 Mathematica Slovaca 17 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 17 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 15 The Journal of Analysis 15 AIMS Mathematics 14 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 14 Filomat 13 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 12 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 12 Journal of Classical Analysis 11 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 11 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 11 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 11 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 11 Journal of Complex Analysis 10 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 10 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 10 Korean Journal of Mathematics 9 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 9 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 9 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 8 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 8 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 8 Honam Mathematical Journal 8 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 8 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 8 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 7 Demonstratio Mathematica 7 Quaestiones Mathematicae 7 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 7 Computational Methods and Function Theory 7 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 6 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 6 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 6 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 6 Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations 6 Journal of Mathematics 6 Open Mathematics 5 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 5 Results in Mathematics 5 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 5 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 5 Symmetry 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics & Informatics 5 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 5 Asia Pacific Journal of Mathematics 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 4 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 4 Matematychni Studiï 4 Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis de Mathematica 4 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 4 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 3 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 3 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 3 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 3 South East Asian Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Journal of Mahani Mathematical Research Center 3 Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications 3 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 3 Mathematical Foundations of Computing 3 Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio A. Mathematica 2 Gaṇita 2 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 International Journal of Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2 Journal of Applied Analysis 2 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 2 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 2 Thai Journal of Mathematics 2 Advances in Difference Equations 2 Proyecciones 2 Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara. Seria Matematică-Informatică ...and 65 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 22 Fields 860 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 44 Special functions (33-XX) 35 Potential theory (31-XX) 17 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 6 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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