Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Reichstein, Zinovy B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: reichstein.zinovy-b Published as: Reichstein, Zinovy; Reichstein, Z.; Reichstein, Zinovy B. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 112 Publications since 1987, including 11 Additional arXiv Preprints 4 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 65 Co-Authors with 95 Joint Publications 1,507 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 20 single-authored 9 Vonessen, Nikolaus 9 Youssin, Boris 8 Vistoli, Angelo 5 Ghioca, Dragos 5 Meyer, Aurel 5 Scavia, Federico 4 Brassil, Matthew 4 Brosnan, Patrick 4 Chernousov, Vladimir I. 3 Bell, Jason P. 3 Borovoi, Mikhail V. 3 Buhler, Joe P. 3 Duncan, Alexander 3 First, Uriya A. 3 Florence, Mathieu 3 Lemire, Nicole Marie Anne 3 Popov, Vladimir Leonidovich 2 Asgarli, Shamil 2 Balmer, Paul 2 Cernele, Shane 2 De Concini, Corrado 2 Edens, Oakley 2 Fesenko, Ivan Borisovich 2 Friedlander, Eric Mark 2 Garibaldi, Skip 2 Kollár, János 2 Kunyavskiĭ, Boris Èmmanuilovich 2 Lorenz, Martin 2 Lötscher, Roland Oskar 2 MacDonald, Mark L. 2 Rehmann, Ulf 2 Shukla, Abhishek Kumar 2 Szabó, Endre 1 Adem, Alejandro 1 Anderson, Dave Edward 1 Bao, Zhengheng 1 Benson, David John 1 Berhuy, Grégory 1 Brion, Michel 1 Brouwer, Andries Evert 1 Bryan, Jim 1 Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis 1 Fakhruddin, Najmuddin 1 Gille, Philippe 1 Jantzen, Jens Carsten 1 Kamgarpour, Masoud 1 Karpenko, Nikita Aleksandrovich 1 Kaur, Dilpreet 1 Kuttler, Jochen 1 Le Bruyn, Lieven 1 Littelmann, Peter 1 Mináč, Ján 1 Nghiem, Tran-Trung 1 Nguyen, Athena 1 Ofek, Danny 1 Reichstein, Boris 1 Rogalski, Daniel 1 Rosengarten, Zev 1 Rowen, Louis Halle 1 Salazar, Santiago 1 Saltman, David J. 1 Satriano, Matthew 1 Tossici, Dajano 1 Van Raamsdonk, Mark 1 Williams, Ben 1 Zhang, James J. all top 5 Serials 11 Journal of Algebra 5 Documenta Mathematica 5 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 5 Algebra & Number Theory 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 3 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Communications in Algebra 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Journal of Lie Theory 2 Transformation Groups 2 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 2 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 2 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Michigan Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 1 Finite Fields and their Applications 1 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Group Theory 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Annales Henri Poincaré 1 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 1 Algebraic Geometry 1 Épijournal de Géométrie Algébrique. EPIGA 1 European Mathematical Society Magazine 1 Documenta Mathematica Series all top 5 Fields 78 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 47 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 33 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 25 Number theory (11-XX) 17 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 9 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 7 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 90 Publications have been cited 768 times in 367 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the essential dimension of a finite group. Zbl 0905.12003 Buhler, J.; Reichstein, Z. 74 1997 Essential dimensions of algebraic groups and a resolution theorem for \(G\)-varieties. (With an appendix by János Kollár and Endre Szabó: Fixed points of group actions and rational maps). Zbl 1044.14023 Reichstein, Zinovy; Youssin, Boris 54 2000 On the notion of essential dimension for algebraic groups. Zbl 0981.20033 Reichstein, Z. 50 2000 Essential dimension. Zbl 1232.14030 Reichstein, Zinovy 31 2011 Versality of algebraic group actions and rational points on twisted varieties. Zbl 1327.14210 Duncan, Alexander; Reichstein, Zinovy 26 2015 Essential dimension of moduli of curves and other algebraic stacks. Zbl 1234.14003 Brosnan, Patrick; Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 24 2011 Projectively simple rings. Zbl 1120.16040 Reichstein, Z.; Rogalski, D.; Zhang, J. J. 22 2006 Cayley groups. Zbl 1103.14026 Lemire, Nicole; Popov, Vladimir L.; Reichstein, Zinovy 21 2006 Essential dimension, spinor groups, and quadratic forms. Zbl 1252.11034 Brosnan, Patrick; Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 20 2010 On a dynamical version of a theorem of Rosenlicht. Zbl 1401.14071 Bell, Jason; Ghioca, Dragos; Reichstein, Zinovy 19 2017 Stability and equivariant maps. Zbl 0675.14021 Reichstein, Zinovy 17 1989 Essential dimension of algebraic tori. Zbl 1354.14071 Lötscher, Roland; MacDonald, Mark; Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 17 2013 Resolving \(G\)-torsors by abelian base extensions. Zbl 1157.14311 Chernousov, V.; Gille, P.; Reichstein, Z. 16 2006 The essential dimension of the normalizer of a maximal torus in the projective linear group. Zbl 1222.11056 Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 16 2009 Some consequences of the Karpenko-Merkurjev theorem. Zbl 1277.20059 Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 16 2010 On the notion of canonical dimension for algebraic groups. Zbl 1097.11018 Berhuy, G.; Reichstein, Z. 16 2005 Fields of definition for division algebras. Zbl 1071.16012 Lorenz, M.; Reichstein, Z.; Rowen, L. H.; Saltman, D. J. 15 2003 On automorphisms of matrix invariants. Zbl 0820.16021 Reichstein, Zinovy 11 1993 Equivariant resolution of points of indeterminacy. Zbl 0997.14004 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 11 2002 Splitting fields of \(G\)-varieties. Zbl 1054.14063 Reichstein, Zinovy; Youssin, Boris 11 2001 On the Medvedev-Scanlon conjecture for minimal threefolds of nonnegative Kodaira dimension. Zbl 1455.14027 Bell, Jason P.; Ghioca, Dragos; Reichstein, Zinovy; Satriano, Matthew 11 2017 Free subgroups of division algebras. Zbl 0833.16015 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 10 1995 On Tschirnhaus transformations. Zbl 0937.12001 Buhler, Joe; Reichstein, Zinovy 10 1999 Is the function field of a reductive Lie algebra purely transcendental over the field of invariants for the adjoint action? Zbl 1218.14010 Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris; Popov, Vladimir L.; Reichstein, Zinovy 9 2011 SAGBI bases in rings of multiplicative invariants. Zbl 1043.13008 Reichstein, Zinovy 9 2003 Stably Cayley groups in characteristic zero. Zbl 1335.20050 Borovoi, Mikhail; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris; Lemire, Nicole; Reichstein, Zinovy 8 2014 On the number of generators of an algebra. (Sur le nombre de générateurs d’une algèbre.) Zbl 1371.13024 First, Uriya A.; Reichstein, Zinovy 8 2017 A birational invariant for algebraic group actions. Zbl 1054.14062 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 8 2002 Reduction of structure for torsors over semilocal rings. Zbl 1157.14028 Chernousov, V.; Gille, P.; Reichstein, Z. 8 2008 A lower bound on the essential dimension of a connected linear group. Zbl 1173.11022 Gille, Philippe; Reichstein, Zinovy 8 2009 On a theorem of Hermite and Joubert. Zbl 0942.12001 Reichstein, Zinovy 8 1999 Polynomial identity rings as rings of functions. Zbl 1117.16013 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 7 2007 Compressions of group actions. Zbl 1066.14055 Reichstein, Z. 7 2004 On automorphisms of matrix invariants induced from the trace ring. Zbl 0802.16017 Reichstein, Zinovy 6 1993 On a question of Makar-Limanov. Zbl 0847.16015 Reichstein, Zinovy 6 1996 An upper bound on the essential dimension of a central simple algebra. Zbl 1239.16023 Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2011 A numerical invariant for linear representations of finite groups. Zbl 1346.14021 Karpenko, Nikita A.; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2015 Pseudo-reflection groups and essential dimension. Zbl 1317.20039 Duncan, Alexander; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2014 Is the Luna stratification intrinsic? Zbl 1145.14047 Kuttler, Jochen; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2008 The rationality problem for forms of \(\overline{M}_{0,n}\). Zbl 1428.14084 Florence, Mathieu; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2018 Torus actions on rings. Zbl 0832.16022 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 5 1994 Group actions on central simple algebras: a geometric approach. Zbl 1112.16021 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 5 2006 Smoothness in algebraic geography. Zbl 1032.16012 Le Bruyn, Lieven; Reichstein, Zinovy 5 1999 Birational isomorphisms between twisted group actions. Zbl 1109.14033 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 5 2006 What is …essential dimension? Zbl 1284.12003 Reichstein, Zinovy 5 2012 Essential dimension and error-correcting codes. Zbl 1364.20035 Cernele, Shane; Reichstein, Zinovy 5 2015 Stable affine models for algebraic group actions. Zbl 1060.14067 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 5 2004 Existence of locally maximally entangled quantum states via geometric invariant theory. Zbl 1397.81033 Bryan, Jim; Reichstein, Zinovy; Van Raamsdonk, Mark 5 2018 Rational central simple algebras. Zbl 0869.16014 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 4 1996 Essential \(p\)-dimension of algebraic groups whose connected component is a torus. Zbl 1288.20061 Lötscher, Roland; MacDonald, Mark; Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 4 2013 Conditions satisfied by characteristic polynomials in fields and division algebras. Zbl 0998.12003 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 4 2002 Essential dimension of finite groups in prime characteristic. (Dimension essentielle des groupes finis en caractéristique positive.) Zbl 1409.14080 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 4 2018 Essential dimension in mixed characteristic. Zbl 1405.14002 Brosnan, Patrick; Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 4 2018 Surfaces parameterizing Waring presentations of smooth plane cubics. Zbl 0839.14029 Reichstein, Boris; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 1993 Group actions and invariants in algebras of generic matrices. Zbl 1117.16014 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 3 2006 An embedding property of universal division algebras. Zbl 0847.16011 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 3 1995 Nesting maps of Grassmannians. Zbl 1219.14052 De Concini, Corrado; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2004 Maximal representation dimension of finite \(p\)-groups. Zbl 1242.20008 Cernele, Shane; Kamgarpour, Masoud; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2011 Special groups, versality and the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture. Zbl 1528.20085 Reichstein, Zinovy; Tossici, Dajano 3 2020 A genericity theorem for algebraic stacks and essential dimension of hypersurfaces. Zbl 1282.14004 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 3 2013 The Hermite-Joubert problem over \(p\)-closed fields. Zbl 1393.12003 Brassil, Matthew; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2017 The Jordan property of Cremona groups and essential dimension. Zbl 1477.14024 Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2018 Fields of definition for representations of associative algebras. Zbl 1478.16007 Benson, Dave; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2019 On the number of generators of an algebra over a commutative ring. Zbl 1517.16014 First, Uriya A.; Reichstein, Zinovy; Williams, Ben 3 2022 A functional interpretation of the ring of matrix invariants. Zbl 0714.16017 Reichstein, Zinovy 2 1991 Trace forms of Galois extensions in the presence of a fourth root of unity. Zbl 1081.12001 Mináč, J.; Reichstein, Z. 2 2004 Trace forms of Galois field extensions in the presence of roots of unity. Zbl 1017.12004 Kang, D.-S.; Reichstein, Z. 2 2002 Essential dimension of inseparable field extensions. Zbl 1415.12004 Reichstein, Zinovy; Shukla, Abhishek 2 2019 The Noether problem for spinor groups of small rank. Zbl 1443.14015 Reichstein, Zinovy; Scavia, Federico 2 2020 On a property of real plane curves of even degree. Zbl 1409.14094 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 2 2019 The behavior of essential dimension under specialization. Zbl 07641775 Reichstein, Zinovy; Scavia, Federico 2 2022 A non-commutative Nullstellensatz. Zbl 1528.16025 Bao, Zhengheng; Reichstein, Zinovy 2 2023 From Hilbert’s 13th problem to essential dimension and back. Zbl 1492.14085 Reichstein, Zinovy 2 2021 Higher trace forms and essential dimension in central simple algebras. Zbl 1111.11023 Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2007 Parusinski’s “Key Lemma” via algebraic geometry. Zbl 0956.32009 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 1 1999 SAGBI bases for rings of invariant Laurent polynomials. Zbl 1160.13002 Duncan, Alexander; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2009 On the dimension of the locus of determinantal hypersurfaces. Zbl 1386.14177 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 1 2017 Toric-friendly groups. Zbl 1239.20052 Borovoi, Mikhail; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2011 Symmetric functions and the phase problem in crystallography. Zbl 1056.05140 Buhler, J.; Reichstein, Z. 1 2005 On the Cayley degree of an algebraic group. Zbl 1200.14091 Lemire, Nicole; Popov, Vladimir L.; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2007 Bundles, cohomology and truncated symmetric polynomials. Zbl 1211.55010 Adem, Alejandro; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2010 On the rationality problem for forms of moduli spaces of stable marked curves of positive genus. Zbl 1476.14034 Florence, Mathieu; Hoffmann, Norbert; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2021 On a rationality problem for fields of cross-ratios. Zbl 1444.14040 Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2020 Hermite’s theorem via Galois cohomology. Zbl 1410.12009 Brassil, Matthew; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2019 Tame group actions on central simple algebras. Zbl 1137.16025 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 1 2007 A non-split torsor with trivial fixed point obstruction. Zbl 1044.14022 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 1 2003 Generators of central simple algebras. Zbl 0908.16018 Reichstein, Zinovy 1 1998 Linear families of smooth hypersurfaces over finitely generated fields. Zbl 1516.14096 Asgarli, Shamil; Ghioca, Dragos; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2023 Essential dimension of double covers of symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 1521.20006 Reichstein, Zinovy; Shukla, Abhishek Kumar 1 2020 On the number of symmetric presentations of a determinantal hypersurface. Zbl 1457.14107 Brassil, Matthew; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2021 A non-commutative Nullstellensatz. Zbl 1528.16025 Bao, Zhengheng; Reichstein, Zinovy 2 2023 Linear families of smooth hypersurfaces over finitely generated fields. Zbl 1516.14096 Asgarli, Shamil; Ghioca, Dragos; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2023 On the number of generators of an algebra over a commutative ring. Zbl 1517.16014 First, Uriya A.; Reichstein, Zinovy; Williams, Ben 3 2022 The behavior of essential dimension under specialization. Zbl 07641775 Reichstein, Zinovy; Scavia, Federico 2 2022 From Hilbert’s 13th problem to essential dimension and back. Zbl 1492.14085 Reichstein, Zinovy 2 2021 On the rationality problem for forms of moduli spaces of stable marked curves of positive genus. Zbl 1476.14034 Florence, Mathieu; Hoffmann, Norbert; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2021 On the number of symmetric presentations of a determinantal hypersurface. Zbl 1457.14107 Brassil, Matthew; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2021 Special groups, versality and the Grothendieck-Serre conjecture. Zbl 1528.20085 Reichstein, Zinovy; Tossici, Dajano 3 2020 The Noether problem for spinor groups of small rank. Zbl 1443.14015 Reichstein, Zinovy; Scavia, Federico 2 2020 On a rationality problem for fields of cross-ratios. Zbl 1444.14040 Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2020 Essential dimension of double covers of symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 1521.20006 Reichstein, Zinovy; Shukla, Abhishek Kumar 1 2020 Fields of definition for representations of associative algebras. Zbl 1478.16007 Benson, Dave; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2019 Essential dimension of inseparable field extensions. Zbl 1415.12004 Reichstein, Zinovy; Shukla, Abhishek 2 2019 On a property of real plane curves of even degree. Zbl 1409.14094 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 2 2019 Hermite’s theorem via Galois cohomology. Zbl 1410.12009 Brassil, Matthew; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2019 The rationality problem for forms of \(\overline{M}_{0,n}\). Zbl 1428.14084 Florence, Mathieu; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2018 Existence of locally maximally entangled quantum states via geometric invariant theory. Zbl 1397.81033 Bryan, Jim; Reichstein, Zinovy; Van Raamsdonk, Mark 5 2018 Essential dimension of finite groups in prime characteristic. (Dimension essentielle des groupes finis en caractéristique positive.) Zbl 1409.14080 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 4 2018 Essential dimension in mixed characteristic. Zbl 1405.14002 Brosnan, Patrick; Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 4 2018 The Jordan property of Cremona groups and essential dimension. Zbl 1477.14024 Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2018 On a dynamical version of a theorem of Rosenlicht. Zbl 1401.14071 Bell, Jason; Ghioca, Dragos; Reichstein, Zinovy 19 2017 On the Medvedev-Scanlon conjecture for minimal threefolds of nonnegative Kodaira dimension. Zbl 1455.14027 Bell, Jason P.; Ghioca, Dragos; Reichstein, Zinovy; Satriano, Matthew 11 2017 On the number of generators of an algebra. (Sur le nombre de générateurs d’une algèbre.) Zbl 1371.13024 First, Uriya A.; Reichstein, Zinovy 8 2017 The Hermite-Joubert problem over \(p\)-closed fields. Zbl 1393.12003 Brassil, Matthew; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2017 On the dimension of the locus of determinantal hypersurfaces. Zbl 1386.14177 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 1 2017 Versality of algebraic group actions and rational points on twisted varieties. Zbl 1327.14210 Duncan, Alexander; Reichstein, Zinovy 26 2015 A numerical invariant for linear representations of finite groups. Zbl 1346.14021 Karpenko, Nikita A.; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2015 Essential dimension and error-correcting codes. Zbl 1364.20035 Cernele, Shane; Reichstein, Zinovy 5 2015 Stably Cayley groups in characteristic zero. Zbl 1335.20050 Borovoi, Mikhail; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris; Lemire, Nicole; Reichstein, Zinovy 8 2014 Pseudo-reflection groups and essential dimension. Zbl 1317.20039 Duncan, Alexander; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2014 Essential dimension of algebraic tori. Zbl 1354.14071 Lötscher, Roland; MacDonald, Mark; Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 17 2013 Essential \(p\)-dimension of algebraic groups whose connected component is a torus. Zbl 1288.20061 Lötscher, Roland; MacDonald, Mark; Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 4 2013 A genericity theorem for algebraic stacks and essential dimension of hypersurfaces. Zbl 1282.14004 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 3 2013 What is …essential dimension? Zbl 1284.12003 Reichstein, Zinovy 5 2012 Essential dimension. Zbl 1232.14030 Reichstein, Zinovy 31 2011 Essential dimension of moduli of curves and other algebraic stacks. Zbl 1234.14003 Brosnan, Patrick; Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 24 2011 Is the function field of a reductive Lie algebra purely transcendental over the field of invariants for the adjoint action? Zbl 1218.14010 Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis; Kunyavskiĭ, Boris; Popov, Vladimir L.; Reichstein, Zinovy 9 2011 An upper bound on the essential dimension of a central simple algebra. Zbl 1239.16023 Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2011 Maximal representation dimension of finite \(p\)-groups. Zbl 1242.20008 Cernele, Shane; Kamgarpour, Masoud; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2011 Toric-friendly groups. Zbl 1239.20052 Borovoi, Mikhail; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2011 Essential dimension, spinor groups, and quadratic forms. Zbl 1252.11034 Brosnan, Patrick; Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 20 2010 Some consequences of the Karpenko-Merkurjev theorem. Zbl 1277.20059 Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 16 2010 Bundles, cohomology and truncated symmetric polynomials. Zbl 1211.55010 Adem, Alejandro; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2010 The essential dimension of the normalizer of a maximal torus in the projective linear group. Zbl 1222.11056 Meyer, Aurel; Reichstein, Zinovy 16 2009 A lower bound on the essential dimension of a connected linear group. Zbl 1173.11022 Gille, Philippe; Reichstein, Zinovy 8 2009 SAGBI bases for rings of invariant Laurent polynomials. Zbl 1160.13002 Duncan, Alexander; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2009 Reduction of structure for torsors over semilocal rings. Zbl 1157.14028 Chernousov, V.; Gille, P.; Reichstein, Z. 8 2008 Is the Luna stratification intrinsic? Zbl 1145.14047 Kuttler, Jochen; Reichstein, Zinovy 6 2008 Polynomial identity rings as rings of functions. Zbl 1117.16013 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 7 2007 Higher trace forms and essential dimension in central simple algebras. Zbl 1111.11023 Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2007 On the Cayley degree of an algebraic group. Zbl 1200.14091 Lemire, Nicole; Popov, Vladimir L.; Reichstein, Zinovy 1 2007 Tame group actions on central simple algebras. Zbl 1137.16025 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 1 2007 Projectively simple rings. Zbl 1120.16040 Reichstein, Z.; Rogalski, D.; Zhang, J. J. 22 2006 Cayley groups. Zbl 1103.14026 Lemire, Nicole; Popov, Vladimir L.; Reichstein, Zinovy 21 2006 Resolving \(G\)-torsors by abelian base extensions. Zbl 1157.14311 Chernousov, V.; Gille, P.; Reichstein, Z. 16 2006 Group actions on central simple algebras: a geometric approach. Zbl 1112.16021 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 5 2006 Birational isomorphisms between twisted group actions. Zbl 1109.14033 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vistoli, Angelo 5 2006 Group actions and invariants in algebras of generic matrices. Zbl 1117.16014 Reichstein, Z.; Vonessen, N. 3 2006 On the notion of canonical dimension for algebraic groups. Zbl 1097.11018 Berhuy, G.; Reichstein, Z. 16 2005 Symmetric functions and the phase problem in crystallography. Zbl 1056.05140 Buhler, J.; Reichstein, Z. 1 2005 Compressions of group actions. Zbl 1066.14055 Reichstein, Z. 7 2004 Stable affine models for algebraic group actions. Zbl 1060.14067 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 5 2004 Nesting maps of Grassmannians. Zbl 1219.14052 De Concini, Corrado; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 2004 Trace forms of Galois extensions in the presence of a fourth root of unity. Zbl 1081.12001 Mináč, J.; Reichstein, Z. 2 2004 Fields of definition for division algebras. Zbl 1071.16012 Lorenz, M.; Reichstein, Z.; Rowen, L. H.; Saltman, D. J. 15 2003 SAGBI bases in rings of multiplicative invariants. Zbl 1043.13008 Reichstein, Zinovy 9 2003 A non-split torsor with trivial fixed point obstruction. Zbl 1044.14022 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 1 2003 Equivariant resolution of points of indeterminacy. Zbl 0997.14004 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 11 2002 A birational invariant for algebraic group actions. Zbl 1054.14062 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 8 2002 Conditions satisfied by characteristic polynomials in fields and division algebras. Zbl 0998.12003 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 4 2002 Trace forms of Galois field extensions in the presence of roots of unity. Zbl 1017.12004 Kang, D.-S.; Reichstein, Z. 2 2002 Splitting fields of \(G\)-varieties. Zbl 1054.14063 Reichstein, Zinovy; Youssin, Boris 11 2001 Essential dimensions of algebraic groups and a resolution theorem for \(G\)-varieties. (With an appendix by János Kollár and Endre Szabó: Fixed points of group actions and rational maps). Zbl 1044.14023 Reichstein, Zinovy; Youssin, Boris 54 2000 On the notion of essential dimension for algebraic groups. Zbl 0981.20033 Reichstein, Z. 50 2000 On Tschirnhaus transformations. Zbl 0937.12001 Buhler, Joe; Reichstein, Zinovy 10 1999 On a theorem of Hermite and Joubert. Zbl 0942.12001 Reichstein, Zinovy 8 1999 Smoothness in algebraic geography. Zbl 1032.16012 Le Bruyn, Lieven; Reichstein, Zinovy 5 1999 Parusinski’s “Key Lemma” via algebraic geometry. Zbl 0956.32009 Reichstein, Z.; Youssin, B. 1 1999 Generators of central simple algebras. Zbl 0908.16018 Reichstein, Zinovy 1 1998 On the essential dimension of a finite group. Zbl 0905.12003 Buhler, J.; Reichstein, Z. 74 1997 On a question of Makar-Limanov. Zbl 0847.16015 Reichstein, Zinovy 6 1996 Rational central simple algebras. Zbl 0869.16014 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 4 1996 Free subgroups of division algebras. Zbl 0833.16015 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 10 1995 An embedding property of universal division algebras. Zbl 0847.16011 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 3 1995 Torus actions on rings. Zbl 0832.16022 Reichstein, Zinovy; Vonessen, Nikolaus 5 1994 On automorphisms of matrix invariants. Zbl 0820.16021 Reichstein, Zinovy 11 1993 On automorphisms of matrix invariants induced from the trace ring. Zbl 0802.16017 Reichstein, Zinovy 6 1993 Surfaces parameterizing Waring presentations of smooth plane cubics. Zbl 0839.14029 Reichstein, Boris; Reichstein, Zinovy 3 1993 A functional interpretation of the ring of matrix invariants. Zbl 0714.16017 Reichstein, Zinovy 2 1991 Stability and equivariant maps. Zbl 0675.14021 Reichstein, Zinovy 17 1989 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 355 Authors 50 Reichstein, Zinovy B. 11 Ghioca, Dragos 9 Karpenko, Nikita Aleksandrovich 9 Merkur’ev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 8 Bell, Jason P. 7 Baek, Sanghoon 7 Garibaldi, Skip 7 Guralnick, Robert Michael 7 Hoshi, Akinari 7 Popov, Vladimir Leonidovich 7 Rogalski, Daniel 7 Tschinkel, Yuri 7 Vonessen, Nikolaus 6 Duncan, Alexander 6 Florence, Mathieu 6 Lötscher, Roland Oskar 6 Scavia, Federico 6 Wolfson, Jesse 5 Borovoi, Mikhail V. 5 Brosnan, Patrick 5 Gonçalves, Jairo Zacarias 5 MacDonald, Mark L. 5 Vistoli, Angelo 5 Yamasaki, Aiichi 5 Youssin, Boris 4 Brion, Michel 4 Cheltsov, Ivan Anatol’evich 4 First, Uriya A. 4 Gille, Philippe 4 Prokhorov, Yuriĭ Gennad’evich 4 Saleh, Sina 4 Williams, Ben 4 Zhang, James J. 3 Arzhantsev, Ivan Vladimirovich 3 Bardestani, Mohammad 3 Bui Xuan Hai 3 Chernousov, Vladimir I. 3 Dhillon, Ajneet 3 Fakhruddin, Najmuddin 3 Farb, Benson 3 Hulek, Klaus 3 Karai, Keivan Mallahi 3 Klep, Igor 3 Kraft, Hanspeter 3 Kresch, Andrew 3 Matzri, Eliyahu 3 Panasenko, Aleksandr Sergeevich 3 Salmasian, Hadi 3 Schmitt, Alexander H. W. 3 Schwarz, Gerald Walter 3 Shramov, Konstantin Aleksandrovich 3 Shukla, Abhishek Kumar 3 Tesemma, Mohammed 3 Tossici, Dajano 3 Volčič, Jurij 3 Zhang, De-Qi 2 Adem, Alejandro 2 Asgarli, Shamil 2 Auel, Asher Natan 2 Bergh, Daniel 2 Berhuy, Grégory 2 Biswas, Indranil 2 Brassil, Matthew 2 Bresciani, Giulio 2 Brussel, Eric S. 2 Burness, Timothy C. 2 Cheng, Man Chuen 2 Chindris, Calin 2 Colliot-Thélène, Jean-Louis 2 Dèbes, Pierre 2 Derksen, Harm 2 Dolgachev, Igor’ Vladimirovich 2 Edidin, Dan 2 Farina, John 2 Favi, Giordano 2 Gallardo, Patricio 2 Gerhardt, Spencer 2 Gómez-Gonzáles, Claudio 2 Halle, Lars Halvard 2 Kamgarpour, Masoud 2 Kanai, Kazuki 2 Kaveh, Kiumars 2 Kirkman, Ellen E. 2 Kisin, Mark 2 König, Joachim 2 Krashen, Daniel 2 Kuttler, Jochen 2 Kuzmanovich, James J. 2 Ledet, Arne 2 Lemire, Nicole Marie Anne 2 Letzter, Edward S. 2 Lucchini Arteche, Giancarlo 2 Mai Hoang Bien 2 Makam, Visu 2 Massarenti, Alex 2 McKinnie, Kelly 2 Neftin, Danny 2 Ngoc, Nguyen Kim Thai 2 Pendergrass-Rice, Cayley 2 Petersson, Holger P. ...and 255 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 110 Serials 39 Journal of Algebra 24 Transformation Groups 20 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 19 Advances in Mathematics 10 Duke Mathematical Journal 9 Communications in Algebra 9 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 9 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 8 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 7 Compositio Mathematica 7 Documenta Mathematica 6 Israel Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 Archiv der Mathematik 5 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 5 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 5 Manuscripta Mathematica 5 Linear Algebra and its Applications 5 European Journal of Mathematics 4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 4 Mathematische Annalen 4 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 4 Michigan Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 4 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 Mathematics of Computation 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of Number Theory 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 3 The New York Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 3 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 3 Algebra & Number Theory 3 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 2 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Finite Fields and their Applications 2 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 2 Representation Theory 2 Journal of Group Theory 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Journal of Geometry and Physics 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Algebra and Logic 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Tokyo Journal of Mathematics 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Journal of Lie Theory 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 1 Izvestiya: Mathematics 1 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1 European Mathematical Society Newsletter 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Algebras and Representation Theory 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 1 Revista de Matemática: Teoría y Aplicaciones 1 Moscow Mathematical Journal 1 Quantum Information Processing 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 International Journal of Number Theory 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche ...and 10 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 32 Fields 241 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 118 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 85 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 71 Number theory (11-XX) 45 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 37 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 28 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 17 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 15 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 13 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Operator theory (47-XX) 4 Differential geometry (53-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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