Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Reingold, Nick Co-Author Distance Author ID: reingold.nick Published as: Reingold, Nick Documents Indexed: 13 Publications since 1991 Co-Authors: 16 Co-Authors with 13 Joint Publications 693 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 5 Westbrook, Jeffery R. 4 Lund, Carsten 2 Buchsbaum, Adam L. 2 Chrobak, Marek 2 Karloff, Howard J. 2 Kenyon, Claire M. 2 Larmore, Lawrence L. 2 Sleator, Daniel Dominic 2 Thorup, Mikkel 1 Beigel, Richard 1 Feigenbaum, Joan 1 Fortnow, Lance J. 1 Irani, Sandy 1 Phillips, Steven J. 1 Spielman, Daniel Alan 1 Yan, Dicky C. K. all top 5 Serials 2 Information Processing Letters 2 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Journal of Algorithms 1 Algorithmica 1 Information and Computation Fields 13 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 12 Publications have been cited 209 times in 165 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ PP is closed under intersection. Zbl 0827.68040 Beigel, Richard; Reingold, Nick; Spielman, Daniel 59 1995 Randomized competitive algorithms for the list update problem. Zbl 0782.68062 Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery; Sleator, Daniel D. 30 1994 PP is closed under truth-table reductions. Zbl 0851.68029 Fortnow, Lance; Reingold, Nick 23 1996 Competitive on-line algorithms for distributed data management. Zbl 0933.68152 Lund, Carsten; Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery; Yan, Dicky 19 1999 OPT versus LOAD in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 1101.68599 Buchsbaum, Adam L.; Karloff, Howard; Kenyon, Claire; Reingold, Nick; Thorup, Mikkel 18 2004 Off-line algorithms for the list update problem. Zbl 0875.68546 Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery 15 1996 A better lower bound on the competitive ratio of the randomized 2-server problem. Zbl 1337.68116 Chrobak, Marek; Larmore, Lawrence L.; Lund, Carsten; Reingold, Nick 14 1997 Page migration algorithms using work functions. Zbl 0882.68068 Chrobak, Marek; Larmore, Lawrence L.; Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery 12 1997 Randomized competitive algorithms for the list update problem. Zbl 0800.68503 Irani, Sandy; Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery; Sleator, Daniel D. 8 1991 Linear programs for randomized on-line algorithms. Zbl 0871.68091 Lund, Carsten; Reingold, Nick 8 1994 Paging against a distribution and IP networking. Zbl 0938.68011 Lund, Carsten; Phillips, Steven; Reingold, Nick 2 1999 OPT versus LOAD in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 1192.68311 Buchsbaum, Adam L.; Karloff, Howard; Kenyon, Claire; Reingold, Nick; Thorup, Mikkel 1 2003 OPT versus LOAD in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 1101.68599 Buchsbaum, Adam L.; Karloff, Howard; Kenyon, Claire; Reingold, Nick; Thorup, Mikkel 18 2004 OPT versus LOAD in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 1192.68311 Buchsbaum, Adam L.; Karloff, Howard; Kenyon, Claire; Reingold, Nick; Thorup, Mikkel 1 2003 Competitive on-line algorithms for distributed data management. Zbl 0933.68152 Lund, Carsten; Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery; Yan, Dicky 19 1999 Paging against a distribution and IP networking. Zbl 0938.68011 Lund, Carsten; Phillips, Steven; Reingold, Nick 2 1999 A better lower bound on the competitive ratio of the randomized 2-server problem. Zbl 1337.68116 Chrobak, Marek; Larmore, Lawrence L.; Lund, Carsten; Reingold, Nick 14 1997 Page migration algorithms using work functions. Zbl 0882.68068 Chrobak, Marek; Larmore, Lawrence L.; Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery 12 1997 PP is closed under truth-table reductions. Zbl 0851.68029 Fortnow, Lance; Reingold, Nick 23 1996 Off-line algorithms for the list update problem. Zbl 0875.68546 Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery 15 1996 PP is closed under intersection. Zbl 0827.68040 Beigel, Richard; Reingold, Nick; Spielman, Daniel 59 1995 Randomized competitive algorithms for the list update problem. Zbl 0782.68062 Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery; Sleator, Daniel D. 30 1994 Linear programs for randomized on-line algorithms. Zbl 0871.68091 Lund, Carsten; Reingold, Nick 8 1994 Randomized competitive algorithms for the list update problem. Zbl 0800.68503 Irani, Sandy; Reingold, Nick; Westbrook, Jeffery; Sleator, Daniel D. 8 1991 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 220 Authors 10 Servedio, Rocco A. 10 Sherstov, Alexander A. 9 López-Ortiz, Alejandro 8 Albers, Susanne 8 Bein, Wolfgang W. 8 Larmore, Lawrence L. 6 O’Donnell, Ryan 6 Seiden, Steve S. 5 Beigel, Richard 5 Chrobak, Marek 5 Dorrigiv, Reza 5 Matsubayashi, Akira 4 Bartal, Yair 4 Iwama, Kazuo 4 Kawahara, Jun 4 Klivans, Adam Richard 4 Ogiwara, Mitsunori 4 Sgall, Jiří 3 Angelopoulos, Spyros 3 Bienkowski, Marcin 3 Bun, Mark 3 Ceylan, İsmail İlkan 3 d’Amore, Fabrizio 3 de Campos, Cassio Polpo 3 Gagliardi Cozman, Fabio 3 Hemaspaandra, Lane A. 3 Noga, John 3 Reingold, Nick 3 Shalom, Mordechai 3 Thaler, Justin 3 Zaks, Shmuel 2 Aaronson, Scott 2 Avin, Chen 2 Awerbuch, Baruch 2 Bar-Yehuda, Reuven 2 Beder, Michael 2 Charikar, Moses S. 2 Ehmsen, Martin R. 2 Fu, Bin 2 Głazek, Włodzimierz 2 Göös, Mika 2 Kamali, Shahin 2 Koga, Hisashi 2 Komm, Dennis 2 Královič, Richard 2 Kraska, Artur 2 Larsen, Kim Skak 2 Liberatore, Vincenzo 2 Lukasiewicz, Thomas 2 Mauá, Denis Deratani 2 Mitzenmacher, Michael 2 Oravec, James A. 2 Pitassi, Toniann 2 Podol’skiĭ, Vladimir Vladimirovich 2 Rawitz, Dror 2 Rothe, Jörg-Matthias 2 Schmid, Stefan 2 Schmidt, Paweł 2 Seiden, Steven S. 2 Shachnai, Hadas 2 Stamoulis, Georgios 2 Tan, Liyang 2 van Duijn, Ingo 2 von Stengel, Bernhard 2 Watson, Thomas 2 Westbrook, Jeffery R. 2 Weyland, Dennis 2 Woeginger, Gerhard 2 Wong, Prudence Wai-Ha 1 Achlioptas, Dimitris 1 Al-Bawani, Kamal 1 Allender, Eric W. 1 Ambühl, Christoph 1 Anderson, Eric J. 1 Arvind, Vikraman 1 Augustine, John E. 1 Azar, Yossi 1 Babai, László 1 Baldi, Pierre 1 Banerjee, Sudarshan 1 Bang, Lucas 1 Been, Ken 1 Berg, Christer 1 Bermond, Jean-Claude 1 Böhler, Elmar 1 Borodin, Allan B. 1 Bouchard, Mathieu 1 Boyar, Joan F. 1 Byrka, Jarosław 1 Čangalović, Mirjana M. 1 Chang, Richard 1 Chen, Enhong 1 Chen, Xi 1 Cohen, Yuval 1 Da Rocha, José Carlos Ferreira 1 Darwiche, Adnan 1 Das, Bireswar 1 Datta, Samir 1 Däubel, Karl 1 Drwal, Maciej ...and 120 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 37 Serials 28 Theoretical Computer Science 16 Algorithmica 10 Information Processing Letters 10 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 9 Information and Computation 8 Computational Complexity 4 Discrete Applied Mathematics 4 Mathematical Systems Theory 4 SIAM Journal on Computing 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 3 Theory of Computing Systems 2 Operations Research Letters 2 Combinatorica 2 Journal of Scheduling 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 2 Algorithms 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Journal of Automated Reasoning 1 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Machine Learning 1 Computational Geometry 1 Distributed Computing 1 RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications 1 Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science 1 Journal of the ACM 1 New Journal of Physics 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 The B. E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 1 Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 Diskretnyĭ Analiz i Issledovanie Operatsiĭ 1 Computer Science Review 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science all top 5 Cited in 13 Fields 153 Computer science (68-XX) 22 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 11 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 5 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year