Author ID: ricci.valeria Recent zbMATH articles by "Ricci, Valeria"
Published as: Ricci, Valeria; Ricci, V.

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

16 Publications have been cited 143 times in 105 Documents Cited by Year
The mean-field limit for solid particles in a Navier-Stokes flow. Zbl 1154.76018
Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
A rigorous derivation of a linear kinetic equation of Fokker-Planck type in the limit of grazing collisions. Zbl 1051.82022
Desvillettes, L.; Ricci, V.
Empirical measures and Vlasov hierarchies. Zbl 1302.82063
Golse, François; Mouhot, Clément; Ricci, Valeria
A derivation of the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes model for aerosol flows from kinetic theory. Zbl 1387.35441
Bernard, Etienne; Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
A derivation of the Vlasov-Stokes system for aerosol flows from the kinetic theory of binary gas mixtures. Zbl 1375.35297
Bernard, Etienne; Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
The Vlasov limit for a system of particles which interact with a wave field. Zbl 1157.70010
Elskens, Y.; Kiessling, M. K.-H.; Ricci, V.
Non-Markovianity of the Boltzmann-Grad limit of a system of random obstacles in a given force field. Zbl 1048.82004
Desvillettes, L.; Ricci, V.
On the derivation of a linear Boltzmann equation from a periodic lattice gas. Zbl 1094.82013
Ricci, Valeria; Wennberg, Bernt
Derivation of a linear Boltzmann equation for a lattice gas. Zbl 1013.82012
Caglioti, E.; Pulvirenti, M.; Ricci, V.
Derivation of a homogenized two-temperature model from the heat equation. Zbl 1325.35070
Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
The Boltzmann-Grad limit of a stochastic Lorentz gas in a force field. Zbl 1214.82088
Desvillettes, L.; Ricci, V.
A formal passage from a system of Boltzmann equations for mixtures towards a Vlasov-Euler system of compressible fluids. Zbl 1417.35085
Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
About the link between the detailed description of transitions in an ion and the average-ion models. Zbl 1181.35164
Cavallaro, Guido; Desvillettes, Laurent; Ricci, Valeria
Large number asymptotics for two-component systems with self-consistent coupling. Zbl 1320.82046
Ricci, Valeria
Nonlocal second order vehicular traffic flow models and Lagrange-remap finite volumes. Zbl 1246.65160
De Vuyst, Florian; Ricci, Valeria; Salvarani, Francesco
A coherent derivation of an average ion model including the evolution of correlations between different shells. Zbl 1331.82058
Bouche, Daniel; Decoster, Alain; Desvillettes, Laurent; Ricci, Valeria
A formal passage from a system of Boltzmann equations for mixtures towards a Vlasov-Euler system of compressible fluids. Zbl 1417.35085
Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
A derivation of the Vlasov-Stokes system for aerosol flows from the kinetic theory of binary gas mixtures. Zbl 1375.35297
Bernard, Etienne; Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
A derivation of the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes model for aerosol flows from kinetic theory. Zbl 1387.35441
Bernard, Etienne; Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
Derivation of a homogenized two-temperature model from the heat equation. Zbl 1325.35070
Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
Large number asymptotics for two-component systems with self-consistent coupling. Zbl 1320.82046
Ricci, Valeria
Empirical measures and Vlasov hierarchies. Zbl 1302.82063
Golse, François; Mouhot, Clément; Ricci, Valeria
A coherent derivation of an average ion model including the evolution of correlations between different shells. Zbl 1331.82058
Bouche, Daniel; Decoster, Alain; Desvillettes, Laurent; Ricci, Valeria
Nonlocal second order vehicular traffic flow models and Lagrange-remap finite volumes. Zbl 1246.65160
De Vuyst, Florian; Ricci, Valeria; Salvarani, Francesco
The Vlasov limit for a system of particles which interact with a wave field. Zbl 1157.70010
Elskens, Y.; Kiessling, M. K.-H.; Ricci, V.
About the link between the detailed description of transitions in an ion and the average-ion models. Zbl 1181.35164
Cavallaro, Guido; Desvillettes, Laurent; Ricci, Valeria
The mean-field limit for solid particles in a Navier-Stokes flow. Zbl 1154.76018
Desvillettes, Laurent; Golse, François; Ricci, Valeria
The Boltzmann-Grad limit of a stochastic Lorentz gas in a force field. Zbl 1214.82088
Desvillettes, L.; Ricci, V.
Non-Markovianity of the Boltzmann-Grad limit of a system of random obstacles in a given force field. Zbl 1048.82004
Desvillettes, L.; Ricci, V.
On the derivation of a linear Boltzmann equation from a periodic lattice gas. Zbl 1094.82013
Ricci, Valeria; Wennberg, Bernt
A rigorous derivation of a linear kinetic equation of Fokker-Planck type in the limit of grazing collisions. Zbl 1051.82022
Desvillettes, L.; Ricci, V.
Derivation of a linear Boltzmann equation for a lattice gas. Zbl 1013.82012
Caglioti, E.; Pulvirenti, M.; Ricci, V.
all top 5

Cited by 140 Authors

9 Golse, François
9 Höfer, Richard M.
8 Nota, Alessia
7 Desvillettes, Laurent
6 Hillairet, Matthieu
5 Han-Kwan, Daniel
5 Paul, Thierry
5 Ricci, Valeria
5 Velázquez, Juan J. L.
4 Giunti, Arianna
4 Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel
4 Winter, Raphael
3 Gallagher, Isabelle
3 Goudon, Thierry
3 Moussa, Ayman
3 Pulvirenti, Mario
3 Wennberg, Bernt
2 Basile, Giada
2 Cao, Wentao
2 Carlen, Eric Anders
2 Ertzbischoff, Lucas
2 Feireisl, Eduard
2 Gérard-Varet, David
2 Gorb, Yuliya
2 Jiménez Bolaños, Silvia
2 Marklof, Jens
2 Moyano, Iván
2 Nečasová, Šárka
2 Pickl, Peter
2 Pinasco, Juan Pablo
2 Saintier, Nicolas
2 Simonella, Sergio
2 Vasseur, Alexis F.
2 Wang, Zhenfu
1 Agashe, Aditya
1 Almog, Yaniv
1 Arnold, Anton
1 Bernard, Étienne
1 Bodineau, Thierry
1 Boers, Niklas
1 Bouche, Daniel P.
1 Bresch, Didier
1 Buet, Christophe
1 Burger, Martin
1 Cañizo, José Alfredo
1 Carrapatoso, Kleber
1 Carrillo de la Plata, José Antonio
1 Catapano, Nicolo’
1 Chen, Li
1 Choi, Young-Pil
1 Dang, Thuyen
1 Dechicha, Dahmane
1 Decoster, Alain
1 Després, Bruno
1 Elskens, Yves
1 Fadai, Nabil T.
1 Fellner, Klemens
1 Flandoli, Franco
1 Forestier, Alain
1 Glass, Olivier
1 Gruais, Isabelle
1 Ha, Seung-Yeal
1 Hening, Alexandru
1 Iacobelli, Mikaela
1 James, Richard D.
1 Jansen, Jonas
1 Jiang, Peng
1 Jin, Shi
1 Jung, Jinwook
1 Kiessling, Michael Karl-Heinz
1 Kim, Jeongho
1 Kowalczyk, Karina
1 Lancellotti, Carlo
1 Laurençot, Philippe
1 Le Bihan, Corentin
1 Lee, Ethan Simpson
1 Lee, Ho
1 Leocata, Marta
1 Li, Hailiang
1 Li, Xin
1 Liu, Jianguo
1 Liu, Yicheng
1 Lods, Bertrand
1 Louis, Xavier
1 Lu, Yong
1 Marcozzi, Matteo
1 Matthies, Karsten
1 Mecherbet, Amina
1 Michel, David
1 Mieussens, Luc
1 Miller, Joseph K.
1 Mouhot, Clément
1 Nahmod, Andrea R.
1 Namlyeyeva, Yuliya V.
1 Natalini, Roberto
1 Orsingher, Enzo
1 Pain, Jean-Christophe
1 Pavlović, Nataša
1 Pérez-Llanos, Mayte
1 Perrin, Charlotte
...and 40 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 50 Serials

10 Journal of Statistical Physics
8 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
8 Communications in Mathematical Physics
7 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis
7 Kinetic and Related Models
5 Journal of Differential Equations
2 Journal of Mathematical Physics
2 Nonlinearity
2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
2 Inventiones Mathematicae
2 Journal of Functional Analysis
2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
2 Asymptotic Analysis
2 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences
2 Oberwolfach Reports
2 MathematicS In Action
2 Séminaire Laurent Schwartz. EDP et Applications
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics
1 Geometriae Dedicata
1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal
1 Manuscripta Mathematica
1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni
1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications
1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
1 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
1 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics
1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
1 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
1 Networks and Heterogeneous Media
1 Involve
1 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
1 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques
1 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations
1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B
1 Probability and Mathematical Physics

Citations by Year